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Source: Sandusky Register Newspaper, Erie Co., Ohio
Dated: November 23, 1857:

Herman S. Adams, Guardian
Arthur H. Adams and
Edenace Adams          } Wards


BY virtue of an order issued in this case by the Probate Court of Erie county, I shall on the 21st day of December, A. D. 1857 at 9 o'clock A.M., at the door of the Post Office at Florence Four Corners, in the Township of Florence, Erie County, Ohio, offer at public auction the following described property, to wit:
A certain tract of land lying in said Township, bounded and described as follows, to wit:  Commencing at a point in Lot number sixteen (16) in said township fifty (50) links north of the southwest corner of Lot number twenty-six (26) and running thence north, on lot line fourteen (14) chains and sixteen (16) links, thence west six (6) chains and fifty-nine (59) links, thence south fourteen (14) chains and sixteen (16) links; thence east six (6) chains and fifty-nine (59) links, to the place of beginning, containing nine and 33 100 (9 33 00 acres.  Also the undivided one-half of the following tract of land lying in said township of Florence, and described as follows:  Commencing at a point fifty (50) links north of the south west corner of Lot number twenty six (26) in said Township, and running thence north on lot line nineteen (19) chains and sixty four (64) links thence east forty-two (42) chains and twenty-two (22) links to lot line of highway on east side of said Lot No. twenty-six (26), thence south on lot-line seventeen (17) chains and thirty-seven (37) links, thence west twenty-five (25) chains and thirty-six (36) links; thence south two (2) chains and thirty-six (36) links; thence south two (2) chains and twenty-seven (27) links, thence west sixteen (16) chains and eighty-six (86) links to the place of beginning, containing seventy-seven and 17 100 (77 17 100) acres.  Said lands to be sold subject to the life estate interest of H. S. Adams has therein on the following terms, to with:  One third cash in hand, the balance in three equal payments, with interest, to be con____ and paid annually - to be secured by mortgage upon the premises sold.
HERMAN S. ADAMS, Guardian - Sandusky, Nov. 19, 1857.

Harvey Seymour
John W. Godfrey & others


BY virtue of an order of sale, issued from the Court of Common Pleas of Erie County, Ohio, in the above named case, and to me directed, I shall offer for sale, at public vendue, at the door of the Court House in the city of Sandusky, in said county, on Saturday, the 19th day of December, 1857, at 1 o'clock P. M., the following described estate, to with:
The north two thirds 2/3) of lot numbered thirty-eight (38) and the buildings ____ on Washington street, in the city of Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio - to satisfy said order.
________ JARRARD, Sheriff
By F. F. Smith, Dep.
Sheriff's Office, Nov. ______

Joseph M. Darling?
William W. Wetherell, et al


BY virtue of an order of sale issued from the Erie county, Ohio, in the above named Court of Common Pleas Erie County, Ohio, in the above named case, and to me directed, I shall order for sale, at public vendue, at the door of the Court House in the city of Sandusky, in said county, on Saturday, the 19th day of December, 1857, at one o'clock P.M. the following described real estate, to wit:
the east two thirds (2/3) of Lot number Nineteen (19) and the east two-thirds (2/3) of lot number seventeen (17) on Columbus Avenue, in the city of Sandusky, Erie county, Ohio - to satisfy a writ
G. B. JARRARD, Sheriff,
By F. F. Smith, Dep
Sheriff's Office, Nov. 16, 1857

Monroe & Peck
Samuel M. White


BY virtue of a vendu execution issued from the Court of Common Pleas of Erie County, Ohio, in the above-named case, and to me directed, I have levied on and shall offer for sale, at public vendue, at the door of the Court House in the city of Sandusky, Erie Co., on Saturday, the 19th day of December, 1857, at one o'clock P. M., the followed described real estate to wit:  
The east three rods off the center one-third of lots numbered seventeen (17) and eighteen (18) on Hancock street, by eight rods deep - to satisfy said execution..
G. B. JARRARD, Sheriff
By F. F. Smith, Dep.
Sheriff's Office, Nov. 16,  1857

Board of Directors of Erie County Infirmary
Anthony Mangan


BY virtue of an order of sale, issued from the Court of common Pleas of Erie County, Ohio, in the following described real estate, to wit: Lot number thirty-one (31) on Rail Road Street, in the Western ____ of he city of Sandusky, Erie county, Ohio - a____ said order.
G. B. JARRARD, Sheriff
By F. F. Smith, Dep.
Sheriff's Office, Nov. 16, 1857

John M. Kline
Cornelius S. Meeker, et al


BY virtue of an ___ order of sale, issued from the Court of Common Pleas of Erie county, Ohio, in the above named case, and to me directed, I shall offer for sale, at public vendue at the door of the Court House in the City of Sandusky, in said county, on Saturday, the 19th day of December, 1857, at one o'clock P. M., the following described real estate, to wit:
Situate in the County of Erie and State of Ohio and being a part of in lot number twenty-seven (27) in the town plat of Milan, commencing at the southwest corner of said lot, running thence northerly along on the line of said lot adjoining the aley, four rods thence at right angles with the lot line aforesaid easterly five rods to G. H. Darling's west line of his lot; thence at right angles with the last mentioned line, running southerly and parallel with the first line aforesaid, four rods to the south line of said lot; thence westerly among the line of the lot and alley, five rods, to the place of beginning containing one eighth of an acre of land - to satisfy said writ.
G. B. JARRARD, Sheriff
By F. F. Smith, Deputy
Sheriff's Office, Nov. 16, 1857

Source:  The Sandusky Register (Sandusky, Ohio)
Dated: Oct. 27, 1931 Tues.
Denies Murder
     LIMA, O - Oct. 24, (AP) - Charles Jeff Harter, 50, pleaded not guilty at his arrainment here today on a first degree murder charge rising from the fatal shooting of E. E. Northrup 53.  Police said Harterconfessed the shooting


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