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Clinton County, Ohio
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Source:  Alexandria Gazette (Alexandria, VA) Page 3
Dated: Monday, Aug. 29, 1853
Distressing Occurrence.
Two brothers, Joseph and Eli Barlow, of Wilson township, Clinton county, Ohio, went out hunting wild turkeys.  They separated and after a time one of them heard what he supposed was a turkey.  After watching a moment he discovered through a crevice in the fence something black, which he supposed to be a turkey.  He fired and the object fell.  He commenced re-loading, when he heard a peculiar sound come from the place.  He approached, and to his horror discovered that he had shot his brother through the head.  The wounded man died immediately.
Source: Evening Post (New York, NY) Vol. 67 Page 2
Dated: Thursday, June 18, 1868
     Another County 'Treasurer Robbed.  On Tuesday night some unknown persons entered the Treasurer's office of Clinton county, Ohio, at Wilmington, and knocked down the treasurer, Mr. A. Hackett, as he was depositing the receipts of the day in the vault.  The thieves, after binding and gagging Mr. Hackett, took $5000 from the vault and made their escape.
Source:  Lowell Daily Citizen and News (Lowell, MA) Vol. XVIII Issue: 3719 Page 2
Dated: Saturday, June 20, 1868
     The treasurer of Clinton county, Ohio, at Wilmington, was knocked down on Wednesday night while depositing funds in the vault, and the thieves took $5000 and escaped.
Source: Cincinnati Daily Gazette (Cincinnati, OH) Page 2
Dated: Saturday, Oct. 17, 1868
     James Trehearne was arrested, yesterday, by officer Bayless in Clinton county, Ohio, on charge of obtaining eighty head of cattle, in the State of Illinois, on false pretenses.  He was lodged last night in the Hammond Street Station House.  A requisition from the Governor of Illinois had been made for this man.  He will be taken to Chicago to-day.
Source: Memphis Daily Avalanche (Memphis, TN) Vol. 11 Issue 197  Page 1
Dated: Dec. 23, 1868
     The "bee cholera" is raging in Clinton county, Ohio.  Henry Hawkins, of New Burlington, has lost thirty out of eighty hives.
Source: Cincinnati Daily Gazette (Cincinnati, OH) Page2
Dated: Monday, July 3, 1871
     L. A. HINE, will deliver two addresses at Cuba, Clinton county, Ohio, on the 4th.  The occasion is a basket meeting in behalf of progressive principles.  "Our Platform" will constitute the principal matter of Mr. Hine's address.
Source: Cincinnati Commercial Tribune (Cincinnati, OH)  Vol. XXXVII  Issue 282  Page 8
Dated: Jun. 22, 1877
Last evening James Carney, of Clinton County, Ohio, reported to Sergeant Devine, at the Central Police Station, that he was a victim of misplaced confidence.  His story was, in effect, that he boarded the Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad train for Cincinnati yesterday at Chillicothe.  A trimly dressed, _olly speaking fellow got on, and in course of time introduced himself to Carney as "Harry Hurd."  After awhile he produced a ticket, which he said was a yearly pass over the road, and as he happened to have two of them, he was willing to dispose of one.  It was offered to Carney for fifteen dollars, and was accepted at that price.  Carney subsequently asked the conductor about the ticket, and was informed that it was no good.  But by this time Mr. Hurd had disappeared.
Source:  Patriot (Harrisburg, PA)  Pg. 1
Dated: Monday, Mar. 10, 1884
Shot and Killed
CINCINNATI, O., March 9. - At Wilmington, Clinton County, Ohio, last evening, City Marshall John T. Van Doren was shot in the head and instantly killed by Alfred Ballard, a drunken man whom he had arrested.  It required great discretion to prevent a crowd from lynching Ballard.
Source:  Western Recorder (Lawrence, KS) Vol. 2, Issue 6, Page 1
Dated: Friday, May 2, 1884
     Mr. Bailey, of Clinton county, Ohio, on the 5th of August, 1870, was appointed United States consul at Hong Kong, China, while acting as such consul he collected for the use of the United States and for seamen large sums of money, consisting of fees for discharging and shipping seamen, for examination of emigrants, as extra wages for discharged seamen, and as arrears of wages due to discharged seamen, which moneys, it is alleged, were not accounted for and paid over to the United States, nor to the individuals to whom it was due.  The total amount of the money was $18,411.89, for the recovery of which suit was recently instigated against him by the United States in the United States Court at Cincinnati.
Source: Muskegon Chronicle (Muskegon, MI) Page 2
Dated: Monday, Dec. 16, 1907
Though Eighty-Eight Years of Age E. W. Marble is Still Active.
Father of Muskegon Man Has Had interesting Career - Made Long Overland Journey.
     Eighty-Eight years of age last Friday, E. W. Marble, who is making his home at the present time with his son B. V. Marble, 24 Miller Avenue, has had perhaps as interesting a career as any resident of Muskegon at the present time.
     He has engaged in business in many states and cities and only ten yeas ago did he give up the management of an active store in Eaton, Ohio.  Since that time he has been journeying throughout the country visiting with his sons and daughters and enjoying life as much as he did in his younger years.
     Mr. Marble was born in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, and remained there until he was 19 years of age when he moved with his parents into Clinton county, Ohio, by the overland route.  Mr. Marble's father was a cabinetmaker and the present head of the family kept the same occupation for several years until he went into the mercantile business for himself.  In the mercantile business he remained until 10 years ago and he has been engaged in the occupation in Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Iowa.
     Mr. Marble has been married three times and has survived all of his wives.  He has five children living at the present time and is also grandfather to four.  He still has good eyesight and can read and carry on a conversation in ready style.  He has a wonderful memory of his boyhood days and is really a very able man considering his age.
Source: Denver Post (Denver, CO) Page 7
Dated: Thursday, Oct. 15, 1908
E. D. Smith
Accused of Pilfering Money From Letter in Ohio.
     E. D. Smith, a prominent resident of Clinton county, Ohio was arrested today at Montrose by Deputy United States Marshal Thomas Clark on the charge of taking another person's mail for a post-office in Clinton county, Ohio, pilfering a $500 check out of one of the letters, forging the signature of the party to whom the check was made payable and using the money to come West and start in business in Colorado.
     Smith was a prominent lodge man and had become very popular in Montrose during his brief residence there.  He told Montrose people after the warrant was served on him this morning that he had just sold a large shipment of apples and had decided to take a trip back to Ohio.  He did not tell them that he was a prisoner with a serious charge hanging over his head, and some of the prominent people of the place were at the train to see him off.



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