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Belmont County, Ohio
History & Genealogy

Source: Daily Ohio Statesman - Ohio
Date: June 4, 1864
An Ohio Merchant Robbed of $2500 - Mr. Otho
S. Holloway, merchant, of Flushing, Belmont County, Ohio, had his
pocket picked on Monday afternoon, in one of the sleeping cars of the
Pennsylvania Central road. and a pocket book containing upwards of
$2,000 in money, ch`ecks, & c., abstracted therefrom. The robbery
was committed just after Mr. H. entered the cars. Having arrived
at Pittsburg from the West, he hurried into the sleeping car, going
East, and in the crowd and bustle of changing cars, but neglected to
observe proper caution and thus lost his money.
(Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Spirit of democracy (Woodsfield,
Ohio) Vol.: 31 Page: 4
Dated: June 16, 1874
A. C. DANFORD, of Wayne township, Belmont county, recently
sheared a sheep whose fleece weighed 18-3/4 pounds.
BELMONT COUNTY NEWS: (From the Gazette, 11th inst.)
A man named Henry Lineard stole a horse on last
Sunday night a week from a Mr. Burns in Goshen township.
On the following Tuesday evening the thief was captured near
Moorefield, and on Wedneseday was lodged in the jail at this place. |
Source: Wheeling Daily Register - Va.
Date: Mar. 1, 1875
M. D's. - Among the name young gentlemen who
graduated at Columbus, Ohio, Medical College week, we notice George
A. Clairsville, Belmont County, Ohio. Hayden Smith's Gap,
Hampshire, West Virginia; R. O. McMacoe, Belmont county, Ohio. |
.Source: Wheeling Register - West Virginia
Dated: February 7, 1879
The Presbyterian church social which was
announced to meet at the house of Mr. Andrew J. Baggs has been
indefinitely postponed on account of the illness of Mr. Bagg's
father, Mr. R. J. Baggs - who has been very sick for
several days. He was decidedly better last evening and hopes are
entertained of his speedy recovery.
M. J. Tieman has moved
back into his old quarters in the Kirkwood grocery. He feels
more at home there than he did in his Bridgeport store. |
.Source: Wheeling Register - West Virginia
Dated: Aug. 15, 1879
(Mentions) The contractor, Chas. Seabight, who
has the job of putting in a new bridge connecting Kirkwood and
Bridgeport, has begun operations. He has put in a temporary
trestle, and tramway across the creek just above the old bridge, for
the purpose of running stone over for the south abutment. The
old bridge is in very bad condition, and it is hoped that the new one
will be hastened.
A. J. Baggs, new house in Kirkwood has the Frame
up. |
.Source: Wheeling Register - West Virginia
Dated: October 13, 1881
A Pleasant and Fashionable Affair Over in Kirkwood
Last night, in the presence of about
fifty invited guests, David Stewart, a popular young gentleman
of Bellaire, was united in holy matrimony to Miss Mamie Baggs,
daughter of A. H. Baggs, the Superintendent of the LaBelle
Glass Works. The ceremony was performed at the residence
of the bride by Rev. Keys, the attendants being Jas. Travis
and Miss Mamie Moore. The bride was handsomely
attired and the groom was in conventional custume.
Congratulations and kind wishes poured in on the happy couple and our's
are volunteered in addition with all the kindly sentiments appropriate
on such an occasion.
The list of presents is a long one. Among them we
note the following.
Mr. Stewart's present to his wife
was a handsome solid gold watch and chain.
A silver cake basket by Miss Mamie A. Moore.
A solid silver pickle caster by Mr. and Mrs.
A most handsome card case and bouquet by Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Harris.
A clock by P. T. McCarty.
Silver teaspoons and tablespoons by Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Stewart.
Dozen knives and forks by Mr. and Mrs.
Napkin rings by Miss Maggie Adolph
Silver cake basket by C. Hess & Sons.
Two silver butter knives by Miss Mary Budke.
A most elaborate jewelry case, by Mr. and Mrs.
D. W. Baird.
Silver fruit stand, by Mr. Harry Hastings.
Decorated glass mantle set, by Mr. and Mrs.
Zephyr pincushion by Mrs. Eva Heyburn.
Silver butter dish, by Miss Clara McNickol.
Silver pickle caster, by Sister Annie
Variegated marble clock, by J. R.
Silver cake basket, gold-lined, by Mr. and Mrs.
E. P. Rhodes
Caster, by Mr. and Mrs. Ingram.
Fine linen table cloth, by Mrs. Davis.
Quilt, by Mrs. McGill.
Handsomely flowered tidy, by Mrs. Leasure.
Beautiful toilet set, by Miss Mary Moffet.
Toilet set. |
Source: Wheeling Register - West Virginia
Dated: Jan. 5, 1882
- Mr. Alex Sterret has returned from Pittsburgh.
- William Caseman is still contined in the lockup
The Belmont Glass Works started up last evening.
- Mrs. Stephen Lanecal, of the first ward is quite ill.
- Dr. M. H. Ellis, of Jacobsburg, was in the city yesterday.
- Col. Sullivan left for Batesville yesterday afternoon.
Skating on the creek is quite popular among the young people.
- Mr. C. C. Fish, of Moundsville, is pending a few days in the
- Miss Alta and Clide Ford, of Benwood, are visiting in
- Barney O'Hare, of the Third ward, is very low with heart
- Mr. A. Sonneborn, of Wheeling, was in Bellaire on business
- Dr. Muhleman removed a tumor from the breast of Mr. Isaac
Ault yesterday.
The colored people are still holding a revival at their church on
Belmont Street.
- A little child of Councilman Reed, is recovering from a
severe attack of diphtheria.
- There was a pleasant surprise party at the residence of Samuel
Fox last night in South Bellaire.
- The suite of Phillip Crow vs. the B. & S. W. railroad, will
be heard by Mayor Orswell and a jury to-day.
- Mrs. H. S. Smith, of Kensington, Ohio, is here to attend
the wedding of her sister, Miss Lillie Kirkkpatrick.
- Mr. George Walker, one of the firm of Gill & Walker,
is spending a few days among old friends here.
- A tramp named Kennedy got a night's lodging at the city
prison here, and left for Wheeling yesterday afternoon.
- The Bellaire turners will give a ball for the benefit of one of
their disabled members, Friday evening, January 20.
- The employes on the C. and P. road have raised over five hundred
dollars with which to purchase a present for Superintendent John
- The stave machinery of Cochran and Wallace, at Woodsfield, has
been purchased by the Bellaire Nail Manufacturing Company, and will
be removed to this city shortly.
- Mr. John Kelly and Lillie Kirkpatrick, were
quietly married at the residence of the bride's parents in this city
last evening. Rev. J. K. McKallip performed
the ceremony. No cards.
- All alumni of Amherst College in this vicinity should forward
their names to Prof. Cox, Superintendent of the Bellaire
Schools, who will report them to the State Alumni Association. |
.Source: Wheeling Register - West Virginia
Dated: November 24, 1882
The State Fair Closed in a Blaze of Glory...
(included in the article is the following:)
The REGISTER has hereto referred, often at
considerable length, to the displays made by the enterprising and
public spirited business men and manufacturers of Wheeling. Many
of them have done nobly, have made many friends, and have found the
Fair to be a paying investment. In several instances, yesterday,
exhibitors said they had made big sales, formed many new
acquaintances, and they uniformly consider the Fair the best
imaginable thing for them.
The people who made a critical examination of the art department were
impressed with the general merit of the exhibits. This is
particularly true of the hand-painted and decorated china shown by the
ladies of Wheeling and several surrounding towns. Without
exception this class of exhibits have shown great good taste and high
artistic training............
(Among others) Miss Gutman, vase; Mrs. Dr. Wagner,
Kirkwood, butters, etc.; Mrs. C. L. Fisher, Kirkwood, ice
creams; Mrs. Thompson Baggs, Kirkwood; (and others) |
.Source: Wheeling Register - West Virginia
Dated: November 24, 1882
A. J. Baggs has made many
costly additions to his former comfortable home, and now has one of
the finest residences in the county.
J. F. Baggs, a member
of the firm of R. J. Baggs & Son, is erecting a new house on
the side of the hill back of Kirkwood.
Martha Baggs, wife of
R. J. Baggs, has been long in feeble health, as is also the old
veteran lumberman, whom everybody knows, but both are somewhat
improved with a promise of a little longer lease of life. |
.Source: Wheeling Register - West Virginia
Dated: April 11, 1884
Visits a Kirkwood African - Bridgeport News and Notes.
Kirkwood, if Willis Brown, a colored man can
be believed, ahs ghosts or something of that sort. He says that
one appeared for the first time on last Friday night, coming down the
chimney and flying over the bed and all around his room, crying out
time after time, "Arise and leave at once," "Make haste!" "Go!"
Brown says it had wings and acted j just like an angle,
and f frightened him almost to death. He says it appeared
for the second time on Saturday night, going through the same strange
maneuvers and for the third and last time on Wednesday night, bringing
with it a tall man who carried in his left hand a lighted torch and
swallowed the fires like the Kirkwood girls do caromels. The
story sounds tough but he tells the same story to everybody.
Dr. West and Dr. Close,
yesterday, Postmaser Wise, V. T. Morgan and N. L. Marsh, all of
Bellaire, were here on business.
Some needed improvements are being made about the C. L.
& W. R. R. Depot.
Mr. John R. Gow, of Bellaire, is the guest of
Dr. Van Wagenor.
Power Allen, an old Bridgeporter, is here among his
many friends.
Miss McDonald, teacher in the schools, was at
Bellaire yesterday on account of which no school was held.
Judge Carroll and other St. Clairsville people
were yesterday celebrating the passage of the new court house bill.
The meat shop of Baggs & C____is is nearing
completion. |
Source: Wheeling Register - West Virginia
Dated: February 6, 1886
The colored M. E. congregation are
building a new church at Kirkwood.
Mr. A. J. Baggs is doing as well as could be expected. |
.Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland
Dated: Aug. 26, 1889
Killed While Coming From Campmeeting.
BARNESVILLE, Aug. 25 - [Special] - While returning from
Moundsville camp meeting this evening Everett Cozier, aged 19
years, of this place was knocked from the platform of an excursion
train at Glencoe bridge and instantly killed, his body falling under
the wheels and being horribly (the rest of the article is
missing) |
.Source: Wheeling Register - West Virginia
Dated: December 15, 1889
(Among the articles are as follows)
Miss Hartford, who has been doing missionary
work among the Indians, will conduct the services at the Kirkwood
Presbyterian church this evening.
An elegant supper was given on Friday evening by Mr.
Warren W. Baggs, at his residence on Pike street. All of the
employes of the planing mill were present and had a most enjoyable
time. As the planing mill has closed down indefinitely, Mr.
Baggs desired to bring all the men together in a social way.
All present decided that Mr. Baggs' efforts were highly
appreciated. |
.Source: Wheeling Register - West Virginia
Dated: November 22, 1891
It was reported yesterday that four men from
Martin's Ferry, whose names could not be definitely learned, had gone
to St. Clairsville on a quail hunt but proved quite disastrous, as a
dog, a colt and a calf were accidentally shot.
D. G. Morgan of Etnaville, was at St.
Clairsville yesterday on business.
The street car system on the Aetnaville and Martin's
Ferry route is not working well. The cars run from Wheling to
McCoy, who have been visiting Mr. Geo. Summers, returned home
Henry Wach and bride have returned from their
wedding tour.
The funeral of Mary R. Scott will take place
this afternoon. The interment will be private in Linwood
Miss Mary McGiffen, of Kirkwood, is quite sick.
Mrs. A. H. Baggs has returned from New
The Sweedish concert took place last night at the
Presbyterian Church, and was a great success and largely attended.
Miss Anna Husbands, of Bellaire, was the guest
of Miss Maggie Hill during the past week.
Source: Morning Herald - Kentucky
Dated: June 15, 1897
CORSET STEELS - Three Young Women Killed By a Bolt
In Ohio
Bellaire, O., June 14 - The lives of three young ladies were blotted
out by lightning while they were on their way home from the M. E.
church at Jacobsburg. The victims are: Alpa Taylor, daughter
of William Taylor; Emma White, daughter
of Simon White, Minnie McGuire, daughter
of Rev. Thomas McGuire.
All were about nineteen years of age. Sarah
Bohring was body stunned and may die. There were
residents of Jacobsburg, a village on the Bellaire, Zanesville and
Cincinnati railway, eleven miles west of this city, and were walking
together on the road about 100 yards from the church, when they were
struck by the lightning.
It is believed that the steel corsets worn by the three
that were killed were the chief cause of their death, as Miss
Bohring, who wore none, was only stunned. |
Source: Tacoma Daily News - Oklahoma
Dated: June 19, 1897
Three young ladies of Jacobsburg, Ohio, quit on the 13th.
They were; they are not. They attended evening service at the
Methodist church. In walking home they were struck by
lightning and killed. Their steel corsets attracted the
electric fluid. A young lady walking with them wore no corsets
and was only stunned by the bolt. this incident doubtless
contains a moral, but just what that is might be disputed. It
may be: Never go to church on Sunday evening. Or: Take off
your corsets when lightning begins. Or: Don't go four in a
bunch, but have young men with you as lightning conductors. |
Source: Grand Forks Herald - North Dakota
Dated: Mar. 16, 1904
Miner Killed His Boss by Shoving a Poker Through His Eye Into His
St. Clairsville, Ohio, March 15 - Joseph Bell, a
miner, forced a poker through the eye and into the brain of James
O'Brien, boss at the Barton Coal works, during a quarrel in the
boarding house of Mrs. Wormsley at the place known as Hell's
Kitchen, tonight. O'Brien was instantly killed and
Bell was later arrested and locked in jail here. |
Source: Newark Advocate
Dated: Mar. 16, 1904
A Quarrel Between Drunken Miners at St. Clairsville Results in a
St. Clairsville, O., March 16 - Joseph A. Bell, a
miner forced a poker through the eye and into the brain of James
O'Brien boss at the Barton coal works, during a quarrel in a
boarding house of Mrs. Wormsley, at a place known as "Hell's
Kitchen" Tuesday night.
O'Brien was instantly killed and Bell was
later arrested and lodged in jail here. The men were idle
today on account of the vote being taken on the operators'
proposition and all were drinking. Quarrels were frequent. |
Source: Tyrone Herald
Dated Mar. 17, 1904
James O'Brien killed in St. Clairsville, OH
Forced Poker Into Man's Brain.
St. Clairsville, O., March 16, -
Joseph Bell, a miner forced a poker through the eye and into the
brain of James O'Brien, boss at the Barton coal works, during
a quarrel in the boarding house of Mrs. Wormsley, at a place
known as Hell's Kitchen.
O'Brien was instantly killed and Bell was
later arrested and lodged in jail here. The men were idle on
account of the vote being taken on the operators' proposition, and
all were drinking. Quarrels were frequent. |

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