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Huron County, Ohio
History & Genealogy



Source: Republican Advocate - New London, Ohio
Dated: Nov. 17, 1824
Jeremiah Morrow has been re-elected Governor of the State of Ohio, by a respectable majority.
(Found at Genealogy Bank, Transcribed by Sharon Wick)
Source: Wisconsin Free Democrat
Date:  Jan. 29, 1851

     Nelson Rector, Susan Griswold, and another woman, were arrested last week in Huron Co., Ohio, for passing counterfeit Ohio and Pittsburg Bank notes.  The Reflector says a gang of desperadoes are about Huron.

Source: Daily Ohio Statesman
Date: Dec. 24, 1844

     B. F. Brown, Esq., of Huron county, was this day admitted to practice as an attorney in the U. S. Court for the district of Ohio.

Source: Brattleboro Messenger - Vermont
Date: Feb. 9, 1833

FOR THE MESSENGER.  Extract of a letter from a gentleman in Greenfield, Huron county, Ohio, to a friend in Halifax, Vt.
GREENFIELD, Jan. 7th, 1833.
     "I have long had, sir, an ardent desire for you to see this part of our country.  I known the scepticism which generally prevails among the residents of the old States with regard to the testimony of emigrants to the west.  I know too that many persons in a new country, anxious to enjoy the society of their friends & associates who are left behind, in the enjoyment of their new home and the new scenery that surrounds them, may look too much on the fair side of things, and paint the advantages, both present and prospective, in too high colors.  But I have no wish to deceive anyone, especially a friend.  I have been here more than two years, and have observed the nature and operation of things in this region, in some degree, and now write with caution & reserve.
     That part of Ohio bordering on the lake, for fifty miles back, is certainly an important country, and its importance is just beginning to appear.  The facilities for crossing the lake with produce, the competition of vessels and boats on the lake, and on the Erie canal, are constantly increasing the price of all kinds of produce.  The opening of the British coloniel ports has, in effect, brought Montreal & Quebec, via the Welland canal, almost to the borders of Ohio.  The coolness of the Canadian climate renders those ports an excellent market for pork, both in the hog and in the barrel.  I can give you no idea of the immense quantity of pork produced here.  There has never been so much in one season before, and it never commanded a price so high, although it has been rising in value for several years. - This season has been remarkable for mast, (so called here, which means all kinds of nuts collectively.)  Six-eighths of the forest timber here is white oak, and the acorns in particular abundant, being so thick on the ground that a man might scrape up many bushels in a day.  Although the country is full of hogs, & which are all good pork, still a large quantity of mast will rot on the ground or grow in the spring.  Farmers who have killed thirty hogs have generally fed them on corn for two or three weeks only.  The market price at the lake is $3.50 for 200, and $5.50 for 300 pork; and a man can raise six hogs here as easy as one with you.
     "This country is well adapted to the growth of wheat, and the people here are just beginning to turn their attention to the culture of this kind of grain.  We have two good flouring mills at Peru, five miles north of me, and a new one is going up in this township.  At Venice, near the lake, twenty miles north of here, a gentleman from Buffalo is now erecting a large flouring mill with ten run of stones, to commence running the first of March.  He pays now 83 cents per bushel for wheat, and it is believed that it will be worth $1.00 next spring.  I mention these circumstances to show the importance of a circumjacent country, almost every acre of which is suitable for the cultivation of wheat, excepting the river bottoms, which are better for corn - on them wheat grows too rank and lodges.  The poorest lands bear the best wheat and oats."
     "We have had no very cold weather this winter.  The ground has been frozen a week or two in December, and has been twice covered with snow an inch deep for a few days.  The weather has been for several days, and is now, like September.  But last winter is was not so; we had two months of cold weather, cold enough for Vermont, though but little snow and good sleighing.
     "I believe, sir, you would be pleased with the prospect of a settlement in this country, which is every day growing better while yours is growing worse.  Real estate here is rising in value; villages are springing up in all parts.

Source: American Watchman - Delaware
Date: May 22, 1819
Extract of a letter from A. Ruggles, Esq., dated Vermillion, Huron county, Ohio, April 27.
" We have this day received a melancholy information, that George Bishop and John Wood are murdered by the Indians.  They were trapping for muskrat about fourteen miles up the Carrying (or Portage) River.  We have not yet heard the particulars respecting the cause of the Indians falling upon them.  They were found in their camp, on Friday last, by some Indians, who gave immediate information to the white people.  They were shockingly mangled.  Bishop, it is said, had six gashes of a tomahawk, which cut quite through his scull, and a number of stabs in the body.  It is suspected three Ottawas committed the murder, who reside near fort Meigs.  The Indians, it is said, feel much alarmed, and appear to be greatly exasperated, and have gone in pursuit of the culprits, declaring they will not return till they have taken them, and will deliver them to the white people, that justice may be executed upon them.
Source: Berkshire Star
Date: Aug. 5, 1819
Extract of a letter from a gentleman, formerly of this county, to the editor of the Berkshire Star, dated "Huron, (Ohio), July 5.
     "Pursuant to their sentence, the two Indians condemned to suffer death for the horrid massacre of John Wood  and George Bishop, were executed at Norwalk, on the first instant - Notwithstanding the great rain storm the day previous, people began to assemble at an early hour, and continued increasing until eleven o'clock, when the concourse was about 2000.  At nine the military guard was formed in front of the Court House, and marched to the door of the jail, where it received the prisoners, who were led out by the Deputy Sheriff with their arms pinioned and ropes about their necks, and placed in a waggon, accompanied by a guard.  The procession moved to the house of Mr. Forsythe from the stoop of which the religious exercises of the day were performed.  The Rev. Mr. Sullivan opened by prayer, and the Rev. Mr. Hanford delivered a sermon, replete with instruction and warning to the assembled multitude, and feelingly pictured the awful situation of the unfortunate criminals.  After the religious duties were closed the procession moved to the place of execution.  They immediately left the waggon and ascended to the scaffold, one assisted by Lyman Farwell, Esq. Sheriff, and the other by David W. Hinman, Esq. D_y Sheriff.  The interpreter with an Indian chief was called up by request of the prisoners - one, who had a squaw and child left at home, and who seemed to express considerable anxiety for their future welfare, took the Indian chief by the hand, and earnestly requested him to persuade his father to take good care of his squaw and child, which the chief solemnly agreed to do.  White caps were then placed on them, and after the reading of the warrant for their execution by the sheriff, the scaffold was let down and left them suspended.  They died without a struggle.  They behaved with firmness and showed no fears for the awful event which awaited the."
Source: Washington Reporter
Date: Aug. 16, 1819

     On the first of July last, Negosheik and Negoneg_, two Indians, were hung at Norwalk, Huron co., Ohio, in pursuance of a sentence of court, pronounced against them in May last, for the murder of Wood and Bishop on Carrying River.
     The two Indians (says the W. Reserve Chronicle) who were executed, at Huron, for the murder of Wood and Bishop, suffered the sentence of the law with much unconcern, any further than that they hated to appear before the Great Spirit with halters about their necks, and should have preferred being shot or tomahawked, and one would have been glad to live till he had killed six more white people, in order to make up the even number of twenty, having as yet, killed but fourteen.

Source: Hampshire Gazette
Date: Nov. 20, 1822
     Two men were recently tried in Huron County, Ohio for the offence of tarring and feathering a third person, and fined by the Court seventy-five cents each.  The man who suffered had abandoned his family and betaken himself to other women, and his two neighbors had taken upon themselves to distribute that justice which the law does not provide for similar offenders.
(Found at Genealogy Bank - Transcribed by Sharon Wick)
Source:  New-Hampshire Patriot - New Hampshire
Date: Mar. 28, 1836
     The Methodist Church has been peculiarly unfortunate of late.  We regret to learn by a western paper, that the Seminary at Norwalk, Huron county, Ohio, under the patronage of that church, was, with its library, cabinet, philosophical apparatus, &c. entirely consumed by fire on the night of the 26th ult.  The loss is estimated at about $8,000.
Source: Bismarck Tribune (Bismarck, ND) Page: 2
Dated: Thursday, June 27, 1889
It is likely that Hon. F. B. Fancer was misquoted the other day in the telegrams from Huron.  The Jamestown Alert thinks so and Fancher himself will probably explain when he returns.
(Found at Genealogy Bank - Transcribed by Sharon Wick)



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