History of Defiance County, Ohio
containing a History of the County; Its Townships,
Towns, Etc.;
Military Record; Portraits of Early Settlers and
Prominent Men; Farm Views; Personal
Reminiscences, Etc.
Published at Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co.
Farmer Twp. -
ENOCH FARMER was born in Montgomery
County, Ohio, Apr. 29, 1828, and came to Farmer Township,
Defiance County, in May, 1839, with his parents, who purchased
the farm now owned by James Gardner, in Section 1,
in October, 1833. His father helped organize the township
in 1835 and was elected Trustee, and repeatedly re elected to
the same office. His father was from North Carolina,
Surrey County, born in 1796, and died in Wisconsin Dec. 10,
1871, aged seventy-five years. He lived near Daniel
Boone, on the Yadkin River, in North Carolina. He
followed Boone's trace to Kentucky when but seventeen
years old, and led his parents to Montgomery County, Ohio, five
miles from Dayton. He went from there to Indiana in 1829,
and stayed there two years. Mrs. Parmer died
Jan. 12, 1830. He then returned to Montgomery County,
Ohio. He then came to Farmer Township, in 1833, and
remained there until 1835, and then removed to Howard County,
Iowa, and remained there five years, and then removed to
Minnesota in 1800, and remained there a short time and returned
to North Carolina, where he remained a short time, and again
removed to Brown County, Minn., where he died in 1871. He
seemed to have been very restless, and not contented until he
changed his abode. In his meanderings he passed through
many hardships. He had a good farm in Farmer Township, and
sold it for 125 per acre. Still he desired to go West.
Mr. Enoch Farmer married Miss Mary Deardorff,
May 11, 1851; she died Feb. 16, 1874. His family are
Edom (dead), Hattie I., Nora E.,
Howard W., Mary B. (dead). He married for his
second wife, Miss Mary A. Wannamaker.
Source: History of Defiance County, Ohio - Published at Chicago:
Warner, Beers & Co. - 1883 - Page 268 |
Defiance Twp. -
Source: History of Defiance County, Ohio - Published at
Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co. - 1883 - Page 232 |
Hicksville Twp. -
SIMON W. FISH has especial pride in his
military record in the late war, where he rallied "with the
brave boys in blue" in defense of his beloved country. He
was a resident of Hicksville of the time of his enlistment in
Company E, Twenty-first Ohio Veteran Volunteers for three years
or the war. He was mustered into the United States Army at
Toledo, Jan. 18, 1864, but having become exposed to measles he
was allowed ten days' furlough, and a few days after was taken
ill, and having to rejoin his regiment before he was well, he
suffered severely in consequence, the cold settling in his
head and breast. However, he went with the boys when
Sherman started on his great Atlanta campaign, and was in
the battles from Ringgold, Ga., to New Hope church, but on the
first of June, he ws sent back to Chattanooga Hospital, Tenn.;
thence to Cumberland Field Hospital, Tenn.; thence to Totten
Hospital, Ky.; then to Camp Dennison, Ohio, where he got better,
in September. He was then sent to Louisville, Ky.; where
he was one of Gen. Palmer's headquarter guards, remaining
until his regiment returned, when he was mustered out and
honorably discharged to Columbus, July 25, 1865, arriving home
on the 9th of the same month.
Source: History of Defiance County, Ohio - Published at
Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co. - 1883 - Page 305 |
Defiance Twp. -
Source: History of Defiance County, Ohio - Published at
Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co. - 1883 - Page 246 |
Farmer Twp. -
ORLEY N. FOOT was born Feb. 11, 1818, in
Vermont, and came to St. Lawrence County, N. Y., when two years
of age, and remained there until he was of age, and then came to
Defiance County in 1838, and within that year taught the
Clarksville school three months. At that time there was a
grist mill conducted at that place by a man by the name of
Weldon. He owned the mill, but a man by the name of
Jared Ball conducted it. It has changed hands many
times. There was then what is expected to be a thriving
village there, the families of Dr. Ira Ladd, Guy C. Noble, L.
C. Noble, Jared Ball, Mr. Bailey and a number of other
families. The village was laid out by a man by the name of
Clark. Thomas Slater, Sr., Widow Lewis, Thomas
Olds, William Sawyer, Thomas Sinkey, Jacob and John Green
owned lands near the village. In 1839, he went to
Farmer Township, and located one and a half miles north of
Farmer Center. In 1839, he taught school at Pulaski,
Williams County, and in the spring of 1839, brought on his wife
from St. Lawrence County, N. Y., where he had married in August,
1837, previous to coming out. Her name was Fanny Bawker.
The family of Mr. Foot is Newell, O., Julia O.,
Johnson O. Newell O. is now deceased. Johnson
O. served three eyras in the late war, and returned safe
from the war. Mr. Foot has been in business in
Farmer about forty-four years. He has dealt in stock, and
treaded much in property of that sort, and has been always
trusty and the poor man's friend. There is quite a feeling
for Mr. Foot, who is regarded as a benefactor to the
farmers and stock-growers of the township. He is indulgent
and friendly to all.
Source: History of Defiance County, Ohio - Published at Chicago:
Warner, Beers & Co. - 1883 - Page 271 |

John A. Foust |
Defiance Twp. -
Source: History of Defiance County, Ohio - Published at
Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co. - 1883 - Page 226 |
Mark Twp. -
JOHN P. FREDERICK, the subject of this
sketch, is a son of Jacob Frederick, who was a
native of Pennsylvania, where he married Esther Kingle,
and immigrated to Tuscarawas County, Ohio, where he lived
fourteen years, when he removed to Knox County, Ohio.
Here, in 1835, John P. was born, and grew up to manhood,
assisting his father in carrying on the farm and taught vocal
music in the different districts. In the year 1864, he was
elected Captain of the militia. He was married, Oct. 11,
1866, to Miss Bell Heiple, the daughter of
a pious widow lady, and settled on his father's farm, where he
was born, and where he lived up to the time of his father's
death in 1872. He then moved with his wife and little
daughter to Williams County, Ohio, where he remained six months,
and then purchased the farm on which he now resides in Mark
Township. He was elected Infirmary Director in the fall of
1878 by a majority of 1070, and re-elected in 1881. He is
the youngest of a family of twelve children — seven now survive.
His family consists of four children, as follows: Lora Mary,
Charley Heiple, Ona Alfred and Earnest Lament.
Source: History of Defiance County, Ohio - Published at
Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co. - 1883 - Page 319 |
Mark Twp. -
PETER FREDERICK was born Sept. 11, 1821, in Tuscarawas County,
Ohio. At seven years of age, he removed with his parents
to Knox County, Ohio, where he lived till the fall of 1845.
He then took a trip through the Western States, fetching up at
Washington County, Iowa, where he enlisted in the Mexican war,
Feb. 21, 1848, and served till June 27 of the same year, when he
returned to Iowa and from thence to his home in Knox County.
In December, 1849, came to Defiance County, and in February,
1850, located his land warrant for 160 acres in Mark Township,
where he now resides. Mr. Frederick was present at
the organization of the township, and was elected Clerk.
Remained till the fall of 1853, then returned to Knox County.
Was married Nov. 30, 1855, to Miss Catharine Bolyas and
has four children, viz.: Sarah J., NAncy E., Mary
and M. H. who died at about four years of age.
Source: History of Defiance County, Ohio -
Published at Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co. - 1883 - Page 320 |
Highland Twp. -
A. FULLMER, farmer, P. O. Defiance, was
born in Baden, Germany, in the year 1809, and is a son of
Philip Fullmer, a native of Germany. The early life of
our subject was passed upon the farm in his native land.
In 1832, he came to America, and after wandering awhile over
various States, he finally settled in Washington County, Penn.,
in which he lived until 1836 or 1837, when he removed to
Crawford County, Ohio, where he resided eleven years, and in
1849 bought 160 acres of land where he now lives, upon which he
located at that time. At present he owns 200 acres of
well-improved land. He was married in 1843 to Margaret
Jenner, of Germany, who came to this county in childhood.
Ten children have been born to them, eight of whom are living -
Jane, Jacob, Isaac, David, Margaret, William, Caroline and
Anna; Mary and Sarah are deceased.
Mr. F.'s first marriage was celebrated in Pennsylvania, with
Susanna Simons, who bore him two children -
John and Abraham. The former was a member of
the One Hundredth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, enlisted in
1862, and was wounded near Atlanta, Ga. He was
accidentally killed by a train of cars on a crossing in
Defiance. Abraham was a member of the Eighty-first
Ohio Volunteer Infantry, enlisting at the first call for men.
He was a Corporal of his company, and was killed at the battle
of Corinth in 1862. Mr. F. is a gentleman well
preserved for his age, and is one among the successful and
respectable citizens of the county.
Source: History of Defiance County,
Ohio - Published at Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co. - 1883 - Page
316 |
Delaware Twp.-
HENRY FUNK was born in Zanesville, Ohio,
June 17, 1816; was married in 1845 to Miss Elsa Nolan, of
Allen County, Ohio, to whom were born ten children - George,
Margaret, Sarah, Dosson, Andrew, Adam, Alfred, Lavina, Lucinda
and Maretta; two of this number are dead, George
and Dosson. Mr. Funk settled in Delaware Township,
Section 3, in February, 1845, and had to cut the road some
distance through the woods to get to the place he had chosen for
his future home. Mr. F. cleared off a small patch
upon which to erect his cabin, and he and his wife put up the
first five rounds. His wife's father (Samuel Nolan)
and two sons, John and Jacob, and another young
man, came from Allen County, and with the assistance of
neighbors within traveling distance and the help of his wife, he
succeeded in getting up his cabin. Mr. F. says had
it not been for the help from Allen County they could not have
got it up, so few and far between were his neighbors at that
time. He then underbrushed and partly cleared up about two
acres in time for corn-planting, by leaving a portion of the
standing timber, and raised a very good crop, which was his main
support for the first crop, which was his main support for the
first year. The forest abounded with all kinds of wild
game, and there was no lack for meat. Mr. F. was
quire a hunter in his younger days, and visited this section of
country on a hunting expedition when about eighteen years of
age, and fell in with Conrad Slough and others at our
near Defiance. Mr. F. on one occasion shot a bear
near his house that was dragging a hog of the weight of about
200 pounds through the woods, and thinks he must have captured
it in the neighborhood of Bean Creek, distant four or five
Mr. Funk's parents, Jacob and Nancy (Bush)
Funk, came from Virginia to Ohio and settled in Fairfield
County. Mrs. funk was born in Pennsylvania, and
died on this farm, Feb. 5, 1874, aged forty-eight years.
Her parents were Samuel and Rebecca (Barnfield) Nolan.
Source: History of Defiance County, Ohio - Published at
Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co. - 1883 - Page 265 |