By Rev. H. B. Belmer.
This township is the
northwest corner of the county. It was organized in 1807
and extended originally two miles further north, into what is
now Clarke County. It has eight churches, so located
that all the people are within three or four miles of a
church. The Bath Presbyterian church is in the western
part of the township; the rest are located in towns.
There is also a township high school, about half miles from
Fairfield, central in the township. It occupies a fine
building erected only a few years ago. Both Osborn and
Fairfield also have their own high schools.
is an incorporated village of about 1000
inhabitants. Traveling men say it is one of the best
kept towns of its size in the State. It has cement
sidewalks, graveled streets, water and electric light, and
fire department. Both the Erie and Big Four Railroads
pass through it, as also the Ohio Electric Railway, which is
now working to have a continuous line from Cincinnati to
Toledo and run through cars between these points. A
visitor will notice the large number of beautiful homes with
their surroundings kept in neat trim. This is largely
due to the fact that most of these homes are occupied by their
owners, and most of the renters even follow their good
example. The village is ten miles from Dayton, making it
convenient for many employed in Dayton to live here. A
number of school teachers employed in the township and
elsewhere also live here. There are four churches in the
place. The Lutheran church was organized in the
Fairfield Methodist church in 1848. In 1850 the railroad
now called the Big Four was built and the town of Osborn began
to spring up; some foresaw that Osborn would become the more
important town and the Lutheran congregation was transferred
to that place. But as there were members of various
other denominations in that neighborhood a union church was
built in 1853. The Lutherans used the building half of
the time only till 1872, when they secured entire control and
ownership of it. This church was remodeled and virtually
rebuilt in 1898 and is now a
[Pg. 90]

Photo by O. A. Wilson
[Pg. 91]
very neat and churchly structure.
The Methodist Episcopal church was organized in 1858, being an
offspring of the Fairfield church. Its building was also
reconstructed and added to some years ago and it is in a
prosperous condition. The Presbyterian church was
organized in1865 and has a substantial brick building
affording a very good audience room. All these churches
are located on the main old residence street which, though its
proper name is Johnson Street, is often called Church Street.
The Catholic church, though having a substantial membership,
is generally served by priests coming from Dayton.
The four groceries and two dry-goods stores of this
place are well stocked with first-class goods, supplying both
town and country for miles around. Osborn also has three
flouring mills and two elevators. These mills have the best of
modern machinery and make the highest grade of roller process
flour. The elevators handle and ship great quantities of corn;
very little wheat is shipped away, as the country around does
not furnish enough for the mills, which are kept busy day and
night the year around. Two of these mills are run by water
power, furnished by a dam in Mad River a mile above the town.
Great quantities of both hard and soft coal are shipped here
for use in the town and surrounding country. There is also a
whip factory employing some thirty hands (there are only four
whip factories in the whole State of Ohio). This factory makes
whips in price from $1.50 a dozen to $25 or more for a single
whip. The benevolent orders are represented by a lodge of the
I. O. O. F., the K. of P., and the J. O. U. A. M. There is a
weekly paper, The Osborn Local.
FAIRFIELD is the oldest village in the
township, with a somewhat peculiar history. Settled in 1799,
in the early days—earlier than 1840—it was a thriving, growing
town. Such it would have continued to be but for one mistake
of its people and neighboring farmers. When the now Big Four
Railroad was being located they wanted to pass through
Fairfield. Now the general direction of this road from Dayton
to Springfield is northeast, cutting diagonally all farms it
passes through. The farmers did not want their fine farms
spoiled in this way, and they fought off the rail-
[Pg. 92]

M. E. Church - Street Scenes - School Building.
[Pg. 93]
successfully. As a result Osborn sprang up and became the
flourishing town Fairfield would have been; and instead
of merely standing still, Fairfield even lost some of the
business it formerly had. It had no railroad convenience till
the Dayton and Springfield electric road was built through it.
The population of Fairfield is given in the last census as
312. It has a Methodist and a Reformed church. The Methodist
church seems to have been the earliest organized, though its
date has not been ascertained. The Reformed church was
organized in 1843, and is the offspring of the Byron church.
It has been in a prosperous condition from the beginning,
having begun in a great revival, a spiritual impulse felt to
this day. The village also has a lodge of Odd Fellows, and
Steele Post No. 623 Dept. of Ohio G. A. R. This Post attends
to the decorating of soldier graves on Memorial Day in eight
different burying grounds.
BRYAN, on the Yellow Springs pike, is an old
hamlet that has less business and importance than formerly in
earlier times. Its dozen or so houses are now without the
store, post office, and saddler's shop of former days, but a
blacksmith shop remains. Byron's chief honor is the church and
cemetery near it. Here are buried many of the old settlers,
reaching back even into the 18th century. The Byron Reformed
church dates back to a very early day; it was formerly a union
church, the Lutherans owning and using it jointly with the
(Editor's note:—Fairfield may take comfort in the reflection
that if it has fallen behind in the race for population and
business it has preserved its fine old houses and streets and
is the most picturesque town in the county. We regret that the
views do not give an adequate idea of its charm. Since 1904 it
has held an annual reunion and home-coming).