geographically known on the county records as township No. 8, in the
first range, and derives its name from General Joseph Williams,
who was at an early date the owner of the lion’s share of this
township. His purchase, which was consummated on the 26th day
of September, 1799, embraced three-fifths of the eastern part.
This was not, however, the first land purchased of the Connecticut
land company within the territory now called Williamsfield,
Samuel Parkman having purchased an undivided interest in
the western portion of the township on September 14, 1799.
June 23, 1809, Mr. Parkman became the owner of lots 4,
5, 6, 7, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, 24, 25, and two hundred and forty and
sixty-seven one hundredths acres in the east side of lot No. 22.
John Allen, another joint owner of the township,
bought on Oct. 19, 1807, lot No. 11, being six hundred and fifty-two
and forty-five one hundredths acres and forty-seven and fifty-five
one hundredths acres in lot No. 30. Sept. 12, 1810, Joseph W.
Brown purchased nine hundred acres in lots 1, 2, and 3.
These were the original purchasers of the township in 1798,
subsequent to the date of the draft by the Connecticut land company.
It was first surveyed into sections one mile square, beginning at
the northwest corner and running east and west.
The topography of Williamsfield is of a high rolling
nature, quite well watered with small streams, which flow, some
westwardly into the Pymatuning creek and others eastwardly, emptying
into the Chenango creek, in Pennsylvania.
The first settlement was
begun in this township in the year 1804, by Charles Case and
his son, Zophar, originally from Simsbury, Hartford county,
Connecticut, who, having purchased a portion of section 22,
emigrated from the "land of steady habits" with their respective
families, and began the first improvements in the then unbroken
wilderness. Their arrival in the township was on Aug. 24, of
the year before given. They came via Pittsburgh, over
the mountains, with ox-teams. Soon they had erected log cabins
on their lands and began life in earnest. In the autumn of
1806, John L. Cook, of Kinsman, Trumbull county, purchased a
portion of lot No. 21, erected a log cabin thereon, and with his
newly-wedded wife took up his residence in the same. Mr.
Cook and wife while single emigrated from Preston, New London
county, Connecticut, with Judge Kinsman, in 1804.
David Randall, also of Kinsman, settled in the
southwest part of the township at the same time of Cook’s
settlement. This was on section 11, the farm being now
occupied by the Ford heirs. In 1807, Samuel
Tuttle and Anson Jones, from Barkhamstead,
Litchfield county, Connecticut, and Aaron Rice, from
Bristol, Ontario county, New York, moved into the township, and
settled on lands previously purchased; this was also in the
southwest portion of the township. During the year 1808 there
were additions made to the population of Williamsfield as follows:
Thomas Ford, Ezra Woodworth, Cotton Foss, Silas Babcock, Daniel
Hutchinson, and possibly others. The locations of these
families were on the State road, and as follows: Thomas
Food on the Randall farm, where the first
religious meetings were held; Ezra Woodworth on the
farm still occupied by Cyril, the youngest son; Silas
Babcock on the farm where now resides F. Johnson.
Mr. Babcock was a blacksmith, and built the first
smithy in the township. In the year 1809, Joshua
Giddings settled on the farm now occupied by James
Reed. He was the father of the Hon. Joshua R. Giddings.
The latter read law with Elisha Whittlesey, of
Canfield, Mahoning county, and first began practice in this township
in 1819. His office stood near the present residence of Mr.
Reed; it was of logs split and hewn on the inside. In
1822, Mr. Giddings removed to Jefferson.
Justus Peck removed from New Berlin, Chenango county, New
York, August, 1824, and settled with his family on fifty acres of
land in section 7, on the farm now owned by M. Colby. Mr.
Peck was formerly from Colebrook, Connecticut. One of
his children is the present efficient county commissioner, E. O.
Peck, whose residence is now in Richmond township. William
Giddings, a nephew of Joshua R., resides on section 5.
He has rendered material aid in the preparation of this history, and
to him and others we acknowledge our obligations. Jonathan
Tuttle settled in this township in 1810; built a log house in
the summer and fall of that year, which he first occupied in
January, 1811; was elected a justice of the peace in 1819; served in
that capacity twenty- one years; was county commissioner four terms,
and a member of the State legislature during the winter of 1843-44.
The first settler east of the old Salt road was Levi Smith,
who emigrated from Sandisfield, Berkshire county, Massachusetts,
with his wife and one child, in 1816, locating on section 13. Mr.
Smith was a zealous Methodist, not only donating the land
upon which the Methodist church is located, but also contributing
liberally towards the erection of the building. The original
farm is now occupied by Newton Smith. The
youngest son is E. J. Smith, at present township clerk,
justice of the peace, and notary public.
The old Salt road, of which
mention is made in several township histories, was laid out in 1804,
by ___ Bemis and David Niles It began on the
lakeshore, at the mouth of Conneaut creek, continuing south to the
old County road, and on through the first range to Kinsman's mill.
The course from Kinsman's store was northwardly along the ridge,
passing the residence of Marvin Leonard
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