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Cuyahoga County, Ohio
History & Genealogy

Marriages - in Newspaper
(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)

Source:  Portage County Advocate
Dated: Feb. 7, 1855
     At the Printiss House on the 18th ult. by Ira BURROUGHS, Esq., MARCUS W. PRICE, of Shalersville, and MARY L. RICHMEND,  of Chagrin Falls.

Source:  Plain Dealer (Cleveland, Ohio) - Page 3
Dated: April 30, 1892
 - James Johnson - Hulda Dahlstrom.

Source:  Plain Dealer - Cleveland, Ohio
Dated:  Sep. 1, 1895


Cards are out announcing the marriage of Mr. J. H. PLATZ to Miss Bertha M. BRITTON in the near future.
**  Miss Blanche, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James TAYLOR-SARGENT of No. 1194 East Madison avenue, will be married to Mr. Charles Sulyard BIGSBY of Duluth Tuesday evening, Sept. 3.
**  Mr. and Mrs. William KIMBALL have announced the approaching marriage of their daughter, Jessie Olivia, to Mr. Harry Fenton BARCH on Wednesday evening, Sept. 18.  The wedding takes place at Pilgrim church.
**  Invitations have been issued for the marriage of Mr. Burt M. Gardner, son of Hon. George W. GARDNER of this city to Miss Marian Page HALL, daughter of Mrs. Holman P. Hall of St. Paul, Minn.  The wedding will take place in Christ church, St. Paul, on Sept. 12.
** Mr. Frank R. HARRIS and Miss Luella J. ENGLE were happily married yesterday afternoon at the residence of the ENGLE residence, No. 969 South Logan avenue.  Owing to a recent death in the bride's family the wedding was a quiet one and attended only by the immediate friends and relatives.  Mr. James BUCKLEY assisted Mr. HARRIS and Miss Moretta ENGLE, sister of the bride, acted as bridemaid.
** Mr. Frank M. PARKER, of Piqua and Miss Cliffors KERNS were married at high noon Wednesday, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elias KERNS, who resides a few miles northeast of the city, by Rev. Dr. T. L. HUGHES of the Presbyterian church.  The bride was attended by Miss Emma Coffeen and the groom by Mr. Clare HUGHES.  Mr. and Mrs. PARKER left Wednesday evening for New York and other eastern points.
** Friday evening, Aug. 30, at 6 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. M. J. GOUCHER, No. 92 Brookfield street, Mr. Frederick H. JACKSON was joined in marriage with Miss Mary A. LACKEY, Rev. W. A. SPINNEY, pastor of the East End Baptist Church, performing the ceremony.  Mr. and Mrs. JACKSON took the night boat for Detroit; from thence they go to the islands for a few days.  On their return they will give a reception to their many friends, after which they will take a trip south.
** At the Woodland Avenue Presbyterian church on last Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock a pretty wedding occurred which united for life Mr. Harry C. BOWEN and Miss E. Birdetta ALEXANDER.  The marriage was solemnized by the Rev. Dr. HUTCHINSON, pastor of the church.  The ceremony was witnessed only by the relatives and most intimate friends of the couple.  Miss Gertrude COLBURN was bridemade and Mr. W. B. ALEXANDER, brother of the bride, was best man.  After the ceremony a wedding feast was served at The Hollenden.  The groom a well  known young business man connected with the W. Bingham Co.  His bride is a lovely and accomplished young lady and a favorite in society circles.  She was exquisitely attired in a gown of cream colored silk, trimmed in duchess lace and pearls, and carried a bouquet of bride's roses.  Mr. and Mrs. BOWEN left via the Detroit line for an extended trip up the lakes and on their return will spend a week at Middle Buss club house.  They will be at home to their friends after Oct. 1, at No. 312 Bell avenue.
** Chagrin Falls - At the home of the officiating minister, Rev. M. J. Slutz, pastor of M. E. church, Harry G. ARNOLD of North Solon and Miss Belle SHIPPY were united in marriage on Thursday evening.  Both are well known young people of this locality and highly respected.  - Enos PARKER of Hiram and Miss Mabel HINTZ of Chagrin Falls were united marriage at the home of an uncle of the groom in Randall.  Both are well known young people and will reside in Hiram.
     Mrs. E. S. WRIGHT
gave a dinner party Monday evening.
     A delightful box party was given at HALTNORTH's garden on Wednesday evening by Mrs. E. S. WRIGHT.
     Mr. and Mrs. Will DONAHUE
of Mecca street entertained Tuesday evening for Mrs. Cross and Miss Effie CROSS of Toronto.
     Mr. and Mrs. Harry FISHER entertained a number of their Cleveland friends Saturday evening at their cottage, Arcadia, on the late shore.
     Fran Oberamsrichter BOCK and her sons of Brunswick, Germany, were entertained at dinner Wednesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. HARDESTY at Camp Marina on the lake shore.
     Miss SILBERTHORNE gave a dinner at her home in Rocky River in honor of her friend, Miss Amy LEWIS of Pittsburg.  The decorations were pink.  Covers were laid for seven.
     Miss Lilla HILL of No. 117 Clinton street was tendered a surprise party last Friday evening, it being the occasion of her sixteenth birthday.  The house was ____fully decorated with Chineses lanterns and flowers and many birthday souvenirs were presented.  Dancing was indulged in till a late hour, when refreshments were served, The guests present were: Miss Gertrude KORN, Miss Lizzie POTTER, Miss Lucy HOWARD, Miss Rhoda CHIPCHASE, Miss Minnie McMANING, Miss Nellie ROLLINS, the Misses SMIEDELL, Mrs. A. BEARD, and Mrs. A. SMITH, Messrs. Harry WESTLEY, Peter DOYLE, Charlie GESSARD, George Westrope, J. ROUCHER, B. FRANKS, B. SANN, Heber HOWARD, A. BEARD and George BITZ.
     A very pleasant party was given by Miss Edith DAVIES of No. 2 Plymouth place Tuesday evening in honor of her sister Ada, who has just returned from visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McWALTERS, of Chicago.  A nice supper was served and a fine evening spent.  Among those present were Miss Claudie LEONARD, Miss Anna L. RICHARDS, Mr. Albert B. McNARY, Mr. Charles BICKNELL, Mr. H. B. McGRATH, Mr. Joe KUHN, Mr. Ed NEUBAR and Mr. RAYMOND.
     A very pleasant party of campers from Mrs. C. H. SEYMOUR's Ouidenarde gave a bus drive from Lake Front to Scenic park, a distance of fourteen miles, Friday evening.  The following were present: Mrs. C. H. SEYMOUR, R. C. SEYMOUR, Mrs. and Miss CAULFIELD from from Camp Juaneta; Mr. and Mrs. P. G. FEINER, from Camp Sylvian, Mrs. C. FOLSOM, Misses Rsoe KAUFMAN, Minnie NIEMAN, May HUNTER from Camp Come Again; Mr. and Mrs. BROWN and daughter, Pearl, from Camp Price of Cleveland; Mrs. J. T. McREYNOLDS, Miss Mabel and Mike NEWTON, from Camp Max. Dr. C. MORRISON and Mr. Fred T. RUSSELL joined the party at the square.  The evening, was perfect and the party sang and enjoyed a fine luncheon, which was served by the ladies of Ouidenarde after reaching home.
** A most enjoyable picnic took place at Glenwood park, Tuesday, Aug. 22.  It was a reunion of the former residents of Osborn street who have moved in different localities in the East End.  Among those invited were the families of Mr. J. P. McKINSTRY, Mr. Silas ROSSITER, Mrs. M. J. NORTON.  Mr. George COOK, Mrs. C. F. UHL, Mr. L. DIESENBERG, Mr. GLAZIER, Mr. R. E. BURDICK.  Mr. George SCRIBNER, Dr. J. E. ROBINSON, Mr. George GANSON, Mr. J. EISENMANN, and Mr. C. CRAWFORD.  It was decided to form a permanent organization, the meetings to be annual, the place indefinite.  The following officers were elected: President, Mrs. M. J. Norton; vice president, S. ROSSITER; secretary, Miss Estelle BONE; treasurer, C. F. UHL. Mr. G. COOK was chairman of the executive committee, of whom were Mr. L. DUSENBERG, Miss J. GLAZIER, Miss Fannie LEININGER.
 Toledo. - Miss Anna MORSE gave a delightful "morning" on Thursday.  The ladies who were Miss MORSE's guests were: Mrs. S. M. JONES, Mrs. Prentice ROOD, Mrs. George TUTTLE, Mrs. Carl MERRIAM, Mrs. Judd RICHARDSON, Mrs. Dr. BESSEY, Mrs. W. H. PORTER, MRs. George STOCKTON, Miss Miss MACLAREN, Miss WAGGONER, Miss LANG, Miss TROWBRIDGE, Miss BRAINARD, Miss FAUROT, of Lima, Miss PHILLIPS, Miss GRIDLEY, Miss CHAPIN, Miss BURNAP and Mrs. COTNER of Detroit. - The young folks who composed a merry trolley party on Tuesday evening were Miss Rose JACOBY, Miss RYDER, Miss Alice GILLETTE and guests, Miss Mabel GAY of Minneapolis and Miss Allie HALL of Delaware, Miss Edna ROBERTS, Miss Myrtle HUBER, Miss Louise NICOLS and guest, Miss Caddie FAUROT of Lima, Miss Grace LONDY, Miss Daisy FARLEY, Miss Daisy BURGE, Miss Cora DILDINE, Miss Maude PLAISTED, Miss Sarah SHERMAN, Miss Jessie DURFEE, Mr. and Mrs. Paul WOOLSON, Mr. and Mrs. O. K. MARVIN, Mr. J. W. WILSON, Mr. Alfred MERRILL, Mr. Cliford WHITMORE, Mr. Grant WILLIAMS, Mr. Walton LASKEY, Mr. George NORTON, Mr. Gibson DILDINE, Mr. Frank CAUGHING, Mr. CHarles STRATFORD, Mr. George PALMER, Mr. O. E. BOICE, Mr. GAINES and Mr. D. B. MAURER.


** Miss HEPBURN of Columbus is the guest of Miss SANDERS.
** Mr. Will SCHINKE left Saturday for a trip through Colorado.
** Mr. H. Charles CAREY of No. 155 Oregon street is at Berea.
** Mrs. John MAY and Miss FORD are visiting Buffalo and Niagara.
** Mrs. Julius B. SAPP is visiting her old home at Worcester, Mass.
** Mrs. John U. MAY and sister, Miss Helen FORD, are in Buffalo.
** Miss SANDERS of Superior street has returned from the seashore.
** Mr. Sidney H. SHORT and family have returned form the Maine Coast.
** Miss M. LEWIS of Logan place has gone on a trip south for a number of weeks.
** Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Britton and daughter have gone for a trip up the lakes.
** Marshall BIDDLE, wife and daughter of No. 1264 Cedar avenue are at the seashore and will not return until Sept. 10.
** Mr. and Mrs. Joel ROSE of No. 64 Oakdale street have gone to the White mountains.
** Mrs. E. C. HOLDEN and Mattie F. HOLDEN have returned home after a trip on the lakes.
** Mrs. Joseph Leon GOBEILLE has again returned home after spending several months abroad.
** Miss Katherine PERRY of Toledo has been visiting on the West Side and in Lakewood for a week.
** Mrs. John Toomey of No. 693 Lake street will leave Saturday for an extended trip through the east.
** Miss Marguerite PELLOW of Prospect street leaves for New York city this week to be absent ten days.
** Misses Hanette and May SMITH of St. Clair street have returned from a two weeks' visit in Ashtaula.
** Miss Georgette MIREAU of Scranton avenue has been entertaining Miss Rose Marie JACOBI from Toledo.
** Mrs. James S. MALONE of Bolton avenue is home from a two months' visit spent in the eastern resorts.
** Miss Rose Marie JACOBI leaves Wednesday from home.  She has made many friends during her visit this summer.
** Mr. George A. RUDD and family returned last Tuesday from a four weeks' visit at Perry sound in Georgian bay.
** Mr. and Mrs. W. A. BANKS have returned after two months' sojourn in New York.  Connecticut and Asbury Park.
** Dr. H. C. LUCK sailed last Wednesday on the steamship Columbia for Hamburg.  He will spend six months at Vienna.
** Dr. Martha A. CANFIELD, No. 24 Streator avenue, is just back from a six weeks' vacation in Canada and Lake George.
** Dr. Martha A. CANFIELD, No. 24 Streator avenue, is just back from a six weeks' vacation in Canada and Lake George.
** Mrs. C. Radford THOMPSON of Cedar avenue returned after a three weeks' visit to Chicago and points in the west.
** Mrs. Sadie WARWICK of Buffalo is visiting her cousins, the Misses Mattie and Dolly JONES, No. 447 Wade Park avenue.
** Miss Mary FRAWLEY of Superior street left last Sunday for Boston, New York and the seashore to be gone three weeks.
** Mr. J. NOSS has returned to his home on Rhodes avenue from Germany, where he enjoyed some weeks' rest and recreation.
** Miss Tillie WEIR of Barber avenue and Miss Marie LOWRY from Newburg have returned home from Detroit and Put-in Bay.
** Miss VonBESELER of No. 238 Bell avenue has returned from an extended trip through Vermont and to the coast of Maine.
** Mrs. S. A. MacDonald and Miss MacDONALD of No. 118 Sibley street have returned from a trip to Niagara Falls and Canada
** Mrs. Anna M. LOBER and her daughter Miss Lotta of No. 451 Columbus street are spending a few weeks up the great lakes.
** Mrs. H. CHANDLER and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley TUCKER are spending two or three weeks at St. Clair Springs, Mich.
** Mr. and Mrs. W. H. HEWARD and daughter of No. 46 Oakdale street have gone east to New York, Boston and the Thousand islands.
** Mrs. Sophia LAWSON of Buffalo visited her cousin, Mr. George HERMAN during the past ten days.  She left for her home Wednesday evening.
** Dr. Frank JACOBI from Toledo visited Mr. Charles MIREAU on Scranton avenue previous to his departure to England to be gone two years.
** Miss Kittie WELCH and Miss Kittie KIRKPATRICK of Liberty street have returned from a delightful visit with friends in Delaware and Columbus.
** Mrs. F. S. CARROLL of Doan street with her son, Walter, is spending the summer with Mrs. Thomas ADDICOTT and family in Orwell, Ashtabula county.
** Prof. VANCE leaves Monday to attend the annual meeting of the American Society of Professors of Dancing at the Grand Union hotel, Saratoga.
** Mr. L. C. SCHNELL, of Akron, who has been spending the past three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. P. F. CAULIN.
** Mr. Henry Wilkinson, jr. of NO. 253 Harkness avenue started yesterday for Denver and will make a tour from that point through the world famed scenery of Colorado.
** Mr. and Mrs. F. W. TRUMPER of Genesee avenue have returned from a pleasant trip up the lakes.  Miss TRUMPER, who accompanied them, will remain in St. Paul for a mouth.
** Mr. and Mrs. J. H. BAEHR, Miss Anne DARROW, Mr. Waldemer MEEKES and Emil BAEHR returned home last week after a delightful trip up the lakes and sojourn in Mackinac island.
** The Misses Martha C. and Charlotte C. MORRISON of No. 866 Prospect street, who are now in Scotland, are not expected to return from their trip abroad until after the first of October.
** Miss Ruth STRONG of No. 2100 Euclid avenue, who has been spending the summer i Europe, will sail for home next Saturday.  Her sister, Mrs. LIVINGSTON will remain abroad two years.
** Miss Ella WADE of this city, who has been stopping at the Thornton cottage, Atlantic City, N. J., for the past two weeks, has gone to New York city to spend a week or two.
** Mrs. J. M. PUGH, wife of Judge John M. PUGH, and daughter returned to their home in Columbus, Saturday, after having spent a pleasant week with her sister, Mrs. A. R. WILBERY of Giddings avenue.
** Mr. George DOYLE of Peoria, Ill. is visiting Mr. James MOONEY of Marcey avenue.  Mr. DOYLE was a resident of the city forty years ago when the city limits were bounded on the east by Erie street.
** Mr. and Mrs. John SONTZMICH and daughter, May, of No. 66 Holyoke place have returned from an extended trip up the lakes, having spent their time at Catawba island, Put-in-Bay, Ballast island, Detroit and Mt. Clemens.
** The Misses Casey, Miss Josephine Ernne, Miss Margaret BYRNE, Miss Maude LOBIEN of Oberlin, Mr. and Mrs. C. HOFER and Mrs. Hattie PEMRICH of Harmony cottage, Euclid beach, broke up camp this week, having had a very jolly time.
** Camp Kant U. C. of Glenwood on Lake Eire is now but a pleasant memory.  After a four weeks' outing the Misses Lotta GROSS, Marion BECKLEY, Ethel CLARK, Alice ORWIG, Gertrude DUSCHEL, Emma JOHNSON and Maud SCORAH, chapmeroned by Mrs. A. BECKLEY and Mrs. R. A. DARLING, have returned to the city.
** A very pleasant German was given last Saturday evening by Miss Emma G. YOUNG of No. 69 Arlington street.  About twenty-five guests were present, among them Misses ADAMS, CARREL, AUSTIN, JOHN S, ALLEN, COLE, LOWRY, REYNOLDS, PHINNEY, CONEAD, KOEBEL, Mrs. E. E. NEALE and Mrs. Fred Clifton YOUNG; also Messrs. CASTLE, WITMER, ALLEN, OLDS, COMSTOCK, NEALE, HARAUGH, OWEN, M______ and YOUNG.


** Mrs. J. SHAW is at the Murray Hill hotel.
** Mr. and Mrs. W. H. FINDLEY are at the Hotel Imperial.
** Mr. and Mrs. E. STROCKEY are at the Hotel Brusnwick.
** Mr. and Mrs. H. P. McINTOSH, are at the Holland house.
** Miss S. KAUFMAN is at the Hotel Castleton, Staten island.
** Mrs. J. PATON and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. TOWNSEND are at teh Hotel Vendome.

CLEVELANDERS at Saegertown.

** The following Cleveland people arrived at the Eureka hotel, Saegertown, during the past week:  Benedict CROWELL, W. J. ROBERTS, Wife and two children; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. PANKHURST, Miss Harriet WRIGHT, Miss Augusta LYNCH, A. E. FOWLER, C. F. DEALY, G. R. DEAN, John Zangerle, E. E. BROOKS, Mrs. J. BROOKS, N. M. JONES, jr.; E. W. INGERSOL, Mrs. S. C. SMITH, Miss F. M. Smith, Mrs. L. H. BROOKS, Miss W. C. BROOKS, Mrs. V. P. THOMAS, Mrs. George PALMER and children, Mrs. H. E. BIGELOW and daughter, Charles W. WHITMARSHand daughters, G. T. McINTOSH, Miss May McINTOSH, John GILL and wife, John H. HORD, Mrs. Eugene L. GRAVES and family.

SHARON WICK'S NOTE:  There are several more names.  I have newspaper clipping if needed.

Source:  Plain Dealer- Cleveland, Ohio - Page: 8
Dated: Feb. 5, 1898
Married in Canton.
Special Dispatch to the Leader.
     Canton, O. Feb. 4, - Samuel J. Burgert, a well-known young attorney, Democratic politician and lodge man, was married to Miss Mary A. Koons, last night, and they are now en route to New Orleans.  The bride is a daughter of the late Louis Koons, and is ppular in a large circle of friends.  The wedding was attended only by the immediate relatives.

Source:  Cleveland Leader (Cleveland, Ohio) Page: 3
Dates: Dec. 16, 1898
The Marriage of a Young Business Man of Cleveland and a Popular Young Woman Celebrated at Berea.
Special Dispatch to the Leader
     Berea. Dec. 15. - The marriage of John B. Cecill and Miss Augusta Dyke was solemnized at the home of the bride's mother, on Furnace street, last evening, the Rev. J. H. Deeds officiating.  Only the immediate relatives of the families ware present, and the wedding gifts were many and elegant.
     The groom is a member of the firm of Cecill, Aldrich & Co., furniture dealers, Ontario street, Cleveland.
     The bride is the accomplished daughter of Mrs. Mary J. Dyke, of Berea.  Both young people received their education of Berea, where they have many friends.  The young couple will reside at No. 185 Princeton street, Cleveland.
Special Dispatch to the Leader.
     Vermillion, O., December 15.  - F. W. Coen, of Cleveland, and Miss Marion Douglas Rae, daughter of Captain F. H. Rae, of this place, were married at their residence at 5 o'clock this evening by Rev. Kaley, of the Congregational Church.  About fifty guests were present.  They will reside on Detroit street in Cleveland, where Mr. Coen holds the position of general passenger agent for the Lorain & Cleveland Electric Railway.

Source:  Plain Dealer - Cleveland, Ohio
Dated: Nov. 8, 1914
Weddings to Come:
     Mr. and Mrs. S. M. McELDOWNEY,
1081 E. 91st St. announce the engagement of their daughter HAZEL to ____ SOHN? of 126 Delmont Av. East Cleveland.
     Mr. and Mrs. B. F. STULTZ of Norwalk, O., announce the engagement of their daughter, RUTH to Mr. HERSHLE LAUREN FARR of Cleveland.  The wedding will take place early in the winter.
     Mrs. ETTIE WILSON LUDWIG of 1622 E. 93rd st. announces the engagement of her daughter, ESTHER ELIZABETH to Mr. JAMES CLYDE HEINTZ son of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. HEINTZ of 7808 Cedar av.

Mrs. T. H. BUSHNELL, Jr.
One year ago Miss ADELE JOHNSON, daughter of Mrs. E. S. JOHNSON of Colorado Springs, Colo., was married in Detroit, Mich. to THOMAS H. BUSHNELL, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. THOMAS H. BUSHNELL, Sr. Stanwood and Terrace-rds., East Cleveland.  It had been intended by the families to keep the marriage a secret until June when the bridegroom will graduate from the engineering department of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, but the suspicions of friends and the young couple resulted in the recent announcment by the bride's mother.  Mr. BUSHNELL is known to football fans in northern Ohio as "Hub" BUSHNELL, captain and star quarterback of the Shaw high school team.  He now is a quarterback on the University of Michigan team.  Mrs. BUSHNELL and her mother have been frequent visitors in Cleveland and lived for one or two summers at their cottage at step 133 1/2 Lake Shore boulevard.  Mrs. BUSHNELL attended the College for Women, Western Reserve university, until her college course was interrupted by injuries sustained one winter evening at a college coasting party on Cornell hill when the "bob" upset.  Upon her recovery she went to Lake Erie college, Painesville, O. for a year.
     On Dec. 9 Miss MARJORIE DODD, daughter of Mrs. EDWARD MENOCAL of New York city, will become the bride of Mr. LEONARD SULLIVAN, son of the late ARTHUR T. SULLIVAN, of New York city, and nephew of the Rt. Rev. WILLIAM A. LEONARD, bishop of the Episcopal diocese of Ohio, who will perform the ceremony at St. Thomas Church, New York.  A reception at the home of the bride's mother, in the Wyoming apartments on 55thst. will follow the ceremony.

     Mr. WILLIAM EDWARD JOSEPH, 9604 Raymond av. S. E., announces the marriage of his sister, NELLIE ISABEL to Mr. FRANCIS JOSEPH BLASCHKE on Thursday Nov. 5.  Mr. and Mrs. BLASCHKE will be at home after Jan. 1, at Oakland, Cal.
     The wedding of Miss LUELLA MAY DAVIS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LEWIS P. HARRING of W. 31st st. and Mr. CLAUD P. HARRING, of W. 25th st. was solemnized Oct. 29 at the home of Rev. F. E. BIGELOW on W. 33d st. Miss LUELLA DAVIS wore a traveling suit of blue and a corsage of bride's roses.  Miss ALMIRA DAVIS, sister of the bride, was her only attendant.  Mr. HARRY M. WYATT served Mr. HERRING as best man.
of 1615 Clark Av. S. W. announce the marriage of their daughter, ERMINE to Mr. L. FRANK KASPER on Thursday, Oct. 22, Rev. H. WILLIAM PILOT of Calvary Baptist church performed the ceremony.  The bride was attended by her sister.  Miss LORENE EYERDAM, and Mr. CHARLES LEWIS served as best man.  Mr. and Mrs. KASPER will be at home after the 15th of November at 3748 Marvin av.
     Mrs. C. W. ALDEMAN
of Windsor, O., announces the marriage Oct. 30, of her sister, Miss MAMIE ADAMS of 10536 Remington rd. Cleveland, and Mr. SAMUEL BENNETT of 3541 Cedar av.  Rev. WILLIS ROWE of Wade Park M. E. church performed the ceremony at the home of Mrs. ALDERMAN which was decorated with autumn leaves and a huge horseshoe of white chrysanthemums.  Only the members of the immediate families witnessed the ceremony.
     Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss HARRIET MAY POWERS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. POWERS, 6909 Franklin av. N. E. to ROBERT DURAND KIRKWOOD, at St. Colman's church, Tuesday morning, Oct. 27.
     Miss LEONA ELSIE MILLS acted as bridesmaid and Mr. DON KIRKWOOD, brother of the groom, was best man.
     After the ceremony breakfast was served at the bride's home to the immediate family.  Mr. and Mrs. KIRKWOOD left on an eastern trip and will be at home after Dec. 1 at 1308 W. 105th st.
     Mr. and Mrs. CHRISTIAN P. KOEHLER announce the marriage of their daughter, CHARLOTTE, to Mr. CHARLES E. PIERCE on Wednesday Oct. 28.
     The Marriage of Miss CLARA ACKROYD of 1484 Westwood ave. Lakewood and Mr. SAMUEL HOMER was quietly solemnized Wednesday evening, Oct. 28, at the home of the bride.
     Mr. and Mrs. HOMER will be at home from an eastern wedding trip after Nov. 1, at 3707 Spokane ave.
     Mr. and Mrs. C. J. SCHMIDT of 1509 Alameda av. Lakewood, announce the marriage of their daughter, CECELIA to Dr. ROBERT G. OLSON on Thursday Oct. 29.
     Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss CAROLINE HUEBNER, of 3126 W. 68th st. and Mr. EDWARD LEFFLER of 3500 Fulton rd. S. E. on Thursday, Ot. 29, at 8 p.m.  Rev. C. W. WEISS officiated.

Source:  Plain Dealer, Cleveland, OH
Dated: Feb. 6, 1922
Bridegroom Says Mother Erred in Suit.
(Plain Dealer -Times Wire)
NASHUA, N. H. April 5 - Dorothy CLARK, in her midnight blue velvet dress and Salvation poke hat to match, was married here to Karl L. ELMS, piano salesman of Boston.
      Judge Gerald COBLEIGH waived the five-day law following the inability of ELMS to secure a waiver in Boston.  Arthur L. CYR, justice of the peace, performed the wedding ceremony.
     ELMS took this hurried action in spite of the $2000,000 suit brought by the girl's mother agiant RAWLINSON, movie actor, for an alleged attack upon Dorothy CLARK three years ago when she was only 14.
     Immediately ELMS will backfire inan attempt to clear the name of his bride, former premiere danseuse and movie actress.
     Mr. ELMS, through his attorneys, will demand an examination of Mrs. CLARK, by alienists.
     State Alienists PRESCOT and DEWEY have made this initial report: "We find no symptoms of insanity in Mrs. Ethel CLARK but this does not mean that she is not insane."
     " I am Dorothy's husband now." said ELMS.  "I will protect her.  A terrible injustice has been done her by her mother, but Dorothy's name will be cleared now, for I shall fight untireingly to bring the smiles back into her lovely face again.
(Not hardly legible)

Source:  Plain Dealer - Cleveland
Dated:  July 4, 1940
Engagement Announced to Miss Molly Lou Connelly To George Chandler Wick
By Cornelia Curtiss
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Connelly
, 3111 North Park Boulevard, Shaker Heights, announced the engagement of their daughter, Molly Lou, to Mr. George Chandler Wick son of Mr. Kenneth B. WickMiss Connelly was graduated from Hathaway-Brown School and attended Finch Junior College in New York.  She is a provisional member of the Junior League.
     Mr. Wick attended the Hill School in Pottstown, Pa., and Yale University.
The Last Dance.
 The whirl of debutante functions, which has been keeping the young set dancing into the dawn, concluded with the dance which Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. George M. Humphrey gave last evening at the Kirtland Country Club for their daughters, Miss Lacey Thompson and Miss Carol Humphrey.
     Miss Thompson's first name is the family name of her mother, a frequent custom in the south.  The Lacey family is originally from Tennessee.  She has just finished at Westover School and will go to college in the fall, though she has not yet definitely decided on her alma mater.  For the dance, she wore a lovely gown of white silk organdy with very full skirt having rows of ruffles about the hem and a ruffle finished the off-shoulder neck-line.  Little bunches of sweetheart roses were caught in the frills.
     Miss Humphrey was frocked in a bouffant white organdy model with wheels of lace for trimming.  She was introduced by her mother day before yesterday at a tea.  Newt Perry's Orchestra played for dancing and about 300 of the debutante set and their guests were present. 
At Dinner.
     Earlier in the evening the debutantes and their house guests were honored with a dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. R. Livingston III and Melville Hanna Ireland, at their home.  It was served at one huge U-shaped table decorated with red, white ad blue.  Seventy-five were present.  Another dinner was the one at Chagrin Valley Hunt Club which Mrs. Samuel E. Strong gave for Miss Joan Walker.
For the week, Miss Thompson has several guests: Miss Polly Curtis of Brookline, Mass; Miss Julie Morris of Philadelphia; Miss Shirley Smith of New York; Miss Nancy Miller of Hewlett, L. I.; Miss Lucy Jane Wykoff of Philadelphia, and Miss Jean Hook of Middletown, O., whose debut last Saturday Miss Thompson attended.
     Members of Miss Humphrey's house party are remaining for several days and were among the dance guests.
Stag Line.
Also here for the dance were a number of young men, adding to the gaiety of the occasion and augmenting the stag line.  They included Chapin Krech, Frank Shepherd and Francis Thorne, jr. of New York; John Grier Butler of Rumson, N. J.; Howard F. Smith, jr.Douglas Campbell, Douglas Dodge, Spencer Moseley, Robert Stinchfield, Clifford Ford, Warren Sheldon, Sibley Moore, all of Detroit; Jack Lohmann  of New Haven; Charles Porter Stevenson and John Stoddard of Buffalo; John Reed and Innis O'Rourke of Boston; Webb Hayes of Norwalk.  Some of the boys are guests of local friends while others are staying at the Kirtland Club.
     This evening Miss Lacey's grandmother, Mrs. Richard H. Lacey,  will give a dinner for her, Miss Humphrey, and their guests at the Kirtland Cub, where the Fourth of July dance will be in progress.
For the Debs.
     Miss Barbara Higgins
, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ray Higgins, gave a luncheon for some of the debutantes at the Country Club yesterday.  Miss Kathleen Roth, of New York, formerly of Cleveland, is here for some of the parties and a guest of Miss Higgins.  Another luncheon of the week was that given by Miss Patricia Wellman on Monday and Tuesday Miss Patricia Goss took some of the deb crowd to Thistle Down races.
Here for the Wedding.
     The dozen or so ushers who will be in the wedding party of Miss Millicent Raymond and Mr. Francis J. Torrance Baker Saturday are all arriving today.  The bridegroom is here from Sewickley as is his sister, Miss Mary Rachel Baker.  His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace F. Baker, are due today or tomorrow.
     The arrive in time for some intensive entertaining.  Miss Katharine Bulkley gives a cocktail party before the dinner which Misses Gail Oberlin and Julia Owen are having at the Kirtland Club this evening, one of the larger parties at the club's holiday dance.  Miss Mary Carol White has arranged a luncheon for tomorrow at Woodnorton, her summer home at Mentor.
     Miss Emma Raymond gave her sister's spinster dinner earlier in the week and Mrs. William G. Mather entertained with a luncheon for Miss Raymond.
Celebrate Today.
This is a big day at the country clubs and practically all of them have special sports events and something of a social nature as well.  For instance, at Canterbury there will be strolling musicians to entertain from 6 o'clock and there will be informal dancing and a buffet supper.  Fireworks will be displayed at Canterbury, Country, Chagrin Valley, Shaker Heights and Manakiki to mention but a few Madison Golf and Country Club lists a cocktail party and dinner dance for Saturday.
Tells of England.
     Mr. and Mrs. Otto Miller entertained a number of friends Tuesday evening when their guest, Miss Alice Beattie, formerly of England, gave a talk on her native land.

Source:  Plain Dealer, Cleveland, OH
Dated: Feb. 7, 1954

Charles Bassett III,
26, New York, to Katharine McCoy, 25, 2712 Claythorne Avenue.\
Donald Beech,
18, Parma, to Joan Brooks, 17, Parma.
Ronald Boland, 23, Fenn College, to Helen Suris?, 18, 662, Quimby Avenue.
Calvin DeVand, 21, 11130 Euclid, to Mary Cooper, 21, 3518 St. Albans Avenue.
Jesus Felix, 39, 1444 E. 59th Street, to Carrie Tadiello, 35, 18709 Mohawk Avenue.
Elmore Howard, 22, 1488 E. 115th St. to Katie Butts, 21, 10930 Wade Park Ave.
Willie Hobbs, 28, 1063 E. 146th St., to Irene Janowicz, 26, 717 E. 152d St.
Donald Johnson, 28?, 2838 W. 25th St., to Nellie Grable, 31, 2938 W. 25th St.
David Leonhard, 23, Fairview Park, to Evelyn Pickel, 19, 923 Maud Ave.
James Laurie, 18, 6419 Meadowbrook Avenue, to Barbara Lewis, 16, 13202 Graves Avenue.
Jiro? Miyoshi, 25, 650 E. 160th Street, to Arline Kawaski, 20, 495 E. 118th Street.
Luis Montesinos, 29, 1895 W. 57th Street, to Eleanore Metz, 24, 4329 Ardmore Avenue.
Rozier Mims, 34, 6117 Hawthorne Avenue to Thelma Knott, 34 2198 E. 70th Street.
Neil Nielson, 21, Independence, to Jane Vanden Eynden, 20, Independence.
Earl Oehlenschlager, 43, 2264 Green Road, to Edna Howard, 39, 1579 Clifton Boulevard.
Edward Pfaffel, 27 Brecksville to Veronica Cinadr, 24, Brecksville
Pedro Padin, 22, 1846 E. 20th Street, to Josephine Angelo, 19, 1833 E. 19th Street.
George Ruple, 49, Ashtabula, to Evelyn Zanzig, 45, 131 E. 208th Street.
William Romain, 27, 9322 Beacon Avenue, to Beatrice Svadba, 19, 9419 Heath Avenue.
Hertalan Svab, 33, 11407 Lardet Avenue to Elizabeth Biro, 30, 11313 Lardet Avenue.
Conrad Shrader, 22, Fenn College, to Ann McEwen, 21, 3665 W. 48th Street.
Josef Stampfer, 28, 10736 Superior Avenue, to Magdalena Riegel, 29, 1421 W. 58th Street.
Robert Sloan, 24, 16706 Ferndale Avenue to Mary Hlavenka, 22, 1420 E. 53d Street.
Roy Secoy, 22, 1818 E. 55th Street to Alma Meade, 21, 10012 Garfield Avenue.
Joseph Schuld, 33 5159 Case Avenue, to Lois Everhart, 29 E. 120th Street.
David Wittmer, 26, Berea, to Kathryn Clark, 20, 10004 Brecksville Road.
Raymond Wheeler, 21, 15403 Ohio Avenue to Thelma Wilson, 18, 15205 Florida Avenue
Jack Holsclaw, 25, 476 E. 129th Street to Hilda Pichler, 24, 3915 Woburn Avenue.
George Hammond, 38, 6203 Edna Avenue, to Rita Blackburn, 29, 1961 E. 70th Street
Samuel Henderson, 42, 7601 Woodland Avenue, to Ada Ashbury, 40, 7601 Woodland Avenue.
John LaPinta, 22, 3617 E. 147th Street to Joan Wem, 19, 13801 Caine Avenue.
Dents, Shupe, 23, 3800 Dover Avenue, to Adelle Riemer, 19, 3678 W. 140th Street.
William Schellentrager, 25, 17828 Rosecliff Avenue, to Joan Wickes, 25, 17815 Canterbury Road.
Norman Tipton, 22, 3920 Elmwood Avenue, to Mary Befacchia, 22, 1199 Rozelle Avenue.
Leon Cazalet, 34, 2539 Kenilworth Avenue to Alice Leinweber, 20, 1103 E. 146th Street.
Chester Robertson, 39, Willoughby, to Eunice Newton, 40, 3288 Richmond Rd.
Eugene Speziale, 27, 1983 E. 24th Street, to Dorothy Denko,  21, 1861 E. 24th Street.
Martin Stiner, 26, 212 Ambler Avenue, to Betty Valigora, 19, 9511 Euclid Avenue.
Lewis Valentine, 23, Hudson, to Shirley Pospisil, 21, Bedford.
John Zeleny, 23, 2700 Brookpark Avenue, to Arlene Dooling, 17, 1206 Tuxedo Avenue.
Ernest Golphin 19, 3358 E. 135th Street, to Joann Russell, 17, 3544 Woodland Avenue.
Kenneth Giswold, 20, 2318 Prospect Avenue, to Patricia McArthur, 23, 12022 Erwin Avenue.
Rosario Restifo, 28, 891 Trebisky Avenue, to Mary Selvaggio, 24, 2328 Saybrook Avenue.
George Scheeff, 36, 3392 W. 44th Street, to Vera Gainer, 36, 3422 W. 144th Street.
William Konycosni?, 25, Chagrin Falls, to Mary Erker, 17, 2539 E. 128th Street.
Clyde Craig, 34, 2551 E. 35th Street, to Anita Williams, 32, 2671 E. 53d Street.
Floyd Gibson, 37, 984 Parkwood Drive, to Betty Anderson, 30, 1555 E. 86th Street.
Truman Kline, 26, 840 E. 156th(136th?) Street, to Jane Lais, 25, 1253 E. 143d Street.
Dwaine Killebrew, 21, 2198 E. 37th Street, to Nellie Webster, 16, 2317 E. 59th Street.
Marriage License Issued
Anthony Trivisonno II, 23, Wickliffe, to Frances Zingale, 26, 3224 Ormond Avenue.

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