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Lorain County, Ohio
History & Genealogy


History of Lorain County, Ohio
Publ. Philadelphia: William Brothers

NOTE:  Keep in mind that there are many many other names within the chapters of this volume.  Some names have very short descriptions/bios and some are longer.  If you want me to check, please contact me at Sharon Wick
I have started to add some of those other names but decided to add them within each chapter.
Abbey, Lemuel * - Eaton 204
Aldrich, William W. * 141
Andrews, Beri 306
Andrews, S. J. 46
Ashley, David 259
Ashley, Roderick 109
Babcock, Stephen 285
Bacon, John 109
Bacon, John 245
Bacon, Sereno D. 360
Bagg, Sylvester 50
Bailey, Curtis 343
Bailey, Omar, Jr. 53
Baldwin, Cyrus B. 52
Baldwin, Seymour W. 124
Bassett, Charles 196
Bayley, Gustavus V. 53
Beckwith, Fred A. 55
Beebe, Artemas, Sr. betw.104 - 105
Belden, Bildad 259
Bennett, Daniel 246
Bennett, David facing 147
Betts, Alfred H., Rev. 235
Bishop, Wm. 259
Bissell, Benjamin, Judge 53
Blain, Richard 168
Blair, Luther 285
Bliss, Albert A. 48
Bliss, Osceola 132
Bliss, Philemon 49
Bliss, Philemon, Hon. * 137
Boice, Roswell B. facing 284
Boice, Roswell B. 285
Boynton, Elbridge G. 52
Boynton, L. D. 367
Boynton, P. H. 54
Boynton, Thomas J. 132
Boynton, W. W., Judge betw. 118, 119
Boynton, Washington W. 51
Bradley, Leonard * facing 228
Braman, Ransom E. * facing 140
Braman, Wm. A. * facing 140
Breckenridge, D. L. 53
Breckenridge, Lewis 53
Brintnall, C. A. 53
Bronson, Ransom betw. 156, 157
Brooks, Hezekiah 245
Brooks, Samuel 245
Brown, Asa B., Dr. 130
Brown, Henry 234
Brown, Margaret R. facing 270
Brown, Stephen H. facing 270
Bruce, D. C. 53
Bryant, George betw. 332, 333
Burke, Stevenson 50
Burke, Stevenson, Hon. * 144
Bush, Edward 109
Butler, John F., Dr. 129
Cahoon, William O. 128
Carvey, William 285
Cash, Israel 367
Chamberlin, John 286
Chandler, P. L. 53
Chapman, Bird B. 52
Clark, John G. 285
Clark, Horace D. 47
Clough, Baxter 341
Coe, Amos 54
Collister, Joseph C. 53
Cook, Lewis Rodman 344
Cooley, Chester A. - Brownhelm * betw. 226, 227
Coon, John V. 53
Corning, B. S. ** betw. 258, 259
Crittenden, William B. 258
Crosse, Asahel A. 342
Curtis, Mrs. 259
Curtis, John 52
Cushing, Charles F., M.D. betw. 130, 131
Dailey, Truman B., Dr. 277
Danks, Gershom 109
Dayton, Anson P. 52
Dickson, Joseph H. Hon. facing 353
Dickson, Joseph H. 54
Dickson, John H., Hon. 53
Dodge Family 284
Doolittle, Charles H. 54
Douglas, Francis 107
Douglas, George 109
Downing, Charles 54
Durkee, Oel - Eaton 205
Dute, Casper 345
Eddy, Jesse betw. 156, 157
Eldred, Clark 128
Ely, Charles A. ** 134
Ely, Heman 105
Ely, Lewis, Jr. 107
Fairchild, James H., Rev. 191
Faxon, John H. 54
Fay, Nathan W. 285
Fay, Winslow L. 54
Finney, C. G. 52
Finney, Charles G. 190
Fisher, Carlos 261
Flint, Samuel L., Capt. - Amherst * 216
Freeman, Boman (pictures)  
Freeman, C. L. (picture) betw. 168, 169
Freeman, Luther 198
Frink, E. P., Capt. 345
Garvey, E. C. K. 52
Gates, Nahum B. facing 108
Gibbs, Obed 246
Goodwin, Charles C. 132
Goodyear, Street & Family 307
Green, John B. 50
Gregg, Ebenezer - Black River 216
Gregg, William 127
Griffith, Ebenezer 128
Griswold, Edson A. 128

Griswold, Luther D., Dr. *

Gulpin, Neri 106
Haines, Elwood P. * 145
Hale, John C. 52
Hale, John C., Judge betw. 118, 119
Hall, Selden, Sr. 323
Hamlin, Edward S. 47
Hamlin, L. F. 49
Hart, Sylvester betw. 184, 185
Hecock, Erastus betw. 254, 255
Herrick, Bert B. 365
Herrick, Walter F. 54
Heymann, John H. 234
Hill, J. C. 53
Hillyer, A. R. 53
Hinman, E. H. 54
Holbrook, Edward D. 52
Holbrook, Edwin D. * 146
Holland, Abram 283
Hord, J. M. 54
Horr, Roswell G. 53
Houghton, A. C. 53
Houghton, John W., Dr. 366
Howard, Richard L., Dr. 130
Hubbard, Eber W., Dr. 130
Humphrey, James B. 53
Hurlbut, Orrin 259
Hurst, William 276
Ingersoll, Seth C. 258
Ingersoll, Reuben 259
Ingersoll, William 258
Irving, John G. 52
Jeffries, C. G. 55
Johnson, Elizur G. 54
Johnson, Elizur G. facing 118
Johnson, Nathan P. facing 316
Johnson, Norman L. 54
Johnson, Phinehas 246
Johnston, Charles W. 54
Jones, Ladowick 259
Joy, Henry 132
Judson D. Benedict  48
Keep, John 192
Keith, Myron R. 50
Kelley, Edwin, Dr. 132
Kelsey, L. C., Dr. * 141
Kendall, Horace K. 123
Kendeigh, John J. betw. 332, 333
Kendeigh, Sauel betw. 328, 329
Keyth, Fordyce M. 49
Knowlton, C. B., Dr. 270
Lake, George R. 51
Lane, Ebenezer 45
Lane, Luther 109
Lang, J. H. 54
Langston, John M. 52
Lillie, H. M. 53
Lockwood, Wm. F. 49
Long, Ozias 123
Loveland, Abner, Jr. 361
Loveland, Leonard H. 323
McEachron, Robert 49
McLean, Lester 54
Manter, Ed. C. 55
Manter, Frank H., Col. 134
Manter, Nathan, Dr. 129
Mason, Homer & Family 363
Masten, John I. 286
Matthews, Samuel 196
Meach, Orrin 285
Mennell, Crispin & Duke betw. 260, 261
Merriam, E. D., M.D. 316
Metcalf, Chas A. 54
Metcalf, George P. 54
Miller, Silas 364
Moon, Elbridge G. 277
Morehouse, Andrew 53
Morris, Howard 286
Morse, George G.  - Brownhelm betw. 218, 219
Munro, R. B. ** 317
Munsinger, John & Jacob 368
Murray, Philo 246
Mussey, Reuben 45
Myers, Joshua 49
Nesbett, Harriet I., Mrs. 268
Nesbett, Robert 258
Nichols, Allen W. 269
Noble, Gustavus, Orville & Hiram 286
Norton, John 367
Nye, David J. 54
Olmsted, George 54
Parker, Elijah 45
Parmely, Asahel 127
Parmely, Sylvanus 127
Parson, Jonathan T. P. 128
Parsons, Charles Carroll 133
Parsons, Lott 197
Patterson, William betw. 248, 249
Peabody, Lyman 259
Peck, Elisha F., Col. - Brownhelm * betw. 220, 221
Penfield, A. C. 49
Penfield, Truman 305
Perkins, Benjamin, Esq. 287
Perry, Alex. H. 55
Perry, Edwin C., M.D. betw. 130, 131
Phelps, Israel 285
Phillips, William H., Esq. - Eaton 206
Plumb, Samuel_Ralph 52
Pond, M. W., Jr. 53
Pond, Martin W. *** 143
Poppleton, Houston H. 51
Poppleton, Houston H. * betw. 146, 147
Porter, James 109
Prindle, Chauncy 246
Prindle, Chauncey betw. 248, 249
Putnam, Schuyler 52
Rathburn, Samuel 368
Rawson, Grindall 269
Rawson, Henry B. 269
Redington, Ransom 129
Reefy, Frederick S. facing 131
Reid, Conrad - Black River facing 208
Remington, Chauncey 367
Remington, Henry & 367
Rice, Joseph & J. J. 344
Roach, John - Eaton 206
Robertson, Theodore H. 52
Robinson, R. J. 366
Root, Aaron 259
Rockwood, David 309
Rose, John 297
Royce, Jason 261
Safford, H. C. 52
Safford, Washburn 52
Sampsel, Warren W. 53
Sayles, William * 234
Schwartz, Joseph 276
Sekins, Heber G. 107
Sexton, C. Lester 167
Shelden, James 363
Sheldon, Elisha 305
Sheldon, Lionel A. 51
Sherman, John 52
Sibley, Stephen 261
Sloan, Meric J. 53
Smith, Arad 128
Smith, Calvin 107
Smith, George T. 52
Smith, Laertes B. 52
Smith, Roswell 361
Snow, Edwin 276
Starr, Orrin * 306
Stebbins, Clement 261
Steele, J. W. 54
Stickney, Albin facing 276
Strong, Jamin, Dr. 131
Strong, Samuel, Dr. 130
Sutliff, Wm. H. H. 365
Sutliff, Salmon 246
Taylor, Jesse 259
Tenney, H. A. 50
Terrell, Harry facing 159
Terrell, Herbert L. 53
Thomas, Edmond 286
Tiffany, Joel 47
Tinker, Nehemiah 286
Townshend, Norton S., Dr. 131
Tucker, Wm. H. 54
Tucker, William H. facing 112
Tyrrell, Thomas 49
Vincent, John M. 51
Wadsworth, Francis S. 359
Wadsworth, Lawton betw. 358, 359
Wakely, Eleazer 50
Warner, Henry facing 338
Washburn, George G. 52
Webber, A. R. 54
Webster, Fred. 55
Webster, Iral A. 54
Webster, Iral A. facing 113
Webster, William 246
Webster, William 247
Welles, Woolsey 46
Welling, Wm. T. 259
Wells, Franklin 259
Wells, Harlow 129
Wells, George, Dea. 233
Wells, Woolsey 45
West, Edmund A. 52
Wheeler, Edward 284
Whipple, James 322
Whiton, Ebenezer 128
Whittlesey, Frederick 46
Whittlesey, Solomon - Brownhelm * 233
Wolcott, Augustus, Dr. 129
Wright, Charles A. 53

NOTES:  start on page 256

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