THIS township
was the last one organized in Hancock
County, being erected in June, 1850, from
territory previously embraced in Cass and
Portage Townships, taking twelve sections
from each. It was named in honor of
Gen. Ethan Allen, of revolutionary fame,
and contains an area of twenty-four square
miles, or 15,360 acres. The official
census of 1850 gave Allen a population of
869; 1860, 1,009; 1870, 969, and 1880,
1,025. The west half of the township
lies in Township 2 north, Range 10, and the
east half in Range 11. Allen is
bounded on the north by wood County, on the
east by Cass Township, on the south by
Findlay Township, and on the west by Portage
When the first
settlers built their cabins in this portion
of the county, the original forest was
unbroken by a single clearing, unless the
almost impenetrable tract called "Wildcat
Thicket" could be so named. This was a
strip of fallen timber extending across the
township from west to east, and covered with
a dense undergrowth, where wild animals of
every sort took refuge. The forest had
evidently been blown down by a hurricane
from the west long prior to the coming of
the whites, and bushes and vines of every
sort covered the decaying timber like a
perfect network of defense.
The Middle Branch of Portage River flows in from Cass,
and winds across the northwest portion of
Allen Township; while the east fork of Ten
Mile Creek drains the southwest corner
westward into Portage. The southeast
corner of the township is drained by a small
branch of the Blanchard. Along the
Middle Branch the surface is somewhat
broken, and back from that stream may be
termed elevated and rolling. The
"Wildcat Thicket" was originally low and
wet, but the removal of the fallen trees and
judicious drainage has reclaimed the greater
part of this tract. A sand and gravel
belt, known as Sugar Ridge, crosses the
north half of the township in a southwest
direction, Van Buren being on the summit of
the ridge. South of this ridge the
soil is generally a mixture of sand and
clay, while north of it a black, sandy loam
was the first settler in this township.
In 1827 he purchased of John Gardner
the wet half of the northeast quarter of
Section 13, Township 2 north, Range 10
(entered by the latter in 1826), upon which
he at once erected a small log-cabin.
Frakes settled in Madison County,
Ohio, prior to the organization of that
county in 1810. He was there known as
one of the "fighting men" of the county, and
his name
Page 348 -
the second pioneer of what is now Allen
Township, coming in the fall of 1828.
In December, 1828, he purchased the west
half of the northeast quarter of Section 13,
of Nathan Frakes, who had bought it
of John Gardner. Miller died
here early in 1830, and his family soon
removed from the county.
The sons of JOHN TROUT claim that he
came to Hancock Counth in the summer of
1828, selected land and built a double-log
cabin on the site of
Page 349 -
Van Buren, and then returned to Perry County
for his family, whom he brought out in
December, 1828. The book of entries
shows that John Trout entered the
east half of the northeast quarter of
Section 13, Town 2 north, Range 10, Sept. 1,
1829, and the west half of the southwest
quarter of Section 7, Town 2 north, Range
11, June 2, 1830. It is therefore
opined that Mr. Trout did not
settle on the site of Van Buren until
December, 1829, as his first entry in this
county was not made till September of that
year. He was a native of Pennsylvania,
whence he removed to Perry County, Ohio,
where he married Miss Eleanor Skinner.
Leaving Somerset November 12th, the family
did not reach the little settlement on the
Middle Branch of Portage River till Dec. 14,
1829, and on the following day Mr.
Trout took possession of his cabin. The
trip was long and arduous, and well
calculated to discourage the stoutest heart.
Fording swamp, stream and river, and being
compelled at times to cut their way through
forest and thicket, the sturdy parents with
their five children, Eliza, Ephraim, John
S., George W. and Philip, trudged
many a weary mile ere reaching their
destination. Eliza afterward
married Elisha Beeson, which
was the first marriage in the settlement;
while the first death was that of
Cornelius, her youngest brother.
Mr. Trout served in the war of
1812, and in early life followed the
potter's trade. In 1833 he and
George Ensminger laid out the
village of Van Buren upon their land.
Both he and his wife died in this township,
and of their children but two survive:
Ephraim, the oldest living pioneer of
Allen, and John S., a resident of
Liberty Township.
The year 1832
brought in quite a large number of settlers,
among whom we find John Barnd, George
Ensminger, Michael Ensminger, Charles Baker,
Hugh Gilchrist and Peter Hockenberry.
Mr. Barnd was born in Somerset County,
Penn., Dec. 30, 1808, removed to Perry
County, Ohio, with his parents, there grew
to manhood and married Miss Sarah
Garlinger, and in 1832 came to this
township. He located on the east half
of the southeast quarter of Section 13,
where he has ever since resided.
Mr. Barnd was the first justice elected
for Allen Township, and served continuously
in that office from 1850 to 1880. He
reared a family of eleven children, ten of
whom are living. His wife died Mar.
29, 1884, after a happy married life of more
than half a century. Squire Barnd
is one of the few living pioneers to whom
the writer is indebted for much important
information relating to early events in this
portion of the State.
In 1833 Isaac
Weisel, David Dorsey, Peter Heller and
Henry Rader located in the township.
The first two mentioned were
brothers-in-law, Mr. Weisel having
married Jane Dorsey, and both were
natives of Pennsylvania. Weisel
settled on the southeast quarter of Section
2, where both he and his wife died in 1878
or 1879. They were the parents of ten
children, six of whom survive.
David and Rosanna Dorsey came from
Bedford County, Penn., in October, 1833, and
located near the site of Van Buren in
Section 18 in what was then Cass Township.
Here Allen, now a resident of the township,
was born in February, 1834, being one of the
first births in the settlement. In
1835 David was elected justice of
Cass Township, and re-elected to the same
position. He reared a family of seven
children, four of whom survive, Allen and
Cordelia being residents of the
township, where both the father and mother
died. Peter Heller, of Wayne
County, Ohio, settled on the southeast
quarter of Section 25, in 1833, and the same
year was elected justice of Portage
Township, and re-elected in 1836. He
finally sold his farm, and removed to
Indiana. Henry Rader, a native
of Virginia, settled in 1833 on Section 13,
where his son, Adam, now lives.
Both he and his wife died in this township.
Page 351
SEY and ISAAC WOLF are believed to have settled here
in 1833-34. The first mentioned.......
Electors. -
At the organization of
Cass and Portage Townships in April, 1833,
each embraced half of what is now Allen
Township, and Squire John Barnd says
that the following list includes all of the
voters then living inside of the boundaries
of the latter subdivision; Elias L.
Bryan, John Trout, John Burman, John Barnd,
Hugh Gilchrist, Charles Baker, Peter
Hockenberry, George Ensminger, Michael
Ensminger, James Wiley and James
Howard. The last two mentioned
never settled in the township, but were
staying here temporarily at that time, and
were allowed to vote.
Justices. -
John Barnd (from 1850 to 1880),
W. L. Heller, J. W. McCaughey, Philip
Burman, Robert Thornburg, G. W. Barnd, John
H. Spitler and Thomas Briggs.
The last two mentioned are the present
incumbents of the office.
Early Schools. -
The first schoolhouse in this
township was a small log structure built in
1836, on the section line immediately west
of the present building on the farm of
Peter Whetstone. It stood
in the center of the road now occupying the
section line between 13 and 14, and was
built of round logs, covered with a
clapboard roof, had greased paper windows
and a huge fireplace in one end. The
Bryans, Trouts, Burmans,
Page 352 -
Brands, Gilchrists, Warners and
Raders attended school, which was the
only one in the settlement for several
years, excepting one on the farm of James
Moorhead, which was also opened at an
early day. The pupils of James
Moorhead. which was also opened at an
early day. The pupils attending the
latter, however, were principally from what
is now Portage Township, and the pioneers of
Allen scarcely remember it. With the
growth of population more schoolhouses
became a necessity, and from time to time
districts were organized and schools opened.
There are now nine good school buildings in
Allen, that in Van Buren having two rooms.
Churches. -
Villages -
Page 253 -

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Van Buren
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and general debility. The town,
however, can boast of four churches and a
good two-storied brick schoolhouse of two
better known as Stuartville, was laid out in
March, 1883, by Addison J. Silverwood,
Nancy A. Silverwood and Anthony
Huntington. It lies in Sections 24
and 25, Range 10, and Section 19, Range 11,
on both sides of the New York, Chicago & St.
Louis Railroad. The Toledo, Columbus &
Southern Railroad passes north and south a
short distance east of the village, which
has therefore good railroad facilities.
Two small stores, a blacksmith shop, a
saloon and a grain elevator make up the
business interests of Stuartville. In
May, 1883, a postoffice named Mortimer was
established here, with James Huntington
as postmaster. He was succeeded in
1885 by Mrs. A. V. Myers, the present