PLEASE NOTE: There may be some articles of death news on
these other pages herein.
Conneaut, Ohio,
Thursday, March 28, 1839 - Whole No. 366
Major Morgan Neville, well known in the literary world
died on the 23th ult. at Cincinnati.
(Found at Genealogy Bank, Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Morning News - Cincinnati
Dated: June 11, 1847
Nehemiah H. Dayton, aged 23 years, of Weston, Ct., boat
steerer of ship New England, of this port, was killed by
falling between the ship and a whale, on NWCoast, July 2, 1846
James Mahon, aged 25 years, of N. Y., seaman, of the
same ship, died at sea in April, 1846
James Giles, aged 24 years, of N. Y., was lost
overboard from the same ship. |
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, Ohio
Dated: Oct. 26, 1850
Death on the Plains
The St. Louis Republican gives the deaths that
have been reported at Fort Laramie during the summer.
The number of names given is 262; many more deaths are said
to have occurred, but not reported. The record was
kept and furnished by the officers at the Fort. We
give the names from Ohio and Indiana, contained in the
Melancholy record:
M. JAMES, Cincinnati, Ohio, died June 7th, 70 miles
west of Ft. Kearney, aged 30 years.
(Found at Genealogy Bank, Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: The Western Christian Advocate, Cincinnati, O.
Wednesday, Jan. 9, 1861
BEALL, Rev. Isaac I. born Fairfield Co., Ohio Sept.
18, 1823. Grandparents came from England and were
among the early settlers in Maryland. In 1801 his
parents emigrated to Ohio and settled in Fairvield Co.
A sister had died earlier. He taught school in
Rushville, O. Preached Zanesville District.
Married Miss Martha Zearing who is now left to mourn her
entire family. Rev. Beall died 27Oct. 1860 of "putrid
sore throat". This epidemic had made a violent attack
on his family. On Oct. 16, his youngest son, Eddy I. Beall died age 3 yrs, 9 mos. 16 da. On 19 same month
Otho Z. Beall his oldest son died age 6 yrs. 4 mos. 20 da.
Aged mother and wife survive. He was of Cincinnati
David Reed.WILLIAMS, Mary at residence of her son
William near Patriot, Gallia Co., Ohio, Oct. 25. Age
84 years. Born in Maryland, Sept. 20, 1776 moved with
parents to Greenbrier Co., Va. when a child. Married
to William Williams 1795. Moved to Gallia Co., Ohio in
1817. Had cancer of face. Leaves 4 children.
(Found at Genealogy Bank, Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: The Western Christian Advocate, Cincinnati, O.
Jan. 16, 1861
POWERS, HON. BENJAMIN F. born Vermont 1793 moved to
Cincinnati in 1816. Resided in Cincinnati until 1832
engaged chiefly in practice of legal profession for several
years. Editor of Cincinnati Gazette. In 1832
moved to Troy, Miami Co., Ohio where he died Nov. 20, 1860.
Was auditor and probate judge while a citizen of Troy.
His brother was the celebrated sculptor, Hiram Powers.
J. F. MarleyEVANS, DAVID C. died Dec. 7, 1860.
Born April 30, 1819 Jackson Co., Ohio an affectionate
husband and kind father. Liver and pulmanary disease.
E. I. Jones
HONNOLD, JACOB in Muskingum Co., Ohio Nov. 9, 1860
in 86 year of his age. Born in Pa. July 23, 1775.
In 1783 moved with parents to virginia. In 1799
married to Abigail Shipman. Joined Church in 1805 and
in same year moved to St. Clairsville, Belmont Co., Ohio.
He lived in Belmont Co. six years and in 1812 moved to
Guernsey Co. Joined Society of the Brill Meeting
House. Moved from Guernsey to Muskingum in 1816.
Raised 9 children. Adamsville Circle.
John Huston
(Found at Genealogy Bank, Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: The Western Christian Advocate, Cincinnati, O
Wednesday, Jan. 23, 1861
WALKER, James died Franklin Co., Ohio Georgeville,
Dec. 6, 1860 in the 91 year of his age and 55th yr. in Meth.
Church. Born near Charlestown, Va. Nov. 7, 1770.
Removed to Ohio and settled Ross Co. at the mouth of Deer
Creek. Joined Methodist Episcopal Church 1806.
Removed to Franklin Co., Ohio in 1812.
L. Hall
(Found at Genealogy Bank, Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: The Western Christian Advocate, Cincinnati, O.
Jan. 23, 1861THATCHER, MRS. SARAH died at
Brunersburg, Defiance Co., Ohio, Nov. 2-, 1860. Wife
of Rev. William thatcher of the Central Ohio Conference.
Was born in Washington Co., Pa. in 1812. Came quite
young to Ohio. In 1837 married to Bro. Thatcher.
Brought up children in admonition of the Lord. Husband
said, "You will meet your dear Ranson (their babe) in
Heaven". Left husband and 5 children.
MARCH, HENRY J. died Dec. 24, 1860. Born
Maine 1795. Came to Ohio in 1817 -- settled Ross
County. Brought up in Presbyterian Church but having
moved to Highland Co., joined Methodist Church in
1840. Died age 65 years.
E. H. Field
(Found at Genealogy Bank, Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Quincy Whig - Illinois
Dated: July 20, 1868
Mrs. HOOKER, wife of
Gen. Joseph HOOKER, of Cincinnati, died at Watertown, N.
Y., on Wednesdaylast. She was married about two years
ago to her distinguished husband, and shortly after went to
Europe for the benefit of the health of the latter, but a
few weeks since returned with her own completely broken
down. |
Source: Cincinnati Daily Gazette
Dated: Aug. 11, 1869
The mortuary report of the Health
officer, made yesterday, shows that the officer himself calls
"the agreeable" fact, what the number of deaths during the
month of July was less by one-third than during the
corresponding time last year. It is certainly quite
comfortable to reflect that as the city increases in
population its death rate diminishes. Perhaps if DeSoto
had come to the banks of the Ohio, instead of spending his
time among Floridan waters, he might have found the fountain
of everlasting youth.
(Found at Genealogy Bank, Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: The Philadelphia
Inquirer - Pennsylvania
Date: Feb. 5, 1872
(Mortuary Notice)
An Express Robber Shot.
CINCINNATI, Feb. 3. - A man, giving his name as James
Trimble, attempted to rob Adams' express car, on the
Pan Handle route, this morning but was discovered by the armed
guard, who fired upon and wounded him. Trimble, who
says he was formerly brakeman on the road, was brought here
and placed in the hospital.
Sad Occurrence.
CINCINNATI, Feb. 4 - Two young ladies, named Mary
and Kate Daly, while crossing the Ohio river
this evening, broke the ice and were drowned.Hon.
Hocking H. Hunter died this morning at Lancaster, aged 71
(Found at Genealogy Bank, Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Cincinnati Daily Gazette - Ohio
Date: July 23, 1874
George T. Earhart, the old time friend of Henry
Libby, learned day before yesterday of the latter's
death on the 21st of June last, at the residence of his
family, Portland, Maine, of inflamatory rheumatism.
Libby's sufferings were acute and long continued. The
news of his death comes as a piece of sad tidings to the
many who knew and loved him in Hamilton.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
CORLISS - Eleanor, youngest daughter of
Daniel G. and Jennie H. Corliss
Funeral from the residence of the parents, Spring Grove
avenue and Colerain pike, Thursday, the 23d at 3 p.m.
Friends of the family invited to attend.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
CARNEY - On Tuesday, July 21, at 1 1/2 o'clock p.m.,
after a short and severe illness, Molly B. Carney,
wife of James Carney, aged 19 years and 3
Funeral from the residence, No. 65 York street, on Thursday
morning, July 23, at 8 o'clock. High mass at St. Xavier
Church at 9 o'clock. Friends of the family are invited.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
HOPPER - Tuesday, July 21st, at 9 a.m., Alice
May, daughter of Hiram and Abby
Hopper, aged 3 years and 2 months.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
O'DONNELL - On Tuesday morning, at 5 o'clock,
Andrew William, youngest son of Patrick
and Margaret O'Donnell, aged 5 years, 9 months
and 25 days.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
REYNOLDS - July 14, at 2 p.m., at the residence of
her sister, Mrs. Wm. G. Wright, of St. Louis Co.,
Mo., Mrs. N. P. Reynolds, aged 58 years. [Lexington
(Ky.) papers copy.]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
JACKSON - Tuesday evening, July 21, at the residence
of R. Woolley, Jr., 225 Dayton street, Charles G.
Jackson, late of East Boston, Mass. [Boston and East
Boston papers please copy.]
(Found at Genealogy Bank, Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Page: 1
Dated: Wednesday Sept. 5, 1877
Died from His Injuries.
CINCINNATI, September 5. - Chas. Leighton,
injured in the Longworth street disaster Monday last, died
(Found at Genealogy Bank, Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Cincinnati Daily Gazette
Dated: Sept. 7, 1877BURIAL PERMITS.
The following
burial permits were issued Wednesday, September 6:
JOSEPH ALBRECHT, 1 yr., Eastern avenue
BERNARD WESSELER, 70 years, 449 Freeman street.
CHARLES REASENBERG, 14 months, Dane street
WILLIE TULLEY, 4 years, Whitler street
MATILDA CLEM, 6 weeks, 108 Eastern avenue
MARCELLA SWANK, 1 year, Eastern avenue
FRANK SENEDING, 2 years, 60 Bremen street
MARGARET LEONARD, 67 years, St. Mary's Hospital
GEORGE KELLERMAN, 2 weeks, 670 Plum street
GERTRUDE DIERKERS, 17 months, 42 Pierson street
MARY MCDONOUGH, 18 months, 28 German street
JAMES HAGAN, 28 years, Fulton avenue
CLARA M. LEAHY, 1 year, 132 Baymiller street
ELIZA KOEHLER, 3 days, 27 Longworth street
CHARLES LYDON 50 years, 142 Water street
DIED. - Near Lockland, Ohio, September 6, of typhoid
fever, CLARA SHEPARD, sixth and youngest daughter of
JAMES and ELIZABETH SHEPHERD, aged 18 years, 4 months
and 24 days.
Funeral Sunday, September 9, at 11 o'clock a.m.
Friends are invited to attend.
(Found at Genealogy Bank, Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Cincinnati Daily Gazette - Ohio
Dated: May 6, 1878
TROY, N. Y., May 4 - The funeral of John Morrisey took
place today by an immense concourse of people.
The entire Senate, with
Lieutenant Governor Dorsheimer and a delegation of
Assemblymen, were present.
Bishop McNierny, of
Albany, assisted at the religious services, which were
participated in by a number of clergymen.
KING - At the residence of his mother, Oak street,
West Walnut Hills, on Friday, MAy 3, at 4:30 a.m., Rufus
KING, Jr., aged 32, son of Thomas W. King,
Funeral service at 2 1/2 p.m., Monday, May 6, at
Episcopal Church, Evans street, Mt. Auburn. Friends
invited. Burial private.
(Columbus (O.) Journal, Boston Advertaiser and Post and New
York Herald and Tribune please copy.)
Man and Wife Drowned.
CHEYENNE, WY. May 5 - By the capsizing of a boat
in the lake two miles north of this city this evening,
Mr. Vandycke and wife were drowned. The bodies
were recovered, the wife clasped in her husband's arms.
The funeral of the late Mr. B. B. Burton
took place from St. John's P. E. Church, of which the
deceased was a prominent member, yesterday afternoon.
The Right Rev. Thomas A. Jaggar, D. D., Bishop of the
diocese of Southern Ohio, conducted the service, assisted by
Rev. Mr. NORTON, Rev. Mr. Gray, and Rev. Mr. Ray.
An unusual interest was manifested in the solemn
occasion, the church being filled to the utmost capacity of
its sittings. Bishop Jaggar's discourse was
brief of earnest. He said that it was always seemed to
him when he stood before those whom we call dead that human
words were almost intrusion; yet it was necessary, for there
are so many who are slow to learn the lessons death teaches
so very man y who keep on thinking that it is all of life to
live, and all of death to die. Today, however, words
of cheer could be uttered. Have you ever thought, he
continued, of the meaning of the order of sentences in our
service for the dead? The idea is that Christ walks at
the head of the procession, and 'tis He who says "I am the
Resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me, even
though he be dead, yet shall he live." The remains of
the dead one are carried after, and he testifies, "I known
that my Redeemer liveth," and the mourners breathe through
their tears the language of resignation, "The Lord gave the
Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord." the
words are not a dirge, but a triumphal song. They are
sad only because of association with our griefs. Then
followed a contrast between the view of death in the ancient
Pagan world when "snatched away" was inscribed upon the
tomb, and that of today when our cemeteries are God's acres
where the loved ones sleep. This, our Christian
friend; he said, is not dead but merely passed away; has
corruptible has put on Incorruption, and his mortal
immortality. We have this confidence, because "I know
that my Redeemer liveth." was his testimony. Not "a"
Redeemer, but his Redeemer. Parting words are
precious; we cherish their memory, but a testimony on the
death bed is less precious than his made long years ago
during his life at college. It was not only the
testimony of a public profession, but of his character;
for strict integrity marked his business career, and not
only this, but also all the departments of his life.
He was an active member of the church until his last hour,
and almost his last work was the drafting of a resolution on
church matters. After an address to the bereaved
family, and an exhortation to the unconverted, the reverend
speaker closed. A long procession of carriages
followed the remains to the cemetery.
On Saturday the wholesale boot and shoe
dealers held a meeting at the room of J. & A. Simpkinson
& Co., and adopted a tribute of respect to his memory,
and resolved to attend the funeral.
Source: Cincinnati Daily
Gazette - Ohio
Dated: Sept. 23, 1879
Special Dispatch to the Cincinnati Gazette.
TROY, Sept. 22 - Yesterday evening a man named Peter
KNOOP, hailing from Casstown, this county, was found on
the street in advanced state of intoxication, and placed in
the calaboose in City Hall. This morning he was found
dead, having expired sometime during the night, and his face
had turned black. Coroner KITZMILLER was
summoned, and an autopsy held over the body, as the
circumstances are considered somewhat suspicious.
KNOOP was a single man, about forty years of age, and
had long been under the care of a guardian. The
results of one of the Coroner's investigations have not yet
been made known.
(Found at Genealogy Bank, Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Cincinnati Daily Gazette
Dated: Jan. 24, 1880
DUNLAP - Wednesday morning suddenly of paralysis of the
heart, Joseph Dunlap, at his residence, No. 60
Calhoun street, in his 64th year.
Funeral at his residence, Sunday, January 25, at half
past 2 p.m.
SNOW - On Thursday morning, January 22, at 6 o'clock,
Henry Snow, aged 60 years.
Funeral Saturday, January 24, at 2 p.m. from his late
residence, Mt. Auburn. Burial private.
(Found at Genealogy Bank, Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Cincinnati Daily
Dated: Apr. 12, 1880
Miss Emma Harris, after
a painful illness of five weeks, breathed her last Saturday
morning. She was an estimable lady, and much beloved
by all who knew her. Her funeral took place yesterday
afternoon, Rev. Conrey officiating. |
Source: Cincinnati Daily Gazette
Dated: May 29, 1880
Special Dispatch to the Cincinnati Gazette.
NEW ALBANY, May 28 - At noon to-day Mrs. Monroe,
wife of the late Col. Henry Monroe, a mother of the
pioneer days, and who helped make garments for the soldiers
of the frontier army in the war of 1812, died after an
illness of two yeas, aged eighty-nine years.
Death of Mrs. Charlotte Wright.
Mrs. Charlotte C. Wright, daughter of the late
George W. Williams and widow of the late Wm. H.
Wright, died at 6:30 yesterday morning. She leaves
one child, a grown daughter. The deceased was a sister
of Mr. Cort Williams, the well known attorney.
The funeral will take place from Lane Seminary on Sunday at
2 p.m., with private burial.
(Found at Genealogy Bank, Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Cincinnati Daily
Dated: Feb. 14, 1881
CROWN and WEAVER Charged With His Murder in Custody/
John LOGAN, the man who was shot last Thursday
night by John CROWN, on the corner of Longworth
street and Central Avenue, died Saturday afternoon at 2
o'clock in the City Hospital. Coroner RENDIGS
was notified, and after seeing the body, ordered Dr.
ROTHAKER to hold a post mortem examination, which was
done yesterday, afternoon between the hours of 2 and 4
o'clock. As will be remembered, CROWN, who was
arrested charged with the shooting, was released on $500
bail, furnishing as security George B. COX, Friday
morning. When it was announced that LOGAN was
dead Sergeant RITTWEGER, of Ninth Street Station,
arrested CROWN on a capias and lodged him in the
Ninth Street Station charged with murder. Lou.
WEAVER, who was supposed to be connected with the
commission of the crime, delivered himself to Lieut.
REILLY Saturday, and was locked up on the same charge.
The post mortem examination developed the fact that the
bullet entered the left side, and passing through the lungs,
lodged on the right side near the ribs. The inquest
will be held this morning at 10 o'clock.
(Found at Genealogy Bank, Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Cincinnati Daily Gazette
Dated: Feb. 14, 1881
Death of the Venerable Smith BETTS, a Native of
Mr. Smith BETTS, who died last Saturday morning at 2
o'clock at the family residence, No. 28 Hopkins street, was
one of the oldest pioneers of this city. His father,
William BETTS, was born in New Jersey, near Raleigh.
He left that State in 1795, and emigrated as far West as
Brownsville, Pa. His intention was to proceed further
but he was deterred from his purpose on account of the
reported depredations of the Indians in the Western wilds.
William BETTS, cultivated a farm near Brownsville
until the year 1800, when he bartered it away for a
consideration of iron, whisky, and horses. He built
two or three flatboats, and steering his way down the Ohio
River, by a slow and tedious voyage reached Cincinnati,
which was then known by the name of Losantiville. His
first step in his new location was to purchase a large farm
from Mr. SYMMES, near Lebanon, O. Here he
settled with his family of twelve children, clearing the
land and tilling the soil. A plan cabin, with one door
and one window, formed their dwelling. In after days
of prosperity, William would often recount how he
used to shoot the wild turkeys, that were in great
abundance, through the pigeon hole aperture that was covered
with plain paper. But the title to this farm proved
defective, and Mr. SYMMES, in the honest style of
those pioneer days, returned the purchase money.
William BETTS now came back to Cincinnati, where his son
Smith, was born, July 3, 1806. He was a brick
manufacturer, and succeeded by thrift and enterprise in
accumulating a considerable estate. A peculiarity of
old William was that as fast as he made his money he
loaned it to a tavern keeper by the name of Joel WILLIAMS.
Joel was a great land owner, but he had no cash at
all, so that when William demanded the returned of
his loans, he was informed that in lieu of cash he might
have a farm on Indian Creek, near the Miami River. Wm.
BETTS was not pleased with the selection of land, and
finally a bargain was struck by which he was to become the
owner of a tract of land near the town. This farm is
now that portion of our city which extends from Chestnut to
Liberty and from Central avenue to Freeman, and had in those
days a special Indian name. William
subsequently made arrangements to purchase the site where
now stands the Cincinnati Hospital, but while negotiations
were pending he died, in May, 1815. He had twelve
children, one of his sons having been drowned in the Ohio
River when thirteen or fourteen years of age.
Smith BETTS, the subject of this obituary,
assisted his father at an early age in the occupation of
brickmaking, and when twenty-one years of age married a
Miss Anne Toy, who had been a resident of New Jersey,
but was living in Cincinnati a few years before her
marriage. From this alliance came five children,
Emily, Phoebe Anne, Joseph Wallace, Martha and Amanda.
All these children died in their infancy excepting Joseph
Wallace who departed this life August 11, 1879.
Mrs. BETTS, nee TOY, died in 1836. Her husband
carried on the manufacture of brick, and succeeded in
amassing a considerable fortune. In 1840 he retired
with a compency. From 1834 to 1835 the large paternal
estate, which had then grown into very valuable property,
was divided among the BETTS children, the sons
receiving all the real estate, and the daughter all the
cash. Smith BETTS built a small frame for a
dwelling in 1827, on exactly the same site where the present
family residence is located, and where he died. He
lived in the frame until 1853, and then substituted the
present house for it. In 1848 he married Cynthia A.
Young, a resident and native of Cincinnati. The
children from this marriage, who are living, are Helen B.
Jasiewicz, Stanley Smith BETTS, and Charles
Mr. Smith BETTS in his early days was a member of
the Presbyterian Church, though in after life he did not
affiliate himself with any particular denomination. He
was a prominent Mason of Cynthia Lodge, McMillan Chapter,
and was initiated into Odd Fellowship, though he never
participated actively in the business of the order. In
1870 he became afflicted with rheumatism, and in 1874
sustained an attack of partial paralysis, which crippled him
completely, so that for the past seven years he was not able
to be on his feet. Dr. Wm. Clendenm attended
him on his last illness. He was a man of strong will
and great determination. On Wednesday morning he was
determined to make an effort to walk about in his room, and
when he found his complete inability, he quietly remarked
that his time was come and that he was ready to die.
Of the original BETTS family of twelve children, six
of whom were sons, only one survives, Mr. Isaac BETTS,
on College Hill, who is in his seventy-third year. The
funeral services on tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock will be
conducted by the Rev. Mr. WHITE, pastor of the Poplar
Street Presbyterian Church. The Masons will attend and
bury him with full Masonic rites.
(Found at Genealogy Bank, Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Cincinnati Daily Gazette - Ohio
Dated: November 3, 1881
THROOP - On Monday afternoon, October 31, Everett S.
Throop, 45 years of age.
Funeral Services at his late residence, No. 353 West
Fourth street, on Thursday afternoon, November 3, at 2
o'clock. Burial private.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Death of Mr. Jonathan Chapman, of Boston, Mass.
From the Boston Advertiser, Oct. 31.
Jonathan Chapman (H. U., 1856), son of the
former Mayor of Boston of that name, died at Brookline,
Mass., October 28. His mother, Lucinda Dwight
Chapman, is of the well known Dwight family of
Springfield, Mass. He was born in Boston March 11,
1836, was fitted for college at the Boston Latin School in
part, and chiefly at Phillips Academy, Exeter, and graduated
at Harvard in 1856, where his father had graduated in 1825.
In 1862, while in the business house of J. C. Howe &
Co., in Philadelphia, he was appointed Acting Assistant
Paymaster in the United States Navy, and served as such
until March, 1865. He then settled in Cincinnati,
where he was Treasurer of the White Star Valley Railroad of
Indiana until 1870, when he became connected as clerk with
the Indianapolis, Cincinnati & Lafayette Railroad, and so
remained until his last illness. He married, November
5, 1867, Miss Ellen Irvin, of Campbell County, Ky.,
who, with a son ten years of age, survive him. His
honored mother, residing at Brookline, Mass., also survives
him. Mr. Chapman had been very ill for over a
year with an abscession the walls of his chest, and was
removed last May from Cincinnati to Brookline in the hope of
his improvement. His death will be mourned by a large
circle of friends, both in Cincinnati and Boston, and with
especial sadness by his Cambridge classmates. His
funeral takes place at Mount Auburn Chapel at noon today
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Whose Story the Police are Not Inclined to Believe
A Tragedy That Wound Up a Long Course of Wholesale
Dissipation by a Drunken Family - A Father's Death During a
Quarrel with His Son Over the Getting of Means for Drink.
Special Dispatch to the Cincinnati Gazette,
NEW YORK, Nov. 2 - The presence of the
Coroner at 126 Monroe street was demanded this afternoon by
the police of the Seventh Precinct, to hold an inquest on
Francis Weiligman, aged fifty-eight, a tailor, who the
brief announcement sent by the police said, "had been killed
by his son Henry this afternoon."
Henry Weiligman was a prisoner at Madison Street
Station, self-accused of the murder, and, despite his
confession and acknowledged bad character, there is some
doubt as to the correctness of the statement, especially as
the young man is in a state closely bordering on delirium
The Weiligman family consisted of four persons,
father, mother, and two sons, of whom one, the only sober
member of the family, is employed in a Division street pawn
shop. The other three are in a state of constant
intoxication. Henry, the youngest son,
twenty-three years old, has been arrested and sent to
Blackwell's Island more than once for theft and
drunkenness. The father at one time had been a cutter
in the employ of Brooks Bros., but was ruined
by drink. His wife also drank. The family is
said to be of Danish descent. But the name suggests
German nationality. Weiligman found employment in a
Brooklyn clothing store of late, when not drunk, bur for
more than a week had not been at work.
Monday the family were ordered to leave their rooms on
the second floor of the five story tenement house at No. 126
Monroe street, as they had not paid the rent. The
Weiligmans began to move their scanty effects but finding
the labor too burdensome, Mrs. Weiligman on Tuesday
sent for a junkman, and sold him all the belongings for $10.
With his sum she went away to call upon some friends up
town. The tailor and youngest son, finding themselves
alone, and without means of obtaining more run, quarreled
all day. That night they slept on the bare boards of
the room, from which the junkman had removed all the
This morning Henry Weiligman was dispatched to
Brooklyn to collect $3 by the tailor. He returned
empty handed, and the quarrelling was renewed. No
sound of a struggle was heard, but at 2 o'clock Mrs.
Daly, who lived on the first floor, was accosted by
Henry Weiligman, who was walking leisurely down stairs,
who remarked as he passed her, "I have just killed my
father." The woman in consternation, sent for the
janitor, Mr. Brady, who ran into the tailor's room
and found him dead on the floor, with a cloth wrapped around
his neck. Starting after the son he overtook him at
the corner of the next street, and asked him where he was
going. "To the police station," answered the young
man. "I have killed my father. I strangled him
with a string."
The two went together to the station, where the young
man repeated his statements. He said he wanted money
which his father could not or would not give him, and in the
quarrel that followed he strangled his father with a rope.
The young man was taken to the Essex Market Court and
committed by Justice Flammer to await examination and
the Coroner's inquest. In court he was seized with an
illness that resembled the early stages of delirium tremens.
The police do not believe that Weiligman killed his father.
There was no rope around the tailor's neck, and no mark of
one or any evidence of a struggle. The old man had had
a stroke of paralysis, and it is not improbable that in the
quarrel with his son he had a fresh attack and died.
The hallucination of the son would be easily account for by
his condition.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Special Dispatch to the Cincinnati Gazette.
CAMDEN, Nov. 2 - Eddie, a nine year old son
of Mr. William Pearson, living above town, hurt his
hand while cracking nuts, and died from the effects of
lockjaw that set in soon after. His remains will be
interred in Fairmount Cemetery to-day. |
Source: Cincinnati Commercial Tribune
Dated: Aug. 20, 1883
BEESLEY - August 17, 1883, at the residence of
Gazza__ Gano, in Clifton, Harrison Beesley, in the 40th year
of his age.
Funeral services at the residence, Monday, 20th instl, at _
o'clock p.m. Interment in Spring Grove at 4 o'clock.
BABBITT - The funeral of Miss Lizzie Babbitt,
whose departed this life Saturday evening will take place
from her late home, on Price Hill. Tuesday morning
August 23? Carriages will leave residence at 7:30
o'clock. Requiem high mass at St. Laurence's Church,
on Warsaw pike at 8 o'clock.
WERNER STEINBRECHER - August 18, at 7 a.m. of
paralysis. Hidwig, wife of F. Werner Service her. aged
62 years.
Funeral services at residence, Southern avenue.
Mt. Auburn, this (Monday) afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Burial private.
(Found at Genealogy Bank, Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: New York Herald Dated: Feb. 10, 1888
OBITUARY NOTES: Ex-Congressman
Benjamin Eggleston, of Cincinnati, Ohio,
died yesterday at the Walnut Street House in that city.
For three years past he had been incapacitated for business
by spinal affection, during which time he had resided with
his brother in Hocking County, Ohio. A sudden change
in his condition required special treatment, for which he
was taken a few days ago to Cincinnati. Mr.
Eggleston was born in Corinth, N. Y., Jan. 3, 1816.
He went when quite young to Cincinnati and engaged in
commercial pursuits. He served thirty years in the
Cincinnati Common Council. He was elected as a
republican to the Thirty-ninth and Fortieth Congresses,
served three terms in the Ohio State Senate and was always a
prominent republican worker. He was long the president
of the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce and for several years
the proprietor of the Times newspaper of the city.
(Found at Genealogy Bank, Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Daily Inter Ocean - Illinois Dated: Aug. 21,
CINCINNATI, Ohio, Aug. 20 - Judge Henry C. Whitman
died at his home in this city to-day. Judge Whitman
was distinguished for his legal attainments not less than
for his high personal character and his pure life. In
1853, just after the adoption of the present constitution of
Ohio, he was a judge of the courts, and he traveled over the
district which included the counties adjacent to Fairfield
County. Over a quarter of a century ago he removed to
Cincinnati, where to the time of his last illness he was
engaged in the practice of the law. His early home was
Lancaster, Ohio, where he was the young associate and friend
of the great legal stars that clustered there a third of a
century ago, comprising Thomas Ewing, Sr.,
Hocking Hunter, and Henry Stanberry.
He was a personal acquaintance and admirer of Henry
Clay and had a legal acquaintance with
Edwin M. Stanton, and was the intimate friend of
Judge Allen G. Thurman. In fact, few
men were better known than he to the Ohio bar during his
early manhood. He was a little over 70 years old at
the time of his death.
(Found at Genealogy Bank, Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: St. Louis Republic (St. Louis, MO)
Vol.: 86 Page: 1
Dated: Tuesday, June 5, 1894
W. H. McCreery of St. Luis Suffers a Fatal Attack of
Special to The Republic.
Cincinnati, O. June 4, - Wm. H. McCreery,
giving St. Louis as his home, died at the Burnet House at
11:30 a.m. under regular circumstances McCreery came
to Cincinnati a week ago on business and almost immediately
became ill. He told Clark Hussey that he was
afflicted with inflammatory rheumatism and wanted Dr.
Annie S. Yates of 148 West Eighth street called.
She sent back word that she could not come during office
hours. About Thursday he sent for her again but she
did not come.
This morning Hussey, Manager Zimmerman
and others visited McCreery's room. He said he
was worse and wanted Dr. Mitchell. As he was
out of the city Dr. John M. Withrow was sent
for. Then the sick man sent word down stairs that he
wanted only Dr. Annie Yates and that until she came
he did not want to be disturbed. She sent word that
she would call at 4 p.m. Shortly afterward it was
discovered that McCreery was dead.
Coroner Querner was sent for and viewed the
remains, rendering a verdict of death from natural causes.
W. C. McCreery, who has an office in the
Security Building, St. Louis, a brother of the dead man, was
William H. McCreery was well known this city,
having had an office with his brother, Wayman C. McCreery,
in the Security Building, on Fourth and Locust streets.
He was about 26 years old and a single man, residing with
his brother at 3841 Westminster place.
Information was obtained at the McCreery
residence last night that the deceased had been ill for a
number of years past suffering with rheumatism. It is
believed by his relatives in this city that his sudden death
was due to a rheumatic attack of the heart.
Wayman McCreery left last night over the Big
Four for Cincinnati to take charge of the remains.
(Found at Genealogy Bank, Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Grand Rapids Press (Grand Rapids, MI)
Page: 7
Dated: Wednesday, Apr. 29, 1908
Traverse City Trained Nurse Was About to Be Married.
(Special to The Evening Press.)
Cincinnati, April 29. - Death nipped a romance in the
bud when Miss Madeline Westlund, a trained nurse of
Traverse City, Mich., died here. She was preparing her
wedding trousseau and was to have been married next week to
Walter G. Rose of Hamilton, O., whom she met only a
few weeks ago when she came here to practice her profession.
A quarrel with her sister, Mrs. Tina Lafousee of
Traverse City, caused the young woman to come to Cincinnati.
She lived under the name of Margaret Roubert, but
when she realized that death was near she revealed her
identity. The body was shipped to Traverse City today
in response to a telegram from her sister.
(Found at Genealogy Bank, Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |