A Part of Genealogy
Ashland County, Ohio
History & Genealogy
WAR OF 1861 - 1865 |

Source: History of Ashland Co., OH, Publ. 1880
(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)
A Complete Roll of all the Commissioned and
Non-commissioned Officers and Privates, with a History of the Company and
Regiment in Which they Served, and the Casualties Attending the Service.
WHATEVER may be the judgment of future
historians as to the avoidance or necessity of the great civil war of
1861-65, it must be conceded that the soldiers and officers who served in
the campaigns of that struggle, acquitted themselves promptly, efficiently
and bravely, and are entitled to a just meed of praise.
Ashland county furnished a just proportion of
volunteers and officers, and the number of deaths, the scars and missing
limbs of the surviving, show that her sons did not cower in the presence
of the enemy.
It is therefore deemed appropriate, in sketching the
history of this county, to record the soldierly bearing of the sons of the
pioneers, in the late war. The want of space alone, prevents a
full narration of the achievements of our volunteers on the ensanguined
fields of the far south.
During the late war, the State of Ohio furnished three
hundred and ten thousand six hundred and fifty-four soldiers, who were
enlisted in the various counties in proportion to the draftable
population. This enormous force was embodied into one hundred and
ninety-eight regiments of volunteer infantry, thirteen regiments of
volunteer cavalry, twenty-six independent batteries, one regiment light
artillery, two regiments of heavy artillery, one regiment of colored
volunteer infantry, and a number of independent companies of
sharpshooters, light guards, squadrons of cavalry, etc., etc.
These combined regiments make an army equal to some of
the larger empires of Europe, and came from a State that three quarters of
a century ago, contained a population of less than fifty thousand.
How amazing has been the growth of Ohio in population and wealth within
the last fifty years! Her sons won imperishable laurels on every
battlefield of the war, and commanded most of the armies of the Republic.
McDowell, Sherman, McClellan, Grant, Sheridan, McPherson, Morgan,
Rosecranz, Buell and hundreds of other prominent officers, were the
sons, or the adopted sons, of the Buckeye State.
Of the seventy-five
thousand enlisted soldiers of April 15, 1861, Ohio furnished twelve
thousand three hundred and fifty-seven. Ashland county had one
company of volunteers for the three months' service. The officers
Captain John S. Fulton
First Lieutenant Thomas J. Kenny
Second Lieutenant William B. McCarty |
The company rendezvoused at Camp Jackson, near
the city of Columbus, Ohio, April 23, 1861, where it was enrolled to the
eighteenth day of August 1861. On the third day of May, 1861,
Captain John S. Fulton was promoted to lieutenant colonel, and
Thomas J. Kenny to be captain of company B. On the seventh of
May, William B. McCarty was commissioned first lieutenant,
Samuel L. Wilson, second lieutenant; William P. Wright, ensign.
First Sergeant Warren H. Wasson
Second Sergeant William W. Brown
Third Sergeant Buel Walcott
Fourth Sergeant Silas Gould
First Corporal James Lafferty
Second Corporal John Sloan
Third Corporal Nelson Smith
Fourth Corporal Henry Dudley
Bean, Elzie |
Bird, John |
Blue, Nathan |
Blue, Nelson |
Briggs, Albert |
Brothers, John |
Brown, Alonzo |
Campbell, Harrison |
Campbell, James |
Campbell, Robert M. |
Carnes, Gates F. |
Carney, Stephen |
Closson, Josiah |
Coner, George V. |
Cordell, John F. |
Crance, David R. |
Cross, Robert N. |
Daniels, William |
Darrow, John B. |
Delano, James W. |
Drown, LeGrand G. |
Ecker, Samuel N. |
Eddie, Nathaniel L. |
Eldred, Ambrose S. |
Fast, Luther M. |
Ford, Porter M. |
Garst, Windom |
Grissinger, John |
Harrington, Oscar |
Heitz, Frederick |
Hershey, Christian N. |
Hickle, John |
Hodge, William C. |
Hornstine, Andrew |
Hunt, David |
Hyman, John |
Jenkins, Celestus |
Johnston, Cyrus W. |
Kidwell, Samuel |
Krebs, Joshua B. |
Krisher, Theodore W. |
Landis, James H. |
Lockhart, Joseph |
Markley, Lewis |
Marsh, Arteus |
Mater, William |
McCall, Allen |
McConnell, George |
McCurdy, Albert |
McMurray, Thomas |
McNabb, George |
McSweeney, Lot |
Mead, Lucius |
Miller, George |
Miller, Samuel |
Mitchelton, George |
Nickson, John S. |
Noggle, William |
Oklroyd, Hamilton |
Onstall, Thomas B. |
Otts, Franklin |
Peacock, James |
Pearson, Ransom |
Plunk, John S. |
Porter, William H. |
Potter, Hezekiah |
Potter, James F. |
Potter, Jerome |
Power, William A. |
Randall, Milton |
Ranhouser, Daniel |
Rathbun, John W. |
Rice, Lincoln S. |
Richards, John |
Riggs, Geo. |
Robinson, Wilber F> |
Rowe, William H. |
Scatchell, John D. |
Scoby, Gates |
Scott, John M. |
Scott, William G. |
Shoemaker, Andrew |
Slover, George W. |
Smith, Charles |
Spencer, Joseph |
Sprinkle, Michael |
Steinbruser, Joseph |
Sue, Daniel W. |
Thomas, Harman |
Tuttle, George |
Tuttle, William |
Uptos, Benjamin F. |
Warner, Christopher C. |
Zimmeman, William |
The company became a part of the Sixteenth
regiment, at Camp Jackson, Columbus, in May, 1861, under the command of
Colonel James Irvine; John S. Fulton, of Ashland, being
lieutenant colonel by promotion. The regiment was immediately
ordered to Bellaire, and thence to Grafton, West Virginia, where it met
the Fourteenth, under Colonel James B. Steedman, and the Fifteenth,
under Colonel Lorin Andrews, and a regiment of West Virginians
under Colonel Kelley. The Confederate forces, on the approach
of these regiments, retired from Grafton in the direction of Philippi, and
were pursued to that point, where a sharp skirmish ensued with Colonel
Porterfield, who again retreated, and West Virginia was practically
liberated. From Bellaire to Grafton the railroad track had been
greatly damaged by theSouthern forces, and the Ohio regiments immediately
commenced repairs, and put the road in proper condition, placing guards to
prevent further injury. To accomplish the task of restoring the
road, the Sixteenth Ohio performed arduous duty. A short time after
the affair at Philippi, General McClellan made a demonstration in
the direction of Laurel Hilll, but, from delays, and want of concert in
movement, nothing was accomplished beyond marches and counter-marches.
The Fourteenth regiment, under Colonel Steedman, was the first to cross at
Parkersburg, and the Sixteenth, under Colonel Irvine, of Bellaire.
The company was mustered out August 18, 1861, at
Columbus, Ohio.