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History of Marion County, Ohio
GRAND TOWNSHIP GRAND TOWNSHIP was organized June 7, 1824, the first day of the Commissioners' first session after the organization of the county, and it was then the largest township in the county, as it comprised of three full surveyed townships and sufficient Virginia Military Lands to form the fourth, all of which will appear from the following entry: JUNE 7, A.D. 1824 Commissioners of Marion
County met for the first time after the organization of said county.
Present: Matthew Merit, Amos Wilson and Enoch
B. Merriman; Auditor; Hezekiah Gorton. PHYSICAL FEATURES.
NAME. This township received its name - Grand - from the fact that at the time of its organization it was the largest division of the county, and therefore designated the "grand" division, or, more properly, Grand Township. SETTLEMENT. At the time of its
organization, there were within its boundaries quite a number of settlers.
AT the fist election, held June 26, 1824, twelve votes were cast for
WILLIAM COCHRAN, who was elected Justice of the Peace. At a
subsequent election, held Oct. 12, 1824, thirteen votes were cast for
JEREMIAH MORROW, for Governor and six for ALLEN TRIMBLE, showing
an increase of seven in the vote in the space of four months. CHURCHES. Before the Union Church was erected, the Methodist and Christian societies held meetings in what is now known as the Seaborn Schoolhouse, on the northwest quarter of Section 25. The church, on this section, was built in 1869, at an expense of $2,200, besides $50 for the ground. Three fourths of the expense was incurred by the Methodists and one-fourth by the Christians. Of the Methodists, NATHANIEL OSBORN paid about $300; BENJAMIN RONEY, $400; ABRAHAM SMITH, $300; MILTON ROADS, $300, and others. Of the Christians, JACOB SEABURN paid $550, and others paid small amounts. The church is 36x46 feet in dimensions, will seat 250 to 300 people, and was built under the supervision of REV. AVERY WRIGHT, and REV. HARVEY WILSON preached the dedication sermon. Zion Methodist Episcopal Church - The present membership of this church numbers fifty, who hold regular meetings at the above place once in two weeks. Sunday school every Sunday, with about fifty pupils. The ministers have been REVS. AVERY WRIGHT, DWIGHT COOK, RANDOLPH COOK, DAVID RHINEHART, STALEY, HAGER, CAMERON, SENTERS, DOWNING, LUCAS and P. T. WEBSTER, the present pastor. Paw Paw
Free-Will Baptist Church was organized Mar. 16, 1850, by
and MYRACK HIGGINS were among the first members and were elected
Trustees; JOHN KING, clerk. Meetings were held for a time in
the house of MYRACK HIGGINS, but he soon gave a site for a house of
worship on Section 33, in Grand Township, and a church edifice was built the
following year and dedicated. MISCELLANEOUS The Clerk's books containing the
records of Grand Township were destroyed by fire about the year 1880, and
hence some of the data of history are irrecoverable. BIOGRAPHICAL
SKETCHES FOR GRAND PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP. To complete the history of Grand Township, we give the biographical sketches of many of its pioneers and prominent men. DAVID J. BOWER
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