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(Source:  History of Shelby County, Ohio and Representative Citizens.
Evansville, Ind. - A. B. C. Hitchcock - 1913 - 913 pgs)

(Shelby Co., Ohio, Military Index)


     This regiment, eight companies strong, was sent to Cincinnati in September, 1862, as that city was then threatened by Kirby Smith.  The ninth company was here formed, and the regiment mustered into the service.  Late in September it moved, under Gen. A. J. Smith, toward Lexington, but at Cynthiana was detached to guard the railroad.  Patrol and guard duty was performed, and rebel recruiting largely prevented.  On August 1, 1863, it went, by Lexington and Louisville, to Lebanon, Ky., and on the 20th set out on a march for East Tennessee.  On Nov. 10th, Kingston was reached, and a few days later the rebels cut the communication between that point and Knoxville.  Picket duty became arduous, to prevent a surprise from Wheeler's cavalry.  The victories at Knoxville and Chattanooga relieved the Kingston garrison, and on December 9th, the regiment reached Nashville, and from there went to Blain's Cross Roads, and finally to Mossy Creek, to support Elliott's cavalry.  On the 29th, the rebel cavalry under Martin and Armstrong assaulted General Elliott, at Paultier's creek, when he fell back to Mossy creek.  As the cavalry approached, the regiment took position in the edge of a piece of woods, when the rebel force moved directly upon them.  When the enemy approached within a hundred yards, the regiment opened a rapid fire, which was kept up about two hours, when it charge the rebels, and drove them over the crest of a hill.  In this action the rebels lost about forty, killed and wounded.  It was disposed with great skill, by Lieutenant-Colonel Young, and commanded by General Elliott.  While in East Tennessee, the regiment suffered great privations, and subsisted about six months on half and quarter rations.  They had neither sugar nor coffee for four months.  Clothing was also short, but with all this the troops never murmured, but were even cheerful.  The regiment was then kept changing about until the campaign of 1864.  One march of one hundred miles, to Charleston, was made in five days.  May 4th, the regiment encamped on state line.  Here all baggage was sent to the rear.  On the 7th, the regiment moved upon Dalton, and again advanced upon Resaca.  On the afternoon of the 14th, it participated in a charge on the enemy's works, and lost one hundred and sixteen men, in less than ten minutes out of three hundred actually engaged.  On the 15th the engagement was renewed, but that night Johnston retired to Cassville, which in turn he abandoned, on approach of the national forces.  After a few days' rest, the regiment went into the desperate battles of Dallas and Pumpkin-Vine creek, and bore a gallant and honorable part.  It was afterwards engaged at Kenesaw mountain, at the Chattahoochie, at Utoy creek, and in the final movements about Atlanta.  In these operations, about seventy-five men were lost.  During one hundred and twenty-one consecutive days, the regiment was within hearing of hostile firing every day except one.  During sixty consecutive days it was under fire sixty different times, and during one week there was not a period of five minutes during which the whistling of a ball or the scream of a shell could not be heard.  After the fall of Atlanta the regiment fell back to Decatur, where, after a short rest, it joined in the pursuit of Hood, as far as Gaylesville, Ala.  On the 23d of November it went to Johnsonville, Tenn., and then to Columbia, to join the army confronting Hood, finally reaching Franklin on the 30th.  The brigade was drawn up in single line, its right resting on the Williamsburg pike, and its left at the Locust Grove, this regiment being second from the right.  The enemy struck the line to the left of the regiment.  The shock was terrific, but the line stood firm, and poured a terrific fire into the rebel column.  The troops fought desperately, the men using bayonets, and the officers side-arms, over the very breastworks.  By daylight the One Hundred and Eighteenth were across the river, and falling on Nashville, where it was again engaged.  After the battle of Nshville, it participated in the pursuit of the rebels as far as Columbia, and then went to Clifton.  From there it proceeded to North Carolina, and on January 16, 1865.  On February 11th, it embarked on a steamer at Alexandria, landed at nati proceeded by rail to Washington City, which was reached January 27, 1865.  On February 11, it embarked on a steamer at Alexandria, landed at Smithville, at the mouth of Cape Fear river, moved, immediately on Fort Anderson, captured it, and the One Hundred and Eighteenth regiment was the first to plant its colors on the walls.  On February 20th, it engaged in a sharp action at Town creek, in which three hundred horsemen and two pieces of artillery were captured, and then entered Wilmington on the 22d.  On the 6th of March it moved to Kingston, then to Goldsboro, and joined Sherman's army on the 23d of March.  It then camped at Mosley Hall until April 9th, when it participated in the final operations against Johnston.  It then camped near Raleigh until May 3d, when it moved to Greensboro, and then to Salisbury, where it remained until June 24th, when it was mustered out of the service.  The regiment arrived at Cleveland, O., June 2, was welcomed by Chief Justice Chase, participated in a 4th of July celebration, and was finally discharged on the 9th of July, 1865, having first gone into camp at Lima, O., in August, 1862.


Name Rank Remarks
Beach, Wm. Morrow Surgeon  
Mott, Samuel R. Colonel resigned, Feb., 10, 1864
Phillips, W. H. Surgeon  
Sowers, Edgar Colonel mustered out with regiment
Walkup, John Leiut. - Col  
Young, Thomas L. Colonel resigned, Sept. 14, 1864


Name Rank Remarks
Austin, George   wounded at Rasaca
Austin, Samuel   died at Nashville
Baker, George   killed at Rasaca, May 14, 1864
Barker, John   wounded at Rasaca, May 14 - June, 1865
Behr, Charles F.   discharged, Mar. 19, 1863, disability
Bickman, George    
Bickman, Joseph   killed at Rasaca, May 14, 1864
Carey, Wm. F. Commissary Sergeant Aug., 1862 - June, 1865
Christman, John S. Sergeant  
Clawson, James H.   killed at Resaca, May 14, 1864
Clawson, Perry   wounded at Resaca, May 14, 1864
Clawson, Peter   Aug., 1862 - June, 1865
Clawson, Thomas   died at Knoxville, Tenn., July 7, 1864
Daes, Joseph    
Drees, Bernard    
Erwin, Mahlon Corporal Aug., 1862 - June, 1865; died at home since discharge
Flowers, Jacob Musician  
Flowers, William    
Floyd, Charles H. Capt.  
Gump, Levi    
Hullinger, Jeremiah   Aug., 1862 - June, 1865
Huston, Edward   died at home since discharge
Johnston, Henry P. Sergeant Aug., 1862 - June, 1865
Keck, Charles D.   wounded at Resaca June, 1865
Kistner, Joseph   died at Townsend's Bridge Feb., 4, 1863
Leming, Asa    
Malcom, Horace H.   taken prisoner at Atlanta, Ga.
Mann, Charles H. Corporal  
Mann, Chas. W.   Aug., 1862 - June, 1865
Mann, William H.   wounded at Atlanta, Ga., July 22, 1864
Marshall, Joseph   wounded at Moss Creek, Tenn.; discharged, Nov., 17, 1864
Menke, Henry   Aug., 1862 - June, 1865
Millhoff, Philip J.    
Morman, Francis   Aug., 1862 - June, 1865
Moyer, George    
Moyer, William    
Muirray, Andrew    
Murray, George   Aug., 1862 - June, 1865
Nnlist, Uriah    
Popplemon, Henry    
Rademacher, William   Aug., 1862 - June, 1865
Ramsey, Thomas B. Commissary Sergeant  
Reiss, George    
Schlater, Henry   Aug., 1862 - June, 1865
Schultz, Benard   Aug., 1862 - June, 1865
Schwartz, Samuel Orderly Sergeant Aug., 1862 - June, 1865
Shaffer, John   Aug., 1862 - June, 1865
Shaffer, Joseph W.   Aug., 1862 - June, 1865
Short, William J.   Aug., 1862 - June, 1865
Soup, August Private Aug., 1862 - June, 1865
Stone, William D. Capt.  
Sweigart, John    
Taylor, Robert    
Tholemier, Henry   wounded at Resaca and killed at Camp Dennison, Ohio
Thompson, Ebenezer   died at Jeffersonville, Ind., Jan. 17, 1865
Waucop, Abram O. Capt. promoted from sergeant
Wolfrom, Andrew   wounded at Rasaca June, 1865


Ailes, H. S. 4th Sergeant promoted to sergeant-major
Akers, F. M. Corporal  
Akers, Francis M. Corporal Aug., 1862 - June, 1865
Allen, Isaac   recruit in 1865; July, 1865
Black, Geo. W. 3d Sergeant promoted to orderly sergeant
Blue, Joseph Corporal  
Burton, Bazel Private Aug., 1862 - June, 1865
Burton, Bazel   recruit in 1864; July, 1865
Burton, S. E. Private  
Campbell, R. M. 1st Sergeant promoted to first lieutenant and quarter-master
Campbell, T. F.   recruit in 1864; July, 1865
Consolover, Wm.   died
Coulson, C. B.   died at Knoxville, Tenn.
Dinsmore, J. K. Corporal  
Dinsmore, John K. Sergeant Aug., 1862 - June, 1865
Dudy, Frederick   died at Mosler Hall, N. C.
Duvall, J. B.    
Duvall, Jacob B. Corporal Aug., 1862 - June, 1865
Edwards, Samuel   July, 1865
Fagan, David D.   July, 1865
Fodra, George   July, 1865
Fulton, Isaac Private Feb., 1864 - June, 1865
Fulton, Isaac   recruit in 1864; July, 1865
Gouge, Robert L. Corporal died at Lexington, Ky
Graham, George P.   July, 1865
Guthrie, Stephen R.   July, 1865
Hardisty, Beeman   July, 1865
Julian, Robert   died at Knoxville, Tenn
Kent, Nathan Corporal Aug., 1862 - June, 1865
Kerst, Nathan   July, 1865
Kestler, John H.   died at Moorehead City, N. C.
Landers, William   July, 1865
Lawrence, A. A.    
Mellinger, C.   died at Chattanooga, Tenn.
Melvin, Thomas H.   July, 1865
Mitchell, William H. Sergeant Aug., 1862 - June, 1865
Mitchell, Wm. H. 2d Sergeant  
Mopes, Benjamin   July, 1865
Morgan, Aaron   died near Kenesaw Mountain, Ga.
Morgan, Peter Private Aug., 1862 - June, 1865
Nicholson, John W.   Aug., 1862 - June, 1865
Nicholson, John W. Wagoner  
Oscar, Allen Private July, 1865
Parr, Richard   1862
Peckham, John M. Private Aug., 1862 - June, 1865
Peebles, ____   July, 1865
Peebles, Ira J.    
Peekham, John M.   July, 1865
Rhinehart, Jacob F.   July, 1865
Sattler, Joseph   July, 1865
Sceyter, William H. Private Aug., 1862 - June, 1865
Seister, Wm. H.   July, 1865
Sowers, Edger Captain promoted to major and colonel
Stang, Joseph M.   died at Knoxville, Tenn.
Stockstill, Francis M.   July, 1865
Taylor, William H. 1st Lieutenant promoted to captain
Thompson, George M. Corporal promoted to first lieutenant
Thompson, Robert   died at Nashville, Tenn.
Thorn, Harry Musician  
Tillow, John   July, 1865
Walker, Fulton   recruit in 1864; died at Nashville, Tenn.
Westfall, Jonathan C.   died at Knoxville, Tenn.
Wilson, Cassius C. Sergeant Aug., 1862 - June, 1865
Wilson, Cassius C.   promoted to sergeant
Wollery, R. S. 4th Sergeant discharged 1865
Wwoolery, Richard S. Sergeant Aug., 1862 - June, 1865


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