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Ohio History & Genealogy |

* Source:
History of Knox County, Ohio
It's Past and Present,
A Condensed, Comprehensive History of Ohio, Including an Outline
History of the North-
west; A complete History of Knox County; It's Townships, City,
Towns, Villages,
Schools, Churches, Societies, Industries, Statistics, etc.; A Record
of Its
Soldiers in the Late War; Portraits of its early settlers and
Prominent men; Views of Its Finest Buildings;
Miscellaneous Matter; Map of the
County; Biographies and Histories
of Pioneer Families, etc.
Compiled by N. N. Hill, Jr.
- Illustrated -
Mt. Vernon, Ohio:
A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers
LANE DALLY, Hilliar township,
farmer, was born in Hilliar township, February, 1842. He
is the youngest son of John and Mary A. Dally nee
Walters, who were married in Richland county, Ohio, and
in 1834 came to Hilliar and settled in the woods. They had
a family of ten children. Mr. Dally died in 1869.
His wife still survives him. The subject of this notice
was reared on his father's farm. He was married to Miss
Cypha Cumpston, of Licking county, Ohio, Dec. 6, 1866.
They have a family of five children.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 -
Page 647 |
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 -
Page 647 |
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 -
Page 647 |
DALRYMPLE Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 -
Page 647 |
HENRY DANIEL Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 -
Page 690 |
GEORGE W. DARLING Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 -
Page 647 |
JOHN DARLING, Berlin township
(deceased), was born in New York in 1817; came to Ohio when a
young man, and was married in 1842 to Mary Ann Rundle.
They had three children - Richard L., Charles T., and
James E. Mrs. Mary Ann Darling died in 1852.
Mr. John Darling married Lydia Ann Kinney in
1854, who was born in Knox county in 1820. They had three
children - James E., born in 1855, Henry M. in
1857, and Alva B. in 1861. The father, John
Darling, died July 26, 1876. James E. died in
1843, and James Edson in 1856. Henry Darling
was married in 1877 to Mary Vore, who was born in Mt.
Vernon in 1857. They have one son, George W., who
ws born July 26, 1878.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 -
Page 647 |
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 -
Page 647 |
D. DARLING, Wayne twp., post office, Fredericktown; born
in Wayne township, this county, in 1845, and was married in 1870
to Clotilda Lyon, who was born in Wayne twp., this
county, in 1846. They have four children, Nellie,
born in 1871; Frank, in 1875; Nina, in 1877; and
Willie, in 1879. Mr. Darling is a farmer by
occupation, and has always lived in this county.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 -
Page 648 |
was born Apr. 9, 1814, in Hampshire county, Virginia. He
moved to Butler township, Knox county, Ohio, in 1820, and to
Jackson township in 1835. He was married to Eliza
Melick Apr. 6, 1841. They have had ten children, viz.:
Lucy A., James K., Morgan, Louisa, Cyrus, Nan, Sarah E., Avilda,
Otto, and Louis. Mr. Darling is an old and
respected citizen of Jackson; has served several terms as
justice of the peace.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 -
Page 647 |
township, farmer, post office, Fredericktown; born in Coshocton
county in 1825, came with his parents to Knox county in 1829,
and was married Oct. 15, 1857, to Saprona Willis, who was
born June 11, 1835, in New York. She came with her parents
to Knox county in 1839. They have one son,
Herbert Stanton, born Jan. 17, 1862. He is now
engaged in the study of medicine in Fredericktown with Dr. S.
B. Potter. Mr. William Darling is one of the leading
men of this township, and owns a beautiful farm with excellent
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 -
Page 647 |
DAVIS, Monroe township, was born near Hagerstown,
Maryland, Apr. 4, 1800, and came to Mt. Vernon, Knox county,
with his father, Henry Davis, in 1815. He married
Elizabeth Downs, daughter of George Downs, of Knox
county, April 3, 1827, and moved to Monroe township, wher ehe
purchased land and erected a saw-mill on Schenck's creek
in 1828. Shortly afterwards he erected a grist-mill and
added a fulling-mill and carding machine. Being an
enterprising business man he not only ran his own mill but owned
an interest in the Monroe mills, Gilcrest's mills and
Shamon's mills. Mr. Davis died Sept. 12, 1837,
and was buried in St. John's Evangelical Lutheran cemetery, the
ground for which was donated by him. He was the father of
nine children, of whom James Woodbridge David was the
youngest. He was born June 9, 1849, at the old homestead
on Schenck's creek, and reared on the farm. He
married Jennie Daymude, daughter of William Daymude,
of Monroe township, Dec. 14, 1876, and has two children,
Elmer S. and Herman.
Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 648 |
DAVIS, farmer, Liberty township, was born in Cecil
county, Maryland, Oct. 16, 1812. His father, a native of
Ireland, emigrated to the United States when quite young.
He served in the War of 1812 under Commodore McDonouth, and
received a wound. He was a man of considerable
attainments, taught a select school for some years, and married
a Miss Mary Neabb, a native of York county, Pennsylvania.
They had nine sons and one daughter, all of whom are believed to
be dead except Jesse Davis, who learned the blacksmith
trade, which he followed for some years.
When about twenty years of age he went to Ohio county,
Virginia, where, in April, 1835, he married Rosanna Frazier,
who was born in Ohio county, West Virginia, Jan. 9, 1808.
They remained in Virginia until 1850 when they came to their
present home. There were born to these parents four
children in Virginia, viz: Samuel H., Robert F., Mary,and
James W., Samuel H., Robert F., Mary, and James
W. Samuel H. and Robert F. enlisted in
Company G, Twentieth Ohio Volunteer infantry. Samuel H.
was taken sick and died May 30, 1862. While sick he was
commissioned second lieutenant, but was never mustered.
Robert F. was discharged in the fall of 1863, on account of
physical disability. He is now bookkeeper in the First
National bank, of Canton, Illinois. Mary and
James W. are on the farm.
Mr. Davis was captain of company D, One hundred
and Forty-second Ohio National guard. When the regiment
was called out some of the companies were consolidated.
Mr. Davis was transferred to company A, which company he
commanded during his enlistment.
Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 648 |
JOANNA DAVIS, Liberty township, was born in Milford
township, Nov. 30, 1829. She is the daughter of Smith
Bishop and Mary Ann Jeffries, of whom mention is made
in the history of Milford township. They had a family of
eight children, six sons and two daughters, viz: John J.,
Joanna, the subject of this notice; Henry A., Benjamin
F., Gilford D., Allen S., Clark N., and Adaline L.,
wife of James Ray, who resides near Columbus, Ohio.
Mr. Bishop died in 1866. His wife survives
him. Joanna was married to Joseph P. Davis,
Nov. 18, 1861. He was a native of the State of New York,
and died in 1877. They had three children, viz: Anna
Mary, born July 10, 1862; Cora Estelle, born Jan. 10,
1866, and Ellen Adaline, born Sept. 26, 1868.
Mrs. Davis is an estimable lady.
Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 648 |
M. DAVIS, farmer, Miller township, was born in Clinton
township, Sept. 28, 1853, is the son of George W. and
Margaret Davis, nee Morton.
Mr. Davis spent his youth on his father's farm, and, like
farmers' sons generally, he worked during the summer, when old
enough, and attended school during the winter. On the
twelfth of January, 1876, he married Miss Lucy W. Baxter,
daughters of J. W. Baxter.
Mr. Davis is an energetic and enterprising farmer
and an estimable citizen. They have two children, viz:
George W. and Daisy M.
Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 648 |
Joseph S. Davis
646a |
JOSEPH S. DAVIS Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 646a |
SLOCUM DAVIS, Attorney at law and secretary of the
Cleveland, Mt. Vernon & Delaware railroad company, Mt. Vernon,
was born in Pickaway county, Ohio, Nov. 21, 1812. He is
the third child of Henry and Avice Davis, nee Towne.
His father was born in Cornish, New Hampshire, his mother in
Wilkesbarre, Luzerne county, Pennsylvania, where they were
married, and came to Ohio in the year 1808, settling in Ross
county. After a residence there of three years they moved
into Pickaway county, remained there about four years and then
removed to Hillsborough, Highland county, Ohio, where they lived
until they died. The father was engaged in mercantile
The subject of this notice, when not at school,
assisted his father in the store. In 1829 he entered the
preparatory school at Gambier and continued two years in that
department. He then entered the freshman class in Kenyon
college, passed regularly through the several college classes
and graduated in 1835. He read law with the late
Benjamin S. Brown, of Mt. Vernon, and in the winter of
1836-37 attended the Cincinnati law school, and was admitted to
the bar in 1837. He commenced the practice of law in
company with the Hon. C. Delano, and continued for
several years, abut after a severe attack of pleurisy his health
failed to such an extent that he was compelled to retire.
He was twice elected probate judge of Knox county on
the Republican ticket, this last term expiring in 1861.
In 1849-50-51 he was elected mayor of Mt. Vernon, and
again in 1866-68-70 and 71.
He was the first editor of the True Whig, a
newspaper established at Mt. Vernon in 1848, to advocate the
election of General Zachariah Taylor to the Presidency of
the United States.
In 1850 he was appointed deputy United States marshal
and took the Federal census of Knox county.
In the winter of 1864-5 he was appointed by
President Lincoln paymaster in the United States army - was
ordered to Washington city, mustered into the service, and
remained there until July after the close of the Rebellion.
He has always taken a lively interest in the public
schools, and has been connected with the city board of education
twenty-five years, or since its organization in 1856, is now and
has been for the last nine years president of said board.
In 1869 the directors of the Cleveland, Mt. Vernon &
Delaware Railroad company elected him secretary of said company,
which position he still holds.
Mr. Davis is esteemed as a frank, candid man, of
scrupulous integrity, modest and retiring in disposition,
affable in his manners, reserved in speech, honorable in his
dealings, and a reliable friend, but firm and decided in his
opinions, prompt and conscientious in the proper discharge of
every public or private trust committed to his care.
Mr. Davis was married to Miss Sarah B. Moore,
who was born in Connellsville, Fayette county, Pennsylvania,
Mar. 1813, the only daughter of Doctor Robert D. Moore.
They have had four children, two sons and two daughters, all of
whom are living. Captain Henry M. Davis resides at
Santa Fe, New Mexico. Anna C., married to John
W. Hall, lives in Washington city. Mary A. and
Rorlin H. are at home.
Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 649 |
DAVIS, farmer, Berlin township; post office,
Fredericktown; born in Berlin township in 1852, and was married
in 1874 to Mary Morriston, who was born in Wayne
township, in 1854. They have three children:
Robertie Bell, born in 1875; Steward, in 1877;
Daisy Dell, in 1878. Mr. Davis is a farmer, and
resides on the old home farm.
Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 648 |
DAVIS, Berlin township, farmer, post office,
Fredericktown, born in Loudoun county, Virginia, in 1809; was
married to Jane Jenkins, who was born in 1815 in Loudown
county, Virginia. They had six children: Sarah,
born 1838; John in 1840; Martha, in 1841;
Eliza, in 1844; Margaret, in 1847; Stephen
Taylor, in 1859.
Mrs. Jane Davis died in 1850. Mr.
Thomas Davis married again, his second marriage being to
Elizabeth Baker, who was born in Wayne township, Knox
county, in 1820. They had two children, W. Scott,
born in 1852, and Charlotte Ellen, in 1855.
John Davis was a soldier in the late war.
He enlisted in the One Hundred and Twentieth regiment, and
continued in the service until his health failed. After
his health was restored he again enlisted, but was again
discharged on account of ill health. His health improved
again, and he again enlisted, and received an honorable
discharge at the close of the service.
Mr. Davis came to Ohio in 1838, and located on a
farm in Berlin township, Knox county. He owns a well
improved farm and has been identified with this county for
forty-eight years. He has been a Methodist for fifteen
years, and has been a Republican since the organization of the
Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 648 |
JAMES DAWSON, Howard Township,
farmer, post office, 1849. His father, John Dawson,
died in July, 1858. His grandfather died at the same place
just one week previous. James Dawson was married to
Etta Critchfield in January, 1875, and commenced business
on the old farm. He has two children: Philip,
born Feb. 10, 1870; Catura, May 21, 1878. His
mother lives with them.
Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 649 |
STEPHEN DAY Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 649 |
BENJAMIN DEAN, Wayne township,
farmer, post office, Fredericktown, born in Washington township,
Richland county, in 1851, and was married in 1873 to Amanda
Rowe, who was born in this township in 1848. Their
children are James L., born Apr. 2, 1875, and Charlie,
Oct. 23, 1878. Mr. Dean came to this county in
1868. He is one of the leading farmers of this township.
Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 649 |
REUBEN DEBOLT Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 649 |
COLUMBUS DELANO Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 650 |
Berlin township, was born in New York; came to Knox county in
1865; he died in 1874. He had four children:
William H., Martha, Laura E., and Philip H. Dennis.
William died in Guernsey county, and left a family of eight
children. Martha died in Knox county in 1875.
Laura E. Dennis and her nephew, Willard, are
living on the home place.
Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 651 |
JAMES A. DENNY, was born in
Jackson township Apr. 4, 1840; he was married Feb. 3, 1865, to
Mary Ann Dugan. They have had eight children, viz.:
Leona, Leota, Maude, Guy, Edith E., Downey E., Leroy, one
infant not named. Leona, born Nov. 22, 1865;
Leota, Nov. 22, 1866, Maude, Jan. 15, 1867; Guy,
July 2, 1870; Leroy July 23, 1876; Edith E., June
26, 1878; Downey E., Apr. 2, 1880; infant not named, Apr.
21, 1874. Mr. Denny was a member of company
I, Eighty-fifth Ohio volunteer infantry, and company F.,
One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Ohio volunteer infantry.
Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 651 |
township, farmer, post office, Fredericktown, born in Richland
county, Ohio, in 1845, and was married in 1869, to Lydia
Cassell, who was born in Knox county. Mr. Detwiler
has been a resident of this township ever since he came from
Richland county, and is one of its active men. He was a
soldier in the war, served out his time of enlistment and
received an honorable discharge.
Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 651 |
BENJAMIN F. DEVER Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 651 |
SAMUEL J. DEVOE Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 651 |
BENJAMIN W. DEWITT Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 651 |
township, farmer, post office, Jelloway, was born in Brown
township in 1850. He was married in 1873 to Melinda
Shambaugh, who was born in Ashland county, Ohio, in 1848.
They had three children - Charles Alpheus, born in 1874;
Iva May, born in 1876; John H. O., born in 1879.
Mrs. Melinda Dewitt died in 1879, in Jefferson county.
Mr. Dewitt is a farmer by occupation and active and
enterprising man.
Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 651 |
ISAAC DIAL Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 651 |
JAMES DIAL Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 652 |
ALFRED J. DICKESON Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 652 |
JAMES DICKSON, Wayne township,
farmer, post office Fredericktown, born in Knox county in 1846,
and was married in 1871 to Mary Bricker, who was born in
Knox county in 1850. They have one son, Ray B.,
born Sept. 14, 1879. His father, Samuel Dickson,
was married to Elizabeth Rood They had a family of
six children. They were among the earlier settlers of this
county. Mr. Dickson died in this county in 1870.
Mrs. Elizabeth Dickson died in 1875. Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 652 |
MRS. HARRIET DISNEY Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 652 |
WILLIAM DISNEY Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 653 |
STEVEN B. DODD Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 654 |
P. N. DONAHEY Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 654 |
P. N. DONAHEY Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 851 |
merchant, and son of Philo Doolittle, was born
in Fredericktown, this county, in 1838. In 1865 he came to
Gambier, engaged in the mercantile business, and has been
actively engaged in that business since that time. He
constantly keeps on hand a full assortment of every thing in his
line, such as dry goods, groceries, notions, hardware,
agricultural implements, etc.
Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 654 |
Pike township, farmer, post office, Democracy, born in Stark
county, Ohio, in 1823, and was married in 1854 to Ann Tharp,
who was born in Wayne county in 1834. They have two
children - Elizabeth and Stanton W. Mr. Doty
came to this county in 1841, first located in Jefferson township
and in 1872 came to this township. He is a farmer, owning
a good farm in this township.
Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page654 |
CONRAD DOUP Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 654 |
township, was born in Germany, and came to America about forty
years ago. He served in the Mexican war and in the war of
the Rebellion, proving a gallant soldier. He is now a
prosperous farmer of Butler township.
Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 654 |

E. W. Dowds
650a |
E. W. DOWDS Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 650a |
ELIJAH DOWDS Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 654 |
WILLIAM B. DOWDS Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 654 |
B. F., St. Louis, Missouri, dealer in horses, Nos. 20 and
21 Market street; born in Knox county, Ohio, in 1830, and was
married in 1850 to Miss Hannah Ridgers, who was born in
Wayne township, this county, in 1830. They have two
children, Adelpha and Freddie. Mr. Dowler
has been quite extensively engaged in buying and shipping horses
from this county to eastern States and cities. He has
moved to St. Louis, owns two farms near the city, and still
continues shipping horses.
Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 655 |
JAMES DOYLE Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 655 |
DUDGEON, farmer and wool-grower, post office Gambier;
fourth son of Simon and Nancy Dudgeon, born in Harrison
township, Knox county, Apr. 11, 1820. He received an
education, and at the age of twenty-one years he went to Allen
county, and remained about five years. In 1845, when in
Allen county, he purchased two hundred acres of land, then came
back to Knox county, and then went to farming for his mother.
About a year after returning home he sold his land in Allen
county to his brother Thomas, for the sum of nine hundred
dollars, and then purchased a share in the home-place, where he
continued to remained and farm, purchasing shares in the home
farm. This he continued about eight years, by which time
he had become the owner of three hundred and fifty acres.
On Feb. 10, 1848, he was united in marriage with Mary J.,
a daughter of Asa and Catharine Freeman, born in Knox
county, Butler township, Aug. 2, 1831. Their union
resulted in eleven children, viz.: Martha, Eunice, Ann,
Lydia, William, Jessie (died May 21, 1863), Andrew,
Caroline, Lee, Reuben, and Jane.
In April, 1880, he purchased seventy-four acres in
Pleasant township, Knox county, at a cost of three thousand
seven hundred dollars, which he deeded to his daughter, and
which she now occupies.
Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 656 |
DUDGEON, farmer and stock-raiser, post office Gambier;
fourth son of Simon and Nancy Dungeon, born in Harrison
township, Knox county, Jan. 31, 1818, where he was reared
and enured to the hardships of a pioneer life.
The subject of this sketch remained with his father
until the age of twenty-six years, when his father gave him a
quarter section of land in Allen county, which he owned about
three years, when he exchanged it for an interest in the old
homestead in Knox county, where he at present resides.
Dec. 26, 1844, he was united in marriage with
Hannah, a daughter of Benjamin and Mary Devare, born
in Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, where she was reared until
at the age of eight years, when her parents both died. She
was then brought to Knox county by Daniel Sawyers, with
whom she lived.
Mr. Dudgeon is at present the owner of two
hundred and forty acres of land, and has also held quite a
member of offices of trust in said county and township, being
county commissioner, justice of the peace, and treasurer.
The union of Mr. and Mrs. Dudgeon resulted in
five children, as follows: Mqarvin, Lyman, Mary, Simon
and Angie, who are all living.
Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 656 |
SIMON DUDGEON Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 655 |
DUKE, marble cutter, Fredericktown, was born in
Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, in 1849. He came to Ohio
in 1863. He commenced the manufacture of gun stocks with
Hoover & Fisher, and worked at that business till 1865.
In 1871 he went to Newark, Licking county, and engaged in the
manufacture of tombstone. He was married in Newark in 1874
to Emma J. Sasser, who was born in St. Louis. They
have two children, viz.: Luther James, born Nov. 22,
1874; Cora Mabel, Mar. 17, 1877. Mr. Duke
came to Fredericktown, Apr. 1, 1879, and is engaged with John
Getz, in the manufacture of monuments and tombstones.
He is a good mechanic, and an active citizen of the county.
Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 656 |
farmer, Howard township, post office, Howard was born in
Wheeling, Virginia. His father came to this county in the
early days of his son's life, and died shortly after.
Mr. Dun has lived all his life in Knox county. He was
married in 1865 and settled in Howard township. He had
five children, two of whom died in infancy, and the other three
are still living.
Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 656 |
WILLIAM DUNBAR Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 655 |
DUNCAN, JR., teacher, Fredericktown, was born in Beaver
county, Pennsylvania, in 1846; came to Ohio in 1857, and was
married in 1871 to Lucy A. Mitchell, who was born in
Richland county, Ohio, in 1848. They have two children -
Cloyd, born in 1873, and Bessie, born in 1875.
Mr. Duncan was educated at Washington and Jefferson
college. He is now superintendent of the union schools, of
Fredericktown. He enlisted in the late war as a member of
One hundred and Forty-second regiment, Ohio National guard, and
served out his time and received an honorable discharge.
Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 656 |
JAMES DUNCAN, SR. Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 656 |
H. DUNCAN, mechanic, Union township; post office, Gann.
He was born Mar. 7, 1829, in Baltimore, Maryland. At
twelve years of age he enlisted in the United States navy,
remained five years, and then went to Cincinnati and remained
five years. He then went to the Mexican war and was gone
two years. After being discharged, he went to Cincinnati,
and then to Baltimore, then to Mt. Vernon, and worked at his
trade eighteen months. In 1855 he was married to Miss
Swats, and settled in Mt. Holly, and remained there until
the Rebellion, when he went out with Colonel H. B. Banning
One Hundred and Twenty-first Ohio volunteer infantry, and
remained until the close of the war. Since that time he
has paid strict attention to the boot and shoe business.
He was married to Miss E. Johnson in 1865, and she only
lived about ten years after. In 1877 he married Miss H.
Comstock. He has the following children: William,
Margaret, Louisa, Margaret, Benjamin, Ira M., Cora Lee, and
Lucy Fisher. His grandchild, Viola Minnie,
is living with him.
Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 656 |
JACOB DUNHAM Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 657 |
WILLIAM E. DUNHAM Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 657 |
JOHN DUNN Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 657 |
(DAWSON) Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 658 |
BAPTIST DURBIN Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 657 |
BENJAMIN DURBIN Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 657 |
HENRY P. DURBIN Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 657 |
JOHN DURBIN Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 657 |
PETER DURBIN Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 658 |
RAPHAEL DURBIN Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 658 |
SAMUEL DURBIN, Fredericktown,
deceased; was born in Pennsylvania about the year 1780, and
married to Rebecca Collins, who was bornin 1783.
They had the following children, viz.: John, Thomas,
Elizabeth, Clemency, James, Sarah, Charity, Margaret and
Samuel. He came to Fairfield county at a very early
day an afterwards to Morris township, this county, in 1808.
He was the fourth settler in this township, the farm (now the
Grant farm) in this township. Mr. Durbin died
Apr. 22, 1822.
Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 657 |
THOMAS DURBIN Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 658 |
WILLIAM DUSENBERRY Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 658 |
VINCENT E. DYE Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present – Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by A.
A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 658 |

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