ZIMRI G. CALLIN, Pleasant,
Holgate p. o., a manufacturer and dealer in harness and
trimmings, was born in Huron county, O., in1850, and was a
son of William and Elizabeth Callin. Elizabeth
was born in Pennsylvania, and her husband in Virginia.
They were married in Ashland county. William
died in 1881, leaving a widow and nine children, five of
whom are now living: John, James, George and Zimri
G., and Mrs. Harriet Sly, a son of Dr. Hugh,
who was a graduate of the Cincinnati Medical College, died
in 1881. Three of the sons served in the war; they
were John, James and George. Zimri G.
was married in 1874 to Ella Franklin, of Tontogany,
Wood county. She died in 1875, leaving one son,
Edward. He then married his second wife Minnie
Parker in 1881. They have had two children,
Della and Oma. He settled in Holgate, Henry
county, in 1881, and then became engaged in the harness
Source: History of Henry & Fulton Counties -
edited by Lewis Cass Aldrich - Syracuse NY - Publ. D. Mason
& Co. 1888. - Page 652 |
Liberty, a general and successful farmer, of Henry county,
was born in Fairfield county, in 1833 and was a son of
George and Barbara (Wilson) Carpenter. Barbara was
born in Virginia and her husband, George was born in
Pennsylvania. They were married in Fairfield county,
O. George served in the war in 1812 and his
widow, after his death, which occured in 1861, was awarded a
pension of ninety-six dollars per year, until her death,
which occurred in 1875. They settled in Liberty county
in 1848, and had a family of eleven children, four of whom
are now living: Mrs. Mary Heft, Mrs. Catharine Davis,
David and Henry. Two of the grandsons,
Solomon and George, followed the patriotism of
their grandfather and enlisted in the army of the Rebellion.
Henry Carpenter was married in 1861 to Rachel
Guthrie. They have had five children: Amanda
T., Mary May, Robert Murphy, Cora Belle (was educated
for, and is now engaged in teaching) and Robert. Murphy
married Arsa Tremain. Mr. Carpenter settled on
his homestead farm in 1848, paying $3,500 for the first
forty acres. He now owns 200 acres in all.
Source: History of Henry & Fulton Counties -
edited by Lewis Cass Aldrich - Syracuse NY - Publ. D. Mason
& Co. 1888. - Page 652 |
Monroe, Malinta, p. o., was born in the State of Maryland,
Aug. 27, 1831, came to Perry county when an infant, where he
was raised and receied a public school education, until he
reached the age of fifteen years when he moved to Fairfield
county with his parents, and came to Henry county in 1857
where he purchased his present farm of forty acres in Monroe
township where he has since resided. He was married in
1854 to Lucinda E. Gronter, of Richland county, O.
They have four children now living: Lucinda A., (Mrs.
Marion Smith) Lydia A., Mary R. (Mrs. Herbert Booth) and
Frederick W. Mr. Cheney has held the office of
assessor, constable and school dirctor of the township for
several years, and has also been a notary public. He
was elected justice of the peace in 1876, which office he
has held continually ever since, with the exception of two
Source: History of Henry & Fulton Counties -
edited by Lewis Cass Aldrich - Syracuse NY - Publ. D. Mason
& Co. 1888. - Page 654 |
Liberty, Liberty Center p. o., was born in Stark county, O.,
Oct. 14, 1843, and settled in Liberty township in 1846, with
his parents, George and Elizabeth Ann (Hinkle) Chroninger.
He was married July 7, 1870, to Asenath Louisa
Babcock who was born Aug. 8, 1851. They have had
two children: Raleigh Royal, born Apr. 22,
1871; Millie Belle, born Nov. 8, 1872.
Asenath L. was a daughter of Lorenzo and Sarah Ann
(Patrick) Babcock. Mr. Chroninger, at the opening
of the rebellion, offered his services but was rejected on
account of impaired health. He is a man of rare
intellectual tastes. He has made farming both a
success and a pleasant occupation. He takes in intrest
in all public enterprises. His parents have had a
family of ten children, but four of whom are now living:
B. F., Henry, Arminda and Elsie-Dana.
His father, George, was born in Stark county, Sept.
12, 1817, and his mother in Pennsylvania, in 1820.
They were married in Tuscarawas county, in 1841.
George was a son of Henry and Sarah Chroninger
natives of Westmoreland county, who were married in Stark
county, O., and died in Indiana county.
Source: History of Henry & Fulton Counties -
edited by Lewis Cass Aldrich - Syracuse NY - Publ. D. Mason
& Co. 1888. - Page 654\ |
Liberty, Liberty p. o., was born in Stark county, O., Sept.
12, 1817, and came to Henry county, O., in 1840, and settled
on his present homestead farm of 160 acres. He was
married in 1841 to Elizabeth Ann Hinkle, of
Tuscarawas county, who was born in Pennsylvania, in 1820.
They have had a family of ten children, four of whom are now
living: Benjamin Franklin, Henry, Arminda and
Elsie Dana. George, jr. died leaving one son,
Othey; Monroe died at the age of twenty years.
They settled in Liberty in 1846, where they still reside,
having one of the best cultivated farms in the county,
having five miles of tile, fine fruit and buildings.
He was a son of Henry and Sarah Chroninger. Henry
was born in Westmoreland county, Pa. They were married
in Stark county. Elizabeth was the daughter of
Henry and Mary Hinkle, who settled in Stark county in
1827, where they died. Mr. Chroninger settled
in Henry county with his family in 1846. The place was
then a wood. He erected a log cabin, cleared his land,
now having 130 acres free from stumps, on which he has his
homestead. In addition to this he owns 400 acres in
Source: History of Henry & Fulton Counties -
edited by Lewis Cass Aldrich - Syracuse NY - Publ. D. Mason
& Co. 1888. - Page 654\ |
Liberty Center p. o., an early settler in Henry county, was
born in Delaware county, N. Y., in 1823, and was a son of
Russell and Lavina (Strong) Clapp, natives of
Southampton, Mass., where they were married in 1811.
He was born 1786 and his wife in 1788. He died in 1854
and his wife in 1855. They had eight children, two of
whom are now living, Russel K. and Sarah.
They settled in Huron county in 1839, and in 1846 came to
Henry county. Russell K. was married in 1851 to
Amelia Clough, who was born in Perrysburg, Wood
county, in 1832. They had a family of three children,
two of whom are now living: Theodore G., Jennie L.,
who married Ralph Redfield in 1874. Theodore
G. was married in 1881 to Mary Tanner. Amelia
was a daughter of Salmon and Lucy (Whitman) Clough.
Salmon was born in New York, where they were married,
after which they settled in Wood county, O., where Salmon
died leaving a family of six children, two of whom are now
living: Jonathan and Amelia. The
widow, Lucy, came to Fulton in 1836, where she died
Apr. 9, 1872. Two of her sons, Jonathan and
Ephraim, enlisted and served in the late War of the
Rebellion, in the 14th and 67th Regiments. Russel
K. Clapp now owns and occupies the old homestead which
was purchased on settlement in 1846, was then a forest, now
a well-improved farm.
Source: History of Henry & Fulton Counties -
edited by Lewis Cass Aldrich - Syracuse NY - Publ. D. Mason
& Co. 1888. - Page 655 |
AMOS COLE, Pleasant, Holgate
p. o., one of the pioneer settlers of Henry county, was born
in Chenango county, N. Y., in 1803. His parents,
Silas and Louisa Cole, came there at an early day from
Connecticut. In 1815 they moved to Ohio and settled in
Sciota county, and in 1831 Amos was married to
Nancy Watts, who was born in that county. In 1833
he moved into the then wilderness of Henry county. He
was one of the commissioners who organized the county and
held the office of commissioner for several years, and was
at one time associate judge. He was justice for
fifteen years. He raised a family of six children as
follows: Mary L., Elizabeth A., Julia C., Newton
S., Albert E. and Hester S. The oldest died
several years ago, and the rest of the family are now living
in Henry and Defiance counties. Amos died in
1863, and Nancy in 1875. Newton S., the
eldest son, was born in 1838, and remained at home on the
farm until he was twenty-one years of age, when he engaged
in teaching school. In November, 1861, he enlisted in
Co. F, 68th O. V. Infantry, in which he served until 1863,
when he was transferred to the U. S. Signal Service at
Vicksburg, Miss., and remained in that service until he was
discharged in 1865. He was married in 166 to Julia
A. Parker, of Attica, Ind. He has a family of
three sons: Claude Bertrand, Allen Eugene and Guy
Otis. He has been justice of the peace, and also
held several other minor offices. He moved to the
village of Holgate in 1876, and became engaged in the
hardware business, in which he has remained ever since with
a reasonable amount of success.
Source: History of Henry & Fulton Counties -
edited by Lewis Cass Aldrich - Syracuse NY - Publ. D. Mason
& Co. 1888. - Page 655 |
Washington, Liberty Center p. o., one of the leading farmers
of Northwest Ohio was born in Greene county, N. Y., in June,
1833, and settled in Washington township in 1841. He
was married Oct. 21, 1853, to Elizabeth Gamble, of
Franklin, Wis. They have had six sons: Francis E.,
James M., William H., Michael, George Van, Robert B.
Three of his sons Francis E., James M. and William
H., are graduates of the commercial college, and wre
fitted for teachers. Mr. Connolly served as
county commissioner for two terms. In early life he
became engaged in farming and now owns 500 acres. He
was a son of Michael and Ellen (Duffy) Connolly, who
were born and married in Ireland; he in 1791 and his wife in
1796. They were married in 1825, and emigrated to
America in 1827. They first settled in N. Y. State,
in Greene county, where they remained until 1835, when they
went to New York city where they remained until 1837, when
they came to Ohio, and in 1838 settled in Henry county, and
in the year 1841 they came to Washington township, where
they died. He in1875, and his wife in1868. They
had four sons, two of whom are now living, Michael, jr.,
and James. Paul and William are
deceased. The family came from New York by the Erie
Canal, and crossed Lake Erie on the steamer Robert Fulton,
in 1813.
Source: History of Henry & Fulton Counties -
edited by Lewis Cass Aldrich - Syracuse NY - Publ. D. Mason
& Co. 1888. - Page 656 |
Washington, Colton p. o., one of the pioneers of Washington
township, was born in Gallaway, Ireland, in 1827, and was a
son of Michael and Mrs. Ellen (Duffy) Connolly, who
were married in 1825. Ellen was born ni 1796
and died Jan. 15, 1868. Her husband, Michael,
was born in 1797 and died Mar. 9, 1875. They had a
family of four sons: Michael, Paul, William J., and
James. Michael and James are the
only two now living. The parents came to America in
1827, bringing with them their son, Michael.
They were wrecked off Portage Island and after a tedious
trip arrived at New York, and settled in Greene county in
1835. They moved to New York city, and in 1837 came
from New York via Erie Canal and Lake Erie and settled in
Wood county, O., and in 1838 they settled in Napoleon, Henry
county. In 1841 Michael entered his homestead
farm of 160 acres, paying $1.25 per acre for it. They
settled and died in Washington township. Michael,
jr. was married in 1848 to Anna Lavelle, of Mount
Morris, Livingston county, N. Y. She died in 1849.
e then married his second wife, Ellen Carroll, of
Lucas county, in 1850. They have had a family of seven
children: William J., Frank P., Theresa, Edward,
Eugene, Charles and Nellie. William and
Edward fitted themselves for teachers and taught school.
Mr. Connolly purchased a quarter section in 1846.
He is engaged in farming, and has also been engaged in the
boating business for twelve years. He now owns 500
acres of finely cultivated land. He has been canal
superintendent, was trustee of the township for three terms.
He is now a retired farmer, residing on section 21, range
18. His wife, Mrs. Ellen Connolly, died Jan.
10, 1882. She was a daughter of Daniel Carroll,
of Lucas county.
Source: History of Henry & Fulton Counties -
edited by Lewis Cass Aldrich - Syracuse NY - Publ. D. Mason
& Co. 1888. - Page 656 |
PAUL CONNOLLY (deceased),
Washington, Liberty Centre p. o., was born in Greene county,
N. Y., in 1829. He was a son of Michael and Ellen
(Duffy) Connolly, and a brother of Michael and James
Connolly, of Washington township. Paul was
married in 1866 to Hannah Murphy. They had a
family of four children, two of whom are now living:
Alphonsus L., Elizabeth; Mary, died Sept. 1, 1867,
Anna was born in 1867 and died in 1877. Paul
Connolly died in 1874. His widow now resides on
the homestead farm of 180 acres. She was a daughter of
Edward and Sina Ann (Karsner) Murphy, who came from
Philadelphia, Pa., to Henry county in 1830.
Sina Ann was born in Philadelphia, and her husband in
Ireland. They were early settlers. Edward
died in 1854, and his widow in 1856. They had a family
of nine children, five of whom are now living: Hannah,
Elizabeth, Rebecca, John and Thomas. They
came to Henry county about 1830.
Source: History of Henry & Fulton Counties -
edited by Lewis Cass Aldrich - Syracuse NY - Publ. D. Mason
& Co. 1888. - Page 656 |
was born in Liberty township, Apr. 12, 1834, and was a son
of Joseph and Margaret (Emmick) Cowdrick, who were
married at Dayton, O., and had a family of eleven children,
five of whom are now living: John E. Smith, Vien,
Margaret, and Benjamin F. Smith enlisted in
the 38th Ohio Regiment, in 1862, and after six months was
discharged for disability. Joseph was born in
New Jersey. They settled in Henry county Apr. 1, 1834,
and died in 1872. Joseph was a justice of the
peace and the first elections were held in his house when it
was in the township of Harrison. Vien was
married in 1858 to Sarah Redman, who was born in
1842. They have had two children, Dr. Elmer E.
and Myrtle A. Elmer was graduated from the
graded schools, fitted for and graduated from the Chicago
Medical College in 1886. Myrtle is now a
student. The subject of this sketch was one among the
first white children born in Henry township.
Source: History of Henry & Fulton Counties -
edited by Lewis Cass Aldrich - Syracuse NY - Publ. D. Mason
& Co. 1888. - Page 658 |
Napoleon p. o., prominent early settler of Harrison
township, was born in Maryland in 1810 and was a son of
Cornelius and Mary Creager, and a grandson of Conrad
Cornelius, who settled in Dayton, Montgomery county, O.,
in September, 1812. The father died in Seneca county
in 1841. He was born in 1798. His wife died in
Henry county in 1866, at the age of seventy-seven years.
They had a family of ten children, two of whom are now
living: Mrs. Mary Lamberson and Gideon G., who
married Christina Shonkwiler, of Seneca county, O.,
in 1838. They have had a family of thirteen children,
nine of whom are now living: Harriet, Jemimah, Daniel,
Caroline, Oren, Margaret, Veona, Mary, Clement L., and
Benjamin died leaving a family of four children.
G. G. Creager settled in Harrison in 1852 on his
present homestead of 160 acres, paying therefor two dollars
and fifty cents per acre. He has twenty-eight
grandchildren and three great grandchildren.
Cornelius was a professional teacher and Gideon
also followed that vocation in early life.
Source: History of Henry & Fulton Counties -
edited by Lewis Cass Aldrich - Syracuse NY - Publ. D. Mason
& Co. 1888. - Page 655 |
Damascus, Grelton p. o., was born in Ash Point, Knox county,
Me., in 1823, and was a son of James and Mary (Haskel)
Crockett, who settled in Seneca county, O, where they
died. George was married in 1848 to Eliza
Bogart, who died in 1849. His second wife was
Harriet N. Emery, who was born in Maine and was a
daughter of Levi and Louis Emery. They were
married in 1851 and had five children, four of whom are now
living: Malcolm, Alice, Ernest and Knott.
The father, George, died on Nov. 21, 1871. He
settled in Damascus in 1847 and was a man who gave character
to his town, was active in all the county and town
enterprises and held many of the offices. His son,
Malcolm was married in 1881 to Mary Wheaton, of
Vermont. Alice married Martin Koller.
Ernest married Alma Bowman.
Source: History of Henry & Fulton Counties -
edited by Lewis Cass Aldrich - Syracuse NY - Publ. D. Mason
& Co. 1888. - Page 659 |
Monroe, Grelton p. o., was born in Damascus township, Henry
county, July 11, 1852, and settled in Monroe township in
1884, where he purchased a farm of 160 acres. He was
married in 1881 to Mary E. Wheaton, of Barre,
Vermont. They have three children: Alice B.,
Edith and Annie.
Source: History of Henry & Fulton Counties -
edited by Lewis Cass Aldrich - Syracuse NY - Publ. D. Mason
& Co. 1888. - Page 659 |
Damascus, Grand Rapids, Mich., p. o. one of the
representative farmers, was born in Wayne county, May 24,
1834, and settled in Henry county in 1851 with his parents,
J. G. and Mary (Bell) Culbertson. They were
born in Westmoreland county, Pa., and settled in Ohio,
in 1823, and they were married in 1829. J. C.
Culbertson was born in 1807 and his wife, Mary B.,
in the same year. She died in March, 1864. They
had a family of nine children, five of whom are now living:
Mrs. Sarah, wife of Rev. J. C. Bingham; Joseph
B.; Mrs. Lou Ryan and Mrs. Anna Frazer, who is
now a teacher in the Dakota Agency Indian school, and
Eli. Franklin enlisted August, 1862, in Company A,
100th Ohio Volunteers. He was taken prisoner at
Limestone Junction and confined on Belle Island for six
months, after which he was exchanged and returned to his
regiment. He was wounded before Atlanta and died
nineteen days after from injuries received. Mrs.
Jennie Kerr and Mrs. Hattie Smith died, each
leaving families. His great-grandfather was Samuel
Culbertson, who was born in Westmoreland county, Pa.
Joseph B. was married Sept. 17, 1861, to Henrietta
I. Waters who died in February, 1866, leaving one son,
Frank W. Mr. Culbertson then married his second
wife, Amy Philo, August, 1868. She was born in
Luzerne county, Pa., in 1842 and died Apr. 21, 1881, leaving
a family of five children: Fred F., James, Hope,
Howard and Pearl (twins). Mr. Culbertson
then married Mrs. Tamzon (Nulton) McIntire, Apr. 5,
1882. She had one son by her first husband: Z. C.
Source: History of Henry & Fulton Counties -
edited by Lewis Cass Aldrich - Syracuse NY - Publ. D. Mason
& Co. 1888. - Page 659 |
SETH L. CURTIS, Napoleon,
Napoleon p. o., was born in Wyoming county, N. Y., at Java
Lake, in 1836, and settled with his parents in Ridgeville,
O., in 1838. He was a son of David F. and
Zitaha (Lewis) Curtis. David L. was born in New
York and died in 1840, at Ridgeville, O. His wife was
born in 1806 and died in 1882, at the age of seventy-six
years. They had a family of three children: Suzette
C., Jane A. and Seth L. Seth L. was
married in 1861 to Mary Chapman, who died in
November, 1872, leaving two children: Lura J. and
Cora A. He married his second wife, Margaret A.
Quaintenance, on July 1, 1874. Mr. Curtis
is largely engaged in the dealing in hides, pelts, furs,
hogs and Yankee notions of all descriptions.
Source: History of Henry & Fulton Counties -
edited by Lewis Cass Aldrich - Syracuse NY - Publ. D. Mason
& Co. 1888. - Page 659 |
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