THIS township, which is No.
9 of the third range, was originally called Lebanon. On the
17th day of May, in the year 1799, it was deeded by the Connecticut
land company to Elisha Tracy, and on June 1, same year,
Josiah Barber purchased an undivided interest in the township.
During the years 1801 and 1803, Barber sold to S. Gilbert,
E. Tracy, and on June 1, same year, Josiah Barber
purchased an undivided interest in the township. During the
years 1801 and 1803,
Barber sold to S. Gilbert, E. Tracy, and Joseph
Pepoon all his interest excepting one thousand acres, which were
deeded, on the 15th day of May, 1813, to Joel Owen,
originally of Nelson township, Tolland county, Connecticut.
This land was located as follows : two hundred acres in the west
part of lot No. 1, and eight hundred in lots Nos. 25 and 26. Mr.
Owen received an article for this land in the summer of 1803,
and in the fall of same year began the journey to his far western
home. This was undertaken with a wagon drawn by oxen.
Owing to the inclemency of the season, bad roads, etc., he left his
family, which at that time consisted of a wife and two children, at
Amsterdam, New York, and came on to his possessions in this
township. During the winter he erected thereon the first house
in New Lyme. This was a small log structure, with the
“regulation puncheon floor” and rived shingle roof. Having
completed his dwelling he returned in the spring for his family, and
soon after embarked for his new home. His route was up the
Mohawk river and along Lake Ontario to Buffalo, in an open boat, and
from that point to Ashtabula, thence through Austinburg and Morgan
to their cabin, at which point they arrived on the 13th day of
August, 1804, over nine months from the time of their “breaking
camp” in Connecticut. At this time the nearest white settlers
were seven miles away, and here, solitary and alone, except as
occasional parties of Indians encamped near them for the purpose of
hunting, this family resided for nearly seven years. Of the
children of Mr. Owen we learn there were six, three of
whom settled, after marriage, in the adjoining township of
Colebrook, one in Gustavus, Trumbull county, and another in
Saybrook, then called Wrightsburg. The names of these children
were Sophia, who married Reuben Roberts;
Zarina, who married John Scoville; Anna,
who married Jedediah Groves; Sallie, who
married Gilbert Cole; Electa, who married
Daniel Collings; and Polly, who married
Jonathan Webb. None of the family are at present
residents of New Lyme. In January, 1811, Mr. Owen
ceased to be “ monarch of all he surveyed,” from the fact that at
this time the following persons removed from Lyme, New London
county, Connecticut, and located near him: Samuel G. and
Daniel Peck, Joshua Strickland, Vinton B. Way, and
John and Salmon Gee. These parties built
a log cabin and cleared off a piece of ground in what was then known
as the “ pigeon-roost,” and from it some six hundred bushels of corn
(in the ear) were harvested. In July of the same year, Dan
Huntley, Joseph Miller, Peter Chapman,
and Perry G. Beckwith, with their families, arrived in the
township. The children of Joseph Miller, who
settled on lot No. 2, were Angeline, born in Connecticut;
deceased. The next, Dan, married Lydia
Johnson; was ordained a clergyman of the Baptist connection,
Oct. 15, 1836; died in Minnesota, April, 1874. Louisa,
third child, married Heman Johnson; deceased.
Temperance, married Nelson Hyde; resides in New
Lyme. Eliza, died young. Joseph, Jr.,
married Mary St. John; lives on south part of old farm.
Marcenus V., married Beulah Brown;
lives on lot No. 8. Griswold and Phoebe both
died single. The children of Perry G. Beckwith are
Delinda, married John Gee; deceased. Elijah,
married Sarah Partridge; now residing in Jefferson with his son,
George W., who, with A. R., are connected with the
mercantile interests at that point. Esther, deceased.
Perry G., deceased. Alvin, married Peggy
Little; resides near the old homestead. Joanna, deceased.
Edward M., deceased. Ezra M., married. Phillips,
resides in Colebrook. Adelia, deceased; and Samuel R.,
married Mary Allison; resides in Kinsman, Trumbull
county. Of the families of Huntley and Chapman we have
no data.
The following August, Samuel and Daniel Peck
and Vinton B. Way returned to Connecticut after their
families. Returning, they, in company with Eusebius Dodge,
Zopher Gee, Charles Knowles, and
Sanford Miner, arrived in New Lyme on the 20th day of the
subsequent September. This company, numbering some ninety
persons all told, performed this journey of over six hundred miles
in wagons drawn by horses and oxen. Many mishaps are related
of this journey and its privations and sufferings. Sufficient is it
for us to know, however, that forty-three days from the time of
their leaving their New England home they arrived at the cabin of
Samuel G. Peck. The children of Samuel Peck
are William D., married Zipperali Miner, now
resides in Fairfield, Iowa; Josiah J., deceased; Susannah,
deceased; Betsey, married Eli Andrews, resides
in Bloomingdale, Michigan; Lorica, deceased; Elijah,
married Parney Hubbard, still living in New Lyme;
Samuel G., married Nancy E. Canfield, lives in Rome, this
county; Silas, married Angelina Gee, lives in
this township; Zipperali and Mary Ann, deceased. D.
Peck’s children were Edward C., deceased; Ansel,
left New Lyme in 1818, supposed to have died west; Polly,
married Elias Brockway, now living in Michigan;
Lyman, married Laura Brown, residing on lands
purchased by his father. The children of Joshua
Strickland are Stephen, Marcus L., and Eliza.
The children of Eusebius Dodge were John,
deceased; Jeremiah, married Harriet Jackson,
still living on the original homestead; Nancy, married
Lemuel Lee, their only child is the present Judge
Lee, of Ashtabula,—Mrs. Lee resides on the old
place with her brother; Patty, deceased; Eusebius was
a Baptist clergyman, deceased; Henry, deceased; Maria,
deceased; Joanna, married Dr. Jared Fuller,—Sylvester
Tracy, only son of this couple, is now cashier of the Second
National bank of Jefferson. The foregoing children were born
in Lyme, Connecticut. Two children were born here,—Edward
C. and Matthew, who both died young. The children
of Vinton B. Way are as follows: Abby, deceased
Darien, married Catharine Foreman, resides in
Colebrook; Caroline, still resides on the old homestead;
Phebe, married Elisha B. Clark, lives in Rome, this
county; John C., married Caroline C. Edwards, resides
in this township; E. S., married Ann Norton,
resides on the old farm; Sarah, deceased; Mary,
deceased; Erastus and Esther, also deceased.
[Pg. 226]
emptying into Rock creek, in Rome. Whetstone creek has its
rise in a small swamp situated on the east line of the township,
near the centre, flows nearly due west, and discharges its waters
into Rock creek, a little north of the Centre road.
The first school was taught in the winter of 1812—13,
by John Gee. The building occupied for school
purposes on this occasion was a small log affair, and was probably
located on the land of Perry G. Beckwith, Sr. There
were some eighteen pupils in attendance, and comprised all the youth
within the township. The first select school was taught by
Albert Hall, at the Baptist church, in the rear 1850.
The first marriage in the township of New Lyme occurred in the year
1812. Miss Susan, daughter of Samuel G. Peck,
and Calvin Knowlton, of Morgan, were the participants
in this no doubt highly interesting event. The ceremony was
performed at the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev.
Giles H. Cowles, then resident in Austinburg. The first
male child born in this township was a son to Joseph and
Elizabeth Miller, Dec. 14. 1811. This child was
named Daniel, and is the same of whom mention is made in
connection with the Miller family. The first
child who saw the light in a frame dwelling was Marcena
Miller; this was in 1822. The first frame house erected in
the township was in 1820, Dan Huntley owner. The
first adult death was that of an old lady named Bailey. This
occurred in the year 1818. Where buried, or who had charge of
the funeral obsequies, we are unable to learn. The first
physician was Jared Fuller, who arrived in New Lyme in
the year 1829. Dr. Fuller was originally from
Windham (now Scotland), Connecticut. He located on lot No. 1,
and continued to practice his profession successfully until 1870,
when he removed to Jefferson. Dr. Porter Kee,
who was a partner of Dr. Fuller’s for some years,
built the Water Cure establishment in this township. The
present medical staff of New Lyme is composed of Dr. A. Rathbone,
who is spoken of as being fully up to the standard in professional
attainments; has a fine practice.
“ Blazed” routes were
established to Wayne, Lenox, Morgan, and Rome as early as 1811, but
the first road of which mention is made in the county records was in
June, 1813; this was “ from the Strong place in Rome, and running
southerly through New Lyme; thence southerly and easterly until it
intersects the road at Nathan Fobes’, in Wayne.”
The same date another road was authorized “ from the south line of
No. 10, third range (Lenox), running south until it intersects the
new road laid in Lebanon (New Lyme), and north in a direction with
said line until it intersects the road running to Jefferson.”
June, 1816. A road “from Eusebius Dodge, and
running in an easterly direction until it intersects the road
leading from Rome to Wayne, at Levi Bailey’s.”
Same date. From, at, or near Joseph Miller's, and
running eastwardly by the houses of Martin and Seldin
Huntley, until it intersects the highway leading from Rome to
Wayne. December, 1817. From near the house of Levi
Bailey, and running southeasterly to intersect the road running
northerly from Titus Hayes’, in No. 8, second range (Wayne).
March, 1819. From Eusebius Dodge’s, running westerly
to Edward C. Dodge, in Rome. March, 1820. From
centre of south line to old road leading to Morgan, June, 1820.
From northeast corner of Josiah Peck's land to Windsor
The first sermon delivered in the township was at the
house of Zopher Gee, by the Rev. Giles H. Cowles,
of Austinburg, in the fall of 1812, to an audience of, perhaps,
The Free-Will Baptist church was organized Nov. 12,
1826, by Elder Samuel Wires, with nine members, whose names
are as follows: Benj. Reeve, Elias Brockway, Elijah Brown, Rumsey
Reeve, Daniel Bogue, Joshua Strickland, Lovina Waters, Martha Reeve,
and Sarepta Brown. Joshua Strickland was the
first clerk and Benjamin Reeve deacon. Following are the names of
such of the pastors as we could procure: Revs. Wires, Cheeney,
Dodge, Rolland, Perry, Craft, D. H. Miller, Dunn, Rice, Straight,
Crandall, Page, and ____ Drake, who is the present incumbent.
Their church at Dodgeville .was erected in the year 1846. The
close-communion Baptists erected a church in 1832. Rev.
Joshua Woodworth (ordained at Jefferson, 1811) was for
years pastor of this church; was succeeded by Silas Barnes,
Sidney Carter, and _____ St. John.
was erected by Joseph Miller in 1814.
Its location was on Whetstone creek, north of Brownsville. The
next mill was built by Zopher Gee and Samuel G. Peck
in 1820, and stood on Lebanon creek, near the present
residence of Zopher Gee. Oliver Brown, in 1843, built a
mill at Brownsville, on Lebanon creek. This was run by water
until 1850, when steam-power was substituted. This and the
steam-mill just north of the centre comprise the sum total of the
New Lyme mills.
This township was organized
under the name of Lebanon on the first Monday of April, 1813, and
continued under that name until 1825, when it was, by special act of
the legislature, changed to New Lyme. Upon its organization
the following persons were elected: David Huntley, Samuel G.
Peck, and Perry G. Beckwith, trustees; Joseph Miller,
clerk; Joel Owen, treasurer; and Edward C. Peck,
constable. Eusebius Dodge was, on the 2d day of August, 1813,
commissioned a justice of the peace for this township. He was
succeeded by Joseph Miller, and was recommissioned July 19,
1816. His successor was Lemuel Lee, who served in that
capacity for a number of years. The present justices of the
peace are Calvin Dodge and M. A. Eaton. Mr. Lee was
one term to the legislature, and Judge William S. Deming
two terms. The first postmaster was undoubtedly Lemuel Lee,
and the mail matter was received and distributed at his house, which
stood just north of Dr. Fuller’s. The date upon which
this office was created we are unable to obtain, though a mail-route
was established in 1826, running from Warren through this town to
Jefferson, and it was probably soon after that this office was
established. Samuel Lee was his successor. This office
is now kept at the store of Perry G. Hyde, who is postmaster.
A second office is located on lot No. 8. M. V. Miller,
postmaster, was commissioned Oct. 25, 1873. The first hotel
was opened in about the year 1S31 by Elijah Brown. This
building is now occupied by Byron Brown for a dwelling.
The present hotel is owned by L. S. Potter. Its location is
next door south of Hyde’s store, and was first thrown open as
a house of entertainment on May 17, 1876. The first store was
opened in the year 1830 by Richard Hayes and
Benjamin Carpenter, of Hartford, Trumbull county, though
Jeremiah Dodge sold some goods on commission prior to this
date. The store of Messrs. Hayes & Carpenter was located at
Dodgeville. February, 1834, this store was sold to J. Dodge
and Samuel Plumb. Nelson Hyde and Albert Latimer
subsequently became partners. In the spring of 1834 a
mercantile establishment began business at Brownsville, under the
firm -name of Oakley, Deming & Co. They continued under
this name for two years, when William S. Deming became sole
owner. The business continued for many years as Deming &
St. John, William S. & John Deming, and Deming & Gee. New
Lyme has at present five mercantile establishments: Hiram Dodge
and M. L. Strickland at Dodgeville, P. G. Hyde and
M. H. Wilson at Brownsville, and Nelson Hyde has a
small stock of goods at his house, on the turnpike. The first
cheese-factory in New Lyme was built by Albert Latimer and
Jonathan Bishop in 1865 and 1866. This was the “Alderney.”
Mr. Zopher Gee has been manager the most of the time.
The first year the milk of about three hundred cows was
manufactured. Now the number is about six hundred. The Lebanon
Valley cheese-factory is owned by Messrs. Dodge & Brown, and
does an extensive business, manufacturing in 1876 the milk of eleven
hundred cows.
At Brownsville there is a very fine
lodge of the Independent Order of Good Templars. Their charter
bears date Apr. 15. 1868, with the following members: F. J.
Reeve. H. A. Reeve, S. Reeve, J. S. Peck, Antoinette Peck, F. P.
Brown, J. H. Patchin, A. E. Peck, C. H. Coon, D. S. Chapel, and Mary
Chapel. Membership, forty.
Symbol Lodge, No. 452,
whose charter bears date Oct. 19, A. D. 5871, own a fine wooden
building at Dodgeville, the lower story of which is occupied by the
store of M. L. Strickland. The charter members of this lodge
are Alexander McCausland, Sylvester T. Fuller, George E. Gee, H.
L Dodge. D. C. Woodworth.
Benjamin Reeve, M. H. Wilson, J. C. Perry,
J. A. Hoskins, F. E. and A. C. Crosby, O. R. Potter,
A. W. Remick, A. G. Rathbone, R. L. Foreman,
and Byron Bovee. Present officers are E. S.
Gee, W. M.; M. D. Rogers, S. W.; A. W. Remick, J.
W.; E. N. Jayne, Sec.; H. L. Dodge, Treas.; George
E. Gee, S. D.; George Parker, J. D.; and M. L.
Strickland, Tyler. The present membership is sixty, and
steadily increasing. Stated communications, second and fourth
New Lvme has in training a brass-band of no mean
In manufacturing, there is the carriage-manufactory of
Messrs. Richmond, Dodge & Co., and Elisha Peckwith, the
harness-shop of M. H. Wilson, blacksmith-and shoe-shops,
marble-works, etc.
In relation to the industries of this township, the
assessor’s returns show that more than one hundred thousand pounds
of cheese are manufactured here than in any other township in
Ashtabula County. Below find crop statistics, etc.
Wheat |
150 |
acres |
1,252 |
bushels |
Oats |
557 |
" |
28,090 |
" |
Corn |
455 |
" |
25,704 |
" |
Potatoes |
170 |
" |
2,165 |
" |
Orcharding |
172 |
" |
14,840 |
" |
Meadow |
1967 |
" |
2,034 |
tons |
Maple-sugar |
11,095 |
pounds |
Butter |
26,790 |
" |
Cheese |
480,731 |
" |
There are 6 school-houses,
valued at $3300; amount paid teachers, $661.85; with a total number
of scholars of 209.
Population, 708.
Vote for President in 1876 was: R. B. Hayes,
144; S. J. Tilden, 59.