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Commemorative Biographical Records of Northwestern Ohio
including the counties of Defiance, Henry, Williams & Fulton.
Published at Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co.
Transcribed by
Sharon Wick
This leading farmer of Pleasant township, Henry county,
comes from the Fatherland, and the most creditable
characteristics of the Teutonic race have been marked
elements in his life, having enabled him to win success in
the face of opposing circumstances. He possesses the
energy and determination which mark the people of Germany,
and by the exercise of his powers he has steadily
progressed, not only winning a fair competence, but
commanding universal respect by his straightforward business
Mr. Wagner was born in Prussia, Nov. 30, 1833,
and when a lad of seventeen years he accompanied his parents
on their emigration to America, first locating in Avon,
Lorain county, Ohio, whence they removed to Henry county in
1862. Both died in Pleasant township. Our
subject continued a resident of Lorain county until Jan. 28,
1881, when he, too, came to Henry county and located upon
the farm in Pleasant, where he still lives. Prior to
his marriage he followed the lakes for seven years; but
since then of one hundred and twenty acres, improved with
good buildings and under a high state of cultivation.
In January, 1860, in Lorain county, Mr. Wagner
married Miss Helena Kiefer, who was born in Germany,
Aug. 5, 1833, and died Oct. 15, 1878. To them were
born twelve children, namely: Emma, who was
born Dec. 1, 1861, and is now the wife of Michael
Limbaugh; Douglass; Katie, wife of Frederick Oakley;
Jacob; Mary, who wedded Joseph Traxier, and died
at Leipsic, Ohio, July 31, 1895; John; Joseph; Maggie,
wife of John Mangus; Josephine, wife of Wendell
Oakley; Mathias; Peter; and Lena, who died at the
age of fifteen years.
Mr. Wagner was again married, this time in 1883,
in Henry county, Ohio, she gave her hand in marriage to
Adam Laubenthal who died in Putnam county, this State,
Mar. 10, 1877. By this union she had eleven children,
namely: Mary, Gertrude, Peter, Mathias, John, Frank,
William, Frederick, Michael, Adam W., and Joseph M.
She died Jan. 23, 1898.
Since coming to Henry county, Mr. Wagner has
become prominently identified with its public affairs, and
is recognized as one of its valued and useful citizens.
He has been elected a member of the board of education,
served as its president one year, is treasurer of the
Pleasant Township Oil Company, and for several years has
been presiding judge of election in that township. For
three years he served as township trustee. Since
casting his first vote he has been identified with the
Democratic party, and in local political affairs has always
taken a prominent and active part. In religious belief
he is a Catholic, and Church work also receives much
attention from him.
Source: Commemorative Biographical Records of Northwestern Ohio
including the counties of Defiance, Henry, Williams & Fulton
Published at Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. 1899 - Page 378 |
It is not difficult to conjecture what manner of man Mr.
Walker is. In a Republican country where merit
must win, we can tell much of his life. Wealth may
secure a start, but it cannot maintain one in a position
where brains and executive ability are required.
Mr. Walker did not have wealth to aid him in beginning
his business career. His reliance has been placed in
the more substantial qualities of perseverance, untiring
enterprise, resolute purpose and commendable zeal, and
withal his actions have been guided by an honesty of purpose
that none have questioned. He is a true type of
American progress and enterprise. His intellectual
energy, prudent business methods and reliable sagacity have
all combined to make him one of the ablest business men of
Henry county.
Mr. Walker was born in Hamburg, Lancaster
county, Ohio, December 8, 1847, a son of John Peter and
Sarah J. Walker, the former a native of Hanover,
Germany, the latter of England. They were married in
Chillicothe, Ross County, Ohio, and became the parents of
thirteen children - eight sons and five daughters -
George W. being second in order of birth. The
father has always followed the occupation of farming, and is
now a resident of Henry county, but the mother died near
Deshler, Ohio, June 29, 1895.
When five years old George W. Walker was taken
by his parents to Putnam county, Ohio, where he grew to
manhood, and acquired a good common school education, which
has well-fitted him for the responsible duties of business
life. In 1872 he went to Belmore, Ohio, where he was
engaged in the dry-goods business two years. In 1874
he removed his business to Holgate, Ohio, and continued to
engage in that line of business in connection with milling,
at one time operating four different sawmills, two planing
mills and one grist mill. He became known as
"hustler," of Henry county, and for twenty years worked
eighteen hours a day, keeping his own books in connection
with his other work. At the present time he owns two
stavemills and two sawmills in Holgate, also a saw and
shingle mill in Vandalia, Illinois, employment being
furnished to one hundred and ten men. In addition to
his management of this business, Mr. Walker operates
over three hundred acres of land, most of which lies near
Holgate, and he formerly owned and carried on large
mercantile establishments in Holgate and Malinta.
Probably no man in the county has done more to advance its
interests by building up several villages, including Belmore,
Continental and Holgate, having erected twenty houses and
two good business blocks in the last named. He has
recently purchased a thirty-two thousand five hundred dollar
residence in Vandalia, Illinois, whither it is his intention
to shortly remove.
On June 5, 1869, in Sidney, Ohio, Mr. Walker
wedded Miss Mary J. Wag
olgate Lodge,
No. 271, K. P., while politically he is identified with the
Democratic party, taking an active interest in the affairs
of the party, and doing all in his power to insure its
success. He is a leading spirit in all matters of
public interest, cheerfully gives his support to those
enterprises that tend to public development, and with hardly
an exception he has been connected with every interest that
has promoted general welfare. He has been a prominent
member of the village council and school board, and in
religious faith has been connected with the Methodist
Episcopal Church for many years. His name is a synonym
for honorable business dealing, and he is always mentioned
as one of the valued citizens of Henry county.
Source: Commemorative Biographical Records of Northwestern Ohio
including the counties of Defiance, Henry, Williams & Fulton
Published at Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. 1899 - Page 340 |

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