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manent hom. But it rekwird a joint
rezolushon ov Kongres 3 March, 1845, for
them to resev their anuity payments at Fort
Wayne, or Peru, Indiana, after the removal
ov the main part ov the Miamis to their nu
Rezervashon in the West in 1846 akording to
The Memorial, or petishon, ov Francis Slocum
and descendants to Kongres for them to resev
their anuity payments at Fort Wayne, waz
dated January 17, 1845. This paper
berz the names Frances Slocum, az prinsipal,
and twenty-one 'children and grandchildren'
viz: Ke-ke-na-kushwa.
We-saw-she-no-qua. Te-quoc-yaw.
Wa-pu-noc-she-no-qua. Ki-o-suck-qua.
Ching-shing-gwaw. Pe-tu-loc-a-te-qua.
Sho-quang-gwaw. Waw-pop-e-tah.
So-eel-en-ji--sah. No-ac-co-mo-qua.
Coch-e-no-qua. Po-con-du-maw.
Tah-ki-qua. Ki-ki-o-qua. Te-quoc-yaw,
Jr. Soc-o-chu-qua.
Peem-y-o-ty-maw. So-eel-en-ji-saw, Jr.
In the yer 1854 delegashons ov the Miamiz remaning in
Indiana, and ov thoz removd beyond the
Mississippi, vizited Washington, wher
another trety waz made in which the United
States agred to pay the Indiana Miamiz
$221,257.86 at the expirashon ov twenty-five
verz in lu ov the permanent anuity namd in
the former trety; and to pay five per sent
interest anualy on this sum, insted ov the
former anuity, until the prinsipal bekam due
and waz paid. At the dae ov this trety,
1854, the Miamiz remaning in Indiana numberd
302. At the date ov the final payment
ov the $221,257.86 at Wabash in 1881, ther
wer ov alajez 318 to resev the muny.
Tha wer then skaterd az folos: aty dwelt on
the Godffroy Rezervashon by the Mississinewa
River, in kluding the desendants ov Frances
Slocum; sixty on the Meshingomesha
Rezervashon in Wabash and Grant Kountiz,
Indiana; fiften at Lafayette; twenty in
Huntington Kounty; thirty in the visinity ov
Fort Wayne; wun family at Napoleon; forty in
Kansas and Indian Teritory; and the others
wer skaterd in the States ov Michigan,
Iillinois, Iowa, and Minnesota. Fuly
wun half ov the hol number wer at this tim
minors. With this final payment by the
United States, thez Miamiz asumd al the
rights, privilejez, and responsibilitiz, ov
sitizenship. Al tribal autority and
relashons, which had for yerz been nerly
nil, sest with this sitizenship.
Previus to this date, 1881, their lands had
been fre from taxashon, enkumbrans, and
sale. The farmz ov many, if not most,
ov the Miamiz remaning in Indiana wer later
morgajd to sekur dets kontracted; and sum ov
thez fertil farmz hav been sold by the
Sherif to satisfy thez dets.
Intemperat use ov intoxikating beverajez hav
ruind many; but, so far az the riter noz
from personal obzervashun and hersay, such
haz not been the kase with any ov Franses
Slocum's desendans. Lack ov
properenerjy and good manajment hav,
however, karakterizd most ov them. Tha
hav klothd themselvs in the kurent styls ov
sitizenz; and their children hav atended the
Publik Skools to a limited extent.
Chief She-po-kon-ah, The Def Man, died about
the yer 1833, at hiz Vilaj on the left bank
ov the Mississinewa River, about six' miles
abuv its outlet into the Wabash. The
exakt plas ov the burial ov hiz remanz, iz
not non. Franses Slocum hiz wife, died
9 March, 1847, ov numonia, with les than wun
week's siknes. Her remanz wer givn a
Kristian burial, Joseph Davis an itinerant
exorter kondukting the servis. The
children ov Franses7 Slocum,
Ma-con-a-quah, al by her sekond marij with
She-po-kon-ah, wer:
*See United States Statutes at Larj,
Volume vi, paj 942.
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Finger in English, also namd Nancy, b. about
the yer 1800. She marid a Miami brave,
nam not non; he died leving a dauter
he died ajd about 17 yerz. She m. 2nd
Jean Baptiste Brouillette ov French-Miami
parentaj with environment holy Miami.
He waz non az Kaptan, sors ov titl not
reported. She waz a mildly temperd,
unasuming woman, and waz overshadowd by her
sister and huzband. She died 13 Mar.,
1847; waz burid in the family ground, but
her grave iz undezignated. He m. 2nd
Eliza Bondy ov Fam. 242A.
Hiz tombston in the ground, reads: 'Rev.
J. B. Brouillette, Converted to the
Christian Religion June, 1854; Died June 17,
1867, Aged 71 Years'
ii. iii. TWO
SONS, nams not non; died in their infansy.
242A. iv. O-ZAH-SHIN-QUAH,*
b. 1810; m. sev. times; d. 1877.
or Yelo Leaf in English, also kald Jane
(dauter ov She-po-kon-ah and wife Ma-con-a-quah
or Franses7 Slocum)
waz born about the yer 1809. She grew
to be a tal and strong woman, mentaly az wel
az fizikaly. The trety ov the United
States with the Miamiz at the junkshon ov
Litl River with the Wabash in the prezent
Huntington Kounty, Indiana, 6 November,
1838, plast wun skwar mile ov land in her
name for the komon okupansy ov herself,
mother and sister, the trety paragraf
dezignating it, reding az foloz, viz.:
To O'zah-shin-quah, and the wife of Brouillette,
daughters of the 'Deaf Man' as tenants in
common, one Section of land by the
Mississinewa River, to include the
improvements where they now life.†
It iz here noted that Franses Slocum waz agen
purposly kept out ov sight, and rekord.
The United States Patent for this 640 akerz
ov very fertil land waz sind by President
Zackary Taylor 26 September, 1849; and
it waz rekorded 29 November, 1854, in
Wabash, Indiana. After the subsekwent
trety, it waz agen rekorded, 6 December,
1877. A Kwitklam Deed made by Nancy
Brouillette and rekorded 1 March, 1872,
shos that she sold her rights in this land
az tenant in komon, to her sister O-zah-shin-quah,
for one hundred dolarz.
*Thez nams hav been variusly pronounst, and speld; with
no pepl haz the konfushun bin grater than
with the Miamiz. The plezanter Miami
form ov speech waz ful, round, floing; and
the dezir ov the riter iz to preserv the
betr Miami sound, with the best form in the
United States rekords. Frekwently wun
, two or mor sylabls ov a nam ar omited in
† See United States Public Statutes at Large,
Vol. vii, pp. 569-574.
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O-zah-shin-quah, or Jane, waz marid five times: 1st to
Louis Godfroy, nefu ov Francis the last War
Chief ov the Miamiz. He waz soon lost
to vu, probably kild in batl or bral.
Her sekond marij waz with wun Wop-shin-quah
he soon met violent deth. The third
with Tak-ko-nah he was soon kild by a
kwarelsom 'frend.' The forth huzband,
a brother ov the third, namd
Mah-mah-mun-drah, soon died.* The
fifth marij, with Wah-pah-e-tak or Peter
Bondy, waz mor konjenial and enduring.
He waz born in July, 1817, son ov Antoine
Bondie a French trader among the Aborijinez
at Fort Wayne, and a Mohegan or Miami
mother. This Antoine waz, in sum
respekts a worthy Frenchman. He warnd
the Amerikanz at Fort Wayne agent a plot by
the savajez to masaker them in 1812 in
interst ov the British. Peter Bondy
was rerd with entir Miami environment,
but he waz wun ov the fu ho avoided the many
inebriating temptashunz. He waz
konverted to Kristianity by the influens ov
George R. Slocum, Family 243B, nefu
ov Franses the Kaptiv†
and bekam an exorter among and for the
Baptists at Reserv, Indiana. In
personal apearans he waz dignified and
komanding; standing nerly six feet in hight
and waining 240 pounds. Hiz kountenans
waz indikativ ov mildnes and benignity; hiz
intelekual powerz wer good, and he waz a
plezant kompanyon, altho he kud nether read
nor rite. O-zak-shin-quah willd him
sixty akers ov land in fe simpl 'in lieu of
his [marital] interest in my lands.[
He waz namd in this wil for exekutor ov her
estat, without bond. Several yerz
after the deth ov this wife O-zah-shin-quah,
he marid sekond, a sister ov Gabriel
Godfroy. He had no children by
this sekond marij. He died _____.
O-zah-shin-quah, Jane, remand unabl to uz other
than the Miami langwaj. Her Wil shos
that she had good nolej ov the 686 akerz ov
land ov which she died posest. This
Wil waz ritn in good form by a lawyer; waz
dated 10 Juy, 1873, and admited to probat 15
February, 1877, in the Serkit Kort in Wabash
Kounty, Indiana, and
* The story ov the Miamiz iz like that ov al the
Aborijinez ho were asociated with the French
and British. Thez pepls inebriated
them, trand them to bludshed and, later,
when tha were not engajd in marauding and
sheding the blud ov Amerikan pionerz, fatal
kwarelz among themselvz wer ov very frekwent
okurens. See History ov The Maume
River Basin, by Dr. Charles E.
† Peter Bondy and wife O-zah-shin-quah, now kald
Jane, wer among the first memberz ov the
Antioch Mishonary Baptist Church; and he waz,
later, a truste ov this sosiety.
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ther rekorded. One
half aker ov ground for family burial
purposez waz rezervd from the farm devizd to
her son Judson. This and other
divizings, wil be menshond in the respektiv
rekords ov her children, foloing. A
gravston in the family ground reads
O-SAW-SHE-QUAH | wife of | Peter Bundy
| Died Jan. 25, 1877 | aged | 67 years.
children of O-Zah-shin-quah, az gatherd by
the riter prinsipaly from themselves, ar az
foloz, viz: By first marij with
Louis Godfroy:
i. ELIZAH GODFROY; m. 1st J. B.
Brouillette. Had one child,
Nancy, ho m. John Bondy and had
two children, Ross and Samuel.
Eliza m. 2nd Thomas Caine
after Brouillettes deth.
ii. FRANSES, Wah-pah-nah-shin-quah; m.
_____ Wilson, se Item 5 ov her
mother's Wil wherein she iz devizd 6- akers
ov land. She m. 2nd William
By sekond marij, with
iii. ELIZABETH, Ke-no-zah-quah, b. 25
Sept., 1836; m. Gabriel Godfroy and
had six children: Joseph, Judson,
Sarah Joanna, and another, ho died yung;
and Peter and Fransis yet
living, 1907.
Elizabeth's mother wild her sixty akerz
ov land. She waz a favorit with he
rgrandmohter, the Kaptiv , and resvd larjly
ov her klothing, reliks, and other valuabls.
Ov thez remaning together Elliott T.
Slocum, Family 542, and George
Slocum Bennett, Family 224A2,
purchast nerly al 3 May, 1907, paing the old
man Gabriel Godfroy, now in
very redust sirdumstansez, a fabulus pris
for the purpos ov plazing thez artikls wher
tha may be seen by many interested personz,
and perpetuated. Elizabeth died
28 Oct., 1879; waz burid in the Godfroy
Semetery, wher her grav iz wel markt.
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