THIS township is composed of
No. 12 and fractional No. 13, in the fourth range. The
original owners were William Hart and Samuel Mather.
The former of these sold his proportion of the lands to
Josiah Wright, whose son Samuel and Jessie Blackington
succeeded him. Hart it appears took a mortgage prior to
the sale, and Wright dying before he had perfected his title,
the lands reverted back to Hart, and the unfortunate
settlers, many of whom had paid for their farms, were either
compelled to pay again or lose the fruits of their years of toil.
Some did this, but we learn that the majority became discouraged,
and removed to other localities.
Messrs. Hart and Mather employed
Timothy R. Hawley to survey No. 12 into one hundred and sixty
acre lots; subsequently Gideon Leet, Wright's agent,
caused a still further survey to be made by Harvey Taggert.
fractional township No. 13, it appears, was divided by the
Connecticut land company into equalizing tracts.
The southern portion of
the township is crossed from northeast to southwest by two ridges or
elevations of land. These are known as the north and south
ridges, and are situated, the former perhaps three and one-half
miles from the lake-shore, and the latter some three-fourths of a
mile south of this. The surface in this part of the township
is decidedly rolling, with a soil principally sandy loam. The
northern portion of the township is of a flat nature, with clay
soil. Iron ore existed in considerable quantities near both
ridges, and has been mined to some extent. Of the geological
formation of these ridges we quote from Professor M. C. Read
as follows: “The summit of the ridge at this place (the cut on A.,
Y. and P. R. R.) is two hundred and two feet above the lake.
No. 1 of the section is composed of water-washed sand and loam, from
four to six feet thick, the maximum thickness being south of the
crest of the ridge, where the sand is stratified in billowy lines,
evidently carried by the wind from the old beach on the opposite
side. No. 2 is yellow clay, and No. 4 blue clay, the first
ranging in thickness from twelve feet to nothing; the latter, twenty
feet to the railroad track. Both these deposits of clay are
unstratified, filled with fragments of the local rocks, apparently
having derived the great mass of their materials from them, but
containing many fragments of metamorphic rocks, marked with strić,
without water-worn pebbles or boulders. No. 3 is an old swamp,
containing fragments of coniferous wood, the earth deeply stained
with iron, and, in places, with deposits of bog-iron at the bottom;
the whole swamp had its origin in the causes which raised the clay
ridge into its position, and was evidently filled with swamp
vegetation at the time the waters of the lake were resting upon the
northern slope of this ridge, the winds gradually carrying the
beach-sands over the crest of the ridge into the swamp basin, and in
time bringing it beneath the constantly accumulating sandy deposit.”
The principal streams are as follows, viz.: Indian
creek, which derived its name from the fact that along its banks was
the favorite camping-ground of the Indians during their hunting
excursions to this township, rises in the south western part of the
township, south of and near the south ridge, through which it passes
northerly across the north ridge, and is discharged into the lake
about three-fourths of a mile east of Geneva township line.
Big brook has its rise also in the southwestern part of
the township, and from two small branches from Austinburg, crosses
the ridges, flows into Geneva, where it is known as Cowles’ creek.
The lands along the ridges are well supplied with springs of
excellent soft water. There are also numerous mineral springs,
and saline springs or deer-licks, as they were formerly termed.
These are situated between the two ridges principally.
In February, 1810,
George Webster arrived in the township with his widowed mother,
and began settlement about sixty rods east of the west line of the
township. Their log cabin was situated on the spot now
occupied by the residence of Reuben Smith, lot No. 67.
This family was originally from Courtright, Delaware county, New
York. The next family was Joseph Hotchkiss, formerly
from Harpersfield, New York; his settlement was west of Mr.
Webster's, and adjoining the west line of the township.
Zadoc Brown, from Blanford, Massachusetts,
settled on the south ridge, one mile east of the west line, in 1811.
Stephen Herriman came about this time, as did also Oliver
Steward, and, up to the year 1816, there were settlements made
by the following persons: Josiah and Samuel Wright, Jesse
Blackington, A. Whipple, Thomas Stephens, Theodore Blynn, Jesse M.
Wright, Solomon Bates, Jarvis Harris, Charles Pratt, Amasa Tyler,
Chandler Williams, etc. The majority of these families
were from Pownal, Vermont. They all settled along the south
ridge except Charles Pratt, who erected his dwelling on the
north ridge, near the centre of the township. Benjamin
Sweet, a man who seemed to figure quite conspicuously in the
township, came in an early day and located on lot 46. Of these
pioneers, J. N. Wright, Solomon Bates, and Amasa Tyler
are yet living in the township. Of other early settlers we
find the names of Asa Gillett, Levi Beckwith, Captain Savage,
Abel Edwards.
Of the first white settler (George
Webster) we find the following in the MSS. of Joel
Blakeslee, written about 1S55: “ Mr. Webster
arrived in the county in the year 1804. He was then but fifteen
years of age. The journey was accomplished with two teams, one
of horses and another of oxen, attached to a stout wagon. They
came by way of Cooperstown, Utica, Cayuga, Batavia, and Buffalo;
arriving here, they were told that there was no settlement west
until they reached Max, at Cattaraugus. They were to keep the beach
some eight miles and a marked road the rest of the way; keeping the
beach as directed they turned off into the woods, traveled until
night, and, not finding any sign of a habitation, encamped in the
dense forest. The next morning they proceeded till about ten
o’clock, when they arrived at a log cabin. This proved to be
the dwelling of a man named Cummings, who informed them that
they had driven in directly an opposite direction from the point
intended, and advised them to return direct to the lake-shore.
This they accordingly did, hiring Cummings to accompany them
as guide. At the end of the third day they reached the shore
of the lake, but a few miles in advance of where they left it.
On arriving at Ashtabula creek they found the water was high, and,
not knowing its depth, of course dared not attempt to ford. There
was no house in sight. While considering what course to pursue, they
discovered a woman paddling down the creek in a canoe. She
proved to be Mrs. Beckwith, widow of George Beckwith,
who perished in the snow. She assisted them in crossing the
stream, leading the horses by the side of the canoe; the cattle were
obliged to swim. Bed-cords were fastened together and attached
to the wagon-tongue, the other end carried across and the team
hitched on, and the wagon floated across; doubling the rope as it
struck the sand, they soon drew the wagon ashore. Attaching
the teams, as they were about starting the Hon. Matthew
Hubbard rode up. The sight of a white person was a glad
one to the family. The land upon which they settled in
Saybrook was purchased of T. R. Hawley, he having received it
of the proprietors in payment for services as surveyor. At the
raising of their cabin the settlers were present from Geneva,
Harpersfield, Austinburg, and Ashtabula.”
This was erected on the
south ridge near the centre of the township, in the year 1818.
Samuel Wright was the builder, and the materials from which it
was constructed were all drawn from the mill of Hall Smith,
located at Ashtabula.
in the township was built at an early day.
Its location was on lot 46, and was erected by Messrs. Wright &
Blackington. There is now no mill in the township which is
propelled by water.
The first steam-mill was located on Lot 55, and was
erected by Asa Gillett, Jr., in the year 1850; this was long
since destroyed by fire. The present mills are as follows:
one on lot No. 5, with a planer and matcher in connection, this is
owned by Ulysses Atwater, and another by M. & J. C. Wright,
located on lot No. 46.
The first school-house
(built fall of 1815. Miss Adaline Gates taught
the first school; she had twenty scholars) was of logs, and stood on
land now owned by Amasa Tyler. Its location was
on the south side of the Ridge road; stood for a few years and was
destroyed by fire. The next was a frame structure on lot 56.
This was built by Benjamin Sweet, and was occupied for
many years for school
Page 184 -
and church purposes. The present prosperous condition of the
schools in the township is shown in the table of statistics at the
close of this history.
The first religious
society organized in Saybrook was that of the Methodist Episcopal
church, in 1816. As was customary in those early times, they
held their meetings in private houses. In about the year 1835
a small church was erected on the north ridge, on lot 43. This
we learn was afterwards used for a select school. It is now
owned by Omar Gillett, and is occupied for a dwelling.
The present substantial church edifice of this society was erected
in 1849, is located on lot No. 43. Its cost was some two thousand
dollars. The Congregational church, on same lot. was built in
about 1850, originally stood on lot 45, and was removed to its
present site in 1861. The pastor of this church is the Rev.
S. Streeter. Rev. Mr. Wisner occupies the pulpit of the
Methodist church. Both societies are in a flourishing
condition, with a numerously attended Sabbath school continuing
through the year.
The first mercantile
establishment in the township was opened in the spring of 1828, by
Hubbard Tyler. It was located on the south
ridge, near the Sweet was in operation but about two years.
The second store began operations west of the centre, on the north
ridge, in 1830; Levi Jenks and Henry Harris
were its owners. The present stores are one by Bradley
Bates, and another by D. R. Garner, both on lot 43; at
the depot Richard Hutchinson has the third store, and closes
the list.
The first house of
entertainment in Saybrook of importance stood at the centre, on lot
46. This was erected by Benjamin Sweet, in the
year 1813. Wm. Crowell, Jr., was the builder.
Another tavern was established soon after, by Nathan
Williams; this stood, perhaps, one mile east of the first one.
Both of these hotels did a big business. There is at present
but one hotel in the town ship. This is owned by L. Munson;
was erected in 1872; is located on lot No. 72.
A nursery was planted by William Humphrey in
1814, on lot No. 80. Many of the trees planted by the pioneers
in different sections of the county were from this establishment.
of a white child in Saybrook was in 1810.
This was William, a son of Zadoc Brown. He
removed to Illinois many years since.
The first death which
occurred in the township was in the year 1816. This was the
infant daughter of Jesse Wright, who was burned so severely
that death ensued. The funeral sermon was delivered by the
Rev. Joseph Badger, and is believed to have been the first
religious service in the township.
The first doctor who
located in Saybrook is thought ot have been Solomon Jinks,
who began practice prior to the spring of 1828. The present
physician is Allen Fouts, who represents the Homeopathic
The first of these to
begin operations in Saybrook was established by C. L. Johnson,
on lot No. 69, in 1870. The first year he manufactured the
milk from one hundred cows. In 1875 he did his greatest
business, making that year fifty tons of cheese. In 1877 there
were made some forty tons; the milk of three hundred cows.
This is a private enterprise, and is still in successful operation.
The next factory was at the depot, lot 36, opened by a
stock company. They conducted it but a single year, and then
disposed of it to P. P. Chamberlin. He is now deceased,
and the factory is conducted by his wife.
The third factory is on lot 62, opened by L. B.
Brockett in 1872. The business done by these two last
factories is considerably less than that of Mr. Johnson’s.
The first one established
was in 1816. A. Whipple was the first postmaster.
In relation to the first mail-route, it is a fact that the mail was
carried along the south ridge some time prior to 1816. Jacob
Metcalf was mail-carrier, going at first on foot; at length
the route became passable for teams, and a clumsy lumber wagon was
put into the line. A daily mail was afterwards established in
1821, and was transported along this route by four-horse coaches.
At this time it was the great route of land-travel to the east.
The Warren and Ashtabula turnpike crossed the east line
of Saybrook at Bunker Hill. This was nearly on the line
previously occupied by the old Salt road.
The North Ridge road was surveyed and established in
1815. Peleg Sweet was one of the committee. The
first record of the establishment of a road we find to have been in
June, 1819. This was “from north of a road in the east part of
Morgan and Austinburg to the south ridge, near S. Wright’s.”
The subsequent December another road was laid out, also running
south “from the south ridge, near B. Sweet’s, to the road
running through the centre of Austinburg.”
This fine building was
completed in December, 1871, at an expense of two thousand dollars.
It is located on lot No. 43. The elections and other township
business had been done, prior to the erection of this building, in a
school-house, which stood near the original location of “ Sweet’s
township was detached from Austinburg and organized as a separate
township in the year 1816. An election was held at the house
of Benjamin Sweet on the first Monday of April of that year,
of which we find the following record: Nathan Williams was
chosen chairman of the meeting. Levi Amsden and
Benjamin Sweet were the judges, and Jessie Blackington
clerk of the election. The officers elected on this occasion
were Joel Owen, Samuel Wright, and Thomas Benham,
trustees; Benjamin Sweet and Eli Roode, overseers of
the poor; George Webster and Hubbard Tyler,
fence-viewers Zadoc Brown, lister; and Levi Amsden,
appraiser of property; Angell Whipple, Abraham Amsden, Samuel
Benham, Levi Beckwith, Jason Norton, and Phineas Pierce,
supervisors; Thomas Stephens, constable; and Joel Owens,
treasurer. The first justice of the peace was Benjamin Sweet,
who was appointed Mar. 1, 1819. On the same record we find
that Phineas Pierce and Levi Amsden were
grand jurors, and Nathan Williams petit juror for 1819.
The officers for 1877 were Orrin Johnson, Riley
Beckwith, and Collins Andrews, trustees; O. K. Latimer,
clerk; L. B. Brockett, treasurer; Ira G. Scoville,
assessor; O. L. Harvey and Alanson Gary, constables;
Charles E. Williams and William T. Simonds, justices
of the peace, —the latter of whom has served successively for
twenty-four years.
Prior to organization the name Mathertown was given the
township, but was organized as Wrightsburg. The last date on
which we find the name of Wrightsburg applied to the township was on
the third day of April, 1827. The next entry was on the third
of the subsequent May, when the designation is Wrightsburg alias
Saybrook. To explain, in detail, the causes leading to this
change of the name would require more space than is at our disposal,
and would not perhaps be of interest to any considerable number of
the patrons of this work.
During the War of the Rebellion this township furnished
her full share of men.
It was in this township, in the year 1872, that
Sylvester Brown took the life of his wife, and although
justly entitled to the highest penalty for such an infamous crime,
yet he was, by an Ashtabula County jury, acquitted.
In the autumn of 1817, a
little fellow of some twelve years of age, named Oliver Steward,
Jr., who lived on the south ridge, came to the house of
Charlie Pratts, early in the morning, from a coon-hunting
excursion, and told Mr. Pratt his little dog had treed a bear
almost as big as a cow. He wanted to borrow a gun.
Mr. Pratt thought he had better let the bear alone. No! he
wanted the bear, and must have the gun. Accordingly he took
down the old musket, poured in an enormous quantity of powder and
two balls, and handed it to the boy. He took an axe and went
with him, all the way admonishing him of his danger. On arriving at
the spot, there sat the bear, perched on a limb some twenty-five or
thirty feet from the ground, while the little dog was dancing and
barking at the foot of the tree. Restraining the boy until he
could cut a stout cudgel, Mr. Pratt told him to
make sure work, as a wounded bear was a dangerous plaything. “
o danger,” said the boy, as he rested his musket across the limb of
a tree; “I shall kill him the first shot.” Pulling the
trigger, a tremendous report followed. The bear was killed by
the shot, and the boy no doubt considerably astonished by the
commotion at his end of the gun.
Wheat |
565 |
acres |
6,511 |
bushels |
Oats |
848 |
" |
29,113 |
" |
Corn |
730 |
" |
54,240 |
" |
Potatoes |
144 |
" |
7,854 |
" |
Orcharding |
369 |
" |
33,970 |
" |
Meadow |
2335 |
" |
3,183 |
tons |
Maple-sugar |
9,912 |
pounds |
Butter |
59,267 |
" |
Cheese |
201,926 |
" |