20th Century History of
Delaware County, Ohio
representative citizens
Chicago, Ill. :: Biographical Pub. Co., by James R. Lytle

came to Delaware County to attend the Ohio Wesleyan University.
He soon after entered the law office of Powell and Gill, with
whom he completed his course of study and was admitted to the Bar.
He entered the firm of Powell and Gill as junior member, and
he was soon after elected prosecuting attorney of the county.
He held the office for two terms and at the expiration of his term
of office he retired from the practice in this county. He
located in Springfield, Clark County, Ohio, and he soon after became
attorney for the Deering Harvester Company. He later became
the general attorney for that company, and removed to Chicago, where
he now resides.
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representative citizens - Chicago, Ill. :: Biographical Pub.
Co., 1908 by James R. Lytle - Page 330 |
born in 1858, in Fayette County, Ohio. He graduated from the
"O. W. U." at Delaware, Ohio, in 1884. After teaching for some
time at Washington Court House, Ohio, he returned to Delaware, and
entered the office of his old friend, Dr. J. H. Hughes.
He attended the Miami Medical College in Cincinnati, Ohio, for two
years, and then went to the Long Island Hospital, New York, for
graduateion in 1891. He returned to Delaware the same
year, and began professional work for two years when he located at
Stewart, Iowa, where he remained for twelve years. He moved
then to Cleveland, Tennessee, in 1905, to devote his attention to
the eye and optical work. He married Miss Jennie Volk,
of Delaware, in 1888. He and his family have recently moved to
Delaware (1907) to make his home, and to devote his attention to eye
diseases and to optical work.
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and representative citizens - Chicago, Ill. :: Biographical Pub.
Co., 1908 by James R. Lytle - Page 362 |
DR. H. A. KEIFER from
1882 to 1887 was the physician in Lewis Centre. He then
removed to Westerville, where he still resides.
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Page 367 |
H. KELLOGG, a well-known business man and progressive and
enterprising citizen of Delaware, which city has been his home for a
number of years, has been connected with the Connecticut Mutual Life
Insurance Company since 1880. Mr. Kellogg was born at
Erie, Pennsylvania, and is a son of Dr. S. R. and Lucy (Church)
On both sides Mr. Kellogg comes
from old Colonial families whose names have been connected with New
England history for generations. Dr. S. R. Kellogg was
born at Sheffield, Massachusetts, as was his father, Silas Kellogg.
The latter, with four brothers, served in the Revolutionary War and
prior to that, Lieut. Joseph Kellogg, of Deerfield,
Massachusetts, was a noted Indian fighter and the old Kellogg
homestead, on which land stood the block house at Sheffield, was once
the scene of many savage conflicts. This land has never gone out
of the family nor has the old Indian title been changed.
R. H. Kellogg completed his High school
education at Hartford, Connecticut, and then studied pharmacy, but
before he had an opportunity to practice his profession to any great
degree, the Civil War came upon the county, and in 1862 he enlisted as
a private in the Sixteenth Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers, made up
at Hartford. This regiment became a part of General Burnside's
corps, and saw service in Virginia and the Carolinas, principally.
Mr. Kellogg participated in the battles of Antietam,
Fredericksburg, Suffolk and the siege of Plymouth. At that point
the whole regiment (excepting one company) was captured by the
Confederates and he remained a prisoner of war for nearly eight
months, confined mainly at Andersonville. He was finally paroled
and exchanged and subsequently was mustered out of the service in
June, 1865, having been in the army three years, lacking a few days.
His rank was then that of sergeant-major, following promotion from
private to sergeant.
After the close of the war, Mr. Kellogg followed
the drug business for about one year and then became interested in
life insurance, and with the exception of seven years, during which he
was engaged in the manufacture of paper, in Connecticut, he has been
in insurance. After his appointment as general agent he worked
as such for the Connecticut Mutual until 1883, when he came to
Cincinnati as general agent of Ohio, and in 1886 his powers were
further extended, he being made district superintendent of agencies
for Ohio, Indiana and West Virginia, a position he still fills.
In 1868, Mr. Kellogg was married to Amelia C.
Gallup, and they have four children, namely: Florence; Emily,
who married Charles W. Riddle, residing in Delaware;
Anna F., who is a teacher in the Delaware public schools; and
Rossiter, residing at Toronto, Canada, where he is in a machinery
business. Mr. Kellogg and family belong to the
Presbyterian Church and he is a member of the board of trustees.
His fraternal relations include the Royal Arch Masons and he belongs
also to the Grand Army of the Republic, the New England Society, and
the Army and Navy Club of Connecticut. His business offices are
at No. 56½ North Sandusky Street.
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Page 861 |
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Page 531 |
EDWARD KENT, one of Concord
Township's foremost citizens, who resides on his valuable farm of 164
1/2 acres, where he carries on general farming was born in Jerome
Township, Union County, Ohio, November 2, 1855. He is a son of
Elijah and Charlotte (Norris) Kent.
Elijah Kent was born in Madison
County, Ohio, in 1823, and settled in Union County in young manhood,
and in Concord Township, Delaware County, about the close of the Civil
War, purchasing the Carson farm of 250 acres. He died at the age of
sixty-three years. He married Charlotte Norris, who was
born in Harrison County, Ohio, and accompanied her parents, Edward
and Susan Norris to Union County, where she was reared and
married. Her parents died at Richwood, Ohio. She survived until
February 14, 1907, dying at the age of seventy-three years. Elijah
Kent and wife had eight children, namely: George,
residing in Thompson Township, married Maggie Swartz;
Edward; Dennis, residing in Concord Township, married
Amelia Bass; John, residing in Scioto Township;
Silas, residing at Urbana, Ohio, married Hattie Ellis;
Benjamin, residing in Kansas, married Jane Martin;
Jane, deceased, who married (first) Isaac Jones,
and (second) Newton Howard; and Ellen, who died
aged eight years.
After his school days were, over, Mr. Kent
settled down to farming and has devoted himself to agricultural
pursuits ever since. Through his industry and his practical methods he
has reaped abundant success. He has a well cultivated farm, on which
he has a Valuable silo, and he also carries on dairying, keeping about
twenty-five cows and selling forty gallons of milk per day at
Columbus. He has continued to improve his property ever since it came
into his possession and in 1905 completed the building of a very
substantial barn.
Mr. Kent married Jennie
Rutherford, who is a daughter of Archibald Rutherford,
who is one of the prominent and substantial citizens of Concord
Township. They have two daughters, namely: Lurabella, who
married William Blainey, a successful farmer of Concord
Township; and Esther Irene, who is a school girl of
twelve years.
In politics, Mr. Kent is a Republican,
but he takes only a good citizen's interest in public affairs. The
family is one that is well and favorably known all through this
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County, Ohio and representative citizens -
Chicago, Ill. :: Biographical Pub. Co., 1908 by James R. Lytle
- Page 626 |
Edward Kent biography herein
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County, Ohio and representative citizens -
Chicago, Ill. :: Biographical Pub. Co., 1908 by James R. Lytle -
Page 597 |
F. D. KING who is serving
in his fourth year as auditor of the city of Delaware, ranks with the
leading and representative citizens of this locality. lie was born at
Springfield, Ohio, where he lived until 22 years of age, clerking in a
drug store after completing his education.
For three years after leaving Springfield, Mr.
King was connected with the drug house of Orr, Brown
& Price, at Columbus, and then came to Delaware, where he
embarked in a drug business for himself. This was subsequently
developed into the drug firm of Miller & King, which continued
for one year, and for three years afterward, Mr. King
was engaged in a cigar business. lie disposed of his cigar interests
to accept his present office, in which he has proved so efficient and
reliable that it is doubtful if the city has ever had a more popular
official. In addition to performing the duties of city auditor, he is
also clerk of the Council, has served as clerk of the Board of Public
Service, is clerk of the Board of Public Safety and of the Board of
Library Trustees, and secretary of the Sinking Fund and Tax
On September 22, 1892, Mr. King was
married to Emma C. Eagle, who is a daughter of the late
Frank Eagle, of Springfield. He and his wife have had five
children, namely: Helen Marie, Carl Francis,
Robert Edward, Frank D., Jr., and Paul
Anthony. The fourth child. Frank D., Jr.. died September 9, 1907,
at the age of three years and two months. Mr. King is a
member of St. Mary's Church.
Mr. King is very prominent in fraternal
circles and has frequently been honored with official positions in
various organizations. He belongs to the B. P. O. Elks, No. 76, and
for three years was secretary of the local body; to F. O. Eagles, No.
376, and for four years was its secretary, and one year worthy
president. and is a life member of this organization. Fie belongs also
to Council No. 1056, Knights of Columbus; Past Commander Camp, No. 50,
Sons of Veterans; Court No. 1883, Foresters : Branch No. 79, Catholic
Knights of Ohio; and Tent, No. 246, Maccabees. He is identified with
the Commercial Club.
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Page 597 |
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- Page 854 |
graduated from Michigan University at Ann Arbor Michigan.
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Page 371 |
DR. H. C. KIOUS was born
in Columbus, Ohio, in 1855. He was educated in the Central
Normal University and the "O. W. U.;" read medicine with Dr. J.
F. Baldwin of Columbus, Ohio, and was graduated at Long Island
Hospital, in New York, in 1881. He began to practice in
Columbus, Ohio, in 1882, in Cheshire in 1883, and only remained a
year, when he sold out to Dr. H. C. Dumm, who was located at
Stratford. Dr. Kious came to Delaware in 1883 and
practiced for several years, when he sold to Dr. F. M. Murray,
in 1892, and moved to Columbus, where he is now practicing. He
married Miss Jennie Lavender, of Delaware, Ohio, in 1883.
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County, Ohio and representative citizens -
Chicago, Ill. :: Biographical Pub. Co., 1908 by James R. Lytle
- Page 365 |
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- Page 556 |
born in Lancaster, Ohio, in 1879. He was educated at the
Lancaster schools, and at Basil, Ohio. He read medicine with
his brother, Dr. George B. Kistler, at Newcomerstown,
Tuscarawas County, Ohio, in 1896 and 1897, and was graduated from
the Starling Medical College, graduated from the Starling Medical
College, Columbus, Ohio, in 1902. He at once located at
Sunbury, Ohio, and entered upon a successful practice. He is a
close student, and promises to be of great benefit to Sunbury.
He belongs to the American Medical Association, and the State and
County Medical Societies. He married Miss Dell McLanden,
of Columbus, Ohio. He is an active Mason, a K. P., and belongs
also to the Elk lodge.
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Page 366 |
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Page 366 |

Charles Kohler |
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Page 737
representative citizen of Delaware Township, where he is engaged in
general farming and truck gardening on his 30-acre farm, was born in
Delaware Township, Ohio, April 20, 1856, and is a son of
John and Elizabeth (Swartz)
Kroninger. John Kroninger was born in
Pennsylvania in 1812, and there he learned the trade of blacksmith.
On attaining his majority, he came to Delaware Township, and engaged
in the blacksmith business north of the city of Delaware, but
subsequently removed to Stratford, where he also carried on
blacksmithing. His later years were spent in farming on the east
side of the river, near Stratford, where his death occurred September
24, 1894. By his first marriage Mr. Kroninger had two
sons, Peter and Josea, and not long after his first
wife's death he was married (second) to Elizabeth Swartz, by
whom he had seven children, six of whom grew to maturity:
James, of Shelby County, Illinois; George, who resides at
Shepard; Alvesta, the widow of Milo Graham; James
and Daniel who live in Shelby County, Illinois; and
Katherine, the wife of Charles Grogan, of Delaware, Ohio.
Mr. Kroninger's third marriage was to Mrs. Hannah Stickney,
who was the widow of Hugh Stickney of Union County. The
family were members of St. Marks Lutheran Church of Delaware.
Jacob Kroninger remained on the home farm until
eleven years of age, and when 18 years old returned thereto and
managed it until his father's death. Sine that time Mr.
Kroninger has owned the farm, which consists of 30 acres, four or
five acres of which he devotes to truck. He has over 400 apple
trees, 100 peach trees, 25 pear trees, and also gives much attention
to the raising of gooseberries, currants, strawberries and quinces.
He raises from 200 to 300 chickens annually, and has been very
successful in this industry.
On May 18, 1898, Mr. Kroninger was married to
Mrs. Agnes Brahm, who is the widow of Jacob Braham, and
daughter of Thomas Luke, of Delaware Township. Three
children have been born to them: Robert, Raymond and Carrie.
By her former marriage Mr. Kroninger had three children:
George, Ethel, and Lottie Brahm. Mr. and Mrs. Kroninger
are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Stratford. In
politics, he is a Prohibitionist, but has never cared to hold public
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Page 833 |
- See
Milo D. Graham
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Page 544 |