THE township of Sheffield
is bounded on the north by Kingsville, on the south by Denmark, on
the east by Monroe, and on the west by Plymouth. It lies in
range 2, township 12. The central and southern part of
Sheffield is level, while the northern part is moderately hilly.
The township is traversed from east to west by the Ashtabula river,
which, with its tributary, Pine creek, drains the larger part of its
territory. The township of Sheffield was formerly called East
Matherstown, Saybrook being called West Matherstown. Samuel
Mather was one of the first proprietors of the township, and
for him it was named; but at the date of the organization of the
township, in 1820, it was given the name of Sheffield by John
Greggs, who was elected the first justice of the peace in the
township. Samuel Mather had three heirs, and he
had the township divided into three equal parts, the division being
made north and south. Elijah Hubbard married his
daughter Lydia, and she inherited the middle portion.
The division of the land was made in the year 1818, by General
Smith, of Vernon, Trumbull county, and Judge Tappan,
of Harpersfield. Matthew Hubbard acted as agent for
the sale of the central portion of the Sheffield lands for many
years, and was successful in disposing of a large share of them to
actual settlers. He was succeeded as agent by Henry E.
Parsons, of Ashtabula, in 1837, and in 1838 Mr.
Parsons became agent also for the east and west portions of the
lands of the township. At the time of the arrival of the first
settlers the whole township was one mass of forest, with the
exception of here and there a small opening or glade on the banks of
the Ashtabula river. The bear, deer, wolf, and other wild
animals were plentiful. The timber which grew on these lands
consisted of the oak, whitewood, hemlock, cucumber, beech, maple,
and the black ash. The last grows on the low, wet
bottom-lands, and has been, and is now, of great service in the way
of fencing the farms. The east and west parts were not
surveyed and offered for sale till the summer of 1825, though there
were some squatters on the west part before this time. The
middle part was sold in the summer of 1817 to Stephen
Bidwell and his son-in-law, Phineas Webster.
The latter came on the same summer, and had this part surveyed and
offered for sale.
Old Major Moore, who had been a soldier
in the Revolutionary war, was the first man to break the forest in
Sheffield. He erected a cabin in 1811, on the Hall
place, now owned by Mr. Usher, and cleared two or
three acres. He then went into Richland county, Ohio, and
after being gone one or two years returned, and in 1817 married a
daughter of Reuben Mendall’s, she being only sixteen
years old, then moved back to Richland county permanently.
Smith Webster, justice of the peace of Kingsville,
married them, and it was the first wedding in Sheffield. Chauncey
Atwater, Sr., went on foot to Jefferson for the
license, and on his way back intended to stop with John R. Gage,
but lost his way in the forest, and lay in the woods all night.
In the morning he found the river so much swollen by the rains of
the night and previous day that it was not possible to cross it, and
there being no bridges, he had to go to Kelloggsville, some four
miles farther, before he could cross to the other side. It may
be said here that this river in spring and fall, during heavy rains,
overflows its banks on the bottomlands adjoining the river.
Some two or three years before this land was offered
for sale, Reuben and Amos Mendall, and their
brother-in-law, Abram Springstead, with their
families, had commenced improvements in this middle part of the
township, north of the river. A brother of the Mendalls,
while on a furlough from the army, visiting here, died of
consumption in 1817, and was buried on the northeast corner of the
Rood farm, now owned by Mr. Hawkins.
He was the first white man who died and was buried in Sheffield.
Among the earliest of the squatters on the west
division was John Shaw, who arrived in Sheffield in
1812. He has now numerous descendants in this part of the
county. It is related by his son, Truman B. Shaw, of
Sheffield, that John Shaw, his father, in the War of
1812, between the English and the United States, belonged to and was
a soldier in the British army, then in Canada. But preferring
the freedom of an American to the bondage of a British soldier, he,
with several of his companions in arms, took a small boat from Long
Point, Canada, and crossed Lake Erie to Ashtabula in the night, a
distance of forty miles, making good their escape. During the
year 1817 other families commenced settling in the middle portion of
Sheffield, among them Chauneey Atwater, on the farm
known now as the Wellman farm. He had three
children,—John T., Lyman, and Laura Atwater.
The first, John T. Atwater, for many years was a prominent
man in the township, adding to his occupation of a successful farmer
that of a merchant, dealing largely in stoves and hardware, but was
suddenly cut off in the midst of his usefulness and in the prime of
life. Whilst engaged in the procuring of timber for a mill
which he was about to erect on the banks of the Ashtabula river, a
little east of his house, which is now called the Atwater
farm, owned by James Purdy, in felling a tree, a
limb was broken off, and, striking him, was the cause of his death.
He left a property of six hundred acres of land, which was divided
between his three sons, Chauncey W., Wilbur, and Almon
Atwater, —the two first still residing in Sheffield, and are
successful farmers, the last occupying a prominent position as chief
engineer on the Canada Southern railroad. Lyman Atwater
resides in Monroe township, and his sister, Laura Coveil,
in Topeka, Kansas, she being one of the first settlers in that
Another of the early settlers in this part of the
township was Thomas Fargo, who purchased in 1817 what
is known as the Eastman farm, and moved there in 1821.
He set out the first orchard in the township on that farm, and also
erected the first frame residence and barn. Samuel P.
Castle, on the Ufford farm, was another early
In the summer of 1818, Phineas Webster
moved his family on what is known as the old Johnson place,
now owned by Mr. Freeman, and in March, 1820, he died,
and the middle third of the township reverted to the Hubbards.
Zebediah Whipple emigrated from New
London, Connecticut, in 1818, to Sheffield, and now resides in the
south part of the township, on what is called Maple street. He
settled on the farm now owned by Ben. Summers, in the
north part of the township. There he cleared ten acres.
It is related by him that in the spring of the year they had to
endure many hardships, among which was scarcity of food, having to
gather the cowslip greens and wild onions, with what wild game they
could catch and kill, for food. In the fall their chief food
was peaches and milk. In 1820 he built a small frame barn, the
neighbors coming from Ashtabula, Conneaut, Kingsville, and
surrounding settlements to help raise the same. For every
pound of nails which he used in the erection he paid one bushel of
corn. Zebediah Whipple is still living, and is
at the ripe old age of eighty-two years. He has a family of
four children living in the township. Their names are
Andrew, John, William, and Gibson.
The first road
surveyed and opened in the township was one running from
Kelloggsville, then known as “Ferguson’s settlement,”
towards Jefferson. It was surveyed by Martin Kellogg
at an early day, and was only underbrushed and used as a
bridle-path. The next road was that running from Monroe to
John R. Gage was
married in October, 1817, to Ruth Woodbury, of Ashtabula, and
in November following settled on the south side of Ashtabula river,
on the farm where he now lives. He was the first settler on
the south side of the river; and his daughter, Locema Clark,
now lilving in Austinburg, was born in July, 1818, and was the first
child born on the south side of the river.
Joshua L. Gage settled on the south side of the
river, on the farm now owned and occupied by him, in November, 1822.
In the following year was elected justice of the peace, which office
he held for twelve years in succession without having a case
appealed, though litigation was quite common in the changes incident
to a newly-settled community. Their brother, Stephen,
also lived for many years a neighbor to them. The two first
raised large families, who, with their children, are scattered from
the Atlantic to the Pacific.
In the spring of 1818 Elam Osborn and
John Usher settled near what is called Sheffield Corners,
on the places known as the Peck and Richmond farms,
respectively, and they were the second and third settlers on the
south side of the creek, J. L. Gage being the fourth.
One of the most prominent and useful citizens who ever
resided in Sheffield was Elder Edmund Richmond,
who came here in 1836. He gave the land for the Baptist
church, was mainly instrumental in building the same, and preached
there till his death, in 1861. His remains lie buried in the
township cemetery, within a few rods of the church he loved so well,
surrounded by those of his two wives and his sons, Judah L.,
Horace, and Calvin.
Hammon Stevens settled in Sheffield in
1836. His father, Enoch Stevens, emigrated from
New Hampshire to Ashtabula in 1810, purchasing the farm known as the
Winthrop Watrous farm, and settling there.
Very much could be truthfully said of the virtues, the
public spirit, and the pioneer pluck displayed by a large number of
Sheffield pioneers, and although history may be silent, tradition
will carefully preserve the names of Bliss, Johnson,
Swift, Hardy, West, Shepard, Ward,
Purdy, Kingsbury, Hawkins, Bennett,
Rogers, Eastman, and others.
The first school in
Sheffield was one taught by Clarissa Cassell, in a log
cabin which stood near where Mr. Ufford’s residence
now stands. The first school-house was built in 1819, about
forty rods west of the present school-house, in district No. 11.
The second school-house was erected of logs, in 1823, and stood on
the rise of ground north of the residence of James Rogers,
and on the southeast corner of the Eastman farm.
The next school was a frame building, erected on the northwest
corner of what is now known as Sheffield Corners. This was
built in 1829, and was called the Red School-house, and this
building figured prominently in the history of Sheffield, it being
used as a meeting-house, and also the town elections and meetings.
We can give but a few names of those who, in early times, instructed
the scholars in these schools. They are as follows:
Eliphalet Gage, Harriet Woodbury, Lake Guernsey, Samuel C. Johnson,
and Asal Aldridge.
The first religious
meetings in Sheffield were held by the Methodists, in the first log
school-house built in the township. Religion advanced hand in
hand with education. In 1824 the first church was organized,
Elder Lane, of the Erie conference, preaching once in
every four weeks. Among the names of the first pastors we find
the Revs. Wilder B. Mack, John P. Kent,
Parson Hall, (Episcopal), Joseph Davis,
Elder Palmer, Elder Bailey, Somerville,
and others.
The present church was erected in 1844, and is still in
a state of good preservation. The presiding elder, Hiram
Kinsley, preached the dedication sermon, the Revs.
John Luccock and E. B. Lane at that time being the
pastors of the church. The present pastor’s name is Rev. E.
S. Baker, who resides in Kelloggsville. The number of
present membership is forty.
The Baptist church
was organized on July 6, 1835, by the Rev. Edmund Richmond,
who gave the land for the church, and was mainly instrumental in the
building of the same. He labored here till his death, in 1861.
Under his ministry, on Mar. 26, 1843, William Ward was
converted and baptized. For four years after his conversion he
attended the Baptist Theological seminary, in the city of New York,
preparing himself for the ministry. In 1848 he was sent, under
the auspices of the Baptist Missionary Union, as a missionary to
Assam, India, where he faithfully and effectually labored for a
period of twenty years, and died among the people for whose
spiritual good he had so earnestly striven. The number of
members at the time of organization was thirteen. The present
membership, twenty-four. The Rev. Edwin
Dibble is the present pastor.
The Free-Will
Baptists organized in 1839, Rev. D. M. L. Rollin presiding.
They held their meetings in the school-house at Sheffield Centre
until the present church was built, in 1853, which occupies a lot of
few rods north of the townhouse. Membership at time of
organization, nine; present membership, twenty-seven. The
present pastor, the Rev. Rufus Clark.
The United Brethren
church was organized by Revs. George Sleeper and Ambrose
Shelly in 1857. The present pastor is Rev.
Landeau. The membership at the present time is
The township of Sheffield
is more adapted for the growing of grass than for other farm crops,
but corn, wheat, oats, potatoes, apples, and garden-vegetables are
raised, and yield well and abundantly. The soil is clay, but
along the banks of Ashtabula river is a mixture of clay and gravel.
The timber which grew on the Sheffield lands aided largely the
pioneers and settlers of this township in the payment of their
farms, as well as in the erection of their residences and barns, and
is also a means of support to many now, who carry their wood and
lumber to the surrounding towns to market.
The great demand for this
article of American manufacture has led the farmers throughout the
United States, whose lands are adapted for the growing of grass and
the keeping of dairies, to study and understand thoroughly the
process of making cheese, so as to utilize every possible facility
in the production of this very important article of food. This
branch of industry has reached a high degree of perfection, as to
the mode of manufacture, in this locality,—the lands of Sheffield
being well adapted for pasture, and also well watered. Natural
advantages are here enjoyed to an extent which not many localities
are able to furnish, and hence the manufacture of butter and cheese
constitutes the leading employment of the citizens of this township.
The Buckeye cheese-factory, situated on Maple street, on the land of
Gilbert Whipple, opposite the residence of H. L.
Smith, is a large and prosperous factory, and has been in
successful operation for about four seasons. It was built in
the spring of 1874. It is owned and operated by a joint-stock
company. The names of the present salesmen for the company are
as follows: H. L. Smith, S. M. Booth, and J. C.
Andrews. Chauncey W. Atwater, Amos
Stevens, and George Peebles are engaged in the
manufacture of the “farm-dairy cheese."
Page 240 -
The first saw- and
grist-mill was erected by Elijah Peck, in 1827, on the
Ashtabula river, a short distance east of Sheffield Corners.
It is said of this mill that it would saw about three or four
hundred feet of lumber a day, and that the grinding of four bushels
of corn constituted the capacity of the grist-mill. It is said
that Thomas Fargo, who lived on the Eastman
farm, took some corn to this mill at an early day to be ground,
and Mr. Peck, in order to ascertain whether the corn
was being ground fine enough, sent Mr. Fargo
down-stairs to watch the meal as his grist came forth. He went
below as directed, but, after watching for some time, and unable to
see that any flour issued forth, or that any corn was “ pecked,'’ as
they called it, looked up and saw a large rat sitting in the shoe of
the mill, devouring the “pecked” corn as fast as it fell from the
mill. This illustrates the mill’s grinding capacity.
Elijah Peck had been a resident of Monroe township for
some time prior to 1827. He raised a large family of children,
many of them now living in the county. There are at present
four saw-mills in Sheffield,—one at Sheffield Corners, owned by
Mr. James Rogers; another (steam-mill) on the
lands of B. B. Hardy, owned by Brownell & Spears;
a water-power mill on the north branch of Mills creek, in the south
of Sheffield township, owned by L. M. Farr; and the last,
about one mile west of James Rogers’ mill, on
Ashtabula river, owned by Harvey Clark, who, in
addition to this mill, runs an extensive flouring-mill. This
mill was erected first as a saw-mill in 1829. In 1840 it was
enlarged and a grist-mill added. After which it was sold by
Joseph Hawkins to Mr. Rathburn, who swept
the whole of the old mill away and erected on its site the present
commodious saw- and grist-mill, now owned by Harvey Clark.
A pump and butter-tub manufactory is carried on by
Cleveland Brothers, in North Sheffield, and was built in
1869. Capacity, twenty-five pumps and fifty butter-tubs per
was built by Norman Thompson and
John C. Richmond, and kept by Salmon Chandler, in
the old store building opposite the Methodist church. There
are at the present time two stores,—one at the Sheffield Corners,
kept by J. P. Smith, and the other at Sheffield Centre, by
Henry Fox, who also holds the office of postmaster.
was kept in a building nearly opposite the Baptist
church. David Richmond was the first postmaster,
in 1845, and the first quarter’s income was eighty-three cents.
The first hotel was
built by H. G. Hinds, at Sheffield Centre, in 1861.
in Sheffield was Dr. Eaton. He came to
Sheffield at an early day, and died there in 1873. His family
still reside in Sheffield.
In 1828 Zaccheus Bugley
and his son Horace, having settled on what is known as the
Kemp farm, and being fond of hunting, started one morning from
home, and got as far as the Gould farm, and, while crossing
over Pine creek on a log, the father slipped, his rifle was
discharged, the ball penetrating his son's skull, killing him
instantly. This was the first accident in Sheffield.
In the month of October, 1854, Daniel
Richards, while drawing a load of cornstalks from one of his
fields on the west side of George Ufford’s farm,
which land he was owner of at the time, had the misfortune to upset
his load, throwing him upon a pitch-fork, and so injuring him that
he died in a short time. On the 3d of January, 1869, Perry
M. Whipple, son of Zebediah Whipple, died from the
effect of a bite received from a hog, which he was helping butcher
on the farm of John A. Stanton.
in the township were elected in 1820: John
Gage, trustee; John Griggs, justice of the peace;
and Chauncey Atwater, township clerk; Samuel
Johnson, treasurer. The records of the township from the
time of organization in 1820 till 1852 have not been preserved, and
we are unable to give the names of the township officers between
those dates. The following are the names of those holding town
offices since 1852 :
Trustees. —William Todd,
Joseph Hawkins, George Ufford, Johnson
Gillett, Hammon Stevens, Melancthon
Wellman, E. Gillett, N. Bonnell, Dan. Swift, W. O. Lilly, J. R.
Gage, D. W. Peck, J. C. Quinn, W. R. Howard, F. Mann, C. W. Atwater,
A. A. Fink, R. T. Moore, Elijah Peck, J. Hardy, Jr., Erastus
Hawkins, James Rogers, A. Whipple, C. A. Brown, K. K. Warda, S. M.
Booth, H. D. Cleveland, D. Y. Richmond, H. Shepard, J. Dickson, B.
C. Smith. The present trustees for 1877 are B. P. Hard,
A. C. Stevens, and J. P. Avery.
Township Clerks.—J. Hibbard, J. H.
Steward, Daniel Cleveland, Justus Stewart, Horace Shepard, Ira
Blodgett, B. C. Smith. The present township clerk,
Horace Shepard.
Treasurers. —Elisha Peck, H. Purdy,
Beriah Bliss, D. W. Peck, W. Shepard, S. T. Gage, H. M. Clark, A.
Shelley, Norris Gage, Ira A. Blodgett, A. Marr, Elijah Peck, H. D.
Cleveland, Darius Van Slyke. H. D. Cleveland treasurer in
Assessors.—D. W. Peck, S. Stanton, D.
T. Richmond, Beriah Bliss, O. S. Wilson, J. P. Eastman, Truman Marr,
O. W. Swift, A. J. Whipple. J. W. Atwater assessor in
Real Estate Assessors. —Hammon
Stevens was elected in 1859 to hold the office of real estate
assessor, which office is held for ten years consecutively. C.
W. Atwater was elected in 1870.
The following are the crop
statistics for this township for the year 1877:
........................................ |
227 |
acres. |
2,146 |
bushels. |
.......................................... |
787 |
" |
19,085 |
" |
......................................... |
390 |
" |
11,639 |
" |
Potatoes ................................... |
89 |
" |
5,699 |
" |
Orcharding .............................. |
211 |
" |
5,852 |
" |
Meadow ................................. |
1652 |
" |
1,832 |
tons |
..................................................... |
7,965 |
pounds |
............................................................... |
29,780 |
" |
............................................................. |
107,210 |
" |
Number of school-houses, S;
valuation, $3000; amount paid teachers, $1183,89; number of
scholars, 245.
Vote for President in 1876; Hayes, 154;
Tilden, 38.
Population in 1870, 770.