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Highland County,
History of Highland
County, Ohio
by Rev. J. W. Klise -
Publ. Madison,
Northwestern Historical Association
GAYMAN, of Taylorsville, is particularly
deserving of mention among the citizens of French
descent, and as a man of worth and prominence in his
township. He was born near Mowrystown Mar. 28,
1863, son of Charles Gayman, a native of
France. Charles Gayman, the father, was
born in August, 1832, and came to Highland county in
1851, where he found employment as a farmer, and
afterward married Mary Goux, a native
of France. Not long after this marriage he
bought a farm of 110 acres, where he is still
living, and where their home was blessed with ten
children. These were Adeline, Eugene
and Jennie, deceased; Charles, whose
home is in Adams county; Jennie, at home;
Noah; Louisa, wife of A. F. Lilbert,
of Mowrystown; Abel, living in Nebraska;
Julia, wife of W. H. Walker, at the old
home, and Edward, in Illinois. The
mother of these children died at the age of
forty-five years, and during the next fourteen years
the home of the father was shared by his second
wife, Margaret Trickeer, a native of
Adams county. Charles Gayman is
a devoted member of the Bell Run Baptist church, of
which he was one of the organizers, and for several
years a local minister, and in his old age he enjoys
the esteem of many friends. Noah
Gayman, at the age of eighteen years, began work
for himself as a farm laborer, and after four years
of this he married Ida Cornetet, a
native of White Oak township and daughter of
Louis and Leah Cornetet, and began housekeeping
near Taylorsville. Four years later they made
their home in Taylorsville, where Mr.
Gayman began his business as a blacksmith and
wagon maker and dealer in buggies, wagons, harness
and farming implements, in which he has been quite
prosperous. He also owns and cares for a small
farm, and is, altogether, a busy and successful man.
At the time of the destructive fire at Taylorsville,
he lost all his buildings and property, but
notwithstanding this disaster he has continued in
business and is doing well. In official
affairs he has filled for two terms the office of
constable and was school director for several years.
In the United Brethren church he is an active and
valued worker, aiding greatly in the building of the
new church, and serving as trustee. For
fifteen years he has been superintendent of the
Sunday school of this denomination.
Source: History of Highland
County, Ohio by Rev. J. W. Klise - Publ. Madison,
Wis., Northwestern Historical Association - 1902 -
Page 318 |
T. GIBSON, M. D., a popular physician of
Lynchburg, si of Irish lineage which became
Americanized by residence in Old Virginia. His
grandfather, Thomas Gibson, was a native of
the little town of Hillsboro, Ireland, and where he
married Elizabeth Brown and emigrated to
America in 1822. After a short sojourn in the
east, the new arrivals made their way to the Old
Dominion and located in the county of Augusta, where
they spent the eleven subsequent years. In
1833 hey caught the "Western fever," then so
prevalent, and concluded to try their fortunes in
the still crude but rapidly developing country
beyond the Alleghenies. After making the usual
journey across the mountains and down the rivers,
Thomas Gibson and wife finally reached Highland
county, Ohio. and found a home near the city of
Hillsboro. There they spent the remainder of
their days, Mr. Gibson dying at the ripe old
age of ninety-three years. His children
consisted of five boys and four girls, including
James B. Gibson, who was born March 10, 1832,
and reared at the Highland county home of his
parents. In April, 1860, he was married to
Elizabeth, daughter of James Hogsett, and
member of an influential pioneer family. The
children resulting from this union are Cora A.,
who remains at home; Frank R. in the coal
trade at Aurora, Illinois; James T., the
subject of this sketch; and William Arthur at
home. James T. Gibson, third of the
above enumerated children in order of birth, after
obtaining the usual education in the common schools,
successfully taught for five years in the public
schools of Clinton county. After this he
entered the Medical College of Ohio and on finishing
the course was graduated with the class of 1897.
In the following month of May he located in the
enterprising town of Lynchburg, entered immediately
into the practice of his profession and has since
continued to reside there, his office being in the
Holmes block on Main street. May 5,
1897, he was married to Vernice, daughter of
Alfred and Virginia (Smith) Cadwallader, from
the Willettsville neighborhood in Highland county.
Mrs. Gibson's mother, Virginia Buckingham
county, Va. and sister of Prof. E. G. Smith,
of Hillsboro, Ohio. Dr. Gibson is a
member of the Highland county medical society and
the Alumni association of his alma mater. HE
is a past-master of Lynchburg lodge, No. 178, F. &
A. M., and member of the Modern Woodmen of America.
Frank Brown Gibson, only child of Doctor
and Mrs. Gibson, was born Dec. 2, 1900.
Source: History of Highland
County, Ohio by Rev. J. W. Klise - Publ. Madison,
Wis., Northwestern Historical Association - 1902 -
Page 319 |
G. GRIM is one of the popular and substantial
men of Paint township, as is proved by his repeated
elections to the position of trustee, the most
important of the township offices. He is a
native of Paint township and has spent all his life
there, doing his share towards there growth and
development of that portion of Highland county.
He is a son of Jacob Grim and his birth
occurred at New Petersburg, Highland county, Oct.
23, 1857. He grew up on a farm, learned all
the details connected with that kind of work and in
the meantime secured a fair education by attendance
at the common schools of the village. In 1882
he was married to Miss Minnie Martin soon
after, in conjunction with his brother Frank,
bought the farm where Thomas Cope now lives.
In 1890 he removed to his present place of residence
where he has since carried of general farming and
stock-raising. When the removal of Thomas Davis
caused a vacancy in the office of township
trustee, Mr. Grim was appointed to fill the
same and at the expiration of his term was elected
to serve one year. In the spring of 1902 he
was again elected trustee of Paint township for a
term of three years, which he is now serving.
Mr. Grimm has a fondness for fraternal life
and has been quite active in Oddfellowship.
For fifteen years he has been a member of Emerald
lodge, No. 21, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, at
New Petersburg, and has filled all the chairs
connected therewith. At present he holds the
position of financial secretary and is regarded by
his associates as one of the moving spirits in
keeping up interest in the order. He is also a
member of the popular fraternity known as the Modern
Woodmen of America. Mr. and Mrs. Grim
have three children, Grace, Frank L. and
Ralph W. and the family is highly esteemed in
the community.
Source: History of Highland
County, Ohio by Rev. J. W. Klise - Publ. Madison,
Wis., Northwestern Historical Association - 1902 -
Page 327 |
GRIM, a civil war veteran with the rank of
first lieutenant, and a substantial farmer, belongs
to a family which has been prominently identified
with the agricultural interests of Highland county
since 1820. In that year his father, Peter
Grim, came from Rockbridge county, Virginia, and
settled in Highland county, where he became a
popular and influential citizen. He married
Mary, daughter of John Walker, an
Irishman by birth who also came to Ohio from
Virginia and was one of the first settlers of
Highland county. Peter and Mary (Walker)
Grim reared a family of five children, of whom
John W. and William C. reside in Paint
township; Sarah Ann married William P.
Hughey, but is now dead, and Henry Turner
has also passed away. Jacob M. Grim,
the youngest of the family, was born in Paint
township, Highland county, Ohio, in 1833, and grew
to manhood on his father's farm. The log cabin
schoolhouse was still in vogue in his boyhood days
and he got the full benefit of the same, after which
his life passed uneventfully on the farm until the
outbreak of the civil war. During the summer
of 1863, it became necessary to garrison numerous
forts and other strongholds captured from the enemy
and to meet this demand two regiments of heavy
artillery were recruited in the Sixty Ohio
congressional district. June 7th, 18653,
Jacob M. Grim was appointed second lieutenant of
Company A, Second regiment Ohio heavy artillery,
which was mustered into the service at Camp Dennison
and on August 19, ordered to the barracks at
Covington, Ky. In the spring of 1864 it was
sent to Tennessee and participated in the campaigns
of that and other states during the remainder of the
war under the command of Col. H. G. Gibson.
January 1, 1864, Mr. Grim received promotion
to the first lieutenancy of his company and he held
a commission as such when mustered out August 23,
1865. After the cessation of hostilities, he
resumed farming, which has been his lifelong
occupation in the county of Highland, with the
exception of one year spent in Iowa during his early
manhood. He owns a fine dairy farm in Paint
township and it would be proper to describe him as
one of the successful and representative
agriculturists of Highland county. Aside from
his farming interests, he has found time to take a
lively part in all the local political battles and
has been quite prominent in the ranks of his party.
He came within one vote of obtaining the nomination
for sheriff some years ago and has held several of
the more important township offices, being trustee
for six years and justice of the peace for a long
period. He helped to organize Trimble post,
No. 442, Grand Army of the Republic, at Rainsboro,
and was commander of the same several years.
He has been connected with the Masonic order for
half a lifetime, being a member of the blue lodge
for thirty-five years and of the chapter for twenty
years. He has been connected with the Masonic
order for half a lifetime, being a member of the
blue lodge for thirty-five years and of the chapter
for twenty years. He has also held membership
in the order of Odd Fellows for forty-nine years.
In 1853 he married Nancy Malvina Maddox,
member of a family that was old and highly
respectable on the side of both parents. Her
father, Samuel Maddox, who came from
Virginia, was a prominent and prosperous citizen of
Paint township and noted for his enthusiastic
patriotism before and during the civil war.
Though above the military age, he insisted in
volunteering and became a member of the Eleventh
regiment Ohio cavalry, with which he was serving in
the Rocky Mountain regions at the time of his death
near Cripple Creek, Col., Mar. 31, 1863. His
wife was Malinda E. Huitt, a near relative of
the distinguished New York family of this name.
Her father, Dorthica Huitt, was the builder
of the old mill on Paint creek, known by his name
for many years, and one of the first establishments
of the kind in Highland county. He was a
notable character in many ways, being a Methodist
preacher of considerable reputation, and known far
and wide for his skill with the fife, having played
that instrument of martial music during the stirring
days of the war of 1812. Samuel and Malinda
(Huitt) Maddox reared a family of nine children:
Nancy Malvina, as previously stated, became
the wife of Jacob M. Grim; Mary, who married
Milton Newby is dead; Amanda, widow of
William Edmondson, is living at Indianapolis;
Leonidas served four years in the civil war,
first in the Sixtieth Ohio regiment with which he
was captured at Harper's Ferry and paroled,
subsequently joining the Twenty-fourth Ohio
independent battery of light artillery and being
shortly afterward killed; Samuel is an
attorney at Louisville, Ky.; Emily, widow of
Sanford W. Washburn, resides at Springfield;
Allen D. is a Methodist minister of
Westville; Eva, is wife of William Holrin,
shipbuilder at Newport News; John is in
the lumber business at Clarksburg, W. Va.
Mr. and Mrs. Grim have had four children, only
two of whom are living. Frank, the
eldest son, who had been in the railroad business
for twenty years, was struck Oct. 25, 1899, by a
train in the yards at Chattanooga, Tenn., and died
in a few hours. Mary Ida died in 1860
at the age of four years; William P. lives in
Ross county and George resides on the old
home place near New Petersburg, Highland county.
Mr. and Mrs. Grimm are members of the
Methodist Episcopal church.
Source: History of Highland
County, Ohio by Rev. J. W. Klise - Publ. Madison,
Wis., Northwestern Historical Association - 1902 -
Page 326 |
J. GUSTIN, of Belfast, a veteran business man
and influential citizen, is of a family long known
in this part of Ohio, being a grandson of Dr.
John Gustin, of Adams county, famous among the
early settlers for his success in treating disease
with those natural remedies known to the Indians and
other students of nature. On account of the
nature of his practice he was widely known as the
"Root doctor." Dr. Gustin was a native
of Kentucky and son of a soldier of the Revolution
who served under General Morgan and carried to his
grave a British bullet received at the battle of
Cowpens. When a young man Dr. Gustin
married Susanna Scott, daughter of a
Revolutionary soldier, and with his wife removed to
Adams county with the early settlers. their
children were Edward S., deceased; William,
of North Liberty; Bratton, living at the old home in
Adams county; Cornelius, Melinda,
Susanna, Rebecca and Rhoda,
deceased; and Delilah J., of Adams county.
Edward S. Gustin, father of Thomas J.,
was born on the home farm near Mayhill, Adams
county, where Dr. Gustin at one time owned a
large area of land, and he resided there after his
marriage to Louisa Kerr, a native Virginia,
until his untimely and lamented death at the age of
thirty-six years. His widow, who survived him
for many years, reared at the old homestead their
family of five boys, Thomas J., Charles W., John
M., and Nicholas O. The two latter
are now upon the home place, and C. W.
resides also in Adams county. Thomas J.
Gustin was born at the Adams county home of his
family, Dec. 20, 1845, and was reared there until in
his youth he went to the battlefield with the
gallant boys of Ohio in defense of the Union.
His first enlistment was a private in Company G of
the Hundred and Seventy-second regiment, Ohio
volunteer infantry, with which he was mustered in at
Charleston, Va., and served in the mountain
campaigns in the Virginias. He was often under
fire, took part in numerous skirmishes and was a
participant in the battles of Cloyd Mountain, Loop
Creek and the Salt Works, while with this regiment,
and six months later re-enlisted in Company A of the
Eighty-fourth regiment Ohio infantry, with which he
was in various minor engagements, and while at
Charleston received injuries that crippled him for
life. After this devoted service for his
country Mr. Gustin returned home, and for ten
years was employed with his uncle William at
North Liberty, as a carriage maker.
Subsequently, after residing at various places, he
made his home at Belfast, where he carried on the
work of carriage manufacturing until 1897.
Since then he conducted an undertaking
establishment. He also owns a small farm in
Jackson township and several pieces of town
property. He is a man widely known and
popular, and is a valued member of the Methodist
church, the Masonic order, the Odd Fellows, in which
he has held all the offices in the Belfast lodge,
and the Grand Army of the Republic. After the
war he was married to Mary J., daughter of
Thomas and Mary Roberts, a lady belonging to one
of the old and influential families of the county,
and they have four children: Clyde, Homer
(deceased), Mary and Bertha.
Source: History of Highland County,
Ohio by Rev. J. W. Klise - Publ. Madison, Wis.,
Northwestern Historical Association - 1902 - Page
329 |
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