History of Ashtabula County, Ohio
with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches
of its
Pioneers and Most Prominent Men.
by Publ. Philadelphia - Williams Brothers -
(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)

Elisha Franham |
Conneaut Twp. -
ELISHA FARNHAM. This gentleman was of Puritan
origin. His father and grandfather participated in the
Revolutionary struggle, and he inherited the same spirit of loyalty.
He contributed liberally in aid of the flag during the Rebellion.
Mr. Farnham was born in Hampton, Connecticut, June 8,
1806, and was the sixth of a family of ten children. His
parents, Thomas and Abigail Farnham, were by no means
wealthy, and his advantages for schooling were limited, yet he
acquired a good common-school education. Being the eldest son,
he was, at an early age, obliged to rely on his own resources;
beside, a portion of his wages were contributed to the support of
his father’s family. He learned the machinist trade, and it is said
was a skillful workman. In the fall of 1830 he packed his
worldly effects in a knapsack and came to Conneaut, Ohio, locating
on land still occupied by his heirs. He erected in 1841 the
grist-mill on the south ridge, still in operation,—at present owned
by his son. Mr. Farnham, with good health, a
strict adherence to business, and a Connecticut birthright combined,
accumulated a competence. His death occurred on Oct. 4, 1875.
Mr. Farnham was twice married: first to Mary A.
Ring, of Conneaut, Ohio, Nov. 14, 1833. This lady died
Aug. 11, 1849, and on Jan. 30, 1850, he was again married; this time
to Mrs. Harriet A. Sanborn, who is still living. The
children, who were all born from the first marriage, are as follows:
D. Alphonso, born June 5, 1835, married Sophia
Brooks; he was a soldier of the Union army during the Rebellion,
and died in the service. Flora, the next child, was
June 12, 1837; she is now the wife of our popular sheriff, T. S.
Young. P. Henry, born Nov. 14, 1838, married
Mary Mallory, and lives in Conneaut. Mary,
born Feb. 27, 1841, married Martin Reals.
Lydia E., born Mar. 30, 1843, married C. L. Fuller, who
was drowned in Lake Erie. Emily, the last child, was
born Sept. 21, 1847; married Wm. G. Buss. Mr.
Farnham held many positions of trust, and was for many years a
township officer. He was not only a worthy citizen, but an
obliging neighbor and an indulgent husband and father.
Source: 1798 History of Ashtabula County, Ohio with Illustrations
and Biographical Sketches of its Pioneers and Most Prominent Men by
Publ. Philadelphia - Williams Brothers - 1878 - Page 167 |

Dr. Stephen H. Farrington |
Dr. Farrington was born in Winchester, New Hampshire,
Jan. 10, 1800, and died in Ashtabula. Mar. 8, 1875. He
studied medicine and graduated at
Castleton, Vermont, in 1823. Leaving his native State, he
located in Ashtabula, Ohio, in 1824. and continued the practice of
his chosen profession until a few weeks before his death. I am
informed by Dr. Hubbard, to whom I am indebted for
this sketch, that Dr. Farrington was a thorough
scholar, very painstaking and careful, and. as a natural result,
enjoyed the confidence of the people to a remarkable degree.
In his work he was self-sacrificing, sympathetic, and conscientious.
Considering the backward state of the country at the
time Dr. Farrington settled in Ashtabula, it will be
conceded that few medical men were ever called upon to perform more
arduous service for any community than devolved upon this resolute
and good man. He was truly the friend and good adviser of the
poor. He was an honest, independent, and bold thinker on all
subjects likely to engage the attention of a thoughtful mind.
In 1848 he was elected a representative to the
legislature of Ohio.
In the life of Dr. Farrington we have an
example of honesty, faithfulness, and capacity, both in the practice
of his profession and the councils of the country.
Source: 1798 History of Ashtabula County, Ohio with Illustrations
and Biographical Sketches of its Pioneers and Most Prominent Men by
Publ. Philadelphia - Williams Brothers - 1878 - Page 120 |

Henry Fassett |
was born in Beverley, Canada, Sept. 14, 1817. His
great-grandfather, John Fassett, removed from
Hardwick, Massachusetts, to Bennington, Vermont, in 1761, and was
one of the earliest settlers of that town; was a member of the first
legislature held in that State, and clerk of the first
Congregational church of Bennington, the first church organized in
the State. Jonathan, the grandfather, was a youth when
he arrived in Bennington, and subsequently became active in public
matters; was an officer in the Revolutionary war. Samuel
Montague Fassett, the father of the subject of this
sketch, was born in Bennington, Vermont, Oct. 5, 1785; was married
Oct. 18, 1807, to Dorcas, daughter of Captain John Smith,
one of the first settlers of West Rutland. About 1810 he
removed to western New York, and a few years later to Canada.
He was a school- and music-teacher. He died at Southwold, Canada,
Nov. 3, 1834, leaving seven children, Silas S., Harriet M.,
William, Henry, Mariette (now Mrs. George
Hall, of Cleveland), John S., and Samuel M., all
of whom moved to Ashtabula in October, 1835, with their mother,
except Silas, who had settled there the year previous.
The mother died Nov. 15, 1862, aged seventy-six years; the others
are all still living.
Henry Fassett, at the age of fourteen
years, left St. Thomas academy to learn the printing business.
On arriving at Ashtabula he was eighteen years of age, and worked at
his business in that and other towns until Jan. 1, 1837, when, in
company with a practical printer, he purchased the office of the
Ashtabula Sentinel, and commenced its publication with the first
number of the sixth volume. The next spring he sold out to his
partner and went to Newark, Ohio, where he remained until October
following, when he returned and became the sole editor and
proprietor of the Sentinel, and continued its publication for most
of the time until it was removed to Jefferson, Jan. 1, 1853.
From the first issue of his paper he took strong grounds in favor of
the anti-slavery movement just then beginning to agitate the
country, and the Sentinel bore no small part in the formation of
that public sentiment which has so distinguished this county during
the last forty years. He was fully identified, politically,
with the Whig party until the year 1848, but at that time abandoned
it on account of its subserviency to the slave power, and gave his
support to the Free-Soil organization, until it was superseded by
the Republican party, with which he has since acted.
In September, 1859, he was appointed probate judge of
this county, by the governor, to fill a vacancy occasioned by the
death of Judge Plumb, and in October he was elected to that
office, which he filled with acceptance to the public for about one
year, when, not wishing to remove his family, he resigned, and
returned to his home in Ashtabula.
In September, 1862, on the organization of the internal
revenue department, President Lincoln appointed him as
collector of internal revenue for the nineteenth district of Ohio,
embracing the counties of Ashtabula, Trumbull, Mahoning, Portage,
and Geauga, with his office at Ashtabula. He held that
position until Jan. 1, 1876, when, owing to the great reduction in
taxes, his district was consolidated with others in northern Ohio,
and the business transferred to Cleveland. He was highly
complimented by the commissioner of internal revenue for the marked
ability and integrity with which he had discharged the duties of his
On the 23d day of March, 1842, he was married to
Mary, the youngest daughter of John I. D. Nellis.
She was born in Lenox, Madison county, New York, Feb. 13, 1822, and
died Jan. 5, 1859, leaving five children: Hattie E.
(who became the wife of David W. Haskell), born Mar. 26,
1843, and died Sept. 7, 1862: George H., born June 28, 1845:
John N., born Nov. 28, 1847, and died Oct. 18, 1871:
Samuel M., born June 17, 1850; and Henry, born Sept. 20,
1855. He married his second wife, Maria, daughter of
Colonel Lynds Jones, of Jefferson, Oct. 3, 1860. She was
born in Jefferson, Aug. 20, 1836, and died Dec. 20, 1865, leaving
one child, Willie J., who was born Oct. 7, 1863, and died
Sept. 23, 1872. He married his present wife, Lucia A.,
widow of Dr. Nathan Williams, of Ionia, Michigan, June 12,
1867. She is the daughter of the late Peter Tyler, of
New Haven, Oswego county, New York, where she was born Mar. 11,
In religion he is true to the faith of his New England
ancestors. May 12, 1838, he united with the Presbyterian church of
Ashtabula (which was then Congregational in its government), and was
for some time one of its elders. In 1852 he was elected by
Grand River presbytery as a delegate to the general assembly, which
met that year in the city of Washington.
At the organization of the First Congregational church
of Ashtabula, on the 9th day of May, 1860, he united with that body
by letter from the Presbyterian church, and was chosen as one of its
deacons. He was also elected as president of its board of
trustees, which positions he still holds. In 1871 he was
elected by Grand River conference to the National meeting of
Congregational churches, at Oberlin, where the National council was
organized; he was also elected as a delegate to the National
council, which was held in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1874.
He labored earnestly in the contest which resulted in
establishing the union school system, now the pride of Ashtabula;
was a member of the board of education, and most of the time its
president, for the first ten years.
He has been president of the Ashtabula National bank
since it was established in 1872.
His influence and means have never been wanting in any
of the enterprises of his town or county which he believed would
best promote their true interests and welfare.
Source: 1798 History of Ashtabula County, Ohio with Illustrations
and Biographical Sketches of its Pioneers and Most Prominent Men by
Publ. Philadelphia - Williams Brothers - 1878 - Page 104 |

Dr. A. K. Fifield |
FIFIELD, M. D., son of Doctor Greenleaf and Laura Fifield,
was born Feb. 14, 1833, in Conneaut, Ohio. Graduated at
College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, in March, 1855.
Was married May 30, 1860, to Maria S. Kellogg,
daughter of Hon. Abner Kellogg, Jefferson, Ohio. Has
two children: Walter K. Fifield, born Feb. 6, 1866;
Catherine L. Fifield, born June 30, 1868.
The subject of this sketch commenced the practice of
his profession immediately after graduation, in Conneaut, and
continued to reside there until the commencement of the American
civil war. He entered the army as surgeon of the Twenty-ninth
Regiment Ohio Volunteers, and was commissioned as such, and mustered
into the United States service, Aug. 25, 1861. He continued
with the regiment during its organization at Camps Giddings and
Chase, in this State. Left the State for the seat of war with
the regiment. Was present and participated in the first battle
of Winchester, when Stonewall Jackson was defeated and
General Shields badly wounded. After the battle
he was placed in charge of Court House hospital. This hospital
was filled mostly by wounded Confederate prisoners, and while
amputating the thigh of one of them, which had already become
gangrenous, the doctor received a slight scratch from the point of
his knife. Erysipelatous inflammation of a very malignant type
speedily followed, and he was in great danger of losing an arm, if
not his life. After partial convalescence, he was obliged to
return home to recruit his health. At the expiration of thirty
days, and while yet carrying his arm in a sling, he rejoined the
army in the Shenandoah valley in time to participate in the march of
General Shields to join General McDowell at
Fredericksburg, on his route to Richmond. He, however,
immediately returned with General Shields to intercept
General Jackson on his return from his raid up the valley after
General Banks. General Shields succeeded in
intercepting General Jackson, and was himself disastrously
defeated at Fort Republic, Virginia, June 9, 1862, one division of
his army being nearly annihilated. After the wounded from this
battle were cared for, and the field hospitals broken up, the doctor
joined the army at Alexandria, Virginia, and proceeded with it to
take part in the campaign of the valley of Virginia, the army being
under the command of General John Pope The disastrous
results of this campaign are well known, and the army soon returned
broken and shattered to the defenses of Washington, where they were
again taken in charge by General McClellan The duties
of the medical officers during this march, and the series of battles
which culminated as the second battle of Bull Run, were extremely
arduous. The almost entire lack of proper supplies, and the
constant moving of the wounded to the rear by railroad and wagon
trains, made the position of the surgical staff one of unusual
responsibility. While with the army on its march to the field
of Antietam, he was detached by general order from army
headquarters, and sent to Washington, on special duty, which being
performed, he joined his command at Frederick City, Maryland.
He remained there on duty but a short time, and spent the winter of
1862-63' in performing various duties at Harper's Ferry, Dumfries,
and Aquia Creek. While at the latter place, as
surgeon-in-chief of the Second Division, Twelfth Army Corps, he
organized a large field hospital, which, after the battle of
Chancellorsville, grew to mammoth proportions. The doctor was
present and on duty during the campaign and battle of
Chancellorsville, under General Hooker, after which he again
returned to Aquia Creek, and remained there until the inauguration
of the campaign which terminated in the battle of Gettysburg.
He was one of the chief operators during and after that battle,
being at the operating-table two days and two nights continually,
the operators of the surgical staff having after this battle an
unusual number of severe or capital operations to perform. Soon
after the battle of Gettysburg, the doctor proceeded with the
detachment order to New York to quell the draft riots of 1863 in
that city. After returning from New York, the detachment again
joined the Army of the Potomac in Virginia. Soon after the
doctor proceeded with the Eleventh and Twelfth Army Corps, under
General Hooker, to reinforce the Army of the Cumberland, which
they reached soon after the defeat of that battle of Chickamauga.
He passed the winter of 1863-64 in charge of the hospital at
Bridgeport, Alabama, serving at that time with Second Division,
Twelfth Army Corps. In the spring of 1864, previous to
starting on the Atlanta campaign, the medical department of the army
was entirely reorganized. Each division had now a complete
hospital of its own making reports to the medical director of the
army corps, but otherwise acting independently. Each division
hospital was composed of surgeon-in-charge and three corps of
operators, consisting of three for each table, one of each of these
to be chief of the table to which he was ordered. Besides
these there were innumerable assistant surgeons, as many as the
surgeon-in-charge might think necessary. These officers were
all detailed and assigned by special orders from headquarters, and
no surgeon was expected or allowed to perform an important operation
except those detailed for that purpose. To this organization
there was attached the regular equipment of a field hospital,
consisting of ambulances, baggage- and supply wagons, hospital
tents, cooking apparatus, medical supplies, etc. It was
expected that this hospital could care for many hundred wounded at a
moment's warning. When we consider that the
surgeon-in-charge was responsible for all this property, that the
wounded were properly cared for, and that all operations were
promptly performed while it might be necessary to move the hospital
with the wounded nearly every day, and as early as daylight it will
be readily seen that the position was one of great mental and
physical labor.
At the commencement of the Atlanta campaign, Dr.
Fifield was detailed as surgeon-in-charge of the field hospital
of the Second Division, Twentieth Army Corps, it being one of the
organizations heretofore described. The labors of the surgical
staff during this campaign were probably the most severe,
unremitting, and long continued of any campaign of the war.
The doctor remained in charge of this hospital during the remainder
of his term of service, and was mustered out by expiration of
commission, Aug. 25, 1864. After leaving the army, Doctor
Fifield resumed the practice of his profession at Conneaut,
Ohio, where he continues to practice at this time.
Source: 1798 History of Ashtabula County, Ohio
with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches
of its Pioneers and Most Prominent Men
by Publ. Philadelphia - Williams Brothers - 1878 - Page 121 |

Greenleaf Fifield |
The doctor was a son of the late Colonel Edward Fifield.
He was born in Vermont, Oct. 27, 1801. Migrated to Ohio, with
his parents, in 1814. Arriving at a suitable age, he returned
to New England to study medicine, and graduated at Castleton,
Vermont, in August, 1822. Settled first in Monroe, in this
county, where he practiced about one year. Then he went to
Conneaut, and pursued, unremittingly,
his calling until his death, which occurred June 27, 1851.
He married Miss Laura Kellogg, daughter of the
late Amos Kellogg, of Kelloggsville,
Feb. 28, 1830. The issue of the marriage was three daughters —
Sarah, who married G. A. Cozens; Elvira M.,
married Thomas B. Rice; Catherine L., married Rev.
R. M. Keyes—and one son, Dr. Amos K. Fifield, of
Conneaut. The subject of this sketch was quite remarkable.
He possessed a good mind, clear and solid, with a well-balanced
judgment. Add to these prime qualities his extraordinary
physique, and you are presented with a man whose like it is somewhat
difficult to find in the ordinary walks of life. His head was large,
his features prominent and clearly cut, and his countenance was
expressive of intelligence, pleasantness, and mental force.
His form was erect, shoulders square and broad,—he stood six feet,
or more,—and in all his movements was as graceful as a knight.
Mankind instinctively admire those who are favored with an imposing
person, and especially if they also possess a pleasing address.
These marked characteristics no doubt in part explain the great
influence which the doctor exercised as a physician in
Conneaut and the surrounding country.
The work of the physician is silent and unimposing, and it takes
many years to build up an enduring reputation for skill, and
fortunate it is for the young practitioner whom nature has endowed
with an agreeable personal appearance and address. Not so with
the lawyer and the parson; their works are more patent and showy,
and they may rise rapidly to the summit of their importance, if they
are gifted with eloquence and forced though they be as ugly as
Thersites. Dr. Fifield was ambitious and
resolute, and his great physical force enabled him to do an immense
amount of riding by night, as well as by day. It is said that
he never refused to respond to the calls of his patients.
Storms and mud never delayed his movements. It is difficult to
rightly estimate the resolution exercised and the fatigue endured by
this strong and generous nature during the twenty-nine years of
unremitting toil. His practice, medical and surgical, in the
surrounding counties was extensive, and, while he was ever ready to
obey the summons for his services from the sick, he rarely presented
his bills for his pay. This exhibition of disinterestedness
was not uncommon among the pioneer doctors. Old Dr. Johnson,
of Harpersfield, never kept accounts. He lived along from
month to month upon the produce which his more thoughtful patrons
brought to him. And when occasion came for money he would go
to some of his customers who were able to furnish the sum required,
and between them they guessed out the amount due. After his
death a considerable sum was realized in this way for the relief of
his family.
This negligent habit of many of the medical pioneers
was partly owing to the temporary poverty of the early settlers and
the hopeless irresponsibility of the genus “squatter.” Still,
behind this superficial explanation there was in the hearts of these
men the spirit of charity and kindness characteristic of the true
physician. There is a silent current of sentiment in the mind
of the earnest and intelligent physician, of the presence of which
he takes no formal heed: he scarcely knows the power which impels
him daily to deeds of charity and love towards his suffering
fellow-creatures. With him charity becomes a habit. Except
toil, it is the commonest event of his life. His profits and
his charities march hand in hand. But let us not glorify
ourselves above other good men in other walks of life, who, in
answer to special appeals for help, open their purses and hearts,
now and then, as occasion requires. They do their duty, and we
only do ours, and no more. Charity is the essence and the
color of our profession; it is scarcely our virtue. We only reflect
it as an inevitable function, even as a shimmering surface brightens
with light from some nobler source. The medical man of to-day,
or of any future period, who ignores the self-sacrificing examples
of these pioneers, and resolves that he will do the minimum amount
of gratuitous and onerous work, will be more bitterly disappointed
than anybody else, except those who employ him.
Dr. Fifield enjoyed jokes, humor, and
fun. As an instance to illustrate his merry tendencies we will
present a little story, told to the writer of this sketch by one of
the principal parties in the scene. Captain Alanson Tubbs,
of Conneaut, was a stalwart sailor.
One day he consulted the doctor, in an informal way on the street,
about a slight ailment accompanied by trifling soreness in the
chest. The doctor told him to put on a big hemlock-gum
plaster. This Alanson did. He covered the whole
front of his breast, carelessly forgetting to shave off the hair.
He felt relieved for a while, no doubt, and thought it a capital
thing. Pretty soon, however, the skin under the plaster began
to itch intolerably,—that is a way hemlock-gum plasters always have.
The man who puts on that kind of a plaster to please himself will be
pleased twice,—when he gets it off, especially if he forgets the
preliminary shave. The poor captain could not muster courage
to pull out so much hair, and went about itching and grumbling for
several days, seeking for some painless device to free himself of
the gum. At last he confronted the doctor, in his gig, in
front of one of the hotels on Main street, where a crowd had
gathered to listen to the captain's exaggerated sufferings and his
quarter-deck expletives. The doctor saw at once the necessity
of its removal, and concluded to take the most funny, as well as
humane, way of getting it off; for his method would give the patient
great muscular action and mental diversion, which makes us all more
or less oblivious to minor injuries. He called the captain
around behind the gig, when, after he had well exposed the plaster,
he quietly got a good grip on the top of it, and tapped old White)’
with the whip. Away sprang the horse, the captain following,
of course, as soon as he felt the pull. Away they flew, faster
and faster, the captain's long legs making him second in the race.
But four legs are better than two for speed, and off came the
plaster. The captain used to tell of it, years afterwards, and
laugh till the tears ran down his cheeks, always saying that the big
stone which he hurled after the doctor had no sooner left his hand
than he began to pray that it would not hit him, for it would have
gone through him if it had. He was glad the plaster was off,
he was too mad to feel it; and the only drawback to the transaction
was having so heavy a joke resting on him for months afterwards.
If he ventured into town the hangers-on about the taverns would
inquire about the plaster. He thought he paid for about five
gallons of whisky—by the glass—before the subject became stale.
Source: 1798 History of Ashtabula County, Ohio with Illustrations
and Biographical Sketches of its Pioneers and Most Prominent Men by
Publ. Philadelphia - Williams Brothers - 1878 - Page 127 |

E. H. Fitch |
H. FITCH. This gentleman was born in Ashtabula, Ohio,
May 27, 1837, the only son of Oramel H. and Catharine M. Fitch.
At the age of fourteen years he was sent to the St. Catharine's
grammar school, at St. Catharines, Canada, where he remained three
years, and where he was a member of the family of his uncle,
William F. Hubbard, then the principal of the grammar school.
There he fitted for college, and in the fall of 1854 entered
Williams college, at Williamstown, Massachusetts in the class of
1858. He remained there four years and graduated with his
class in the summer of 1858, receiving a degree of A. B., and in
1861 that of A. M. In college Mr. Fitch devoted himself
more particularly to those branches of study which would have a
tendency to aid him in the practical everyday duties of life.\
Hew was a member in college of the Delta Kappa Epsilon
society, the Philologian Literary society, and the Lyceum of Natural
History. He was president of Lyceum, and was orator at the
Adelphic Union exhibition in 1858, and had an appointment at
On the 1st day of August, 1858, he began the study of
law in the office of his father, and on the 18th day of September,
A.D. 1860 at the September term of the district court of Cuyahoga
county, at Cleveland, was admitted to the bar. He commenced
the practice of law at Ashtabula in the office of his father, and on
the 1st day of January, 1862, was taken in as a partner, and did
business as one of the firm of O. H. & E. H. Fitch until
Jan. 1, 1863, when O. H. Fitch retired from the practice
of law and was succeeded by Judge Horace Wilder when the firm
became Wilder & Fitch. This arrangement continued until
December, 1863, when Judge Wilder became a partner of Hon.
L. S. Sherman, taking the place of John Q. Farmer, who
then removed to Minnesota, and with Mr. Sherman under the
firm-name of Sherman & Fitch, continued the practice of law
until July 1, 1867, when that firm was dissolved since which time
Mr. Fitch has continued the practice alone.
In 1857, at Montreal, Mr. Fitch was elected and
became a member of the America Association for the Advancement of
Science, and is now one of the fellows of this association. On
the 24th day of May, 1867, Mr. Fitch was admitted to practice
in the circuit court of the United States in and for the northern
district of Ohio, and on the 22d day of April, A.D. 1870, was
admitted to practice in the supreme court of the United States.
Was elected justice of the peace in 1863, and 1868 and 1871, and in
1865 was elected prosecuting attorney of Ashtabula County for two
years from Jan. 1, 1866. Was elected a member of the house
of representatives in the Fifty-ninth general assembly of the State
of Ohio in 1869, and in the sessions of that assembly served on the
judiciary committee and on foreign relations, and on public
buildings; was also on the special committee on the bill to
establish the Ohio soldiers' and sailor's orphans home, and the
original fourth section of that act was drawn by him, and was
adopted as a compromise to secure the Xenia home. On the 17th
day of October, 1870, Mr. Fitch was appointed by Governor
R. B. Hayes delegate to the National Capitol convention at
Cincinnati, Ohio, from the Nineteenth congressional district.
Mr. Fitch was also for nine years
recorder and member of the council of the village of Ashtabula.
On the 27th day of October, 1863,
Mr. Fitch married Alta D. Winchester, daughter of
Philander and Elizabeth G. Winchester.
Mr. Fitch has attentively and
zealously pursued the practice of his profession, and since 1873 has
taken no active part in politics, believing that the rewards of an
active, earnest, and faithful attention to his profession are more
sure and of a more permanent nature, and afford more pleasure both
to him and those dependent upon him than can be reached by an
aspirant for office, however, successful he may be.
During all the years of his residence in Ashtabula,
Mr. Fitch has been prominent and active worker in all matters
tending to promote the interests and welfare of the village, and
deeply interested in its prosperity. He has spent much time,
and never withheld his pecuniary aid, in laboring for the securing
of its railroad facilities and manufacturing enterprises.
Source: 1798 History of Ashtabula County, Ohio
with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches
of its Pioneers and Most Prominent Men
by Publ. Philadelphia - Williams Brothers - 1878 - Page 92 |

Hon. Orramel H. Fitch |
the subject of this sketch, was the only child of Azel and
Fanny Fitch. His father was a farmer and merchant, and for
many years engaged in the southern trade. During the War of
1812 he invested largely in woolen manufacturing. The peace of
1815 threw open our markets to foreign goods, and the English
manufacturers flooded the country with their woolens at low prices,
for the purpose of destroying the American manufactories, then in
their infancy. In the crash which followed he lost nearly all
of his property.
The subject of this sketch was born on the 12th of
January, 1803, on Goshen Hill, a beautiful spot, surrounded by a
farming community, in the town of Lebanon, New London county,
Connecticut. He was of English descent, and of Puritan stock,
being a lineal descendant of the Rev. James Fitch,
the first minister and one of the first company of settlers in
Norwich, Connecticut, that township having been granted to him and
his father-in-law, Major John Mason, and
thirty-three associates, by Uncas, the noted Mohegan chief,
for their assistance against their bitter enemies the Pequods.
At a subsequent period Owaneco, the son and successor of
Uncas, in acknowledgment of favors received from Mr.
Fitch, granted to him a tract of land five miles in length and
one mile in breadth, within the present limits of Lebanon, a portion
of which, comprising the old homestead, was occupied by the family
for several generations.
The subject of this sketch, from his childhood until
his twenty-fourth year, with the exception of four summers, when he
worked upon his father's farm, was either a student or a
teacher,—teaching to raise money to meet in part his expenses.
Among other schools taught by him, he was for some months an
assistant teacher in Masonic Hall seminary, in Richmond, Virginia;
was for a short time engaged as teacher of languages in Westfield
academy, Massachusetts, and during one winter as principal of Union
academy, in Windsor, Connecticut.
In the spring of 1824 he commenced the study of law, in
the office of Augustus Collins. Esq., in Westfield.
Massachusetts, where he remained two years. He then went to
Norwich, Connecticut, and entered the law-office of the Hon.
Calvin Goddard, who was at that time one of the most
distinguished lawyers in the State, and continued under his
instruction until Mar. 16, 1827, when, having passed a satisfactory
examination, he was admitted to the bar and licensed to practice in
the courts of that State. He had decided not to settle in New
England, but to seek his fortune in the west; and in May following
he bid adieu to his friends and commenced his journey in search of a
future home in Ohio. He reached Cleveland on the 13th day of
May; from there he went to Canton, Stark county, where, and in its
vicinity, he spent nearly a year. His parents had made
arrangements to come west and live with him, and wished him to
settle in the northern part of the State, where the manners and
customs of the people, who were principally from New England, were
similar to their own. In accordance with their wishes he
sought a location near Lake Erie, and having received some favorable
information respecting Ashtabula (which, however, proved partially
incorrect) he selected it as his future residence. He came to
Ashtabula on the 29th of March, 1828, a stranger, without a single
friend or acquaintance, and took up his abode here, where he has
continued to reside for the last half-century.
His parents came in the fall of 1829, and resided with
him during the remainder of their lives. His mother, who was a
woman of true piety and exalted worth, died Oct. 19, 1831. His
father survived her for several years, and closed an active,
industrious, and virtuous life Sept. 10, 1842.
Source: 1798 History of Ashtabula County, Ohio with Illustrations
and Biographical Sketches of its Pioneers and Most Prominent Men by
Publ. Philadelphia - Williams Brothers - 1878 - Page 90 |
Wayne Twp. -
- See Simon Fobes Family.
Source: 1798 History of Ashtabula County, Ohio with Illustrations
and Biographical Sketches of its Pioneers and Most Prominent Men by
Publ. Philadelphia - Williams Brothers - 1878 - Page 249 |

Sanford L. &
Flora H. Fobes
Henry C. &
Electa Fobes
David A. &
Fannie C. Fish
Geneva Twp. -
HENRY C. FOBES was born in Wayne township,
Ashtabula County, Ohio, on June 14, 1816, and is the third of a
family of thirteen, the children of Levi and Eunice Fobes,
originally from Somers, Connecticut, but who removed to the township
of Wayne (this county) and located at the centre of said township.
When at the age of seven years, the gentleman took up his abode with
a grandfather in Kinsman, Trumbull county. Remained in that
township until he was twenty-three years of age, at which time he
returned to Wayne township, and secured a situation as clerk in the
store of C. C. Wick, which occupation he pursued altogether
for a period of eight years, during one of which, however, he was a
The education of Mr. Fobes was acquired
at common district school, he attending winters only, until he was
sixteen years of age. The winter he was of age he was in
attendance at the Academy in Hartford, Trumbull county. In the
year 1849, Mr. Fobes associated himself with Lyman
Bentley, and began the manufacture of cheese, making the
English variety; worked the milk of twelve hundred cows, employing
seven teams to transport the curd. In 1851 he rented a
dairy-farm of four hundred and seventy acres in Kelloggsville (this
county) and removed there to prosecute the business of dairying from
fifty cows. For three years he continued the business as
lessee, then purchased the farm and stock (this was in 1854), paying
therefor eleven thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars.
Remained until 1856, when he sold out; removed to Kinsman, Trumbull
county; rented another farm and occupied it for six years, then
returned to Wayne for one
year, and, January, 1864, purchased the farm in Geneva upon which he
now resides. This lies on the line of the Lake Shore and
Michigan Southern railway, consists of one hundred and five acres,
and is valued at thirteen thousand dollars. A fine view of his
residence and grounds appears in another portion of this volume.
June 16, 1841, Mr. Fobes was married to
Electa, daughter of Benjamin and Betsy Ward.
From this marriage two children were born to them: these are
Sanford L., who married Flora, daughter of Dr.
Holbrook, of Kelloggsville, and is now proprietor of the
drug-store in Geneva bearing his name; Fannie C., the second
child, married David Fish, Esq., and resides, at present,
beneath the paternal roof.
Politically, Mr. Fobes’ views are in
keeping with the teachings of the Republican party.
Source: 1798 History of Ashtabula County, Ohio with Illustrations
and Biographical Sketches of its Pioneers and Most Prominent Men by
Publ. Philadelphia - Williams Brothers - 1878 - Page 180 |
See picture
below. |
O. P. FOBES - See
Simon Fobes Family
Source: 1798 History of Ashtabula County, Ohio with Illustrations
and Biographical Sketches of its Pioneers and Most Prominent Men by
Publ. Philadelphia - Williams Brothers - 1878 - Page 249 |

O. P. Fobes
Wayne Tp.,
Ashtabula Co., OH
Simon & Ferdinand
Fobes |
Wayne Twp. -
SIMON FOBES FAMILY. Members of six
generations from this family are buried side by side in the cemetery
at the centre of Wayne. The first death among the early
settlers of Wayne was that of Mrs. Thankful Fobes, who died
Jan. 8, 1808; and three days later the funeral of her husband,
Simon Fobes, took place. These aged people were married
Mar. 24, 1748. The husband was a native of England, and was a
captain in the service of the English government. Their family
consisted of eight children, - four sons and four daughters, named
Thankful, Joshua, Bethia, Simon,
Nathan, Ellis, Eunice, and one who died in
infancy. Simon Fobes (2d) was born Apr. 5, 1756.
He was a soldier in the army of the Revolution, and fought in the
battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775, and afterwards joined the
expedition under General Benedict Arnold against Canada, and
was engaged in the assault upon the city of Quebec, where he was
taken prisoner of war. After suffering almost incredible
hardships, he escaped from the British on the 18th of August, and
reached his home on the 30th of September, 1776. He afterwards
served as ensign in Colonel Levi Wells' regiment, and
in April, 1780, accepted a lieutenant's commission in the matross
company, and was stationed at Fort Trumbull, Connecticut.
Continental money having so far depreciated in value that a
lieutenant's pay would not provide his clothing, he resigned his
commission and returned to his father's farm. But for his
resignation he would, in all probability, have been in Fort
Griswold, where Colonel Ledyard and sixty of his men were
massacred by the British, under Benedict Arnold, after they
had surrendered. Simon Fobes married Miss Elizabeth
Jones, of Somers, Connecticut, an only daughter of Benjamin
and Eliza Jones, descendants of some of the earliest settlers of
that place. Their children were: Joshua, born in
Somers, Connecticut, an only daughter of Benjamin and Eliza Jones,
descendants of some of the earliest settlers of that place.
Their children were: Joshua, born in Somers,
Connecticut, Jan. 20, 1781, who was a captain in Colonel Hayes'
regiment during the War of 1812; was the first settler in the
township of Wayne, and died in that town Sept. 16, 1860.
Simon, born in Somers, Connecticut, Aug. 16, 1783; was an ensign
in Captain Joshua Fobes' company in 1812; married Miss
Sylvia Huntley of Pierpont, Ashtabula County, who died in Wayne
in December, 1842. An old acquaintance of Simon Fobes
(3d) says of him, "He was one of the most respected citizens of the
township. He served many years as a justice of the peace, with
credit to himself and satisfaction to his fellow-citizens, being
esteemed as judicious and reliable. He stood as one of the
pillars of sound morality and virtue, a much respected and honored
member of the Congregational church, serving for many years in the
capacity of deacon, and was regarded by all as one of the most
perfect examples of consistency, which gave him an influence in his
community surpassed by but few." He died in Wayne Feb. 8,
1861. Levi, third son of Simon Fobes (2d), was
born June 24, 1786; died Sept. 11, 1787. Levi (2d),
born June 30, 1788; died in Wayne, Nov. 5, 1869. Betsey
born Jul. 3, 1790; married Rev. Nathan Darrow; died in
Vienna, Trumbull county, Ohio, Dec. 31, 1822. Elias,
born in Somers, Connecticut, Feb. 5, 1792, who was a soldier in
Captain Joshua Fobes' company, in the War of 1812, and
was in the skirmish with the Indians on the Sandusky Peninsula.
Aaron, born Feb. 2, 1797; died in Kinsman, Ohio, Mar. 16,
1877. Benjamin, born June 14, 1799; died Dec. 28, 1802.
Chloe, born May 19, 1802.
All of the children of Simon Fobes (3d) were
born in Wayne. The oldest, Simon P., born Jan. 2, 1815,
married, Oct. 10, 1837, Miss Catharine A., daughter of
William and Amanda Fitch of Wayne. Their children were
ORLANDO PERKINS, born in Wayne, June 17, 1838;
married Miss Nancy L. Bingham, of Ellsworth, Mahoning county,
Ohio, Nov. 24, 1861. Their children were Hettie born
Jun. 18, 1863, died in Wayne, Feb. 20, 1867; Bertie Bingham,
born Dec. 21, 1865, died in Wayne, Mar. 16, 1872; Bessie Sylvia,
b. Mar. 22, 1869; Emily B., b. Oct. 13, 1874.
Eliphalet L., second son of S. P. and C. A.
Fobes, was born in Wayne, Dec. 31, 1840; d. Mar. 6, 1841.
Jul. 10, 1842; enlisted Aug. 12, 1862, in Company I, One Hundred and
Fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry; died of disease at Murfreesboro',
Tennessee, Sept. 4, 1863. Lucius Lee, born Oct. 9,
1844, married, Oct. 15, 1868, Miss Margaret Ann McGranahan,
of Wayne, who died Sept. 27, 1877. Sylvia A. born Dec.
29,1846, married Albert C. Crosby, of Rome, Ohio. Their
children are Lucy Amelia, born in Wayne, Oct. 27, 1871;
Katie E. born in Rome, Sept. 16, 1873; Willie Fitch, born
in Rome, Nov. 26, 1874. Charles Fitch, fifth son of
S. P. and C. A. Fobes, born in Wayne, July 6, 1852; married,
Mar. 2, 1878, Miss Rebecca F. Calahan at Sacramento City,
California. Their residence is now at Walnut Grove,
Lucy M., born in Wayne, Sept. 5, 1854, married
Orlandus Woodworth, of Wayne, Nov. 2, 1876.
Amos H., second son of Simon Fobes (3d),
was born Jan. 15, 1816, and now resides in Mecca, Ohio.
Dr. Abial J., born Jan. 29, 1818, married
Miss Louisa Alford, of Windham, Portage county, Ohio.
Dr. Fobes died at Kingsville, Ohio, Apr. 1, 1851, and his wife
died Apr. 8, of the same year, and at the same place.
William, born July 14, 1822, was a surgeon in the army during
the late civil war, and is now a resident of Flint, Michigan.
In 1849 he married Miss Romina Jennings, of Pierpont, Ohio.
Lucy A., born Feb. 12, 1825, married Frederick B. Fitch,
of Brighton, California, May 1, 1856. She died at her home in
California, Dec. 1, 1877. Francis, born Feb. 26, 1827,
married Miss Cordelia Hopkins of Pierpont, Ohio.
Lois Lamira, born Dec. 15, 1829, married Dwight Coe of
Hartford, Ohio. She died Jan. 1, 1869. Maria Sylvia,
born Oct. 28, 1834, married Edmund Snow, of Ashtabula, Ohio,
Jan. 2, 1858.
Source: 1798 History of Ashtabula County, Ohio with Illustrations
and Biographical Sketches of its Pioneers and Most Prominent Men by
Publ. Philadelphia - Williams Brothers - 1878 - Page 249 |
Pierpont Twp. -
NATHANIEL FOLLETT, Infirmary Director, was
born in Auburn, Cayuga county, New York, on Jan. 14, 1823, and is
the third child of Grettis and Mary Follett, of the former
point, but who removed to Ohio in the year 1839, and located in
Pierpont township, on the farm now occupied by the subject of the
present sketch. The father still resides in this township, at
the age of eighty-five years. The mother died May 19, 1872.
The education of Mr. Nathaniel Follett was acquired by the
aid of the common or district school, and from the completion of
which until the present time has followed the occupation of farming.
On Jan. 7, 1849, he was united in marriage to Emily M.,
daughter of Linus and Harriet Burhuell, originally from
Hartland, Connecticut, but who were residing in the township of
Monroe at the time of this marriage. From this union three
children have been born. These are Della A., Feb. 17,
1853; Hattie L., Nov. 20, 1856; and Frank W., whose
birth occurred on the 8th day of September, 1859. These
children are still inmates of the parental home.
Politically a warm Republican, Mr. Follett has been
elected to many of the offices within the gift of his fellow
townsmen. In the fall of 1874 he was chosen to the office of
infirmary director, and was re-elected in the fall of 1876. He
is spoken of as being an efficient officer, and faithful in the
discharge of his duties. Has ever been an ardent supporter of
the educational interests of his township.
Source: 1798 History of Ashtabula County, Ohio with Illustrations
and Biographical Sketches of its Pioneers and Most Prominent Men by
Publ. Philadelphia - Williams Brothers - 1878 - Page 235 |