

A Part of Genealogy Express


Welcome to
Morgan County, Ohio
History & Genealogy


of some of its
By Charles Robertson, M. D.
Revised and Extended by the Publishers
L. H. Watkins & Co.



pg. 166

Volunteer Militia - Early organization in Morgan County - The Mexican Campaign - Morgan County's Part Therein - Morgan in the Rebellion - The 17th Ohio Regiment_Co H - 26th Regiment -2nd Co - 25th Regiment - Co. H - 2d West Virginia Cavalry - Captain Scott's Cavalry Company18th Regiment - 17th (Three Years) Regiment - 62d Regiment - 77th Regiment - 78th Regiment 86th Regiment - 97th Regiment - 122d Regiment - 9th Cavalry - 161st Regiment, O. N. G.1st Regiment Heavy Artillery - 78th O. V. I. - Co. D - 77th O. V. I. - Co. K - U. S. Signal Detachment - 193d O. V. I. - Miscellaneous List - Captain Joseph Francis Sonnanstine - Hughes Post No. 285, G. A. R.
- Reminiscences of Prison Experience.

     ONE of the defensive measures of our country has been an enrolled militia and government inducements to form volunteer organizations.  Hence we find the militia and government inducements to form volunteer organizations.  Hence we find the militia of our county at its formation constituting a regiment, with Alexander McConnel as colonel, attached to a brigade under the command of General Brown, of Athens County.
     In 1825 Morgan militia formed a brigade of two regiments, of which Colonel McConnel was elected brigadier-general, Francis A. Barker colonel of the 1st and Erastus Hoskins colonel of the 2d Regiment.  Each regiment consisted of eight companies, with the equivalent number of captains, lieutenant and non-commissioned officers; also, one or more volunteer companies attached to each regiment.  The State law required each company to muster once by itself and once with the regiment each year; also a separate parade of the officers of the regiment annually.
     General musters were at that day important institutions.  They are of the past, the like of which we shall never see again.  The following graphic description of a general training or muster is from Judge Gaylord’s reminiscences of Morgan County.
     In the early settlement of the county general musters were held annually, and the “muster men” of the county, between the ages of eighteen and forty-five, were regularly enrolled and required to perform two days’ military duty each year or subject themselves to fines and penalties.  In 1820 there was but one regiment in the county, and for some years it met for muster on the farm of Joseph Devereaux, in the township of Bristol, that being the most central and suitable point.  As the population of the county increased a brigade was created, with Alex. McConnel the first brigadier general. After the creation of the brigade McConnelsville was first honored by a general muster of the 1st Regiment, the first general parade held in the village.  The regiment was eight

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hundred strong, and was formed on Center street, with its right resting in front of E. Corner’s tavern, and marched thence for drill and military exercise into a stake-and-ridered stubble field, situated to the north of Center street and extending back to the break of the hill.
     Ample space was here found for all the military maneuvers in vogue at that day, and for a full display of official military knowledge and dignity.  In this field the colonel, with his staff and the other field officers, first appeared with the regiment for drill. Preparatory to the formation and parade of the regiment companies were formed, “ranked and sized” in different parts of the village.  Each company supplied itself with a drum and fife, and kept up an interminable racket all day, and about those noisy musical instruments might be found congregated all the boys of village and country, who in their youthful opinions estimated the drummer and fifer as the greatest men in the regiment.    All over the village might be seen the sergeants of companies lustily calling for the privates to “fall in, all who belong to Captains - ’s company, fall in.”
     When the men of the company were got well together the captain would make his appearance, bedizened with his uniform, which in those primitive military days consisted of a faded cloth with rows of brass buttons down in front, a faded and rusty epaulet, an old time sword fastened to li is side by a muchworn and faded morocco belt, a large, rusty brass buckle, a common hat, with a white plume made of geese feathers, stuck under a cockade made of red, white and blue flannel, and would take his position in front of the company with drawn sword, and command: “Attention, company! Front face! Company rank and size, tall men to the front!  Little men to the left! March!”  Then there was some commotion among the privates to find their positions.  After the company became settled the captain would again command: “Attention, company! Look to the right!”  Then all eyes were turned to the right of the company to make the line straight.  The captain would then put the company through the “manual in arms,” commencing, “order arms, shoulder arms, present arms, support arms, trail arms, prepare to load, draw ramrod, handle cartridge, ram down cartridge, return ramrod, prime, order arms.”
     All this was done in a short space of time, with perhaps only twenty guns in a company of one hundred men, and the guns of all patterns, shapes and sizes, from the squirrel rifle to the old Revolutionary musket with flint lock.  After this performance he would command the company to mark time, the captain then taking position to the extreme right of the company, and under a full flow of martial music he stood calling out “right-foot, left foot, right foot, left foot, right face, march”; then after countermarching on the same ground the word was “halt, mark time.”  The company was then marched to parade-ground and took part in the regimental drill.   All was enjoyed and seemed interesting to both militia, and civilians.  It is remembered in the days of general musters a company of “corn-stalk” militia, as they were called, from one of the rural districts, was formed in the rear of the old court-house.  The captain commanding was supposed to possess some military knowledge and pride, and strove to infuse some of the

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these desirable accomplishments into the men under his command.
     Several ludicrous scenes would sometimes occur in the midst of this mimic war.  An awkward fellow who had been indulging too freely at the village bar appeared in the ranks at loose ends.  The captain, observing his situation and condition, cried out, “Jim Stokes, stand up, there, pull up them legs, one foot at the mouth of Meigs Creek, the other at the mouth of Salt Creek, heels together, toes out, attention company, heads up, silence, order in ranks, quit acting ____ the fool, don't you see all those city folks making fun of you?”  It took some time to get those noisy, rollicking fellows into military position according to “Cooper,” the military tactics consulted at that day.  The company being put in shape, the sergeant stepped in front and drew from under his military jacket the muster roll of the company and commenced calling over the same, first the commissioned and non-commissioned officers, then the privates.
     The responses to some of the names afforded much amusement to both bystanders and those in the ranks.  The sergeant having a strong voice, and priding himself upon the position he held, acted well his part in the military farce going on before him.  He commanded the company:  “Stand at ease and attend roll-call,” thereupon some sat down, some lay down in every conceivable position, which convenience or a love of fun might dictate, others stood up awaiting the call.  She sergeant, with roll in hand, and a pin to mark the absentees with a prick, called the name of Peter Stockley, who answered, “I am here.” Patrick Holden.  “It's me ve are after; I am here, my lord.” Silas Smith.  Some one in the ranks, after calling his name three times, as was the rule, cried out, “ Prick him down; run off to Vaginny.”  Enoch Strong.  “Cut his foot; can’t walk.”  Simon Snediker.  “Wife sick.” Noble Waterman.  “Prick him down; gone West and quit the business.”  John Williams. “Prick him down; got married last night.” John McQuade. “Prick him down; gone after the Clanororas.”  Ned Jones.  “Prospecting for silver on Salt Creek; prick him down.”  Pat Kinney.  “After his runaway buzzard.”  John Carrol.  “ Sick at Mutton burg,” and so on to the end of the roll were the absentees burlesqued, excused or accounted for by those in the ranks.  It was often the case that such scenes took place at roll-call as that above related.  Not having access to the muster-rolls, we have been compelled to supply the names of those who were “pricked down” as absent with the excuses produced.  Many of the people looked upon these military demonstrations as of no great importance, and as each year they became more and more farcical they were ultimately discontinued altogether.
     In the early settlement of the West the rifle was the favorite weapon of offense and defense recognized by the pioneer, the hunter or Indian-fighter, and very readily gave to the volunteer or independent companies the name of “ Riflemen.” 
     Of the rifle companies attached to the two regiments in 1833 a battalion was formed, with Amos Conway as lieutenant-colonel and Eli Corby major, with occasional changes afterward as resignations occurred.
     In the same year, from the cavalry companies attached to each regiment, a

C. J. Gibson

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squadron was formed and Mr. Dawes was elected lieutenant-colonel and James Hunter major.
     There appears about this time to have been a military epidemic, and an artillery company was raised with Timothy Graylord captain; John B. Stone first lieutenant and Robert Pinkerton, second lieutenant.  On the resignation of Captain Gaylord John B. Stone was promoted to captain, Robert Pinkerton first lieutenant, and after one or more changes Jacob R. Price was elected captain.
     To both of these organizations the State furnished arms and accoutrements; to the cavalry, swords, belts, pistols, holsters, etc., and to the artillery a well mounted six-pound fieldpiece, with all the paraphernalia necessary at least to make some noise in the world, and a full complement of muskets, cartridge-boxes, etc.  The pistols and muskets were of the flint-lock pattern.
     After a time these organizations became demoralized, and the most of the arms, muskets, swords, pistols, holsters, belts, etc., were stored in one of the upper rooms of the old courthouse, subject to be drawn by any person who desired to use them for amusement or to shoot crows and blackbirds that interfered with the initial corn crop, or to use the swords to cut the crop at maturity.  The field-piece, which could not be applied to any agricultural or median ical use, was permitted to occupy any given space on tlx; street until some of the juveniles desired to hear “the cannon’s deaf’ning roar” on the 4th of July or some other jubilant occasion, when it was subject to capture - and storage until wanted - by “the boys” on either side of the river, and on one occasion for temporary safety was deposited in the river.  Finally some ambitious youths loaded it to the muzzle with powder and sod, and with a slow match produced its last echo through the hills.  But its use on one 4th of July yet lingers in the memory of one who passed unscathed through the Mexican war and now wears a coat with an empty sleeve.
     In 1834 General McConnel resigned and John E. Hanna was elected his successor.  On his resignation in 1840 (having being elected president judge of the court of common pleas) John S. Love was elected to the vacancy, and on his resignation in 1846 Colonel James Cornelius was elected.  For some time the military ardor through the entire State had been on the wane, becoming decidelv unpopular, and especially so from local causes in our county, and perhaps this was why General Cornelius was the last of the brigadiers.
     That these military organizations were beneficial is probable; they may have served to some extent to keep up the spirit, with an incentive to the study of military tactics.  But the annual parades afforded favorable opportunities to candidates for civil official place, to make the acquaintance of the voters of the county and to anxiously inquire after the health of their families.


     Though apparently dormant, military ardor was readily aroused by the music of the fife and drum.  This was apparent in June, 1S46, when in answer to a call from the Governor for volunteers for Mexico General Love ordered the militia of the county to assemble in McConnelsville.  The order was prompt-

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ly obeyed by the “unorganized and undisciplined,” and after eloquent appeals to their patriotism by General Love, Honorable J. E. Hanna and others, more than one hundred stepped to the front and enrolled their names under the banner of “our country, right or wrong,” as the Morgan Riflemen.
     From the number who volunteered a company of eighty-three was organized.  General Love was elected captain, Tartus Lindly first and Austin Hawkins second lieutenants.  The captain immediately reported to Major-General C. B. Goddard, receiving officer at Zanesville for the district, and in a few days the company was ordered to Cincinnati.  Previous to its departure the company was mustered on the parade ground, when Honorable J. E. Hanna presented the captain with a sword, which he carried through the war, not as captain but as major of the third regiment - three regiments being the complement for the State.
     In a few days after their arrival at Cincinnati the 1st and 2d Regiments were organized, and Captain Love’s company was one of the ten companies required to complete the 3d, to which it was attached; but in the course of a week or ten days all the company, except the captain, were at home! "Why?  was the inquiry.  A major for the 3d Regiment was to be elected, and with Captain Love’s company in the regiment the election to that place of a young man from Muskingum County who was not a volunteer but a candidate was rather doubtful; but in order to secure it the company (of eighty-three men) was thrown out and another (of only fifty) substituted.  This, of course, produced remonstrance from the captain and other officers, but it was of no avail; the company was discharged and furnished with transportation home; but as a retributive measure Love’s friends determined to defeat the Muskingum candidate, which result they effected, electing Love, who remained with the regiment as major until discharged at Buena Vista.


     Although the deeds of noble daring on the mountains and plains of Mexico, and the occupation of the capital of the Aztecs, furnished a luminous record of the American soldier, yet the magnitude of the events following the fifteen subsequent years pales their luster and gives to their memory the features of a dream.
     In reference to the battles of the rebellion it may be truly said that -

" When Greek meets Greek
  Then comes the tug of war."

     Both combatants were Americans, and shoulder to shoulder had breasted the storms of war and driven back the hosts of Santa Anna at Buena Vista and Chapultepec.  Nor in the history of the world’s wars was there ever more display of indomitable courage, more determination to do or die, than was evinced on the battlefields of the rebellion by both belligerents.
     It would afford a proud and grateful pleasure, not unmingled with melancholy remembrances, to trace the braves of Morgan County who responded to the first and each successive call for the defense of the “stars and stripes”; to go with them in their marches through the storms of the elements; to stand with them as they breasted the more intense death-dealing storm of bullets and shrieking shells; to stanch their bleeding wounds; to receive their last

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dying messages to their fond mothers or widowed wives, or to tell of the more than Spartan bravery with which they stood up for the Union while confined in the loathsome prisons of the South, starving and dying in the midst of filth, wretchedness and rags; but this, instead of lines or pages, would require volumes, therefore we make mention of only the most important events in which the soldiers of Morgan County participated.  As a matter of connected history it is proper to state that disunion was first engendered in South Carolina, and after more than twenty-five years of threat and delay for an ostensible cause for development the presidential election of 1880 was made the pretext, and on the 20th of December, 1860 the ordinance of secession was passed.
     When the not-unlooked-for tidings came a call was immediately made for a mass-meeting of the county, which was held in McConnelsville on the 1st day of January, 1861, attended by citizens of most of the townships.  Honorable J. E. Hanna was appointed chairman, and James A. Adair secretary, James M. Gaylord, E. W. Wood, James Moore, George A. Vincent, Enoch Dye, and F. B Pond, the committee for the purpose, reported resolutions of the Jacksonian stamp, that the Union must, shall and will be preserved.
     On the 18th of April, when it was announced that the first gun had been fired by the rebels on Fort Sumter - where the rebel secretary of war (L. P. Walker) exultingly said, “the ball is opened" - and that the president had made a call for 75,000 men, a disposition to respond was immediately manifested, the stripes of the Union were raised on the dome of the courthouse, and another meeting was called.


     In the meantime Honorable J. E. Hanna, Honorable F. B. Pond and others were engaged in raising a company of volunteers responsive to Morgan’s quota of the call.  On Monday, the 28th of April, the “Morgan Guard,” F. B. Pond captain, Amos Whissen first lieutenant, Amos W. Ewing second lieutenant, was mustered in in front of the court house, and after a short and appreciated speech Rev. W. M. Grimes presented, in behalf of a committee of ladies, a beautiful flag which they had prepared, which was received on behalf of the Guards by Honorable J. E. Hanna.  The scene was impressive, and is not yet forgotten by the donors or recipients who yet live to “fight their battles over.”
     It is proper to state that Judge Hanna was named as captain for the company, but declined on account of age.  He, however, went with the company to Lancaster on the 7th of May, where it was mustered into the 17th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry for three months, J. M. Connell, colonel, F. B. Pond, lieutenant-colonel, W. H. Floyd, captain, Amos Whissen first and A. W. Ewing second lieutenants.
     The regiment left Lancaster in May by rail for Bellaire, and thence by boat for the “sacred soil” at Parkersburg.
     At Parkersburg the regiment was brigaded with the 9th and 10th Ohio, under General Rosecrans, and in detachments was designed to operate against the guerrillas of the vicinity.  In this duty Company H was prominent, traveling for that purpose long, weary miles over the mountainous regions of that portion of West Virginia.  With the guerrillas of that region was Gov-

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ernor Wise (famous only for the hanging of John Brown), who swore as only the F. F. V.'s of that day could swear that he would “annihilate the Yankees on sight.”  But the particular attention paid to him by so many Buckeyes disgusted him with the business, and he left one of his strongholds between two days for a more genial locality.
     After overserving the term the regiment left for home on the 3d, and was mustered out of service on the 15th of August, 1861.
     Francis B. Pond was elected captain but was mustered as lieutenant-colonel on the organization of the regiment.


Captain, W. H. Floyd  
First Lieutenant, Amos A. Whisson,  
Second Lieutenant, Amos W. Ewing,  
First Sergeant, Daniel H. Sheets,  
Second Sergeant, Robert B. Moore.  
Third Sergeant, Perley B. Davis,  
Fourth Corporal, George S. Davis,  
First Corporal, Andrew J. Fouts,  
Second Corporal, Thomas J. Schultz,  
Third Corporal, Augustus Fouts,  
Ensign, Dexter B. Wood,  
Musician, Watson Corner,  
Musician, Newell Corner.  


Adair, Henry H. Lewis, John W.,
Atkins, Elijah F. Linkin, William,
Baker, Reason, Lawrence, George D.,
Bingham, Joseph H. Murphy, Eli,
Brown, Charles W. McConnell, Jonathan,
Bumgardner, William J., McCarty, George R.,
Blunden, D. Clinton, McCarty, William H.,
Bosworth, Frank, Miller, Samuel D.,
Bers, William J., McKinney, George M.,
Bailey, Robt. W. H., McVey, Joseph,
Benjamin, Harmon S., McCoy, William,
Barkhurst, John M., McNichols, W. F.,
Betts, Fred, Mulkin, John M.,
Burgoon, Joseph, Morrison, James C.,
Clancy, Zachariah R., Newman, Eli A.,
Craig, Leroy S., Nye, Reuben L.,
Casedy, George A., Oliver, Alexander,
Crissman, Daniel, Pinkerton, John W.,
Chandler, Robert F. Price, John,
Dailey, William W. Porter, William H.
Dawson, William, Pyle, Charles M.,
Davis, James C. Robb, William L.,
Dearing, George H. Rush, John W.,
Dickerson, W. M., Shoop, William R.,
Fouts, Wilson S., Shoop, James B.,
Fouts, Jacob, Stewart, Theodore C.
Green, Jesse A., Scott, William,
Green, Tmothy W., Sigler, Lyman M.,
Gray, Samuel C., Sowers, Job P.,
Hedges, William, Sheets, William H.,
Henderson, John, Sheets, Thomas C.,
Hosom, A. F., Small, William F.,
Harvey, Austin, Scott, Andrew J.
Harvey, John A., Stout, Phillip,
Hibler, William G., Simpson, Townsend L.,
Hiff, John F., Townsend, Harrison,
Johnson, Joseph F., Turner, Leaven,
Johnston, Franklin, L., Woodward, Samuel S.,
Joy, Simon P., Wherry, James M.,
Kilkenny, Thomas, Welch, Austin,
Kennison, Samuel C., Welch, Daniel W.,
Kahler, Francis M., Walraen, John W.,
Kennison, Francis M., Wiseman, Zedekiah.
Lent, William H. H., White, John W.


     On the afternoon of the mass meeting (April 27, 1861,) Judge Hanna, S. McCaslin, Charles H. Bean and others commenced the enrollment of another company, obtaining more than half the number during the afternoon, and by the 2d of May organized with Suelam McCaslin captain, Charles Bean first and George Newman second lieutenants.  The company was raised for the three months’ service, but after organization reported and tendered service for three years.
     Judge Hanna went with the company to Columbus and left it in camp on the 7th of June.  The company was accepted and attached to the 25th Regiment, but before it was mustered into the service, through some intrigue originating in the governor’s office (as was then partly, and afterward more fully developed), a dissatisfaction was

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engendered between the men and officers, in consequence of which the officers resigned and the company was disbanded.  The captain with a part of the company returned home.  Some twenty-five or thirty remained in camp and joined the company of Captain Seaton, of Richland County, 20th Regiment, in which Charles Bean was appointed first and Luther Timberlake second lieutenant.
     The 26th Regiment (Colonel Edward R. Fyffe) was organized at Camp Chase in July, 1861, and performed its first service in the Upper Kanawha Valley, remaining in the valley till January, when it was put in Colonel M. S. Hascall’s brigade, General Thomas J. Wood's division, m which it remained till October, 1863, serving with the Army of the Cumberland in the 21st and 22d corps from September, 1862, to October, 1863; then it became a part of the 2d brigade, 2d division, 4th (Granger’s) corps.  It witnessed much hard marching and lighting, among other movements taking part in the Nashville campaign, siege of Corinth, movement against Murfreesboro, battles of Stone River, Chattanooga, Mission Ridge, etc.  At Mission Ridge it met with great loss of life, by this time its numbers becoming reduced (after the close of the battle) to less than 200 men.  Jan. 1, 1864, the soldiers of the regiment reenlisted almost to a man and served, doing considerable lighting and skirmishing in Georgia, Tennessee, and Texas, until mustered out Oct. 21, 1865.


First Lieutenant, Charles H. Bean, e. June 8, 1861; res., 1862.

     * The following abbreviations have been used in the compilation of these rosters: E., enlisted; m. o., mustered out; m. o. w. c., mustered out with company; dis., discharged; a. c., army corps; pro., promoted; e. t. s., expiration of term service; surg. cert., surgeon's certificate; R. M. Dept., Quartermaster's Department; Sergt., Sergeant; Corpd. Corporal; wo., wounds or wounded.

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Pettit, e. 1861; died in prison in 1864.
Parsons, Charles B., e. June 8, 186; m. o. at end of term.
Patten, George, e. June 8, 1861 m. o. w. c.
Stall, William H., e. June 8, 1861; vet. Jan. 1864.
Roberts, Isaac, e. June 8, 1861; wo. at Stone river and dis.
Taylor, Joseph, e. June 8, 1861; m. o. at end of term.
Taylor, John, e. June 8, 1861; m. o. at end of term.
Timberlake, ____, e. 1862.
Woolman, David, e. Feb. 25, 1864; killed at Lovejoy Station, Sept. 1864.



     By permission from the governor, about the 15th of June, L. R. Green, F. A. Davis and others engaged in raising a company for the three years service, and on Tuesday, the 25th, with a number of citizens, met at the town hall to elect officers.  On motion of C. McGaw F. W. Wood was appointed chairman and . McGaw secretary of this meeting.
     L. R. Green and F. A. Davis were nominated for captain.  The latter declined.  A vote was then taken by yeas and nays, and when a chair decided that Green was elected eighteen of the number who had voted for Davis left the hall, and refused, after nurgent solicitations from Davis to take any further part in the company.  F. A. Davis was then unanimously elected first lieutenant.  When the name of George Newman was announced for second lieutenant the chair decided that a vote on the nomination was not in order - but that it was the governor's province to make the appointment.
     The same evening the company, less sixteen of the proper number, left on a steamer for Zanesville, and by the special attention of the lieutenant went by rail to Columbus, and marched into camp at 2 a. m. on the 26th.  The company was attached to the 25th Regiment, and although not having the requisite numbers, by the exertions of the lieutenant and the assistance of the captain of another company of the regiment, it was mustered into the service as Company H and commissions presented to Captain L. R. Green, First Lieutenant F. A. Davis, and to Second Lieutenant John T. Wood. The latter appointment was unexpected to the company; but as they had been mustered into the service with apparently their full quota there was no remedy, vet more dissatisfaction was manifested than was consistent with military discipline, and only by the influence of Lieutenant Davis was it quieted.  The next week's Herald called for “10 or 15 men to fill up the company.”  In July the regiment was ordered to West Virginia, and stationed along the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, from Oakland to the Ohio River, where it remained for some four or five weeks, occasionally interfering with gangs of bushwhackers.  In August the regiment reported to General Reynolds, at Beverly, Va., and after a rest from a fatiguing march wended its way up Cheat Mountain, and encamped on the summit.  The soldiers found a cold clime here, and having been constantly on duty or in the fort unprovided with overcoats, and a goodly number without shoes or blankets, they realized some of the discomforts of military life, but with little or no murmuring.
     While on Cheat Mountain a train on its way to the valley for rations was surprised and captured by the rebels.  Companies D and H, where immediately

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dispatched in pursuit. Company H. soon met them, and being reinforced, drove them to their main support, and after a day’s fighting with a superior force brought the supplies to the summit.
     But space will not permit to descriptively follow them to their Chancellorsville campaign, nor to the surprise by Stonewall Jackson, in which the regiment lost 17 killed, 120 wounded and 30 missing; nor to the bloody field of Gettysburg, nor with them through Maryland and Virginia, or on their march with Sherman to the sea, but leave them at the muster out, in Columbus, on the 18th of June, 1866, after having been in service over five years.


Captain, Lewis R. Green, e. June 26, 1861; died Sept. 6, 1862, at Washington, D. C., of typhoid fever.
Lieutenant, Francis A. Davis, e. June 26, 1861; dis. Sept. 11, 1862, at Washington, D. C., for physical disability.
Lieutenant, William H. Davis, e. June 26, 1861; pro. to second lieut. Sept. 1, 1862.
Lieutenant, John T. Wood, e. June 26, 1861; m. o. by pro. to first lieut., assigned to Co. E. Aug. 27, 1862.


David Craig, e. June 26, 1861; pro. to sergeant May 1, 1865; orderly sergeant Mar. 21, 1866; m. o. w. c.
James W. Swift, e. Dec. 4, 1863; sergeant Jan. 1, 1866; m. o. w. c.
William Barrell, pro. to sergeant Mar. 21, 1866.
Thomas J. Benchay, e. June 26, 1861; m. o. w. c.


William Barrell, e. June 26, 1861; pro. to sergeant Mar. 21, 1866; m. o. w. c.
Jefferson Fonts, (m/b Fouts) e. June 26, 1861; pro. to corporal June , 1866; m. o. w. c.
William Gillespie, e. June 26, 186; pro. to corporal June 13, 1866; m. o. w. c.
William H. Fogle, e. June 26, 1861; m. o. w. c.
John Hiett, e. June 26, 1861; m. o. w. c.
James A. Roland, e. June 26, 1861; m. o. w. c.
Theodore Timberlake, e. June 26, 1861; died Dec. 19 of wounds received at Hilton Head, L. C.
Thomas Sheets, e. June 26, 1861; m. o. w. c.
Henry H. Sutton, e. June 26, 1861; m. o. w. c.
William G. Fouts, e. June 26, 1861;
John S. Dunn, e. June 26, 1861;
Levi McLaughlin, e. June 26, 1861; m. o. June 21, 1865, at camp Dennison.
Silas Noland, e. June 26, 1861; dis. at Columbus, O., Mar. 21, 1866.
John Gillespie, e. July 3, 1861; killed at Honey Hill, S. C., Nov. 30, 1864.
Eli Pyle, e. June 26, 1861; killed at Honey Hill, S. C., Nov.  30, 1864.
William Work. e. June 26, 1861;


Hyler, James, e. July 9, 1861; pro. to sergeant Oct. 1, 1863; dis. July 16, 1864.
Brown, John, e. Apr. 29, 1861; trans. from 75th O. V. I.; m. o. July 16, 1864.
Barrell, William A., e. Feb. 11, 1864; dis. May 30, 1865.
Cornelius, Alfred G., e. June 26, 1861; dis. Sept. 11, 1862, by pro. to second lieut. Co. E.
Chadwick, William, e. June 26, 1861; trans. to 75th O. V. I., July 16, 1864; m. o. July 16, 1864.
Craig, Leroy S., e. Oct. 13, 1864; dis. May 23, 1865.
Newman, George, e. June 26, 1861; trans. to invalid corps Dec. 8, 1863.
Barrell, John, trans. to invalid corps. Oct. 2, 1863, e. June 6, 1861.
Gordon, Samuel M., e. June 26, 1861; trans. to Battery G U. S. artillery, Nov. 15, 1863.
Livezey, Newton, e. July 9, 86; trans. to invalid corps. May 5, 1864.
Martin, James, e. June 26, 1861; trans. to invalid corps Dec. 31, 1863.
Cooper, Thomas J., e. June 26, 1861; trans. to 75th O. V. I. Jan. 16, 1864; m. o. July 16, 1864.
Davis, William, e. July 9, 861; trans. to 75th O. V. I. Jan. 16, 1864; m. o. July 16, 1864.
Davis, Zeno F., e. June 26, 1861; trans. from 75th O. V. I.; m. o. July 16, 1864.
Danford, Michael F., e. June 26, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864.
Donohue, Maurice, e. June 26, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864.
Dunnington, James M., e. July 9, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864.
Depew, James, e. July 27, 1861; dis. July 18, 1862, at Camp Chase, O., on surg. cert. of disa.
Dunn, Oscar J., e. June 26, 1861; dis. July 15, 1861, by reason of being under age.

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Edwards, John C., e. June 26, 1861, m. o. Oct. 7, 1865.
Gillespie, Samuel M., e. Feb. 20, 1863; m. o. at Charleston, S. C., July 15, 1865.
Grier, John W., e. June 26, 1861; dis. Dec. 22, 1862, at Baltimore, Md. on surg. cert. of disa.
Clements, George W., e. June 26, 1861; pro. to Serg. Apr. 1, 1864; dis. July 26, 1865.
McCauslin, Samuel W., e. June 26, 1861; dis. Dec. 4, 1861, on surg. cert. of disa.
Dunn, W. F., e. June 26, 1861; dis. Sept. 30, 1861, on surg. cert.of disa.
Musgrave, Artilus, e. Feb. 11, 186; dis. Mar. 4, 1865.
Brent, Lewis H., e. June 26, 1861; dis. July 16, 1864, by e. t. s.
Boswell, Dempsey, e. June 26, 1861; dis. July 16, 1865.
Adams, George W., e. July 9, 1861; trans. from 75th O. V. I.; July 15, 1864.
Butler, Griffith, e. July 26, 1861; trans. from 76th O. V. I.; m. o. July 16, 1864.
Bundy, William A., e. June 26, 1861; dis. Aug. 20, 1862, on surg. cert. of disa.
Beach, William, e. July 9, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864, by e. t. s.
Brown, Elijah, e. Apr. 21, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864, by e. t. s.
Hurkins, Joseph, e. June 26, 1861; dis. Dec. 22, 1862, on surg. cert. of disa.
Hartley, David, e. June 26, 1861; dis. Feb. 18, 1863, on surg. cert. of disa.
Hatton, Jacob W., e. June 26, 1861; trans. from 75th O. V. I. June 12, 1864; m. o. July 16, 1864, by e. t. s.
Horseman, John W., e. June 26, 1861; m. o. by e. t. s.
Hopton, Joseph J., e. June 29, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864, by e. t. s.
Hurd, Samuel B., e. Apr. 29, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864 by e. t. s.
Hayden, Abram, e. Apr. 21, 1861; m. o. by e. t. s.
Hammond, James P., e. Oct. 9, 1864; m. o. Oct. 7, 1865.
Kean, Benjamin F., e. Apr. 29, 1861; trans. from 75th O. V. I.
Kean, William J., trans. to 75th O. V. I.
Livezey, Stephen, e. July 9, 1861; trans. to 75th O. V. I. Jan. 16, 1864.
Lawrence, Mark, e. Apr. 29, 1861.
Lowe, David, e. Apr. 29, 1861.
Loyd, Andrew J., e. Apr. 29, 1861.
Longwell, Benton, e. Apr. 29, 1861.
Lowther, Elias, e. Apr. 21, 1861.
Lyttle, Samuel, e. Sept. 16, 1861; dis. Apr. 2, 1863, from wounds received at Stone River.
Mendenhall, W. H., e. June 26, 1861; dis. June 1, 1862, at Columbus, O. on surg. cert. of disa.
McGrath, Lewis, e. July 21, 1861; dis. Aug. 30, 1862, at Frederick City, Md., on Surg. cert. of disa.
McNichols, William F., e. July 9, 1861; m. o. July 11, 1864, by e. t. s.
Metcalf, William M., e. June 26, 1861; di. July 29, 1862, on surg. cert. of disa.
Mills, William R., e. June 27, 1864; dis. June 14, 1864; on surg. cert. of disa.
Marquis, Reuben B., e. Oct. 7, 1862; m. o. Aug. 31, 1863, by e. t. s.
Noland, Rule, e. Feb. 29, 1864; dis. from hospital at Charleston, S. C., Dec. 30, 1865.
Outcalt, Henry W., e. June 26, 1861, dis. at Camp Denison, O., July 16, 1862.
Painter, John T., e. June 26, 1861; m. o. July 26, 1864.
Penn, Greenbery, e. June 26, 1861; dis. at Grafton, W. Va., June 1, 1862.
Reed, George W., e. June 26, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864, by e. t. s.
Reed, George, e. June 26, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864, by e. t. s.
Russell, Robert S., e. June 26, 1861; m. o. by e. t. s.
Roach, James H., e. July 20, 1861; dis. at Ft. McHenry, Aug. 27, 1862, on surg. cert of disa.
Ritz, John, e. Apr. 29, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864, by e. t. s.
Riley, Charles T., e. Apr. 27, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864, by e. t. s.
Robinson, Samuel M., e. Feb. 29, 1864; dis. May 12, 1865, at David's Island, N. Y.
Smoot, W. T., e. June 26, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864, by e. t. s.
Spurrier, Robert w., e. June 26, 1861; July 16, 1864, by e. t. s.
Schenhart, Francis, e. Apr. 29, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864, by e. t. s.
Shepler, William V. B., e. Oct. 4, 1864; m. o. Oct. 7, 1865.
Shaw, Henry C., e. Oct. 19, 1864; m. o. Oct. 18, 1865.
Timberlake, John E., e. June 26, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864.
Timberlake, Theodore, e. June 21, 1861; by re-e. in vet. r. c. Dec. 31, 1863.
Timberlake, W. H., e. Oct. 7, 1862; m. o. Aug. 31, 1863, by e. t. s.
Fisher, John, e. Apr. 29, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864.
Thornburg, Marion Y., e. Apr. 29, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864.

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Fisher, Abraham, e. Apr. 27, 1861 m. o. July 16, 1864.
Terry, Charles W., e. Apr. 29, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864.
Tuse, W. G., e. Apr. 29,1861; m. o. July 16, 1864.
Thurman, John F., e. Apr.29, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864.
Work, William, e. June 26, 1861; m. o. by re-e. Dec. 1, 1863.
Wiley, James S., e. June 26, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864.
Woodward, John, e. June 26, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864.
Wallace, Andrew W., e. July 9, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864.
Wisner, George W., e. Apr. 29, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864.
Wells, Apollo, e. Apr. 29, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864.
Young, Isaac N., e. June 29, 1861.


Burlingame, Alonzo, e. June 26, 1861; killed at Bull Run, Va., Aug. 30, 1862.
Dunn, Oscar J., e. Oct. 6, 1864; killed at Honey Hill, S. C., Nov. 30, 1864.
Eaveland, Barzilla M., e. June 26, 1861; killed at McDowell, Va., May 8, 1862.
Hughs, Hiram, e. June 26, 1861; killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863.


Milton, John, e. July 9, 1861; pro. to sergt. Jan. 1, 1863; died Aug. 19, 1863, at Cincinnati, O., from wo. received at Gettysburg.
Barrell, Cornelius S., e. June 26, 1861; died June 26, 1862, at Washington, D. C.
Flagg, Luther, e. June 26, 1861; died July 1, 1862, at Winchester, Va.
Roach, Zachariah, e. June 26, 1861; died Nov. 7, 1861, at Huttonville, Va.
Timberlake, Theodore, e. June 26, 1861; died Dec. 19, 1864, of wo. received at Hilton Head, S. C.
Bartlett, Benjamin, e. June 9, 1861; died Nov. 22, 1861, at Beverly, W. Va.
Dawson, Benjamin, e. June 26, 1861; died June 24, 1862, at Winchester, Va.
Hook, Charles C., e. Dec. 21, 1863; died Apr. 8, 1865, at Beaufort, S. C.
Metcalf, Joseph M., e. July 9, 1861; died Mar. 8, 1863, at Brooks, Station, Va.
Thompson, Franklin, e. June 26, 1861; died Mar. 7, 1862, at Beverly, W. Va.
Wheeler, Orin, e. June 26, 1861; died Nov. 16, 1861, at Hattonville, Va.

     The following enlisted in June and July 9f 1861:

     William Gift, John W. Grier, Cyrus Harmon, Blair Kincaid, McArthur Kincaid, John W. and Jesse Davis, William Stock.





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