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EMERY EDGINGTON. One of the most highly
respected men of Washington township, Clermont County,
is Capt. John Emery Edgington, in the government
employ as captain of the "Guyandot," on the Ohio river.
He has been on the river several years, and has steadily
progressed by reason of his steadfast attention to duty
and his reliability. He was born in Manchester,
Ohio, Mar. 18, 1870, and is a son of George E. and
Nannie (Scott) Edgington, the father always a river
man. George E. Edgington was born in
Manchester, Ohio, Dec. 22, 1851, and lives in Augusta.
He has filled every position on a boat, from that of
deck hand up, and is one of the best known captains on
the Ohio. He owns and conducts a ferryboat at
Augusta, as he has passed the age when he can keep in
any other service. He takes very good care of his
ferryboat, which is known as the "Whisper." The
mother, who is a second cousin of President Harrison's
wife, was born near Aberdeen, Ohio, in 1850.
They had eight children, all born in Adams county,
Ohio, except the two youngest sons, who were born in
Kentucky: John Emery, of this sketch;
Archibald, a pilot on a Cincinnati and Chilo
packet and a resident of the latter place; Robert
Winifred is moving from Pittsburgh to Louisville,
and will be a captain on the steamer, "Steel City";
Morris Andrew is a resident of Chilo, and captain of
a steamer; Roy is a pilot on his father's
ferryboat; Ernest, greatly gifted in vocal and
instrumental music, with a fine voice and able to play
any instrument, died in 1900, at the age of ten years;
Edna, wife of Dr. Smith, of Augusta;
Estle, wife of Robert Hedges, died in 1902.
Both parents are members of the Methodist church and are
highly regarded by all.
Mr. Edgington began his education at Manchester,
Ohio, and attended business college in Wichita, Kan.
His first work in his profession was as purser on a
stream boat, and he learned the duties of the various
men aboard ship, from deck hand up, through the
direction of his father, who required him to fire in the
engine room, learn cooking, act as mate, deck hand, and
in other capacities, so that he is one of the most
thorough steam boat men on the Ohio and Mississippi
rivers, receiving his license when he was twenty-one
year old. He is one of the most popular men on the
river and counts his friends by the hundreds. He
is thorough-going and conscientious and has always taken
an active interest in his work. He thoroughly
deserves the honor of an appointment to a government
position and performs his duties with a methodical
thoroughness that insures their being satisfactory in
every way. He has the respect of the men employed
under his charge and is considerate in their interest.
He was employed by such large boats as the "Tacoma," and
was for six years captain of the "Courier," and also
worked on the "Princess," a Coney Island boat, and a tow
boat known as the "Douglas Hall." He is held in
affectionate regard by one and all, and when he left the
tow boat to accept the honor of his present position,
his employees much regretted losing his company.
He is well liked by the government and has made rapid
progress in his chosen field of fields. He is a
Republican in politics, and fraternally is an Odd
Fellow. He is a member of the Christian church,
and for several years, while living at Chilo, was
superintendent of the Sunday school.
On Nov. 19, 1889, Mr. Edgington was united in
marriage with Miss Jesse E. Forsythe, who was
born in Vanceburg, Ky., on June 18, 1870, daughter of
John A. and Mary B. (Adams) Forsythe. Mr.
Forsythe was born in Adams county, Ohio, Dec. 19,
1840, is retired from active life and lives in Moscow,
Ohio, and Mrs. Forsythe was born in the same
county, June 12, 1844. Her great-grandfather,
John Adams, was the first settler of Adams county,
was of Irish decent, and secured land from the
government, and this land is still in the possession of
the Adams family, the house he built being still
standing, the oldest house in the entire county.
He married Nancy Ford, of Ford's Ferry, Va.
Mrs. Edgington's grandfather, Moses Adams,
was born in Virginia, of Irish descent, and came to
Adams county, Ohio, from Virginia. He was a farmer
and married Sarah Stockup, born in Edinburgh,
Scotland, of Scotch parents, and immigrated first to
Redburn, Pa., afterward coming to Kentucky.
John A. Forsythe farmed two years in Kansas, and had
a cab and transfer business in Wichita, that State, for
a time. While a resident of Vanceburg, before
going west, he was chief of police for nine successive
years, and was well known in that part of Kentucky.
He was a Republican in politics and was city revenue
collector for some time. He held office much of
his life and was town marshal of Moscow. He
located in Clermont county in 1907. He and his
wife had seven children: Mrs. Edgington, born in
Vanceburg, Ky.; John M., born in Adams county,
Ohio, is unmarried and lives in Mexico; Edith M.,
born in Lewis county, Ky., is the wife of Edward
Raike, of Covington, that state; Katherine,
born in Seward county, Kansas, lives with Mrs.
Edgington, who reared her. Mr. and Mrs.
Edgington have one son, John Clyde, born in
Wichita, Kan., who attends school in Moscow.
Mrs. Edgington's father was with Sherman
on his famous march to the sea, also fought in the
battles of Chickamauga and Atlanta, serving in Company
K, Ohio volunteer infantry, Seventieth regiment, and one
of his uncles served in the Revolution. Mrs.
Edgington's paternal ancestors were furnace blowers
of Kentucky, and one of her ancestors, Abraham
Forsythe, married a girl who was born at Pensacola,
Wales, and came to the United States at the age
of six months, growing to beautiful womanhood. He
saw her when he was a youth of sixteen, and she but an
infant, and was so impressed with her beauty that he
kissed her and vowed he would some day return and marry
her, which he did when he was thirty-two years old.
At her death he was nearly broken-hearted and never
looked again on the face of a woman. He reared his
family in Adams county, Ohio, and his sons joined the
Union army. His wife died when she was thirty-five
years of age. The grandfather of Mrs.
Edgington's mother, Lewis Calvin, was one of
the earliest white men in Kentucky and became a noted
Indian fighter. He carried mail from Gallipolis to
Maysville, Ky., in a bark canoe, and killed the last
Indiana in the State of Ohio.
John A. Forsythe had a coal yard in Vanceburg,
Ky., and lost it in the flood of 1883-84.
Mr. Edgington's ancestors on his father's side,
the Hunts and Jacobses, were of English
birth and became early settlers of Maryland. They
leased land along the Baltimore river for a period of
ninety-nine years, and their contract was written on
parchment, with the first seal of Maryland. This
land was for the purpose of business buildings on the
water front of the Baltimore.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgington were playmates in
childhood, in the age when he delighted in pulling her
curls, and were separated at the time her parents moved
to Wichita. After her return their acquaintance
was renewed, and their friendship ripened to a warmer
feeling. They are devoted to one another and work
for a common interest. Mrs. Edgington is as
much of a business woman as her husband is a business
man. Both are proud of the part taken by their
ancestors in the earlier history of the State and
Nation, and both are intelligent and ambitious.
They moved to their present beautiful home on the hill
on Mar. 7, 1907, and have one hundred and seventeen
acres of choice land, most of it devoted to fruit.
They have twenty acres of apple orchard and twenty-five
hundred choice peach trees, besides pears, plums,
cherries and berries, theirs being considered one of the
finest orchards in Southern Ohio. They have had a
dairy and creamery business, which yields a good income,
and all this is managed by Mrs. Edgington while
her husband is away. She gets the highest prices
for her product, which finds a market in Cincinnati.
She is an excellent manager, and although she came to
the place heavily in debt, she and her family now have
every comfort. She is a reader and student and
profits by the advice freely given by the government in
the management of her place. There is probably not
an abler business woman in the county and she is justly
proud of her husband and his achievements. She has
a very good memory and is able to make good use of her
knowledge in every day life. She is a woman of
culture and good judgment, and is charitable and
public-spirited in her thought and deed. She is a
member of the Christian church.
Source: History of Clermont and Brown Counties, Ohio
- Vol. II - by Byron Williams - Publ. 1913 - Page 197 |
C ELY, one of the most prominent attorneys of
Clermont county, Ohio, whose intense and well directed
efforts have brought him into connection with many lines
of activity of so far-reaching effect that it is almost
impossible to determine the most important chapter of his
life history, was born at Savannah, Mo., October 1, 1864,
a son of Rev. William R. and Lavina (Weaver) Ely.
Rev. William R. Ely was born at Batavia, Ohio,
May 9, 1827, and died September 13, 1903, at the home of
his birth. He was a minister of the Methodist church and
for over twenty years was active in the conference. He
lived at Batavia until 1852, when he removed to Acton,
Ind., remaining there until 1863. At this place, Rev.
Ely buried four of his children in three days, of a
malignant epidemic of flux. Mrs. Ely
was also taken with the same affliction and it was thought
best to change climate, which they did, returning to
Batavia until she should have recovered her health. While
they were away from their home, it and all the contents
were burned. This was a great loss to them and they
remained at Batavia for a time, and then went to Savannah,
Mo., in 1864, where he was in active service in the
Methodist Episcopal conference until 1884, when he was
retired, returning again to Batavia, where he spent the
remainder of his life.
Rev. William R. Ely was known all over the
states of Missouri and Ohio as a horticulturist, knowing
every tree, flower, grass and bird, their habits and
nature. He was a great lover of Nature, and taught his son
the love of all things beautiful. He did much to beautify
his home and city.
Mrs. Lavina (Weaver) Ely was also a native of
Clermont county, Ohio, being born in 1827, and died in
1907. She was buried by the side of her husband in the
Batavia cemetery. They had five children born to them, all
of whom, with the exception of our subject, Edwin
C., died in childhood.
William Mount Ely, the
father of the Rev. William, and the
grandfather of Edwin C., was born in New Jersey, in
1802, and came with his parents to Clermont county in
1804. He was a son of George Ely, who was a
native of New Jersey, and two years after he came to the
county, 1806, purchased a tract of land under the James
Johnson Survey, number 1,776. He had other lands
also, and in 1814 he, with D. C. Bryan, laid out
the town of Batavia, which comprised sixty-two and
one-half acres. He was probably the first sheriff in the
county, and was a Democrat. He had four children:
Matilda, Rebecca, William Mount
and George.
William Mount Ely, who was a farmer and stock
raiser, also kept a hotel in Batavia, where he acquired
the name of "Laughing Bill," on account of
his hearty, whole-souled laugh. He was a big man, with
great broad shoulders and fine physique. He was a great
lover of horses and dogs, and it was considered a treat to
ride one of his fine horses. He was generous to a fault
and although, at one time he was the owner of six hundred
and forty acres of land, he owned but forty acres at the
time of his death, by reason of his liberality. He was the
father of seven children, all of whom were born in
Clermont county:
Harriet, married D. C. Everhart, of
Batavia and Newtown. She died in 1852.
William, the father of our subject.
George, who lives in Chicago, is past eighty
years of age.
Mary, who was the wife of
William H. Hardin, died near Savannah, Mo., in 1871.
John, died in Chicago in
Daniel J., whose death
occurred at Savannah, Mo., in 1890.
Achsah, married William
T. Eddy, a grandnephew of the husband of the noted
Christian Science leader, Mrs. Baker Grover Eddy.
Their home is at Templeton, Cal.
All four of these sons were in the Civil war, enlisting
from Indiana. William Mount Ely passed from this
life in 1881, at Maitland, Mo. His wife's death occurred
in 1870, and she is buried in Savannah.
Mr. Edwin C. Ely received
his education in the public schools of Batavia, and
graduated from the high school of Chillicothe, Mo., then
studied law under C. H. Mansur, of Chillicothe, who
was then general counsel for the Wabash & Pacific Railway
Company, also second comptroller of currency, under
President Cleveland.
At the age of nineteen years, Edwin Ely
passed the competitive examinations at West Point, ranking
first in them. He also passed examinations for admission
to the bar the following year, but on account of his age
was compelled to wait until his majority.
In 1887, Mr. E. C. Ely returned to Batavia,
where he taught school for nine years, still reading law
under E. Q. Crane and Mr. J. R. Woodlief. He
was admitted to the bar at Columbus, Ohio, in 1896, and
ranked third in a class of fifty-two students. He began
the practice of law at Batavia at once, where for nearly
seventeen years he has carried on a general law business,
with offices in the Clermont Hotel Building.
From 1900 to 1909, Mr. Ely served the
community in which he lives as mayor, demonstrating with
characteristic energy a spirit of devotion to the public
good. With the co-operation of such gentlemen as Mr.
Nichols, Mr. Speidel, Mr.
Parrot and others, he was enabled to make many
improvements in the town, such as the putting down of good
cement walks all over the town, the installation of
electricity, city water, and telephone, in fact advocating
any and all measures that were for the good of the people
and the beautifying of the town in which they live.
Although not now in office, Mr. Ely still
displays an interest in the welfare of his towns-people.
Mr. Edwin C. Ely was married, November 6, 1887,
to Miss Patience Brown, also a native of Batavia,
and was a daughter of Thomas and Sarah (Brown) Brown,
farmers of the county. She was one of a large family, but
all have passed from this life but Mr. Frank Brown,
of Batavia. To this union one child was born:
Miss Daisy, who was born at Batavia, July
17, 1894. She is in the senior class of the Batavia High
School. Mrs. Ely died in 1898, and was
buried in the Batavia cemetery. She was a devoted member
of the Methodist church.
Mr. Ely's second marriage took place in
1899, to Miss Lou Medaris, who was born in
Owensville, Ohio, in 1872, and is a daughter of Charles
and Phoebe (Hill) Medaris, both of whom were natives
of Ohio. Mr. Medaris was a prosperous farmer
and stock raiser. There are two children: C. E. Medaris,
who lives at Harveyville, Kan., and the wife of Mr. E.
C. Ely. Mr. Ely is the father of two children by his
second marriage:
Forrest Edwin, born at Batavia, April 1,
1901. He is an extremely bright boy and has made a fine
record in school for one of his years. He does all of his
father's banking business, and drafts mortgages, being an
all round help to his parents. He won a pony, cart and
harness as a prize for selling the largest number of
Saturday Evening Posts in ten weeks, for the Curtis
Publishing Company, of Philadelphia. He also owns the
agency of the White Star Laundry, and has a bank account
of over two hundred dollars.
Louise, who was born June
20, 1907.
Mr. and Mrs. Ely are members of the Methodist church,
of which they are active workers, the former being on the
official board and a teacher in the Sunday school,
teaching the men's class of thirty-five members. Mr.
Ely started this class some years ago, with a few
members, and has devoted much thought and time to the
enlarging of the class roll. He has been connected with
the Sunday school for years as superintendent and teacher.
Fraternally, Mr. Ely is a Mason, and has
filled all of the offices of the Blue lodge. Mrs.
Ely is a member of the Eastern Star, and both are
very popular both fraternally and socially.
Mr. Edwin C. Ely has been local counsel for the
Bell Telephone Company for nine years, and is a Republican
in politics. He still owns the farm of one hundred and
four acres that belonged to his mother, and is what is
considered a self-made man. Mr. Ely is a
great reader of history and fiction, and is in possession
of several poems of which his father, William R. Ely,
was the author. Among them are "The Land of Somewhere,"
"The Reveries of Spring," which have been printed.
Mr. Ely is a man of deep feeling and
sympathy, a man of pleasing address, who always has a good
word for every one, and stands for all that is good, noble
and true. He usually delivers the annual address at the
Weaver Reunion, which is most interesting and
Source: History of Clermont and Brown Counties, Ohio
- Vol. II - by Byron Williams - Publ. 1913 - Page 21 |
Loveland, Ohio |
Mr. Joseph W. Emery is the owner and operator of
a splendidly improved farm of twenty-seven and one-half
acres in Miami township, just outside of Loveland, Ohio,
where he carries on general farming and stock raising.
His present home was started by his father in 1859 and
was completed during the Civil war. It has been
improved and added to from time to time and is now a
beautiful home surrounded by fine trees, many of them
the natural timber. Some pine trees have been set
out which adds to the beauty of the place.
Joseph W. Emery was born in Indiana, at Knightstown,
Dec. 9, 1847, and is a son of Capt. Andrew Barton
and Julia Ann (Weller) Emery.
Andrew Barton Emery was born at the old homestead
of his father, John Emery, which is situated just
across the road from the home of the subject of this
mention. At the time of the Civil war, in answer
to the country's need, Andrew Barton Emery
organized one company of infantry and the First Ohio
cavalry, mainly from Clermont county, being first
lieutenant in the infantry, but as the quota of
seventy-five thousand was full, did not go out.
Later, he organized Company G, First Ohio cavalry, which
he took out as captain. For five months prior to
his death, he was acting major, commanding Company A, G,
and B, of the First Ohio cavalry, and his commission was
made out but not delivered when he was mortally wounded
at the Battle of Russellville, Alabama, and five days
later, July 10, 1862, passed to the great beyond, there
to receive the soldier's reward. Capt. Andrew
Barton Emery was a physician and surgeon, graduating
from the Ohio Medical College of Cincinnati, in the
class of 1846. He was a practicing physician for
over twenty years besides securing and improving his
farm. His wife, Julia Ann (Weller) emery,
was born near Simms station, Hamilton county, Ohio, and
her death occurred in 1901. Andrew Emery
had three brothers and and four sisters, all now
John Emery, the grandfather of Joseph W.,
was born New Jersey and came to Clermont county as a
young man, bringing his wife and children overland and
residing here until his death, in 1856. He was
county judge, a member of the Ohio legislature, and was
a large land owner, raising fancy stock. He was a
prominent man and was highly esteemed. Hi wife was
Miss Deborah Waters, a native of England.
Joseph W. Emery is the eldest of four children,
the others being:
Charles R., of Seymour, Ind.
Clara, who is the widow of R. B. Brock, and
had one son, William Bruce, who died at the age
of nineteen years.
Mr. J. W. Emery has always resided at the old
home and his marriage to Miss Evangeline Rose
occurred in 1880. Miss Rose and born in
Dublin, Ireland, a daughter of Arthur and Clara
(Lindley) Rose, who came to America in the fall of
1864, locating at Cincinnati, where Mr. Rose was
engaged in the drug business for many years.
Later, he became the cashier of the United States Baking
Company. He died, Apr. 28, 1911, in the
eighty-second year of his life and his wife died July 7,
1893, aged sixty-four years. Mrs. Emery is
one of six children, the others being residents of
Mr. and Mrs. Emery have had nine children:
Mima L., married Dan Myers, of Carthage,
Ohio, and her death took place Feb. 28, 1910.
Barton died at the age of twenty-two months
Julia A., wife of Cecil Irvin of
Cincinnati, who has one daughter, Beatrice.
Edna became the wife of Don English,
residing near Loveland.
Andrew, at home.
Erma, wife of Dr. W. D. Howe, prominent
surgeon of Carlisle, Ky.
Arthur died at eight years of age.
Evangeline, at home.
Clara Barton, at home.
Politically, Mr. Emery is of the Republican
persuasion, and has acted in the capacity of assessor of
the township. Mrs. Emery is a member of the
Eastern Star of Loveland. The Masonic lodge, of
Loveland, is named for John Emery, and the G. A.
R. Post is named for Capt. Andrew Barton Emery.
Mr. Emery is warm-hearted and of inflexible
integrity, possessing in the fullest degree the
confidence and esteem of his neighbors and with all with
whom he is associated in business.
Source: History of Clermont and Brown Counties, Ohio
- Vol. II - by Byron Williams - Publ. 1913 - Page
336 |
EARL E. ERTEL. One of the leading
young business men of Clermont county, Ohio, who has
attained more than local prominence in both commercial and
political circles, is Mr. Earl E. Ertel, a man of
versatile talent, whose business activity and energy
combined with great intellectual ability, have been the
salient features of his successful career. Mr.
Ertel is a member of the mercantile firm of Flinn
& Ertel, of Loveland, this association having
existed for the past ten years. He is also connected
with the Reading Iron Company, of Reading, Pa., as
salesman, with offices in the Pickering Building, at
Cincinnati. Mr. Ertel has, in addition to his
many other business interests, done some journalistic work
for the local papers and for the "Commercial Tribune."
Mr. Ertel is a native of Clermont county, his birth
having occurred at Loveland, June 13, 1883, and is a son
of Benjamin F. and Erma (Prather) Ertel.
Mr. Earl E. Ertel is a descendant of German
ancestors, his paternal great-great-grandfather, who was a
noted physician, was born in Germany, and came to America
when a young man, locating in Pennsylvania, where, after a
useful and successful professional career, passed to his
eternal reward, some years before the beginning of the
Nineteenth century.
Daniel Ertel, a son of the founder of the family
in America, was born in Pennsylvania, and there grew to
young manhood, and after reaching man's estate, married
Catherine Myers, who came with him to Ohio,
June 25, 1795, settling at Columbia, near Cincinnati.
Daniel Ertel was a farmer by occupation and
became the owner of the first farm on record in what is
now Warren county, Ohio, purchasing this land from
Colonel Paxton, who secured it by a land
warrant for services in the War of the Revolution. The
first orchard established in Warren county was probably
planted by Mr. Daniel Ertel, from
seed, and is remembered by the older residents of that
Jacob Ertel, a son of Daniel and
Catherine (Myers) Ertel, was born in Warren county,
August 29, 1810, and was a progressive farmer, making a
specialty of sweet potatoes and plants, being extensively
engaged in this line of work. He was also an expert stone
mason, which occupation he followed in connection with his
farming interests. He was united in marriage with Miss
Malinda Borum.
Benjamin F. Ertel, a son of Jacob and Malinda
(Borum) Ertel, was born in Warren county, Ohio,
October 4, 1846, and from his father learned the trade of
stone mason. For a period of thirty-six years Mr. Ertel
followed this trade and worked in twenty-seven states. In
1868, Mr. Ertel traveled through the states
of Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado, finally
returning to Illinois, where he located at Lincoln for
four and one-half years, engaging in the grocery business.
Mr. Ertel returned to Ohio in 1874, and in
Newport, Ky., August 29, 1876, was united in marriage to
Miss Emma G. Prather, who was born in Covington,
Ky., June 23, 1856, her parents being Joshua Pigman
Prather, born at Chilo, Clermont county, Ohio, and
Mary Frances Crupper, born at Maysville, Ky.
By this union three children were born:
One child died in infancy.
Earl E., the subject of this mention.
Elma M., who is Mrs. O. D. Walker, of
Loveland, Ohio, has one child, Maxine.
For a few years, Mr. Benjamin F. Ertel made a
specialty of raising sweet potatoes and plants, after
which he engaged in the contracting business. Benjamin
F. Ertel cast his first presidential ballot for S.
J. Tilden, in 1876, and has always been a Democrat. He
has served his party, satisfactorily, in the capacity of
justice of the peace and clerk of the council of Loveland.
Mr. Earl E. Ertel acquired his education in
Loveland, graduating from the high school, at the head of
the class of 1901, and the following year entered upon his
business career in the employ of the Reading Iron Company,
of Reading, Pa., and the next year became a member of the
firm of Flinn & Ertel.
On June 21, 1911, Mr. Earl E. Ertel was united
in marriage to Miss Mabel N. Blair, of
Madisonville, Ohio, a daughter of William H. Blair,
formerly county commissioner of Hamilton county, Ohio.
Mr. Ertel, as an intelligent citizen, has always
taken an active interest in politics, giving his support
to the Democratic party. It-is almost impossible for a man
of the character and ability of Mr. Ertel to avoid
prominence in politics, and in 1913 he was elected by his
party to the office of State representative in the Ohio
General Assembly.
Fraternally, Mr. Ertel has membership with the
Masonic order, of Loveland, and the Modern Woodmen of
America, of Loveland. He is also a member of the Loveland
Board of Education, and takes an active interest in school
Mr. Ertel is a regular attendant of the
Methodist church, and gives liberally to the support of
that denomination and to all worthy enterprises.
Mr. Ertel has made
steady progress toward his objective point, his career
being characterized by unremitting industry, laudable
ambition and successful accomplishment. Moreover, the
principles of his manhood have been such as to command the
respect and confidence and Loveland numbers him among the
representative citizens who are worthy of the trust and
good will of their fellow men.
Source: History of Clermont and Brown Counties, Ohio
- Vol. II - by Byron Williams - Publ. 1913 - Page 19 |

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