PLEASE NOTE: There may be some articles of court
news on these other pages herein.
Source: Cincinnati Daily Gazette
Dated: Aug. 11, 1869
John Daley, charged with cutting with intent to
kill Patrick McGeown, previously before Judge Noyes
on a writ of habeas corpus, was again brought before
the Probate Court yesterday and released on $1,000 bail, to
appear before the next term of the Court of Common Pleas.
(Found at Genealogy Bank, Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Cincinnati Daily Gazette - Ohio
Date: July 23, 1874
Wm. S. Peters has been appointed guardian of
Philip Peters, minor child of Elizabeth
Peters, deceased. B. F. Thomas has been appointed
administrator of the estate of John L. Wilkins,
deceased. Personality of which is about $500, with Hettie
Wilkins and J. L. Flickinger sureties. |
Source: Cincinnati Daily
Gazette - Ohio
Dated: May 6, 1878
Saturday, May 4.
- John DARDEHOLTZ, per Sheriff, to Wm. B. MADDUX,
50 acres in the southwest quarter of Sec. 22, Sycamore Twp.
- $2,450
- Isaac L. Whipple and wife to Joseph SATER,
70 88 - 100 acres in sections Nos. 11, and 12; also 18 acres
in the southwest quarter of Section 1, Crosby Township -
- Chas. KLEIN and wife to Markus JACOBS, 26
37100 by 192 feet on the east side of Hamilton Road, 127
74-100 feet south of Marshall avenue, Camp Washington -
- Louisa HODGES, et al., per Sheriff, to Jos.
LANGEL, 10 acres on the Little Miami River, in Sec. 21,
Spencer Twp., being lot No. 9, plat of Jacob ALLEN's
farm - $1,240.
- Heirs of Jacob ALLEN, per Sheriff, to same, 7
84-100 acres in sections 19 and 24, being lot No. 6, of plat
of Jacob ALLEN's farm, Spencer Township - $1,293.60.
- Robert COLLINS to Wm. BODE, 40 by 100 feet
on east side of State street, 80 feet north of Ferry street,
Miamitown - $400.
- James R. MURDOCK to Rosanna C. REILEY,
perpetual lease of 25 by 134 feet on west side of Linn
street, 400 feet north of Court street, at an annual rent of
$80, with the privilege of purchase at $1,000.
- Jacob BUTSCHER and wife et al. to John
SCHNEIDER, 26 by87 feet on north side of Liberty street,
45 feet West of Moore street - $3,600.
- Matthew CROTTY and wife to Wm. HEARNEY, 50
by 120 feet on north side of Seventh street, 150 feet west
of Eldorado street, California - $80.
- Louis DEHMEL and wife to Thomas J. HOFFNER,
30 by 50 feet on north side of Lock street, 84 1/2 feet west
of Williams street, Lockland - $550.
- Patrick E. ROACH and wife to John B. PURCELL,
quit-claim to 113 11-100 by 174 87-100 feet on east side of
Gilbert avenue, 117 3/4 feet south of Kemper street, Walnut
Hills - $6,541.15.
- Wm. H. CLARK to Wm. J. CLARK, strip 200 feet
wide extending from a point on west side of Prospect street
300 feet north of Central avenue to Sunset street; also,
strip 25 feet wide extending from Vinton street, to Sunset
street, and lying next east of above premises; also, 275 by
100 feet on north side of New Baltimore pike, opposite Trade
street, Fairmount - $1,086.
- Wm. J. CLARK to Mary Ann CLARK, quitclaim to
same premises - $1,086.
- Anna SHUERMAN to Charles BARNES, 16 by 53
feet on east side of Ludlow street, 61 3/4 feet south of
Third street - $4,200.
- Elias ELLIS and wife to B. F. COUGHLIN, 20
by 105 3/4 feet on the north side of Seventh street, 136
feet west of Baymiller street - $10,000.
- Ellen Shiras to Rebecca H. Haven, 18 1/2 by
72 feet on the north side of Pearl street 197 1/2 feet west
of Race street - $1,000.
- B. F. COUGHLIN to Elias ELLIS, 50 acres on
Princeton and Port Union pike, in southeast quarter of
Section 7, Green Township - $10,000.
- Co-operative Land and Building Association No. 1 to E.
G. Hillyer, 67 by 108 3/4 feet on the south side of
Fourth avenue, 134 feet east of East avenue, Bond Hill. -
- Wm. S. SCARBOROUGH et al to Clarkson S. WHITSON,
30 by 140 feet on the south side of McMillan street, east of
Park avenue, Walnut Hills - $3,300.
- M. & A. HUDEPEHL to A. I. STOCKHOFF, five
years' lease of part of southwest corner of Elliott street
and Broadway - monthly rent - $23.
(Found at Genealogy Bank, Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Cincinnati Daily
Dated: May 29, 1880
Special Dispatch to the Cincinnati Gazette.
FINDLAY, May 28 - Adam Young, a farm labor,
was bound over to-day for brutally beating Joe Eppler,
aged fifteen, who was working with him. Eppler
was badly injured, blood flowing from a dozen wounds caused
by an ox gad used by Young.
HILLSBORO, May 28 - Bob Frazier, convicted
of shooting with intent to kill, was this morning sentenced
by Judge Minshall to one year in teh penitentiary..
The sentence is considered a very light one.
MILWAUKEE, WIS., May 28 - The Sentinel's Prairie
Duchien special says Abraham Paine was arrested
to-day, charged with ravishing Kate Stephens, aged
ten years.
(Found at Genealogy Bank, Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Cincinnati Daily Gazette - Ohio
Dated: November 3, 1881
For the Common Pleas Court the following new suits were
filed yesterday:
65,257. John McKean vs. T. H. Lupton -
65,258. A. J. Brill vs. William Wakefield -
65259. D. W. Hartshorn vs. J. W. Johnson,
administrator, appeal
65260. Mary Sullivan vs. James Sullivan -
65261. James McCue vs. R. George - Attachement
65262. Leah M. Carr vs. Thomas S. Carr -
65263. John Kauffman vs. B. Willinger - Appeal
65264. Rina Campbell vs. Wm. M. Campbell -
For the Superior Court the following suit was filed:
37,026. R. H. Flemming vs. H. Ortman et al. -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Swearing of the Judges.
Yesterday morning a joint session of the Court of
Common Pleas was held, at which Judge Johnston
presided. There were present also Judges Smith,
Moore, Burnet, and Cox. Judge Longworth
was sworn in as Judge of the Supreme Court, the oath being
administered by Judge Johnston. Then the Judges
elected, M. Buchwalter, S. N. Maxwell, John Conner,
were sworn in, and Judge Burnet Conner, were sworn
in, and Judge Burnet was sworn as Judge of the
District Court. Judge Johnston then left the
bench, and sworn by Judge Cox. |
Source: Cincinnati Commercial News - Ohio
Dated: Jan. 14, 1883DIVORCES WANTED:
Two Ca
Howard FERRIS, administrator of James BARNES
vs. Margaret WELSH. In this action, on trial
before Judge WORTHINGTON, and a jury, the plaintiff
claims to recover $k60 in money and a number of household
articles, which he alleges BARNES was in possession
of at the time of his death, in April, 1880, and which, it
is claimed, the defendant without authority took possession
of. The defendant claims that she lived with the
deceased as house-keeper, and that when he died he left only
$84 in money and a few household articles worth $22, and
that the money was applied towards payment of his funeral
COWAN for plaintiff,,, M. W. CONWAY for
In the case of CARROLL vs. ALMS, to recover
damages for injury to a carriage, tried before Judge
HARMON, a verdict was returned for the plaintiff for
The will of Jacob MEYER
was admitted to probate.
Yesterday the following cases were thus disposed of
in the Police Court.
Ben. PLUMP, drunk, $10-30; Jacob MILLER, failing
to keep a book of record, $5 - costs.
W. A. __nle_, petit larceny, continued to January 15;
Anna Bird, drunk, 30 days
John HOWE, known thief, 90 days;
Thomas ARR, burglary, continued to January 18.
Leonard LIPPMAN, petit larceny, continued to January
George WILLIAMS, petit larceny, $200-30;
Herman GEBER, grand larceny, discharged;
Dudley WALTON, know thief, $50-30, suspended,
Joseph MEYERS, cutting with intent to kill, bound
over, bond $1,000;
Herman GEBER and Alfred HAHN, carrying
concealed weapons, dismissed,
Josephine ST__G. drunk, cost, suspended;
John SULLIVAN, assault and battery, failed to appear,
$25 bail forfeited,
George KEEGAN, loitering discharged;
John WILSON, drunk and assault and battery, $10-$10
Ellsworth LIVERPOOL, 60 days,
Jennie PAINTER, known thief, $50-30;
Richard WOESNER, loitering, $50-30;
Elias ROSENBAUM, receiving stolen goods, $200-60
days, days suspended.
Michael CAHN, and John MYERS, vagrancy, $25-30
The following suits were filed
yesterday in the Common Pleas Court:
67,670 - Thomas B. LEONARD vs. Ezekiel &
Bernhelm; appeal.
67,671 - Andrew JENSON et al vs. Henry
FELTMAN; money $2,900 56?
67,672 - Wm. W. LEE vs. The Ohio Valley Boiler Protection
Company; appeal
67,673 - Joseph A. STONE et al vs. William H.
MOORE; attachment
67,674 - Sallie LONG vs. David C. JACKSON;
67,675 - Rachel WILLIAM vs. Leonard ENGEL,
damages, $3,000
67,676 - George W. BLAIR vs. William DEAN;
67,677 - Charles and John BAUER vs. John
JURY; appeal
67,678 - Hildebrandt & Hildebrandt vs.
Charles DERRICK; attachment.
The following were filed in the Superior Court:
38,273 - Walter ZINN vs. Charles
DAVIS et al; money, $35,000
38,274 - The Cincinnati Type Foundry vs. Leonard A.
SHEPERD; money, $390.45
38,275 - Henry S. STROOTWAUD et al. vs. The
Parmenter Paper Company et al.; foreclosure of chattel
37,276 - August WEISGERBER vs. Joseph
LUGANER; money, $829,35
37,277 - SEELY Bros. vs. The Western Paint
Company; money, $1,678.33.
37,278 - RYAN Brothers vs. Cincinnati Lard
Refining Company; money, $1,729.99
37,279 - First National Bank of Danvile, Illinois, vs.
George WEBER et al; relief.