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Welcome to Knox County,
Ohio History & Genealogy |

* Source:
History of Knox County, Ohio
It's Past and Present,
A Condensed, Comprehensive History of Ohio, Including an Outline
History of the North-
west; A complete History of Knox County; It's Townships, City,
Towns, Villages,
Schools, Churches, Societies, Industries, Statistics, etc.; A Record
of Its
Soldiers in the Late War; Portraits of its early settlers and
Prominent men; Views of Its Finest Buildings;
Miscellaneous Matter; Map of the
County; Biographies and Histories
of Pioneer Families, etc.
Compiled by N. N. Hill, Jr.
- Illustrated -
Mt. Vernon, Ohio:
A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers
O. McARTOR, farmer, post office, Gambier, was born in
Knox county, Harrison township, June 20, 1848; is a son of
Jonathan and Minerva McArtor, by whom he was educated.
When he arrived at the age of twenty-one years he rented the
home place of his father, farming it on the shares, and has
continued to do so until the present time. On the twelfth
of November, 1868, he married Elizabeth Gaumer, daughter
of Peter and Susannah Gaumer, born in Union township,
Knox county, Sept. 5, 1848. Their marriage resulted in
three children: Lulu B., born Dec. 17, 1869; Robert F.,
June 5, 1873; Russell B., Aug. 8, 1874; all of whom are
living. In 1878 Mr. McArtor was elected justice of
the peace of Harrison township, and is performing his official
duties acceptably.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 725 |
D. McBRIDE, carpenter, Liberty township, post office,
Bangs, was born in Adamsville, Muskingu7m county, Ohio, March
22, 1841. About 1848 his parents moved to Gilead, Ohio,
His father was a carpenter, and Robert learned the trade
with him. At the breaking out of the war he enlisted in
company C, Fifteenth regiment of three months men, served his
time, and again enlisted in company C., Fifteenth Regiment, for
three years. He participated in the battles of Shiloh and
Stone River. He was taken prisoner at the latter place,
and was confined for four months in Castle Thunder and Libby
prison. He was exchanged, and a few months afterwards
joined his regiment, and participated in the battles of
Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, and siege of Knoxville. He
veteranized January, 1864, and was on the Atlanta campaign.
He was under Thomas, at Nashville and Franklin,
Tennessee, besides numerous skirmishes. He was also i
Texas with his regiment. He was discharged Dec. 24, 1865.
After his return home he engaged in farming and working
at his trade. He was elected constable of Liberty in the
spring of 1880. He was married to Miss Ann L. Roby
Dec. 19, 1867. They have four children.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 725 |
F. McCAMMENT, Jackson township, farmer, is a native of
Jackson township, and was born Nov. 27, 1848. Sept. 12,
1874, he was married to Accious Hall. They have had
three children - Olla Bell, born June 28, 1875; Adda
Jane, Sept. 3, 1878; Edmund Garfield, Nov. 2, 1880.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 725 |
S. McCAMMENT, farmer, was born in Brooke county,
Virginia, Oct. 14, 1818, and with his father removed to Jackson
township, Knox county, Ohio, April, 18189, and has resided there
ever since. He was married to Sarah Hammell, Jan.
2, 1840; who was born in Butler township, February 8, 1821.
They have had five children: Andrew Jackson, born
July 10, 1842; Margaret Jane, July 27, 1844; Caroline
McNulty October 4, 1846; John H., May 13, 1849;
Emily Rebecca, November 21, 1857; Emily R. died March
4, 1859. Mr. McCamment has been justice of the
peace ever since 1855. He has served three years as
commissioner of Knox county, and three years as infirmary
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 725 |
farmer, is a native of Jackson township, and was born November,
1, 1822. He was married Oct. 17, 1844, to Mary E.
Blount, who was born in Dresden, Muskingum county, Ohio,
March 29, 1825. They have had eleven children, viz:
Maria born Aug. 6, 1845; James A., Mar. 29, 1847,
Benjamin F., Nov. 27, 1848; Martha A., July 23, 1851;
Thomas J., Oct. 13, 1852; Alonzo C., Aug. 14,
1855; William A., Mar. 13, 1857; Mary L., Oct. 2,
1858; Sylva J., Nov. 3, 1860; Samuel R., June 1,
1863; Nancy Ellen June 23, 1866. Thomas
Jefferson died Feb. 8, 1857; Alonzo C., Sept. 2,
1858; Maria, Mar. 1, 1863.
James A. was married to Miss Angeline Bell,
Oct. 17, 1868; Martha A. was married to Samuel
Davidson, Aug. 17, 1872; Benjamin F. was married to
Accious Hall, September, 1873; Sylva Jane was
married go Jacob Holbrook, Nov. 9, 1880. Mrs.
CMcCammet died July 21, 1879.
Mr. McCammet enlisted as a private in the Sixth
company Ohio volunteer sharpshooters, on the 6th day of October,
1862; at the organization of the company was appointed first
corporal, was afterwards promoted to third sergeant, then
orderly sergeant, first lieutenant, subsequently became captain
of the company.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 725 |
was born Apr. 22, 1832, in Jackson township, this county, and
was married to Miss Almoira Giffen, March 26, 1854.
Mrs. McCamment was born Feb. 19, 1836. They have
had two children; Leonora, born Jan. 26, 1855; and
Rebecca, born Oct. 3, 1854.
Mr. McCammet removed to Butler township in 1864.
He has served eight years as justice of the peace for Butler
township. During the late civil war he was a member of
company K, One Hundred and Ninety-fifth Ohio volunteer infantry.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 725 |
Hilliar township, farmer, was born in Washington county,
Pennsylvania. February 22, 1824. He was reared to
work on a farm. In 1843 he went to Indiana, but not liking
the country he returned to Ohio the following year, and settled
near where he now resides, where he had been engaged in farming.
Mr. McCay is social in his habits, and has the
respect of the community. He is industrious and honest.
He was married to Miss Mary Rinehart, who died in 1872.
Mrs. Sarah Rinehart, nee Ewart,
was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, June 22, 1809.
Her mother died in Pennsylvania. Her father came to Ohio
some years after with two of his daughters, and settled in
Delaware county, where he died at a ripe old age. Sarah
was married to Lewis Rinehart, February 22, 1852.
They moved on the farm now owned by the heirs of Henry B.
Wright, where Mr. Rinehart died Sept. 4, 1855.
Shortly after his death Mrs. Rinehart moved to Rich Hill,
where she still resides, respected by all who know her.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 725 |
, Pike township, farmer, post office, North Liberty, born in
Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, in 1821, and was married to
Sarah A. Miles. They had five children - Mary
Rosella (deceased); Willie D.; Hattie Bell
(deceased); Charlie W. and James H.
Mrs. Sarah A. McClellan died in 1870. He
afterwards married Ellen Gilmore, who was born in
this township and county.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 725 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 725 |
Middlebury township, farmer, post office, Levering, born in Knox
county (now Morrow), May 19, 1836, and was married July 8, 1860,
to Betsey A. Wait, who was born in Knox county, May 6,
1845. They have one daughter, Jennie May, who was
born April 26, 1866. Mr. McCluckion has always been
a citizen of this county, or near the line in Morrow county
since his birth. He is one of the enterprising men of this
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 726 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 726 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 726 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 726 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 726 |
Middlebury township, blacksmith, post office, Levering, born in
Waterford, March 22, 1848, and was married to Rhoda E. Martin,
who was born Dec. 5, 1848, in Middlebury township. They
have the following children: Charlie A., born May
2, 1872; Clara, May 2, 1875; Louis Warden, Dec.
25, 1876. Mr. McCreary learned the blacksmith trade
in Waterford, and is now located one mile and a half southwest
of Waterford.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 727 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 727 |
McDONALD, Middlebury township, farmer, post office,
Fredericktown, born in Bedford county, Pennsylvania, in 1807;
came to Jefferson county, Ohio, in 1828; remained there five
years; then came to Knox county, and was married in 1834 to
Mary Zinc, who was born in Bedford county, Pennsylvania.
They had two children - Hannah and Joseph.
Mrs. Mary McDonald died in 1844. Mr. McDonald
afterwards married Hannay Fidler, who was born in Knox
county. Their children are: William, Louisa, Alexander,
Louis, Sarah, Ellen, Mary, and Melvin.
Joseph McDonald was in the late war, in the One
Hundred and Twenty-first regiment. Ohio volunteer infantry, and
was engaged about three years. Mr. McDonald has
been engaged at the cooper trade and farming, and is a prominent
citizen of this township.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 727 |
McDOWELL, was born July 9, 1809, in Franklin county,
Pennsylvania, and when seven years of age his mother came to
Ohio and located in Mt. Vernon, where they have resided ever
since. His father died about the year 1815.
Our subject is one of a family of five sons. The
two oldest, William and John, remained in
Daniel was educated in the schools in Mt.
Vernon, carried on in those days by subscription, after which he
learned the trade of cabinetmaker with Daniel McFarland,
his uncle, for whom he worked for some time, and then formed a
partnership with him, which continued several years. Their
shops were the second established in the city. He has
remained in the business ever since.
In connection with his business he has devoted a
portion of his time to the fine arts, and has produced some
paintings that show fine natural abilities. At present he
devotes most of his time to painting.
Mr. McDowell in his youthful days was fond of
athletic sports, and was noted as being one of the swiftest
runners in the county. He is now seventy-two years of age,
and physically much younger; can see to read and write nearly as
well as he ever could. He was married December 26, 1833,
to Patience Elliott, daughter of W. Elliott, of
Mt. Vernon, by whom he had a family of six children, four sons
and two daughters, four of whom are living.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 727 |
McELROY, Union township, farmer, post office, Millwood,
born in Orange county, New York, May 5, 1818. His father
came to Knox county, Ohio, and settled on the farm where his
son, C. McElroy, now lives. He built a log cabin
and reared his children on this little spot of ground. He
was one of General Washington's soldiers, and had two
horses shot from under him in the army, but escaped all serious
injuries himself.
C. McElroy was married to Mary Baughman
in 1838. His wife died in February, 1864, leaving twelve
children, as follows: Henry, Charles, Alexander,
Rachel, Robert, Mary, Philip, Ebenezer, Lida, William Elihas,
and Christine.
His next marriage was to Mary Thomas.
They had the following children born to them: Olive,
Eveline, Wellington, Celina, and an infant
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 727 |
C. A.
McELROY, post office, Rossville, farmer, was born March
4, 1846, in Union township. He lived here until his
twenty-second year. He went to a number of places, and in
1870 returned to the old farm, where he still remains. In
the same year he was married. He had two children, both of
whom died.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 727 |
McELROY, post office Gann, was born in Union township,
Sept. 6, 1849, and lived at home until he was twenty-one years
of age, after which he worked at different places until March 4,
1874. He was married to Elizabeth Hess and settled
in Gann, where he lives at present. He has one child,
Henry, born August 12, 1878. His business since his
marriage has been carpentering, which he has made a success.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 727 |
McELROY, deceased, Monroe township, son of John and
Mary McElroy, was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania,
on the fifteenth of December, 1804, was educated at Bethany
college, Brooke county, West Virginia, and followed teaching
school as his vocation during the winter months for several
eyars, while unmarried, but farming was his principal vocation
through life.
May 24, 1827, he married Miss Mary Cassil, of
Washington county, Pennsylvania, born July 24, 1808, and
daughter of John and Nancy Cassil. They settled on a farm
in their native county, and remained about four years. In
1831 they moved to Brooke county, West Virginia, and remained
until 1836, when they emigrated to Knox county, Ohio, and
located in Howard township, on the farm now owned by their son
James, and remained until the fall of 1837, when they moved
on an adjoining farm in Monroe township, now owned by their son
John. On this farm they lived until the fall of 1860,
when they moved back on their farm in Howard township, and
erected the present frame residence in which he passed the
remainder of his days, dying September 5, 1879. His
companion survives him, living on the home farm with her son
James in Howard township. He filed, the office of
county commissioner for two terms, in Knox county. They
reared a family of seven children: Tabitha, Nancy J., John,
James, Mary E., Margaret E. and Juliette V. - all now
living, married, and have families, John and James
McElroy served in the war of 1861.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 727 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 728 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 728 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 728 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 728 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 728 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 729 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 729 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 729 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 729 |
N. J.
McGREW, Fredericktown, dentist, was born in Morris
township in 1847, and was married in 1871 to Melinda J. Moose,
who was born in Belmont county, Ohio, in 1849. They have
two children- John A., born June, 1873, and Lizzie L.,
in December, 1878
Mr. McGrew studied dentistry with Dr. W. F.
Semple of Mt. Vernon, and received a certificate from the
State board of examiners, testifying to his ability.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 729 |
McGINLEY, Pike township, farmer, post office, Democracy,
born in Pike township, in 1836, and was married in 1861 to
Clitha Jane Parrish, who was born in Pike township, Knox
county, in 1841. They have three children, viz:
Florence B., born in 1862; Wilson C., in 1863;
George B., in 1860.
Source 2: The Biographical
Record of Knox County, Ohio - Publ. 1902 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 729 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 731 |
McINTIRE, farmer, Berlin township, post office,
Fredericktown; born in Holmes coun ty, Ohio, in 1852; went to
Knox county in 1861, and was married in 1874 to Alice M.
Adams, who was born in this township in 1856. They
have three children: Sabra, born in 1875; Jesse,
in 1877; and J. A., in 1878. Mr. McIntire is
identified with the farming interests of this township.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 731 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 730 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 730 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 731 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 731 |
H. McKEE, farmer, Union township, post office, Rossville,
was born Jan. 26, 1862. His mother died when he was small,
and he was given to G. D. Barr, whose farm joined his
father's. He worked for Mr. Barr until he was
twenty-one years of age. He was then married to Miss
Priscilla Firenlaugh, Apr. 10, 1873, and settled on a
portion of the old Barr farm, where he still lives.
He has two children: Harry, born July 6, 1874; and
Jennie, Nov. 19, 1878. His wife was born Apr. 24,
1851, in Union township.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 731 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 731 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 731 |
W. McKENLEY, Howard township, mechanic, post office
Howard. He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Mar. 1,
1844. In 1864 he went to Cincinnati, and spent two and a
half years there, learning the carpenter trade, which he still
follows. In 1868 he was married to Miss Mary Jones,
in Mt. Vernon, where he settled and carried on business until
1875, when he moved to Jefferson township, and remained two
years, then moved to Howard, where he has remained until the
present time. His wife was born Dec. 22, 1848. They have
had three children, as follows: Maggie, Belle, and
John. The latter died in 1871.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 732 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 732 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 732 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 732 |
M. McLARNAN, farmer, was born Aug. 28, 1829, in Butler
township. He was married to Miss Normandy Campbell,
March 30, 1865. She was born Nov. 27, 1830. They
have had six children - Augusta Olivia, born Sept. 9,
1855; John Thomas, born Sept. 20, 1859; Daniel
Campbell, born Jan. 17, 1863; James Clarence, born
Jan. 23, 1866, and two died in infancy.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 732 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 732 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 732 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 732 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 733 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 733 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 733 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 733 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 733 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 733 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 733 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 733 |
MAGERS, city marshal of Mt. Vernon, is a son of Nathan
Magers, one of the earliest pioneers of the county. He was
born in this county, and then about eight years old his parents
came to Mt. Vernon, where he received his education. He
was engaged in various ways until 1863, when he was elected to
the office of city marshal, which position he has filled, with
the exception of two and a half years, until the present.
He was appointed and served as United States deputy marshal in
the Northern district for five years, after which he was
appointed to the same office in the Southern district in 1880,
and in which office he still remains. The above facts are
sufficient evidence of his faithfulness and abilities as an
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 734 |
MAGERS, Monroe township, deceased, was born in Maryland
in 1806, and while yet an infant was brought to Ohio with his
parents, who died when he was ten years old, after which Elias
made his home among strangers. He was married to Mry
Lybarger, who was born in Pennsylvania. They had six
children, viz: Susannah, Lewis (deceased, Lyman,
Martha J., Lucinda E., and Nathan A. Mrs. Mary
Magers died in 1854. Mr. Magers married
Christina Scoles, who was born in Pike township in 1830.
They had one daughter, Clara I., who is living with her
mother. Mr. Magers has been identified with this
county since 1810. He was reared a Catholic, but when he
reached maturity joined the Methodist Episcopal church. He
was a very prominent and consistent member of the Pike church.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 734 |
MAGERS, Mt. Vernon, farmer, was born in Howard township
in 1837, married to Louisa H. Lambert, daughter of Rev. Daniel
Lambert, of this county. She was born in Utica, Licking
county, in 1835. They had six children, viz.: William
S., Romyne A., Daniel M., Alice A., Blanche E. and Mary
E. Miss Alice A. departed this life November 17, 1880,
having assurances of a blessed immortality. Mr. Magers is
one of the official members of the Methodist Episcopal Church in
Pike township. He was a soldier in the late war - a member
of the Ohio National Guard - served out the time of his
enlistment and was honorably discharged.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 734 |
MAGERS, North Sandusky street. - Mr. Magers is a native
of Montgomery county, Maryland, where he was born August 19,
1793, and when about thirteen years old came with his
brother-in-law and located in this county, on land adjoining the
present town of Gambier, in the year 1806. He commenced
life here by assisting the pioneer settlers in clearing up land
and in making rails. which he followed about fourteen years.
On September 1, 1812, he went out to guard the frontier, where
he witnessed many exciting scenes of that eventful war. He
assisted in the taking of the Greentown Indians, and took an
active part in the trying events that took place in this and
Richland counties. In 1813 he went out to Sandusky, where
he served twenty-one days, and in the fall of the same year he
was called to Delaware, where he was a short time. He has
witnessed all the changes this county has undergone, from the
wild and unbroken forest populated by wild and hostile tribes of
Indians, ferocious panthers, wolves and bears, with deer as
plentiful as the sheep of to-day, to its present state of
civilization, densely populated with a refined and educated
Christian people, where on every hand the eye is greeted with
highly cultivated farms, teeming with their crops and stocks,
beautiful towns and villages, extensive manufactories and
business emporiums, interspersed with churches of all
denominations and institutions of learning of all kinds.
In the year 1820 he commenced farming, which he
followed about seven years. He then engaged in the hotel
business at Danville and Millwood, which he followed about two
years, after which he engaged in the milling business, running a
sawmill and grist-mill, during which, in consequence of bailing
certain parties, he lost all he had earned up to that time, so
that he was obliged to commence life anew. He then came to
Mt. Vernon and engaged in the brick business, which he followed,
in connection with farming, for about ten years.
He was married in the year 1820 to Keziah
Barkus, by whom he had five children, one of whom is living
- Calvin.
Mrs. Magers died in 1854, and he married
his second wife, Mrs. Mary Berk (Bell),
who was born in 1792, and came to Ohio when quite young,
consequently she is one of the early pioneers of the State, and
has passed through hardships that would be incredible to the
women of today. We give space to one incident. In
those days they had to manufacture all their wearing apparel
from the raw material - first spin, then weave, then cut and
make it up for wear. She had no place to put up her loom,
her brothers were out in the War of 1812, and she, feeling that
all depended on her, shouldered her axe and went to the woods
and cut logs for a cabin to weave in. When she had them
ready she called in some of the nearest neighbors to raise the
building, after which she completed it and set up her loom to
make cloth for the family. Such was the indomitable energy
of some of the pioneer mothers of our county and State.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 734 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 734 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 734 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 735 |
J. MANN, Middlebury township, carpenter, post office,
Fredericktown, born in Morrow county in 1854, and was married in
1875 to Lurella Caywood, who was born in this township
1856. They have one son - Earl Mann born in 1877.
Mr. Mann is engaged at the carpenter trade, and
is a practical and skilful workman.
Source 2: The Biographical
Record of Knox County, Ohio - Publ. 1902 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 736 |
B. MARPLE, Fredericktown, painter, was born in 1830 in
Virginia, and came to Ohio in 1841. He was married to
Sarah Phipps, who was born in Morrow county in 1834.
They have the following children: Lura, born in 1857;
Elroy, deceased; Frank, in 1839; Lincoln, in
1860; McClellan, in 1862; Maca, in 1866; Mary,
in 1857; Will, in 1869; Gertrude, in 1871;
Annias C., in 1873; Birdie, deceased; Ivanna,
in 1877.
Mr. Marple has been a citizen of Fredericktown
for about twenty-seven years. He was a soldier in the late
war, and a member of the Ohio National guards; served out the
time of his enlistment, and received an honorable discharge.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 735 |
JUDI ANN MARRIOTT, Hilliar township, was born in Licking
County May 21, 1823. She was the third child of Abraham
and Margaret Plumner, who died in Licking county.
The subject of this notice was married to Elisha
Marriott in 1845, and about three years after moved to
Hilliar township, and settled on the farm on which Mrs.
Marriott still resides, and where Mr. Marriott died
in June, 1879. They had a family of nine children, six
daughters and three sons, seven of whom are living, viz: Mary,
married to Harvey Hupp; Jerusha, married to
Richard A. Hall; Margaret, Plumner, Jonathan, Ellen, and
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 735 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 735 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 735 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 737 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 736 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 736 |
MARTIN, Middlebury township, retired, post office,
Fredericktown, born in Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, in 1793,
came to Ohio, this county, in 1811, and was married in 1819 to
Luhamar Warden, who was born in Chambersburgh, Franklin
County, Penn., in 1798. They had three children - Henry
P., born in 1822; William S., in 1825; and Mary,the
eldest, born in 1820.
Mrs. Martin died in this township in 1864, at
the age of sixty-four years.
Mr. Martin is the oldest resident yet living in
this vicinity. He was a cabinet maker and worked at that
business for some years, but has been a farmer for many years in
this township.
It affords much pleasure to Mr. Martin to relate
reminiscences of pioneer times.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 737 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 737 |
S. MASTELLER, Wayne township, farmer, post office,
Fredericktown, born in Columbia county, Pennsylvania; came to
Ohio in the fall of 1844; settled near Mount Vernon and
remained there till 1865; then came to Wayne township. He
was married in 1850, to Sarah Stillery. They had
the following children, of whom three are living: Charles F.,
Minnie B., and Rebecca E. Mrs. Mastellar
died in1869. Mr. Mastellar's second marriage was to
Sarah Cassell, who was born in Maryland in 1831.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 737 |
W. MATHENY, Pike township, farmer, post office,
Democracy, born in Brown township in this county, Sept. 7, 1858.
He is engaged in farming in this county, and is an active and
enterprising young man.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 737 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 737 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 737 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 738 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 738 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 738 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 738 |
A. D.
MELICK, farmer, Jackson township, was born May 23, 1837,
in Jackson township; was married to Minerva Jane Schooler
Nov. 18, 1858. She was born Jan. 29, 1838. They have
had six children, viz: Sarah, born Dec. 8, 1859;
Allison H., Nov. 13, 1861; Robert E., Oct. 30, 1868;
Reuben E., Jan. 4, 1872; Alvin V., Aug. 18, 1876;
Allison H. died Dec. 12, 1864. Sarah was
married to Albert F. Hall July 3, 1880.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 738 |
MELTON, teamster, Fredericktown, was born in Knox county
in 1849, and was married in 1878 to Sarah Frasier, who
was born in Muskingum county, Ohio. They have one
daughter, Sanora May, who was born in March, 1879.
Mr. Robert Melton has always been identified
with this county and is now engaged in working for the firm of
W. Tuttle & Co.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 738 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 738 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 738 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 738 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 739 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 739 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 739 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 739 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 754a |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 739 |
Source: History of Knox
Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio by
A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page
739 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 739 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 740 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 740 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 740 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 587 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 743 |
MILLER (deceased), Wayne township, born in Washington
county, Penn., in 1817, and was married in 1868 to Sarah
Fuller, who was born in Knox county, Ohio, in 1838.
They have two children: William Eugene, born in 1870, and
Daniel Oscar, in 1871. Mr. Miller died in
1872, in Green /Valley, Wayne Twp., this county. Mrs.
Sarah Miller, with the family, is still residing here, and
is educating her children liberally.
Source 2: The Biographical
Record of Knox County, Ohio - Publ. 1902 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 740 |
MILLER deceased. He was a native of Pennsylvania,
and was married to Martah Zerick, who was born in
Maryland in 1793. They had one daughter, Zarada,
who was born in Knox county and married in 1861 to Adam Kime,
who was born in Stark County.
Daniel Zerick located in Clinton township in
1806, when there was one house in Mt. Vernon (so says Mrs.
Miller). Mr. Daniel Zerick died in this county in
1851; his wife Martha died in 1836. Mr. James
Miller died in Indiana about 1845.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 743 |
MILLER, Jefferson township, farmer and mechanic; born in
Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, May 14, 1815; was brought to
Ohio by his parents when a child, his father locating in
Columbiana county; where he was reared and received a common
school education. At the age of seventeen years he
contracted with his brother to learn him the carpenter trade,
and served apprenticeship of three yeas. He worked at his
trade about eighteen years, he then worked one season for
Christian Pherenbaugh at the plastering business, and since
that time has conducted said business on his own responsibility,
making it his principal vocation. In the winter of 1838 he
came to Knox county, locating in Jefferson township near
Greersville, and there commenced to work at his trades.
May 13, 1847, he married Miss Sarah Burtnett, daughter of
John Burtnett, born in Coshocton county, May 14, 1826.
After his marriage he purchased eighty acres of land in
Jefferson township northwest of Greersville two and a half
miles, where he then moved and now resides: Mr. Miller
has held the offices of trustee and assessor. Mr. and Mrs
Miller are the parents of five children, viz: Cinderella
L., born June 27, 1850; John B., Aug. 18, 1855;
Effie A., Apr. 13, 1861; Mira J., Apr. 28, 1866.
Four are living and one died in infancy.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 743 |
M. MILLER, farmer, Middlebury township, post office,
Fredericktown, was born in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, in
1826, came to Ohio in 1830, and was married in 1848 to Terry
Cecill, who was born in Harrison county, Ohio, in December,
1827. They have the following family: Ann Maria,
born Feb. 1, 1849; John Benjamin, Oct. 31, 1850;
Margaret Jane, Feb. 27, 1853; Jacob, July 8, 1855;
George, Jan. 21, 1859; Francis, Jan. 31, 1861, and
David, July 16, 1864. The following have deceased:
Jacob died Sept. 13, 1856, and Ann Maria Mar. 14,
James Benjamin was married to Elmyra Denman,
now of Chesterville, Ohio. Mr. Joseph Miller
located in Middlebury township in 1869. He owns a well
improved farm with good buildings.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 743 |
MILLER, Mrs., post office, Howard, was born in
Northampton county, Pennsylvania, Nov. 29, 1793. She moved
to Somerset county, Penn., in 1795, and remained there fourteen
years. She came to Howard township in 1810, and lived with
her father until 1814, when she was married to Andrew Miller,
and settled on her present farm. Mr. Miller was
born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, in 1783. He was
one of the old veterans of 1812, and was in the second platoon.
He was one of the twelve who were detailed to kill James
Burden. Mr. Miller belonged to Captain
Sanderson's company, Twenty-seventh regiment United States
in infantry, and received an honorable discharge. He was
enrolled on the pension of the Columbus Ageney. Mr.
Miller lived on the farm until his death.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 743 |
MARY J. MILLER, Miller township, was born in Miller
township in 1822. She is the daughter of Emer Harris,
a pioneer of Miller township, and a native of Providence
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 743 |
MILLER, Fredericktown, barber, was born in Bourbon
county, Kentucky, in 1852; came to Ohio in 1866, and located in
Fredericktown Apr. 10, 1877. He was married in 1875 to
Elsie Swartz who was born in Licking county, Ohio. They
have two children, viz: Myrtie May, born Oct. 27,
1877; Robert Lee, born Jan. 1, 1880.
Mr. Miller is the leading barber of Frederick.
He is an energetic man, and a good mechanic.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 743 |
A. MILLER, Middlebury township, laborer, post office,
Fredericktown, born in Missouri, Aug. 3, 1844, and was married
Jan. 2, 1866, to Eliza Stoughteagle, who was born in Knox
county, in April, 1836. They had the following children.
Charles R., born May 7, 1869; Mary Alice, Nov. 16,
1870; an Sadie Della, July 12, 1876. Four of their
children died.
William A. Miller enlisted in the war Dec. 3,
1863, in the One Hundred and Second regiment Ohio volunteer
infantry. After the regiment was discharged he was
transferred to the One Hundred and Eighty-ninth regiment Ohio
volunteer infantry. He was engaged in the service till the
war closed.
He resided in Morrow county nine years, then came to
Middlebury township, and has since remained there.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 743 |
Fredericktown, traveling agent was born in Knox county, June 26,
1836, and was married May 18, 1860, to Eliza Rankin, who
was born in Licking county, Jul. 5, 1834. They have two
sons. James I., was born in Illinois, Feb. 18,
1862; John Gay, born in Fredericktown, Dec. 22, 1868.
Mr. Minteer is engaged in traveling for a large
Cincinnati carriage and buggy manufactory.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 743 |
MISER, who was born in the province of Hamberg, Holland,
came to New Netherlands, now New York, in 1623 with Cornelius
J. May, afterwards lieutenant governor of New Netherlands.
He returned to Holland in 1634, and in 1637 again came to New
Netherlands, where he remained until the French and Indian war
commenced, when he removed to the province of Pennsylvania.
There his son, John Conrad Miser, was born.
John Conrad settled on Tulpahocken creek,
now Lebanon county, who also had a son born there Nov. 2, 1696,
who was named Conrad.
At the urgent solicitation of Quagnant, a
chief of the Mohawk nation, he went with him to his country to
acquire a knowledge of the Mohawk language. Having
mastered the language he returned home, and was occasionally
employed as interpreter. In 1729 he married and settled in
Tulpahocken valley, and located a half mile east of the present
site of Wolmesdorf, Berks county, Pennsylvania.
Conrad Miser, as occasion demanded, acted in various
capacities, both public and private. Governor Gordon,
in 1871, appointed him interpreter. Soon afterwards
Governor Thomas appointed him interpreter. Soon
afterwards Governor Thomas appointed him justice of the
peace. Governor Morris commissioned him as colonel
of a regiment of volunteers for Berks county. He spent
more than a quarter of a century in the service of his country.
He closed his eventful life July 13, 1760.
Conrad Miser had a son, Henry, born Nov.
6, 1758, on Tulpahocken creek, who was grandfather of Dr.
Thomas B. Miser, of Martinsburgh, Knox county, Ohio.
At the age of six months his father removed to
Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, and settled on Mahantango
creek, where he was reared. He was married to Margaret
Drucker Miller in 1794, but came to Ohio before his marriage
to see the country. He returned to Pennsylvania and
afterwards removed to Ohio in 1802 and settled on sections
thirty-two and thirty-three, township three and range ten of the
Northwest Territory, new Jefferson county. He laid out
Salem or Annapolis in Jefferson county. He had six sons
and three daughters, viz.: John, Henry, Mary, Samuel,
Barbara, David, George, Margaret, and William.
William was born April 5, 1815, in Annapolis,
Jefferson county, on the farm his father settled on when he
first came to Ohio; was married to Jane McDowell Jan. 1,
1837. They had seven children, viz.: Thomas B., Robert
H., George A., Mary M., Margaret I., William J., John S.,
and Dilla J.
T. B. Miser was born in Annapolis, Jefferson
County, Ohio, on the seventh day of February, 1839; received the
first rudiments of his education at district schools, and
afterwards went to Carrollton academy, at Carrollton, Ohio,
remaining about two years, when he went to Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, attending a select school for young men, where he
completed is education. He then commenced the study of
medicine with Drs. Hammond and Montgomery, of Annapolis,
Ohio, and was with them about two years, when Dr. Hammond
removing to Steubenville, went with him, still pursuing his
studies for about two years longer. He attended lectures
one term at the Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery,
afterwards graduating at Louisville Medical university.
He also received a diploma from the Cincinnati College
of Medicine and Surgery. After graduating at Louisville he
went ot Missouri and practiced his profession. The war
breaking out he was conscripted in the rebel army and was
assigned to the Fifteenth regiment, Confederate States of
America, George Law, colonel commanding. After
serving two or three months he succeeded in making his escape to
the northern States, went into the service of the Union as
acting assistant surgeon, United States army, Magazine hospital,
Louisville, Kentucky. He remained there during the fall
and winter, and then came home and located in Martinsburgh, Knox
county, Ohio, July 13, 1863, where he was about a year,
practicing in partnership with Dr. D. H. Ralston, when he
was appointed assistant surgeon Twenty-ninth regiment Ohio
Volunteer infantry; after serving six months was promoted to
surgeon of the regiment. He went with Sherman on
his "March to the Sea," and was appointed brigade surgeon at
Savannah, Georgia. He remained until the close of the war,
when he was appointed surgeon in charge of hospital at Camp
Cleveland, Ohio, since that time has practiced medicine in
He was married Dec. 13, 1866, to Sue McWilliams,
of Martinsburgh, who was born Jan. 1, 1836, and who died Jul.
14, 1878. They had two sons, viz: George,
born Mar. 30, 1872, and Harry B., born Dec. 5, 1875, and
who died May 17, 1879.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 744 |
Pike township, merchant, post office, North Liberty, born in
Pike township, this county, in 1854, and was married in 1877, to
Alvina Spayde, who was born in Washington
township, Richland county, in 1859. Mr. Mishey
received a very liberal education and engaged in teaching for
some time. In 1879 he located in North Liberty, and
engaged in mercantile business, making a specialty of hardware
and groceries, keeping constantly on hand a good supply to meet
the demand. He is the postmaster of North Liberty, the
post office being in his store room. Mr. Mishey
is a young man of good business ability; has the confidence of
this community, and by his honesty and uprightness has gained
the high esteem of all. He is a worthy member of the
Evangelical church, and has a bright future before him.
Mr. Mishey is one of hte leading men in this township.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 744 |
J. K. P.
MISHEY, Pike township, merchant, post office, North
Liberty, born in Knox county, in 1847, and was married in 1868,
to Aminda M. Crunkilton, who was born in Wayne county,
Ohio, in 1849. They have three children: Clara Etta,
born in 1870; Sherman Scott, in 1875; Frank Herd,
in 1877.
Mr. Mishey engaged in the mercantile business in
North Liberty, in 1867, and is still in business there. He
is a practical business man, has a stock of goods
consisting of dry goods, boots, shoes, groceries, and drugs, and
constantly keeps a fresh supply on hand direct from
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 744 |
MITCHEL, JR. - His father, William Mitchel, sr.,
was a native of Sussex county, New Jersey, and was married to
Phebe Southard in 1789. In 1796 or 1797 they located
about twenty-five miles from Pittsburgh, on the Monogahela
river, where they resided until 1808 when they came to Ohio and
located one and one-half miles southwest of Fredericktown,
where, with the assistance of his family he cleared up a farm,
and also engaged in making brick. He had a family of
eleven children, viz.: Jacob, born Sept. 21, 1790;
Nathaniel, May 6, 1792; Abigail, May 5, 1794;
Mary, Aug. 15, 1796; Hannah, Oct. 8, 1798; Naomi,
Dec. 26, 1800; Sarah, Jan. 7, 1803; John, May 19,
1806; Margaret, May 25, 1808; William jr., July
15, 1811; and Silas, Apr. 20, 1814. Of this large
family all lived to maturity, and all except one were married
and had families, and were all members of the church. Only
five survive, viz.: Hannah, Naomi, Margaret, William,
jr., and Silas. William, jr., the tenth member
of this family, received such an education of the days of his
childhood afforded, after which he learned the axe trade with
his brother-in-law, J. L. Young, which he followed
closely for twenty-five years, and has worked at it occasionally
since. In 1839 he went to Logan county, Illinois, where he
followed his trade, together with farming, for seven years.
Iin 1846 he went to Morrow county where he lived five years;
then moved to Knox county, where he has since resided. He
was married May 23, 1833, to Miss Lucy, daughter of
Anson Brown, of this county. They have had a family of
seven children, three of whom are living, viz.: L. Y.
Mitchel, R. C. Mitchel, and Luella Mitchel.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 744 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 745 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 745 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 746 |
MORRISON (deceased), Berlin township, was born in
Columbia county, Pennsylvania, and married Isabelle
McReynolds, who was born in the same county. They had
four children, viz: Isabelle, Eliza, John, and
Hugh M. They emigrated to Mt. Vernon in 1821, moved to
Berlin township in 1825 on their farm. The parents died at
home. Hugh M. owns the home farm at present.
Source 2: The Biographical
Record of Knox County, Ohio - Publ. 1902 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 745 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 745 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 746 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 746 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 747 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 747 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 747 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 750 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 747 |
W. D.
MORRISON, farmer and blacksmith, Berlin township, post
office, Fredericktown, was born in Columbia county,
Pennsylvania, in 1827, came to Ohio in 1844, and married
Isabelle Morrison, who was born in the township in
1826. They have seven children, viz; Mary, Eliza,
Martha, Josephine, Anna Bell, Geraldine, Emma A., Thomas W.
and Lilla E. Mr. Morrison learned the blacksmith
trade in Fredericktown and worked at it thirty years.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 747 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 747 |
MORTON (deceased), son of Joseph and Margaret Morton,
was born in Washington County, Pennsylvania, Nov. 29, 1817.
His father died in 1823. In 1826 his mother, with her children -
one son and three daughters - emigrated to Knox county, Ohio,
and located on a farm in Clinton township, now owned by Mrs.
Margaret Morton's heirs.
Mr. Morton married Miss Martha Chambers
in 1848, who was born i Miller township, Knox county, Ohio, Nov.
25, 1826, daughter of Benjamin and Rachel Chambers.
They settled on the old home farm with his mother, remained
about seventeen years, and, in 1866, he purchased and moved on
the farm where his widow and daughter are now living in Clinton
township, adjoining the home farm on the north, and known as a
part of the old Johnson farm.
The reared a family of four children: Amanda, Mary
J., Joseph B., and Rachel A. - all living.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 748 |
CHARLES J. MOUNT (deceased), Fredericktown, was
born in New Jersey in 1825, and came to Knox county when he was
quite young. He was married in 1850 to Phebe D. Boberts,
who was born in Knox county in 1824. They have the
following family, viz: Sylvia W., born in 1852; Ella
J., in 1855; Charles B., in 1857; Martha R.,
in 1860; and Elliot, in 1862.
Mr. Charles Mount was a carpenter by trade, and
worked at this trade in Fredericktown. He was a soldier in
the late war - a member of the Twentieth regiment, Ohio
volunteer infantry. He enlisted in November, 1861, and
received an honorable discharge in August, 1862. He died
in September, 1863, from effects of disease contracted in the
His widow and children are living in Fredericktown
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 748 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 748 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 748 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 748 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 748 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 749 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 748 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 749 |
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 749 |
DAVID MYERS, Brown township,
farmer, post office, Jelloway, and son of Abraham and
Elizabeth Myers, born in Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, May
3, 1815, was brought to Ohio when a child by his parents, his
father locating in Steubenville, Jefferson county, where he
remained until 1826, when he removed with his family to Knox
county, locating near Danville, where he remained a few years.
His father then moved to Pike township, where David Myers,
the subject of this sketch, was reared to manhood.
July 28, 1836, he married Miss Catharine Pinkley,
daughter of David Pinkley, born in Richland county, April
28, 1817. After his marriage he rented a farm in Richland
county, which he occupied about three years. He then moved
back to Knox county, where he has since remained. About
1855-56 he purchased a farm of fifty acres one mile and a half
south of Jelloway, in Brown township, where he then moved.
By their union they became the parents of nine children;
Sarah E., Joseph, who served three years in the late
Rebellion, in the Sixty-fifth Ohio volunteer infantry, in
company A, under Captain Cassil; Margaret A.,
James, who died in the army in December, 1863, he being a
member of the Ninety-sixth Ohio volunteer infantry in company B,
Leonard being his captain; William, Armanda,
Masey, David M. and Mary. Jan. 1,
1857, his companion died at the age of forty years.
In 1867 he married Libby Bailey, widow of
William Bailey, born in Danville, Knox county in
1825. About five years after this marriage he bought a
farm of one hundred and four acres southwest of Jelloway, where
he then moved, and has ever since lived.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 749 |
GEORGE MYERS, farmer, Milford
township, was born near Woodstock, Virginia, in the year 1813.
About 1820 his parents Frederick and Mary Myers, nee
Riffy, with their family came to Licking county and
remained one year, and then moved to Milford township, having
traded a five-horse team and wagon for one hundred acres of
land, which was unimproved. They had twelve children, six
of each sex, six of whom are living. They (the parents)
lived and died on this farm.
The subject of this notice spent his young days on the
farm he now resides upon and has followed farming all his life.
He is a pioneer in every sense of the word. He came here
when but few families lived in the township. Here he
passed the years of his young manhood, and here is spending his
old age. He married Miss Catharine Gripp June 1,
1838, who was born in Bennington township. Licking county,
June 1, 1816. The young couple began house-keeping in this
township, and here reared their family.
Mrs. Myers died Mar. 18, 1880, aged nearly
sixty-four years. They had eleven children, ten of whom
grew up and nine are yet living, viz: Ezra Lewis, William W.,
Henry John, Torrence, George M., Winfield Scott, Frederick,
Oscar. Harrison and Ida V. have
Mr. Myers is one of Milford's best citizens, and
of its most substantial farmers. After the death of his
father he purchased the old home farm on which he now resides.
His father, Frederick Myers, served in the War
of 1812, in Virginia. He was of the light horse cavalry.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 749 |
treasurer of Knox county, is a resident of Mt. Vernon. He
was born in Bedford county, Pennsylvania, Dec. 6, 1830.
His parents came to Knox county in 1836, and engaged in farming.
The subject of this sketch followed farming for a few years, and
then engaged in the grocery business. From the grocery he
entered the dry goods store of William Hendrick,
where he remained for one year, and then returned to farming.
Mr. Myers was elected county recorder in
1871, and reelected in 1874. At the October election in
1879 he was elected county treasurer, which office he now holds.
He was married to Miss Lorretta J. Armstrong, eldest
daughter of the late Colonel John Armstrong, Sept. 22,
1858, by whom he has had three children, only one of whom is now
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 750 |
JOHN W. MYERS, Milford township,
farmer, is a native of Milford township, was born Feb. 21, 1837,
son of Frederic Myers, of whom mention is made in this
volume, in the biography of Jeorge W. Myers.
The subject of this sketch was reared on a farm and has
always followed it as his vocation. He started in life
poor, but has secured a competency by industry and frugality.
He is an excellent farmer, and his farm shows careful attention,
and is an estimable citizen.
He married Miss Mary Jane Fadely, September 11,
1859, daughter of Levi Fadely. They have one child
named Alonzo, born July 23, 1860.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 750 |
township, wagonmaker and repairer of all kinds of farming
implements, Lock post office, was born in Milford township, Mar.
13, 1841. He is the son of George and Catharine Myers.
He was on his father's farm until twenty years of age. He
then went to the carpenter trade, learned it, then took up the
trade, which he is now following.
He is a natural mechanic and can manufacture almost
anything which can be made in the way of sleighs, sleigh
runners, in fact he can construct anything of the vehicle kind.
He has had twenty years' experience in wood work, and with his
natural ability he is one of the best workmen in the county.
He was married to Miss Julia Niebel, daughter of
Joseph Niebel, Apr. 14 1864. They had three childrenJames
Lewis, born Jan. 8, 1865, died Oct. 3, 1877; Ella
Elma, July 19, 1868; Aremenia, Jan. 25, 1872, died
Apr. 9, 1875.
Source: History
of Knox Co., Ohio, Its Past and Present Publ. Mt. Vernon, Ohio
by A. A. Graham & Co., Publishers, 1881 - Page 750 |

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