

A Part of Genealogy Express
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History & Genealogy

History of
Ashtabula County, Ohio
Illustrations and Biographical Sketches
of its Pioneers and Most Prominent Men

Publ. Philadelphia
Williams Brothers

PLEASE NOTE:  On the links below that are partially finished, I have picked out things that will have people's names that appear to be useful.  I will finish the chapters upon request or as I find time. ~ sw


I. - The Progress of Discovery 8
II. - The Connecticut Western Reserve 9
III. - The Connecticut Land Company 10
IV. - The Geography of the County 14
V. - The Geology and Topography of the County 15
VI. - The Mound-Builders 16
VII. - The Indians  
VIII. - The Parent State 24
IX. - Pioneer Settlements - FINISHED 11/16/2024 24
X. - Means of Communication 27
XI. - Civil Organization 28
XII - Social Life in Early Times 31
XIII. - Ashtabula's connection with the Anti-Slavery Movement. 33
XIV. - Religious and Educational 35
XV. - The Press 38
XVI. - Societies 41
XVII. - The Ashtabula Railway Disaster - FINISHED 11/17/2024 45
XVIII. - Statistics 48
XIX. - The Military History of the County - IN PROCESS 11/23/2024 49
   - Roster of Soldiers from Ashtabula County - War of 1812 57
  - Roster of Soldiers from Ashtabula County - War of the Rebellion 58-66


Andover - Not Started 215
Ashtabula - Started not finished 11/24/2024 130
Austinburg - In process as of 11/23/2024 185
 - Austnburg Village -  - FINISHED 11/23/2024  
Cherry Valley - Not Started 236
Colebrook - Not Started 211
Conneaut - FINISHED 9/14/2020 154
 - Amboy - FINISHED 9/14/2020 160
Denmark - Not Started 213
Dorset - Not Started 209
Geneva - Not Finished 173
Harpersfield - Not Started 169
Hartsgrove - Not Finished 254
Jefferson - Not Started 146
Kingsville - FINISHED 6/15/2018 204
Lenox - Not Started 222
Monroe  - FINISHED 6/15/2018 200
Morgan - Not Started 194
New Lyme - FINISHED 6/16/2018 225
Orwell - Not Started 231
Pierpont - Not Finished 234
Plymouth - Not Finished 221
Richmond - FINISHED 11/23/2024 227
Rome - Not Started 218
Saybrook - FINISHED 11/24/2024 183
Sheffield - FINISHED 9/15/2020 238
Trumbull - Not Started 228
Wayne - Not Finished 243
Williamsfield - Not Finished 241
Windsor - Not Finished 250



Pg. 67 -




Court-House (Frontispiece)

Facing Title Page

Map of Ashtabula County facing 7
County Jail & Recorder's Office, w/ portraits of E. O. Peck, E. G. Hurlburt, & W. T. Simonds facing 31
County Infirmary Buildings, w/portraits of Edward Hammond, C. E. Curtiss, & M. W. Follett facing 48
Ashtabula Disaster - Ruins of the Bridge facing 45
Residence of Hon. B. F. Wade facing 70
Portrait of Hon. B. F. Wade (steel) facing 67
Portrait of Hon. Joshua R. Giddings 72
Portrait of Hon. Edward Wade 84
Portrait of Hon. Rufus P. Ranney 86
Portrait of Rev. Joseph Badger 86
Portrait of Hon. Orramel H. Fitch 90
Portrait of Hon. Horace Wilder 89
Portrait of Hon. Abner Kellogg 106
Portraits of Group of Attorneys: Hon. W. P. Howland, Hon. H. B. Woodbury, Hon. Edward H. Fitch, Hon. S. A. Northway, and Charles Booth facing 91
Portrait of Hon. Darius Cadwell 93
Portrait of Charles Stetson Simonds 105
Portrait of Edwin Cowles (steel) facing 99
Portrait of E. W. Cowles, M. D. (steel) facing 99
Portrait of Miss Betsey Cowles (steel) facing 101
Portrait of Miss Cornelia Cowles (steel) facing 101
Portrait of W. C. Howells 103
Portrait of Henry Fassett 104
Portrait of Hon. William Kellogg 107
Portraits of Spencer Group: Prof. Platt B. Spencer, B. C. Spencer, H. C. Spencer, H. A. Spencer, Lyman P. Spencer, and Platt R. Spencer, Jr. facing 108
Portrait of Hon. Q. F. Atkins 113
Portrait of Harvey R. Gaylord 118
Portrait of Hon. Freeman Thorp 119
Portraits of Physicians' Group: Dr. John C. Hubbard, Dr. A. K. Fifield,
Dr. L. D. Kellogg,
Dr. S. S. Burrows, Dr. Elijah Coleman and Dr. S. H. Farrington
facing 121
Portraits of Editors' Group: J. A. Howells, James Reed, Warren P. Spencer, J. P. Rieg, and Ferdinand Lee facing 123
Portraits of the Hubbard Group:  Hon. Matthew Hubbard, William Hubbard, and Henry Hubbard facing 124
Portraits of the County Officers' Group: Hon. E. J. Betts, W. H. Crowell, E. F. Mason, Hon. E. B. Leonard, D. L. Crosby, A. W. Stiles, T. S. Young, and S. H. Cook facing 125
Portraits of Physicians' Group: Dr. S. G. Holbrook, Dr. H. H. Webster, Dr. Greenleaf Fifield, Dr. E. M. Webster facing 127


Residence of C. Stillman, with portraits facing 215
Residence and mills of C. H. Fitts facing 216
Residence of Austin Harmon facing 217


Residence of M. G. Dick facing 130
Residence of Wm. M. Eames facing 130
Residence of James P. Jennings facing 135
Residence of John P. Robertson facing 138
Carriage-Works of Thorp & Pfaff facing 138
Flouring Mills of Seymour & son facing 138
Phoenix Iron Works facing 140
Carriage-Works of F. D. Fickinger, with portrait (can't find photo) betw. 140, 141
Exterior Views of Store and Opera-House of L. W. Smith & Son facing 142
Interior View of Webb & Son's Store facing 142
Portrait of Philo Booth 143
Residence of George Willard, and interior and exterior Views of Store, with portraits betw. 144, 145
Portrait of D. E. Kelley 145


Portrait of Deacon Joseph Mills facing 188
Residence of the late Rev. G. H. Cowles facing 188
Old Congregational Church at Austinburg facing 188
Residence of A. W. Howard, with portraits facing 193


Residence of Wesley Clark, with portraits facing 236
Residence A. E. Beals, with portraits facing 238
Residence of H. Lindsley, with portraits facing 237
Portrait of Joel Rice (Williamsfield Group) facing 242


Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Blakeslee facing 212


Town Hall facing 154
Residence of S. J. Smith facing 156
Business Block of S. J. Smith facing 156
Residence of Captain Salisbury, with portraits betw. 158, 159
Residence of Calvin Poole, with portraits betw. 158, 159
Residence of Thomas Gibson, with portraits facing 160
Christian Church, with portraits of Rev. O. T. and Mrs. O. T. Wyman betw. 162
Residence of J. P. Rieg facing 162
Mill Property of Benton, Ayers & Cushing 165
Portrait of Hon. D. C. Allen betw. 166, 167
Portrait of General Henry Keyes betw. 166, 167
Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Plin Smith betw. 166, 167
Portrait of Dr. D. W. Raymond betw. 166, 167
Portrait of Nelson Burington betw. 166, 167
Portrait of A. C. Dibble betw. 166, 167
Portrait of Aunt Lydia King betw. 166, 167
Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Benoni Andrews betw. 166, 167


Residence of J. C. Andrews facing 213


Residence of N. H. Dickerman facing 172
Hotel of Thomas B. Tuller facing 173
Residence of S. H. Munger betw. 174, 175
Public School Building betw. 174, 175
Residence of Cynthia Hart, with portraits facing 175
Residence of Luther Parker facing 176
Residence of R. Spring betw. 176, 177
Portrait of Romanzo Spring betw. 176, 177
Portrait of Charles Tinker betw. 176, 177
Residence of Robert Woodruff, with portraits facing 177
Residence of H. W. Forman (Portrait not found) facing 178
Residence of Charles Talcott, and exterior and interior Views of Store betw. 178, 179
Residence of Samuel W. Peck, with portraits facing 179
Residence of Henry C. Fobes betw. 180, 181
Portraits of H. C. Fobes, Electa Fobes, Sanford L. Fobes, Flora H. Fobes, David A. and Fanny C. Fish betw. 180, 181
Residence of Henry Bedell, with portraits betw. 180, 181
Residence of Nelson Maltby, with portraits betw. 180, 181
Residence of N. S. Caswell, with portraits facing 182
Geneva 1st Congregational Church facing 183


Portraits of Dr. J. H. SeCheverell and Wife facing 171
Portraits of Col. G. H. SeCheverell, and wife facing 171
Residence of W. Wharram 172


Portrait of Dr. D. D. Gist betw. 148, 149
Residence of H. P. Wade facing 146
Property of Henry Talcott, with portraits facing 153
Jefferson Educational Institute facing 150
Residence of E. L. Mullen betw. 148, 149
Residence of John Watters betw. 148, 149


Residence of Dr. E. M. Webster (Frontispiece)  
Residence of H. P. Newton betw. 204, 205
Residence of Stephen Sabin betw. 204, 205
Residence of John Holmes facing 206
Kingsville Cemetery - Lulu Falls betw. 206, 207
Residence of J. F. Blair facing 207
Portrait of Dr. M. Kingsley facing 208
Residence of Charles H. Cratar facing 208


Residence of Hiram Griggs facing 162
Portrait of Elisha Farnham facing 203
Portrait of H. F. Hardy facing 203
Portrait of William K. Pinney facing 203


Residence of the late James Stone, with portraits facing 194
Residence of E. O. Miller facing 196
Stores of Latimer & Thompson facing 196
Portrait of Bradley Cummings Randall facing 199
Portrait of Alonzo Moses 199


Residence of Alvin Schramling, with portraits facing 234


Residences of L. and G. H. Crosby, with portraits, facing 218
Residence of Elijah Crosby facing 220


Residence of Isaac Brooks facing 183
Residence of O. H. Calloway facing 183
Residence of D. H. Kelley facing 184


Residence of John and Eleanor Churchill facing 196
Residence of John Brown, with portrait facing 228


Residence of Wm. Kiddle facing 243
Portrait of Dr. Spelman facing 245
Portrait of Nathaniel Coleman ---{ facing 245
Portrait of Mrs. N. Coleman
Portrait of Samuel Jones, Sr. Family betw. 245, 247
Portrait of Samuel & Deborah, Linus H., Anson Jones & Samuel, Jr. Jones betw. 246, 247
Residence of Rollin L. Jones, with portraits betw. 246, 247
Portrait of Rev. E. T. Woodruff betw. 248, 249
Residence of O. P. Fobes, with portraits of Simon and Ferdinand betw. 248. 249


Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. William Giddings facing 242
Portraits of Rev. Elias and Mrs. Abiah Morse facing 242


Residence of F. R. Smith * facing 250
Residence of S. C. Wilson facing 251
Residence of Prof. E. Hamilton betw. 252, 253
Residence of Thompson Higley w/Portraits betw. 252, 253

* Found this on Google Maps at 7738 Co. Hwy. 9, Windsor, Ashtabula Co., OH.




This Webpage has been created by Sharon Wick exclusively for Genealogy Express  ©2008
Submitters retain all copyrights