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News Excerpts

Source: Portage County Advocate
Dated: Feb. 7, 1855MAYOR'S COURT:
Last Thursday night Marshall HACKETT arrested and put in jail ADAM
M. KIBBEE, a contractor on the Mahoning Rail Road, the said M. KIBBEN
having been found drunk and noisy in GEORGE HERIFF's grocery, on Main St.
Friday morning M. KIBBEN was brought before Mayor BROWN
plead guilty of being found drunk, and was sentenced to one day's confinement in
the Jail and to pay a fine of $5 and costs.
PROBATE COURT - Next Monday Judge LYMAN takes possession
of the Probate Judge's office, in place of Judge BROWN, whose term
expires. |
Source: Portage County Advocate
Dated: Jun. 28, 1854
MAYOR'S COURT, Ravenna Village.
State of Ohio, Portage County ss.} D. LYMAN, Mayor , presiding, June
24, '54.
State of Ohio, on complaint of MARY McGILLIN, vs. JOHN B. ROBINSON.
Complaint for keeping a room where intoxicating
liquors are sold. Plea - Not Guilty.
Defendant recognized in the sum of $75, to answer to
said complaint before the Probate Court on the first Monday of July next.
S. STRAWDER, Attorney for State; RANNEY and
JEFFRIES for defendant.
This is the first case that has arisen under the new
liquor law in Ravenna. ROBINSON was arrested on Saturday, and will
have a hearing at the Probate Court on Monday next.
Now that the ice is broken, we hope that our citizens
will go on until every place where arden spirits are sold as a beverage in any
form, is entirely driven to the wall, and obliged to shut up.
These orphan-makers and poor-house fillers are a
blighting curse to our beautiful village, and have produced more misery, crime
and degradation, than all the other causes combined. It is high time that
a stop should be put to the vile practices of these heaven-daring soulless
wretches, who for vie cents will place a man below the level of a brute.
We believe that the power is in the hands of the authorities to root out these
nuisances, and we hope they will be used. So rum-venders may look out. |
Source: Portage County Advocate
Source: Portage County Advocate
Source: Portage County Advocate
Source: Portage County Advocate
Source: Portage County Advocate
Source: Portage County Advocate
Source: Portage County Advocate
Source: Portage County Advocate
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