an extensive farmer and stockman of Jefferson township, and the owner
of sixty-one acres of good farm land, was born on a farm in
Austria-Hungary in 1879, and is the son of Joseph and
Mary Zeman.
Joseph Zeman spent his entire life in
Austria-Hungary and was a farmer. He and his wife are deceased. They
had four children: Charles; Rose, lives in the United States;
Francis, lives in Austria-Hungary, and John, the subject
of this sketch.
John Zeman was educated in the schools of
his native land and in 1904 came to the United States and settled in
Cleveland, where he remained sixteen years. In 1920 he removed to
Ashtabula county and located on his present farm in Jefferson
Township. Mr. Zeman is a grain and dairy farmer and
raises good stock. He is well known throughout the township and is a
successful farmer.
In 1904 Mr. Zeman was married to Miss Frances
Wvashut, a native of Austria-Hungary, born in 1884, and the
daughter of Theodore and Mary Wvashut.
Mr. and Mrs. Wvashut have six children as
follows: Franklin, lives in Pennsylvania; Albert,
Anna, Jadurga, and Mary, all living in
Austria-Hungary; and Mrs. Zeman.
To Mr. and Mrs. Zeman three children have been
born: Frank, born April 15, 1910; Walter, born September
16, 1916, and Anna, twin sister of Walter.
Mr. Zeman and his family are members of the
Catholic church.
History of Ashtabula County, Ohio - by Moina W. Large - Vol. I -
1924 - Page 1103