History of Hocking Valley, Ohio -
Published Chicago:
by Inter-State Publishing Co.
Pg. 813
Falls Twp. including
Falls-Gore and City of Logan -
JOHN GALLAGHER, policeman of
the C., H. V. & T. R. R., at Logan, was born in Green Township,
Hocking County, July 7, 1846, son of Peter and Nancy (O'Brine)
Gallagher. He was reared on a a farm, receiving his
education in the common schools. He remained at home three
or four years after becoming of age. He pursued farming
till 1878 when he was appointed one of the guards of the Ohio
Penitentiary at Columbus. In 1880 he resumed farming, but
in 1881 was appointed to his present position by Governor
Foster. Feb. 11, 1868, he married Miss Anna Wright,
of Logan. They have five children - Nannie, Susie,
Ella, Katie and John. Mr. Gallagher is a
member of St. John's Catholic Church, Logan.
SOURCE: History of Hocking
Valley, Ohio - Published Chicago: by Inter-State Publishing Co.
- 1883 - Page 951 |
Laurel Twp. -
JOHN GEIGER, a native of Maryland, born in
the city of Baltimore, Dec. 19, 1810, was a son of John
Geiger, a native of France. In 1821 his parents came
to Ohio and located in Morgan County, where he was reared.
He was married when twenty-seven years of age to Mary T.
Busgoon. They have six children - James, Phillip,
William, Mary Ann, Julian and Francis. Mr.
Geiger came to Laurel Township in 1848 and located on
section 24, where a good residence and farm buildings.
Politically he is a Democrat. He has been Justice of the
Peace six years. He is a member of the Catholic church.
History of Hocking Valley, Ohio - Published Chicago: by
Inter-State Publishing Co. - 1883 - page 1136 |
Laurel Twp. -
GIBISON is a native of Monmouth County, N. J., born Sept.
22, 1807, a son of Samuel and Mary (Hendrickson) Gibison.
When he was eleven years old his parents came to Ohio and
located in Pickaway County. In 1826 he came to Laurel
Township and in 1849 bought the farm where he now resides.
He married March 13, 1828, to Elizabeth Friend, of this
county. They had three children - Mary Ann, Elizabeth
and Eliza. He was married to his second wife,
Mrs. Susan Judy in 1836. She died in 1872. March
7, 1875, he married Almira Keller, of this township.
They have three children - William, Nevada and Joel.
Mr. Gibison is politically a Republican, and has
served his township as Constable, Township Trustee, Treasurer
and Justice of the Peace. He is a member of the United
Brethren Church. He has seventy-three acres of fine, well
cultivated land.
SOURCE: History of Hocking Valley, Ohio - Published
Chicago: by Inter-State Publishing Co. - 1883 - page 1136 |
Falls Twp. including
Falls-Gore and City of Logan -
HENRY GOMPF, gardener, was born
in Hesse Darmstadt, Germany, April, 25, 1839. When ten
years old he emigrated with his parents to the United States,
they settling in Hamilton, Butler Co., Ohio. He left home
at the age of eighteen, and worked in the garden of his
brother-in-law, Georg Saurbrunn, at Circleville,
for two years, when he became a gardener for himself at
Circleville, remaining there till September, 1862. He then
enlisted in Company B, One Hundred and Fourteenth Ohio Volunteer
Infantry, to serve three years. He participated in many
battles, among which were the battles of Chickasaw, Champion
Hills and the charge on Vicksburg, May 22, 1863. After
being discharged in 1865, he returned to Circleville, and soon
after removed to Decatur, Ill., where he engaged in gardening,
but not meeting with success he abandoned it, and was variously
employed in different places until 1873. In that year he
came to Logan, and engaged in his present business as a
gardener, where he is meeting with success, having procured for
himself and family a pleasant and substantial home. He was
married Apr. 8, 1861, to Miss Christian Loel, of Waverly.
She died in September, 1872, leaving two children - Edward
Frederick and Samuel John. He again married Jan. 8,
1873, Charlotta (Miller) Sanner, by whom he has had five
children - Louisa, Frank, Clara, William and Robert.
He and wife are members of the Lutheran Trinity Church of Logan,
of which he is Elder.
SOURCE: History of Hocking
Valley, Ohio - Published Chicago: by Inter-State Publishing Co.
- 1883 - page 952 |
Ward Twp. -
S. M. GORDECKE was born at Columbus, Ohio,
Aug. 28, 1854, and is a son of W. and Isabella Gordecke.
His mother is now making her home with him. She is
sixty-one years old. Mr. Gordecke was educated in
the common schools of Ohio, and at the age of fourteen went into
business. He is a business young man and is at present
chief clerk and general manager of the company store at
Longstreth. He has one of the best stores in the State of
Ohio, and does a cash business of about $60,000 a year. He
was married Feb. 16, 1876, to Lutie J. Clark They have
three children - Nettie, Bersie and Susie.
SOURCE: History of Hocking Valley, Ohio - Published
Chicago: by Inter-State Publishing Co. - 1883 - page 1018 |
Falls Twp. including
Falls-Gore and City of Logan -
DAVID GOSS, cabinet-maker and undertaker, fourth son
of Martin and Margaret (Strong) Goss, was born near
Lancaster, Pa., Mar. 27, 1813. When he was two years of
age, his parents came Mar. 27, 1813. When he was two years
of age, his parents came to Hocking County, Ohio, and settled
near Millville, where he lived until manhood working on a farm
and attending the common school. He began working at the
cabinet trade when a boy, and when twenty-one years old opened a
shop near Millville, where he worked three years. In 1837,
he purchased the farm where he now resides, and worked at his
trade until 1882. He has preserved measures of 2,500
coffins made by him during the time he has been engaged in the
business. Apr. 8, 1846, he married Magdalena,
daughter of Frederick and Leah (Fought) Friesner, of
Hocking County. They had ten children, five living -
Martin of Hocking County; Ellen, wife of John
Evans; Effie, Ida, and Edward at home.
Israel died in infancy; Simeon, at eight years of
age; Mary, at four years of age. Frederick
was drowned in Hocking River, June 4, 1865, aged thirteen years;
and Emma, June 3, 1878, in her twentieth year. She
was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mrs.
Goss was born Mar. 18, 1827, and died July 22, 1871.
She was a member of the Albright church. He and his
daughters are members of the Methodist Episcopal church.
SOURCE: History of Hocking
Valley, Ohio - Published Chicago: by Inter-State Publishing Co.
- 1883 - page 952 |
Falls Twp. including
Falls-Gore and City of Logan -
MARTIN GOSS, farmer,
cabinet-maker and undertaker, son of David and Magdalena (Fiesner)
Goss, was born in Falls Township, Hocking Co., Jan. 5, 1847,
and lived with his parents until manhood. During his
boyhood he worked for wages, and received a common school
education. At the age of seventeen years his father put
him to work in his cabinet shop, where he remained until
twenty-two years of age. In February, 1869, he purchased
the farm where he resides, and has carried on farming in
connection with his cabinet and undertaking business. He
has preserved memoranda of his work, and has made 200 coffins.
He has the most beautiful location and residence in the county.
Oct. 8, 1868, he married Lucinda A., daughter of
George and Annamary (Pontius) Hansel, who was born Dec. 10,
1847. They had one daughter - Mary Magdalena, who
died in infancy. They have an adopted daughter - Emma
J. Goss. He and wife are members of the United
Brethren church. He is Class-leader, Chairman of the Board
of Trustees, and Superintendent of the Sabbath-school.
SOURCE: History of Hocking
Valley, Ohio - Published Chicago: by Inter-State Publishing Co.
- 1883 - page 953 |
Starr Twp. -
ALFORD GRAY, section
33, Starr Township, was born in Fairfield County, Conn., Jan.
14, 1809. His father, Eli Gray, brought his family
to the head of Seneca Lake in New York State in 1818, and to
Tioga County, Pa., in 1820, and there settled in a wilderness.
Our subject came to Hocking County in 1853 for his health, and
has since resided here. He was married Feb. 18, 1830, to
Anna, daughter of Ira Pettibone. They have
seven children - Alva, Aurinda, Aaron, Albert, Adaline,
Dexter and Marietta. Mrs. Gray was reared
within twenty miles of that battle-ground. Mr. Gray's
Grandfather Wood was also a Revolutionary solder, and was
present at the surrender of Cornwallis and saw a colored man
step up to the former and hold the following interview:
"Is this General Cornwallis?" "Yes," said
Cornwallis, bowing very low. "But it must be 'Cornwallis
now, 'case General Washington has shelled all de cohn
off," replied the darky earnestly. One daughter of Mr.
Gray, Adaline, married Napoleon Stout, and had three
children - Frank M., Frederick A. and Edward A.
Marietta married William Dishennet and had two
children, one living - Anna M. Mr. Dishennet's
first wife was Eliza A. Harter. They had one child
- George L.
SOURCE: History of Hocking Valley, Ohio - Published
Chicago: by Inter-State Publishing Co. - 1883 - page 1051 |
Falls Twp. including
Falls-Gore and City of Logan -
LEWIS GREEN was born near St.
Joseph, Perry Co., Ohio, Nov. 24, 1837. He was married
June 24, 1873, to Annie McFadden, of Somerset, Ohio.
In 1867 Mr. Green assisted in establishing the New
Lexington Herald, and continued as its editor and
proprietor till 1881. From 1870 till 1873 he was editor
and proprietor till 1881. From 1870 till 1873 he was
Representative from Perry County to the State Legislature,
elected on the Democratic ticket. In 1872 he purchased
Hocking Sentinel, and removed to Logan in 1873.
SOURCE: History of Hocking
Valley, Ohio - Published Chicago: by Inter-State Publishing Co.
- 1883 - page 953 |
Benton Twp. -
P. J. GREEN, M. D.,
son of John and Catharine (Darwin) Green, was born
Feb. 17, 1817, in Enniskillen, Fermanagh County, Ireland, and
came to the United States with his parents in 1829. they
came to Ohio in 1832, locating first in Muskingum County, and in
the spring of 1833 moved to Perry County. His father gave
him the benefit of a liberal education, intending to fit him for
his father's plans, and so, when nineteen years of age left home
to take care of himself. In the fall of 1837 he entered to
Cincinnati Medical College and attended three sessions,
graduating in 1839. He was clerk on the river steamer
Tuscarawas for four years and a half, and was on board at the
time it was blown up with gun-powder. He then went to
Cuba, but did not remain long, returning via New Orleans to
Perry County, where he taught school twelve months. Sept.
3, 1845, he married Asenath Dollison and moved to
Muskingum County, where he taught school and reviewed his
medical studies three years. In October, 1849, he came to
Hocking County and entered upon the practice of his profession
in Logan. After a residence there of two years he went to
New Mt. Pleasant, where he remained eight years. He then
went to Kingsville, Ross County, but in 1860 left there and came
to Bloomingville, where he still resides. He has, by close
application to his profession, acquired a large and lucrative
practice. Dr. Green has reared a family of seven
children, six now living.
SOURCE: History of Hocking
Valley, Ohio - Published Chicago: by Inter-State Publishing Co.
- 1883 - page 1095 |
Washington Twp. -
born in Westmoreland County, Pa., Aug. 2, 1816, a son of John
Griffin, a native of the same county, born July 26, 1768.
His grandfather, Patrick Griffin, was a native of
Ireland, born in 1746, and came to America when a young man.
He died in 1834. His wife, Margaret (Allgire) Griffin,
died in 1840, aged eight-six years. John Griffin, Sr.
was married when twenty-six years of age to Susan Herring,
a daughter of John and Christia Ann Herring. She
was born in Westmoreland County, Pa., Dec. 8, 1798. They
had a family of eleven children, all but one living till
maturity. Three sons and two daughters are still living.
Mr. Griffin died Nov. 11, 1854, and Mrs. Griffin,
Aug. 24, 1868. John Griffin, Jr., lived on a farm
till he was eighteen years old, and then went to learn the
blacksmith's trade, working two and a half years for George
Albert, of Youngstown, Pa. He was then variously
employed till his marriage. In 1839 he came to Ohio and
bought eighty acres of land in Salt Lick Township, Perry County,
but did not settle in Ohio till 1848. May 27, 1849, he
married Catharine Sowers, a daughter of John and
Catharine Sowers. She is a native of Frederick County,
Md., born Mar. 14, 1819. The summer after his marriage
Mr. Griffin worked on a farm and the next winter at his
trade. In the spring of 1850 he settled on his farm,
moving into a little log cabin, where he lived five years.
Apr. 3, 1855, he came to Hocking County, and bought the farm of
165 acres where he now lives. In August, 1878, he had his
barn and all its contents destroyed by fire; value, $1,200,
insured for $700. Mr. and Mrs. Griffin have five
children - John Alexander, born Oct. 21, 1854; James
Augustus, Apr. 17, 1856; Susan Agnes and Mary Ann
(twins), Nov. 7, 1857; Peter Franklin. Oct. 30,
1860. Mrs.. Griffin's mother died when she was four years
old, and she with a younger sister was reared by her
grandfather, Michael Lutz.
SOURCE: History of Hocking
Valley, Ohio - Published Chicago: by Inter-State Publishing Co.
- 1883 - page 1077 |
Twp. -
farmer, second son of Jacob and Margareat (Holt) Grimm,
was born in Rush Creek Township, Fairfield County, Jan. 18,
1822. His parents came from the Shenandoah Valley, Va., to
Ohio in 1818, and first settled on Rush Creek. He lived
with his parents until eighteen years of age. At eighteen
years of age he was apprenticed to Jacob Beery, to learn
the carpenter and joiner's, also cabinet-maker's, trade.
He worked at the trade a few months when his health failed and
he returned to his father's and worked on the farm two years.
He then worked at his trade till 1848. From 1848 till 1860
he was engaged in milling. He then returned to his
father's farm and three years later sold his interest and
purchased the farm where he now resides. He served as
Assesor of Marion Township one year. Sept. 21, 1851, he
married Nancy, daughter of John and Aseneth (Speer)
Hamilton, of Hocking County, by whom he has five children -
Aseneth, wife of Baxter M. Shaw, of Neosho County,
Kan.; Israel, a machinist of Indianapolis, Inc.; Sarah
A., Amos and Phoebe, at home. John
died aged twenty-three years, Jacob aged eight years
and William in infancy. His wife died Oct. 7, 1882,
aged fifty-six years. She was a member of the German
Baptist church. He is a member of the same church.
History of Hocking Valley, Ohio - Published Chicago: by
Inter-State Publishing Co. - 1883 - page 1152 |

Jas. R. Grogan |
Falls Twp. including
Falls-Gore and City of Logan -
attorney at law at Logan, was born at Lockport, N. Y., Oct. 20,
1825. When one year old his parents, Thomas and Ruth
(Bowes) Grogan, removed to Ohio, and settled near
Straitsville, Perry County. He received an elementary
education in the district schools, but obtained the greater part
of his education in the district schools, but obtained the
greater part of his education by private study and at the
Dominican Convent school of St. Joseph, Perry County, under the
tutorship of Rev. Father James Whalen. During the
winters of 1845-'46 he taught school, and in 1846 began the
study of law, which he pursued at intervals until he was
admitted to the bar in the fall of 1849, but did not commence
the practice of his profession till 1855, in which year he
established himself permanently at Logan. In April, 1847,
he was employed in the Quartermaster's Department of the United
States Army, under Captain Webster, and served during the
Mexican war, being stationed near Puebla, Mexico. After
the war he returned to Ohio, and during the winters of 1848-'49
he taught school at Gore, Hocking County. In October,
1849, he was elected Recorder of Hocking County, and re-elected
in 1852, serving six years. In 1857 he became the
proprietor and editor of the Hocking Sentinel, a
Democratic paper, which he disposed of in 1859, since when he
was appointed Chairman of the Military Committee of Hocking
County by George Todd, and aided in raising and
organizing companies for the Union service, which position he
held till the close of the war. In 1864 he was appointed
Mayor of Logan to fill a vacancy, and was re-elected in
1865-'66. In August, 1866, he was appointed Judge of the
Court of Common Pleas of Hocking County, to fill a vacancy.
In 1879 he added to his law business that of real estate.
SOURCE: History of Hocking Valley, Ohio - Published
Chicago: by Inter-State Publishing Co. - 1883 - page 953 |
Starr Twp. -
section 19, Starr Township, was born in Morgan County, Ohio,
Dec. 30, 1835. He was reared on the farm and received a
common-school education. He came with his parents to this
township in April, 1856. He was married Apr. 23, 1863, to
Mary A. Rose, daughter of Rev. William Rose, a
Baptist preacher (old school), who was born in Pennsylvania in
1794. They have had eight children, seven now living -
James W., Clarinda, Parthena, Ida B., Jesse B., William
N. and Frank L. One son, Alfred, died at
the age of five years. Mr. Groves owns 177 acres of
valuable land, and is engaged in farming and stock-raising.
On his farm there are two strata of coal, one four feet and the
other six feet in thickness. Mrs. Groves is a
member of the Bible Christian church at Mount Zion.
Henry Groves (deceased), the father of the above, was born
in Hampshire County, Va., Dec. 7, 1795. At the age of
sixteen years he began to learn the tanner's trade, which he
followed for a few years. In 1825 he came to Morgan
County, Ohio, and to Starr Township in April, 1856. He was
married in 1819 to Rebecca Devault, a daughter of
Andrew Devault. She was born June 16, 1795. They
had ten children, six now living - Mary, Eli, Elizabeth,
Eliza, Henry and Margaret E. Mr. Groves was for
many yeas a member of the Protestant Methodist church. He
died June 21, 1869, respected by all. Mrs. Groves'
nephew, Andrew Jackson Devault, has resided with the
family for the past thirty-nine years, and now resides with
Henry Groves. He was born in June, 1829, and has been
a cripple since he was twenty-one months old. Mrs.
Groves died in 1869.
History of Hocking Valley, Ohio - Published Chicago: by
Inter-State Publishing Co. - 1883 - page 1051 |
Starr Twp. -
J. FOREMAN GUTHRIE, section 34, Starr
Township, was born in Fayette County, Pa., Nov. 2, 1851.
His father, Absalom Guthrie (deceased), was a
native of Preston County, Va., and brought his family to Starr
Township in March, 1866. There were eleven children in the
family, our subject being the fifth. Nine are now living -
Isaac, Mary F., Rachel A., James M., J. Foreman, Martha,
Virginia A., Sarah L., and William N. The
father died in February, 1869. Our subject was married
Dec. 27, 1881, to Hannah Grimes, daughter of Josiah
Grimes, of Perry County, Ohio. They have one child -
Charles W. Mr. Guthrie owns 300 acres of land, and
is engaged in farming and stock-raising. He also deals
extensively in stock. Mrs. Guthrie was born Jan. 6,
1859, in Perry County. Her grandfather, John Grimes,
settled there fifty-five years ago.
History of Hocking Valley, Ohio - Published Chicago: by
Inter-State Publishing Co. - 1883 - page 1052 |