Pg. 87
Canaan township is located in the northwestern corner of
Madison county and is bounded on the north by Darby
township, on the east by Franklin county, on the south by
Jefferson township, and on the west by Monroe township.
Canaan was not one of the original townships and the
following, taken from the commissioners' records, shows it
to have been organized in 1819:
"June 7, 1819. - At a meeting of the commissioners,
present, Burton Blizzard, Ira Finch and Patrick
McLene, on petition being presented, ordered that the
following bounds compose a new township, to be known and
designated by the name of Phelps:
"Beginning at the northeast corner of Madison county,
running south on the line between Franklin and Madison
counties five miles for a corner of Darby township; and
thence continue south five miles further and corner for said
new township; thence west to the east line of the townships
west, and corner; thence north five miels and corner for
Darby and the new township; thence east between Darby and
said new township to the place of beginning."
A short time afterward the name of Phelps was changed
to Canaan. Since the above erection of the township,
the formation of Pike township and Union county have taken
place and changes in the boundary of Darby and of the line
between Madison and Franklin counties have brought Canaan
township to its present boundaries.
As has been pointed out elsewhere in this work, in the
settlement of this portion of Ohio, the tide of emigration
seems to have followed up the various streams and creeks,
and the Darby and Deer creeks, appear from their position,
together with the richness of the lands that bordered them,
the abundance of deer, turkeys and other game, to have held
out superior attractions to those seeking a favorite
location to settle and make it home for themselves and their
posterity. And also it appears, probably for the
self-same reason, to have been a favorite spot for the
Indians prior to the coming to the white man. The
history of Canaan township may be said to have begun at the
same time as we accredited the beginning of the history of
Darby township, in 1796, when Jonathan Alder was
discovered by Benjamin Springer living with his
Indian wife on the west banks of the Darby. These were
the first white settlers known to have settled on the Darbys
or within the present limits of Madison county. Of
Jonathan Alder and Benjamin Springer we shall say
nothing further here, but refer the reader to the history of
Darby township.
LUTHER CARY, who was born in
New Jersey and in that sate had married Rhoda Leonard,
in an early day had emigrated to the Redstone country in
Pennsylvania, from there down the Ohio river, settling first
at or near Marietta, Ohio; thence, in 1800, with his family,
he moved to Madison county and located on the Big Darby on
land just north of Amity, in Canaan township, where he lived
until his death, Oct. 8, 1834, at the ripe old age of
seventy-four years. His wife died on May 15, 1846, at
the still more advanced age of ninety-one years. Their
children were: Benjamin, who married and settled near
Wooster, Ohio, where he died; Luther, who settled in
Miami county; Calvin, who married and settled at
Cary, Ohio, giving that place its name; Stephen, who
married Catherine
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Johnson, and settled in this township, residing here until
his death; Ephraim, who married Mathilda
Gandy, settled in this township, but later moved to
Union county, where he died; Jemima, who married
Jacob Johnson, and settled in Jefferson township,
where she died, and, subsequently, Phebe, who had
married John Davis, and was left a widow by
his death, married Mr. Johnson; Lydia,
who married John Johnson, and settled just
below Amity, where they resided until about 1855, when they
removed West; Rachel, who married Alexander
McCullough, and settled near Amity, but afterward
removed to Putnam county, Ohio, where she died; Abijah,
who married Catharine Johnson, and settled in
this township, remaining here until his death, Feb. 21,
1854, aged seventy three years; his wife died Feb. 4, 1851,
in the sixty-fifth year of her age. They had the
following children: Mary, Solomon, Absalom,
Sarah, Rhoda. Abram, Rachel,
Eliza and Lucinda; all grew to maturity, married
and raised families, and all were prosperous and good
citizens of Madison county, most of them becoming members of
the Presbyterian church and honored and respected citizens
of the community. Abijah Cary was born
on Mar. 6, 1781, and, when a lad of nineteen years, came to
this county with his parents. He was a man of
remarkable industry and passed through all the arduous and
dangerous trials of the pioneer days.
Two brothers, JONATHAN
and JOEL HARRIS, natives of New Jersey, emigrated to
Ohio in about 1805 and settled within the present confines
of Canaan township. Jonathan Harris
married a Miss Casto, by whom he was the
father of the following children: George, Annos,
William, Joel, Rebecca and Pattie.
Joel married and soon afterward settled in Franklin
NAHUM KING, a native of
Vermont, married Sarrepta Norton, and settled
on the land later known as the Moore farm, wheence
he removed and settled below Amity. About 1837-38 he
went to Missouri and in 1844 to Oregon, where he died.
He was one of the prominent men of this township during his
residence here; very intelligent and well informed, and
filled to the satisfaction of all several offices of the
JOHN KILGORE, a native of
Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, emigrated, with his wife
Jane and family, to Ohio and settled, as was the
usual custom of emigrants to this portion of the state of
Ohio, in Ross county in 1797; thence, about 1809, they
removed to Madison county and settled on Three-Mile run,
about one and a half miles west of Big Darby, where he died
soon afterwards. His wife subsequently moved to Union
county, where she remained until her death, at an advanced
age. Thomas Kilgore, their eldest son,
was about eighteen years old when the family settled on
Three-Mile run. In 1812 he married Jane
Patterson, who was born in Botetourt county, Virginia,
Oct. 8, 1792; they settled in Canaan township, on the
Kilgore farm, and here remained until their
deaths. He died at the advanced age of eighty-one,
Feb. 11, 1872; his wife died on June 3, 1862. They
were the parents of eleven children: William,
Eliza, Rebecca, Sarah, Lucinda;
John, who married Maloney Beach;
William, who married Mary Boyd; Harvey,
who married Judith Sherwood; Simeon,
who married Elizabeth Cary; Elizabeth,
who married Chauncey Beach, and Rebecca,
who married Jacob Taylor. Thomas
Kilgore lived a long and useful life in Canaan
township, having been, at the time of his death, a resident
of that township for over three score years and on the same
farm on which he first settled. He was one of the true
pioneers and did his share nobly in the development of the
county. He was a man of great moral worth and
character and exerted a great influence in molding the
general character of the community, both politically and
religiously, as during his lifetime he held most of the
important offices of trust within the gift of the people of
the township, and, religiously, had been a devoted member of
the Methodist Episcopal church from his manhood. His
example before his family and community was one worthy of
admiration and imitation.
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JAMES MOORE, who became a
settler on Mammoth run as early, probably, as 1808-10, is
believed to have been a native of the state of Pennsylvania.
He married Betsey Patterson, by whom he was
the father of the following children: Stephen, who
married Caroline Beebe and settled near his
father, later moved to Illinois, where he died; Moses,
who married Serretta King, also settled near
his father and, also, later moved to Illinois, where he
died; the one daughter married William Frakes
and settled in the West. Mr. Moore was a
man of great influence in the township and held many of the
township offices. He died in the prime of life, being
cut down during one of the sickly seasons of 1822 and 1823,
and was buried on the farm on which he had settled. Ira
Finch was a native of Vermont, who emigrated to Ohio
and settled in Canaan township, about one mile and a half
south of Amity, on Mammoth run, in about 1808 or 1810.
He married Nancy Bull and remained in the
township until his death, in about 1856. Their
children were: Armenus, who died young; Pattie
married Thomas Kilbury; Sarah married
Thomas Harris; Madison married Nacy
Clark and settled here, where he resided until his
death; Minerva married Sanford Frazell;
Commodore married Emiley Robey; John
married Emily Kilbury, and settled in and
remained a resident of this township until his death;
Joshua married Catharine Crego, and lived
at Amity; Thompson married Nancy Taylor,
and Ruhama married Silas Scribner and
moved to Missouri.
of northern Virginia, emigrated to Ohio in 1803 and settled
in Darby township, where he married. He later moved to
Canaan township. He was the father of fourteen
children: Sarah married Philip Harris;
Hannah married Henry Fuller; Samuel;
Polly; Jacob married Rebecca Kilgore;
Rhoda married Richard Edgar;
Margaret married Isaac Arthur; William
married Martha Arthur; Nancy married
Thompson Finch; Mary married James
Talpniny; Moses, and three who died in
infancy. Mr. Taylor was a man of
reserved habits and a great lover of home and family; a man
of firm principles and noble character, a good farmer, a
kind neighbor, and a much esteemed and respected citizen.
HENRY H. GANDY settled one
mile south of Amity, about 1812-14, and lived and died
there. He reared a large family of children.
Luke Knapp, an Englishman by birth, came to
America and settled in Connecticut, where he resided several
years; thence removed to New York, where he died. In
1812, his son, Elihu Knapp, moved to
Pennsylvania. and in 1815 came to Madison county and settled
on land on the west side of Big Darby, where the cemetery is
now located, and died there in 1823, and his wife in 1836.
His wife was Amy Anders, by whom he had three
children, Electa, who married Joshua
Holtner; Cynthia, who married Solomon
Norton, and Elihu, who married Kesiah
Norton and settled in Darby township.
his family, settled on the William Atkinson
land, in 1812, the only colored family in that day in the
neighborhood. He was a very honest man and quite a
good farmer, yet very illiterate, with no advantages of
education. He was never the less affable and good
natured, with the politeness peculiar to his race.
James Gut was then one of his nearest neighbors
and practiced a good many jokes on Richard, one of
which we shall retell. It seems that all the early
settlers cultivated flax, for the fiber, which was converted
into clothing. This crop was always sown in a certain
change of the moon. The following Friday after this
change was the proper time, which, in this instance,
happened to be Good Friday. Mr. Gut
informed him that Good Friday of that year came on Sunday.
Being a religious man, Stanhope was loath to
desecrate the Sabbath, so he sowed his flax on Saturday
night. Stanhope had been a slave of George
Washington's and was with him during the
Revolutionary War. He later sold his farm on the
Plains and removed to Urbana in 1836, where he died, it is
claimed, at the extreme old age of one hundred and twenty
Page 90 -
was a New Englander by birth, settled on the east bank of
the Big Darby opposite Amity, and remained a resident of the
township the rest of his life. He was married four
times and reared a large family of children, nearly all of
whom settled in Canaan township. He was one of the
early settlers, a very industrious farmer, a good neighbor
and a well-to-do citizen. DAVID
GARTON, a native of New Jersey, emigrated to this county
and settled on Big Darby, about two and a half miles south
of Amity, about 1812-14, and remained a resident of the
county until his death. He married Martha
Harris, by whom he had two sons, Hosea, who
married Rebecca Harris, and David.
His wife died and he later married Hannah Richman,
with whom he lived until his death. By his last wife
he was the father of several children. Mr.
Garton was an honest and upright man in his life and
ISAAC FULLER, a native of
New York, married Lucy Warner, and settled on
the east bank of Big Darby, about two miles south of Amity,
about 1812. He here erected a grist-mill about
1814-15, which was one of the first mills erected in Madison
county, and, though roughly and poorly constructed, proved a
great convenience to the early settlers of the county.
He later added a saw-mill to it. Mr. Fuller
ran the mill for forty years, when he sold the property to
Mr. Byers and moved to Iowa, where he died.
He was the father of the following children: Arnold,
who married Sallie Green; James
married, but his wife lived but a short time, and he
subsequently married Lucinda Francis;
Shubel married Rhoda Ann Worthington;
Henry married Hannah Taylor; Olive
married William Harris; Nancy married
George Harris. These children are all by
a former wife, whose name is forgotten. By his last
wife, Lucy Warner, he had one child, Isaac,
who married Arminta Fuller and settled in
Iowa. Henry Robey settled just west of
Jacob Millikin, about 1816. He married a
Miss Johnson, by whom he had no children; she
died and he married Mrs. Millie McDonald,
by whom he had four children, Hezekiah, Henry,
Nelson and Millie. About 1830 he removed
to Hardin county, Ohio, where he resided until his death.
He was a man of very reserved habits, never holding or
desiring office, but an excellent man and neighbor, and one
of the best blacksmiths and mechanics of his day; possessing
great skill, he could make any kind of tool or implement
that was needed on the farm or in the house, and hence was a
man of great value in a frontier community.
the southwest part of Canaan township about 1816.
Mr. Bidwell was a man of excellent character, and
took a great interest in educational matters and the general
good of the community; but as a business man he was not very
successful. Knowlton Bailey settled in
the township about 1816-17, but remained only a few years
and moved to Jefferson township, where he resided until his
death. Samuel Beebe, a New Englander by
birth. settled in the township about 1815. He had
served during the Revolutionary War. Stephen
Hallock. a native of Vermont, was another early settler
here, probably about 1816-18. He married Rhoda
Beach. They were the parents of two children,
Hymen and Washington. Mr.
Hallock died a few years after settling here, being
carried away during one of the sickly years of 1822-23.
Lemuel Greene settled one mile below Amity
about 1818-20. He married, for his second wife,
Rachel Brown, by whom he had a large family of
children, of whom were Asa, Ira, Sallie,
Maria, Louisa. Nancy and Cynthia.
Mr. Greene was a shoemaker by trade and
resided in the township until his death. Levi
Francis is thought to have settled in the township
about 1820; he reared a large family of children.
MATHIAS SLYH, a Virginian,
settled on the farm known by his name about 1820. He
buried his first wife and married, for his second wife,
Sallie Patterson, with whom he lived until his
death. He was a member of the Baptist church, and one
of the township‘s most substantial and esteemed citizens.
Warren Frazell settled east of Amity about
1825, where he lived until his death. He was a
preacher in the Methodist Episcopal
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church for many years; he reared a large family of children,
who became good, respectable citizens of the township.
was born in Vermont, where he married Obedience
Baldwin, and, in the fall of 1814, emigrated to Ohio,
settling in this township on lands in survey No. 7386.
After residing here a short time, it proved so sickly that
he moved to near Cleveland, and later to Maumee valley, but,
after a short residence there, he returned to Madison county
and resided in Canaan township until his death. He was
a blacksmith by trade and spent his life following that
vocation. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal
church, a man of firm and substantial character and
undoubted integrity and held several township offices.
He was twice married and was the father of nine children.
He died in May, 1854.
LUTHER LANE, born in
Massachusetts, married Lodica Green, a native
of Connecticut. They removed to Vermont about 1800.
In 1817 they came to Ohio and settled in Union county, near
Milford; thence, in 1829, they removed to Pike township,
Madison county, where Mr. Lane died the same
year. Mrs. Lane had died during their
residence in Union county, in January, 1823. They had
the following children: Fannie married David
Harrington and settled in this county, where they
resided several years and where she died; Eliza
married David Gitchel and settled in Union
county; thence they removed to Illinois, but later returned
and she died in Plain City; Lodica died unmarried;
Elizabeth married Otis Williams and
settled in Madison county, where she died; Hannah
became the second wife of Otis Witham, and
settled and died in this county; David, the youngest,
married Elizabeth Cox, and settled in Union
county; and Luther, the next elder than David,
married Elizabeth Morrison, and in 1833
settled in Canaan township. In 1834 he entered into
the mercantile business with Dr. Lorenzo
Beach in Amity, in which he continued for eight years.
In September, 1841, he purchased and settled upon a farm.
came and settled on the Plains when that strip of prairie
was still the pasture land of the wild animals that
frequented this portion of the county. He did not live
long, however, after reaching his new home, being carried
off by those deathly years of 1822-23. His sons were
Isaac, James, Eli, Horace and
Dr. Hiram Perkins.
on the Plains in 1814. He was a shoemaker by trade and
worked with Nahum King in a shoe shop at his
tannery on the Plains. He did not live for many years
after reaching his new home. His widow married
Parley Converse, with whom she lived till
separated by death. Samuel Sherwood, the
father of A. H. and J. C. Sherwood, settled on
the Plains in the year 1814 and lived on the farm known as
the Calhoun farm. The house in which he
lived was built on a high piece of ground that proved to be
a gravel bank, and was used to improve the Wilson pike. Mr.
Sherwood was an economical and industrious farmer,
but fell victim to the sickly years of 1822-23.
In 1817 a large family of brothers and sisters came to
Madison county, following Uri Beach, who came in
1814. The brothers of the family were Uri,
Ambrose, Amos, Lorenzo, Roswell,
Obil and Oren Beach, the last two named
being twins. They were natives of the state of
Vermont. At first they all settled in Darby township,
but subsequently most, if not all, of them became settlers
of Canaan township.
URI BEACH, when he first came to
the state of Ohio in 1812, worked for a short time near
Marietta; thence he went to Worthington, Ohio, where he
married; thence he came to Madison county and settled on
land in Darby township, later owned by Solomon Cary
residing there until 1819, when he removed to Big Darby and
settled where Amity is now situated. He was among the
first to turn attention to the satisfaction of the wants of
others. His first enterprise was the erection of a
saw-mill. At that time there was but one mill in this
part of the county of that kind, the Saeger mill,
father up the Darby,
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near the border of Union county. He selected a site
for the mill on what was called Finch run, and here built a
mill that proved a real blessing to the community.
Mr. Beach soon recognized another great want, namely,
means by which to facilitate the domestic operations in
clothing the families and rendering them comfortable during
the winter months. Among the early settlers, the
manufacture of woolen goods for the family was a tedious
operation, especially in preparing the wool for spinning.
Before this latter operation could be performed, the wool
must be carded into rolls, which then had to be all
performed by hand, with a pair of what was called "hand
cards.” This operation was exceedingly slow and
laborious. Something to facilitate the labor of
carding was the great want of the people. The
operation of spinning and weaving was only a secondary
consideration, for a woman who did not know how to spin and
weave was not considered at all qualified for the holy state
of matrimony. To supply these wants, Uri
Beach undertook to build a carding-mill. The chief
obstacle that crossed his path was the great distance and
the question of the transportation of machinery. The
site was selected for his carding machine just below his
saw-mill, not for the purpose of using the water of Finch
run for power, but because it was near his other mills.
The building was erected, the machinery obtained. and all
put in running order. For a few years the machinery in
operation was a picking, carding and fulling machine, to
which he after wards added two small spinning jacks.
This factory was in operation for fifteen years or more.
It is thought that the first frame house in the township was
the one standing on the hill, at the foot of which stood the
URI BEACH, in Company with his brother,
Lorenzo. purchased of Doctor Comstock a
tract of land from which they laid out the town of Amity,
and here Mr. Beach died.
next son in age to Uri, purchased a farm on the
Plains, just east of his brother, in the same year they came
to Ohio. This place was his home for several years.
He, having had some experience as a clothier, finally
consented to connect him self with his brother in the
factory, where, for several years, he was engaged in the
manufacture of woolen cloth. The weaving in this
factory was all done by hand, with what was called a
spring-shuttle loom. He later sold his farm on the
Plains and purchased land in Brown township, Franklin
county, Ohio, where he spent the remainder of his days.
the fourth son of the family, was born in Vermont in 1797,
and came to Ohio as early as 1813, settling at Worthington,
with practically no worldly effects. His education was
only such as could be obtained on a country farm in the
Green Mountain state, where the entire time of the farmer is
taken up with an endless fight for a living from the sterile
soil. He studied medicine with Doctor Carter,
of Urbana, and commenced his practice at Amity, about 1820,
being, it is believed, the first practicing physician ever
located in that place. During the sickly seasons of
1822-23 he and Dr. James Comstock, who
was associated with him, attended nearly all the sick of the
district, which extended for many miles around, but the
center of the virulence was between the two Darbys.
His field of practice must have been large, for his fame is
still considerable among the old residents of this portion
of the county. However, it is believed that he lacked
faith in himself and his remedies, to a degree that
prevented any enthusiasm in his profession, and that the
responsibilities attached to the life of a physician became
exceedingly irksome to him. Therefore, he abandoned
his profession for the more lucrative, and to him more
agreeable, life of a merchant. For several years
subsequent to 1833, he was actively engaged in merchandising
and, later, in real estate operations. Seeing an
opportunity for the better employment of capital and his
abilities. he removed, in 1853, to Livingston county,
Illinois, where he continued to reside until his death, in
August, 1878, at the age of eighty-one years.
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purchased land in Darby township, where Solomon
Cary after ward lived, observing the prosperity of his
brothers in the woolen-mill, and the population about Amity
rapidly increasing, and that there was a growing demand for
greater and more extended facilities to meet the demands and
wants of the people, he, with his two younger twin brothers,
Obil and Oren, in order to meet these
requirements, selected and purchased a. site on Big Darby
creek below Amity, on what was known as the Stone
farm. Here they built a dam and erected a building
for a factory, purchasing the machinery of the elder one of
their brothers, also a new set of cards and other machinery
necessary for extensive operations in a new country as this
then was. In connection with this plant, Mr.
Fulton, a son-in-law of Roswell Beach, put
in operation a pair of buhrs for grinding corn. It was
expected by the proprietors of this enterprise that large
profits would be realized as a reward for their outlay and
labor. However, this factory was in operation for only
a few years.
The village of Amity had greatly increased in population,
but with each returning fall the inhabitants of the little
town suffered severely from malarious diseases. It was
suggested that the stagnant water produced by the erection
of the factory dam across the Darby was the existing cause
of the suffering of the inhabitants; consequently, a
petition was circulated and signed by many citizens of the
place, asking the court to declare this property a public
nuisance. Effort was made by the petitioners to
substantiate the claims set forth in the petition.
This was the first case of the kind ever put before our
courts of justice. After hearing all the testimony in
the case, the court declared the property to be a public
nuisance; therefore, this dam across the Darby was torn out
in the early part of the summer.
The facts are, that during the autumn of that year
there was more suffering from sickness than any previous
year. The effect upon the owners and proprietors of
the factory can be easily imagined. But there were a
few citizens interested in the financial welfare of these
men. who gave them something to relieve their
embarrassments. They, however, became disheartened and
discouraged, sold their effects and removed to the West,
where. by industry and frugality, they recovered from this
financial shock. Roswell settled in Iowa;
Obil and Oren settled in Kansas. The latter
died in 1863.
a native of the Green Mountain state, emigrated with his
father, Charles McCloud, to Delaware county,
Ohio, and soon afterward to Madison county, where his
father, in 1814, purchased a farm one mile east of Chuckery,
and here they settled, and here young McCloud, then
only six years old, was reared. He was born Feb. 2,
1808. He studied medicine with Dr. Alpheus
Bigelow, of Galena, Delaware county, Ohio, and on the
completion of his studies located in Amity, Madison county,
Ohio. The first year or so his practice must have been
light, for he engaged to teach school for a term or so: but
in an few years his practice became very extensive, his
patrons being scattered all through the Darby Plains, up Big
Darby and on Sugar run in Union county, and in the
neighborhood of Dublin, Franklin county. In 1844 he was the
Whig member of the lower house of the Legislature of Ohio
and in 1850 a member of the convention to revise the
Constitution of Ohio. In figure he was slight. never
weighing over one hundred and fifty pounds, with a slight
stoop in his shoulders. His complexion was dark.
In manner he was grave almost to severity. This
gravity was not assumed, but natural, rarely leaving, even
in family circles. He was an inveterate reader, and in
his younger days must have been a great and keen student of
his profession, as he had a well-worn library. Later
in life he gave up his profession and entered merchandising,
but still kept up his habits of study. He took up the
study of astronomy at one time in his life and later became
an enthusiastic student of geology, so much so that he
delivered several lectures on it. illustrated by maps of his
own drawing. A few years before his death he
Page 94 -
took to reading fiction and poetry. He read the works
of Charles Dickens with great interest, and
was not only a great reader of Shakespeare, but became a
critical student of that great poet as well. He was a
debater and writer of more than ordinary force. He was
in no sense a politician, and what positions of honor he
occupied were unsought. As a physician, he was
cautious and conscientious, and in his diagnosis and
prognosis of disease remarkably accurate, which secured to
him the great confidence of his patients. Although
commanding a large practice, it appears that he accumulated
but little from his profession, as he was a poor collector
and his charges astonishingly low. Doctor
McCloud, in all the relations of life, was honest and
upright, his character being absolutely above reproach.
He married Mary Jane Carpenter, by whom
he had four children. He died in Plain City, Apr. 1,
1861, at the age of fifty-three years
son of Valentine and Eleanor Wilson, was born on Feb.
27, 1807, and was only nine years old when his parents
settled in Somerford township, on Deer creek. Here he
spent the years of his youth and, arriving at maturity,
married Nancy Moore. He purchased two
hundred acres of land on the Darby Plains, in Canaan
township, at eighty cents per acre. This purchase
amounted to one hundred and sixty dollars, to meet which, he
borrowed the money, with his uncle Daniel as his
security. He located in Canaan township about 1829-30,
so can hardly be called one of the township’s pioneers, but
rather one of its settlers. He at once built a cabin,
and very soon entered quite largely into the stock business,
as his land was better adapted to grazing at that day than
tillage. As a financier and trader he was a remarkable
success. Shrewd and careful in all his transactions,
economical and industrious. and carefully investing his
gains in more land, he soon became the owner of a vast
amount of the best land on the Darby Plains, counting his
acres by the thousands. He died at his homestead
place, Mar, 25, 1873, at the age of sixty-three years.
He was the father of eight children: Alexander, who
married Martha Jane Milliken; Ellen
married Benjamin Morris, but died, childless,
Dec. 3, 1857; James Monroe married Achsa
Burham; Lafayette married Sarah
Temple; William M. married Mary M. Slyh;
Sarah married John Price; Washington
married a Miss Wilson, of Kentucky; and Taylor,
who married Eliza Daily, died on Feb. 17,
MR. MARTIN, probably a native
of Pennsylvania. settled in the township about 1812.
The following were his children: George, Rachel,
William, Benjamin, Susan and John.
They lived here for several years and then removed to
Champaign county, Ohio. A Mr. Richey, of Irish
descent, settled on land later owned by the Wilsons,
about 1816-18. Joseph and Isaac
Bidwell settled about the same date.
Among other early settlers of whom it is impossible to learn
any important history, were David Harris,
Paul Alder, a brother of Jonathan,
Christian Adams, Joseph Loyd,
John Johnson, David Ellis, J. Phelps
and Patrick Johnson.
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list of the early burying-grounds of the first families
would include the one on the Joseph Atkinson farm;
one on the Nugent farm, just below Amity; one
on the banks of Big Darby, further down the stream, near the
Henry Convers farm; and one still
further down the same stream on the old Millikin
farm. About 1860 the trustees of the township
purchased of Luther Lane ground for a
cemetery, situated just in the rear of the Baptist church,
and which was dedicated to use by the reception of the
mortal remains of Thurza Reece the same year.
This land was fenced in and fitted up as a permanent
cemetery for use of the residents of the township. In
1882 a nice brick vault was erected and placed under the
charge of a board of trustees.
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