Source: Paulding Republican
Dated: Thursday, Feb. 2, 1911
At high noon on January the 26th 1911 at the home of the bride south
east of town. Mrs. Monna S. Hoover and Mr. Guy Smith of south
of town were united in the bonds of matrimony. Miss Mae Haines a
life long friend of the bride and Mr. Gliffort Smith brother
of the groom acted as brides maid and best man. Rev. Claris
Yeuell was the officiating clergyman. Quite a number of the
immediate relatives and friends of the families were present and
partook of a sumptuous spread after which the happy couple went on a
tour, taking in Chicago and Detroit. These young people start out
with the best of prospects and have the congratulations of a host of
friends with best wishes for a prosperous life.
Contributed by Deb
Lambert |