By Mrs. Moina W. Large
Published by Historical Publishing Company
Topeka - Indianapolis
FAULKNER, manager of the Ashtabula Water Supply Company and a
member of one of the early pioneer families of the county, was born
in Ashtabula, Apr. 8, 1875, and is the son of T. Dwight and
Catherine (Thayer) Faulkner.
T. Dwight Faulkner was also a native of Ashtabula
and the son of John Morton Faulkner, who came to Ashtabula
with his father and mother. They settled in the vicinity of
Bunker Hill at an early date. T. Dwight, was in
business with his father under the firm name of J. M. Faulkner &
Son. They operated a store at Ashtabula for 35 years
and a branch at Cherry Valley during the Civil War.
Mr. Faulkner died June 30, 1910, at the age of 73 years.
He had lived retired during the latter part of his life at
Ashtabula. His wife was a native of Ashtabula Harbor and the
daughter of Capt. Calvin Thayer, a well known lake captain.
She died in 1912 at the age of 73 years. To Mr. and Mrs.
Faulkner were born four children: John, manager of
the H. B. Smith Company's New York office, of New York City,
where he now lives; Charles died at Ashtabula National Bank,
a sketch of whom appears in this history; and Albert T. the
subject of this sketch.
Albert T. Faulkner was reared in Ashtabula and
educated in the public schools. In 1896 he entered the employ
of the Ashtabula Water Supply Company, where he remained until 1909.
He then spent several years in the manufacturing business and was
also interested in newspaper work. He served as city auditor
for three and one-half years and was associated with the Mitchell
Hardware Company for three years. In 1919 he returned to
the water company as manager and has served in that capacity since.
The officers of the Ashtabula Water Supply Company are: B.
B. Seymour, president and treasurer; W. H. Sharp of
Columbus, secretary; and Albert T. FAulkner, manager.
Mr. Faulkner was married on June 30, 1912, to
Miss Emma O. Clark, of Ashtabula, the daughter of Otis B. and
Emma J. (Tinker) Clark. Mr. Clark died in 1917 and
his wife resides in Ashtabula. To Mr. and Mrs. Faulkner
have been born two children; Catherine Clark, and
Artalissa J. Faulkner.
Mr. Faulkner is affiliated with the A. F. & A. M.,
Rising Sun Lodge, No. 21, Ashtabula, and Elks Lodge No. 208, and is
among the progressive members of his community.
Source: History of Ashtabula County, Ohio - by Moina W.
Large - Vol. I - 1924 - Page 986 |
H. R. FAULKNER, the well known and capable cashier of the National
Bank of Ashtabula, is a native of Ashtabula, where he was born July
13, 1871. He is the son of Timothy Dwight and Catherine
(Thayer) Faulkner, prominent pioneers of Ashtabula County.
Timothy Dwight Faulkner was born in Ashtabula in
1837, the son of J. M. Faulkner. The latter was a
leading merchant of Ashtabula for many years, having operated a
grocery business on Main Street, which was known as J. M.
Faulkner & Son. Before the Civil War Mr. Faulkner
engaged in business at Cherry Valley, Ohio. He was born in
1813 and died in 1897. To Timothy Dwight and Catherine
(Thayer) Faulkner four children were born, as follows:
John, married Mary Hall, lives in New York; Charles,
married Anna Pullman and he died in January, 1923; H. R.,
the subject of this sketch; and Albert, lives in Ashtabula.
H. R. Faulkner has always lived in Ashtabula.
He attended the public schools and at the age of 19 years was
employed in the Ashtabula National Bank as a clerk. He was
later promoted to the offices of bookkeeper and then became
assistant cashier and teller. In 1907 Mr. Faulkner
became connected with the National Bank of Ashtabula as cashier,
which office he has since filled in a most capable and efficient
In 1899 Mr. Faulkner was united in marriage with
Miss Minnie Champett, a native of Cleveland, and the daughter
of S. B. and Ida (Powell) Champett. Mr. Champett was
well known citizen of Ashtabula for many years and was train master
for the New York Central Railroad for 25 years. He died in
1898 and his widow lives in Ashtabula. To Mr. and Mrs.
Faulkner was born a son, Herbert, born in 1901. He
is a professor of music and lives in Ashtabula.
Politically, Mr. Faulkner is a Republican, and
he is identified with the Masonic Lodge. As a citizen he is
progressive and public spirited, and enjoys the respect of all who
know him.
Source: - History of Ashtabula County, Ohio - by Moina W. Large -
Vol. I - 1924 - Page 1004 |
B. B. FAUST, who is
successfully engaged in farming and stock raising in Colebrook
Township, was born in Morrow County, Ohio, Feb. 22, 1853. He
is a son of William and Ellen (Claypool) Faust.
B. B. Faust followed railroading in early life
and was a conductor for 17 years at Cheyenne, Wyo. He has
lived on his present farm since 1911. The Faust farm
contains 125 acres of well improved land and is among the fine stock
farms of the township.
On Feb. 22, 1889, Mr. Faust was married to
Miss Carrie G. Goodhue, a native of Westfield, Ohio, born in
April, 1864. She is the daughter of Albert and Catherine
Goodhue, deceased. Mrs. Faust has one brother,
T. W. Goodhue, who lives in Morrow County, Ohio.
To. B. B. and Carrie G. (Goodhue) Faust five
children have been born, as follows: Elsie Shumaker,
born May 13, 1894, lives in Colebrook Township; Max, born
Apr. 25, 1896, lives at home; Helen, born Jan. 4, 1899,
teaches school at Mecca, Ohio; Kathleen born Oct. 9, 1900,
teaches in Wellsville, Columbiana County, Ohio; and Marie,
who died in infancy.
In politics Mr. Faust is a Democrat. He
has been a member of the Masonic Order for 35 years and is highly
respected throughout Ashtabula County.
Source #2: History of Ashtabula County, Ohio by Moina W. Large -
Vol. I - 1924 ~ Page 979 |
& Son, who own and operate the Victor Milling Company at Jefferson,
are prominent and successful business men of Ashtabula County.
J. W. Faylor is a native of St. Marys, Ohio.
In 1920 he removed to Ashtabula County and settled on a farm of 160
acres in Lennox Township which he operated for two years.
In 1922 Mry Faylor purchased the Victory Milling Company.
The mill has been in operation for 40 years and is widely known.
To J. W. and May (Watson) Faylor the following
children have been born: Gertrude, married Homer Daniels,
lives in Jasper County, Ind.; Raymond, born Feb. 3, 1897,
engaged in business with his father at Jefferson; Bessie, the
wife of Walter Norris, Austin Township; Marion also in
business with his father, mention of whom is made below; and
Gladys, a student at Kent Normal School.
Marion Faylor received his education in the
public and high schools of Indiana. He ranks among the
enterprising young men of the community and has many friends.
Mr. Faylor was born June 3, 1904.
J. W. Faylor and his family hold membership in
the Methodist Church and he belongs to the Independent Order of Odd
Source: - History of Ashtabula County, Ohio - by Moina W. Large -
Vol. I - 1924 - Page 908 |
P. FELCH, well known retired banker and business man of
Bushnell, in Monroe Township, is a member of a family that has lived
in Ashtabula County since the early days. He was born at that
place, Aug. 8, 1860, and is a son of Dudley S. and Angeline
(Ring) Felch.
Dudley S. Felch was a native of Rockingham County,
N. H., and came to Ashtabula County when he was 14 years old.
He settled on a farm in Monroe Township and became a prosperous
stockman. He died Nov. 10, 1912, and his wife died May 21,
1899. Irad P., the subject of this sketch, was their
only child.
Irad P. Felch was reared on his father's farm
and attended the Kingsville schools. At the age of 24 years he
was in business for himself at Bushnell, where he operated a general
merchandise store for 35 years. For several years Mr. Felch
had as his business partner Joseph R. Ingalls. Mr.
Felch was one of the organizers of the Bushnell bank and served
as its president for many years. He was postmaster for 19
On Aug. 8, 1888, Mr. Felch was united in
marriage with Miss Laura Ingalls, a native of Tompkins
County, N. Y., born Jan. 18, 1852, and the daughter of Henry R.
and Adaline * (Randall) Ingalls. Mr.
Ingalls was born at Cortland, N. Y., Jan. 17, 1825, and was the
son of Benjamin and Esther (Gillett) Ingalls. Mr. Henry
Ingalls came to Ashtabula County in 1899 and lived retired with
his daughter, Mrs. Felch, and is 90 years of age.
Mr. And Mrs. Ingalls had five children, as follows:
Kate S., the widow of L. G. Felch, lives at Monroe
Center, Ohio; Wendell R., deceased; Mrs. Felch;
Fitch H., lives retired in Virginia; and Frank W., died
in infancy. To Benjamin and Esther (Gillett) Ingalls,
paternal grand-parents of Mrs. Felch, the following children
were born: Gillett; Laura, married Joseph Howland;
Hiram, Rosanna, married Joshua Bliss; Henry, (Mrs. Felch's
father); and Matilda; married D. H. O. Jewett.
The above mentioned are all deceased.
Mrs. Henry Ingalls is the daughter of Andrew
B. and Anna (Hoyt) Randall, the former a native of Massachusetts
and the latter of New York. Mr. Randall is an early
settler of Monroe Township and a leading citizen of Ashtabula
County. He died Feb. 28, 1879, and his wife died in 1841.
They had two children Mrs. Henry Ingalls; and Susan,
the widow of Gillett Ingalls, lives in Monroe Township.
Mrs. Ingalls takes an active interest in the affairs of her
community. She is a Republican and has voted during two
presidential elections. Since the Civil War days she has
knitted wristlets for soldiers in time of war, and at present she is
knitting wristlets for the Civil War Veterans in the Ohio Soldiers'
and Sailors Home of Sandusky, Ohio.
Mr. Felch is a Republican and has served as
township clerk since 1886. He belongs to the Independent Order
of Odd Fellows and the Monroe Grange No. 1555.
Source: History of
Ashtabula County, Ohio by Moina W. Large - Vol. I - 1924 ~
Page 717
* SHARON WICK'S NOTES: Miss Adaline (Randall)
Ingalls obituary can be found at |
FERGUSON is a substantial and well known citizen of Ashtabula
County. He is engaged as chief clerk by the Bessemer and Lake
Erie Railroad at Conneaut Harbor. Mr. Ferguson was born in
Conneaut Township, Erie County, Pa., June 21, 1880, and is the son
of John P., and Marie Antoinette (Spaulding) Ferguson.
John P. Ferguson, deceased, was a veteran of the
Civil War and a prominent farmer of Erie County, Pa. He was
born at West Springfield, Pa. Mr. Ferguson enlisted in
the army during the Civil War. He was with Company K, 145th
Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers and served three years and three
months. He was actively engaged in many battles and skirmishes
of the war and received the rank of captain. Mr. Ferguson
died Aug. 18, 1906, and his wife lives at Albion, Pa. They
were the parents of eight children, as follows: George S.,
deceased, was chief marine engineer on the Great Lakes, and lost his
life at White Fish Bay in Lake Superior when his ship, the Superior
City was lost on Aug. 20, 1920; John William, lives at
Albion, Pa.; Priscilla, married David S. Hoyt, lives
at Albion, Pa.; Chauncey, the subject of this sketch;
Daisy M., deceased; Antoinette, married James Gehr,
lives at Albion, Pa.; Inez, married Edward H. Leopold,
lives at Albion, Pa.; and Marion, lives at Akron, Ohio, is a
World War veteran, having served overseas.
Chauncey Ferguson was reared and educated at
Albion, Pa., and after completing his high school course attended
normal school course attended normal school, after which he taught
for eight years. Mr. Ferguson was assistant principal
of the Albion High School and principal of the Platea High School
for four years. On April 24, 1907, he entered the employ of
the Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad as a clerk and after a number of
promotions was made chief clerk in 1920, in which capacity he is now
On July 3, 1905, Mr. Ferguson was married to
Miss Lou Sara Dibble, a native of Girard, Pa., born Dec. 3,
1888, and the daughter of W. W. and Abbie (Martin) Dibble,
natives of Erie County, Pa., both now deceased. Mr. Dibble
died Nov. 7, 1923, and his wife died Feb. 4th of the same year.
He was a Civil War veteran. Mr. and Mrs. Dibble were
the parents of the following children: Martin, lives at
Girard, Pa.; Flora, died in infancy; Charlotte,
married Fred Tarlton, lives in Cleveland; Jennie,
married Harry Siers, deceased, and she lives at Conneaut;
Mary, married M. L. Miller, lives in Conneaut; Charles,
lives in Erie, Pa.; Carrie, deceased; Mrs. Ferguson;
and Adelaide, married Joseph Townsend, Jr., lives at
Conneaut. To Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson two children were
born, Dorothy, born June 8, 1909; and Margaret, born
April 1, 1915.
Mr. Ferguson is identified with the
Democratic party in politics and belongs to the Masonic Lodge.
He is a member of the Universalist Church and his wife is a
Presbyterian, and they are favorably known in their community.
Source: - History of Ashtabula County, Ohio - by Moina W. Large -
Vol. I - 1924 - Page 905 |

Hotel Adamson,
Ashtabula, OhioAs of 2024
Still in great condition

Now Iroquois Lounge & Hotel |
T. A. FINDLEY, owner
and proprietor of the Adamson Hotel, is a leading citizen of
Ashtabula Harbor. He was born at Allegheny, Pa., and is a son
of Patrick and Susan Findlay, both of whom are deceased.
Patrick Findley was a pioneer locomotive engineer of the
Pennsylvania Railroad and was in charge of the first passenger
train that was run into Ashtabula Harbor.
T. A. Findley was reared and educated at
Allegheny, Pa., and when a young man came to Ashtabula. He has
owned and operated the Adamson Hotel for the past 23 years, and
previous to that time owned the Lake Shore House, the past 23 years,
and previous to that time owned the Lake Shore House, the first
hotel at the Harbor. The Adamson Hotel occupies a fine three
story building 50x96 feet and is modern throughout. Reasonable
rates prevail and there is a good dining room in connection with the
On Oct. 21, 1886, Mr. Findley was married to
Miss Elizabeth Adamson, the daughter of William and Mary
Adamson, deceased. Mrs. Findley has three sisters,
Mrs. R. J. Burke, Mrs. Ellen Shea, Mrs. Catherine Sherman,
and a brother, Henry Adamson. To Mr. and Mrs.
Findley two children were born: Robert, who died at
the age of 21 years; and Patrick, who died in infancy.
Mr. and Mrs. Findley are members of the Catholic
Church and he belongs to the Knights of Columbus. They are
highly esteemed citizens of their community and have many friends.
Source: - History of Ashtabula County, Ohio - by Moina W. Large -
Vol. I - 1924 - Page 1080 |
a prosperous farmer and stockman of Colebrook Township, is the owner
of 106 acres of well improved land. He was born on an adjacent
farm in that township, Apr. 21, 1873, and is a son of E. T. and
Mary Finlaw.
E. T. and Mary Finlaw were the parents of
the following children: Abijah; Phoebe Staley, lives at
Akron, Ohio; James, the subject of this sketch; Frank;
Nellie Balentine, lives at Middlefield, Ohio; Lena Wykoff,
lives at Orwell, Ohio; Anna Schumacher, deceased; and
Turhan, deceased.
James Finlaw received his education in the
district schools, and has lived on his present farm for 47 years.
It was purchased by his father in 1849, and is among the fine stock
farms of Colebrook Township.
On Feb. 22, 1908, Mr. Finlaw was married to
Miss Edna Freeman, who was born at Cooperstown, Pa., Nov. 9,
1892. She is the daughter of Henry and Amelia (Sutley)
Freeman. Mr. Freeman resides in Pennsylvania.
His wife died in July, 1901. They were the parents of the
following children: Minnie Finlaw, lives at
Middlefield, Ohio; James, deceased; Maud Brown, lives
at Akron, Ohio; Dora Shumaker, lives at Garrettsville, Ohio;
Maggie Hankerson; Mrs. Finlaw; and Stella Williams,
lives at Orwell, Ohio. To James and Edna (Freeman) Finlaw
eight children have been born, as follows: Helen, born
Jan. 17, 1909; Ruby, born Oct. 22, 1910; Nellie, born
Jan. 25, 1913; Turhan born July 20, 1915; Marjorie,
born July 28, 1918; Agnes, died in infancy; Woodrow,
born Mar. 1, 1921; and Marion A., born Nov. 28, 1923.
Mr. Finlaw is a Democrat and a leading and
representative citizen of his community.
History of Ashtabula County, Ohio - by Moina W. Large - Vol. I -
1924 - Page 940 |
FITCH, deceased, was for many years a prominent citizen of
the township in which he lived. He was born at Wayne Center,
Ohio, Dec. 24, 1831, the son of William and Amanda (Buell) Fitch.
William Fitch was born Mar. 24,
1782, and came to Wayne Township, Ashtabula County, in 1835, and
located on a farm of 110 acres, where he spent the remainder of his
life. He was married on Aug. 22, 1804, to Miss Amanda Buell,
who was born Feb. 5, 1783. To them twin sons were born:
Chauncey and Chester, both deceased.
Chauncey Fitch was educated in the district
schools of Wayne Township and lived on the home place until his
marriage. He was always a farmer and owned 112 acres of well
improved land. During his active career he specialized in
dairy farming. He died July 31, 1904.
Mr. Fitch was married to Miss Emma Woodruff,
a native of Dorset Township, born Jan. 1, 1846, and the daughter of
L. T. and Edith (Webb) Woodruff, the former a native of
Trumbull County, Ohio, and the latter of Colebrook, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Woodruff, deceased, were the parents of the
following children: Fidelia, deceased; Mrs. Fitch;
Eunice Allen, deceased; and Nellie King, lives in
Ashtabula. Mr. and Mrs. Fitch had no children.
Mr. Fitch was a Republican and belonged to the
Congregational church. He was a highly respected citizen of
hte community.
Source: - History of Ashtabula County, Ohio - by Moina W. Large -
Vol. I - 1924 - Page 991 |
is an enterprising and progressive farmer and stockman of Ashtabula
County, and a member of the county's oldest and most prominent
pioneer families. He was born at Andover, June 23, 1867, and
is the son of C. H. and Mary (Bliss) Fitts.
The Fitts family settled in Ashtabula County
in 1831. C. H. Fitts was born in Connecticut, Mar.25,
1825, and his father, H. Fitts, was a native of the same
state, born in 1801. They were woolen manufacturers and
followed their trade after removing to Ohio. C. H. Fitts
died in 1900, after having established one of the first woolen mills
in Ashtabula county. His wife was a native of Ohio, born Feb.
29, 1834, and they were the parents of four children:
Sophia Yates, lives at Boston, Mass.; C. B., lives on the
home place; H. H., the subject of this sketch; and
Temperance Slater, lives in Ashtabula County.
H. H. Fitts attended the public schools of
Andover, and in 1895 he and his brother, C. B., began the
operation of their father's mill, which they operated successfully
until 1901. For the past thirteen years Mr. Fitts has
engaged in dairy farming and he owns one of the fine farms of the
On Nov. 6, 1908, Mr. Fitts was married to
Miss Bessie L. Coleman, a native of Canada, born Jan. 31, 1878,
and the adopted daughter of L. Coleman. To H. H. and
Bessie L. (Coleman) Fitts three children have been born, as
follows: Curtis H., born Aug. 9, 1909; Rachael E.,
born Mar. 20, 1913; and Ruth Mary, born Jan. 6, 1915.
In politics Mr. Fitts is identified with the
Republican party and he and his family hold membership in the
Congregational Church. They are substantial citizens of their
community and have many friends.
Source: - History of Ashtabula County, Ohio - by Moina W. Large -
Vol. I - 1924 - Page 1079 |
who is successfully engaged in farming and stock raising on his farm
of 214 acres in Richmond Township, was born on a farm in
Pennsylvania, Sept. 6, 1865, and is the son of Thomas and Agnes (Baier)
Thomas Flack was a native of England, born Dec.
1837. After coming to this country in 1851 he located in
Cleveland, where he remained until the time of the Civil War.
Mr. Flack served throughout the war and afterward removed to
Richmond Township, Ashtabula County, where he farmed until the time
of his death, Feb. 14, 1923. His wife, also a native of
England, was born in 1835, and died in 1901. Mr. and Mrs.
Flack were the parents of three children: J. B.,
the subject of this sketch; Fred, deceased; and Dorothy.
J. B. Flack received his education in the district
schools and has always been a farmer. He has lived on his
present farm in Richmond Township for the past twenty-five years and
it is among the fine dairy farms of the county.
On May 20, 1887, Mr. Flack was united in
marriage with Miss Agnes Weir, a native of Richmond Township,
born on the present Flack farm, May 26, 1869. She
is the daughter of William and Jane Weir, both deceased.
To Mr. and Mrs. Flack have been born three children, as
follows: Ruth McConnel, lives at Dorset, Ohio;
Jessie Anthy, lives in Ashtabula; and William, at home.
Mr. Flack and his family are members of the
Methodist Episcopal Church and he has been a member of the school
board for many years. He is a reliable man in his community
who has attained success in his work.
Source: - History of Ashtabula County, Ohio - by Moina W. Large -
Vol. I - 1924 - Page 081 |
retired, has for many years been a leading farmer and stockman
of Ashtabula County and is a member of one of the substantial and
prominent pioneer families of this section. He was born in
Mercer County, Pa., Sept. 3, 1847, and is a son of E. L. and
Hannah (Still) Forbes.
E. L. Fobes was the son of Elias Fobes, who
came to Ohio from Connecticut with his parents and other brothers at
the age of 12 years. They were the first family in Wayne
Township, having settled there in 1803. Elias Fobes was
the son of Simon Fobes. E. L. Fobes remained in
Ohio for a number of years, married, and later lives in Mercer
County, Pa., where he died at the age of 72 years. His wife
was a native of Michigan, and died at Andover, Ohio, when she was 89
years old. They were the parents of the following children:
Nelson; Frances, deceased; H. W., the subject of this
sketch; Albert, deceased; Mary E. Pringle, living at
Lansing, Mich.; and Emma Lutton, living near Sandy Lake, Pa.
H. W. Fobes spent his boyhood on his father's
farm and was educated in the district schools, Jamestown and New
Lebanon Seminary. He taught school for four years in the
states of Pennsylvania, Nebraska, Iowa, and Michigan, his first and
last terms being in his native state of Pennsylvania. In 1899
he established a basket making business at Eagleville, Ohio, which
he conducted for 22 years. He owned a factory at Rock Creek,
which was burned in 1910, and rebuilt. This factory was
acquired by Mr. Fobes' son, Harry, and operated
by him from 1920 until the fire of 1924, when it was totally
destroyed. Mr. Fobes owns a well improved farm of 390
acres in Morgan Township and for many years has been known as a
large taxpayer in this township.
In 1878 Mr. Fobes was married to Miss Jennie
DuBois, deceased. One son was born to that union Harry C.
Fobes, Garrettsville, Ohio. On Nov. 19, 1906, Mr. Fobes
was united in marriage with Miss Ellen Lewis, a native of
Wales, and a daughter of John and Elizabeth (Reece) Lewis.
Mrs. Fobes came to this country at the age of 18 years and lived
in Cleveland for some time. To Mr. and Mrs. Fobes six
children have been born as follows: Eugene W., Marie E.,
Henry W., Lewis l. Geraldine and Francis Sidney, all at
In politics Mr. Fobes was identified with the
Democratic party in early life, but is now more of an independent.
His wife holds membership in the Methodist Episcopal Church of Rock
Creek and they are representative citizens of their community.
Source: - History of Ashtabula County, Ohio - by Moina W. Large -
Vol. I - 1924 - Page 1022 |
R. B. FOBES, an
enterprising farmer and stockman of Wayne Township, was born on the
farm where he lives, July 13, 1871. He is the son of L. H.
and Alice (Barber) Fobes.
L. B. Fobes was born on thsi farm in Wayne
Township, Mar. 4, 1834, the son of Levi and Eunice Brown (Gordon)
Fobes, natives of Connecticut and Massachusetts, respectively.
Levi Fobes was born June 30, 1788, and his wife was born Nov.
30, 1793. They were married on Mar. 4, 1813, and shortly after
settled in Ashtabula County. Mr. Fobes died Nov. 5,
1869, and his wife died Apr. 4, 1870. L. H. Fobes was a
successful farmer of Wayne Township. He was married on May 19,
1855, to Miss Alice Barber, who was born Jan. 11, 1839.
He died in 1899 and his wife died Feb. 13, 1890. They were the
parents of the following children: Styles L., born Dec.
10, 1860, lives at Kinsman; Leona C., born Apr. 4, 1863, died
Mar. 14, 1898; Bert D., born Dec. 25, 1868, killed by
lightning May 23, 1904; R. B., the subject of this sketch;
Ada, born June 22, 1877, lives at Green, Ohio; and Eva A.
Jones born Sept. 5, 1880, lives at Conneaut.
R. B. Fobes was reared on his father's farm and
received his education in the district schools. He has 47
acres of good farm land and specializes in dairy farming.
On Apr. 14, 1898, Mr. Fobes was married to
Miss Sarah Brockway, a native of Wayne Township, born Dec. 1,
1876, and the daughter of Clarence V. and Flora Ann (Whiston)
Brockway. Mr. Brockway was a Civil War veteran and
died Feb. 16, 1894. His wife was born June 24, 1855, and lives
in Wayne Township. They had three children: Mrs.
Fobes; Cllyde W., born in 1879, deceased; and Flossie L.
Jones, born Apr. 10, 1888, lives in Iowa. To Mr. and
Mrs. Fobes seven children have been born, as follows:
Alice F., born Apr. 16, 1899, the wife of Charles W. Aldrich,
lives at Lenox; Clarence L., born Apr. 4, 1900, a teacher,
lives at home; Beulah a teacher, born May 5, 1902, at home;
Mabel L. a teacher, born Jan. 30, 1904; Bert, born
Jan. 25, 1907, at home; Lorena B., born Jan. 29, 1910; and
Sylvia M., born Oct. 5, 1914.
Mr. Fobes is a Republican and he and his family
are members of the Congregational church. He is a reliable
member of his community.}
Source: - History of Ashtabula County, Ohio - by Moina W. Large -
Vol. I - 1924 - Page 817 |
FORMAN, widely known in Ashtabula County as a successful
farmer and stockman, was born at Austinburg, Ohio, Apr. 23, 1882,
and is a son of Mathew and Sarah (Calloway) Forman.
Mathew Forman was born at Troy, Ohio, Aug. 26,
1846. His wife was born near Austinburg, Ohio, in 1847.
He engaged in general farming and stock raising during his life and
met with success. He died Jan. 29, 1915, and his wife died in
LaRue D. Forman received his education in the
district schools of Austinburg and has always been a farmer.
He specializes in the breeding of good stock and his farm is among
the well improved stock farms of Saybrook Township.
On Jan. 27, 1904. Mr. Forman was married to
Miss Evalyn Goodrich, a daughter of William and Mary
(Huggins) Goodrich, the former a native of England and the
latter born in Rootstown, Ohio. Mr. Goodrich came to
this country at the age of ten years. He died in 1919 and his
wife, who was born in 1848, died in 1907. They had three
children: Bertha, deceased; Eugene, married Carrie
Kinney, lives at Austinburg, Ohio; and Mrs. Forman.
To Mr. and Mrs. Forman have been born four children, as
follows: Bernice Mary, born Nov. 17, 1906, died in
infancy; Hazel Evelyn at home; Harold LaRue and
Marion Bertha, both at home.
Mr. Forman is a member of the Austinburg
Congregational Church. He is a substantial citizen of
Ashtabula County.
Source: History of Ashtabula County, Ohio - by Moina W. Large -
Vol. I - 1924 - Page 872 |
president and manager of
The Mitchell Hardware Company, is among
Conneaut's leading citizens. He was born in Edinburgh,
Scotland, in 1877, and is the son of George and Isabella (Hunter)
George Fortune brought his family to this country
in 1882, and located at Conneaut, where he followed his trade as
carpenter for many years. He died June 11, 1923, Mrs.
Fortune lives at Conneaut. They were the parents of
the following children: Neil, a merchant, lives in
Mansfield, Ohio; Jeanette, married Ray Knowlton, a
druggist, lives in Ashtabula; Margaret, married Walton
Wood lives at Omaha, Neb.; James, lives at Mansfield,
Ohio; William, the subject of this sketch; George,
associated with the Mitchell Hardware Company; and John, with
the same firm.
William Fortune received his education in the
public schools of Conneaut and when a young man learned the
plumber's trade. He has been associated with the Mitchell
Hardware Company since 1906 as president and manager. This is
one of the leading enterprises of Conneaut and does a large volume
of business throughout the county.
In 1902, Mr. Fortune was married to Miss
Grace L. Tate, a native of New Castle, Pa., and a daughter of
Edwin and Mary L. Tate, the former a native of New Castle, Pa.,
and the latter of Warren, Ohio. Mr. Tate was an
engineer on the Nickel Plate Railroad for many years and died in
1910. His wife lives at Akron, Ohio. They had two
children, Mrs. Fortune and George, who lives at
Parsons, Kan. Mr. and Mrs. Fortune have no children.
Mr. Fortune is a Republican, a member of the
Congregational Church and belongs to the Elks Lodge. He is one
of the substantial and excellent citizens of Ashtabula County.
Source: - History of Ashtabula County, Ohio - by Moina W. Large -
Vol. I - 1924 - Page 981 |
proprietor of the Elmwood Fruit Farm, ranks among the leading fruit
farmers of Ashtabula County. He was born on North Ridge Road, one
mile west of North Kingsville, March 2, 11879, and is a son of Henry
W. and Ella Frances (Harmon) Fowler.
Henry W. Fowler, who lives retired, was born in
Conneaut Township, Ashtabula County, is engaged in dairy farming and for
many years has met with success. Mr. and Mrs. Fowler have
four children as follows: R. E., the subject of this
sketch; Mrs. Martell, North Kingsville Village; William,
deceased; and one child died in infancy.
R. E. Fowler received his education in the
Kingsville schools and also attended Spencerian Business College in
Cleveland. He engaged in dairy farming with his father until 1913,
at which time he became interested in the fruit business. Mr.
Fowler now owns three fruit farms, which total 92 acres.
In 1899 Mr. Fowler was married to Miss Pearl
Jacobs, a native of Gambier, Ohio, and a daughter of Alonzo and
Catherine Jacobs. Mr. Jacobs died in 1909. He was a
veteran of the Civil War and a leading merchant of merchant of Gambier
for 40 years. His son, L. H. Jacobs, now owns and operates
the shoe business there which was established by his father.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs had three children: H. C. lives in
Chicago; Mrs. Fowler; and L. H., who married Frances
Young of Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Fowler have two
sons: Harold, born Nov. 18, 1900, lives at home, and the
Theodore Alonzo, born May 16, 1903, was married May 29, 1922, to
Virginia Sturgeon and two children have been born to them,
Theodore Allen and Donna May. Theodore Alonzo is
engaged in farming with his father.
Mr. Fowler is a Republican and belongs to the
Masonic Lodge. He is recognized as one of the representative and
substantial citizens of this county and the Fowler family are
highly respected citizens of the county.
Mrs. R. E. Fowler is interested in the breeding
of Chinese Chows and she has won many ribbons at various dog shows.
The dogs are highly valued and during the past year Mrs. Fowler
sold several puppies, the sale of which totaled $1,100.00. Mr.
Fowler is a breeder of Black Silver Foxes, having paid $3,000.00 for
his first pair.
Source: - History of Ashtabula County, Ohio - by Moina W. Large -
Vol. I - 1924 - Page 542 |
retired, is the oldest resident of Trumbull Township, and a widely
known citizen of Ashtabula County. He was born in this
township, Aug. 31, 1846, and is the son of Theodore and Fanny
(Warren) Frisbie.
The Frisbie family were among the earliest
settlers of this section, having come here from New York.
Theodore Frisbie was a large land owner of Ashtabula County and
a successful farmer. To Mr. and Mrs. Frisbie ten
children were born: Rancie, Theodore, Amanda and
Marietta, all deceased; Loren, deceased, was a Civil War
veteran; Levi, lives retired in Harpersfield Township;
Emmeline, married Andrew Cadimus, both deceased; Nancy,
married Joseph Fairbanks, both deceased; Henry, the
subject of this sketch; and Riley, deceased.
Henry Frisbie was reared and educated in
Trumbull Township, where he has spent his entire life. For
many years he was an extensive dairy farmer and also raised grain.
Mr. Frisbie was married to Exene Randall,
and to this union one son was born, Clayton Adelbert, who
resides in Cleveland.
Mr. Frisbie is a Republican and has always been
well and favorably known in this community.
Source: - History of Ashtabula County, Ohio - by Moina W. Large -
Vol. I - 1924 - Page 1081 |
is a prominent farmer and stockman of Orwell Township and the owner
of 116 acres of well improved land. He was born at Bloomfield,
in Trumbull County, Ohio, July 1, 1861, and is the son of Robert
and Harriet (Lintern) Fry.
Robert Fry was a native of Somersetshire, England,
and his wife was also born at the same place, although they did not
meet until they both lived at Bloomfield, Ohio. Mr. Fry
came to this country in 1840 and located in Orwell Township in 1864.
He was a farmer and died Nov. 17, 1910. His wife, was born
born in 1824, died Oct. 13, 1901. George T., the
subject of this sketch, was their only child.
George T. Fry spent his boyhood on the farm and
was educated in the schools of Orwell and attended high school for
three years. He has always lived on the same farm and ranks
among the successful dairymen of this section.
In 1890 Mr. Fry was united in marriage with
Miss Jane Pike, a native of England, born in 1870, and the
daughter of William and Mary (Manley) Pike, natives of
England, and both now deceased. There were 13 children in the
Pike family, of whom four are now living: Walter,
lives in Orwell; Sidney, lives in Nebraska; Sarah Emma
Hill, lives at Orwell; and Mrs. Jane Fry. Mrs. Fry
came to this country with her father. Her mother died in
England in 1883. To George T. and Jane (Pike) Fry two
children were born: Terry R., born Nov. 18, 1891,
married, lives at home, and has two children, Dorothy and
Katherine; and Raymond W., born Mar. 16, 1910.
Mr. Fry is a Republican, and belongs to the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He is a capable and reliable
citizen of his community.
Source: - History of Ashtabula County, Ohio - by Moina W. Large -
Vol. I - 1924 - Page 950 |
is a prosperous farmer and stockman of Orwell Township and
the heir of 182 acres of good farm land. He was born in
Cleveland, May 10, 1883, and is the son of F. V. and Amelia
(Smith) Fuller.
F. V. Fuller was a native of Detroit, Mich., and
an early settler of Cleveland. He later engaged in general
farming in Ashtabula County and died at Orwell, Ohio, at the age of
65 years. His wife, who was born in Cleveland, Apr. 4, 1859,
was the daughter of John and Eve (Rockett) Smith, natives of
Germany and pioneers of Cleveland. Mr. Smith died in
1906 at the age of 91 years and his wife died in 1905 at the age of
87 years. They were the parents of 11 children, four of whom
are now living: George R., lives in California;
Julia Fuller Cleveland; M. M. Smith lives in Iowa; and
Mrs. F. V. Fuller. To F. V. and Amelia (Smith) Fuller
two children were born: F. H., the subject of this
sketch; and William J., born Oct. 17, 1885, lives at Chardon,
F. H. Fuller grew up in Cleveland and attended
the public schools there. In 1900 he removed to Ashtabula
County and settled on his present farm in Orwell Township, where he
has met with marked success as a dairy farmer.
On Dec. 25, 1904, Mr. Fuller was united in
marriage with Miss Anna L. Worley, a native of California,
born in June, 1883. She died Aug. 27, 1917, and is buried at
Windsor, Ohio. To this union six children were born, as
follows: Mildred E., born Feb. 14, 1906; Earla L.
born Dec. 18, 1907; Russel W., born Oct. 4, 1909; Carolyn
C., born Oct. 10, 1911; Lila W., born Jan. 12, 1914; and
Helen G., born Feb. 8, 1917.
Mr. Fuller is a Republican and a representative
citizen of Ashtabula County.
Source: - History of Ashtabula County, Ohio - by Moina W. Large -
Vol. I - 1924 - Page 954 |
the well
known city food and dairy inspector of Conneaut, was born in New
York City, Aug. 9, 1892, and is the son of R. A. and Ida (May)
R. A. Fulmer has been prominent for many years
in New York City as an artist and at the present time is in Paris.
His wife is living with her son in Conneaut. A daughter,
Agatha, is married to Charles Britton and they live in
L. B. Fulmer received his education in Conneaut,
his family having removed to Ashtabula County in 1894. Mr.
Fulmer worked as an automobile mechanic until 1916, at which
time he entered the employ of the United States Secret Service as an
inspector of food and dairy products. He has been located at
Conneaut in this capacity for the past four years.
Mr. Fulmer is a Republican and a member of the
Methodist Church. He held in high regard throughout the
community and is an excellent citizen of Ashtabula County.
Source: - History of Ashtabula County, Ohio - by Moina W. Large -
Vol. I - 1924 - Page 1061 |