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  MR. PEARL C. HARBER, the junior member of the thriving and enterprising mercantile firm of Eveland & Harber, of Miamiville, Ohio, is a native of Bracken county, Kentucky, his birth having occurred there Feb. 2, 1878.
     On Christmas day, 1881, Pearl C. Harber came from Kentucky to Miamiville with his parents, John N. and Ida J. (Poe) Harber, who shortly after located on a farm in Miami township.
     Mr. Harber acquired his early education in the schools of the district, spending his boyhood days on the farm.  Later, he attended the high school at Milford, Ohio, and following his graduation from there learned the machinist's trade at Cincinnati, which occupation he pursued for six years, but desiring to be nearer home returned here and in 1907 Mr. Harber entered into partnership with Mr. W. B. Eveland in his general store.  The company is conducting an up-to-date, prosperous business, and enjoys a large patronage.
     Mr. Pearl C. Harber has one sister, Margaret, who is the wife of James Moorhead, of an old Clermont county family.  His mother passed away in April, 1911, in her fifty-second year.  His father, John Harber, resides in Miamiville, and has been the sexton of the cemetery for the past twelve years.  He is a Republican,  and has served his party as assessor of the township.
     In political views, Mr. Harber favors the principles of the Republican Party.  He has served as school director for several years.  Socially he is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America at Miamiville.
     Mr. Harber is a strong, vigorous man, with a keen mind and indomitable energy, conducting his duties in such a manner as to be free from all unpleasant comment.
Source: History of Clermont and Brown Counties, Ohio - Vol. II - by Byron Williams - Publ. 1913 - Page 154
  ELISHA HAWKINS, a retired steamboat man and veteran of the Civil war, residing at New Richmond, Ohio, was born in Anderson township, Hamilton county, Ohio, at the headwaters of Clough creek, Feb. 11, 1837.  He is a son of William and Mary Ann (Lindsey) Hawkins, who were residents of Clermont county from 1846 until their demise.
     The great-grandparents of Elisha Hawkins were Richard Hawkins and wife, who were natives of Scotland, coming to America early in the Eighteenth century.  They settled in Maryland.  They were descendants of Highland chiefs of Scotland.  Later, they came west to Ohio, locating in the vicinity of Linwood, Hamilton county, Ohio, where both are buried.  Of their family, three sons left Maryland, Rezin, a bachelor, settling at Bedford, Pa., and remaining there until his decease.  William married and located on Four Mile creek in Kentucky and his descendants are scattered over Kentucky, Tennessee and elsewhere.  Richard, who was the grandfather of Elisha, was very successful in flat boating, building and owning many flat boats.  Three times yearly, he made the trip to New Orleans with these boats and walked the distance back to the mouth of the Little Miami river from which point he loaded.  With the proceeds of this business, Richard purchased large tracts of land, owning some nine hundred acres in Hamilton county, nineteen hundred acres in Brown county, and twenty-two hundred acres of good land near Rockport, Ind., which he later divided among his children.  Richard was born June 5, 1779, and died Nov. 24, 1859.  His wife, Sarah (Kelly) Hawkins, was born Apr. 13, 1788, and died Jan. 30, 1863.  They are buried at Five Mile Methodist Churchyard, near Cherry Grove, Ohio.  To the union of Richard and Sarah (Kelly) Hawkins were born the following children:
     Elisha, married Leann Bennett and resided at Mt. Washington, Ohio.
     William, the father of this biographical mention.
     David, was a farmer on Five Mile creek in Hamilton county.  He married Ann Bennett, and both are buried there.
     Nancy, married Samuel Bennett, and died in Hamilton county.
     Rehama, married William Bennett, of Hamilton county.
     Mary, married Rev. David Lindsey, and resided at Mt. Pisgah, in Clermont county, for many years, but both died in Hamilton county and are buried at Five Mile churchyard cemetery.
     Cassie, married Martin Wheatly, and lived in Hamilton county.
     Richard, married Mary Swim and removed to Macoupin county, Illinois, where he was a wealthy farmer and stockman.
     Martha, married William Mattox, of Hamilton county, where they resided.
     Thomas, married Hester Birdsall, and lived at Forestville, Hamilton county, Ohio.
     Rezien, married, and was killed by lightning at the north, or Cincinnati8, end of the Union bridge, while going to market in Cincinnati.  His widow resides near Amelia, Clermont county.
     Sarah M., married Joseph Silver, and moved to Kansas, where they died.
     William Hawkins, the father of our subject, was born in Hamilton county, Ohio, Mar. 26, 1810, and died Dec. 31, 1893, in Ohio township, Clermont county.  He was a successful farmer and raiser of fine stock and in response to his country's call for volunteers, enlisted in the Federal army at the outbreak of the Civil war, but did not serve, as his son, Elisha, took his place.  His wife, Mary Ann (Lindsey) Hawkins, was born Jan. 19, 1814, and died July 13, 1889, she being a daughter of Edmond and Barbara (Fisher) Lindsey, the former of whom was of Scotch-Irish descent and was born Dec. 17, 1773, and died Apr. 15, 1855.  The latter was of Holland parentage and was born Dec. 17, 1788, and died Mar. 23, 1875.
     Elisha Hawkins was reared and educated in the common schools and later attended the Farmers' College of Cincinnati three years.  In 1852 he removed to Pike county, Illinois, where he spent two years, after which he returned to Clermont, and resumed the business of farming.
     On Aug. 25, 1861, Mr. Hawkins was united in marriage to Mary Jane Morris, whose demise occurred November, 1892.  She left five daughters, whose names follow:
     Melvina, died at fifteen years of age.
     Mary Ann, became the wife of Harry Townsley, a newspaper man of Washington Court House, Ohio.
     Cora B., is Mrs. H. G. Donaldson, of near New Richmond, Ohio.  Her first husband was James Cochran, who died leaving one child, Mabel.
, is the wife of John Fowler, a railroad man, living at Newport, Ky.
     Bessie, is Mrs. George Shaw, of New Richmond, her husband's occupation being that of insurance.,
     Mr. Hawkins enlisted Oct. 20, 1861, in Company G, Fifty-ninth Ohio volunteer infantry, and served until Nov. 1, 1864, being mustered out a lieutenant.  He was engaged in twenty-one of the hardest battles in the Southwest, including Missionary Ridge.  He was in the noted "Army of the Cumberland." and was four times wounded, but never lost a day's duty.
     Returning from the war, Mr. Hawkins resumed farming, continuing in his occupation for five years.  Following this period, he took up the business of steam boating and for thirty years operated on the Ohio, Mississippi, Arkansas and White rivers, retiring form the river in 1905.  He again carried on farming for a time retiring from active business in 1909.
     Mr. Hawkins voted the Democratic ticket until the time of the Civil war, after which he voted the Republican ticket until the election of Benjamin Harrison and has since been a strong Democrat.  He is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, George H. Thomas Post, of Cincinnati.  For twenty six years he held membership in the fraternity of Odd Fellows.  Mr. Hawkins evidences his religious faith by his membership in the Baptist church, in which he has been active for years.  He belongs to that class of men who have accomplished many commendable things in life, being ever ready to defend his country and home, at all times doing whatever he had to do with all his might. 
Source: History of Clermont and Brown Counties, Ohio - Vol. II - by Byron Williams - Publ. 1913 - Page 272

Source: History of Clermont and Brown Counties, Ohio - Vol. II - by Byron Williams - Publ. 1913 - Page 176

  MR. HARVEY HAWLEY, one of the prosperous and substantial farmers and stock raisers of Clermont county, Ohio, has been a resident of Goshen township since 1839, when he was eight years of age.  He recalls without difficulty the development and progress of the county and the present generation knows but little of and can hardly appreciate the suffering and labor and privation that brought about the present delightful condition of the hills and valleys of Clermont from the wild untamed forests of "The Northwest Territory."  Mr. Hawley owns and operates his finely improved farm of one hundred and sixty-four acres in Goshen Township.  He was born near Mason, Warren county, Ohio, Oct. 9, 1830, and is a son of Joel and Mary (Dill) Hawley.
     Joel Hawley
was a native of Connecticut, a son of John Hawley, who brought the family to Ohio about 1812, settling near Oxford, Ohio.  Joel and John, his sons, settled later in Warren county, Ohio, where the former remained until 1829, when he removed to Goshen township, Clermont county, and became a successful and greatly respected farmer.  His birth occurred June 12, 1795, and his death took place in the year of 1855.  He was a Whig in politics and later a Republican.
     Mary (Dill) Hawley was born Aug. 8, 1792, and departed this life in 1842.  Her marriage to Mr. Joel Hawley occurred Sept. 9, 1818.  They were both members of the Methodist church, he being very active in church and Sabbath School work, and a local preacher.  Their union was blessed with five sons, namely:
     Hiram W., deceased.
     Dr. Albert, a resident of Preble county, Ohio, where for many years, he was prominent physician, in now in his ninety years, he was a prominent physician, and is now deceased.
     Joel Franklin, deceased.
     Harvey, the subject of this mention.
     After the death of his wife, Mr. Joel Hawley chose for his second wife, Mrs. Sarah Lewis, nee Brown, and they became the parents of two children:
     Charles E., residing at Ramona, Hamilton county, Ohio.
     Julia, who married J. M. Vandervort, and who died in the spring of 1919.
     Mr. Harvey Hawley
was reared on his father's farm and enjoyed the educational privileges of a school at Milford, Ohio, for two years.  He then continued his studies at Antioch College, under Horace Mann, until he was called home on account of the death of his father.  Since that time he has managed the home farm, and he is justly proud of the great changes which have been effected on this property through the industry and good management of his father and himself.
The marriage of Mr. Harvey Hawley to Miss Mary E. Lewis occurred in 1859.  Mrs. Hawley was born at Lebanon, Ohio, May 16, 1833, and died April 21, 1899.  She was a daughter of William and Sarah (Brown) Lewis, the former a manufacturer carriages.  The Lewises were of Welsh descent and the Brown family were from Pennsylvania.
     Mr. and Mrs. Hawley
became the parents of five children: 
     Evelyn Sarah, Albert Lewis,
who died at the age of eleven months, Lavina Blanch, Cora Mary and Lura Merdith, who is the wife of O. P. Bodley, of Loveland, Ohio.  They have two children, Harvey Hawley and Virginia Meredith.
Politically, Mr. Hawley is a staunch Republican, and has refused to accept all proffered public offices.  He has, however, served for many years on the school board.
     Mr. Hawley is an active member of the Presbyterian church, to which Mrs. Hawley also belonged.
     For a number of years, Mr. Hawley was president of the First National Bank of Loveland.  As a first class citizen he has cast his influence in the directions of those movements which, in his opinion, have been for the bets interest of the township and county, and is considered one of its representative men.
Source: History of Clermont and Brown Counties, Ohio - Vol. II - by Byron Williams - Publ. 1913 - Page 229
  GEORGE HICKEYGeorge Hickey, one of the leading liverymen of Clermont county, Ohio, having a fine stable and equipment at Milford Ohio, having a fine stable and equipment at Milford, Ohio, in connection with the sales business, has been engaged in this business since 1877.  He was born at Cincinnati, Dec. 16, 1850, and is a son of John and Elizabeth (Welch) Hickey.
     John Hickey
was born in Switzerland, at Condone Baron and came to America as a young man, finally settling at Cincinnati, where he established a shoe business on Pearl street, being a shoemaker by trade.  Tiring of this business he conducted a saloon at the East End Garden for about two years, after which he started the first saloon in Linwood, called the "Cross Key" or "Butcher's Headquarters."  He continued here for several years, and then conducted a hotel and bar for one year at Plainville, Ohio.  In Columbus he had charge of a saloon on High street and three months before his death, he ran a hotel and bar at Rannelsburg.
     Elizabeth Welch was born in Baden, Germany, and came to America at the age of thirteen years.  She had nine brothers, of whom Andrew settled at Pleasant Ridge, in the first years of their residence in America.  Andrew was a carpenter of that place for fifty years.  He was also a soldier in the Civil war, enlisting from Ohio.  Mrs. Hickey died in 1901, at Milford, at the age of eighty-two years.  She was a Presbyterian in religious faith.
     George Hickey is one of five children:
     Hattie, died in young womanhood.
     Laura, married John Simoaton, and her death occurred at Milford, leaving two daughters.
     Eva, married Gus Norz, of Milford.
     Carrie, died as a young woman.
     George Hickey came to Milford at the out break of the Civil war, being a resident of over fifty years.  He attended the common schools and for twenty-eight years was engaged as a carrier of the mail, between Milford and Blanchester, by the way of Newtonville.  He carried the first mail to Perintown from Milford, to the Norfolk & Western railway.  He embarked in the livery business in 1877, with practically no capital, but in a small way began the business which has grown to large proportions.  He keeps about fifteen head of horses all the time and employs seven men.  He has all the necessary equipment for the handling of large funerals, and in addition buys and sells fine driving horses.
     Mr. Hickey was united in marriage in 1884 to Miss Pauline Van Neally who was born at Newtonville, Clermont county, and is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Van Neally.  Mrs. Hickey has two sisters and one brother living.  Mrs. Mollie Clemons and Mrs. John Collins, of Wayne township, this county.  Charles Van Neally was a soldier in the Civil war.
     Mr. and Mrs. Hickey have three children:
     Ross and John, of the undertaking firm of Hickey Brothers, of Milford.  This business was established in the spring of 1912, and is doing a good business for so young an enterprise.
     Eva, at home.
     Mr. Hickey is always a Democrat, although he is liberal in his views.  In religious matters, he favors the faith of the Presbyterian church, having been reared in that church.  He is liberal in the support of this denomination.  The family residence is on Mound street, and is one of comfortable proportions.
     The success of Mr. Hickey is due to the careful and close attention to all of the detail of the business, taking advantage of the opportunities that present themselves to him.
Source: History of Clermont and Brown Counties, Ohio - Vol. II - by Byron Williams - Publ. 1913 - Page 332
  AMOS S. HILL.  Numbered among the enterprising residents of Clermont county is Mr. Amos S. Hill, who was formerly engaged in the business of carpentering, but now devotes his attention to the direction of his farming interests in Stonelick township, eight miles southeast of Milford, Ohio.
     Amos S. Hill was the fourth in age of a family of six children. of whom three are living, the subject of this sketch and one brother, B. R. Hill, and one sister, R. C. Hill, of Milford.  Of those who have passed away, one was killed at the battle of Stone River, in December, 1862.  Mr. Amos S. Hill was born in Van Buren county, Tennessee, Feb. 15, 1847, his parents being Benjamin A. G. and Sarah Ann (Combs) Hill, whose demise occurred in 1851, three weeks apart.
     Benjamin A. G. Hill was born in Stonelick township, where his father, Samuel, owned a large farm, the latter being also one of the county judges for many years.  He was a resident of the counties of Clermont and Hamilton. and was one of six brothers who came to Ohio, probably from Pennsylvania.  Samuel was successful as a farmer and died on his farm near Olive Branch.  Benjamin A. G., who was a teacher for a number of years, had the following brothers: Amos, who was also a teacher, died in Tennessee: John B., lived in Tennessee and Ohio; Francis Asbury, was a resident of Hamilton county, Ohio; George, was a resident of Clermont county, Ohio; Thomas, was a resident of Clermont county, Ohio; Philip, was a carpenter near Boston, Clermont county.  All have been dead a number of years.
     Amos S. Hill was but four and one-half years old when his parents died, and he was reared by his uncles.  He received a good schooling, after the completion of which he learned the carpenter’s and builder’s trade with his uncle, Philip A. Hill, and for the better part of forty-five years he followed his trade.  Mr. Hill has resided practically all of his life thus far in Clermont county, having spent over forty-five years in this vicinity.  He has occupied his present home for twenty-three years.
     The marriage of Mr. Amos S. Hill to Miss Sarah J. Murphy, a daughter of Jacob and Nancy (Anderson) Murphy, residents and occupants of this farm, occurred in 1867.  Mrs. Hill’s parents were early residents of Clermont county, her father being a tailor by trade, who in his later years followed farming and trucking.  Her mother’s people, the Andersons, were from Virginia.  Both parents were active members of the Methodist church, her father helping to build the church at Mt. Zion.  Mrs. Hill has two sisters, Mrs. B. R. Hill, of Milford, and Mrs. Rachel Philhower, of Williams’ Corners.
     Mr. and Mrs. Hill are the parents of five children:
     David E., of Owensville, who is a carpenter by business and married Miss Minnie Miller and has two children.
     Seren M., a farmer of Modest, Ohio, who married Miss Hattie Shinkle, and has one daughter.
     James C., of Norwood, Ohio, where he is in the plumbing business, and who was formerly with the Union Central Life Insurance Company.  He married Miss Edith Franklin, and has two children.
     Raymond, at home, a farmer by occupation.
     Imogene E., who is the wife of Vernie C. Hair, assistant cashier of the Cincinnati, Lebanon & Northern Railway Company, and resides at Middletown, Ohio.  They have one daughter and one son. (See Sharon Wick's Note 3 to show children)
     In political matters, Mr. Hill gives his support to the Democratic party, although he is liberal and independent.  He has served as justice of the peace three years, and was elected the second time but declined to serve, and as notary public for fifteen years, and has discharged his duties with promptness and fidelity.  He is a Mason, having membership at Owensville, Ohio.  The family of Mr. Hill as well as himself, are devoted members of the Methodist church.
     Mr. Hill has led an active life, in which untiring labor has been crowned with success.  He has worked energetically and persistently year after year, and though he started life empty handed he is now numbered among the substantial citizens of Clermont county.
Source: History of Clermont and Brown Counties, Ohio - Vol. II - by Byron Williams - Publ. 1913 - Page 306
  GEORGE HAND HILL.  Comparatively few men are spared, with unimpaired faculties, to the advanced age of four score and two years. George H. Hill was one of these and in reviewing his activities as an educator, civil engineer and inventor, considering also his estimable Christian citizenship, it is more than evident that the community in which he lived is most fortunate. That his influence was always for the best is testified to by scores now in middle life, and whom he taught in their younger days.
     Mr. Hill was born in Stone Lick township, Clermont county, Ohio, March S, 1830, and died at Milford, Ohio, May 8, 1912. He was the eldest of the twelve children of Charles and Rebecca (Hand) Hill, and was reared on his father's farm, attending school in the winter months. At the age of seventeen years he attended a private school in Milford, but owing to an outbreak of cholera, this and other schools were closed. Determined to secure an education, he taught for a few terms and ultimately purchased a scholarship in Ohio Wesleyan University, at Delaware, and after two years graduated in the scientific course. Mr. Hill then decided to make teaching his life work and very acceptably conducted various schools in the county.
     In 1871 he became principal of Milford public school and satisfactorily held the position for six years consecutively. He was the first to prepare a grade for this school and this he did at the request of the board of education. After teaching for twenty-nine years, he was elected to the office of county surveyor. He made surveying and civil engineering his occupation until the time of his death. Mr. Hill was an active member of the Ohio society of civil engineers, and prepared several papers, which were published in full in the society's annual reports.
     He was twice married, first on April 10, 1855, to Miss Sarah Thomas, of Radnor, Ohio. To this union were born three children, viz.: Emma Florence, formerly a teacher at Moore's Hill College, Indiana, and at Morristown Normal Academy, being an exceptionally fine pianist, and is the wife of Theodore F. Brown, who is with the Pere Marquette railroad, and resides at Detroit.
Miss Anna Gertrude, an artist, and the producer of several beautiful oil paintings, residing at home.
George Lewis, who died in infancy.
     The mother was called to her heavenly home, March 7, 1873.  On Christmas Day, 1876, Mr. Hill was united in marriage to Mrs. Sarah Eleanor Nichols, nee Applegate, born near Goshen, Clermont county, Ohio, June 24, 1826, and who still resides
at the Milford home.
     Mrs. Hill is a daughter of Elijah and Nancy (Champion) Applegate, who settled in Goshen township when Cincinnati was but a village. Elijah was a farmer and millwright, owning and operating a mill for many years; also owned a finely improved farm. He died in 1840, aged forty-seven years, while his wife passed away in 1839. Both were born in the month of February, in 1793 and 1795, respectively. Their ten children are as follows: Perrine, Thomas Fletcher, John (the father of Mayor A. B. Applegate, of Milford, mentioned elsewhere in these volumes), Lydia Ann, married Rev. Mr. Barnes, and had two daughters who died in infancy, Eliza Jane, Sarah Eleanor (widow of our subject), Elijah, and Mrs. Nancy Elizabeth Anshutz. Mrs. Hill, who is a remarkably well preserved lady, taught for some twenty-two years, in Goshen township, and at Knightstown, Ind., Seminary, and formerly was principal of a girls school at Versailles, Ind. In the former institution she taught the grammar department, being also first assistant, but her most pronounced success as an instructor was in the primary department.
     Mrs. Hill's first husband was Robert H. Nichols, who died in 1872, he being an uncle of the later Judge Perry Nichols, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in these volumes. He was a prominent nurseryman, his home being in Laurel, in Monroe township, this county. He was born December 28, 1803, and his first wife, whom he married May 26, 1825, was Miss Mary Simmons, born December 22, 1802, and died March 16, 1863, daughter of James Simmons and an aunt of W. D. Simmons, now living retired at Laurel, and mentioned elsewhere in this work. Robert H. was a son of Nathan and Hannah (Hodgson) Nichols, whose children were:
     Phillip, born in 1785.
     William, born in 1787.
     John, born in 1789.
     Elijah, born in 1792.
     Abner, born in 1795.
     Esther, born in 1796.
     David, born in 1799.
     Nathan, born in 1802.
     Robert Hodgson and Elizabeth, twins, born in 1803.
     Thomas Jefferson, born in 1806.
     Jonathan B., born in 1809.
     The married life of Mr. and Mrs. Hill was pleasant and happy, and she and the daughter who reside at the beautiful home in East Milford look forward to a reunion in heaven. Mr. Hill was converted in his youth, and in 1847 united with the Methodist Episcopal church, Mount Zion charge, Milford circuit. He was a useful and faithful member to the day of his death, being at that time steward and trustee and having occupied the positions of chorister and recording steward. He was a most exemplary Christian and a lifelong abstainer from the use of tobacco and intoxicating liquors. During the last eight months of his life he was confined to the house, his suffering at all times being severe, but he was patient with all. After having exceeded by over ten years the psalmist's allotted time of life, his fertile brain had perfected an automobile having a dozen or more advantages presented in a model which he constructed and in working drawings which he forwarded to the United States Patent Office. Truly his beautiful, active and useful life is worthy of emulation by all youthful aspirants for success and his memory will ever be held dear by all whose pleasure it was to enjoy association with this noble character.
Source: History of Clermont and Brown Counties, Ohio - Vol. II - by Byron Williams - Publ. 1913 - Page 40
  H. H. HILL.  Among the self-made of this generation Mr. H. H. Hill is one of those keenly alive to all of the possibilities opening before him, industrious and upright in character, and although still a young man in years, he has achieved remarkable success.  Mr. Hill is a member of the Hay and Grain Company, of Milford, Ohio, buyers and shippers of hay and grain, handling in addition the best grade of farm implements.
     Mr. Hill was born at Cincinnati, June 24, 1872, and is a son of Jacob and Barbara (Wilde) Hill, residents of Withamsville, Ohio, who conducted a grocery at Cincinnati for many years.  Our subject received his education in the public schools of Cincinnati and at the age of nine years began assisting his parents by selling the "Evening Telegram."  He continued in the newspaper business for two years, turning his earnings over to his parents, and when fourteen years old left school, after which he entered the employ of Mr. Prescott Smith, a lawyer of Cincinnati, as office boy.  He remained in this position but a short time, leaving to accept a position with Granger & Hunt, leading lawyers, and continued there for two years.   During his engagement with this law firm he took up the study of shorthand and typewriting, which he learned without a teacher.  In 1889, Mr. Hill engaged with the firm of Orr & Granger, grain dealers, as stenographer, and in this office learned the grain business.  He was in the employ of Mr. Granger for fourteen years, and while managing a grain elevator at Dayton, Ind., he met and married Miss Della ThomsonMrs. Hill was born at Dayton, Ind., Jan. 3, 1875, and is a daughter of A. J. and Annie (Casner) Thomson.  In 1893, Mr. Hill embarked in the grain business for himself in Cincinnati, and for a time the family resided at that place, coming to Milford in 1905, from which place he still conducted his business in Cincinnati.  Since 1909 he has been in the grain business in Milford.
     In the family of Mr. and Mrs. Hill are three children:
     Forrest, who was born at Dayton, Ind., is a graduate of the Milford High School and has attended the Ohio State University for one year.
     Esther was also born at Dayton and is a graduate of the Milford High School.
     Elizabeth was born at Cincinnati.
     Evelyn died in infancy.
     In political views Mr. Hill favors the principles of the Republican party and cast his first Presidential vote for William McKinley, in 1896.  He has filled the office of mayor by appointment, and was elected to that office for a two-years' term.
     Mr. Hill holds membership in the Free and Accepted Masons of Milford, having become a member first in the Hoffner lodge at Cincinnati.  He is serving his second term as high priest in the Milford Chapter.  He is also a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of the Clermont Lodge No. 49, and is right supporter to the vice-noble grand and has served as left supporter to the noble grand.  Mr. and Mrs. Hill are members of the Eastern Star, of which the latter has been worthy matron and the former worthy patron.  In religious matters they are believers of the Universalist faith and are active in the church affairs of that organization.
     Mr. H. H. Hill began his business life with no capital, but a strong heart and a clear brain, and by his genial manner, unfaltering courtesy and deference for the opinions of others, he has not only made himself popular in a social way, but has made many business friends.
Source: History of Clermont and Brown Counties, Ohio - Vol. II - by Byron Williams - Publ. 1913 - Page 456

Thos. W. Hill
Mrs. Eliza J. (Smysor) Hill
THOMAS W. HILL.   The Hill family was one among the earliest in Clermont county, and has been prominently identified with its history since 1808.  Its members have been public-spirited citizens and have always stood for progress and advancement along all lines.  Several members of the family have been soldiers and have given valuable service to their country.   They have been active in helping to establish churches and schools and the name stands for good citizenship.  Thomas W. Hill was born on the farm where he now lives, Jan. 11, 1840, son of John R. and Charity (Conrad) HillJohn R. Hill was born near Mt. Zion Church, Stone Lick township, Clermont county, Dec. 24, 1811, and was a son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Rudisill) Hill, the former a native of Maryland, who had removed to North Carolina from his native State.  Thomas Hill was a son of John and Rachel (Butner) Hill, and came to Clermont county from Salisburg, N. C., in 1808, settling permanently in Stone Lick township.  There he became the owner of a piece of land which is now the property of a Mr. Yeager, and there he spent the remainder of his life.  He was a skilled mechanic and manufactured spinning wheels.  Near him his son, Thomas, located and there spent the rest of his life.  On the latter farm John R. Hill was born. but this place 'is now the property of Bert MotsingerJohn R. Hill bought one hundred and thirty-five acres of land, where the subject of this sketch now lives, in 1835, at a price of $2.25 per acre, as it was then considered almost worthless, and known as Maple Swamp.  At the present time, however, there is not a better farm in Stone Lick township.
     John R. Hill lived to a good old age, passing away July 30, 1890.  In early life he was a Whig, as were most of the Hills, and later became a Republican, and he voted for John C. Fremont for President.  His grandfather’s brother, Judge Samuel Hill, who had settled on the south side of Stone Lick, had left several descendants, who inherited the judge’s Demoratic principles and politics, and for many years it was known whether a member of the Hill family was a Democrat or Republican by considering which side of Stone Lick was
his home.  John R. Hill was an active and devout member of the Methodist Episcopal church, being instrumental in having the church at Belfast built and securing subscriptions therefor.  He sold out soon afterwards and removed to Westmoreland, Kan., so that he did not see the church building for many years after it was erected, when he came back for a visit.  He died while on a visit to his eldest son, at Lizton, Ind., and was buried at North Salem, nearby.  His wife had died in 1874 and was buried at Westmoreland, Kan.
     Thomas W. Hill grew to manhood on the home farm and received a common school education.  He was one of the earliest from the neighborhood to enlist for service in the
Union army, the date being 1861, when he became a private in Company C, Second Ohio volunteer infantry, being later transferred to Company E, of the same regiment.  He proceeded to Camp Dennison.  After going to the front to the quartermaster’s department and later to an ammunition train, having quite a thrilling experience at the battle of Chickamauga.  Afterwards he was transferred to General Thomas’s headquarters, where he was serving at the time he was mustered out, at which time the regiment was commanded by General Anson G. McCook, now of New York City.  He gave faithful service for more than three years, and during this time was never in the hospital, captured or wounded, although he saw much active fighting.
     At the close of his term of enlistment, Mr. Hill returned home, and on Jan. 18, 1865, was united in marriage with Miss Eliza J. Smysor, to whom he had been engaged before he joined the army.  He bought a part of his father’s former farm, and about one year after his marriage erected a log house, in which the family lived until 1879, when he erected a brick dwelling on the site of the log house, which is as good a house as is to be found in the whole county.  He has now retired from active life, having brought his land to a high state
of cultivation and made all possible improvements.  His home is in the northeastern part of Stone Lick township, near Milford and Woodville pike, but his postoffice is Cozaddale, Warren county.  He lives near Belfast, Clermont county, where he and his son own nearly three hundred acres of fine farm land.
     Two children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Hill, the elder of whom died in infancy.  The other, Lyman Lee Hill, was born Dec. 16, 1869, graduated from Milford High School, under Prof. Byron Williams, and spent a year at Delaware, Ohio. and then taught school a few years.  On Dec. 24, 1890, he married Carrie E. Durah, of Belfast, and they had one child, born Oct. 30, 1897, Lida Beth, now attending school at Milford.  Mrs. Hill died when this child was an infant and Lyman L. Hill married (second), Sept. 30, 1901, Miss Effie J. Myers, by whom five children were born: Twins, who died in infancy; Thomas Sumner, born Nov. 3, 1905; Stanley Eugene, born Sept. 9, 1908, and Mary Dorothy, born Oct. 16, 1912.
     Thomas W. Hill is a Republican and cast his first presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln, in 1864.  He voted for Governor Brough while on the field at Chattanooga, Tenn., as Ohio had passed a law authorizing her soldiers to vote wherever they were stationed.  He is in no sense an office seeker, although he takes an active interest in all public affairs.  He served from 1892 until 1895 as a director of the infirmary, and rendered very satisfactory service.  He became a member of the Methodist Episcopal church at the age of ten years and his wife was also reared in this faith, joining the church at the age of sixteen.  He is a member of Kilpatrick Post, No. 189, Grand Army of the Republic, at Goshen, and has served as its
commander.  He has attended many National reunions and he and his wife attended the one held at San Francisco in 1903.  He is one of the best known men in the county, where his entire life has been spent, and has a host of sincere friends.
Source: History of Clermont and Brown Counties, Ohio - Vol. II - by Byron Williams - Publ. 1913 - Page 96
  HON. E. B. HOLMES.  One of the best known names of Clermont county and one that stands for the best interests of the community in business, social and political circles is that of the Hon. E. B. Holmes.  He has built up one of the best mercantile businesses in Clermont county, and in his forty years of active business life has won the honor and respect of all with whom he has had dealings, as well as the accumulation of much of this world’s goods.  Mr. Holmes was born in Williamsburg township, Jan. 18, 1843, the son of Elkanah B. and Hannah (Stevens) Holmes, the father born in 1799, came to Clermont county with relatives when a child, when the country was rough and wild and still infested with wild animals, in fact he helped to kill the last bear that was found in this county.  He spent his boyhood here and later engaged in the occupation of farming and lived to the advanced age of eighty-three years, his death occurring in 1882.  His father was a Dr. Holmes, who practiced over a large area of country in this section, coming from Pennsylvania.  E. B. Holmes, Sr., married Hannah Stevens, a native of Clermont county, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Stevens, who were natives of North Carolina, moving to Kentucky and then to Ohio in an early day.   Mr. Stevens was a shoe maker in this community and died in 1850.  Hannah Stevens Holmes died at the age of fifty years. in 1855, and to her union with E. B. Holmes, Sr., were  born four sons and two daughters: Lycurgus, deceased; Allen, deceased;
Cornelius E., retired carpenter and builder, resides in Williamsburg; Sarah, widow of John Harris, resides at Ansley, Neb.; Nancy, widow of William Taylor, resides at Williamsburg, and E. B., Jr., the subject of this sketch.
     Mr. Holmes received his earliest education in the country schools of the county, and later at Todd’s Run College at Williamsburg.  Mr. Holmes was not yet twenty years of age when our country was called upon to give of both her young and old to preserve the Union. and on Aug. 15, 1862, he responded to the urgent appeal by enlisting in Company D, Seventh Ohio volunteer cavalry, lacking only one month of serving three years.
     For a time after returning from the army Mr. Holmes went into the sewing machine business, with the Wheeler & Wilson Company, but soon decided to go into the general mercantile business in Williamsburg, first forming a partnership with D. W. Atchley as Atchley & Holmes, but for the past fourteen years has been associated with T. G. Foster.
     Mr. Holmes was first united in marriage to Miss Catherine Burke, born near Bethel, daughter of D. D. Burke, a farmer and native of Clermont county.  Mrs. Holmes passed away Oct. 22, 1880, leaving besides her husband two children to mourn her loss:
     Addie, married C. A. Frazier, of Williamsburg, proprietor of the Ohio Chair Company, to which union four children have been born: Lucile, Stanley, Bertha and Harry
, married E. S. Rush, editor of the “Clermont Courier,” at Batavia, and has one daughter, Helen Holmes Rush
     Mr. Holmes was married a second time, his bride being Miss Olivia E. Martin, of Covington, Ky., daughter of C. T. Martin, now deceased.  Mr. Martin was an unusually active business man and for many years was stockholder and secretary of a successful gas company.  His second wife, step-mother of Mrs. Holmes, was a daughter of Israel Foster and sister of Bishop Foster, of the Methodist Episcopal church, the father was a jailor of his community and the son, Bishop Foster, was born in the jail.  The mother was a Miss Ball. of Virginia.
     Although Mr. Holmes has lived an exceedingly busy and active life, and been devoted a great deal of his time to his business, he has nevertheless found time to devote to religious, social and political matters, that were essential to the welfare of his fellowmen.
     His standing has always been of such a high character among the residents of Williamsburg that they are always ready and willing to elect him to positions of honor, knowing that what he would set his hand to do, he would do well, and for the best interests of those who honored him with their votes.  He has filled many town offices, has been a member of the school board and for twenty years was township treasurer.  In 1887 he was sent by the Republican party to the State legislature, serving in 1888 and 1889 and being the first Republican elected in Clermont county on the straight Republican ticket.  Mr. Holmes has always been a staunch and active member of the Methodist church. and has taken a great interest in work of the Sabbath school.  He has served as president of the Clermont county Sabbath School Union, and also as president of the Methodist Sunday School Union.
     He takes great pride in his membership of the J. H. Jenkins Post, No. 242, Grand Army of the Republic, in which organization he has filled all the chairs.  He is affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and the encampment at Williamsburg, and both he and his wife take interest in the Rebekah lodge, of that place, to which they both belong.
     Through efficient and energetic work success has come to Hon. E. B. Holmes, not only in worldly goods, but also in the love, honor and respect that is accorded him by all his friends
and acquaintances, and his long record as a faithful public servant is one that any man would be proud to own.
Source: History of Clermont and Brown Counties, Ohio - Vol. II - by Byron Williams - Publ. 1913 - Page 277
  JOHN G. HOLMESJohn G. Holmes, senior member of themercantile firm of Holmes & Burger, of Goshen, Ohio, is well known in Clermont county as a representative of one of the pioneer families in the county.  His birth took place at Goshen, Dec. 5, 1865, his parents being John and Mary S. (Gatch) Holmes.  The latter was a daughter of the Rev. Philip Gatch, the noted pioneer minister of the Methodist church, whose sketch appears in this work.  Her demise occurred in 1893.
     John Holmes was born in Clermont county and was a son of Daniel Holmes, who established the family in this county about 1840, began merchandising, and in 1849, located the store on the site of the home erected by John Holmes, now the residence of John G. Holmes.  He continued in the business until the year of 1865, when he was succeeded by his sons, John and George W., who conducted separate stores.  In 1878, George W. sold out his business to John Holmes and John Burger, the former of whom continued in the business until his death, which occurred in August, 1889, in his fifty-ninth year of his life.
     A new firm was then established under the firm name of Holmes & Burger, John Burger of the other firm being the partner, and John  G. taking his father's interest.  This store probably carries the largest stock of goods in the village, occupying two floors of the store, which is one hundred and thirty feet deep.
     John G. Holmes is the second of seven children:
     Eudora B.,
     John G.,
     Lura M.,
     Annie S.,
     Daniel P.
married Miss Edna Yeomans, residents of Goshen, George C. assists in the store, and Frank E. also assists in the store.
     John G. Holmes was reared at Goshen and in addition to the school advantages of their native village, attended the college at Delaware, the Ohio Weslyan University.  He has spent much of his time in the store since his youth, and thus became familiar with all the details of the business early inhis youth. which enabled him to take up the work successfully upon the death of his father.
     In political matters, Mr. Holmes is an advocate of the Republican party, and has for years served as township treasurer.  He is a member of the Knights of Pythias at Goshen and is a consistent member of the Methodist church.  Mr. Holmes has taken an active interest in all affairs that affect the community where he has spent most of his life.  He has the respect of all of his patrons and friends.
Source: History of Clermont and Brown Counties, Ohio - Vol. II - by Byron Williams - Publ. 1913 - Page 296

NOTE 1: Found the following:
No. 1857 - Application for Marriage License.  Clermont Co., Ohio Probate Court:
In the Matter of the Marriage License for Verna C. Hair & Imo Hill.
Verna C. Hair, 21 year of age on the 28 day of May, 1906.  His reidence Milford, O.  Place of birth: Prall, Brown Co., Ohio.  Occupation Telegrapher.  Father's name: Abraham Hair.  Mother's maiden Name: Bertha Izetta Fitzwater. - AND - Miss Imo Hill is 20 years of age on the __ day of June, 1906.  Her residence is Elenor, Clermont Co., Ohio.  Place of birth: Elenor.  Father's name: Amos S. Hill.  Mother's maiden name:  Jame Murphy.  That Verna C. Hair has no living wife and Imo Hill has no living husband, and that said parties are not nearer of kin than second cousins.  That neither parties is an habitual drunkard, epileptic, imbecile or insane, or under the influence of any intoxicating liquor or narcotic drug.
     It is expected that Hezekiah Hill is to solemnize the marriage of said parties.  A. Hair, Applicant. - Alfred N. Paxton, Probate Judge - Harry Moyer, Deputy Clerk.
ENTRY:  Probate County, Clermont Co., Ohio Oct. 25, 1906.  Verna C. Hair and Imo Hill - Alfred N. Paxton, Probate Judge - by Harry Moyer, Deputy & Clerk.
MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE No. 1887 - The State of Ohio, Clermont Co. ss.
I certify, that on the 28 day of October A. D. 1906 I solemnized the marriage of Mr. Verna C. Hair with Miss Imo Hill. - Hezekiah Hill, Minister -  Filed and recorded Oct. 30, 1906 - Alfred N. Paxton, Probate Judge
Source: Marriage records 1905-1907 Vol. 28

NOTE 2:  1900 Census Mulberry Precinct, Miami Township, Clermont Co., Ohio on June 7, 1900.
Dwelling 61  Family 67
Hair, Abraham - Head W M - b. Mar. 1856 - age 44 yrs. - M. 19 yrs.  b. OH  fath. b. OH  moth. b. OH - Occup:  Farmer
" , Bertha I?   - Wife W F - b. Jan. 1962 - age 38 yrs. - S - 3 ch. 3 ch. living - b. OH  fath. b. OH  moth. b. OH - Occup:  Farm Laborer
" , Louis A. - Son - W M - b. Aug. 1883 - age 16 yrs. - S - b. OH  fath. b. OH  moth. b. OH - Occup:  Farm Laborer
" , Vernie C. - Son - W M - b. May 1885 - age 15 yrs. - S - b. OH  fath. b. OH  moth. OH (Sharon Wick's Note:  Draft Regist lists birthday as May 28, 1885)
" , Ollie M. - Daught - W F - b. Jan. 1896 - age 4 yrs. - S - b. OH  fath. b. OH  moth. b. OH
Thompson, William - servant - W M b. July 1830 - age 69 - Wd - b. OH  fath. b. Penn  moth. b. NJ - Occup: Machinist

NOTE: 3:  1940 Census Milford Village, Miami Twp., Clermont Co., OH on May 15, 1940 - Page 16A
25 Water Street - Dwelling 354 - Owned - Value $2000
Osborne, Walter - Head - M W 32 M - b. Ohio - Res. Apr. 1, 1935 lived same place - Occup:  Mail Carrier - Mail
" , Hazel - Wife - F W 7 S - b. Ohio - Res. Apr. 1, 1935 lived same place - Occup: Printer - Publishing
" , Ruth Ann - Daughter - F W 7 S - b. Ohio - Res. Apr. 1, 1935 lived same place
Hill, Harold - Step-Son - M W 12 S - b. Ohio - Res. Apr. 1, 1935 lived same place
Hair, Vernin C. - Father in law - M W 54 M - b. Ohio - lRes. Apr. 1, 1935 lived same place
" , Imogene - Mother in law - F W 53 M - b. Ohio - Res. Apr. 1, 1935 lived same place
" , Raymond - Brother in Law - M W 27 D - b. Ohio - Res. Apr. 1, 1935 lived same place


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