Ashtabula County is the
northeast corner county of the State of Ohio, and Conneaut is the
northeast corner township of Ashtabula County. It is bounded
on the north by Lake Erie, on the south by the township of Monroe,
on the east by a portion of the State of Pennsylvania, and on the
west by the township of Kingsville and the lake. It is
composed of township No. 13 of the first range (except an area of
two miles in width from the southern portion thereof, which strip
was cut off and annexed to the township of Monroe), and of No. 14 of
the first range, being Conneaut gore. The township contains a
surface of about twenty-five square miles. Its extreme
northernmost point lies about sixty-eight statute miles from the
base line of the Reserve on the south, and about two miles from the
parallel of latitude 42° 2', the Reserve’s northern boundary line,
the width of New Connecticut being sixty-two geographical miles, or
a trifle more than seventy-one statute miles. The face of the
land in this township is somewhat diversified, and the soil is well
adapted to the growing of cereals, although a portion of it produces
excellent grass. Conneaut creek and its tributaries, with
numerous springs, furnish an excellent system of drainage. The
Connecticut land company set aside Conneaut gore, designated by
tracts one, two, and three, in township 14 of range 1, and
containing five thousand seven hundred and ninety-two acres, as one
of the equalizing tracts, and cut up into parcels and attached to
inferior townships of land other gores for the purpose of making
each of these latter equal to an average township. No. 13 of
the first range was itself selected as one of these average
townships, the whole number thus selected being eight. Uriel
Holmes, Jr., Benjamin Talmage, Frederick Walcott, and Roger
Skinner, became the proprietors of 13-1, when the land company
made partition in 1798, and Ezra Wadsworth and
Lemuel Storrs of the greater portion of the gore.
The name Conneaut, it is said, was given to the beautiful stream
that bears its name by a tribe of Seneca Indians, and signifies “river of many fish.” The banks of this river had long been the
favorite resort of not only the red man of the forest but of a
prehistoric people, who, without doubt, dwelt here in the remote
past. The number and character of the mounds and
burying-places, the exhumation of bodies from their ancient
cemeteries, disclosiug the fact that their bones belonged to a race
of larger size than any known Indian tribe, are proofs of the fact
that here in this delightful locality there lived, in the unknown
past, a numerous people, and different from any Indian tribes of
which the white man possesses any knowledge. There is no other
spot in the county, and probably but few others anywhere, that
abounds in such striking proofs of the existence of a powerful and
populous people. Its inviting character, the advantages which
it possesses in many ways, were known to those rude children of the
forest; and here along the banks of the “river of many fish” did
they delight to live, and who can tell what happiness was theirs?
In the woodlands was plenty of game; in the stream an abundance of
fish; the rich alluvium of the lands in the valley yielded
generously to their efforts of cultivation; the birds in the forests
sang for them as sweetly as birds can sing to-day; the sun shone
down upon them as warmly then as now; the clouds opened with as
delightful showers; and the bosom of the peaceful lake was as gentle
in the summer of those remote years as it is in these warm, quiet
summer days of 1878. The ancient people disappeared, leaving
no written record which might serve to enlighten us as to who they
were, whence they came, and whither they have gone.
Nevertheless they have left abundant proof in their burial-place,
situated a little west of the site of the old brick church, and in
the character of “Fort Hill” as it is called, located on the
southeastern bank of the creek and opposite to the present village
cemetery, that they did once exist, and that they were a numerous
and powerful people. The ancient burying-grounds occupy an
area of about four acres, and appeared to have been accurately
surveyed into lots running from north to south, and when first seen
presented the appearance of neat and orderly arrangement. When
first discovered the spot “was covered with trees not
distinguishable from the surrounding forest, except an opening near
the centre, containing a single butternut. The graves were
distinguished by slight depressions in the surface of the earth,
disposed in straight rows, which, with intervening spaces or
valleys, covered the entire area. The number of these graves
has been estimated to be between two and three thousand. Aaron
Wright, Esq., in 1800, made a careful examination of these
depressions, and found them invariably to contain human bones
blackened with time, which upon exposure to the air soon crumbled to
dust. Some of these bones were of unusual

TOWN HALL, Conneaut, Ashtabula Co., Ohio
[Pg. 155]
size, and evidently belonged to a race allied to giants.
Skulls were taken from these mounds, the cavities of which were of
sufficient capacity to admit the head of an ordinary man, and
jaw-bones that might, be fitted over the face with equal facility.
The bones of the upper and lower extremities were of corresponding
The imagination is pained in endeavoring to penetrate
the mystery in which the history of this people is shrouded.
That the multitude whose mortal remains people these receptacles of
the dead once existed, that they were members of the human family,
that they died and were buried, is incontrovertible; but what was
their origin, what their language, what their habits, their
religion, and their moral, political, and social condition,—all this
remains an insoluble mystery.
These ancient people were
succeeded by various tribes of Indians. The first of these
known to the white settlers were those inhabiting this region at the
time of the arrival of white immigration in 1796-97, said to be a
remnant of the Massasauga tribe, dwelling on the present town
site of the village of Conneaut, under a chief by the name of
Macqua Medah, or “Bear’s Oil.” This warrior’s village
consisted, at that time, of some thirty or forty cabins, inhabited
by as many separate families. They were a feeble people,
unable to offer successful resistance to the encroachments of the
whites, and very soon retired from their pleasant hunting-grounds on
the banks of the Conneaut. Their cabins were rude structures,
about twelve or fifteen feet in height, formed of logs, with bark
for roofs, but presented an appearance of neatness and comfort
seldom observed among the Indians. Here was their
council-house, and here their king’s palace, which the settlers,
with little respect for the dignity and sanctity with which they
were undoubtedly associated in the minds of these red children of
the woods, converted the one into a barn and the other into a
poultry-house. When the Indians were about to abandon the
country, their chieftain, in a very threatening manner, warned the
whites against ever trespassing upon a certain spot of ground,
declaring that if they did not respect his wishes he would return
and scalp the inhabitants “as far as he could pole a canoe up the
creek.” This spot, so sacred to the Indian king and his
people, contained the grave of his mother, and was designated by a
square post some eight or ten feet high, painted red, and sunk into
the ground, and stood on the margin of the creek, near where the
present iron bridge now crosses the stream, east of the village.
The lands between the post and the mouth of the creek were the
“consecrated spot.” The settlers paid little or no attention
to this demand.
The immediate cause of the expulsion of “Bear’s
Oil” and his tribe from Conneaut was a murder committed by
one of his party of a white man whose name was Williams.
This individual, about the year 1797-98, in traveling from Detroit
to Presque Isle, or Erie, had sold an Indian a rifle, for which he
agreed to trust him for a specified time, and receive his pay in
peltries. After the delivery of the rifle, Bear’s
Oil, either from motives of friendship or from a desire to
involve Williams in difficulty, told him that the Indian was
bad, and that he would not get his pay. Thereupon Williams
went to the Indian, demanded the return of his rifle, and compelled
him to give it up. Incensed at this procedure, on Williams
leaving the village, the Indian waylaid his path as he was passing
down the beach and shot him, a few miles below the mouth of the
Conneaut, and again possessed himself of the rifle. As soon as
the circumstance was known to the commanding officer of the military
post at Presque Isle, he sent to Bear’s Oil, demanding
the murderer. Bear’s Oil, after some hesitation,
agreed that if an officer and a suitable number as guard were sent
forward to take charge of the prisoner, he would give him up.
On the arrival of the guard, they were invited by Bear’s
Oil to remain until morning. The invitation was accepted,
and when morning came they were gravely informed by the chief that
they had deliberated upon the matter, and had decided not to yield
up the murderer; at the same time making a show of his force, which
consisted of thirty or forty braves, armed and painted in a warlike
manner. The guard, unable to contend with so large a force,
retired to their bateau, which had been left at the head of the dead
water, and descended the creek, not, however, without apprehension
of a salute from the Indians’ rifles as they passed some of the
close thickets which covered the shore. No interruption of the
kind, however, occurred, and they returned with all possible
expedition to Presque Isle.
Upon the receipt of the intelligence the troops at the
garrison, with as many volunteers as could be suddenly collected,
were embarked in boats, with orders to proceed to Conneaut, secure
the murderer, and to inflict such chastisement upon the whole party
as the nature of the case demanded. But arrived at the
anticipated scene of action they found the village deserted.
The enemy had fled and left them nothing upon which to expend their
valor. No war-cry greeted their ears. Old Macqua
Medah understood the nature of the call that was likely to be
made upon him, and had launched his canoes and paddled them up the
lake as far as Sandusky.
Thus disappeared, never again to return, Bear’s
Oil and his people. It is said that he located on the
The ruins of a more ancient village, said to have
belonged to a remnant of a tribe of Seneca Indians, were yet
remaining at the time the first settlers arrived. This village
was located on the east bank of the creek, near the Harmon
farm. There were evidences of the ground having been
cultivated, and an apple-tree was found here in a thrifty condition.
They probably lived here as late as the time of the treaty of
Greenville, in 1794. They had been engaged in the Indian war,
so disastrous to the white settlers, when General Harmon, in 1790,
and Governor St. Clair, in 1791, led the armies of the Ohio settlers
against the red men and were sorely defeated. At St.
Clair’s defeat on the Miami, November 4, 1791, two young men
were taken prisoners by this band of Indians and were brought to
this locality. They were without doubt the first white men
that looked upon this region, and were captives for a number of
years. The name of one of these individuals was Edmund
Fitz Jeralds, but that of the other cannot be
ascertained. They were among the number that survived the
slaughter on the Miami, when the Americans were defeated by the
savages with the loss of more than six hundred of the militia.
They were at first a part of a large company of prisoners, but as
the different tribes marched homeward and began to separate, each
clan, as its share of booty, took a number of the prisoners, and
Fitz Jeralds and his companion became the spoil of this
Seneca tribe, and thus were brought to the banks of the Conneaut.
Their arrival was celebrated by the customary practices adopted by
the Indians upon like occasions. The prisoners were made to
run the gauntlet, to receive the requisite number of kicks and
blows, and to listen to the taunts and jeers of their captors . The
moment of supreme solicitude, however, arrived when the braves
assembled in solemn council to decide what should be done with the
prisoners. Would the sentence be death ? and if so, would it
be death from the tomahawk, or death from the rifle, or death at the
stake? It was a moment of fearful suspense. Soon the
decision was announced. One was to die, the other to be
spared. Fitz Jeralds was the fortunate one. His
companion was doomed to die. The youthful Indian warriors must
needs be taught the art of torturing an enemy. They must be
instructed in the character of that fierce cruelty necessary to be
employed in dealing with a foe whom they hated. Fitz
Jerald’s companion was sentenced to be burned. A red-oak
tree was selected, and certain significant signs rudely carved upon
it, so that ever afterwards it should be a living witness to the
young warriors of the scene of cruelty about to be enacted.
There appeared upon the bark of the tree the figure of a tomahawk,
and that of a scalp. To this tree the young man was firmly
bound. A large quantity of hickory bark was collected, tied up
in fagots, and placed around him. The young man’s distress was
beyond all expression; that of Fitz Jeralds was from
sympathy nearly as great, and yet he dared not speak or he too might
become a victim to their cruelty. Would nothing happen to
release the young man from the fate awaiting him? Would no one
plead for him, or even beseech them to shoot him instead of burning
him to death? Yes. There appears upon the scene a young
maiden squaw whose heart was stricken with sympathy and grief, and,
like Pocahontas, she earnestly plead for the life of the
young victim. Her entreaties were heeded, and Fitz
Jeralds’ companion was rescued from a frightful death.
The young man became a favorite with the Indians, and
soon was intrusted with important matters of business, and was
employed as their agent in trafficking with the whites. In the
course of a few years he was sent to Detroit with a quantity of furs
to be exchanged for needed supplies, and improved the opportunity to
make good his escape. He returned to Conneaut in the year
1800, and himself related the circumstances herein given, and
pointed out the very tree to which he had been bound, whereon were
plainly to be seen the significant signs the Indians had cut upon
Fitz Jeralds remained in captivity.
He assisted in cultivating the soil with a wooden hoe, and in
guarding the fields of maize from destruction by animals. How
long he remained with the Indians is not known; but after the whites
arrived he became a citizen of this county and resided here many
An individual by the name
of Halsted was found residing here at the time the surveyors
arrived in 1796, and from his own statement had then lived here
upwards of three or four years. He therefore came here shortly
after the arrival of the two Indian captives, Fitz Jeralds
and his companion. He was discovered by the surveying party
who, in running the meridian lines from the base of the Western
Reserve to the lake-shore, were guided to his retreat by the sound
of his axe. His cabin was situated in East Conneaut, on the
farm known as the Baldwin farm, about one-fourth mile
from the State line, and one mile to the south of the Ridge road.
A strange life did this man lead, and some strange influence had
brought him hither. He showed little inclination to be
[Pg. 156]
and but little information could be obtained from him.
He stated that he was a native of the Old Bay State, and had lived
here a number of years, subsisting by hunting and fishing, and by
cultivating a few vegetables on a patch he had cleared around his
hut. But of the particulars of his own history, and of the
motives that had induced him to undergo this voluntary banishment
from home, kindred, and friends, and to make the deep forest,
infested with wild animals and wandering bands of Indians, his
chosen abode, he refused to furnish any account. Perhaps he
had become disgusted with the inconstancy of human friendship;
perhaps he was a criminal who had escaped from the legal
consequences of his guilt; perhaps it was “unrequited love such were
the explanations which conjecture could furnish, hut the lips of the
man himself refused to open. He manifested evident displeasure
at the presence of the surveyors, whom he recognized as the
advance-guard of a multitude of followers who were destined to
people the land. He had supposed he had found a retreat secure
from the approach of the white man, and fully intended, without
doubt, to spend here the remainder of his days solitary and alone.
He had girdled or deadened the timber on a few acres adjoining his
cabin with the evident design of making a permanent improvement; but
now he abandoned the undertaking, and quitting his cabin he
disappeared from the country to seek for some more congenial
The next event of
importance in the history of the township is the arrival of the
party of surveyors on the banks of the Conneaut, July 4, 1796.
An account of this occurrence will be found in another department of
this work, and hence we make but a casual allusion to it here.
At Buffalo the party halted for the purpose of holding
a conference with the Indians, remnants of tribes belonging to the
once great and powerful Iroquois nation, who, notwithstanding the
treaty of Greenville, by which the western bands had surrendered all
claim to the territory, still maintained that this tract of right
belonged to them. An interview for the purpose, if possible,
of conciliating them was therefore held, the leader of the
expedition, who acted as agent for the party, being dressed in
scarlet broadcloth, for the purpose of enhancing his consequence and
producing on the minds of the Indians an imposing effect. Brant, an
Indian warrior and chief of one of the tribes, insisted that he and
his people had claims upon the land in question, and that it would
be unsafe to enter upon them until those claims had been satisfied,
insisting that the western tribes had no right to sign away the
inheritance of his people. Fearing to dispute the point, the
agent assured him that his claims should have the recognition they
deserved, and thus, with the distribution of a few presents, were
the Indians conciliated.
When the party arrived at Conneaut they pitched their
tents on the east side of the creek in a beautiful grove of young
maples and other forest-trees which occupied the space between the
high bank and the water’s edge, a spot well remembered by the early
settlers, hut which has long since disappeared by reason of the
encroachments of the lake. Upon this same spot, and on ground
since covered by the waters of Lake Erie, they afterwards erected a
substantial log building, about thirty-five feet in length by twenty
in width, designed as a residence, and as a depository for their
stores. It is said to have been fitted up with a reasonable
attention to convenience, having a well-shingled roof, and the
floors, partitions, doors, etc., made from boards sawed out by a
whip-saw. This was the first building, with the exception of
the hermit’s little cabin, a rude structure, erected by the white
man upon the soil of the Western Reserve. The surveyors, after
thus arranging for their comfort during their stay in this locality,
proceeded to the southern boundary of the Reserve and began their
James Kingsbury,
afterwards known as Judge Kingsbury, arrived at the mouth of
Conneaut creek shortly after the surveyors had come; and as the
surveyors, in the prosecution of their work, receded farther and
farther to the westward, they soon abandoned the building they had
erected on Conneaut creek as a place of rendezvous, and removed
their stores to the mouth of Cuyahoga river, where they
thenceforward made their headquarters. The commodious building
thus abandoned became the dwelling-place of Mr. Kingsbury
and his family, who continued to occupy it through the severe winter
months that followed. As this was in the year 1796-97, it is
thought that Mr. Kingsbury’s family was the
first that passed this winter on the soil of New Connecticut.
In relation to the sufferings of this family, we make the following
quotation from the well-written narrative of Harvey
Nettleton, Esq., to whom we are indebted for many of the
facts given in this history:
“The story of the sufferings of this family during that
severe winter has often been told; but by those who are in the midst
of plenty, and to whom want has never been known, it is with
difficulty appreciated.
“Circumstances rendering it necessary during the fall
for Mr. Kingsbury to make a journey to the State of
New York, he left his family in expectation of a speedy return, but
in his absence was prostrated with a severe attack of sickness that
confined him to his bed until the setting in of winter. As
soon as he was able he began to return, and proceeded as far as to
Buffalo, where be obtained an Indian guide to conduct him through
the wilderness. At Presque Isle, anticipating the wants of his
family, he purchased twenty pounds of flour, and continued his
journey. In crossing Elk creek on the ice he disabled his
horse, left him in the snow, and placing the flour upon his own
back, pursued his way, filled with gloomy forebodings as to the
condition of his little family. On his arrival, late in the
evening, his worst apprehensions were more than realized in the
agonizing scene that met his eyes. Stretched upon the cot lay
the partner of his cares, who bad followed him through all the
dangers and hardships of the wilderness without repining, pale and
emaciated, reduced by fierce famine to the last stages in which life
can be sustained, and near the mother, on a little pallet, were the
remains of his youngest child, born in his absence, and who had just
expired from the want of that nourishment which the mother, herself
deprived of sustenance, could not supply. Shut up by a gloomy
wilderness, far distant from the aid and sympathy of friends, filled
with anxiety for an absent husband, suffering with want, destitute
of necessary assistance, she was compelled to behold two children
expire around her, powerless to help them. Such is the picture
presented, truthful in every respect, for the contemplation of the
wives and daughters of to-day, who have no adequate conception of
the hardships endured by the pioneers of this beautiful country of
“It appears that Judge Kingsbury, in
order to supply the wants of his family, was under the necessity of
transporting his provisions from the mouth of the Cuyahoga on a
hand-sled, and that he and his hired man drew a barrel of beef the
whole distance at a single load.”
Mr. Kingsbury became prominently
connected with the history of the Reserve, and was honored with
several important judicial and legislative trusts. He soon
removed from Conneaut, and finally settled in Newburg.
The year 1798 marks the
date of the first permanent settlement in the township. The
names of these pioneers were Thomas Montgomery, with
his family, and Aaron Wright. They removed in
this year from Harpersfield, in the State of New York, intending to
settle in Harpersfield township, where some of their friends had
taken up their abode the previous year; but arriving at Conneaut,
they were so delighted with the country, and the facilities it
afforded for getting in crops, that they decided to make this
township their home. They found the house in which the
surveying party and Judge Kingsbury bad lived, and
another which the latter erected before be left this locality,
unoccupied, and immediately took up their residence in them.
These buildings were a blessing to hem, saving them the necessity
and expense of erecting new ones. But these were not the only
source of joy to the newcomers. The Indians had cultivated
fields of corn, and these were easily put into condition to yield
them a plentiful supply for their wants the following winter.
Thus they fared much better than if they had gone to
Harpersfield, where they would have been obliged to clear the
forests before any planting could be done, and besides would have
had to build for themselves cabins in which to dwell. The only
other settlement within the limits of what is now Ashtabula County
was at Harpersfield, where the Harpers had settled the
previous year. The distance from one settlement to the other
was about twenty-five miles, and consequently these pioneer fathers
could not be very neighborly with each other. The hardships
which they were compelled to undergo were, indeed, many; while the
advantages, if so they can be considered, were those which arise
from the absence of all social and legal restraint, they being a law
unto themselves. The next year (1799) Robert, Levi,
and John Montgomery, Samuel Bemus, and
Nathan and John King arrived from the
State of New York, and began settlements along the creek. The
first house built by these first settlers was the one erected by
Nathan King, on the north bank of Conneaut creek, a short
distance south of John Brown’s residence, in 1799.
The next was built by Aaron Wright, on the then Ridge
road, what is now Liberty street, in the village, on the present
site of Geo. W. Cummings’ residence. Mr.
Wright says, “I once lived sixteen days without seeing a human
face, except my own in a pail of water, which I used for a
looking-glass when compelled to shave, and this was the only
facility I had for making my toilet for a long time. After my
sixteen days’ seclusion, a friend called upon me, and of course I
was anxious to receive him hospitably and entertain him in good
style. My larder was wanting in one very important article,
viz., meat, the bones of my last porcupine having already been
picked. While in this dilemma two other friends called, one of
them fortunately having killed a fine turkey. I set him to
stripping the feathers, while I prepared my kettle and some dough
wherewith to make a pot-pie, by simply putting flour and water

Residence of S. J. SMITH, Conneaut, Ashtabula Co., O.

BLOCK STORE of S. J. SMITH, Conneaut, Ohio.
[Pg. 157]
I soon had supper in readiness; and my friend has often informed me
that it was the best meal of victuals to which he ever sat down,
made up of my pot-pie, bread, pepper, and salt. When it was
time to retire I spread my straw bed upon the floor as usual, and by
lying crosswise four of us enjoyed a comfortable night’s rest.”
The year 1800 notes the arrival of Seth
Harrington, Jas. Harper, and Jas.
Montgomery, with their families, and Daniel Baldwin
and James and Nathaniel Laughlin. The Montgomery
families and Mr. Harper settled at first on the
east side of the creek, near the lake. Mr. Baldwin
and the Laughlins first settled on the west side of the
creek, near the Harbor, but soon removed to the east part of the
township, on lands now owned and occupied by Hugh and
Wm. Laughlin. It has been impossible to obtain
the exact dates of the arrival of some of the early settlers of this
township. Dr. Nehemiah King, the first
physician who settled in Conneaut, is among this class; also,
Peter King, Jr., Elisha and Amos King, Peter King, Sr.,
Hananiah Brooks, Caleb Thompson,
William Perrin, David Gould, Zebadiah
Thompson, Seth Thompson, Jr., Joseph Tubbs, ____ Pitney, ____Harvey,
Daniel Sawtelle, ____ Robinson, and James Dunn. The
Kings were quite a numerous family among the early settlers.
They were from New Hampshire. Peter King, Jr., settled
on the present William Storey farm, at the
junction of the Gore and Ridge roads. Elisha King
settled on the south side of Conneaut creek, near the centre of the
township, on the farm now owned and occupied by O. L. Houston,
and Peter King, Sr., settled on the north side of the
creek, near the present residence of C. R. Goddard, Esq. Hananiah
Brooks first settled on the present Gilbert farm,
on the east side of the creek, opposite the Harbor. Caleb
Thompson’s residence was on the site of the old fair grounds
at Conneaut Centre, and that of Seth and Zebadiah
Thompson was in the south portion of the township, on the
present L. L. Skinner farm. Joseph Tubbs settled on the
present Wilder farm, near Amboy, Daniel
Sawtelle near the present residence of D. Cummings, at
Conneaut Centre, and the Pitney family near the
In 1807, Ezekiel and Thomas Olds
settled in the township. Ezekiel Olds settled on
what is known as the Ralph Wright farm, on
south ridge, but afterwards, in 1814, removed to the eastern portion
of the township, settling on the farm now owned by John
Dean. Josiah Brown, Sr., from Stanstead,
Lower Canada, settled in the township near the present site of the
residences of Joseph and Josiah Brown,
in the year 1807.
In 1809, David, Joseph, James, and Stephen
Hicks, brothers, arrived in Conneaut, and settled in the western
portion of the township, near the present site of the Amboy
cheese-factory. They also came from Canada, though natives of
Vermont. In 1810, Henry Lake and Dr.
Nahum Howard and family settled in Conneaut. Dr.
Howard was from Kennebec county, Maine. He settled near
the site of the present residence of P. M. Darling, on Harbor
street. Mr. Lake was a native of Vermont. He started
the first furnace in Conneaut, on the flats of the creek, a short
distance above the paper-mills. He was afterwards landlord of
the old Mansion House. Charles De Marranville and sons
Lewis and Jabe settled in the south part of the
township, on the south ridge, in 1811, on the farm now occupied by
descendants of the family. This same year, Earl
Pierce, from New Hampshire, settled on the lake-shore, near the
present Kelsey farm.
Accessions to the settlement were now becoming quite
frequent, and in various parts of the township began to appear the
pioneer’s cabin; the dense forests began to disappear in many
localities, and in their stead could be seen fields of wheat, corn,
and other grain.
Aaron Wright
erected the first grist-mill in the township in 1806-8, on the
present site of Mr. Rathbone's mill. Prior to
this time the settlers were compelled to carry their grain sixteen
miles in order to get it ground, the nearest mill being this
distance from Conneaut, at Elk Creek, Pennsylvania. Mr.
Wright says, “I have often carried a bushel and a half of wheat
on my back to this mill, and if on my return my provisions failed, I
struck a fire, dropped some water in the mouth of my bag with my
hands, and mixed my bread, and then spread it on a basswood bark,
brought for the purpose, and baked it before the fire.” The
first roads were Indian trails. The main line of travel was at
first along the beach, the fording of the streams being accomplished
with difficulty. In 1800 the first road was marked out by
Seth Harrington, Aaron Wright, and
Nathan King, being the present Ridge road, leading to
Ashtabula. Nathan King was the first supervisor,
and his district extended from the State line to the ten-mile stone
in Kingsville.
The first school was taught in 1802-3 by a Mr.
Loomis in one of the buildings then standing at the mouth of the
The first religious meetings were held at the cabin of
Aaron Wright about the same time, Rev. Joseph
Badger being the first minister.
The first marriage among the settlers occurred in 1800,
Aaron Wright and Anna Montgomery being the
contracting parties. They were married in Harpersfield,
Justice Wheeler performing the ceremony. The first
death, with the exception of the little child of Mr.
Kingsbury, was the daughter of Samuel Bemus, in
1799. The coffin was made by Aaron Wright, who
says he made it from a white-oak tree, from which he cut and split
the boards, obtaining the nails in making the coffin from a boat
that had been wrecked and drifted near the mouth of the creek, and
was painted by using the ashes from burnt straw. The first
birth was a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bemus,
born in 1801, and named Amelia. She became the wife of
Daniel Hewett.
The Indians, for a number
of years following the first settlement in the county, frequented
this locality during the hunting season for the purpose of killing
game, and seemed to take great pleasure in revisiting their old
hunting-grounds, where lay buried the dust of their ancestors, and
where from time immemorial roamed their fathers in chase of the bear
and elk.
They realized a considerable profit from the sale of
the furs of wild animals, and their canoes annually descended the
Conneaut richly laden with the product of the winter’s hunt.
Oftentimes traders would visit them on their grounds, and give them,
in exchange for their furs, goods and money.
Rufus S. Reed, merchant, at Presque Isle, or
Erie, was accustomed to traffic with the Indians, and for a number
of years in the early settlement of this township visited frequently
this locality for the purpose of trading with those red hunters.
He was in the habit of traversing the woods through snows with a
pack of goods on his back, or on the back of a French pony that
sometimes accompanied him. Engaged in one of these
expeditions, he left Conneaut on a severe wintry day with his pony,
intending to reach the station of old Philip, a Seneca Indian, well
known to the early settlers, encamped at the time referred to
somewhere within the limits of the present township of Denmark.
As the pony on this occasion had no other incumbrance
than a sack of dollars, which was firmly attached to his saddle, it
was supposed that he could occasionally well afford to endure the
weight of his master. Mr. Reed accordingly
mounted on his back, and pursued his way very industriously,
following a trail which the Indians had made through the snow,
until, becoming chilled, he alighted and continued on foot his
journey, driving his pony before him. Whether or not there was
in the mind of the intelligent animal some consciousness as to the
value of the sack of money fastened to the saddle we cannot tell,
but it is certain that when Mr. Reed desired to
remount, the pony peremptorily refused to let him approach near
enough to consummate this purpose. The hitherto docile animal
rejected all terms of conciliation, and with provoking cunning
perseveringly eluded every attempt to entrap him into submission.
In the pursuit the trail was soon lost, and Mr. Reed.
after wandering many hours, found his strength nearly exhausted.
At this juncture he was so fortunate as to fall in with Seth
Harrington, Esq., a resident of Conneaut, and a hunter rarely
excelled, who was just returning from a hunting expedition, having
just been at Philip’s camp. He besought Harrington
to catch his pony for him, and if he could not secure him in any
other way to shoot him and obtain the money, as he cared more for
this than for the pony. Himself tired and cold, took
Harrington’s track and followed it to the encampment.
Harrington soon overtook the pony, and by driving him into a
narrow point of land in a bend of Ashtabula creek, succeeded in
capturing the animal, and brought him and the money in triumph to
the owner.
General Hull's
surrender in 1812 at Detroit, whereby the British obtained
possession of that commander’s army and of the Territory of
Michigan, left the whole northern frontier exposed to the incursions
of the English, who also had undisputed control of Lake Erie.
The settlements along its shore were, therefore, kept in a continued
state of agitation and alarm.
The country had been actually devastated as far east as
the Huron river, and the inhabitants either murdered or driven from
their homes before a sufficient force could be collected to arrest
their progress. To repel this invasion the whole effective
force of the country had been called into the field, leaving the new
settlements in an exposed and defenseless condition. Knowing
the wide-spread consternation among the settlers, the British
vessels took delight in sailing along the coast, firing cannon, and
making other sundry demonstrations of hostility in order to increase
the alarm of the inhabitants.
They had in two or three instances effected a landing
from their vessels in small parties, killed some cattle, and
possessed themselves of some other articles of plunder of more or
less value.
Tidings were frequently arriving from the seat of war,
and it was not uncommon for the people to be called out of their
beds at the dead of night to hear exagger-
[Pg. 158]
ated accounts of the murders and cruelties of the Indians engaged in
assisting the enemy.
It was during this period of feverish excitement that
the following occurrence took place, the particular time being the
night of August 11, 1812:
Two British vessels of rather suspicious appearance had
been observed off shore during the previous day. A guard had
been stationed at the mouth of the creek who watched the movements
of the vessels with close attention. A larger number of
persons was descried upon board, it was thought, than was consistent
with peaceable intentions, and grave suspicions as to the hostile
purposes of the vessels were entertained, and it was believed that
they were only awaiting the approach of night, when they would land
and execute their warlike designs. About dusk some boats were
discovered by the sentinels at a short distance from the shore,
steering directly towards the mouth of the creek. One of the
guard hailed lustily, fired his musket, threw it upon the beach,
mounted his horse, and fled precipitately. As he dashed
through the settlements, he cried, in stentorian tones, “Turn out !
Save your lives! The British and Indians are landing, and will
be upon you in fifteen minutes!”
The wildest consternation and direst confusion ensued.
Before the fifteen minutes had expired, almost every home in the
settlement was deserted, and a large portion of the population had
taken refuge in the woods. Such was their haste that in many
instances the doors were left standing open, and their lights
unextinguished. In one instance a family commenced their
flight in so much trepidation that they left one of their children,
a little girl of two or three years of age, asleep in the house, and
the mistake was not noticed until they had gone some rods from the
The inhabitants of the upper settlement fled across the
creek, and sought refuge on Fort Hill, where amidst its ancient
ruins, then covered with a dense forest, they hoped to find a place
of temporary security. Before reaching the spot,
however, a variety of disasters, more or less serious, had occurred,
principally occasioned by the necessity of fording the Conneaut.
The younger children, and some of the women, were
carried over on the shoulders of men. One rather portly lady
was being thus transported on the back of her husband, who was a
small man, and lost his footing on a slippery rock in the centre of
the stream, and he and his precious cargo were submerged in the
current; and as the little man occupied the nether position he was
nearly drowned before he could shift his ballast, and get his head
above it and the water.
The people of East Conneaut had found shelter from
danger of discovery, as they hoped, in a thick hemlock grove on the
banks of Smoke Run, a small tributary of the Conneaut, about
one-fourth of a mile south from the Ridge road. In the
recesses of this grove were collected quite a numerous company,
consisting principally of women and children. The locality
seemed to promise security, except that its proximity to the main
road made it necessary to maintain perfect silence. By the
soothing attention which the mother knows so well how to bestow the
children were kept reasonably quiet, but the noisy and pugnacious
qualities of the canine species caused infinite annoyance and
vexation. One little dog, in particular, would not keep quiet.
In spite of all they could do to keep him silent, he would yelp,
yelp, yelp, “without any mitigation or remorse of voice.”
Finding that they could not quiet him, they unanimously passed upon
him the sentence of death, and resolved to hang him without benefit
of clergy. The elastics of the ladies served as a cord, and soon the
little culprit was dangling in the air, suspended from a sapling
that was bent down for that purpose.
Thus did the villagers pass the never-to-be-forgotten
night. Soon the cheerful morning light began to appear, and
scouts were sent out to reconnoitre. There stood their
cottages; no hand had touched them. No enemy could be found.
The alarm was a false one, and all eagerly and joyfully returned to
their dwellings.
The boats which the heated imagination of the sentry
had filled with British and Indians, belonged to a Captain
Dobbins, of Erie, who was on his way down the lake, having on
board some families bound for Conneaut, whom he was endeavoring to
land; but upon discovering that his vessel was creating alarm, he
turned from the shore and continued his voyage.
The incident that follows
took place in the month of September, 1817, and created no little
sensation at the time. As it is prominently connected with the
early history of this township, we give a full account of it,
substantially as given by Mr. Nettleton:
Sweatland was an active young man, residing with
his family on the lakeshore, a short distance below the mouth of
Conneaut creek. He was fondly attached to the sports of the
woods, and made the chase a source both of profit and amusement.
A favorite method of capturing deer at this time was to
chase up a herd of them with hounds, and drive them into the lake,
as these animals readily take to the water when hotly pursued.
Sweatland kept a canoe for the purpose of going upon the lake
in pursuit of the deer, and one of his neighbors, who acted in
concert with him, kept a number of hounds. The arrangement
between the two men was that while Mr. Cozens, the
neighbor, should go into the woods, and with the dogs start the deer
towards the lake, Sweatland should be prepared to take his
canoe, and pursue and capture the deer as soon as it should take to
the water.
His canoe was nothing more than a large wliitewood log
hollowed out, and formed into the shape of a canoe, about fourteen
feet in length, and rather wide for its length.
It was a lovely morning in
early autumn. Sweatland had risen early, in anticipation of enjoying
a chase upon the blue waters of the lake, and without putting on his
coat or waistcoat, listening, as he went toward his canoe, for the
approach of the hounds. He soon heard their deep baying, and by the
time he reached the boat he found that a large deer had already
taken to the water, and was rapidly moving away from the shore.
Throwing his hat upon the beach and boarding bis canoe, he was soon
engaged in an animated chase. The wind, which had been fresh from
the south during the night, began now to gradually increase until it
became nearly a gale; but Sweatland, intent upon capturing his
prize, paid little or no heed to this. The deer was a vigorous
animal, and stoutly breasting the waves, gave proof that in a race
with a log canoe, managed with a single paddle, he was not to be
easily vanquished. Our hero had attained a considerable distance
from the shore before overtaking the animal. The latter, turning and
shooting past the canoe, struck out towards the shore. Sweatland,
with alarm, now discovered his danger. Heading his frail bark toward
the land, he discovered that with the utmost exertion he could make
no headway whatever against the terrible gale that was now blowing
against him, but, in fact, was every moment being carried farther
and farther from the shore.
His outward progress had been observed by Mr. Cozens
and others on shore, who now became alarmed for his safety. They saw
at once the impossibility of his returning in the face of such a
gale, and unless help could be got to him he was doomed to perish at
sea. Soon a boat containing Messrs. Gilbert, Cozens, and Belden was
launched, with the full determination of making every possible
effort for his relief. They soon met the deer returning toward the
shore nearly exhausted, but the man himself was nowhere to be seen.
They continued their search until they had gone many miles from the
shore, when, meeting with a sea iu which they judged it impossible
for a canoe to live, they returued, giving Sweatland up for lost.
Our hero meanwhile was manfully battling with the waves
of an angry sea. He possessed a cool head and stout heart, which,
with a tolerable degree of physical strength and remarkable powers
of endurance, were of immense advantage to him in his emergency. He
kept heading towards the shore, faintly hoping that by and by the
wind would abate; but it did not. As the day wore away he re- ceded
farther and farther from the shore. As he followed with his eye the
outline of the distant shore, he could distinguish the spot where
his own dear little cabin stood, filled with hearts burning with
anxiety and distress upon his behalf. During the day one or two
schooners were seen, which he vainly tried to signal.
Seeing the utter hopelessness of getting back to the
American shore, he made up his mind to sail with the wind and strike
out for the Canada side. The gale had now arisen until it was indeed
furious. He was borne on over the angry waters, utterly powerless to
guide his bark. He was obliged to stand erect, moving cautiously
from one extremity of his vessel to the other, so as to trim it to
the waves, fearing that each succeeding plunge would be the last
one. He was obliged, too, to bail his boat of water, using his shoes
for this purpose.
Hitherto our hero had been blest with the cheerful
light of day. Now darkness was rapidly approaching. The billows of
the sea looked dark and frowning. Thinly clad and destitute of food,
our hero passed a terrible night. "When morning came he found he was
in sight of land, and that he was nearing Long Point, on the Canada
shore. After being buffeted by the winds and waves for nearly thirty
hours he reached the land in safety, and no mortal was ever more
thankful. Still, exhausted with fatigue and faint from hunger, he
found himself forty miles from any settlement, while the country
that intervened was a desert filled with marshes and tangled
We will not undertake to describe his toilsome journey
towards the Canadian settlements. Suffice it to say, he arrived in
the course of twenty or more hours, and was kindly received by the
people, who showed him every hospitality. On his way to the
settlement he had the good fortune to find a quantity of goods,
supposed to have been driven on shore from the wreck of some vessel.
Accompanied by some of the inhabitants, he returned and took
possession of the goods,

Residence of CALVIN POOLE, (and wife), Conneaut, Ashtabula Co., Ohio

Residence of Capt. O. SALISBURY (and wife), Conneaut, Ashtabula
County, Ohio
[Pg. 159]
which he carried to Buffalo, and from the avails of which purchased
for himself a new suit of clothes. He then took passage on the
schooner “Fire Fly,” bound for Ashtabula Harbor. Arrived at
his dwelling, guns were fired from the deck of the schooner, and the
crew gave three loud cheers. On landing he found his funeral
sermon had been preached, and that his wife was clad in the
habiliments of mourning.
Solomon Spaulding
came to Conneaut to live in the year 1809, and shortly after began
to write a book, claimed to be identical with the Golden Bible of
the Mormons. We append the following statement of his brother,
John Spaulding, copied from the work entitled “Mormonism Unveiled,” written by E. D. Howe, of Painesville,
“Solomon Spaulding was born in Ashford, Connecticut, in
1761, and in early
life contracted a taste for literary pursuits. After he had left
school, he entered
Plainfield academy, where he made great proficiency in study and
excelled most
of his classmates. He next commenced the study of law in Windham
in which he made little progress, having in the mean time turned his
attention to
religious subjects. He soon after entered Dartmouth college, with
the intention
of qualifying himself for the ministry, where he obtained the degree
of A.M.,
and was regularly ordained. After preaching three or four years he
gave it up,
removed to Cherry Valley, New York, and commenced the mercantile
in company with his brother Jonah. In a few years he failed in
business, and
in 1809 removed to Conneaut, Ohio. In the year following I removed
to Ohio,
and found him engaged in building a forge. I made him a visit about
years after, and found that he had failed, and was considerably in
debt. He then
told me he had been writing a book, which he intended to have
published, the
avails of which, he thought, would enable him to pay his debts.
“The book was entitled ‘ Manuscripts Found,’ of which
he read to me many
passages. It was an historical romance of the first settlers of
America, endeavoring
to show that the American Indians are the descendants of the Jews or
tribes. It gave a detailed account of their journey from Jerusalem
by land and
sea, till they arrived in America under the command of Nephi and
Lehi. They
afterwards had quarrels and contentions, and separated into two
distinct nations,
one of which he denominated Nephites, and the other Lamonites. Cruel
bloody wars ensued, in which great multitudes were slain. They
buried their
dead in large heaps, which caused the mounds so common in this
country. Their
arts, sciences, and civilization were brought into view in order to
account for all
the curious antiquities found in various parts of North America.
“I have recently read the Book of Mormon, and to my
great surprise find
nearly the same historical matter, names, etc., as were in my
brother’s writings.
I well remember that he wrote in the old style, and commenced about
every sentence
with 1 and it came to pass,’ or 1 now it came to pass,’ the same as
the Book
of Mormon;
and, according to the best of my recollection and belief, it is the
same as my brother Solomon wrote, with the exception of the
religious matter.
By what means it fell into the hands of Joseph Smith, Jr., I am
unable to determine.
“John Spaulding.”
Mr. Howe,
the author of the work referred to, obtained and published the
of Aaron Wright, Henry Love and others,—all gentlemen of probity,
confirming the identity of Mr. Spaulding’s production with portions
of the
Mormon Bible. Mr. Howe remarks, “Our inquiries did not terminate
Our next object was to ascertain, if possible, what disposition
Spaulding made
of his manuscripts. For this purpose a messenger was dispatched to
look up the
widow of Spaulding, who was found residing in Massachusetts. From
her we
learned that Spaulding resided in Pittsburgh about two years, when
he removed to
Amity, Washington county, Pennsylvania, where he lived about two
years, and
died in 1816. His wife then removed to Onondaga county, New York,
again, and lived in Otsego county, and subsequently removed to
She states that Spaulding had a great variety of manuscripts, and
recollects that
one was entitled ‘Manuscripts Found,’ but of its contents she has
no distinct
knowledge. While they lived in Pittsburgh she thinks it was once
taken to the
printing office of Patterson & Lambdin, but whether it was ever
brought back
again to the house she is quite uncertain;
if it were, however, it was there with
his other writings, in a trunk which she had left in Otsego county,
New York.
This is all the information that could be obtained from her, except
that Mr. Spaulding while living entertained a strong antipathy to the Masonic
which may account for its being so frequently mentioned in the Book
of Mormon.
The fact also that Spaulding, in the latter part of his life,
inclined to infidelity, is
established by a letter now in our possession in his handwriting.
“The trunk referred to by the widow was subsequently
examined and found
to contain only a single manuscript book in Spaulding’s bandwriting,
about one quire of paper. This is a romance, purporting to have been
from the Latin, found in twenty-four rolls of parchment in a case on
the banks
of Conneaut creek, but written in modern style, and giving a
fabulous account of
a ship being cast on the American coast while proceeding from Rome
to Britain,
a short time previous to the Christian era, this country being
inhabited by the
“The old manuscript has been shown to several witnesses acquainted
with Spaulding’s writing, and they identify it as in his handwriting,
but, as to the matter
it contains, it bears no resemblance to the manuscripts found. Now,
as Spaulding’s
book can nowhere be found, or anything heard of it after being
carried to the
establishment of Patterson & Lambdin, there is the strongest
presumption that it
remained there in seclusion till about the year 1823 or 1824, at
which time Sidney Rigdon located himself in that city. We have been credibly
that he was on terms of intimacy with Lambdin, being seen frequently
at his
“Rigdon resided in Pittsburgh about three years, and during the
whole of that
time, as he has since asserted frequently, abandoned preaching and
all other
employments for the purpose of studying the Bible. He left there
about the
time Lambdin died, and commenced preaching some new points of
doctrine which
were found to be inculcated in the Mormon Bible.
“He resided in this vicinity about four years previous to the
appearance of the
book, during which time he made several long visits to Pittsburgh,
and perhaps
to Susquehanna, where Smith was then digging for money or pretending
to be
translating plates.
“It may be observed, also, that about the time Rigdon left
Pittsburgh, the Smith family began to tell about finding a book that would contain a
history of the
first inhabitants of America, and that two years elapsed before they
finally got
possession of it.”
The evidence here given which seeks to fasten upon Spaulding the
authorship of
the Mormon Bible, or at least a portion of it, although not entirely
conclusive, is
still of a very strong presumptive nature, and we have thought it
best to insert a
full account of Mr. Spaulding’s supposed connection with the Mormon
The Ohio furnace, located about half a mile north of Clark’s
Corners, in the
southeastern portion of the township, was put in operation in the
year 1830 by A. Dart and M. P. Ormsby. A large and extensive business was carried
on for
many years at this place in the manufacture of cast-iron stoves, and
nearly all
kinds of castings. At times as many as from one hundred to one
hundred and
fifty men were employed in connection with this furnace.
In 1841, Mr. G. V. Eastman bought Mr. Ormsby's interest in the
business. Mr. Dart died soon after, and business was suspended about the year
A forge and furnace had been in operation for a number of years, at
an earlier
date, on the flats of Conneaut creek, a short distance above the
present site of the
paper-mills. Wrought-iron was manufactured at this place. Henry
Lake, Solomon Spaulding, and Elias Keyes were at different times either
proprietors or
in some way interested.
In 1840, Mr. J. A. Ellis started a machine-shop at Conneaut Centre,
about two years later added a foundry, where he has continued the
business till
the present time. CHEESE-FACTORIES.
The first cheese-factory built in the township was that at Amboy.
This was
built in 1869-70 by a stock company. The building is in size
thirty-two by
seventy feet, and three stories high, and cost, with the necessary
equipments and
utensils, four thousand dollars.
The first officers were J. D. Ransom, president; P. C. Ryan, secretary; Lyman Luce, S. Hazeltine, and J. D.
Ransom, directors. The factory commenced operations in the
spring of 1870. N. P. Tillotson was operator for three
seasons, T. Buffington two, and L. Luce two. There has
been an average annual manufacture of about one hundred thousand
pounds of cheese until the past three seasons, when both butter and
cheese have been made. Alonzo Green owns
controlling interest at present.
In the spring of 1870, at the same time the Amboy
factory commenced operations, Weldon & Brown started a
factory in the old tavern building at East Conneaut. A
successful business was done at this place until the close of 1874,
since which time there have been changes in proprietors and little
business done. In the spring of 1872, N. B. Payne & Son
built and put into operation a cheese-factory on their dairy farm,
two miles southeast of Conneaut village. In
[Pg. 160]
the spring of 1874 they increased the capacity of the factory by
erecting an additional building and putting in new utensils and
machinery. The milk of from three to four hundred cows is
received at this factory, affording an average annual manufacture of
about one hundred thousand pounds of cheese. A factory was
built at South Ridge, in the spring of 1875, by Hayward &
Sanford, who have since continued the cheese manufacturing
business at that place with fair results.
This society was organized in the
winter of 1853-54. The first officers were elected at a
meeting held at the town-house, Jan. 6, 1854, and were as follows:
President, P. W. Grantb; Secretary, D. C. Allen;
Treasurer, S. R. Bradley; Vice-Presidents (one for each
school district in the township). Benjamin Harper, H.
Kilburn, Isaac Skinner, J. G. Whitney, Henry Grant, Simon Brown,
Benjamin Cushing, Horace Baldwin, Henry Putney, G. V. Eastman.
Thomas Gibson, Lewis Thurbur, Edward Brooks, A. Bagley;
Executive Committee, President, P. W. Grant;
Secretary. D. C. Allen; A. Bagley, Isaac Skinner, and H.
The first annual fair was held Sept. 21, 1854, on
grounds leased of Amos Thompson, at Conneaut Centre.
These grounds were a part of twenty-one acres subsequently purchased
by the society, and improved and used as a fair-ground until the
spring of 1875, when the society sold the same to D. Cummins
for $2600, and disbanded.
Twenty-one annual fairs were held by this society, the
last occurring in the fall of 1874, when the total receipts amounted
to $847.89. Receipts from sale of tickets, $736. The
receipts for 1873 were $756.21, and for 1872, $852.04. The
presidents of the society have been as follows: P. W. Grant,
1854-55; John H. Kilburn, 1856; Isaac Skinner 1858-59;
Stephen Daniels, 1860-63-66; Barzilla Viets, 1864;
Thomas Gibson, 1865; O. L. Huston, 1867-69; Henry
Putney, 1870-72; E. Hewett, 1873074. The officers
in 1874 were E. Hewett, president; J. S. Brown
secretary; A. Scott, vice-president; S. Hayward,
treasurer. Executive officers, J. Hicks, O. L.
Huston, P. C. Ferguson P. M. Darling, S. Hazeltine, B. G.
Viets, D. C. Allen, H. Grant, S. Wilder, A. C. Dibble, E. A. Stone
and S. Green.
The mouth of Conneaut creek, where it discharges
its waters into Lake Erie, forms the best natural harbor on this
shore of the lake between Cleveland and Erie. From the date of
the arrival of the surveying party this harbor has been made use of,
much to the advantage of the settlers of this township, and has
added much importance to its history. The surveyors erected
their store-houses at this point, and the early settlers who arrived
in Conneaut first took up their abode here. No railroads had
been thought of at this time, and lake navigation was of much
importance, to the early settlers especially, in many respects.
Grain grown in this vicinity, and for many miles south into the
country, was shipped from this point, as well as much whisky
distilled from grain at the numerous distilleries then in operation
all over this section of the county. The products of the
forests also added much to the shipping interests, as lumber,
staves, oars, and handles were manufactured and shipped from this
harbor in very large quantities. The first brick residence
erected in the township—the Ford House, for many years used
as a tavern, and still standing—was at this place. For a
number of years previous to the building of the Lake Shore railway,
more shipping business was done at Conneaut Harbor than at any point
between Cleveland and Erie. Six or seven large warehouses were
in use. A large fleet of vessels sailed between this point and
Buffalo. Steamboats made regular stops. Supplies for
points as far south as Youngstown were shipped to this place.
At the time the railroad was built it had the effect of taking much
of the business from the harbor and dividing it up at different
points along the road. An effort was made once or twice by the
citizens of Conneaut to secure a railroad from the harbor, leading
south into the coal, iron, and oil regions of Pennsylvania; but,
from want of sufficient energy and capital, the effort proved
unsuccessful. Ashtabula has since secured what Conneaut failed
to do in this respect, and now has a busy and important port on the
lakes, while Conneaut Harbor, naturally a better point, at present
presents a deserted and almost lifeless appearance.
Quite a large number of vessels have been
built in this township for lake navigation and some for the ocean
trade. The first vessel built in Conneaut was the "Salem
Packet." She was built by Elias Keyes and
Captain Samuel Ward, about the year 1818, on the creek, just
above the present iron bridge, and was floated down the creek in a
time of high water. She carried two spars, and had a capacity
of about 27 tons. Captain Samuel Ward was her first
master. Following this were the "Farmer," built by
Christopher Ford, at Conneaut Harbor, Charley Brown,
captain; wrecked on Long Point, Oct. 20, 1827, afterwards rebuilt in
Cleveland, and sailed on the lakes until forty-three years old.
The “Independence,’’ a schooner of about 30 tons, built by James
Tubbs, on the lake shore, about a mile west of the harbor.
The sloop “Humming-Bird,” built in 1830 by John Brooks,
who was subsequently drowned off Sandusky while sailing her.
The “Conneaut Packet,” built by Gilmon Appleby and
A. B. Tubbs. The sloop “Dart,” built in Kingsville, and
trucked to Conneaut to be launched and fitted out. The
“Oregon.” built at Harmon's Landing by James Brooks
and John V. Singer. The “Commercial,” built at
Harmon’s Landing by Reed & Lyon and others, about
the year 1833-34, O. Salisbury, captain. The
“Reindeer,” built about the same time by John V. Singer and
others. The “North America” was the first steamer built in Conneaut.
She had a capacity of 300 tons, and was built about the year 1834 by
a stock company, the shares being one hundred dollars each.
Her first captain was Gilmon Appleby. The
steamer “Wisconsin," capacity 400 tons, was built about the year
1836 at Harper’s, now Wood’s Landing. She was built by a stock
company, and was towed to Buffalo to be fitted out. The
“Constitution." built by Captain Gilmon Appleby
and others, was a still larger steamer, having a capacity of about
450 tons. Following these again were the schooner “Troy,” 130
tons, built at the harbor by Captain Harrison
Howard about the year 1840. The “J. B. Skinner," 100 tons,
built at the harbor, in 1841-42, by Marshall Capron
and H. C. Walker, and first commanded by Captain
Marshall Caprou. The “Henry M. Kinney,” 110 tons, built
at the same time by Robert Lyon and Henry M.
Kinney, and first commanded by Captain Harrison
Howard. The " J. W. Brown,” 200 tons, built by
Captain Harrison Howard and J. W. Brown, of
Toledo; “The Belle,” 200 tons, built by the same parties; the brig
“Lucy Walbridge,” 300 tons, built at the harbor, about the year
1844, by Charles Hall, George B. Walbridge, and O.
Salisbury, and commanded by Captain O. Salisbury; the
brig “Lucy A. Blossom." 330 tons, built at the harbor, in 1S45 or
1846, by Chas. Hall and Geo. B. Walbridge; the
“Banner,” built at the harbor about the year 1847, by Zaphna
Lake and Benjamin Carpenter, at this time the
largest sail vessel on the lakes, having a capacity of 500 tons,
commanded by Captain Marshall Capron; the
schooner “Dan Marble,” 150 tons, built by John Tyler and
Zaphna Lake; the “Traveler" and the “Telegraph,” 300 tons
each, built at the harbor by Chas. Hall. G. W.
Walbridge, and John H. Kilburn, and commanded by John Martin and
P. Snow; the “Greyhound,” 400 tons, built at the harbor by a
Buffalo company; the “Stambaugh." 250 tons, built and commanded by
Augustus Waird; the scow “Sea-Bird,” 300 tons, built
at Harmon’s Landing by Hiram Judson and P. B. Doty;
the scow “Fairy Queen,” built by Isaac Van Gorder and
Daniel Gilbert; the “Nightingale,” built by Captain
Howard. A vessel of 450 tons capacity, for the ocean
trade, was built at the harbor in 1862 to 1S63 by Wesley Lent
for Tupper & Streiver, of Buffalo. The bark “Ogarita,”
capacity about 800 tons, was built at the harbor by O. Bugby,
of Buffalo, and commanded by Captain Andrew Lent; the
“Indianola,” 400 tons, built and commanded by Captain
George De Wolf for E. A. Keyes; the scows “Thomas
Swain" and “Loren Gould,” built by James A. Childs & Brother;
the “L. May Guthrie,” built by Judd & Childs.
Besides these are a number of vessels built by Captain
Marshall Capron, who has been more prominently connected
with this branch of industry than any other citizen of Conneaut.
His vessels are as follows: the scow “Times,” capacity 60 tons,
built at Harmon’s Landing in 1859 and 1860; the bark
“Monitor,” 500 tons, built at the same place in 1861 to 1862; the
schooner “Ann Maria,” 450 tons, built at Demick's Landing in
1863 to 1864; the bark “Valentine,” 300 tons; the bark “T. B. Rice.”
300 tons, built at Demick’s Landing in 1865; the scow “J. G.
Palmer," 60 tons; the schooner “Conneaut,” 260 tons; and the
schooner “M. Capron," 250 tons.
Amboy is a small
village in the west part of the township, where are located two
stores, a hotel, two churches, school-house, post-office, cheese
factory, flouring-mill, cabinet-shop, blacksmith-shop, shoe-shop,
and numerous cigar-manufactories. There is also a
platform-station on the Lake Shore railroad, where stops are made by
two passenger trains per day each way.
The Methodist Episcopal church at this place was
organized in the year 1823, by Rev. Jesse Viets. The
church building was commenced in the year 1839, but not finished for
a number of years afterwards. The land was donated by
Barnes Hubbard and Silas Wilder. The
first trustees were William Perrin, Jesse
Viets, Bliss Ransom, Samuel Blakeslee,
Charles Brown, R. S. Viets, and Raswell
Viets. The first pastor was Rev. Jesse Viets.
The present pastor is Rev. W. J. Wilson, and the church
membership numbers one hundred.
The school building erected in the summer of 1877 is
probably the best common-school building in the county. It is
thirty-two by fifty feet, one story, and thirteen feet between
joists, and cost twelve hundred dollars.

[Pg. 161]
South Ridge is another small village,
situated in the south part of the township. There is at this
place a store, post-office, hotel, church, school-house,
cheese-factory, flouring-mill, and blacksmith-shop.
The Free-Will Baptist church located here was organized
Dec. 30, 1826, by Rev. Samuel Wise. The
meeting for organization was held at the house of
Appollus Thompson. Their meetings were held in
union with other denominations until the year 1837, when the church
edifice was erected, at a cost of two thousand dollars. The
pastors have been as follows: Revs. Samuel Wire,
Abram Shearer, D. M. L. Rollin, Stephen
Bathrick, F. W. Straight, Rufus Clark,
M. R. Kenney, William M. Yates, T. P. Moulton,
R. E. Anderson, A. F. Bryant, F. B. Herrick, J.
R. Spencer, and L. C. Chase. The longest pastorate
was that of Rev. Rufus Clark, who served
thirteen years. The church is at present without a regular
pastor. At one time the membership reached one hundred and
fifty, but at present it numbers but forty-four.
Conneaut township was organized in the
spring of 1804. It was the first organized township in the
county, and bore the name of Salem until the winter of
1832-33, when it was changed to Conneaut, which name had previously
been given to the creek and to the post office.
The territory originally embraced in addition to the
present limits of the township, a tract two miles wide off of the
south part of the present township of Monroe. This was taken
off of Conneaut and given to Monroe at the time of the organization
of that township in the year 1818.
The first township-meeting was held at the house of
Nathan King, and the following officers elected: James
Montgomery, supervisors of highways; Seth Harrington
and James Fergason, fence-viewers; Levi Montgomery,
constable; James Harper, town treasurer.
Since the first year the following named citizens have
served as officers:
Trustees: |
- 1805, |
James Harper, Elisha King,
Daniel Sawtelle; |
- 1806, |
James Montgomery, William
Ferguson, Gideon Leet; |
- 1807,
James Harper, David Niles,
William Perrin; |
- 1808, |
Josiah Brown, John
Montgomery, David Niles; |
- 1809,
William Ferguson, James
Harper, Nathan King; |
- 1810, |
Nathan King, James Harper,
Daniel Sawtelle; |
- 1811, |
James Harper, David Niles,
Zadoc Thompson; |
- 1812, |
Nehemiah King, Daniel
Sawtelle, Joseph Tubbs; |
- 1813, |
David Niles, Sr., Seth
Thompson, Joseph Tubbs; |
- 1814, |
David Niles, Seth Thompson,
Josiah Brown; |
- 1815,
Dioeletian Wright, Joab
Green, Amos Kellogg; |
- 1816,
Eli Sanford, James Harper,
Josiah Brown, Jr.; |
- 1817, |
Jacob Williams, Henry
Smith, Jonathan Gilbert; |
- 1818,
Lemuel Jones, Horace Dean,
Eli Sanford; |
- 1819,
Elias Clark, Josiah Brown,
Jr., Daniel Sawtelle; |
- 1820, |
Joshua Z. Cozzens, Peck
Clark, Edward Fifield; |
- 1821,
Same |
- 1822, |
Edward Fifield, Joshua Z.
Cozzens, Lemuel Jones; |
- 1823, |
Josiah Brown, Jr., Seth
Thompson, Nathaniel B. Harmon; |
- 1824, |
Aaron Wright, Henry Smith,
David Baldwin; |
- 1825,
James Harper, Henry Smith,
Israel A. Robinson; |
- 1826, |
James Harper, John Bean,
Nathaniel Brooks; |
- 1827, |
Nathaniel B. Harmon,
Nathaniel Brooks, John Bean; |
- 1828,
David Steel, Nathaniel
Brooks, John Brooks,; |
- 1829, |
Appollus Thompson, Samuel
Kennedy, William Harper; |
- 1830, |
William Harper, William F.
Clark, Appollus Thompson; |
- 1831, |
William Harper, Chester
Sanford, Theophilus Sanborn; |
- 1832, |
William Harper, Theophilus
Sanborn, Henry Smith; |
- 1833, |
Henry Smith, Asa Jacobs,
William Harper; |
- 1834, |
William Brooks, Moses
Smith, Jonathan Gilbert; |
- 1835,
Chester Sanford, Appolus
Thompson, William Harper; |
- 1836, |
same; |
- 1837, |
Chester Sanford, Elisha
Farnham, Jonathan Gilbert; |
- 1838, |
William Harper, Chester
Sanford, Elisha Farnham; |
- 1839, |
William Harper, Appollus
Thompson, P. W. Grant; |
- 1840, |
John Reid, Chester Sanford,
Thomas Gibson; |
- 1841, |
Thomas Gibson, H. G.
Walker, Samuel Blakeslee; |
- 1842, |
Thomas Gibson, Samuel
Blakeslee, Clement Gilbert; |
- 1843, |
Reuben Sanborn, Clement
Gilbert, William G. Sawtelle; |
- 1844, |
William Harper, W. G.
Sawtelle, William Brooks; |
- 1845,
Thomas Gibson, John Reid,
Chester SAnford; |
- 1846, |
Elisha Farnham, Hiram Wood,
Erastus Hulett; |
- 1847, |
Otho Laughlin, Hiram Wood,
Ira White, |
- 1848, |
Erastus Hulett, Alfred
Buss, Nelson Burington; |
- 1849, |
same; |
- 1850,
Clement Gilbert, Thomas
Gibson, David Phillips; |
- 1851, |
Alfred Buss, Nelson
Burington, G. V. Eastman; |
- 1852, |
Nelson Burington, John
Judd, William Harper; |
- 1853, |
Nelson Burington, John JUdd,
Thomas Gibson; |
- 1854, |
Nelson Burington, Thomas
Gibson, Benjamin Harper; |
- 1855, |
Henry Putney, Erastus
Hulett, Harvey Hubbard; |
- 1856, |
Henry Putney, O. L. Huston,
John H. Kilburn; |
- 1857, |
Henry Putney, O. L. Huston,
Charles Benton; |
- 1858, |
Henry Putney, O. L. Huston,
William Harper; |
- 1859,
G. V. Eastman, O. L.
Huston, William Harper; |
- 1860, |
same; |
- 1861, |
O. L. Huston, G. V.
Eastman, Benjamin Harper; |
- 1862, |
G. V. Eastman, Benjamin
Harper, A. C. Dibble; |
- 1863, |
Benjamin Harper, A. C.
Dibble, N. B. Payne; |
- 1864, |
A. C. Dibble, N. B. Payne,
Henry Grant; |
- 1865, |
same; |
- 1866, |
A. C. Dibble, Silas Green,
N. B. Payne; |
- 1867, |
J. D. Ransom, G. V. eastman,
N. B. Payne; |
- 1868 to 1878
inclusive, |
J. D. Ransom, O. L. Huston,
and Hugh Laughlin. |
Township Clerks: |
1805, |
James Montgomery; |
1806, |
Thomas Hambleton; |
John Reynolds; |
1808-10, |
Nehemiah King; |
J. D. Jackson; |
1814, |
John Rudd; |
1816-17 |
Lemuel Jones; |
1818, |
David Niles, Jr. |
1819-20 |
Henry Keyes; |
1821i-23, |
John Bean; |
1824-25, |
Chancey Fifield; |
1826, |
Wm. G. Sawtelle; |
1827, |
F. H. Carter, appointed; |
1828, |
Wm. G. Sawtelle; |
1829, |
Zaphna Lake; |
1830-33, |
Wm. Brooks; |
1834, |
Benj. F. Fifield; |
1835-36, |
Josiah Brown, Jr.; |
1837, |
Loren Gould; |
1838 to '43 inclusive, |
S. W. Grant; |
1844, |
George Morton; |
1845, |
Stephen R. Bradley; |
1846, |
Samuel P. Fenton; |
George Morton; |
18418-49, |
Niles Osborn; |
1850, |
S. R. Bradley; |
Milo Osborn; |
1852-54, |
J. Q. Farmer; |
1855, |
Thomas Graham; |
1856, |
E. Huntington; |
1857-59, |
Loren Gould; |
1860, |
Charles Hunt; |
1861 to '70 inclusive, |
Loren Gould; |
1871, |
E. A. Higgins; |
1872 to the
present time, Loren Gould |
Township Treasurers: |
1805, |
James Harper; |
1806, |
Walter Fobes; |
1807, |
Zachariah Olmstead; |
1808 to '13 inclusive, |
Elisha King; |
1814, |
Joab Green; |
1815, |
Daniel Coffin; |
1816, |
Jonathan Gilbert; |
1817, |
Edward Fifield; |
1818, |
James Harper; |
1819, |
Eli Sanford; |
1820, |
Eliazer Peck; |
1821 to '28 inclusive |
Dr. John Venen; |
1829, |
Cada Simons; |
1839 to '39 inclusive |
Dr. John Venen; |
Asa Jacobs; |
1841, |
Oliver Barr; |
1842 to '50, |
Thomas Swain; |
David Steele, Jr.; |
1852, |
Wm. G. Sawtelle; |
1853-54, |
A. C. Keyes; |
1855, |
Gilbert Webster; |
1856-59 inclusive, |
T. B. Rice; |
1860, |
J. H. Kilburn; |
1861-65, |
T. B. Rice |
1866-69, |
C. Gansevoort; |
1870, |
E. A. Keyes; |
1871 to '77 inclusive, |
D. P. Venen; |
1878, |
B. E. Thayer |
Listers - |
- 1808,
James Montgomery; |
- 1809, |
John Montgomery |
- 1810-11, |
Nehemiah King |
- 1812-13, |
Zadoc Thomas |
- 1814, |
Joab Green |
- 1815, |
Lemuel Johes |
- 1816,
John Brooks |
- 1817-18, |
Daniel Sawtelle; |
- 1819,
Joshua Z. Cozzens; |
- 1820, |
David Niles Jr. |
- 1822,
Lemuel Jones, |
- 1824, |
John Brooks; |
- 1825 |
Samuel Blakeslee; |
- 1826, |
Lemuel John |
Assessors -
- 1841, |
Daniel Hatch |
- 1842-43 |
John H. Robinson; |
- 1844, |
Ira White; |
- 1845, |
Martin H. Collins; |
- 1846-48, |
N. B. Harmon; |
- 1849, |
J. H. Kilburn; |
- 1850-53, |
Daniel Hatch; |
- 1854, |
Harmon Kilburn; |
- 1855-56, |
Calvin Crane; |
- 1857, |
Andrew Bagley; |
- 1858-59, |
Geo. S. Cleveland; |
- 1860, |
Calvin Crane; |
- 1861, |
Z. L. Wood; |
- 1862, |
Elizur F. Grant; |
- 1863-65, |
G. V. Eastman; |
- 1866-67, |
Calvin Crane; |
- 1868, |
Henry H. Hunt; |
- 1869, |
Samuel Hazeltine; |
- 1870-76
inclusive, |
A. C.
Dibble |
- 1877-78, |
Edwin Hicks |
of the Peace. - It has been impossible for us to
obtain a complete list of the justices of Conneaut, but
among the number have been the following:
Nathan King, commissioned in 1806; |
King, |
commissioned in 1806; |
Brown, |
1810; |
Montgomery, |
1811; |
King, |
1811, '14; |
Thompson, |
1813; |
Wright, |
1814; |
Kellogg, |
1816; |
John Bean, |
1817; '20,
'23; |
Sanford, |
1818; |
Keyes, |
1820; |
Joel Jones,
1821; |
Jones, |
1823, '26; |
Bowen, |
1823; |
Thayer, |
1823; |
R. Chase, |
1824; |
Israel A.
Robinson, |
1828; |
Asa Jacobs, |
1830, '33; |
Morton, |
1831, '42; |
Stephen P.
Taylor, |
1832; |
Wm. G.
Sawtelle, |
1835; |
S. F.
Taylor, |
1836, '39; |
Wilson, |
1837; |
G. V.
Eastman, |
1838; |
Smith, |
1839; |
Farnham, |
1839, '42,
'45, '48, '51; |
RAndall, |
1840; |
Hiram Wood, |
1842, '45,
'48, '51; |
Wilder, |
1845; |
Samuel P.
Fenton, |
1845, '48,
'57, '60; |
Carpenter, |
1850; |
John H.
Kilburn, |
1850; |
Lake, |
1851, '54; |
J. Q.
Farmer, |
1852; |
Graham, |
1854; |
A. C.
Dibble, |
1854, '57,
'61, '64, '70, '73, '76; |
Judson, |
1854; |
Wm. B.
Chapman, |
1855; |
Sanford, |
1857, '60,
'63' |
Burgess, |
1857, '71; |
Henry G.
Thurber, |
1861, '64,
'67' 70; |
C. R.
Goddard |
1863; |
T. J.
Carlin, |
1863; |
B. B.
Smith, |
1870, '76; |
Jennings, |
1869, '72,
'75, '78; |
S. B.
Atwood, |
1871; |
D. G.
Waite, |
1873; |
L. L.
Baldwin, |
1876. |
Wheat |
578 |
acres |
7043 |
bushels. |
Oats |
891 |
" |
26,742 |
" |
Corn |
846 |
" |
54,356 |
" |
Potatoes |
331 |
" |
19,860 |
" |
Orcharding |
358 |
" |
26,450 |
" |
Meadow |
2327 |
" |
3,390 |
tons |
Maple-sugar |
20,831 |
pounds |
Butter |
61,465 |
" |
Cheese |
165,070 |
Number of
school-houses, 12; valuation, $9000; amount paid teachers,
$1450.25; number of schools, 492.
Vote for President in 1876, Hayes, 571; Tilden, 170.
Population in 1870 of township and village, 3010.
The act of
incorporation bears date in the year 1834, but at what time the
first survey was made cannot be ascertained, for the reason that
the village records
[Pg. 162]
have been lost or destroyed. This fact produces a great deal
of embarrassment in our efforts to obtain reliable data in regard to
the early history of the village.
The first mayor of Conneaut was Dr. Samuel L. Fenton,
who was elected in the spring of 1834. There was a survey made in
the year 1837. Mr. Wm. W. Wallace being the surveyor.
The territory at that time included in the village limits extended
as far north as to the lake, and was bounded on the south and east
by Conneaut creek, and on the west by a line running along the
centre of the road that now passes between the farms of E. F.
Grant and Frank Blood, then called the Centre road, and
extending northwardly to the lake and southwardly to the creek.
The present farms of Mr. Olmstead, on the Ridge road, and of
Mr. E. F. Grant, on the lake-shore, were at that time within
the village limits.
About the year 1842 the limits were defined anew, so as
to include just the territory which the village now embraces.
The creek forms the east and south boundaries of the village.
On the north it extends as far as to Fifteenth street inclusive, and
on the west as far as to the centre of Chestnut street. On the
southwest is an irregular tract, lying to the west of Chestnut
street, and between State street and the creek, embracing about
twenty-five acres, which is also a part of the village plat.
Conneaut is a handsome town, beautifully located on the
creek that bears its name, which flows along the south and east
sides of the village, the ground rising abruptly from the stream,
and then gradually sloping to the east and north, forming as
pleasant a site for a town as can well be found. There is an air of
comfort pervading the residence portion of the village, and of
thrift pervading the business portion. Situated in one of the
choicest agricultural parts of the county, it does a large and
growing mercantile business, many of its business houses outranking
in the amount of annual business done by similar houses in other and
larger towns in this portion of the State. It is justly noted
for its elegant church edifices, and its new town-hall is superior
to any similar building in this section of Ohio. The people,
as a class, are noted for their intelligence and morality, and it
would be difficult to find a lovelier or more inviting place in
which to make a permanent residence.
Its present population is in the neighborhood of
thirteen hundred. We give below some of the prominent features
of this delightful village.
The first tavern or the town site was a log
building situated on the corner of Main street and Harbor street
extension, where Mr. N. B. Rogers' block now stands. A
Mr. Dunn was the first proprietor.
The first tavern was the old Conneaut House, located
just east of the site of Keyes brick store. It was
built about the year 1814, but not completed until 1824. A
Mr. Pierpont and his father-in-law, Mr. Davenport, were
the first proprietors.
The first school-house in the village was built near
the present site of Mr. Wood's hardware store, corner Main
and Washington streets.
The first burial place was located on ground now
occupied by the Monroe and Union brick blocks, and ground just north
of the same, between main and State streets.
The first village physician was Dr. John Venen,
who settled here in 1815. He was a very successful
practitioner, and practiced his professon in Conneaut for nearly
sixty years, dying Mar. 20, 1875, at the ripe old age of ninety-two.
Dr. G. Fifield was another early physician, and spent his
life in Conneaut in the practice of his profession.
An act to incorporate Conneaut
academy passed the legislature Feb. 14, 1835. The
incorporators were A. Dart, Henry Keyes, Lewis Thayer, Josiah
Brown, James Brooks, and Aaron Wright.
The first school building was an old concern moved on
to the corner of Main and Mill streets, near the present residence
of Captain C. W. Appleby, and fitted up for the occasion. The
first teacher was Rev. Judah L. Richmond, the school commencing in
the spring of 1837. He was afterwards assisted by Miss
Sarah Bonney, who became principal in 1839. W. W. Barns
had charge of the school during the spring term of 1840, and A.
Harwood during the school year 1840-41. J. V. Brown
became principal in the fall of 1841, and taught two years.
The brick academy building was erected in 1844-45.
The capital stock of the incorporation was divided into shares of
ten dollars each. The principal original stockholders were
F. H. Carter, Robert Lyon, Lewis Thayer, J. V.
Brown, John Reid, G. Fifield, John Venen, Ezra Dibble, Z.
Lake, B. Carpenter, P. W. Grant, C. Appleby, M. H. Collins, and
James Brooks.
A constitution and by-laws were adopted. The
officers consisted of a president, a secretary, and five trustees,
who constituted a hoard for the government of the corporation, and
five of whom constituted a quorum.
The first school in the new building was taught by
L. W. Savage, assisted by Miss Booth, who had charge of
the school one year. The teachers since, as near as can be
ascertained, have been as follows: Mr. Pierce, assisted by
Chas. Hathaway, part of one year; J. E. Ingersoll, two or
three years; Wm. Scales, one year; J. Q. and L. M.
Burington, one year; J. Q. Burington, one year; Chas.
Hathaway, one year; R. M. Merrill commenced in the spring
of 1855, and taught till 1861, six years; C. W. Heywood
commenced in the fall of 1861, and taught two years; Rev. A.
Bartlett, C. R. Goddard, assisted by Miss Quigley;
J. Q. Burington, and Miss A. Smith, one year; G. A.
Starens commenced in the winter of 1866-67, and taught one year;
H. A. Andrews commenced in the spring term of 1868, and,
assisted by Miss M. A. Rea and others, taught until the fall
of 1875, twenty-two terms, since which time N. L. Guthrie has
had charge of the school as principal, with Miss M. A. Rea as
assistant principal. The school attained its greatest
prosperity while under the management of Prof. H. A. Andrews,
who held the position of principal for a longer period than any
other teacher. The highest number of students enrolled at any
one time was one hundred and twenty-one, and for several terms the
enrollment was over one hundred.
The Amphictyon literary society was organized in
connection with the school while Mr. Andrews was principal,
in the spring of 1869, and has numbered among its members the best
students of the school.
The school has been, since August, 1868, under the
control and management of the board of education of the incorporated
village of Conneaut, they having at that time leased the buildings,
grounds, and fixtures of the academy board for a period of ten years
at least. During the past year (1877) the board of education
has made further changes, establishing a system of graded schools in
the village, making the principal of the academy or high school
superintendent of all the schools of the village.
Besides the departments in the high school, there arc
in the village a grammar school and four primary schools.
The Conneaut Christian church, the
first church in this township, was organized by Rev. John Cheney,
on Saturday afternoon, May 23, 1818, at the “Peter King
school-house,’’ on the Ridge road, between Conneaut and Amboy.
Elder Cheney preached at one o’clock to a full house from 1
Tim. iii. 15: “The church of the living God, the pillar and ground
of the truth after which an organization of fifteen members was
effected. One of that number still survives,—Mrs. Lydia
King, a worthy member of the church. The first church or
fellowship-meeting was held on the Fourth of July following.
Meetings were held usually at the Centre, in the school-house, until
1834, when, during the ministry of Rev. Jonas Lawrence, a
house of worship was built at the Centre, one mile west of Conneaut,
on the premises now owned by D. Cummins, just at the rear of
his residence. Before the house was completed Elder
Lawrence* died, September 12, after a few days’
illness, at the residence of Colonel Fifield. Mrs.
Fifield was one of the original members. Seven years
after—Rev. Oliver Barr pastor—it was moved into Conneaut to
its present location on Buffalo street next to the new town-house.
Thirty years later—1871, Rev. O. T. Wyman pastor—it was
enlarged, thoroughly repaired, and rededicated.
The church has had twenty-three pastors in sixty years,
eight of them, however, serving less than one year each, being
called to fill vacancies, etc. Only four ministers have had
charge of the church more than three years, viz., Blodgett,
Barr, Burnham, and Wyman. Rev. John
Blodgett came soon after the organization, and was pastor five
years. Rev. Oliver Barr, who was killed at the Norwalk
(Connecticut) railroad disaster, was settled with the church three
different times, in all about eighty years. The great union
meeting of 1838, conducted by Rev. Mr. Day at the brick
church, was held during Elder Barr’s second pastorate;
forty-four were added to the church. In his third engagement the
house was moved. Rev. H. Burnham served four years,
1849—53. Rev. O. T. Wyman, the present pastor, came in
June, 1862, and remained over twelve years; and, after an absence of
two years (Dr. N. Summerbell pastor in the interim), returned
in October, 1876. In 1862 the church was very low; no services
had been held for a year. There were but seventy-five names on
the roll, and sixteen of them were dropped. In 1871 there was
a great revival,—Rev. S. H. Morse, evangelist; ninety-eight
were received during the year. The present membership is two
hundred and fifty. The Sabbath-school, in 1862, was
reorganized with fifteen scholars; but for the last ten years there
have been from one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fourteen—the
present membership—enrolled. The Christian chapel at Amboy was
built in 1873; services are held in this building a part of the
* Sharon Wick's Note: Jonas Lawrence died
Sept. 12, 1894 and was buried in Center Cemetery, Conneaut, OH.
[Pg. 163]
The Congregational church of Conneaut was
organized Apr. 14, 1849, at the house of Robert Montgomery.
The services were conducted by Revs. Joseph Badger, Giles H.
Cowles, and Ephraim T. Woodruff. The first members
were Ebenezer Buck, Ada Buck, Robert Montgomery, Stephen Webb,
Luther Jones, Mary Jones, Sarah Sanford, Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. Julia
Kennedy, and Miss Laura Buck.
The church was organized on the union plan of
government,—Congregational and Presbyterian. It was a
Congregational church joined to a presbytery. It was changed
into a Presbyterian church in 1835, and remained such until Dec. 30,
1847, when it was unanimously voted to make its government purely
The first church edifice—the old brick church on
Liberty street—was commenced in 1826, seven years after the church
was organized. Religious services prior to this time were held
in school-houses and private dwellings. The members were
intensely interested in the project of building the church, and most
of them made great sacrifices in order to accomplish it. The
labor was interrupted for a time in consequence of lack of means,
but a fund necessary to complete it was after a little realized from
a sale of the seats. Services were held in the church before
it was finished. The year 1828 witnessed its completion, and
the year 1829 its dedication. The dedication sermon was
preached by Rev. Luther Humphrey.
The new brick edifice, situated on the corner of Main
and Buffalo streets, was erected in 1873, and finished in 1876.
Sixteen hundred dollars were paid for the lot, and the building cost
about eighteen thousand dollars. It was dedicated in the
spring of 1877, Rev. Mr. Wolcott, of Cleveland, preaching the
dedication sermon.
From 1829 to 1836 the following gentlemen officiated as
pastors and ministers: Revs. Luther Humphrey, Olds, John Pettit,
Maltbee (Methodist), Jesse Viets (Methodist), Kelsey,
J. J. Bliss, John Keep, Wheeler, and William Whittley.
Since 1836 the pastors have been Revs. William Fuller, two
years; Norris Day, one year; John Hovey,
three years; E. F. Dickenson, ten years; William
Scales, four years; J. A. Woodruff, two years Alvin
Nash, three years; A. Bartlett, four years; and R. M.
Keyes, the present pastor, nearly thirteen years.
The present membership of the church numbers two
hundred and sixteen.
The Baptist church was organized in the old
school-house on the south ridge, Oct. 18, 1831, with twenty-three
members, as follows: Rev. Isaac Jacobs and wife, Isaac
Crittenden and wife, Electa Crittenden, Phebe
Crittenden, David Taylor, Mary Sawtelle, Albert Hebbard,
Deborah Benton, Ira Benton, Elmira Benton, Alfred Crittenden, Sarah
Crittenden, Lydia Crittenden, Sarah Ann Jacobs, Sally C. Williams,
Lydia Williams, Mary Ann Williams, Louisa Williams, Thirza Wright,
Elvira Clark, and Abner Clark. Of these, the first
twelve had letters from other churches; the rest had been recently
baptized by Elder Jacobs. There were present at the
constitution of the church Rev. Asa Jacobs, pastor elect,
Rev. Jacob Bailey, of Kingsville, and Rev. Churchill, of
Springfield, Pennsylvania. The church continued to meet at the
school-house on south ridge till the spring of 1837, when it moved
to Conneaut village, under the pastoral care of Rev. Judah L.
Richmond, in which place it has since continued to meet and
worship. In 1842 the present house of worship on State street
was commenced, and dedicated February, 1844.
There have been in all twelve settled pastors, as
follows: Rev. Asa Jacobs, from October, 1831, to the spring
of 1837; Rev. J. L. Richmond, 1837 to 1840; 1840, no pastor;
Rev. Hascall supplied six months; Rev. A. W. Baker,
1841 to 1844; Rev. S. Taylor, 1844 to 1846; Rev. J.
Weatherby, 1846 to 1852; Rev. P. W. Mills, 1852 to 1860;
Rev. J. Du Bois, September, 1860, to May 4, 1861; Rev.
Cyrus Richmond supplied, 1861 to 1862; Rev. L. F. Ames,
1863 to 1866; Rev. A. Lull, 1866 to 1869; Rev. J. S. Van
Alstine, 1869 to 1870; Rev. I. Child, 1871 to 1878;
Rev. Judson Martin, 1878.
The longest pastorate was that of Rev. P. W. Mills,
from 1852 to 1860; the shortest, that of Rev. J. Du Bois,
from September, 1860, to May 4, 1861, when he was expelled from the
church. The greatest number of additions were made during the
pastorate of Rev. J. W. Weatherby, who baptized fifty-two in
six years, during which time, in 1850, the church reached its
highest membership, one hundred and twenty-nine. The present
membership is about eighty-five.
A Methodist class was formed in Conneaut
village about the year 1827 or 1828. One had previously been
organized in the east part of the township, and one at Amboy in the
year 1823, by Rev. Jesse Viets. We have been unable,
after repeated efforts, to gather any further information in
relation to the early history of this church. The present
pastor is Rev. W. J. Wilson, and the membership numbers about
one hundred and fifty-six.
was organized about the year 1861, by Rev. John Tracy.
Rev. ____ Conaway is the present pastor. Services are
held once a month. Church located on Chestnut street.
Evergreen Lodge, No. 26, F. and A.
M., was organized at Conneaut, then Salem, Ohio, Mar. 17,
1821, with John R. Read, Right Worshipful Master; Joel
Jones, Senior Warden; John Brooks, Junior Warden;
Josiah Brown, Treas.; Joshua Z. Cozens, Sec.; Elias
Clark, Senior Deacon; Samuel Blakesley, Junior Deacon;
and Lewis Thayer, Tyler; all of whom continued to be active
members for years afterwards, and were each honored by positions,
and nearly all filled the chair.
As time passed on we find on its roll of membership
Daniel Baldwin, John Silverthorn, Job Whitney, Amos Kellogg, L. G.
Montgomery, Wm. Perrin, Joshua Fuller, Alex. R. Chase, Eber Ward, L.
Draper, Peck Clerk, Elijah Baker, Stephen Kellogg, Joseph W.
Carpenter, Miron Hutchinson, I. M. Bemirs, John Peters, Erastus
Budd, Geo. Wright, A. H. Bowen, A. Capron, Lyman Willcox, T. C.
Owen, O. Edwards, M. Fuller, John Venen, A. D. Brown, N. Webster, J.
Blodget, L. Woodworth, D. Whitney, D. Jacobs, Eli Sanford, C. C.
Abbott, A. Marcy, N. Gridley, A. C. Morrison, Greenleaf Fifield, J.
Flagg, F. H. Carter, S. Bates, C. Fifield, A. Dart, H. Keyes, R.
Brown, Harvey Guthrie, C. Loomis, D. Spaulding, E. Dibble, Benj.
Abbott, Samuel Eaton, and others. After about the date of
the Morgan excitement, the meetings do not appear to have been as
frequent or as well attended, and the last communication of which
there is any record was held June 15, 1829, at which Nathan
Weed was raised to a Master Mason. The meetings were
held at the union school-house.
Evergreen Lodge, No. 222, F. and A. 31.,
was organized under dispensation on the 5th day of February, 1852,
with Horace Wilder, W. M.; Samuel Blakesley, S. W.;
Ezra Dibble, J. W.; Henry Keyes, Treas.; Nelson
Selkirk, Sec. Harvey Guthrie, S. D.; David Nobles,
J. D.; Philander Wheeler, Tyler; and Josiah
Brown, Otis Burgess, G. R. L. Baker,
Alex. Brown, and Freeman Palmer as members.
Instituted under charter Nov. 18, 1852, with the same
names as charter members, Brother G. C. Loveland, acting G.
M., by proxy. The Past Masters of this lodge are H. Wilder,
O. Burgess, T. J. Carlin, J. F. Fifield, W. B. Chapman, S. E.
Boughton, W. F. Stanley, W. A. Ward, E. A.
Stone, C. Hayward. From the date of its
organization to 1856 the lodge occupied a hall in common with the
Odd-Fellows, over the store of C. Hall, during which season
the schoolhouse on Broad street was erected, and by agreement with
the board of education the lodge built the second story thereof and
received a clear title, and occupied the same that fall. This
hall (over school-house) was duly dedicated to Masonry June 24,
The lodge met here until 1869, when it sold its
interest in the building to the board of education of the borough
for a school-room, and removed to its old quarters on Main street.
During the summer of 1870, Union block being in course of erection,
the lodge entered into contract with the parties thereof, and
together with Conneaut chapter, No. 76, R. A. M., erected the third
story thereof, thereby securing a large and commodious hall and
side-rooms, and a permanent home, of which said lodge and chapter
hold a clear and warranted title. The first communication was
held in the new hall Sept. 19, 1870. Partially refurnished
hall during summer of 1876, giving it a very pleasing and attractive
appearance. Membership, Jan. 1, 1878, one hundred and
eighteen. Stated communications meet first and third Thursdays
of each month.
Conneaut Chapter, No. 76, R. A. 31., was
organized by virtue of a letter of dispensation, dated Mar. 18,
1857, issued to Otis Burgess, Harvey Guthrie, Sr., Philander
Wheeler, A. S. Langdon, J. B. Pettie, Wm. Edey, Harvey Guthrie, Jr.,
A. J. Ruland, James McKendree, Geo. W. Cumming, David Nobles, Wm.
Willard, Levi Briggs, and M. H. Collins, Mar. 27, 1857,
with Comp. Otis Burgess as M. E. K. P. Date of charter,
Oct. 17, 1857; constituted under charter Oct. 29, 1857, Comp. G.
A. Loveland, as proxy of Dept. Grand High Priest, presiding. P.
H. P.; O. Burgess, H. Guthrie, Sr., S. E. Boughton, W. F.
Stanley, W. A. Ward, J. F. Fifield, B. S. Withered, E. A. Stone.
Membership, Jan. 1, 1878, sixty-nine. The chapter is provided with
very fine robes,
* Furnished by Dr. W. A. Ward.
[Pg. 164]
regalia, etc. Stated convocations meet the second and fourth
Tuesdays of each month.
Conneaut Council, No. 40, K. and S. M.—The
letter of dispensation was issued July 21, 1866, to W. A. Ward,
W. F. Stanley, O. Phillips, E. A. Stone, B. S. Witherell, D. P.
Venen, L. B Stanley, S. Hazeltine, E. M. Webster, and A. L.
Callendar, and it was organized by virtue of same on the 31st
day of same month, with W. A. Ward as T. I. M., W. F.
Stanley D. I. M., and O. Phillips P. C. W. It was
chartered Oct. 13, 1866, and constituted under same Nov. 20, 1866.
Past T. I. M.’s: W. A. Ward, W. F. Stanley, E. A. Stone.
Membership, Jan. 1, 1878, twenty-two. The stated assemblies
meet on the first Tuesday of each month.
Commandery, No. 27, Knights Templar.—Dispensation issued by
Grand Commandery of Ohio, at Columbus, Oct. 3, 1872. Organized
Nov. 20, 1872. Dispensation members, W. A. Ward, W. F.
Stanley, Samuel Hazeltine, Oliver Phillips, E. A. Stone. A. K.
Smith, D. W. Hutchinson, D. Russell, James Hannon, E. Backenstose,
and Elie Eley. W. A. Ward was appointed first Em.
Com., S. Hazeltine Gen., and E. A. Stone C. G.
Chartered Sept. 4, 1873, and constituted Sept. 25, 1873, Sir B.
D. Babcock, of Oriental commandery, No. 12, Cleveland, as proxy
of Rt. Em. Gr. Commander, presiding. Dr. Ward continued
to serve the commandery as Eminent Commander until December, 1877,
having been re-elected at each succeeding annual election for over
six years, and at that date was succeeded by Dr. A. K. Fifield.
This commandery participated in the Templar parade at
Cleveland, Ohio, at the triennial conclave of the Grand Encampment
of the United States, in August, 1877, one of the finest pageants
ever witnessed in that city, turning out over forty knights, Sir
C. W. Hall acting as Captain General. It has a splendid
array of banners, paraphernalia, etc., and Conneaut, considering
geographical position and population, is fortunate in having such an
organization, as they are scarcely known outside of our cities.
Membership, Jan. 1, 1878, forty-seven. This body meets on the
third Monday of each month.
Custer Post, No. 9, was
organized Oct. 16, 1876, with fifteen charter members. The
following are their respective names, rank, and regiment: T. J.
Carlin, captain, Second Ohio Battery; A. K. Fifield,
surgeon, Twenty-ninth Ohio Volunteer Infantry; M. D. Townsend,
private, Twenty-fifth Iowa Infantry; Calvin Crane,
drum-major, Nineteenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry; W. W. Crane,
first lieutenant, Seventh Kansas Cavalry; L. Harper,
corporal, Twenty-ninth Ohio Volunteer Infantry; N. L. Guthery,
corporal, Second Ohio Battery; Alex. Brewer, private, Second
Ohio Battery; D. M. Fox, private, One Hundred and Fifth Ohio
Volunteer Infantry; A. W. Mills, sergeant, One Hundred and
Fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry; Lorenzo Norton, private,
Twenty-ninth Ohio Volunteer Infantry; E. L. Sturtevant,
corporal, Second Pennsylvania Cavalry; J. Ferguson, private,
First New York Artillery; Delos Armstrong, Private, One
Hundred and Twenty-seventh New York Infantry; Chancy L. Andrews,
private, Second Ohio Battery.
It numbers now (Jan. 1, 1878) forty-six men. The
following are the names and rank of the officers: M. D. Townsend,
Post Commander; Lewis Harper, Senior V. Commander; W. W.
Crane, Junior V. Commander; Delos Armstrong, Adjutant;
C. L. Andrews, Quartermaster; W. A. Ward, Surgeon; T.
J. Carlin, Chaplain; A. W. Mills, Officer of the Day;
A. Brewer, Officer of the Guard.
Rock of Horeb Lodge, No. 274,
was instituted Apr. 11, 1867, by J. A. Spencer, G. W.
Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Ohio. The first officers were
T. J. Carlin,W. C. T.; Mrs. A. E. Cleveland, W. V. T.;
John V. Bean, W. R. S.; S. L. Wilcox, W. F. S.; O.
J. Hiler, W. T.; M. R. Hewett, W. M. Miss Rose
E. Carter, W. I. G.; H. R. Williams, W. O. G.; Miss A.
C. Kelley, W. A. R. S.; Mrs. Lizzie Cleveland, W. A. M.;
Miss C. S. Kelley, W. R. H. S.; Miss Phebe Chapman, W.
L. H. S.; W. H. Wilson, Chaplain. The lodge kept up an
existence for a little over six years, and during a portion of the
time numbered a large membership, and accomplished much work in the
temperance cause. The following-named persons held the office
of W. C. T.: T. J. Carlin, Rev. O. T. Wyman, J. P.
Rieg, C. W. Benton, and A. R. Thurber.
Eureka Council, No. 1, Royal Templars of
Temperance, was instituted at Conneaut, Jan. 25, 1878, by
Supreme Lecturer A. J. Winship, of Angola, New York.
The officers chosen for the present year are F. A. Loomis, S.
C. M. D. Townsend, V. C.; E. A. Stone, P. C.; J. E.
Gerould, Chaplain; T. C. Baudle, H.; L. V. Stone, Sec.; W. W.
Kinney, Treas.; D. Phillips, G.; D. C. Turner, Sent.
This society is a secret organization, having for its
object the promotion of the cause of temperance, and also to afford
reliable life insurance to temperance people people. Its
principles are founded on hope, love, and truth. Its
membership consists of three classes,—first, active members, males,
above the age of eighteen and under sixty years; second, honorary
members, males, above the age of sixty; and, third, life members,
females, generally the wives and daughters of the other two classes.
It is a new organization, growing out of the Murphy temperance
movement of 1877, and Eureka council was the first organized in this
State. Its membership numbers sixty-one.
Conneaut Fire-Engine and Hose Company
was organized in 1841, with about twenty members. An
engine was bought of the Great Falls fire-engine and hose company,
for which three hundred dollars were paid. John Reid
was the first foreman, and G. S. Cleveland the first
treasurer, of the company.
In 1850 the old company was reorganized as the Cataract
fire-engine and hose company, at which time the present Cataract
engine - twenty-two men power - was purchased for one thousand
dollars. It is one of the best men-power engines in the
country, and has been proven the best in the county at several
friendly contests.
The Cataract Fire Company has been
composed of reliable, active young and middle-aged citizens, who
have proven themselves very efficient in several instances of fire.
The company have a pleasant room in the new town-house in which to
hold meetings, besides large rooms for the engines.
The present officers are C. Hayward, foreman;
W. W. Armstrong, first assistant; E. G. Atwood, second
assistant; C. W. Hall secretary; O. W. Germond,
treasurer. The company numbers about forty members.
Two carriage-manufactories, two planing-
and matching-mills, one cabinet-shop and furniture-factory, two
flouring-mills (one a steam- and the other a water-mill), two
paper-mills, and D. Cummins' canning-house, just outside the
village limits, constitute the principal manufacturing interests of
The Conneaut River paper company employs constantly
from twenty to twenty-five hands, runs day and night, and
manufactures from one and one-half to two tons of manilla paper per
day. The company also manufactures flour-sacks and flour-sack
paper. The mills were built in 1871 by a stock company, with a
capital stock of fifty thousand dollars. The first officers
were Isaac Skinner, president; Cyrus Cleveland,
secretary and treasurer; T. S. Norton, superintendent; J.
S. Skinner, C. Cleveland, H. S. Stearns, H. D. Cook, Julius
Williams, S. J. Smith, and T. S. Norton directors.
In 1875 the mills were bought by S. J. Smith, C. Cleveland,
and J. Hicks, and in 1877, Mr. Smith purchased Mr.
Cleveland's interest, and is now proprietor of the mills.
The machine-room is ninety by thirty feet, and the rag engine-room
forty-four by fifty feet, and three stories high. The mills
are run in part by water-power and in part by steam, - the engine
room containing two engines, one one hundred and fifty horse-power,
and one fifty horse-power, with three boilers of sufficient capacity
to correspond.
D. Cummins' canning-house, at Conneaut Centre,
is second only to the papermills in importance among the
manufacturing interests of the place. He has been engaged for
about fifteen years in gardening, and for the past few years has
conducted a large canning business in connection. His present
canning establishment, erected in 1877, is a building fifty by
seventy-two feet, two stories high and basement, and cost over three
thousand dollars. Mr. Cummins puts up about one
hundred thousand cans of tomatoes and corn annually. He
manufactures his own cans, and consumes forty thousand feet of
lumber in manufacturing boxes to ship in.
The business status of the village of Conneaut makes
the following exhibit at this date, April, 1878: five dry-goods and
general merchandise stores, six grocery- stores, three
clothing-stores, one boot and shoe store, two fancy goods stores,
four drug and book stores, five millinery-stores, three
hardware-stores, two furniture-stores, three jewelry-stores, two
photograph-parlors, two banks, three hotels, three restaurants,
three bakeries, two harness-shops, one carriage-trimming shop, three
markets, one printing-office, one paper-mill, two flouring-mills,
two carriage manufactories, two planing- and matching-mills, one
machine-shop, one cabinet shop and furniture-factory, one
marble-shop, one tannery, one barrel-factory, three boot and shoe
shops, five livery-stables, five blacksmith-shops, two lawyers’
offices, two dentists, six physicians.
The Conneaut Mutual Loan
Association was organized Apr. 20, 1871, with a capital
stock of fifty thousand dollars, in shares of two hundred and fifty
dollars each. The first board of directors consisted of Cyrus
Cleveland, Abner Kellogg, Josiah Hicks,
H. D. Cook, E. A. Keyes, S. Hayward, and J. S. Stearns; C.
Cleveland, president, and S. Hayward, cashier. Jan.
1, 1872, S. Hayward was elected president, and E. A.
Higgins cashier. In April, 1874,
Mr. Higgins
[Pg. 165]
retired, and Charles Hayward was appointed teller, and Jan.
1, 1875, elected cashier. The officers for 1878 are:
Directors, C. Cleveland, Charles Hall, Hiram Judson, S. J. Smith,
S. Hayward, Conneaut; A. Kellogg, Jefferson; L. D.
Kellogg, Ashtabula; S. Hayward, president; Charles
Hayward, cashier. The association owns and occupies
nineteen feet front of Monroe block, corner Main and Washington
streets, three stories and basement, valued at three thousand six
hundred dollars.
The last published statement, made Apr. 1,
1878, shows the condition of the bank to be as follows:
Loans on real
All other loans and discounts..........137,868.26
Due from other banks......................
Real estate......................................
Furniture and fixtures......................
Current expenses and interest..........
Cash items.......................................
Gold, $123.28; silver, $300 ...........
National bank notes.........................
...................................... $180.760.69
Capital stock
............................... $ 80,000.00
Surplus fund.................................
Undivided profits ........................
Dividends unpaid ........................
Individual deposits ......................
Due to banks and bankers.............

Benton, Ayers & Cushing, Proprietors, Conneaut, Ohio
A more beautiful spot for a burial-place is
rarely to be found. Located in the southwestern part of the
village, on a fine rise of ground that forms a portion of the north
bank of Conneaut creek, it has a natural beauty and adaptation to
the purposes for which it is used, which, supplemented by the great
pains taken by the citizens in their efforts to further beautify it,
make it one of the finest cemeteries to be found anywhere in towns
of similar size. 'Squire Aaron Wright, one of the first
settlers of this township, in the year 1826 made a donation to the
village of one acre of ground, which the present limits of the
cemetery now include, and afterwards adjacent ground was added,
until now it embraces about ten acres. The cemetery contains
many very elegant and costly monuments, and the people are justified
in taking great pride in their beautiful cemetery.
This fine structure - an engraving of which
may be seen elsewhere in this volume - was built in 1876, and cost
twenty thousand dollars. It is a two-story brick building,
fifty by eighty feet, containing in the first story (fifteen feet
high) the mayor's office, the clerk's office, the voting room,
fireman's room, engine-rooms, and lock-up, and in the second story
(twenty-two feet high) a large, fine hall, capable of seating about
six hundred people. This elegant building reflects great
credit on the people of Conneaut, and shows them to be animated with
the spirit of enterprise and progress.
[Pg. 166]
The present officers of the village (1878) are A. M.
Cox, mayor; Charles Hayward, recorder; Dr. E.
D. Merriam, J. N. Fredericks, H. A. Blood, Hiram Judson, S.
Hayward, and Dr. A. K. Fifield, councilmen; S. B.
Atwood, Dr. E. D. Merriam, Dr. H. W. Simons, S. J. Smith, Hiram
Judson, and Harry Hollis, members of school-board; C.
W. Hall, treasurer; G. W. Allen, marshal; A. Jennings, C.
Cleveland, and M. D. Townsend, cemetery directors,—A.
Jennings, superintendent.

Plin Smith |
Mrs. Plin Smith |
Gen. Henry
Keyes |
Dr. D. W. Raymond,
Conneaut, Ohio |
Hon. D. C. Allen,
Conneaut, Ohio |

A. C. Dibble |
Nelson Burington |
Aunt Lydia
King |
Mrs. B. Andrews |
Benoni Andrews |