Original Enlistments From Marion
County, Ohio, and Captain E. B. Campbell
and Seventy-five Men From 42d Regiment O. V. I.,
Transferred November 18, 1864.
pg. 70
Captain Samuel Coulter. |
Age 24; date of commission July
24, 1862.
Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Siege of
Vicksburg, Jackson (absent, sick, on furlough from July 30,
1863, to Dec. 20, 1863), Sabine Cross Roads, where wounded
in right knee by minnie ball, taken prisoner and right leg
amputated; died in Rebel hospital at Mansfield, La., of said
wounds, Apr. 28, 1864, and buried in section 29, grave 11,
Alexandria, La. Also served as First Sergeant in
Company K, 4th Regiment O. V. I., from Apr. 18, 1861, to
Aug. 24, 1861.
Widow remarried and lives at Columbus Grove, Ohio. |
Captain Edward B. Campbell. |
Age 25; enlisted Sept. 19,
1861, in Company G 42d Regiment; promoted to Second
Lieutenant from First Sergeant, Mar. 20, 1862; to First
Lieutenant June 6, 1862.
Battles: Middle Creek, Ky., Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas
Post, Port Gibson (where wounded), Vicksburg, Jackson,
Opelousa, La., Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and
Transferred to Company E, 96th Regiment O. V. I., Nov. 8,
1864, and mustered out with Company and Regiment July 7,
1865. Also served in English army in the Crimea, and
gazetted for bravery; awarded a gold medal. 138
Lawrence St., Cleveland, Ohio. |
pg 71. |
First Lieutenant Minard J.
LeFever |
Age 32; date of commission July
25, 1862.
Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg and
Resigned July 28, 1863, for disability.
Also served as First Lieutenant in Company K, 4th O. V. I.,
first three months' service. Died Aug. 29, 1894, at
National Military Home, Dayton, Ohio, and buried in Home
Cemetery. |
First Lieutenant Valentine
Lapham. |
Age 20; enlisted July 26, 1862;
appointed First Sergeant and promoted to Second Lieutenant
Aug. 19, 1863, and to First Lieutenant Sept. 1, 1863, and to
Captain July 25, 1864, but not mustered as Captain.
Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg,
Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads (where wounded
through the neck), Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan.
Discharged Nov. 23, 1853, as supernumerary on Consolidation.
Care of C. S. Burkholder, 232 Oakwood Boulevard, Chicago,
Ill. |
First Lieutenant John W.
Godman. |
See Company C |
Second Lieutenant Henry T.
Van Fleet. |
Age 25; date of commission July
25, 1862.
Resigned Feb. 4, 1863.
Died at Marion, Ohio, Nov. 26, 1891.
Mrs. H. T. Van Fleet, widow, Marion, Ohio. |
Second Lieutenant James
DeWolfe. |
Second Lieutenant John E.
Kirk |
pg. 72. |
First Sergeant William M.
Coulter. |
First Sergeant Simon
Geisseman. |
See Second Lieutenant Company
C. |
First Sergeant Adin W.
Durkee. |
Sergeant Benjamin Little. |
Age 24; enlisted July 31, 1862. |
Sergeant Josiah V. Stevenson |
pg. 73. |
Sergeant Bloomfield U.
Martin |
Sergeant Thomas H. Carter. |
Sergeant William R.
Whitmarsh. |
Sergeant Abial D. Atkinson. |
Sergeant Franklin R. Mantz. |
Sergeant David R. Rathrock. |
pg. 74. |
Sergeant Cyrus A. Rickards. |
Corporal John W. Fribley. |
Age 20; enlisted July 31, 1862;
died Dec. 27, 1862, in hospital, Memphis, Tenn.
Buried at Marion, Ohio. |
Corporal Samuel Terpany. |
Age 37; enlisted Aug. 9, 1862.
Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post.
Died Jan. 23, 1863, at Young's Point, La., and buried at
Vicksburg. |
Corporal John J. Ulsh. |
Age 35; enlisted Aug. 2, 1862.
Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post.
Died Feb. 12, 183, at St. Louis, Mo., and
buried at Jefferson Barracks. |
Corporal Henry Gildon. |
Age 31; enlisted Aug. 4, 1862. |
Corporal Lauren D. Bowen. |
Corporal Joseph C. Arnold. |
Corporal Andrew J. Knapp. |
pg. 75. |
Corporal George P. Young. |
Corporal Theodore P. Sweet. |
Corporal Amasa L. Clapp. |
Corporal Collins Blakely. |
Corporal Francis Mack. |
Corporal Josiah Vorhees. |
Corporal Joseph Ingman. |
pg. 76. |
Corporal Howard B. Newton. |
Corporal Clark M. Wilson. |
Henry Dwody, Musician. |
Age 21; enlisted Aug. 6, 1862.
Nebraska City, Neb. |
Joseph G. Burt, Musician. |
Phillip Plummer, Musician. |
John Love, Wagoner. |
Age __; enlisted Aug. 6, 1862.
Captured ____; and
died July 18, in Rebel prison at Andersonville, Ga. |
pg. 77 - |
Achey, Nathan. |
Aten, William L. |
Baldwin, Charles |
Ballentine, William H. |
Ballinger, Isaac. |
Barnard, James W. |
Bauer, Valentine. |
pg. 78 - |
Baum, John C. |
Betts, Nathan |
Biggs, George W. |
Black, Peter |
Bratton, James. |
Brinker, John. |
pg. 79. |
Brown, Absalom. |
Brown, Franklin A. |
Brown, Samuel G. |
Buchanan, Isaac. |
Bunker, Justin H. |
Burt, John F. |
pg. 80. |
Burt, Matthew H. |
Camm, Benjamin. |
Chambers, John |
Chester, Chas. E. |
Clapp, Geo. T. |
Coon, Matthew. |
Corn, Marion F. |
pg. 81. |
Corwin, Nathan. |
Age 22; enlisted July 26, 1862.
Died Mar. 28, 1863, at St. Louis Mo., and
buried in section 65, grave 111, Jefferson Barracks
Cemetery. |
Crial, Royce S. |
Davis, Wm. Z. |
Dickerson, John. |
Dickerson, Silas. |
Age 20; enlisted Aug. 6, 1862.
Discharged Aug. 15, 1863, at Memphis, Tenn., for disability.
Agosta, Ohio. |
Dickerson, Wesley. |
Dumble, Samuel R. |
Durfee, Geo. B. |
Age 21; enlisted Aug. 5, 1862;
sent home on sick furlough and
died Feb. 13, 1863, at Marion, Ohio, and there buried. |
Etherton, Ingle B. |
pg. 82. |
Evans, Daniel W. |
Finch, Cornelius |
Fields, Charles W. |
Fink, Samuel. |
Finker, Henry. |
Finley, Joseph (No. 1). |
Fleming, Henry. |
pg. 83. |
Follett, David. |
Age 29; enlisted Aug. 4, 1862;
discharged Dec. 24, 1862, at Camp Dennison, Ohio, for
disability. Cleveland, Ohio. |
Foster, James H. |
Fry, John W. |
Garvin, Wm. |
Gier, Edwin. |
Glenn, Henry. |
Gochenour, Amos. |
pg. 84. |
Goodrich, Henry S. |
Grindle, Elzy W. |
Harvey, Edgar O. |
Hathaway, William F. |
Hawk, Samuel. |
Heckert, Daniel P. |
Heffelbower, George M. |
Heiser, Edmund I. |
Age 18; enlisted Aug. 14, 1862,
in Company C, 42d O. V. I., and transferred to Company H;
thence Nov. 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I., and
mustered out with Company July 7, 1865.
Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Port Gibson,
Raymond, Champion Hills, Black River, Vicksburg and Jackson,
Miss.; Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler, Ala.
Haysville, Ohio. |
pg. 85. |
Henderson, Frank S. |
Age 25; enlisted Aug. 2, 1862,
in Company A, 42d O V. I., and transferred to Company G;
thence Nov. 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I.;
discharged June 21, 1865, for disability. |
Hobbs, Richard B. |
Hotchkiss, Henry C. |
Howard, Edward |
Howard, Oren I. |
Hudson, Moses. |
Huff, William K. |
Huffman, Michael. |
Age 28; enlisted Aug. 6, 1882;
discharged May 2, 1863, at St. Louis, Mo., for disability;
died at Marion, Ohio. |
Humphrey, David J. |
Irey, Harrison H. |
Irey, Israel. |
Irey, Leander. |
James, Walter. |
Jenkins, Matthew. |
Age 26; enlisted Aug. 4, 1862. |
Jeffrey, Edward. |
Johnson, Sylvanus L. |
Kelley, John A. |
Age 20; enlisted Aug. 6, 1862. |
pg. 87. |
Kemper, Charles W. |
Kent, William G. |
Kibler, Daniel. |
King, Charles A. |
Knapp, James W. |
Knowles, George W. |
Loomis, Leander. |
McMurray, Wm. |
McWilliams, Robert |
pg. 88. |
Marlow, Isaac |
Milligan, John. |
Mills, Richard T. |
Monroe, Andrew. |
Mouser, Isaac N. |
Naylor, Edmond. |
Nion, Levi A. |
pg. 89. |
Northrup, Alvin N. |
Oliver, Anderson. |
Age 23; enlisted Aug. 6, 1862. |
Payne, Henry H. |
Phelps, Geo. L. |
Pocock, Elijah J. |
Prouty, Luther C. |
Queen, Asa. |
Age 33; enlisted Aug. 4, 1862.
Discharged Dec. 24, 1862, at Memphis, for disability.
Died in 1863, at Columbus, Ohio, and there buried. |
Rapelje, George. |
Age 18; enlisted Jan. 5, 1864,
in Company F, 42d O. V. I.; transferred to Company E, 96th
O. V. I., Nov. 18, 1864, and to Company D, 77th O. V. V. I.,
July 6, 1865.
Battles: Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and
Whistler. |
pg. 90. |
Rathrock, William H. |
Ray, Samuel D. |
Rhoades, Benjamin F. |
Rickard, Fletcher G. |
Rogers, Jonathan. |
Riley, Isaac J. |
Rolph, Charles G. |
pg. 91. |
Scribner, Francis M. |
Shepherd, Henry J. |
Showers, Charles. |
Shute, William G. |
Sickman, Daniel. |
Smith, James M. |
Smith, Stokes. |
Age 35; enlisted Aug. 6, 1862. |
Snyder, Peter C. |
Pg. 92. |
Sower, Harrison S. |
Sowers, Henry. |
Age 22; enlisted Aug. 1, 1862.
Died of disease Jan. 11, 1863, at Arkansas Post, and
buried at same place. |
Squib, George W. |
Squib, William W. |
Stephens, Nathan. |
Styre, Samuel. |
Sult, Joseph |
pg. 93. |
Swalley, John M. |
Swineford, Curtis. |
Switzer, John B. |
Sykes, Ralph F. |
Sypher, Wm. A. |
Tranger, Paul. |
pg. 94. |
Tucker, Ira. |
Age 32; enlisted Aug. 6, 1862;
died May 2, 1863, at Millikens' Bend, La. |
Tucker, William H. |
Age 30; enlisted Aug. 6, 1862. |
Vannatta, George. |
Age 19; enlisted Aug. 4, 1862. |
Van Buskirk, Henry. |
Wade, John. |
Age 21; enlisted Aug. 2, 1862;
died Mar. 1, 1863, at Young's Point, La., and
buried at Vicksburg. |
Wotring, Jacob A. |
Wass, John H. |
Watson, James A. |
Welter, Joseph. |
Werlenburgher, Isaac. |
pg. 95. |
West, James M. |
Wilcox, Oscar. |
Wilkins, Christopher B. |
Wilson, Isaac F. |
Wortman, Jacob G. |

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