Unknown Newspaper Clipping
August 11, 1926
Jacks Reunion Held Sunday
Relatives and friends to the
number of 60 gathered at the Center M.E. Church in Fayette
County for their fifth annual reunion.
A letter of greeting to relatives and friends from L.F.
Jacks, of Ithaca, Neb., was read and a few moments of silent
reverence was maintained by the company before partaking of the
bountiful picnic dinner served on a 30 ft. table.
The meeting was presided over by the President, Mrs.
Rose Jacks Sears. The song, “Jesus is Calling” was sung. A
poem, written by Mrs. Rose Bentley, pertaining to family was
read by her daughter, Miss Mary, and was greatly enjoyed by all.
The same officers were elected for the coming year.
The meeting was closed by the singing of “In the Sweet By and
By”, with Mrs. Eva Jacks Adsit presiding at the piano.
The next reunion will be held at the home of Lewis and
Eva Adsit in Chillicothe, the second Sunday in August, 1927.
Those present to enjoy the day were Mr. and Mrs. H. H.
Jacks, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson, of Jamestown, Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Adsit, of Chillicothe; Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Adsit of
Greenfield; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jacks, of Bowersville; Mr. and
Mrs. Oakley Edgington and sons, of Xenia; Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Trout and son, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Trout, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Huffman and children, all of Washington C. H., C. L. Daughterty
and daughters of Leesburg; Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Beal and son of
Port William; Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Bentley and son of Lees Creek;
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Sears and daughter, Mrs. Nancy Jacks, Mr. and
Mrs. George Hunt and children, Miss Mary Bentley, D. H. Adams,
Mr. and Mrs. William Little, and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Little, all
of Sabina; and Mr. and Mrs. John Black and children of
(Contributed by Lori Hellmund
from family records)