See Meigs
County |
Ackley, G. B., physician
- Aicher, W. A., jeweler |
53 |
Allard & Brown, Dentists |
53 |
Ard, F. C., physicians - card
- Ashworth, A. P., hardware and farm implements |
53 |
Bailey & Kuntz, groceries
- Bengel, N., groceries
- Bichman, W., jeweler
- Biggs, B. F., furnishing undertaker and manufacture of coffins, etc. |
55 |
Blaettber, M., manufacturer of carriages, buggies, etc.
- Byrne, Ed., groceries, liquors, and vet. surgeon |
55 |
Cartwright, McCurdy & Co., rolling mills
- Collet, Mrs. M. H., millinery
- Cooper, l. O., County Auditor
- Cowen, Miss Lide, millinery
- Crosbie, Jas. & Son, merchant tailors |
56 |
Cutler, Mary M., physician and Surgeon
- Darling, Adam, merchant tailor
- Davies, John S. & Son, planing mill |
57 |
Dyke, Robert, Treasurer of Meigs County
- Donnally, A. B., Mayor |
58 |
Davis, T. H., meat market |
59 |
Denbach, Mrs. M., groceries
- Dyke, Robert, County Treasurer |
Eiselstein, George, dry goods |
61 |
Elberfeld's Sons, Jacob, dry goods
- Eppellin, Dr. Chas., druggist |
62 |
Epple, John, dealer in Groceries, Hardware, Liquors |
63 |
Evans & Jones, Boots and Shoes
- Ewing, Mrs. John, Milliner & Dress Maker |
64 |
Feiger, E. F. & Son, Photographers
- Fisher, Peter, Manufacture of Wagons |
65 |
Fisher, Jacob, Sample Room
- Fisher & Burton, Sample Room
- Franz, J. A., Eagle Store & Dealer in Groceries, Etc. |
66 |
Geiger, W. J., Manuf. & Dealer in Harness & Saddles |
67 |
Genheimer & Reid, Gen. Hardware
- Gloeckner, Frank, Meat Market |
68 |
Goessler, August, Jeweler
- Gress, Peter, Star Bakery, Grocery & Restaurant |
69 |
Hammerstein, M., Boots & Shoes
- Hess, C. J., Grocery & Sample Room |
70 |
Kaspar, John, Mfr. of & Dealer in Buggies, Carriages,
Expresses & Farm Wagons. |
71 |
Ihle, C., Genl. Ins. Agent
- Keiser, Geo. W., Wholesale & Retail Dealer in Ready-made Clothing &
Gents' Furnisher |
72 |
Henry Koehler, Extensive Bottling Works, Mfg. & Dealer in
Sarsaparilla, Mineral & Seltzer Waters, "Belfast Ginger Ale,
Imperial Inca Cola,", Orange Champaign & Haut Gout," |
73 |
Lasley, W. H., Atty & Counselor at Law
- Lee, L. H., Atty, Fire Ins. & Mayor |
74 |
Trussell, E. S., Publisher of the Meigs County Telegraph.
- McLaughlin, B., Sample Room |
75 |
Myers, O. H., Ins. Agent
- Niggemeyer, Theo., Cigar, Tip & Stogie Mfg.
- Payne, E. A., Payne's Restaurant |
77 |
Pfarr & Genheimer, Contractors & Builders, Proprietors of
Sweepstakes Planing Mill, Lumber Yard
- Pomeroy National Bank |
78 |
Bailey, H. V., Prop., Pomeroy Brick Yard
- Dixon, Wm., Prop., Remington House |
79 |
The Pomeroy Opera House |
80 |
Remington, B. R., Books, Stationery, Hardware, Etc.
- Reuder, B. N., Mrs., Groceries & Provisions
- Wildermuth, G., Prop., Rolling Mill brewery, Brewer of Lager Beer & Mfg.
of Artificial Ice. |
81 |
Rump, Louis, Mfg. of Upholstered & Dealer in all kinds of
Furniture |
82 |
Schlaegel Bros., Golden Rule Shoe Store, Under Grand Dilcher
- Schlaegel, Peter, The All right Shop, Tonsorial Parlor
- Schilling, Catherine, Miss., Fashionable Dress Maker, & Artistic Cutter |
83 |
Schwegman & Roedel, Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions, Boots &
- Seebohm, A. W., Druggest & Apothecary |
84 |
Shaver, J. W., Special Agent of the Michigan Mutual Life
Ins. Co. |
85 |
The Extensive House of Skinner Hardware Co., Wholesale &
Retail Dealers in Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Builders'
Supplies, Agricultural Implements.
- Steinbauer, F. W., The Front Street Baker, Confectioner, and Dealer in
Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Ice Cream, Oysters, Etc. |
86 |
Peoples, C. E., The Democrat, Editor & Proprietor.
- Hartley & Huntley, Messrs., The Meigs County Tribune. Edited and
Published by |
87 |
Towns, T. H., Insurance Agent & Manager Western Union
Telegraph Office |
88 |
Vincent, C. J.,. Marble Works
- Wilhelmi, George, Dealer in Readymade Clothing, Merchant Tailor |
89 |
Wright, W. G., Horse-Shoer and General Balcksmith.
Repairing Done Promptly
- Whaley, D. C., Dr., Dentist, |
90 |
The Enterprising Little City of Middleport |
92 |
94 |
94 |
- First Settler |
94 |
Birth of the First Child
- First Store
- First School
- First Post Office
- First Physician
- First Mills
- First Burial Place
- First Hotel |
95 |
First Drug Store
- First Blacksmith
- First Religious Societies
- First Railroad
- General Stores
- First Grocery
- First Jeweler
- First Ice Cream Saloon
- Growth of Business
96 |
The Press in Middleport |
97 |
Middleport's Many Industries. How Her Enterprising
Business Men Conduct Business - pg. 99
- 3 The Big - 3 - |
99 |
"Big Kanawha" Sample Room |
100 |
"Buckeye" Bakery & Grocery, Covert & Hartinger, Proprietors
- F. Burchard, Fruits, Confectionery, Cigars & Tobaccos
- Branch, Walter, Manager Western Union Telegraph Co., Middleport, O
101 |
Bryan, F. B., Wholesale & Retail Dealer in Saddlery
Hardware, & Mfg. of & Dealer in Horse Furnishings
- Calderwood, A., Books, Notions, Wall Paper, Etc. |
102 |
Carpenter & Wilson, Dealers in Groceries & Notions
- Cook, Edwin, Dealer in Flour, Feed, Seeds, Lime, Cement, Etc.
- Dawson, John A., Cigars, Tobaccos, Candies & Notions
- Swisher, William, Proprietor , Farmers' Hotel, Mill St. |
103 |
Gerger, L. N., Merchant Tailor
- Gray, Nellie, Mrs., Fashionable Dressmaker. |
104 |
Grogan, S. T., Sample Room
- Hartinger, D. S., Physician Surgeon, Office
- Hanlin, W. A., Homeopathic Physician, Office
- Hodge, W. B., Dr., Dentis |
105 |
Hartinger, W. M., Druggist,
- Hulbert, Ira, Photography Gallery |
106 |
Hysell, S. M., Wholesale & Retail Dealer in Hardware, Stoves
& Tinware
- Johnson, L. W., Grocer |
107 |
Lark, Edward, Harness, Collar and Belt Factory
- Lewis, Samuel, Barber and Hair Dresser
- McCracken, P. H., Sample, Pool & Lunch Room |
108 |
McLain, Adam, The Popular Third St., Grocer
- McCracken, D. C., Tonsorial Artist
- Dumble, J. W., Ed. & Prop'r. Meigs County Republican |
109 |
Michael, Griff, Dry Goods, Notions, & General Store
- Meloy, J. E., Wholesale Mfg. of Stogies & Cigars |
110 |
Middleport National Bank, Bank Bldg.
- Drummond, Val., Middleport Marble Works.
- Murphy, F. B., Grocer |
111 |
McMaster, W. M., Mrs., Proprietress, The "New Era"
Restaurant & Sample Room, McMaster, John, Manager
- Pfirrman, L. A., Proprietor SAmple Room & Lunch Counter
- Powell, J. E., Bakery & Confectionery |
112 |
Probst, W. B. & Son, Dealer in all Kinds of Furniture, |
113 |
Rayford, Henry, Tonsorial Artist
- Rice, G. J., Dealer in Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, Etc.
- Reeves, R. F., Genl. Passenger & Baggage Transfer |
114 |
Rumsey, J. A., Mrs., Millinery
- Saul, William T., Proprietor of Farmers' Dining Room & Sample & Pool
- Sanborn, Office |
115 |
Schwartz, Richard, Meat Market
- Leach, A., Mrs., Proprietress, St. James Hotel
- Scott, T. D., Col., Miner & Dealer in Coal |
116 |
Skinner, W. H., Dealer in Dry Goods Notions, Groceries and
- Steel, John, Horse Shoer & Blacksmith
- Stewart, R. C., Meat Market |
117 |
Middleport National Bank |
118 |
Story & Sanborn, Jewelers
- Talbott, J. W., Wholesale Grocer |
119 |
Russell, F. C., Proprietory, The Herald, Smith, L. O.,
- Thompson, E. N., Restaurant & Confectionery
- Tubbs, S. S., Dealer in Sewing Machines & Musical Instruments |
120 |
Womeldorff, Geo., Proprietor, Walnut St. House
- Womeldorff, Geo., Livery, Feed & Sale Stable
- Webb, H. W., Proprietor Middleport Saw & Planing Mill Company |
121 |
Wells, J. W., & Son, Agricultural Implements |
122 |
Wells & Amos, Middleport Nurseries |
123 |
Wertheimer Bros., Clothiers, Merchant Tailors, Gents'
Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Etc.
- Williams, J. J., Dealer in Groceries & Provisions
- Wittmer's Famous Shoe Store |
124 |
The German Furniture Co., Mfg. of Furniture |
125 |
The Extensive Milling Plant of the Middleport Flour Company,
Merchant & Custom Millers & Manufacturers of the Leading
Brands "Harvest Home", "Little Duchess" and "Roller A." |
126 |
127 |
One of the Most Enterprising and Live Cities in Southern
Pg. 185
Incorporation |
186 |
Topography |
187 |
Gallia Children's Home |
188 |
The Lodges and Their Early History
- By Wm. Nash
Churches and Religions |
189 |
The First Presbyterian Church
The Catholic Church
Universalist Church
Baptist Church |
190 |
The Episcopal Church
Gallipolis in the War
- By James Harper |
191 |
The Modern City |
192 |
Gallia Court House |
193 |
Gallipolis' Most Enterprising Citizens and Business Men.
Alexander, Henry, Sample Room
- Ayres, J. L., Merchant Tailor |
194 |
Betz, A. L., Sample Room,
- Billups Brothers, Meat Market
- Brown, Frank, Sample and Lunch Room
- Canaday, P., Meat Market |
195 |
Canaday, N. R., Grocer
Canaday, J. C., Grocery & Sample
- Clark, John W., House Painting & Paper Hanging |
196 |
Fowler, F. O., Photographer, Masonic Block, over Smith &
Ball's Dry Goods Stores
- Gebhart & Cook, Dealer in Millinery Goods, Trimmings, etc.
- Hawk, John, Sample & Lunch Room |
197 |
Hayward, J. L., Druggist
- Ulsamer, Frank, Proprietor, Hotel Ulsamer,
198 |
Hudlin, Charles F., Sample Room
- Kuebler, John, Boot, Shoe & Leather Dealer |
199 |
Kuhn, John L., Grocer & Liquor Dealer
- Leeper, C. W., Mfg. of Tin & Galvanized Iron Roofing, & Dealer in
Stoves, Ranges, Tinware & Galvanized Cornice. |
200 |
Little, Geo. B., Livery Feed and Sale Stable |
201 |
McConnell, John W., General Grocer
- McCormick, W. H. & Son, Livery, Feed & Sale Stable, Hack line & Ohio
River Rail Road Transfer |
202 |
Mack, Chas. Jr. & Co., Wholesale Dealers in Queensware,
China, Glassware, Stoneware, etc.
- Persinger, B. W., Bakery, Confectionery and Fruits
- Rathburn Bros., Mfg. of Buggies, Express Wagons & Carriages. |
203 |
Sanns, P. A. & Son, General Druggists |
204 |
Schneemilch, C., Sample Room
- Schneemilch,
F., Produce Dealer
- Schrech, C. J. & Bro., Meat Market |
205 |
Smith, C. M., Bazaar
- Smith, J. M. & Brother, General Grocery |
206 |
Stone, E. A. & Son, Groceries
The Gallipolis Journal |
207 |
Wetherholt, G. J., Funeral Director & Embalmer
- Sibley, Wm. G., Editor & Prop., The Gallipolis Tribune, |
208 |
Whitmer Medicine Company - Mfg. of Proprietary Medicines,
Office & Laboratory |
209 |
Vance, J. L., Editor & Prop., The Gallipolis Bulletin
- Wall, Claude M., Watchmaker |
210 |
211 |
Cheshire's Most Enterprising Business Men
211 |
Coleman, Robert, Carriage Shops |
211 |
Smith, F., Dry Goods, Drugs & Groceries |
212 |
Warner, G. J., General Store |
213 |
213 |
Secret Societies |
213 |
Crown City's Most Prominent Business Men
214 |
Blake & McClure, Dealers in General Merchandise |
Blake, L. E., Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware,
Harware & Harness
- Martin, W. A., Sample Room
- Rankin, V. A., Prop., River Side Hotel, Crown City Wharf Boat, Coal
Dealer & Sample Room |
215 |
Soward, John, Sample Room |
216 |
216 |
Addison Post Office |
216 |
Addison's Most Enterprising Business Men |
217 |
Jones, E. E., Ticket & Freight Agent of the C. H. V. & T.,
the K. & M. and the T. & O. C.
- Poindexter Bros., Saw & Planing Mill |
217 |
Shaffer, D. B., General Store |
218 |
Vinton's Most Enterprising Men
Mathews, J. T., Mfg. of Oak-tanned Harness Leather
Patten, Geo. W., Blacksmith
- Shack,
G. W., Mfg. of Yarns, Rolls, Flour, Meal, all Kinds
of Feed, Etc. |
219 |
Charrington, C. A., Genl. Dealer in Merchandise &
Farming Implements. |
220 |
Gates, E. A.,
Dealer in General Merchandise |
221 |