History of Ashtabula County, Ohio
with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches
of its
Pioneers and Most Prominent Men.
by Publ. Philadelphia - Williams Brothers -
(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)

Luther Parker
Residence |
Geneva Twp. -
LUTHER PARKER is the eldest child of Luther
and Elenor Parker, originally of Simsbury, Hartford county,
Connecticut, at which place the subject of the present sketch was
born, on May 21, 1809. Luther Parker, Sr.,
was a native of Tolland county, Connecticut, and sprung from the
Fox family, while Mrs. Parker was a native
of Berlin, Hartford county, Connecticut, being a daughter of Seth
Gilbert. They were both of Puritan ancestry.
Luther Parker, Jr., received his education at the common
schools. He had not, however, the customary advantages of that
day, even, as his parents removed to Medina county (Bath township,
now attached to Summit county). Luther was then twelve
years of age, and, locating as they did in the wilderness, he had no
opportunity of acquiring further schooling; he has, however,
obtained as best he might a fair education for one of his age.
Mr. Parker at the age of twenty-one years left the
paternal mansion and, without a penny, began the race of life, which
has resulted in the handsome competency he now enjoys. On July
30, 1835, he was united in marriage to Huldah, daughter of
Nathaniel and Hannah Oviatt, of Richfield, Medina county, Ohio.
Purchased eighty acres of wild land in the township of Hinckley,
same county, erected a log house on the same, and there began
housekeeping with his young bride.
Remained on this property eleven years, and, in the mean time,
cleared the land and erected fine farm-buildings. Disposed of
this property and removed to Jefferson county, Pennsylvania, in
about 1846, and was engaged in farming and the lumber trade until
1849, when he returned again to Hinckley, purchased a farm, remained
thereon until 1866, when, thinking a change of air might prove
beneficial to the health of his invalid wife, closed out and removed
to Jackson, Michigan, where he remained five years. During
this time he built several business
blocks in that thriving city. In December, 1869, occurred the
death of Mrs. Parker. The children born of this
marriage were Juliet, whose birth occurred on the 3d day of
July, 1836. She married Robert Watts, of
Jackson, Michigan, and is now residing at that point.
Adelia, the second child, was born Nov. 22, 1838 (died Sept. 29,
1846). Phebe M., the third and last child, was born on
the 23d day of February, 1847 (died February 10, 1863). On
Sept. 7, 1870, Mr. Parker was again united in
marriage, to Sarah, daughter of Robert and Sarah Watts,
of Leonia, Jackson county, Michigan. This lady was the widow
of Calvin E. Whitmore, who was a member of Company M, Ninth
Michigan Cavalry, and was starved to death by the eminent worthies
in charge of the “court of death,” at Andersonville. In March,
1871, Mr. Parker removed again to Ohio, this time
locating on what is known as the Ryder farm, in
Austinburg. Remained here until April, 1872, when he disposed
of this property, and removing to Geneva, purchased the Seymour
place, on the North ridge, west of the village, where he
resides, enjoying in peace and quiet the fruits of his life-long
industry. A sketch of his tasty residence appears in this
volume, in connection with Geneva township. Mr.
Parker was on the 12th day of February, 1836, commissioned by
Governor Robert Lucas as lieutenant second company
First Light Infantry Battalion, Third Brigade, Fourth Division, Ohio
State Militia. September 2, same year, was commissioned captain of
same company. The fall of 1837 Mr. Parker
enlisted a company in Hinckley, Medina county, and being elected
captain, was, on the 22d day of January, duly commissioned as such
by Governor Joseph Vance. He was
afterwards elected major of the battalion, but, as to fill the
office satisfactorily at that time required more means than was at
his command, declined the acceptance of the commission. Mr.
Parker began his political life as a Whig, and from that
became a Republican. Is, and has ever been, a warm friend of
the colored race. Is a zealous member of the fraternity of Free and
Accepted Masons, and affiliates with Geneva lodge. Is also a
member of the Independent Order of Odd-Fellows, and formerly a
member of Hinckley lodge, No. 304, and was Past Grand of same; made
Master Mason in Meridian lodge, No. 266, in Richland, Summit county,
Ohio. Disunited and united with Jackson (Michigan) lodge, No.
17; disunited and joined Geneva lodge, of which he is now a member.
Was elected assessor of Jinks township, Jefferson county,
Pennsylvania, in 1847; has served two terms as trustee of Hinckley
township, and treasurer of the same township for three years, and
held several minor offices; was a heavy sufferer from the Chicago
fire, being a stockholder in the Great Western insurance company,
which failed in consequence of losses sustained in that
conflagration; owns two brick blocks and a pleasant home in Jackson,
Source: 1798 History of Ashtabula County, Ohio with Illustrations
and Biographical Sketches of its Pioneers and Most Prominent Men by
Publ. Philadelphia - Williams Brothers - 1878 - Page 181 |
The gentleman whose name heads this article was born in Colebrook,
Connecticut, on the 30th day of January, 1815. He is the
second child of Justus and Sally Peck. The family removed to
Ohio in the month of August, 1824, and located in Williamsfield
township, this county. Mr. Peck’s education was
obtained at the primitive common schools of that day, his youthful
days being divided between attending school and working on his
father’s farm. His occupation has been, and is still, that of
a farmer. He has secured an ample competency to sustain
himself and family. On the 13th day of April, 1837, Mr.
Peck was married to Laura E., daughter of Laman and
Ann Bartholomew, who resided in the adjoining township of Wayne.
He and his young wife began housekeeping on the farm now occupied by
Monroe Rose, in Williamsfield township, where he
remained until Apr. 1, 1849, when he removed to the township of
Richmond, his present home. The children of this couple are
Sarah A., who was married to Andrew Wilson, ex-lieutenant
Company B, of the gallant old Twenty-ninth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer
Infantry; Edwin O., Jr., married Adelaide Landon
Lemuel A. (died in infancy); Justis L., married
Ophelia Turner; Milo C. is yet single, and remains at
home; Luella R., married J. T. Parker; Charlie E.,
single; Archie (died young); Dudley, the youngest of
the family, was born in 1864. Of this large and interesting
family, all, with one exception, reside in Richmond, Ashtabula
County. Edwin O., Jr., the “exception,” resides in
Oceana county, Michigan. Mr. Peck was elected as
one of the county commissioners in the fall of 1873, and was
re-elected in 1875, along with other county officers, by one of
Ashtabula County’s rousing majorities. He has been an
efficient public officer, and performs the duties of his office
honestly, intelligently, and promptly. He has also held
several offices in connection with Richmond township, among which is
that of justice of the peace, in which capacity he served fifteen
years. The long period for which he held the office is a
well-deserved compliment from the people. Politically, Mr.
Peck is a member of the Republican party. His father, who
is still living, resides with him, and has reached the ripe old age
of eighty-five years. The mother died in the year 1873.
Esquire Peck is a member of the fraternity of Free and
Accepted Masons, being a member of Relief lodge, No. 284, of
Pierpont township. He was represented in the war of the great
Rebellion by his two sons, D. B. and E. O., Jr., and
two sons-in-law.
Source: 1798 History of Ashtabula County, Ohio with Illustrations
and Biographical Sketches of its Pioneers and Most Prominent Men by
Publ. Philadelphia - Williams Brothers - 1878 - Page 228 |

Residence of
Samuel W. Peck,
Geneva Tp.,
Ashtabula Co., OH |
Twp. -
the following sketch was born Sept. 23, 1821, in Monterey, Berkshire
county, Massachusetts. He is the second child of Horace
and Abigail Peck, originally of that township, but who
removed to Chardon, Geauga county, Ohio, Sept. 21, 1834, and from
there to Geneva, in October, 1835. (Prior to this, however, he
lived in Geneva from 1817 to 1821, retiring upon the latter date to
Massachusetts.) Mr. Peck, Sr., is still a
resident of Geneva, and although at the advanced age of eighty-four
years, he retains his vitality to a wonderful extent. Mrs.
Peck died December 25, 1856. The early education of
Mr. Peck was received in the district school, there then
being no other in Geneva. When he had arrived at the age of
fifteen years he began to learn the carpenter’s trade, and for
perhaps twenty-five years followed that vocation, in connection with
firming. On Jan. 16, 1845, Mr. Peck was united
in marriage with Louisa, daughter of Norman and
Ruth Webster, of this township. The flue farm
property owned by Mr. Peck, in lots Nos. 16 and 17,
was purchased in 1865, and the ample residence, a view of which,
with portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Peck,
accompanies this sketch, was erected in the year 1857, at an expense
of three thousand dollars. This farm, will average in
productiveness with those adjoining it, and is probably worth ten
thousand dollars. The only assistance which Mr. and
Mrs. Peck received in the acquirement of this
competence was one hundred and seventy-eight dollars, which his
father advanced to make the first payment; the remainder has been
brought together by industry and frugality, combined with a
reasonable degree of business tact. All things considered, the
showing of Mr. Peck's comfortable surroundings must be
to him highly satisfactory. Upon the formation of the First
National bank in Geneva (in 1863) he became a stockholder, and is
now one of the directors. Was liberal in his expenditure of
money to aid the Union arms during the Rebellion. Politically
Mr. Peck has always been a steadfast believer in the
sound teachings of the Republican party. On the 22d day of
May, 1867, he was initiated in Geneva lodge, No. 294. I. O. O. F. Is
also a member of Geneva encampment, No. 94, I. O. O. F. Has filled
almost every office in both subordinate and encampment bodies.
Was commissioned District Deputy Grand Patriarch May 12, 1873, also
as District Deputy Grand Master, May 25, 1876, for District No. 69,
Ashtabula County. Has attended lodge-meetings every meeting
since he has been a member, and was in attendance at grand lodge and
encampments at Cleveland in 1874 and ’76.
Source: 1798 History of Ashtabula County, Ohio with Illustrations
and Biographical Sketches of its Pioneers and Most Prominent Men by
Publ. Philadelphia - Williams Brothers - 1878 - Page 179 |

W. K. Pinney |
Monroe Twp. -
WILLIAM KELSO PINNEY. On the 30th day of
November, 1801, the subject of the present sketch was born at
Middlefield, Hampshire county, Massachusetts. His parents were
Benjamin and Cynthia Robbins Pinney, originally of
Connecticut. The father died in about 1826, in Massachusetts.
The mother came to Ohio, and died in 1855. William K.’s
education was received prior to his coming to Ohio. He located
in Kelloggsville, and passed his life here engaged in farming and
shoemaking. He held numerous township offices, among which
were treasurer and constable, holding these offices some twelve
years. The date of his marriage was August, 1826, and the lady
to whom he was united was Sophronia, daughter of Joseph
and Louisa Smith (nee Pease). From this
union was born one child; this was Harriet L., Sept. 1, 1829.
She became the wife of L. H. Leavitt, and is now residing
in Monroe township (this county). Mr. Pinney was
Republican in politics. He was not a professor of religion, but was
favorable to Universalism. He died on the 22d day of December,
Source: 1798 History of Ashtabula County, Ohio with Illustrations
and Biographical Sketches of its Pioneers and Most Prominent Men by
Publ. Philadelphia - Williams Brothers - 1878 - Page 203 |

Calvin Poole
Residence, w/ Portraits
Ashtabula Co., OH |
Conneaut Twp.
Poole, father of the subject of this sketch, was a native of
Connecticut. When twenty years of age removed to the State of
New York, and, it is said, taught the first school west of the
Genesee river. His wife was Hannah Perkins.
Of their four children, Calvin was the youngest, and is now
the only one living. He was born in Genesee, Livingston
county, New York, on Apr. 22, 1811. His parents removed to
Wheatland, New York, in 1812, and his mother died there in 1813.
In the year 1819, Calvin was “bound out” to one Francis
Smith; remained with him until 1832, and during this time was
not allowed the advantages of school. After leaving him, drove
team one year, for twelve dollars per mouth. On Dec. 1, 1834,
he was married to Miss Harriet Trowbridge, and
started soon for Ohio. He, however, went no farther than
Allegheny county, New York. Here he made his first purchase of
land. This was forty acres, for which he paid four hundred
dollars. Remained on this farm only one year, when he sold
out, and again started westward, halting this time at North East,
Pennsylvania, for one year, and from this time until the date of his
removal to Conneaut (February, 1873) resided in New York and
Pennsylvania. While in New York did some military duty; was in
1841 appointed on the staff of Colonel Stoner, One
Hundred and Ninety-sixth Regiment, receiving his commission from
Hon. William H. Seward. In 1855 was appointed steward of
the Erie county almshouse, and retained the position until his
removal to Ohio, as above. In April, 1874, began the
mercantile business, in connection with Jno. A. Caldwell, at
Conneaut village, and is yet engaged in that avocation. The
children of Mr. and Mrs. Poole are as follows: Dolly
M., who was born Aug. 14, 1836; her present husband is C.
R. Buchling; resides at Erie, Pennsylvania. Daniel P.,
born Aug. 22, 1837; died October, 1859. Delia D., born
Nov. 26, 1838; married John A. Caldwell; resides at Conneaut,
Ohio. Emeline E., born Mar. 15, 1840; married
Bensone Bingham; home at North East, Pennsylvania.
John C., born Nov. 9, 1842; enlisted August, 1862, in One
Hundred and Forty-fifth Pennsylvania; was wounded May 12, 1864, at
battle of the Wilderness, in left knee, from which it became
necessary to amputate the limb; this he endured with heroic
fortitude; was removed to Fredericksburg, and died there on the 26th
of same month. Almost his last words were, “ I am glad that I
died for my country.” The next child was Henry P., who
was born Nov. 18, 1843; he married Mary W. Brown; lives in
Conneaut. Harriet S., the last child, born Sept.
20, 1850, married Dennis McCarty, and is now resident of
Ashtabula. Politically, Mr. Poole is a
Republican, and feels a just “ pride in belonging to that grand
party.” There are perhaps few men in the township who have
battled with the strong current any more successfully than has he,
and in closing he pays to his companion in life the highest
compliment possible : “ She always made our home pleasant.’'
Source: 1798 History of Ashtabula County, Ohio with Illustrations
and Biographical Sketches of its Pioneers and Most Prominent Men by
Publ. Philadelphia - Williams Brothers - 1878 - Page 168
NOTE: Buried in City Cemetery, Conneaut, OH |