Patterson - Piper
Graciously contributed by Nancy Hannah
Patterson |
Andrew |
11/19/1910 |
390 |
Patterson |
Andrew J |
4/9/1935 |
390 |
Patterson |
Camille Young |
1892-nd |
989 |
Patterson |
Caroline |
7/15/1901 |
332 |
Patterson |
Catherine W |
4-1-1892 |
487 |
Patterson |
Charles Lee |
3/25/1944 |
989 |
Patterson |
Donald George |
4/13/1939 |
984 |
Patterson |
Durexa |
11/8/1910 |
55-A |
Patterson |
Edward J |
10/15/1903 |
55 |
Patterson |
Ernest E. |
1967 |
Patterson |
Frank |
11/10/1934 |
55-A |
Patterson |
Frank |
(Record book has 35-A lot) |
Patterson |
Gladys Ethel |
11/24/1943 |
984 |
Patterson |
Infant of Don |
1/12/1924 |
984 |
Patterson |
J.C. |
no date |
No lot no |
Patterson |
J.S. |
7-6-1887 |
No lot no |
Patterson |
James D |
1/19/1921 |
No lot no |
Patterson |
James F |
10/11/1928 |
316 |
Patterson |
John |
4-22-1885 |
487 |
Patterson |
Lizzie Regina |
10/4/1914 |
55 |
Patterson |
Mrs. Margaret |
5-25-1898 |
390 |
Patterson |
Nolan Gene |
7/26/1952 |
1153 |
Patterson |
Robert G |
2-15-1878 |
432 |
Patterson |
Robert L |
8/3/1921 |
149 |
Patterson |
Sarah E |
5/3/1937 |
149 |
Patterson |
Sarah J |
1861-1862 |
318 |
Patterson |
Sylvester A |
7/13/1915 |
332 |
Patterson |
Sylvester A |
(Also owns lot 390) |
Patterson |
Sylvia L |
1/2/1959 |
318 |
Patterson |
William R |
5-8-1889 |
318 |
Pattison |
Benjamin I |
1/22/1948 |
946 |
Pattison |
Charles Edward |
11/6/1957 |
995 |
Pattison |
Helen P |
1/3/1933 |
946 |
Pattison |
Lewis C |
12/4/1933 |
946 |
Pattison |
Lou |
1978 |
Pattison |
Mary Helen |
2/4/1924 |
869 |
Pattison |
Myrtle Fueston? |
1896-19nd |
995 |
Pattison |
Myrtle Marie |
1974 |
Pattison |
Robert E. |
1982 |
Pattison |
Susan E |
1885-19nd |
946 |
Pattison |
William Howard |
1972 |
Patton |
Vicki Lynn |
1979 |
Patton |
Harry P |
12/2/1952 |
990 |
Patton |
Marian Childs |
9/21/1958 |
990 |
Patty |
Eli A |
10-21-1891 |
501 |
Patty |
Sarah Elenora |
3/4/1916 |
501 |
Paul |
Thomas Irvin (Infant) |
12/4/1922 |
No lot no |
Paulis, Paulus, Paullus |
All |
Paulis, Paulus, Paullus |
Fred |
9/10/1904 |
174 |
Paulis, Paulus, Paullus |
James F (Inf't of Fred) |
5-1882 |
174 |
Paulis, Paulus, Paullus |
Margaret |
11/16/1911 |
307 |
Paulis, Paulus, Paullus |
Mary V |
2/4/1920 |
174 |
Paulis, Paulus, Paullus |
Valentine |
12/18/1903 |
307 |
Paullin |
Jane |
7-5-19115 |
310 |
Paullin |
Jane |
(Cemetery Jane Smith) |
Paxton |
James Loren |
1979 |
Payne |
Catharine Cramer |
3/18/1912 |
617 |
Payne |
Cora |
9-11-1884 |
549 |
Payne |
Cora |
(Not in record book) |
Payne |
Dan C |
12/28/1939 |
617 |
Payne |
Daniel |
1817-1878 |
549 |
Payne |
Daniel |
(Not in record book) |
Payne |
Elizabeth S |
12-27-1894 |
549 |
Payne |
Fred W |
1/25/1912 |
617 |
Payne |
Hannah |
6/18/1914 |
252 |
Payne |
Henry H |
3/12/1913 |
723 |
Payne |
Jonathan |
3/10/1911 |
252 |
Payne |
Mary E |
11/24/1945 |
617 |
Payne |
Sarah B |
4-6-1861 |
549 |
Pearson |
Clark D. |
1963 |
Pearson |
Sarah M. |
1967 |
Pearson & Pierson |
????? |
4/12/1951 |
153 |
Pearson & Pierson |
Arthusa |
3-3-1885 |
153 |
Pearson & Pierson |
C. Edward |
11-2-1881 |
153 |
Pearson & Pierson |
Joseph |
10-2-1886 |
172 |
Pearson & Pierson |
Mary Jennie |
7/1/1921 |
172 |
Pearson & Pierson |
William B |
10/11/1907 |
153 |
Peasley |
Jennie |
12/18/1926 |
904 |
Peasley |
Jennie |
(Buried on Beasley lot-may be error) |
Peck |
Baby Peck |
1/8/1925 |
881 |
Peck |
Infant |
2/24/1926 |
881 |
Peeling |
Edna O. |
1967 |
Peeling |
Heber |
1976 |
Peeling |
Robert J |
3/5/1948 |
1092 |
Pelfrey |
Eugene |
1981 |
Pelton |
Freda |
9/3/1927 |
No lot no |
Pennington |
Sallie |
10/11/1941 |
No lot no |
Perlee |
Benjamin (Dr) |
3-6-1888 |
156 |
Perlee |
Jennie Taylor |
4/7/1902 |
156 |
Perlee |
Margaretta (Ashes) |
4/16/1940 |
156 |
Peters |
Alfarata |
12/30/1928 |
371 |
Peters |
Blanch D |
5-3-1884 |
655-656 |
Peters |
Cora Ann |
1/2/1952 |
1146 |
Peters |
Daniel |
7/29/1912 |
655-656 |
Peters |
Ethel |
3-20-1891 |
371 |
Peters |
Frank |
11/30/1956 |
1037 |
Peters |
Gertrude |
12/2/1949 |
740 |
Peters |
Helen N |
9/25/1951 |
1037 |
Peters |
Hiram |
1884-19nd |
1146 |
Peters |
Hiram |
1964 |
Peters |
Jacob B |
3-1-1888 |
371 |
Peters |
John T |
2/25/1912 |
656 |
Peters |
Marray |
6/23/1948 |
No lot no |
Peters |
Mary |
12-17-1895 |
371 |
Peters |
Murray L |
7/15/1911 |
656 |
Peters |
Philip |
7/17/1924 |
371 |
Peters |
Rebecca S |
10/14/1920 |
371 |
Peters |
Sarah Anne |
5-25-1884 |
655-656 |
Peters |
Sarah Catherine |
9/22/1930 |
371 |
Pfenning |
Meathias |
11-27-1882 |
232 |
Phares |
Anna Virginia |
3/17/1926 |
894 |
Phares |
Carrie |
8/19/1931 |
938 |
Phares |
Carrie Viola |
6/28/1958 |
1208 |
Phares |
Clarence |
1981 |
Phares |
Clarence W |
1888-19nd |
1208 |
Phares |
Clifford L |
11/11/1919 |
781 |
Phares |
Cordelia C |
3-2-1895 |
533 |
Phares |
David W |
4/11/1935 |
894 |
Phares |
Elmore J |
12/21/1939 |
533-A |
Phares |
Everett K. |
1960 |
Phares |
Flora Amelia (Flo) |
11/13/1956 |
754 |
Phares |
James E |
3/6/1926 |
260-A |
Phares |
JOhnson I |
10/31/1917 |
533 |
Phares |
Lawrence Peter |
11/25/1942 |
781 |
Phares |
Leila |
1961 |
Phares |
Lerton E |
5/9/1944 |
938 |
Phares |
Lewis H |
3/27/1936 |
754 |
Phares |
Lewis H |
(Cemetery 1937) |
Phares |
Lizzie E |
3/28/1918 |
533-A |
Phares |
Martha Virginia |
1965 |
Phares |
Mary |
4/12/1922 |
781 |
Phares |
Ollie |
3/7/1950 |
No lot no |
Phares |
Paul R |
7/17/1952 |
754 |
Phares |
Virginia |
1915-nd |
1208 |
Pheanis |
Abe |
11/1/1943 |
996 |
Pheanis |
Alma A. |
1962 |
Pheanis |
Carl Infant |
2/13/1951 |
No lot no |
Pheanis |
Isaac |
4/5/1949 |
No lot no |
Pheanis |
Mary A |
11/26/1940 |
996 |
Phillips |
Brenda |
1970 |
Phillips |
Carl |
1967 |
Phillips |
Cynthia |
9/16/1917 |
308 |
Phillips |
George W |
11/7/1929 |
373 |
Phillips |
Gertrude B |
4/26/1926 |
373 |
Phillips |
Henry E |
6/3/1939 |
308 |
Phillips |
John |
6/20/1900 |
308 |
Phillips |
John P. |
1965 |
Phillips |
Margaret Platt |
2/12/1929 |
373 |
Phillips |
Omera O |
1-29-1885 |
373 |
Phillips |
Richard H |
9-24-1888 |
308 |
Pieratt |
Infant |
1963 |
Pierce |
Azel |
7/23/1910 |
741 |
Pierce |
Azel |
(Buried on 558-removed to 741) |
Pierce |
Charles W |
9/8/1930 |
741 |
Pierce |
Elsie S (List-Alice) |
8/14/1950 |
741 |
Pierce |
Emerson |
1/12/1912 |
741 |
Pierce |
Emerson |
(Buried on 558-removed to 741) |
Pierce |
Francis |
4/2/1942 |
741 |
Pierce |
Francis A |
8/26/1900 |
741 |
Pierce |
Francis A |
(Buried on 558-removed to 741) |
Pierce |
James Francis |
2/6/1945 |
741 |
Pierce |
Lou R |
10/20/1956 |
741 |
Pierce |
Mary Elizabeth (Lib) |
12/28/1953 |
656 |
Pierce |
Mary Elizabeth (Lib) |
(Ashes buried 9-28-1954) |
Pierce |
Nancy Barnet |
1/19/1910 |
741 |
Pierce |
Nancy Barnet |
(Buried on 558-removed to 741) |
Pierce |
Thomas P |
12/31/1944 |
741 |
Pierce |
William H |
7-27-1882 |
741 |
Pierce |
William H |
(Buried on 555-removed to 741) |
Pike |
Mollie |
9/4/1910 |
Pauper |
Piper |
Dorothy |
2/21/1917 |
757 |
Piper |
Elder W |
11/23/1911 |
711 |
Piper |
George |
3/15/1916 |
749 |
Piper |
Kate |
9/9/1916 |
749 |