History of Hocking Valley, Ohio -
Published Chicago:
by Inter-State Publishing Co.
Perry Twp. -
R. YOUNG, farmer and stock-raiser, was born in Perry
Township, Fairfield (now Hocking) County, June 27, 1839, a son
of James P. and Harriet (Rice) Young, his father
born Apr. 5, 1805, and his mother May 1, 1817. Mar. 16,
1870, he married Elizabeth Kane, daughter of Peter and
Mary (Pickle) Kane, born Sept. 19, 1847. Six children
have been born to them - Harriet Luella, born May 6,
1871; Darletta, Jan. 25, 1873; Edward, Sept. 7,
1874; John, Oct. 1, 1878; Effie, June 28, 1880;
Frank, July 28, 1882. After reaching his majority
Mr. Young took charge of his father's farm, and on the death
of his father inherited the homestead. In 1869 he
purchased a mill and the next six years manufactured lumber in
connection with farming. Mr. Young manufactured
brick in 1874 and 1877, and for a year or two was in the hedge
business working along the line of the Hanibal & St. Joe
Railway, and in Illinois and Ohio. He has always been
industrious and has accumulated a good property, having now 362
acres of fine land. Mr. and Mrs. Young are members
of the Methodist Episcopal church. He has been Class
Leader, trustee and Steward and takes an active interest in all
that pertains to his church. In 1869 Mr. Young lost
his residence by fire, but has since rebuilt and now has a very
pleasant home. His parents were married May 3, 1835.
They had a family of five sons and one daughter, only two now
living. They are members of the Methodist church, his
father being a local preacher and deacon.
SOURCE: History of Hocking Valley, Ohio - Published
Chicago: by Inter-State Publishing Co. - 1883 - Page 1130 |