A Part of Genealogy Express

Ashtabula County, Ohio

BOOKS 'A' & 'B'

(Copied directly from original handwritten records by Sharon Wick)
Listed by Groom
Starting in 1813

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M
N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V -
W - X-Y-Z

Vol. Record No. Date Groom Bride Married by Date Recorded Recorded by
A 417 1821 Sep. 19 WADE, Samuel T. of Andover CADWELL, Emily of Andover Marriage solemnized on the 19th day of Sep. AD 1821 by and before Rufus Houghton, Esqr., a JP in Andover.
Recorded Sept. 20th AD 1821 by T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P. (Page 112)
A 663 1825 Sep. 28 WADE, Theodore L. of Andover ADAMS, Clarissa of Andover John Pickett, Jr., Esqr., JP for Andover Twp., Ashtabula Co. 9 Nov. 1825 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 931 1829 Mar. 20 WADSWORTH, Walter M. GUY, Sally State of Ohio, Ashtabula Co} This certifies that Walter M. Wadsworth & Sally Guy both of the town of Salem in the county were duly joined in marriage on the 20th of Mar. 1829.  John Bean, JP
Recorded Jun. 2d, 1829 by.  Saml. Hendry, Clerk
A 1030 1829 Dec. 31
(Also see Rec. #1029)
WAIT, Otis ELLS, Minerva I do hereby certify that the marriage contract between (Rec. #1029) Joseph Smith & Sally Sacket were duly solemnized by Philip Goff, Esqr. - Denmark Dec. 31, 1829
(Rec. #1030)I do hereby certify that the marriage contract between Otis Wail & M. Ells were duly solemnized by Phillip Goff, Esqr.
Recorded Apr. 16, 1830 by Saml. Hendry, Clerk
A 606 1824 Sep. 28 WAKEFIELD, Orin of Wrightsburg, Ashtabula Co. TAYLOR, Lowis of Wrightsburg, Ashtabula Co. Jesse Blackington, Esqr., JP for Wrightsburg Twp, Ashtabula Co., OH 3? Jan. 1825 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C. P.
A 497 1823 Apr. 14 WAKEFIELD, Reuben of Wayne JONES, Dorothy of Wayne Marriage solemnized on the 14th day of Apr. AD 1823 by & before Jonathan Tuttle, Esqr., a JP for the Twp. of Wayne & county of Ashtabula.
Recorded May 1st AD 1823 by T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 944 1829 Aug. 20 WAKEMAN, Jonathan BROCKWAY, Ruhama Jonathan Wakeman & Ruhama Brockway of the County of Ashtabula were joined together in the Bonds of Matrimony by me on the 20th day of Instant August AD 1829 - Joseph Badger
Filed Aug. 28th, 1829 - Recorded by Saml. Hendry, Clerk.
A 103 1815 Dec. 19 WAKLEY, Seth of Austinburg WOLCOTT, Lovina of Austinburg Revd Giles H. Cowles, Pastor of the Congregtional Church in Austinburg. 27 Dec. 1815 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C. P.
A 760 1827 Feb. 12 WALKER, Elisha SABIN, Harriet Rev. John Hall, MG 22 Feb. 1827 Saml. Hendry, Clerk
A 942   WALKER, Ora A. STAPLES, Mary Ann I do hereby certify that on the 20th day of Aug. AD 1829 by virtue of a Licence from the Clerk of the Court of Common Please of Ashtabula Co., Ora A. Walker and Mary Ann Staples were legally joined Marriage by me a Justice of the Peace in and for said county - Given under my hand this 27th day of Aug. 1829 - John Sherman, JP - Filed Aug. 27, 1829 - Recorded by Saml. Hendry, Clerk
pg. 5
1832 Jan. 12 WALKER, Smith BAIN, Susanna I d hereby certify that on the 12th day of Jany. AD. 1832 by virtue of a license from the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Ashtabula County, Smith Walker and Susanna Bain were legaly joined in marriage by a Justice of the Peace in and for said County - Given under my hand at Morgan this 13th day of January AD 1832.
                        Chester Loomis, Justice of the Peace
Recorded Feby 27th 1832 by Saml. Hendry, Clerk.
A 999 1829 Nov. 26 WALKLEY, Chancy
(also written WALKEY in this record)
RICHMOND, Lovina E. Richmond, MG 23 Feb. 1830 Saml. Hendry, Clerk
A 571 1823 Aug. 18 WALLACE, Thompson of Jefferson WEBSTER, Polly of Jefferson Marriage solemnized on the 18th day of Aug. AD 1823 by & before Revd. Joshua Woodworth, Baptist Elder of the Church in Lebanon.
Recorded Aug. 19th AD 1823 by T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 1050 1830 Aug. 5 WALLACE, Thompson FERRIS, Polly On the 5th day of Aug. 1830 the licence issued from this office to the said Thompson Wallace & Polly Ferris was returned with the following endorsement thereon to wit - "I hereby certify that on the 19th (17th)day of Jun. 18__
the within named Thompson Wallace & Polly Ferris - Jefferson, Aug. the 5th, 1830 - Timothy Cook, JP
Recorded Aug. the 5th 1830 by Saml. Hendry, Clerk.
pg. 5
1832 Mar. 11 WALLING, John MITCHELL, Orline On the 11th day of March AD 1832 __ License granted to the said John Walling and Orline Mitchell was returned to this Office with the following endorsement thereon to wit: The State of Ohio, Ashtabula County ss. I hereby certify that I solemnized the marriage ceremony between John Walling and Orline Mitchell of Ashtabula County on the 8th day of March, 1832 - Jacob Bailey - Licensed Minister
Recorded March 11th 1832 by Saml. Hendry Clerk.
A 611 1825 Jan. 27 WALLING, Lewis of Ashtabula Co. PIERCE, Cynthia of Ashtabula Co. Marriage solemnized on the 27th day of Jan. AD 1825 by John Bean, Esq., JP for the Township of Salem & County of Ashtabula.
Recorded Feb. 11 AD 1825 by T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 864   WALTON, James STEPHENS, Adaline On the 20th day of Apr. AD 1828 the Licence granted to Jaems Walton & Adaline Stephens was returnd to this office with the following endorsement thereon, to wit - "Saybrook, April 10, 1828 I certify that I have this day solemnized the marriage contract between the within licensed James Walton & Adaline Stephens - John Hall, Minister of the Gospel"
Recorded May 12, 1828 by S. Hendry, Clerk
A 1104 1831 WALTON, John SPENCER, Arzillia I do hereby certify that on the 10th day of Feb. by virtue of a licence from the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Ashtabula Co. John Walton & Arzillia Spencer were legally joined in marriage by me a JP in and for said county - Given under my hand at Saybrook the 23d day of Feb. 1831 - John Sherman, JP
Recorded Feb. 26, 1831 by Saml. Hendry, Clark
A 771 1828 Jan. 17 WARD, Alexander GRAY, Rebecca Thompson Higley, JP 20 May 1827 Saml. Hendry, Clerk
A 456 1822 Sep. 26 WARD, David, Jr. of Kingsville BATCHELOR, Chloe, of Kingsville Marriage solemnized on the 26th day of Sep. AD 1822 by Stephen Munger, Esqr., A Justice of the Peace in the Twp. of Kingsville.
Recorded Nov. 11th AD 1822 by T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C. P. (Page 121)
A 358 1820 Mar. 23 WARD, Elihu of Harpersfield MORSE, Marian of Harpersfield Marriage solemnized on the 23d day of Mar. AD 1820 by Adna Cowles, Esqr., a JP for the Twp. of Harpersfield.
Recorded Nov. 29, AD 1820 by T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P. (Page 94)
A 379 1820 Mar. 25 WARD, Elihu of Harpersfield MORSE, Marian of Harpersfield Marriage solemnized the 25th day of Mar. AD 1820 by & before Adna Corder, Esqr, a JP in Harpersfield.
Recorded Apr. 3d AD 1821 by T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 1070 1830 WARD, Obadiah, Junr. RUSSELL, Polly On the 22d day of Nov. AD 1830 the licence granted to the said Obadiah & Polly was returned to this office with the following endorsement to wit - "State of Ohio Ashtabula Co. ss. I hereby certify that I solemnized the marriage contract between Obadiah Ward Junr. & Polly Russell the 11th day of Nov. 1830.  Jacob Bailey, Licenced MG.
Recorded Nov. 25, 1830 by Saml. Hendry, Clerk
A 887 1828 Aug. 14 WARD, Reuben B. DUNBAR, Isabella Pratt, Perry 20 Oct. 1828 Saml. Hendry, Clerk
A 862   WARD, Sylvester COLEMAN, Eliza Feb. 21st 1828 - On Licence Sylvester Ward of Wayne & Eliza Coleman of Williamsfield were legally married - __ Mr. Hanry Coe? Minister of the Gospel
Recorded May 12, 1828 by S. Hendry, Clerk
A 748 1826 Nov. 2 WARE, Harris JEROME, Polly Jonathan Winchester, Minister of the Gospel 1827 Jan. 9 S. Hendry, Clerk
A 694 1825 Dec. 29 WARNER, Gilbert CUSTIN, Polly John B. Bartholomew, Esqr. Cert. rec'd Apl. 8 & Recorded Apl. 21, 1826 Saml. Hendry, Clerk
A 1176 1831 Dec. 8 WARNER, Noah W. GOULD, Sylvia On the 14th Dec. 1831 the licence granted to the said N. W. Warner & Sylvia Gould was returned to this office with the following endorsement appearing thereon (viz) "The State of Ohio, Ashtabula County ss. }
In pursuance of the within licence on this 8th day of December AD 1831 I joined the within named Noah W. Warner & Sylvia Gould in the bands of holy wedlock.  Ashtabula Dec. 8th 1831. - Horace Wilder, JP
Recorded Dec. 14th 1831 by Saml. Hendry, Clk.
A 411 1820 Nov. 21 WARREN, Sylvester of Harpersfield FOOT, A__i of Harpersfield Marriage solemnized the 21st day of Nov. AD 1820 by Revd. Jonathan Leslie of Geneva, Minister of the Gospel.
Recorded Jul. 17th AD 1821 by T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P. (Page 110)
A 249 1818 Oct. WARREN, William of Austinburg NEWTON, Caty, of Austinburg J. B. Bartholomew, JP for Twp. of Harpersfield 19 Nov. 1818 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C. P.
A 857   WASHBURNE, Silas KNOWLES, Celinda State of Ohio Ashtabula Co}ss - I hereby certify that on the 10th day of Mar. 1828 Silas Washburne of Harpersfield of said County & Celinda Knowles of New Lyme Twp. were legally joined in marriage by me a JP - Given under my hand and seal this 15th day of Apr. 1828 - Halsey Phillips, JP
Recorded May 8, 1828 by S. Hendry, Clerk
A 550 1824 Feb. 16 WATERBURY,  Harvey LOOMIS, Sarah The State of Ohio}
Ashtabula County} To all Persons whom it may concern.  This is to Certify that Harvey Waterbury & Sarah Loomis were joined in marriage on the evening of the 16th day of Feb. in the year of our Lord 1824.  Given under my hand and seal this 23d day of Feb. 1824.  Q.? F. Atkins, Justice of the Peace.
A true copy of the original Certificate on file.
Feb. 24th 1824.
Attest T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 909 1829 Dec. 25 WATERMAN, Laban AUSTIN, Sally This may certify that I solemnized the marriage contract between Laban Waterman of Madison & Sally Austin of Geneva, Ashtabula Co. on the 25th day of Dec. last according to law.  Jonathan Winchester, MG - Madison Feb. 19, 1829
Recorded Feb. 23, 1829 by Saml. Hendry, Clerk.
A 908 1829 Dec. 25 WATERS, Adonijah Fitch WOOD, Anne To the clerk of common pleas - By virtue of a licence issued from your office I joined together in the bands of matrimony Adonijah Fitch Waters & Ann Wood on the 25th Dec. AD 1828 - Given under my hand Geneva Jan. 8, 1829 - John Crawford
Recorded Feb. 18, AD 1829 by Saml. Hendry, Clerk
A 709 1826 May 18 WATERS, Fitch WARNER, Eliza Rev. John Hall, M.G., Ashta. 20 May 1826 Saml. Hendry, Clerk
B 1417
1834 Jan. 6 WATERS, Silas L. BOGUS, Betsey B. New Lyme Jany. 6th, 1834
Mr. Silas T. Waters to Miss Betsey B. Bogus joined in marriage by me Jeremiah Dodge Justice of the Peace.
Recorded Jan. 13, 1836 by Saml. Hendry, Clerk P. T.
A 509 1823 Jun. 26 WATROUS John B. of Ashtabula Co. MONTGOMERY, Julia of Ashtabula Co. Marriage solem ized on the 26th day of June AD 1823 by & before Jesse Blackington, Esqr. a JP within & for the County of Ashtabula.
Recorded Jul. 25 AD 1823 by T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 747 1826 Nov. 2 WATROUS, William Chester HARPER, Angeline Jonathan Winchester, Minister of the Gospel (Not listed) (Not listed)
A 838 1828 Feb. 7 WATSON, Seth W. DRAKE, Betsey Ann This may certify that I solemnized the marriage ceremony between Seth W. Watson & Betsey Ann Drake the 7th day of Feb. AD 1828  - Jacob Bailey, Licenced Minister, Kingsville, Feb. 9, 1828
Recorded Feb. 15, AD 1828 by Saml. Hendry, Clerk
A 804 1827 Mar. 8 WAY, Elisha A. LUCE, Anne Urban Palmer Retd. Jun. 12 & Recorded Jun. 18, 1827 S. Hendry, Clerk
A 730 1826 Aug. 20 WEBB, Frederick TUCKER, Elizabeth Joab Austin, JP, Ashtabula Co.   Saml. Hendry, Clerk
A 591 1824 Nov. 14 WEBB, Henry of Austinburg Twp. AUSTIN, Sybbill of Austinburg Twp. Revd. Giles H. Marriage solemnized on the 14th day of Nov. AD 1824 by Rev. Giles H. Cowls, Pastor of Congregational Church in Austinburg.
Recorded Dec. 4th AD 1824 by Almon Hawley for T. R. Hawley, Clerk, J.P.
A 1074 1830 Nov. 17 WEBSTER, David WOLCOTT, Jerusha "David Webster & Jerusha Wolcott both of the County of Ashtabula were joined in the bands of matrimony on the 17th Nov. 1830 by Giles H. Cowles"
Recorded Dec. 3d, 1830 by Saml. Hendry, Clerk
A 14 1812 Mar. 19 WEBSTER, George of Austinburg STONE, Harriot of Austinburg Revd. Giles H. Cowles, Pastor of the Congregational Church in Austinburg 30 Mar. 1812 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C. P.
A 549 1824 Feb. 4 WEBSTER, Gilbert OSBORN Polly State of Ohio}
Ashtabula County} To all Persons whom it may concern __ing.  This may Certify that Gilbert Webster and Polly Osborn were joined by me in Marriage on the evening of the 4th day of Feb.  in the year of our Lord 1824 -
Given under my hand and seal this 23rd day of Feb. 1824.   Z. F. Atkins, J.P
A true copy of the original Certificat on file Feb. 24, 1824.  Attest T. R Hawley, Clerk, C.P. {SEAL}
A 1120 1831 Apr. 1_ WEBSTER, Hiram HENDRY, Hannah Harpersfield, Apr. 1831
I hereby certify you that on the 23d of Mar. last I married Hiram Webster & Hannah Hendry.
Test Perry Pratt.
Recorded May 7, 1831 by Saml. Hendry, Clerk
A 565 1824 Apr. 22 WEBSTER, Hiram H. of Kingsvill LOOMIS, Corrinna L. of Kingsvill Marriage solemnized on the 22nd day of Apr. A.D. 1824 by the Revrand Giles H. Cowles, Doctor of Divinity & Pastor of the Congregational Church in Austinburg.
Recorded May 20th A.D. 1824 by Almon Hawley for T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 962 1829 Jun. 30 WEBSTER, Michael W. LOOMIS, Mary Joined in marriage on the 30 day of Jun. AD 1829 by Urbon Palmer, MG
Recorded Nov. 4, 1829 by Saml. Hendry, Clerk.
A 1031 1830 Jan. 14 WEBSTER, Ozias GOULD, Elizabeth On the 14 day of Jan. AD 1830 the licence granted from this office to the said Orzias Webster & Elizabeth Gould was returned and filed with the following endorsement thereon to wit:  Jan. 14 1830 The marriage contract was solemnized between the within named persons.  Gad Loveland, JP.
Recorded Apr. 18, 1830 by Saml. Hendry, Clerk
A 627 1825 Feb. 20 WEBSTER, Philo of Wrightsburg KNAP, Celistia of Wrightsburg Chester Stow, JP for Geneva Twp. 8 Mar. 1825 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C. P.
A 150 1816 Dec. 12 WEBSTER, Smith of Kingsville BLODGET, Margaret of Kingsville Amos Kellogg, Esqr., JP for Twp. of Salem 24 Mar. 1817 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C. P.
A 68 1814 Oct. 18 WEBSTER, Smith of Kingsville FOBES, Rosamand of Kingsville Aaron Wright, Esqr, JP of Salem Twp. 1 Nov. 1814 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, J. P.
A 159 1817 Apr. 17 WEED, Isaac W. of Morgan WEED, Caroline C. of Austinburg Revd. Giles H. Cowles, Pastor of the Congregational Church in Austinburg. 6 May 1817 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C. P.
A 657 1825 Aug. 25 WELCH, James of Ashtabula GOULD, Polly of Ashtabula Revd. John Hall, Minister of the Gospel of Episcopal Church in Ashtabula, Ashtabula Co., Ohio 31 Aug. 1825 Almon Hawley for T. R. Hawley, Clerk C.P.
B p.45
1833 Dec. 18 WELLS, William HARPER, Lucinda State of Ohio Ashtabula County}ss  I hereby certify that on the eighteenth day of Dec. 1833 I married William Wells to Lucinda Harper.  Asaph Turner, JP
Geneva, March 12th 1824
Recorded Dec. 18th, 1833
by Sam Hendry, Clk CP
A 435 1822 Feb. 21 WELTON, Truman of Ashtabula BENHAM, Susan Maria of Ashtabula Marriage Solemnized the 21st day of Feb. AD 1822 by Gad Loveland, Esqr., a JP in & for the Twp. of Ashtabula.
Recorded Mar. 11th AD 1822 by T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P. (Page 116)
A 1167 1831 Oct. 9
(Also see Record #1167)
WEST, Ross HASKEL, Susan Kingsville, Oct. 21st 1831 - I would give notice by this that I performed the marriage ceremony of (Record #1168) Mr. Heman Tickner to Miss Harriet Moffitt both of Monroe on the 9th of this month and (Record #1168) of Mr. Ross West to Miss Susan Haskel of this town on the 13th of this month - Henry T. Kelly
Recorded Nov. 30th AD 1831 by Saml. Hendry, Clk.
A 54 1813 Dec. 30 WETMORE, Collins of Ashtabula MAN, Moriah of Ashtabula Nathan Strong, Esqr., JP for Twp of  Ashtabula 30 Dec. 1813 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C. P.
A 380 1821 Jan. 1 WETMORE, Comfort of Wrightsburg TUTTLE, Almira? of Wrightsburg Marriage solemnized the 1st day of Jan. AD 1821 by & before Zadock Mann, Esqr., a JP in Ashtabula Twp.
Recorded Apr 3d AD 1821 by T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P. (Page 103)
A 246 1818 Jul. 21 WHEELER, Aaron, Junr. of Harpersfield JOHNSON, Lucinda of Harpersfield Adna Cowles, Esqr., JP in Harpersfield. 19 Nov. 1818 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 116 1816 Mar. 6 WHEELER, Samuel of Harpersfield JOHNSON, Lucretia of Harpersfield Revd. Jonathan Leslie, Minister of the Presbyterian Church in Harpersfield 26 Mar. 1816 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 722 1826 Jun. 8 WHELPLEY, Charles C. BACHELLOR, Licinda Rev. Jacob Bailey   Saml. Hendley, Clerk
pg. 2
1832 Feb. 8 WHELPLEY, Samuel RING, Phebe On the 8th day of Feb. AD 1832 the Licence granted to the Law, Saml. Whelpley and Phebe Ring was returned to this Office  with the following endorsement appearing thereon, to wit:  "The State of Ohio, Ashtabula County ss - I hereby certify that I solemnized the marriage ceremony between Samuel Whelplely and Phebe Ring on the 26th of Dec. 1831.
                                Jacob Bailey, Licnesed Minister of the Gospel
Dec. 1831 -
Recorded Feby 8, 1832 by Samuel Hawley, Clerk
A 894 1828 Aug. 20 WHELPLEY, Stillman HORTON, Huldah On the 10th day of Nov. 1828 the licence granted to the said Stillman Whelpley & Huldah Horton was returned to this office with the following endorsement appearing thereon, to wit - "August 20, 1828 This may certify that I then joined the within named persons in the bonds of matrimony - Robert Montgomery, Elder of the Methodist Reformd Church.
Recorded Dec. 1, 1828 by Saml. Hendry, Clerk
A 677 1822 Nov. 24 WHIPPLE, Zebulon of Kingsville STANTON, Evelina of Kingsville Marriage solemnized on the 24th day of Nov. AD 1822 by & before Stephen Munger, Esqr., a JP within & for the Twp. of Kingsville.
Recorded Feb. 12th AD 1823 by T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P. (Page 127)
A 1075 1830 Dec. 6 WHITAKER, Ede JORDAN, Esther Orwell, Ashtabula Co., Dec. 6, 1830 - Mr. Ede Whitaker was this day married to Miss Esther Jordan by me - Russell Downing, MG.
Recorded Dec. 6, 1830 by Saml. Hendry, Clerk
A 212 1817 Sep. 16 WHITE, John of Windsor GRANT, Margaret of Ashtabula Revd. Joseph Badger, Pastor of the Church in Ashtabula & Kindsville. 26 Jun. 1818 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 85 1815 Mar. 16 WHITE, Josiah of Ashtabula MANN, Fanny M. of Ashtabula Manoah Hubbard, Esqr., JP for Ashtabula Twp. 23 Mar. 1815 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 898 1828 Nov. 3 WHITE, Timothy MONTGOMERY, Clarisa Saml. Hendry Esq. - I hereby certify that on the 3rd day of Nov. 1828 the marriage contract was duly solemnized between Timothy White & Clarisa Montgomery both of Ashtabula Co. before me - E. S. Gaylord, JP - Geneva 6th Nov. 1828.
Recorded Dec. 1, 1828 by S. Hendry, Clk.
A 524 1823 Oct. 2 WHITING, Benjamin of Ashtabula Co. LATHROP, E. of Ashtabula Co. Marriage solemnized on the 2nd day of Oct. AD 1823 by Asa Tinker, Esqr., a JP for Richfield Twp.
Recorded Dec. 19th AD 1823 by T. R> Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 720 1826 Jun. 20 WHITING, Milo CASE, Keturah Rev. Randolph Stone   Saml. Hendry, Clerk
A 462 1822 Oct. 3 WHITMAN, William of Ashtabula TOD, Bede of Ashtabula Marriage solemnized on the 3rd day of Oct. AD 1822 by & before Gad Loveland, Esqr., a JP within & for the Twp. of Ashtabula.
Recorded Nov. 12th AD 1822 by T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P. (Page 123)
A 806 1827 Jul. 2 WHITMORE, William HARMON, Elizabeth Elijah Coleman, JP, Ashtabula Co., Ohio Signed 4 July 1827 & Recorded 14 Jul. 1827 Saml. Hendry, Clerk
A 696 1826 Mar. 16 WIARD, Joseph SHEPHERD, Jerusha Philo Booth, JP Cert. rec'd. Apl. 8 & Recorded Apl. 21, 1826 Saml. Hendry, Clerk
A 1047 1830 Jul. 27 WILCOX, Dan HOTCHKISS, Sally Married at Geneva on the 27th AD 1830 by Perry Pratt, MG
Recorded Jul. 26, 1830 by Saml. Hendry, Clerk
A 834 1827 Dec. 13 WILCOX, Horace FOBES, Mary Dec. 13, 1827 - Wayne -
Dr. Sir, On the 8th day of Nov. the ordinance of Marriage was solemnized between Linus Jones & Mary Phelps and on the 13th of Dec. the same Ordinance was solemnized between Horace Wilcox & Mary Fobes according to Licence rec'd. from under your hand to be recorded.  Eph'm. L. Woodruff.   -Samuel Hendry, Dec. 24, 1927 by Saml. Hendry, Clerk, C. P.
A 803 1827 Feb. 18 WILDER, Almon COREY, Anne Urban Palmer Retd. Jun. 12 & Recorded Jun. 18, 1827 S. Hendry, Clerk
A 859   WILDER, Henry MULLIN, Nancy This certifies that on the 19th day of Mar. last the bands of Matrimony between Henry Wilder & Nancy Mullin were joined together before me. - Simon Fobes, JP Wayne, Apr. 12, 1828.
I, Saml. Hendry, Clerk, C. P. do solemnly certify that I recorded the above on the 12th day of May 1828 - S. Hendry, Clerk.
A 518 1823 Nov. 13 WILLCOX, Horatio of Ashtabula PADDOCK, Harriot of Ashtabula Marriage solemnized on the 13th day of Nov. AD 1823 by & before Thomas Smith, Esqr., a JP in Ashtabula Twp.
Recorded Nov. 17 AD 1823 by T. R. Hawley, Clerk
A 1019 1830 Jan. 12 WILLEY, Aaron C. GODDARD, Wealthy This may certify that the marriage contract between A. C. Willey & Wealthy Goddard of Ashtabula was solemnized by me - Jany. 12, 1830.  Eld. Josha Woodworth of the Babtist Church.
Recorded Apr. 12, 1830 by Saml. Hendry, Clerk.
A 409 1820 Jan. 22 WILLEY, Andrew of Ashtabula JONES, Almira of Ashtabula Marriage solemnized on the 22d day of January AD 1820 by Revd. Joseph Badger, Pastor of a Church in Kingsville.
Recorded Jul. 2d AD 1821 by T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P. (Page 110)
A 576 1824 Aug. 10 WILLEY, Clement of Ashtabula Co. MUNROE, Rhoda L. of Ashtabula Co. Marriage Solemnized on the 10th day of August AD 1824 by Heman Watson, Esqr., JP within and for the County of Ashtabula & State of Ohio
Recorded September 11 AD 1824 by Almon Hawley for T. R. Hawley, Clerk C.P.
A 286 1819 Apr. 28 WILLEY, Ethen of Lebanon HUNTLEY, Clarisa Elder Joshua Woodworth, of Lebanon 10 Aug. 1819 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 211 1818 Apr. 22 WILLEY, Merrils of Morgan BEACH, Charlotte of Morgan Elijah Cosby, Esqr., JP for Twp. of Richfield 26 Jun. 1818 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 264 1818 Nov. 12 WILLEY, Rodney of Richfield SAXTON, Patty of Richfield Elijah Crosby, Esqr., JP for sd. Twp. 3 Feb. 1819 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 239 1818 Sep. 13 WILLIAMS, Alanson of Denmark BARKER, Polly of Denmark Elder Joshua Woodworth, of the Baptist Church. 16 Sep. 1818 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C. P.
A 683 1826 Feby. 3 WILLIAMS, Allen GALT, Moriah Robt. MtGomery, Elder of Reformd Church, Jefferson 3 Feby. 1826 Saml Hendry, Clerk
A 948 1829 Aug. 22 WILLIAMS, Allen LEVITT, Alvina (Alvira?) The State of Ohio, Ashtabula County - This may certify that on the 22d day of Aug. 1829 Allen Williams & Alvina Levett - both of lawfull age were duly joined in marriage by me Jesse Veits, MG
Sept. 2d AD 1829 - Recorded by Saml. Hendry, Clerk
A 790 1826 Jun. 29 WILLIAMS, Barzilla HEALY, Lama? (Lania?) J. B. Bartholomew, JP {seal} Ret.  Jun. 11 & Recorded Jun. 18, 1827 Saml. Hendry, Clerk
A 1130 1831 Feb. 3 WILLIAMS, David S. GATES, Persia On the 20th day of Jun. 1831 the license granted to the said David S. Williams and Persia Gates was returned to this office with the following endorsements appearing thereon to wit; "Ashtabula Feb. 3, 1831, I certify that I have this day solemnized the marriage contract between the within licensed David Williams & Persia Gates - John Hall, MG
Recorded Jun. 20, 1831 by Saml. Hendry, Clerk.
B 2128   WILLIAMS, Eli WILLIAMS, Mary Jane This__ certify that Eli Williams and Mary Jane Williams of Ashtabula County, Ohio were joined together in Holy Matrimony agreeable to License granted on the 9th day of Nov. A.D. 1837..  S. _. Ingraham, Minister of the Gospel.
Recorded Mar. 20, 1838 by Sam'l. Hendry, Clerk
A 876 1828 May 5 WILLIAMS, Hiram WETMORE, Philena State of Ohio, Ashtabula Co. ss. - I Solomon Jinks, A JP for Saybrook Twp., Ashtabula Co. do hereby certify that by virtue of a Licence issued from the Clerk of said County I joined together in the holy state of matrimony Hiram Williams & Philena Wetmore on the 5th day of May AD 1828 - Given under my hand & seal this 13th day of the June AD 1828. - Solomon Jinks, JP {seal}
Recorded Jul. 2d 1828 by me Saml. Hendry, Clerk
A 668 1825 Oct. 13 WILLIAMS, James MERRIMAN, Amelia J. B. Bartholomew, Esq., JP for Harpersfield Twp. 9 Nov. 1825 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 1024 1830 Jan. 7 WILLIAMS, James WOODRUFF, Sally On the 7th day of Jan. 1830 the licence granted from this office to the said James Williams & Sally Wooduff was returned with the following endorsement thereon to wit: "I hereby certify that I married the within named persons on the 7 day of Jan. AD 1830.  - Levi Montgomery, JP
Recorded Apr. 13, 1830 by Saml. Hendry, Clerk
A 540 1823 Oct. 28 WILLIAMS, John of Lebanon, A.C. DEE, Abbey H. of Lebanon, A.C. Marriage solemnized on the 28th day of Oct. 1823 by and before Lemuel Lee, Junr., Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Ashtabula.
Recorded Dec. 31st AD 1823 by A. Hawley for T. R> Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 885 1828 Sep. 26 WILLIAMS, Jonathan BARTHOLOMEW, Semantha Levi MtGomery, JP Licence granted on 20 Sep.  
A 337 1820 Apr. 6 WILLIAMS, Jotham of Austinburg THORP, Anna of Austinburg Marriage solemnized on the 6th day of Apr. AD 1820 by Revd. Rufus Freeman, Elder of the Baptist Church in Jefferson.
Recorded Apr. 15th AD 1820 by T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 666 1825 Sep. 3 WILLIAMS, Lemuel HIGBY, Lucinda J. B. Bartholomew, Esqr., JP for Harpersfield Twp. 9 Nov. 1825 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C. P.
A 398 1821 Apr. 11 WILLIAMS, Marshal of Salem
(NOTE: See Farnum Cemetery)
SANFORD, Rowena of Salem Marriage solemnized on the 11th day of Apr. AD 1821 by Eli Sanford, Esqr., a JP for the Twp of Salem.
Recorded Jul. 2 AD 1821 by T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P. (Page 107)
A 112 1816 Feb. 27 WILLIAMS, Martin of Madison, Geauga Co. FERRIS, Ruth of Jefferson, Ashtabula Co. Timothy R. Hawley, Esqr., JP for Twp. of Jefferson 28 Feb. 1816 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 535 1823 Dec. 11 WILLIAMS, Robert of Ashtabula Co. ASH, Hannah of Ashtabula Co. Marriage solemnized on the 11th day of Dec. AD 1823 by and before J. B. Bartholomew, Esqr., Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Ashtabula.
Recorded Decr. 23d AD 1823 by A. Hawley for T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 117 1816 Mar. 8 WILLIAMS, Samuel of Harpersfield WRIGHT, Hannah of Harpersfield William A. Harper, Esqr., JP, for Twp. of Harpersfield 13 Apr. 1816 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 128 1816 Aug. 2 WILLIAMS, William of Austinburg HILL, Eliza of Austinburg Revd. Giles H. Cowles, Pastor of the Congregational Church in Austinburg. 12 Aug. 1816 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 1188 1832 Jan. 21 WILLEY, Selden A. BURR, Amelia Orwell, Jan. 21, 1832 Selden A. Willey & Amelia Burr of the Co. of Ashtabula were joined in the bands of matrimony by Giles H. Cowles.
Recorded Jan. 27 AD 1832 by Saml. Hendry, Clk.
A 391 1821 Mar. 31 WILSON, Henry of Munroe HODGE, Amelia of Munroe Marriage solemnized on the 31st day of Mar. AD 1821 by David Niles, Esqr., a JP for the Twp. of Munroe.
Recorded Jun. 5th AD 1821 by T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P. (Page 105)
A 180 1817 Sep. 5 WILSON, James N. of Harpersfield TRASK, Lydia of Harpersfield Adna Cowles, Esqr., JP for Town of Harpersfield. 12 Nov. 1817 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 554 1823 Dec. 30 WINCH, Joseph of Monroe MARKS, Betsey of Monroe Marriage solemnized on the 30th day of Dec. A.D. 1823 by Benjamin Abbot, a Justice of the Peace within and for the Township of Monroe.
Recorded April 3d, A.D. 1824 by Almon Hawley for T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 1095 1831 Jan. 6 WINEGAR, Frederick D. BLANCHAR, Lodema I hereby certify that on the 6 day of Jan. AD 1831 I married in this place Frederick D. Winegar to Lodema Blanchar both residing in this place - Andover, Feb. 7, 1831 - Sheldon Norton, JP.
Recorded Feb. 7, 1831 by Saml. Hendry, Clerk
A 81 1815 Mar. 2 WITHROW, Hugh of Salem MONTGOMERY, Mamoy of Austinburg Revd. Giles H. Cowles, Pastor or the Congregational Church of Austinburg Mar. 8, 1815 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 850   WOLCOTT, Horace WARNER, Fanny On the 3d day of Apr. AD 1828 the Licence granted to the said H. Wolcott & F. Warner on the 24th day of Mar. AD 1828 - was returnd to this office with the following endorsement thereon to wit, - "Ashtabula Ma.r 25, 1828 - I certify that I have this day solemnized the marriage contract between the within Horace Wolcott & Fanny Warner - John Hall, Minister of the Gospel.
Attest: Saml. Hendry, Clerk, C. P.
A 504 1823 Jun. 1 WOOLLY, Stephen of Ashtabula Co. TINKER, Betsey of Ashtabula Marriage solemnized on the 1st day of Jun. AD 1823 by & before Lemuel Jones, Esqr. a JP within & for the County of Ashtabula.
Recorded Jun. 24, 1823 by Almon Hawley for T. R. Hawley, C.P.
A 921 1829 Apr. 9 WOOD, David SILL, Jemima State of Ohio, Ashtabula Co. - This may certify that David Wood of the Twp. of Kingsville and and Jemima Sill of the Twp. of New Lyme both of the aforesaid county were joined together in marriage on the 9th day of Apr. AD 1829 according to law and marriage licence by Mr. George Babcock, MG
Recorded Jun. 2d, 1829 by me, Saml. Hendry, Clerk.
A 295 1819 Nov. 3 WOOD, Henry of Munroe HOWARD, Sally of Munroe John Bean, Esqr., JP for Salem Twp. 13 Nov. 1819 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 90 1815 Jun. 8 WOOD, James of Harpersfield BARTHOLOMEW, Abigail of Harpersfield William A. Harper, Esqr., JP for the Twp. of Harpersfield 17 Jun. 1815 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 250 1818 WOOD, Martin H. of Kingsville
(This Record has an "X" thru it)
NETTLETON, Sally of Kingsville Amos Kellogg, Esqr., JP for Salem Twp. 19 Nov. 1818 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 242 1818 Oct. 7 WOOD, Samuel of Austinburg WELTON, Amy of Austinburg Revd. Giles H. Cowles, Pastor of the Church in Austinburg. 16 Oct. 1818 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 783 1827 May 1 WOOD, Timothy BRAKEMAN, Susanna Levi MtGomery, Justice Licence on 28 Apr. 1827
Filed 18 Jun. 1827
Saml. Hendry, Clerk, of the Peace
A 946 1828 Dec. 25 WOODBURY, Ebenezer BENSON, Sylvia The State of Ohio, Ashtabula Co. - This may certify that on the 25th day of Dec. 1828 Ebenezer Woodbury & Sylvia Benson were duly joined in marriage by me Jesse Viets, MG.
Filed Sep. 2d, 1829 - Recorded by Saml. Hendry, Clerk.
A 216 1818 May, 27 WOODBURY, Ezra of Ashtabula READ, Betsey of Ashtabula Revd. Joseph Badger of the Church in Ashtabula & Kingsville. 26 Jun. 1818 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 404 1819 Apr. 6 WOODBURY, Hiram of Ashtabula READ, Anna of Ashtabula Marriage solemnized on the 6th day of April. AD 1819 by Revd. Joseph Badger, Pastor of a Church in Kingsville.
Recorded Jul. 2d AD 1821 by T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P. (Page 109)
A 130 1816 Jul. 11 WOODRUFF, Archilleaus, of Wayne WOODWORTH, Lucinda of Wayne Ezra Leonard, JP for Wayne Twp. 16 Sep. 1816 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 678 1822 Nov. 24 WOODRUFF, Elias of Morgan STONE, Paulina of Morgan Marriage solemnized on teh 24th day of Nov. AD 1822 by Revd. Randolph Stone, Pastor of the Congregational Church in Morgan.
Recorded Feb. 14th AD 1823 by T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P. (Page 127)
A 593 1824 Nov. 7 WOODWORTH, Abel of Lebanon BECKWITH, Phebe, of Lebanon Marriage solemnized on the 7th day of Nov. AD 1824 by Revd. Joshua Woodworth of Baptist Church in Lebanon, Ashtabula Co., OH
Recorded Dec. 7th AD 1824 by Almon Hawley for T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 127 1816 Apr. 28 WOODWORTH, Albigence of Wayne WOODWORTH, Sarah of Wayne Anson Jones, JP for Wayne Twp 7 Aug. 1816 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 197 1817 Dec. 2 WOODWORTH, Amasa of Wayne JEWITT, Lucy of Wayne Ezra Leonard, Esqr., JP for Wayne Twp. 3 Apr. 1818 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 374 1820 Oct. 18 WOODWORTH, Asa of Harpersfield OHMSTED, Betsey of Harpersfield Marriage solemnized the 18th day of Oct. AD 1821 by J. B. Bartholomew, Esqr., a JP in Harpersfield.
Recorded Apr. 2d AD 1821 by T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P. (Page 101)
A 872 1828 May 22 WOODWORTH, Calvin GALE, Eliza State of Ohio, Ashtabula County ss. - I hereby certify that on the 22d day of May AD 1828 I joined in holy state of matrimony Calvin Woodworth & Eliza Gale - J. B. Bartholomew, JP.
Recorded Jul. 2d AD 1828 by Saml. Hendry, Clerk
A 854   WOODWORTH, Cyril HART, Abagail This is to certify that on the 15th Inst. - Marriage was solemnized between Cyril Woodworth & Abigail Hart the former of Williamsfield and the latter of Wayne - Attest. Ephm T. Woodworth.
Recorded May 5, 1828 by S. Hendry, Clerk
A 155 1817 Feb. 27 WOODWORTH, Disdate(Diodate?) of Wayne PERSEVILL, Juliana of Wayne Ezra Leonard, Esqr., JP for Twp. of Wayne 24 Mar. 1817 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 53 1814 Feb. 14 WOODWORTH, Ezekiel of Harpersfield ALGER, Priscilla of Harpersfield Joshua Woodworth, Elder of Baptist Church in Jefferson 3 Mar. 1814 T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
B p.45
1834 Jan. 1 WOODWORTH, Heman TAURGEE, Betsey The State of Ohio Ashtabula County - I hereby certify that 1st day of Jan. 1834 Heman Woodworth and Miss Betsey Taurgee were legally joined in Marriage by me, a Justice of the Peace in and for said County - Given under my hand at Williamsfield this 6th day of Jan. A.D.1834.  Zebediah Woodworth, J.Peace
Recorded Jan. 11th 1834 by Saml. Hendry, Clk. P. _
A 131 1816 Jul. 11 WOODWORTH, Horatio of Wayne KETCHUM, Charity of Wayne Ezra Leoanrd, Esqr., JP for Wayne Twp. (no date) T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 455 1822 Oct. 17 WOODWORTH, John of Harpersfield ELLIS, Thankful of Harpersfield Marriage solemnized the 17th day of Oct. AD 1822 by Revd. Giles H. Cowles, Pastor of the Church in Austinburg.
Recorded Oct. 23d AD 1822 by T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P. (Page 121)
A 471 1823 Jan. 8 WOODWORTH, Justus of Harpersfield BRAKEMAN, Anne of Harpersfield Marriage solemnized on the 8th day of Jan. AD 1823 by Revd. Edwd. H. Taylor of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Recorded Jan. 14th AD 1823 by T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P. (Page 125)
A 536 1823 Dec. 13 WOODWORTH, Lewis of Ashtabula Co. ANGUS, Elizabeth D. of Ashtabula Co. Marriage solemnized on the 13th day of Decr AD 1823 by and before J. B. Bartholomew, Esqr., JP in and for the County of Ashtabula.
Recorded Decr. 23d 1823 by A. Hawley for T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
pg. 5
1831 Dec. 27 WOODWORTH, Lysander AMSDEN, Susan The State of Ohio, Ashtabula County. I hereby certify that Lysander E. Woodworth and Susan Amsden were joined together in the Bonds of Matrimony of Saybrook in said County on the 27th day of December AD 1831 by me.
            Jesse N. Blackinton, Justice of Peace
Recorded Feby 27th 1832 by Saml. Hendry, Clerk.
A 755 1826 Dec. 31 WOODWORTH, Parmenas McDANIEL, Marilla Urban Palmer, MG 3 Feb. 1827 Saml. Hendry, Clerk
A 413 1821 Nov. 5 WOODWORTH, Rollin MILLER, Ruth L. Marriage solemnized on the 5th day of Nov. AD 1821 by Revd. Alvin Hyde, Pastor of the Church in Madison.
Recorded Aug. 31st AD 1821 by T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P. (Page 111)
A 1179 1831 Sep. 29 WOODWORTH, Story BROCKWAY, Elixa The State of Ohio Ashtabula County ss.  Jefferson Dec. 8, 1831 }
I hereby certify also that on the 29th day of Sep. AD 1831 Story Woodworth was joined in marriage to Louisa Brockway. (of said County of Ashtabula) by me Eld. Joshua Woodworth.
Recorded Dec. 28th AD 1831 by Saml. Hendry, Clk.
(NOTE:  This was recorded with 4 other marriages)
A 577 1824 Jul. 15 WOODWORTH, Sylvenus of Wayne, Ashtabula Co., OH PERCIVAL, Caroline of Wayne, Ashtabula Co., OH Marriage Solimnized on the 15th day of July AD 1824, by Titus Hayes, a JP within and for the County of Ashtabula & State of Ohio.
Recorded Sept. 23d 1824 by Almon Hawley for T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C. P.
A 1090 1830 Dec. 25
(also see records #1089 & 1091)
WOOLSEY, Elijah HAYES, Marilla Jan. 19, 1831 - Geneva, Sir - I send you for record the following marriages which I have celebrated -
(Record #1089) Nov. 8, 1830 - Mr. Wm. T. Ringland to Miss Sally Ann Barrtt, Ashtabula Twp.
(Record #1090) Dec. 25, 1830 Mr. Elijah Woosey to Miss Marilla Hayes, Harpersfield Twp., Ashtabula Co., Ohio -
(Record #1091) Jan. 18 Mr. Baldwin Morris to Miss Harriet Fitgerald, Saybrook, Ashtabula Co., Ohio
I do hereby certify that united the above persons in the bands of matrimony according to the above dates - John W. Hill -
Recorded Jan. 29, 1831, Saml. Hendry, Clerk
A 765 1826 Dec. 17 WOOLSEY, Wright MAPES, Phebe Simon Fobes, JP 7 Mar. 1827 Saml. Hendry, Clerk
A 633 1825 Feb. 17 WRIGHT, Aaron of Salem A. C. O. FIFIELD, Hannah of Salem A. C. O. John Bean, Esqr., a JP for Salem Twp., Ashtabula Co., Ohio 16 Apr. 1825 Almon Hawley for T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C. P.
A 375 1821 Feb. 29 WRIGHT, James of Harpersfield GRAVES, Elizabeth of Harpersfield Marriage solemnized the 29th day of Feb. AD 1821 by J. B. Bartholomew, a JP for the Twp. of Harpersfield.
Recorded Apr. 3d AD 1821 by T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P. (Page 101)
A 440 1822 Mar. 1 WRIGHT, James of Harpersfield GRAVES, Elizabeth of Harpersfield Marriage solemnized the 1st day of Mar. AD 1822 by J. B. Bartholomew, Esqr., one of the JPs for Ashtabula Co.
Recorded Apr. 12, 1822 by T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P. (Page 118)
A 597 1824 Jul. 21 WRIGHT, James of Ashtabula Co., OH TURNER, Susan of Ashtabula Co., OH J. B. Bartholomew, Esqr., JP for Ashtabula Co., OH 25 Dec. 1824 Almon Hawley for T. R. Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 915 1829 Jan. 8 WRIGHT, Joseph MOODY, Margaret State of Ohio, Ashtabula Co. ss - I do hereby certify that I married Joseph Wright of Crawford Co., Pennsylvania to the widow Margaret Moody of Richmond Twp. in Ashtabula Co. Jan. 8, 1829. - John Pickett Jr. JP.
Recorded Mar. 2nd 1829 by Saml. Hendry, Clerk.
A 1043 1829 Jan. 8 WRIGHT, Joseph MOODY, Margrate Maried Jan. 8 AD. 1829 Joseph Wright of Pensylvania to the widow Margrate Moody of Richmond, Ashtabula County. by me John Pickett, JP
Recorded Jul. 3d AD 1829 by Saml. Hendry, Clerk
A 545 1824 Jan. 14 WRIGHT, Lampson of Pierpont HOLMES, Caroline of Pierpont Marriage solemnized on the 14th day of Jan. A.D. 1824 by and before Edson Beals, Esqr., a Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Ashtabula.
Recorded Jan. 23d A.D. 1824 by T. R> Hawley, Clerk, C.P.
A 917 1829 Jan. 29 WYNCHELL, Abel BRISTOL, Sally State of Ohio, Ashtabula ss. - Jefferson Mar. 2nd, 1829 I certify that on the 29th day of Jan. AD 1829 I solemnized the marriage contract between Abel Wynehell and Sally Bristol of said county at Harpersfield in said county - P. D. Horton, Minister of the Gospel.
Recorded Mar. 2nd 1829 by Saml. Hendry, Clerk.



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