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Seneca County, Ohio
History & Genealogy


A History of Seneca County, Ohio
A Narrative Account of its Historical Progress,
in People, and in its Principal Interests
- Illustrated -
- Vol. II -
Publ. The Lewis Publishing Company
Chicago-New York




SOURCE: A History of Seneca County, Ohio - Vol. II - 1911 - Page 955

J. M. Naylor

Cornelia F. Naylor


SOURCE: A History of Seneca County, Ohio - Vol. II - 1911 - Page 814


SOURCE: A History of Seneca County, Ohio - Vol. II - 1911 - Page 700

  ELMER E. NEIKIRK, a general dry goods merchant, is one of Greenspring's most progressive business men and his career in good citizenship has contributed in great measure to the growth and prosperity of the town.  The founding of few American families can be traced to an earlier period than that of the Neikirks, one Guerb Cornilissen Von Menckercke Garret Cornelius Neikirk, having sailed across the seas with his wife, son and small babe in the good ship Moesman and landed at New Amsterdam in the month of April, 1659.  As his name very clearly indicates he was of that solid Dutch stock from which so many of the most prominent of Americans have descended, this including a certain illustrious ex-president of the United States.
     Mr. Neikirk was born Oct. 25, 1865, at Republic, Ohio, and is the son of Martin H. and Margareta Fry Neikirk, who were married on Christmas Day, 1862, at Republic, Ohio.  The ancestry can be traced in an unbroken line from the above mentioned emigrant to these shores.  The father, Martin H., was the son of Henry H. and Catherine Neikirk, the former being descended from Ezra Neikirk and being the son of Samuel who was then the son of Joseph, who was born in 1804.  This great-great-grandfather, Joseph, was the son of Michael and Catherine Pence Neikirk, and the former was a son of one John Neikirk, who resided at Sharon, Pennsylvania.  John was the son of George N., who was the son of Tenis S., who was born at Princeton, New Jersey, he  being the son of Abraham N., born in 1723 in that state.  Abraham's father was Henry, born in 1690, and Henry was the son of Arien and Elizabeth Huyberts Brink Neikirk, who was the son of the previously mentioned ancestor who came to these shores only about a generation after the landing of the Pilgrims, his birth having occurred in Holland in the year 1630.  The mother of Mr. Neikirk was the daughter of Enoch and Rhoda (Wolf) Fry, natives of Maryland, who resided in Seneca County, Ohio, near Republic.
     Elmer E. Neikirk was educated in the district schools of Scipio township and later entered Heidelberg College at Tiffin, where he attended for two years.  Being naturally inclined towards a commercial career, he took a business course at Fostoria and subsequently engaged in the grocery business.  He sold this after a time and went to Tiffin, where he was first identified with the dry goods trade, in which he was ultimately to experience such entire success.  He remained in Tiffin for four years, gaining golden experience, and then returned to Greenspring, where he entered into dry goods fields in partnership with C. L. Smith and has been thus engaged for twenty years, the firm being known as Smith & Neikirk.  A steady and wholesome growth has been experience and the firm now conducts one of the important enterprises of this locality.
     Mr. Neikirk is a stanch and loyal Democrat and has filled the offices of treasurer and councilman for several terms, his zeal for advancement and his advocacy of all those measures likely to result in  the attainment of the greatest good to the greatest number making his services of particular value.  He is an enthusiastic lodge man and holds membership in the Masonic order and with the Knights of Pythias, and in both of these he has filled many of the chairs.  These associations are fruitful of much pleasure and profit and have greatly added to his acquaintanceship.  Mr. Neikirk's executive talents are such that he has energy for other enterprises than his dry goods trade.  For example he is one of the founders of the local telephone company, is one of the managers and at present holds the office of secretary.
     Mr. Neikirk in no relation appears in a more admirable light than in his championship of good education and of everything designed to benefit the town in which his affections and interests are centered.  He belongs to the Methodist church and here also he is a power for good.  On Apr. 24, 1894, he laid the foundation of a happy home life by his marriage to Miss Mary R. Turner, born Jan. 18, 1876, at Greenspring, the daughter of James and Hannah Turner.

SOURCE: A History of Seneca County, Ohio - Vol. II - 1911 - Page 807

I. B. Niekirk
  IRVING B. NEIKIRK - Few men play as prominent and praiseworthy a part in the civic and banking affairs of Republic as Irving B. Neikirk, cashier of the Republic Banking Company and a native of the township which at present claims his residence.  The Neikirk name is one of the best known in Seneca county, and he whose name initiates this paragraph is one of its worthiest representatives.  He was born in Scipio township, Aug. 30, 1873, and is the son of Jeremiah and Anna (Bookholt) Neikirk, his parents being natives of this county.  The mother's parents were Germans and typical of that fine stock which has furnished to the United States one of its most valuable sources of immigration.  John Henry Bookholt, her father, came to the land of the stars and stripes in 1817 and located in Scipio at the age of twenty-one.  He worked for others for six years then bought a farm, cleared it and brought it to a high state of cultivation.  At the age of twenty-five he married Mrs. Bering and they had five children, Catherine, Susan, Ann, David and MarySusan and Mary are deceased.  Mr. Bookholt was a Democrat and a member of the Reformed church.  He died at the age of fifty-three.  The paternal grandparents, Jacob and Catherine (Sommers) Neikirk, were Maryland people who came westward to Ohio at a very early day, probably in the early '20s, and entered land which they cleared and made into one of the fertile and productive farms which have ever been the very bone and sinew of the Buckeye state.  They also built a tavern, which they called the Neikirk House located two and one-half miles north of Republic, on the Kilburn Road, and which the grandfather conducted for a number of years.  He died in the year 1872.
     Jeremiah Neikirk, father of Irving B., was born June 26, 1838, and resided with his parents until his marriage in the year 1868.  He engaged independently in farming after that date and in saw milling and he also owned and operated a threshing machine in this section for about a score of years.  He is now retired and resides in Republic, where in leisure he enjoys the fruits of his previous industry and thrift.  The maternal grandparents, Henry and Barbara Bookholt, after crossing the Atlantic located in Scipio township on land which they secured and afterward cleared and improved, and it was here that the birth of the subject's mother occurred on Mar. 8, 1849.
     Mr. Neikirk has had the advantages of a good education, receiving his preliminary training in the public schools and subsequently attending the university at Ada, Ohio, which has been the alma mater of a number of the Buckeye state's prominent men.  He was graduated from that institution with the class of 1897, in the scientific department, and in 1900 finished a course in law.  He hung out his shingle at Muncie, Indiana, and there for some time engaged in the practice of his profession.  He subsequently engaged in railroad work in Indiana and came thence to Republic, where he engaged in the banking business, his duties as cashier of the Republic Banking Company having extended over a period of five years.  His efficiency is proven and he enjoys the confidence of those with whom he is associated.
     The bank was first opened as a private bank, under the management of A. J. Solomon, but after about twelve months it was incorporated as a state bank with an authorized capital of twenty-five thousand dollars on Dec. 8, 1906.  Deposits have increased about forty per cent each year since the organization, and the bank now has a time lock safe and safety vault.  It also carries daylight and night burglar insurance and conducts a regular banking business.  The president of the bank is J. H. Knapp, the cashier, J. B. Neikirk; the vice president, J. W. Cook, and the directors are J. H. Knapp, J. W. Cook, D. D. Helsinger, J. Neikirk, William Baker, A. J. Neikirk and A. Kistler.
     Mr. Neikirk
joined the ranks of the Benedicts on Nov. 27, 1900, being united in the holy bonds of matrimony with Nettie C. Burnside She is a native of this county, having been born near Tiffin, Clinton township, Feb. 14, 1875, and her parents being John and Matilda (Litzenberger) Burnside, natives of Seneca county.  Mr. Burnside was born July 14, 1839, and his wife was born in Lehigh county, Pennsylvania, May 24, 1843.  They are the parents of seven children, five daughters and two sons, as follows:  Eva, born July 23, 1870; Ida, Dec. 22, 1871; Ada, Aug. 13, 1873; Nettie, Feb. 14, 1875; Minnie, Feb. 3, 1877; Arlie J., May 22, 1881; and Ralph D., Jan. 28, 1886.
     Mr. Neikirk is a prominent Mason, belonging to the chapter and council in Tiffin, Ohio, and at the present date holding the master's chair.  He and his wife are consistent members of the Lutheran church and his political sympathies are with the Democratic party.  He has served in public office from time to time, and has been a member of the township and village council and also the school board.
     Mr. Neikirk comes of a family of two children, his brother Lester J. being a farmer and residing on the old homestead place three and one half miles northeast of Republic, Ohio.

SOURCE: A History of Seneca County, Ohio - Vol. II - 1911 - Page 739

SOURCE: A History of Seneca County, Ohio - Vol. II - 1911 - Page 545

Dr. J. A. Norton

SOURCE: A History of Seneca County, Ohio - Vol. II - 1911 - Page 493

George A Nye Residence
and family


SOURCE: A History of Seneca County, Ohio - Vol. II - 1911 - Page 640


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