A Part of Genealogy Express



List of
Pensioners on the Roll
January 1, 1883

giving The name of each Pensioner, The cause for which Pensioned,
The Post-Office Address,  The Rate of Pension Per Month,
and the Date of Original Allowance,
as called for by Senate Resolution of Dec. 8, 1882.
Vol. III.
Publ:  Washington:
Government Printing Office

     COSHOCTON COUNTY - For Lafayette, Coshocton County, read Lafayette, Madison County, (One name, page 60)
|     DARKE COUNTY - For New Reigle, read New Reagle, Seneca County.  (One name, page 78)
     FRANKLIN COUNTY - for New Trenton, Franklin County, read New Trenton, Jefferson County.  (One name, page 103)
     GREEN COUNTY - For Grand Junction, Greene County, Ohio, read Grand Junction, Greene County, Iowa. (Two names, page 114.)
     JEFFERSON COUNTY  - For Louisville, Jefferson County, Ohio, read Louisville, Jefferson county, Kentucky.  (Three names, page 170.)  For Oskaloosa, Jefferson county, Ohio, read Oskaloosa, Jefferson County, Kansas (One name, page 170.)
     MAHONING COUNTY - For New Lebanon, Mahoning County, read New Lebanon, Montgomery County
     MONTGOMERY COUNTY - For Independence, Montgomery County, read Independence, Cuyahoga County.  (One name, page 233.)  'For Red Oak, Montgomery County, read Red Oak, Brown County (One name, page 256)
     MORROW COUNTY - For Mt. Eaton, Morrow County, read Mt. Eaton, Wayne county.  One name, page 260.)  For Sardis, Morrow County, read Sardis, Monroe County.  (One name, page 269)
     NOBLE COUNTY - Folr Penrock, Noble County, read Renrock, Noble County.  (One name, page 269)
     TRUMBULL COUNTY. - For Talmadge, Trumbull County, read Tallmadge, Summit County.  (One name, page 328.)
     UNION COUNTY - For Moscow, Union County, read Moscow, Johnson County.  (Six names, page 616.)


PLEASE NOTE:  Some of the copies of pages for these records are cut off.  I apologize for that and will try to find the originals to correct the problem.  Thank you,   Sharon Wick.

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No. of certificate Name of Pensioner Post-office
Cause for which pensioned Monthly rate Date of Original
25,519 Burns, John Leistville surv. 1812 $8.00 Sept., 188_
27,059 Cushing, Margaret do widow 1812 8.00 Sept., 187_
115,158 Gregg., Geo. W. do deafness 13.00 ----------
9,788 Hedges, Jebez Nebraska surv. 1812 8.00 Dec., 1871
75,928 Elwood, Reese B. do w. lt. hand 4.00 Jan., 18__
89,909 Griner, Edw'd do w. lt. forearm 4.00 Dec. 188_
132,092 Archer, John New Holland inj. rt. arm & hd. by scalding 12.00 ----------
205,673 Kennedy, Wm. H. do dis. of heart 18.00 Mar. 18__
135,200 Shifflett, Harrison do paralysis 6.00 Aug., 1875
169,606 Drudon, Wm. C. do chr. diarr. & rheum 12.00 June, 18__
137,174 Stookey, John W. do wd. lt. leg & rt. hip 18.00 ----------
44,943 Mitchell, Jonas do wd. rt. hand 12.00 ----------
197,308 McGath, Sam'l. W. do wd. of head 8.00 Nov., 1881
207,726 Johnson, Jacob T. do wd. of neck 8.50 Apr., 188_
132,975 Christie, Mary C. do dep. mother 8.00 Sept., 1877
10,900 Engle, Elizabeth do do 8.00 Dec., 1863
68,657 Porter, Mary A. do do 8.00 Apr., 18__
4,532 Funk, Michael do surv. 1812 8.00 Sept., 1871
1,066 Lewis, Maria J. do widow 8.00 ----------
40,398 Morris, Elizabeth do do 8.00 ----------
195,157 Jennings, Ann C. do dep. mother 8.00 Apr., 1882
2,276 Culps, Nancy do widow 1812 8.00 Apr., 1872
1,297 Vincent, Nancy do do 8.00 Dec., 1871
4,449 Shiflett, Elizabeth S. do do 8.00 Dec., 1872
10,119 Brown, Mary do do 8.00 Oct., 1878
135,258 Wishon, Franklin Palestine loss rt. index finger 3.00 ----------
173,191 Banghan, Lydia do dep. mother 8.00 May, 1876
181,312 Ford, Martha do widow 8.00 June, 1878
23,758 Teegardin, Margaret Saint Paul's widow 1812 8.00 May, 1879
193,028 Calahan, Susan do dep. mother 8.00 Aug., 1881
214,162 Bowers, Geo. do wd. rt. thigh 2.00 June, 1883
22,204 Cady, Elizabeth South Bloomfield widow 8.00 ----------
121,175 Hubbard, John do wd. rt. hand 4.00 Jan., 1873
142,046 Jones, John N. do wd. lt. foot 4.00 Oct., 1876
221,435 Croman, Josiah do wd. rt. hand 2.00 Nov. 1882
175,734 Markley, Geo. W. do ulcers on legs 12.00 Oct.188_
10,377 Hettinger, Barbara String Town widow 1812 8.00 Oct., 1878
46,008 Manahan, John W. Tarlton anchylosis lt. sho. joint 12.00 ----------
126,480 Morgan, Daniel J. do dis. of heart 18.00 July, 1882
103,428 Roberts, Wm. C. do wd. through body 8.00 ----------
52,762 Thomas, Cornelius do wd. lt. arm 4.00 ----------
163,114 Spangler, John do wd. lt. thigh 3.00- Oct. 1879
26,014 Weitzel, Elizabeth do widow 1812 8.00 July, 1879
113,803 Lacy, Washington do widow 10.00 May, 1868
71,580 Rouse, Hannah do do 8.00 ----------
41,955 Francis, Mary J. Willialmsport do 8.00 ----------
102,439 Reynolds, Catharine do do 8.00 Nov., 1867
156,585 Ryan, Ann do do 8.00 Mar. 1872
12,902 Cox, Martha do widow 1812 8.00 Dec. 1878
23,388 Hays, Sarah do do 8.00 Apr., 1879
23,183 Lutz, Samuel do surv. 1812 8.00 July, 1878
202.237 Hays, Wesley H. do wd. rt. arm & leg 4.00 Jan. 1882
55,145 Henson, John do wd. lt. forearm & hand 6.00 Jan., 1866
150,018 Noble, Henry S. L. do wd. rt. thigh 2.00 Dec., 1877
192,809 Davis, Wm. B. do wd. rt. leg & sho 8.00 July, 1881
157,035 Anderson, Abraham do wd. rt. thigh 8.00 Dec., 1878
173,285 Eastwood, Henry do wd. rt. leg 4.00 Sept. 1880
207,231 Gephart, Geo. W. do wd. lt. thigh 4.00 Ar., 1882
41,248 Shaeffer, Ezra do two wds. of arm 15.00 ----------



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