History of Shelby County, Ohio
representative citizens
Evansville, Ind.
947 pgs.
HENRY QUELLHORST, whose fine farm of 170 acres is
situated one and three-fourth miles northwest of
Kettlersville, in a desirable section of Van Buren
township, is a well known and highly respected citizen.
He was born Oct. 4, 1855, in German township, Auglaize
county, O., and is a son of J. D. and Sophia (Neiter)
The parents of Mr. Quellhorst, were born in
Germany and both came to the United States in their
youth and were residents of New Bremen, O. A
family of ten children was born to them and named as
follows: Henry, Mary, Herman, Anna, Ferdinand, J.
Henry, Minnie, Deidrick, William and Caroline.
Herman married Minnie Egbert and they live in
Van Buren township and hae had two children, Sophia
and Anna, the latter deceased; Anna,
who is deceased, was the wife of Harmon Ollerman;
Minnie, who is deceased, was the wife of F. C.
Roettger; William, who is a resident of
Kettlersville, married Henrietta Bartenstein; and
Caroline, is the wife of J. F. Roettger
and they live in Van Buren township. The others,
with the exception of J. Henry, are deceased.
Source: History of Shelby County, Ohio and
representative citizens - Evansville, Ind. - 1913 - Page
732 |
QUIGLEY, one of the enterprising
young farmers of Franklin township, who, in association
with his mother, owns 163 acres of very fine land, was
born in Miami county, O., Dec. 25, 1883, and is a son of
Silas and Anna (Waggoner) Quigley.
Silas Quigley and wife were born in Pennsylvania
and after marriage came to Ohio, settling in Miami
county, where their only child was born. He
followed farming until his death on Oct. 17, 1905, his
burial being in Pearl cemetery, in Franklin township.
He was a much respected man and a consistent member of
the Lutheran church. In politics he was a democrat
but was never a seeker for public office.
P. Wright Quigley was given educational
advantages, passing from the common schools into the
Troy high school, where he was graduated and then became
a student in Wittenberg College, where he spent three
years but was recalled before graduating, on account of
his father's death. In the spring of 1905 the
family had removed to Franklin township and thus the
responsibilities attending the managing of this large
farm here fell upon the student's shoulders, a few
months later. He assumed them with energy and
fulfilled them with marked success and is numbered with
the prosperous farmers and stock raisers of this
Mr. Quigley was married
December 25, on his birthday, 1910, to Miss Harriet
Miller, who was born in Shelby county and is the
daughter of George and Mary (Mason) Miller.
The father of Mrs. Quigley is deceased but the
mother survives and resides in Turtle Creek township.
Mr. and Mrs. Quigley have one son, who has been
given the name of Harold and was born Oct. 25, 1911.
They attend the Lutheran church. Mr. Quigley
belongs to the order of the Knights of the Golden Eagle
at Anna, O. In politics he does his own thinking
and votes according to his matured judgment.
Source: History of Shelby
County, Ohio and representative citizens - Publ.
Evansville, Ind. - 1913 - Page 695 |

Martin Quinlisk |
QUINLISK, a retired farmer now
residing at Sidney, O., occupying his comfortable
residence at No. 433 S. Main street, is one of the
leading men of Shelby county and for many years was
active and useful in public office. He was born in
Ireland, Aug. 1, 1845, and is a son of Patrick and
Catherine (Gleason) Quinlisk.
In 848 the parents of
Mr. Quinlisk came to America and for several years
they lived on a farm in Butler county, O., in 1852
coming to Shelby county and renting a farm in Orange
township for ten years. Patrick Quinlisk
then bought a farm in Green township, containing 120
acres and continued to live there until the close of his
life, when aged about sixty years. He and wife
were members of the Catholic church.
Martin Quinlisk was only a boy when his father
rented land in Orange township, and he became so
attached to that place that in later years he bought the
same farm, containing 60 acres. He attended school
when his father could spare him and helped to clear and
drain the Green township farm. He owns 230 all
located in Orange township and carried on farming and
stock raising until in February, 1911, when he came to
Sidney. He has always been a stanch democrat and
an effective party worker and in 1893 was elected a
member of the board of county commissioners and served
until Sept. 19, 1900, a period of six years and nine
months. He served also on the fair board for four
years, for three years being president of that body.
His party had higher honors still for Mr. Quinlisk,
in the spring of 1912 placing him on the democratic
ticket for state representative, and his election
followed in November, 1912. Mr. Quinlisk is
admirably qualified for high public office, being a man
of superior judgment and of known personal integrity.
In 1877 Mr. Quinlisk was married to Miss
Elizabeth Maloney, who was born in Miami county, O.
They are members of the Catholic church and Mr.
Quinlisk belongs to the fraternal order of Knights
of Columbus.
Source: History of Shelby
County, Ohio and representative citizens - Publ.
Evansville, Ind. - 1913 - Page 723 |