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A History
of Seneca County, Ohio
A Narrative Account of its Historical Progress,
in People, and in its Principal Interests
- Illustrated -
- Vol. II -
Publ. The Lewis Publishing Company
Chicago-New York
known in the locality and is former assessor and present land appraiser
of Hopewell township. He finds particular cause for loyalty to
Seneca county from the fact that he is a native son, his birth having
occurred in Liberty township Jan. 28, 1874. He is a son of
Michael W. and Mary (Brendle) Walter, both of whom are deceased at
the present time. The father was born Apr. 12, 1845, in Seneca
county, Ohio, and the mother’s birth was on the 23d of September, 1847,
she being a native of Germany and about seven years old when she came to
Seneca county. The demise of the former occurred Oct. 1,
1901, and that of the latter Jan. 20, 1902. Mr. Walter is
the second in order of birth of a family of seven children, the other
members living being: Jessie W., Charles L., Harvey O. and
James E. The last two are located at Medford, Oregon and
Charles L. is living in Bascom, Seneca county. Mr. Walter was but an infant when his parents removed from Liberty to Hopewell township, and it was in the district schools of the latter that he acquired his education. By means of assisting in the duties to be encountered upon every farm, he became the possessor of much agricultural information and is now one of the progressive farmers of the locality. His farm is the old homestead of his father and grandfather, and comprises some one hundred and twenty acres of fertile and highly cultivated land. He enjoys the confidence of the community, being especially well liked where he is best known and his three years’ service as assessor and his present incumbency of the office of land appraiser have been of marked efficiency. He gives his heart and hand to the cause of the Democratic party and is public spirited and well informed upon public issues, giving his support to all those measures likely to result in the attainment of the greatest good to the greatest number. He is a member of the German Reform church of Bascom and one of its trustees. Mr. Walter has never joined the ranks of the Benedicts and he and his brother Jessie W. are living on the farm. He finds an additional source of revenue in the ownership of an excellent threshing machine, which he has followed for the last thirteen years. SOURCE: A History of Seneca County, Ohio - Vol. II - 1911 - Page 886 |
SAMUEL T. WANNAMAKER SOURCE: A History of Seneca County, Ohio - Vol. II - 1911 - Page 918 |
JOHN P. WANNEMENT SOURCE: A History of Seneca County, Ohio - Vol. II - 1911 - Page 917 |
EDMUND A. WARNER SOURCE: A History of Seneca County, Ohio - Vol. II - 1911 - Page 951 |
OLIVER S. WATSON SOURCE: A History of Seneca County, Ohio - Vol. II - 1911 - Page 577 |
PAUL TITUS WATSON SOURCE: A History of Seneca County, Ohio - Vol. II - 1911 - Page 776 |
ROBERT H. WATSON SOURCE: A History of Seneca County, Ohio - Vol. II - 1911 - Page 504 |
HARRY A. WEIDAW SOURCE: A History of Seneca County, Ohio - Vol. II - 1911 - Page 829 |
- A representative agriculturist of Scipio township, Seneca county.
Ohio, is Levi Weiker. who was born on the 18th of
February. 1848, a son of Joseph and Nancy (Hawkins) Weiker, the
place of his birth being Adams township. Joseph Weiker
was born in Pennsylvania, whence he accompanied his parents, Jacob and Mary Weiker, to Ohio in the year 1839. They located on a farm in Adams township, this county, and Joseph early became associated with his father in clearing and cultivating this estate. He resided at the parental home until his marriage to Miss Nancy Hawkins, who was born in Virginia but reared in Maryland. They became the parents of twelve children: John. Sarah. Jacob, David, Isaac, Valentine, Emanuel, Levi. Hannah, Anna. George and Jonah. Levi Weiker availed himself of the advantages afforded in the district schools of Seneca county and after his marriage, in 1872, he resided for a time with his father on the old homestead in Adams township. In 1882 Mr. Weiker bought their present farm of seventy-four acres. When they first took up this farm it was covered with woods but they gradually cleared it and they now have one of the finest farms in the county, their spacious residence and barns being of the most modern construction. About 1885 Mr. Weiker had erected on the farm a mill in which he manufactures cider wine and jelly, he having ground up many thousands of bushels of apples. The father of Mr. Weiker used to saw lumber with the old pin wheel mill, which was built in 1828. At one time it was destroyed by fire but it was reconstructed in 1834 and is still in use. On the 21st of November, 1872. was solemnized the marriage of Mr. Weiker to Miss Magdelene J. Shorger, a daughter of Valentine and Barbria (Fatie) Shorger both of whom were born in Germany, emigrating to America in an early day. Mr. and Mrs. Shorger were married in New York and after coming to Ohio they located in Adams township, the father being a shoemaker by trade. Some time after his arrival in Seneca county he purchased a farm of eighty acres and had a family of thirteen children: George, Mary, Magdelene, William, Philip, John, Elbert, Gust, George (the first George having died), Elizabeth, Hannah, Nora, and Wallace, eight of whom are now living. Mr. and Mrs. Weiker became the parents of eleven children, one of whom is deceased. The names and respective dates of birth of the above mentioned children are here incorporated: Benjamin F., Jan. 6, 1874; Joseph V., May 21, 1875; Lena E., Feb. 1, 1877; John O., Aug. 2, 1878; Cora M., Sept. 21, 1881; Perry E., Jan. 26, 1883; Nettie J., Dec. 29, 1884; Lottie A., Apr. 10, 1887; Minnie M., Sept. 16, 1888; A. Levi, Nov. 4, 1890; and Oscar J., Nov. 14, 1893. All of the above children were afforded excellent educational advantages, having attended the district and high school at Republic. Lena and Joseph V. were graduated in Heidelberg College, at Tiffin, and were engaged in teaching for a time. Joseph V. attended college at Ada and Oscar J. is now a student in the high school at Republic. Six of the children are married and concerning them the following brief data are here incorporated; Benjamin F. married Abbie Alford on the 25th of November, 1898. and they have one child, Agnes, who was born on the 22d of December, 1899; Joseph V. wedded Jessie Miller; Lena is the wife of Russell Miller and they have two children, Vernon D., born Aug. 26, 1903, and Doris F., born Feb. 4, 1905; Cora is the wife of Dan Cole and they have one boy, Carrol P., born Feb. 28, 1909; Nettie married Orvis Kretsinger and they have one son. Francis M., born Feb. 9, 1908; and Perry E. married Blanch Hechart Feb. 12, 1911, at Bloomville, Seneca county. Levi Weiker is a Democrat in his political proclivities and he has contributed in no small measure to the progress and development of this section of Seneca county. He is a loyal and public spirited citizen and ever gives his aid in support of all movements advanced for the general welfare of the community. He is affiliated with various fraternal and social organizations of representative character and he is a member of the Reformed church, his wife holding membership in the Lutheran church. Benjamin F. Weiker, eldest son of the subject of this review, married Abbie M. Alford, as previously noted. She was born on the 20th of June. 1880, a daughter of Isaac and Ruth (Aranetta) Alford. They were members of the Reformed church at Bloomville, taking an active interest in the same. Benjamin F. Weiker is a carpenter by trade and he continued to be occupied with that business until 1904, at which time he launched the Republic flour mill. This well conducted establishment has a volume of about seventy thousand bushels of wheat per year, from which the variousbrands of flour are manufactured, the Weiker Eldorado turning out about fifteen hundred barrels of flour annually. Benjamin F. received his educational training in the public schools of Seneca county, as did also his wife. They are devout members of the Reformed church of Adams township and he is a Democrat in his political adherency. He has given most efficient service as a member of the school board and as a member of the village council. Fraternally he is affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, in which he has passed the various official chairs. He is an energetic and progressive business man and has a widespread reputation for fair and honorable methods and sterling integrity. SOURCE: A History of Seneca County, Ohio - Vol. II - 1911 - Page 780 |
JON W. WEISENAUER SOURCE: A History of Seneca County, Ohio - Vol. II - 1911 - Page 734 |
HENRY J. WELLER SOURCE: A History of Seneca County, Ohio - Vol. II - 1911 - Page 535 |
LEWIS R. WESTERHOUSE SOURCE: A History of Seneca County, Ohio - Vol. II - 1911 - Page 871 |
ELMER E. WETZEL SOURCE: A History of Seneca County, Ohio - Vol. II - 1911 - Page 925 |
ERNEST D. WILSEY SOURCE: A History of Seneca County, Ohio - Vol. II - 1911 - Page 749 |
![]() J. D. Wilsey |
JOHN D. WILSEY SOURCE: A History of Seneca County, Ohio - Vol. II - 1911 - Page 749 |
DR. M. E. WILSON SOURCE: A History of Seneca County, Ohio - Vol. II - 1911 - Page 886 |
LAWRENCE J. WINGART SOURCE: A History of Seneca County, Ohio - Vol. II - 1911 - Page 850 |
WALTER M. WITHERSPOON SOURCE: A History of Seneca County, Ohio - Vol. II - 1911 - Page 962 |
* | ELBRIDGE B. WOLFE SOURCE: A History of Seneca County, Ohio - Vol. II - 1911 - Page 767 |
HOWARD E. WOLFE SOURCE: A History of Seneca County, Ohio - Vol. II - 1911 - Page 907 |
GEORGE B. WORTMAN SOURCE: A History of Seneca County, Ohio - Vol. II - 1911 - Page 544 |
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