Newspaper Excerpts
(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)
Source: Cincinnati Daily Gazette
Dated: November 29, 1871
STILSON - At Cleveland, Nov. 23, Hiram H. Stilson, in the
56th year of his age. |
Source: Daily Inter Ocean
Dated: May 16, 1881
Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean.
CLEVELAND, Ohio, May 15 - Cyrus S. Crofoot, for a
number years a member of the Leader staff died at his residence
Saturday evening after a short illness. His remains will be
taken East tonight for burial. Mr. Crofoot possessed many
rare qualities and attainments, which endeared him to his colaborers,
and caused him to be respected by all who knew him.
Source: Daily Inter Ocean - Illinois
Dated May 16, 1881
Other Mortuary Matters Cleveland, Ohio May 15
Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean
CLEVELAND, Ohio, May 15 - Cyrus S. Crofoot, for a number of
years a member of the Leader staff, died at his residence
Saturday evening after a short illness. His remains will be
taken East tonight for burial. Mr. Crofoot possessed many
rare qualities and attainments, which endeared him to his colaborers
and caused him to be respected by all who knew him.
(Source: Genealogy Bank)(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)) |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) - Page:
Dated: May 31, 1882
The New York Iron Mine of Michigan sued the Benwood
Iron Works, Cleveland, Brown & Co., George Worthington &
Co., Lockwood, Van Doorn & Taylor and the Lake Erie Iron Company,
garnishees, in the Common Pleas Court to-day for $16,250 damages.
The plaintiff alleges that in February, 1880, it contracted to
deliver five thousand tons of iron ore to the defendant in this
city, which contract the defendants broke. |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, Ohio) - Page
Dated: Apr. 21, 1888
Another Old Settler Gone.
While he might not be termed one of the
pioneers of Cleveland, Mr. John C. Black, who died Apr. 16 at
the advanced age of 77 years, was yet one of the early settlers,
having been a resident of the city since 1849. Mr. Black
was born in Indiana county, Pa., some fifty-miles from Pittsburg, in
1811. He inherited to a large degree the strength and
ruggedness of his native Pennsylvania hills. For over
twenty-five years he was engaged as builder and contractor in
Cleveland, but for the last few years he had practically retired
from active business. He leaves surviving him an aged widow
and four children, two sons, Alonzo J. and William H.
Black, and two daughters, Mrs. J. T. R. McKay and Mrs.
J. G. James, and eleven grandchildren and one great-grandchild,
all at present residents of Cleveland.-----
Has Found a Home.
A girl 14 years of age, Snyder
by name, was found in the street April 18 by a daughter of Mr.
Reese of No. 6 Brainard street and accompanied Miss Reese
home. The Snyder girl says that some time ago she
stayed with a family living on Dare street and that they turned her
out of doors. Mr. Reese has kindly cared for the girl
and is willing to keep her.
A Remarkable Surgical Operation
A delicate operation was performed at
the charity hospital yesterday on Maggie Meehan, alias
Robinson alleged wife of John Robinson who is under
sentence of death for participation in the murder of Detective
Hulligan at Ravenna. For a long time she has had a tumor
of the abdomen, the character of which had never been determined
upon. Twice before coming to Cleveland she was put upon the
operating table and etherized, but the surgeons did not venture to
undertake the operation of removal. She has been lying in the
charity hospital three weeks and her case was discussed by many
prominent surgeons of Cleveland. It was finally decided to
perform the operation, although the chances of recovery were greatly
against the patient. The operation was performed with great
difficulty and much time was consumed in its performance. It
consisted of opening the abdominal cavity and removing therefrom a
large amount of us. Further escape of this was provided for by
a number of tubes and the abscess and abdominal cavities were washed
out with many gallons of water. The operation required about
two yours' time and was performed by a well known surgeon of this
city in the presence of a number of prominent medical men. The
patient bore up well under the operation and late last night was
doing well. although the operation was one of great risk there
is a fair chance of her recovery.
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, Ohio) - Page
Dated: April 30, 1892s
- Otto Wendhandt, 8 Dennison, 32 y., pneumonia
- Joseph Dorsey, 21, Delaware, 65 y., dropsy.
- Johanna Cream, 131 Lawrence, 23 7., bronchitis
- Annie Davis, Worley, 16 y., pneumonia
- Thomas F. Bayne, 58 Hicks, 37 y., pneumonia
- Charles K. Brong, 70 Lawn, 15 y., inflammation of bowels.
- James A. Hasfurther, 154 Chatham, 6 m., inflammation of lungs
- William H. Curtiss, 488 Detroit, 3 w., inflammation of lungs.
- John Kane - 88 Elsworth, 27 y., heart disease.
- August Markush, 26 McKinstry, 55 y., bowel disease.
- Ellen Smith, City hospital, 20 y., heart disease.
- Eunice Jones, Wade Park ave., 67 y., heart disease.
- Mary E. Harrington, 345 Prospect, 80 y., accident.
- Barbara Scherer, City hospital, 70 y., exhaustion.
- Lizzie Brinski, 16 Berg, 7 m., bronchitis
- Eva Wensink, 1165 Lorain, 22 y., fever.
- William Darmstadt, 325 Harbor, 3 y., pneumonia
- Willie Skalwsky, 32 Third, 5 y., diptheria
- John Wisnewski 9 Virginia, 1 y., croup.
- Barbara Weigel, 155 Alum, 17 m., pneumonia.
- Flora Roat, 39 Third, 13 m., diptheria.
- Josephine Jimerson, 1569 Dickerman, 44 y., phthisis.
- Infant Nauk, 14 Matta, 6 d., convulsions.
- Mary Spitalsky, 1471 Central, 11 w., convulsions. |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) - Page:
Dated: Sept. 28, 1893
A Salesman of the George A. Worthington Company Suicides at
Wheeling, W. Va.
(Special to the Plain Dealer)
Wheeling, Sept. 28. - William McComin? of
Wheeling, salesman for George A. Worthington & Co.,
Cleveland, committed suicide at the St. Charles hotel this morning,
shooting himself in the right temple. Death was instantaneous.
He leaves a wife and four children. Business troubles is given
as the cause of the deed. He left a note to his firm that his
samples were in Pittsburg. He was about 50 years of age. |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, Ohio) - Page
Dated: June 1, 1895
- WOBORIL - Miss Anna Woboril, teacher, Tuesday, May 27, aged 24
- Funeral from the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Woboril,
46 Harper st., Friday, May 31, at 2 p.m., standard time. 1
Friday, May 31, at 2 p.m., standard time. 1
- TEARE - Margaret Keeler Teare, wife of W. H. Teare.
Funeral from residence, No. 52 Hillburn av., Saturday, June 1,
at 1:30p.m., standard time.
- CARNEGIE - David Carnegie of No 20 Tilden av., at 8 p.m. Thursday, May
30, from hearth failure.
Funeral on Sunday at 3 p.m. standard from No. 68 Wallingford court.
VAN VAKE - Passed to the higher life, Sarah H. LeVake, May
31, aged 81
Funeral from the residence of her son-in-law, Frank McNeil,
at No. 17 York st., Sunday, June 2, at 2 p.m., standard.
Friends invited. burial private. |
Source: Plain Dealer- Cleveland, Ohio - Page:
Dated: Feb. 5, 1898
DELLENBAUGH - Dr. Christian W. Dellenbaugh, Thursday,
Feb. 3, at the residence, corner of East Madison and Dellenbaugh
Funeral Monday, Feb. 7, at 2 p.m. standard time, from
residence. Buried private. |
Source: Cleveland Leader (Cleveland, Ohio)
Page: 3
Dates: Dec. 16, 1898
- London - Walter Lacey, a veteran actor, is dead.
- London - According to the Paris correspondent of the News the late
Antonio Terry left his entire fortune to his widow.
- London - The death is announced of William John Legh, Baron Newton.
He was born Dec. 19, 1828, entered the British army in 1848, served
with the Twenty-first fusileers in the Crimean war, and went upon
the retired list with the rank of captain.
- London - Christopher Sykes, the well-known club man, society
leader, and intimate friend of the Prince and Princess of Wales,
died to-day in his sixty-seventh year.
- Alliance - Rev. D. H. Deets, of the Presbyterian church at
Vienna, has accepted a call to Orwell.
- Tiffin, O. - Mrs. Lizzie Class, aged twenty-six, died at
her home south of here last night of typhoid fever.
- Tiffin, O. - Mrs. E. F. Garrett returned from Toledo yesterday,
where she underwent a serious operation. She has recovered
- Tiffin, O. - Mr. and Mrs. Edward Andrew celebrated their fiftieth
wedding anniversary at their house here yesterday in an appropriate
- Malaga - The Spanish transport St. Augustin has arrived from Cuba with
1,306 repatriated Spanish troops on board. Two died on the
voyage and eighteen were sick when they arrived.
- Killed Instantly at Sharon - Special Dispatch to the Leader
- Sharon, Pa., Dec. 15 - Willis Mitchell, aged thirty years
was adjusting a rope at Ruhl steel mill to-day when an
electric traveling crane crushed his head against a steel girder and
caused instant death. He was up to a short time ago a member
of the Fifteenth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. He
leaves a widow and one child.
- Elyria, O. - Mrs. Mary Robbins, wife of G. H. Robbins, of
East Third street, died Thursday afternoon, after a long illness.
- Boston - Henry A. Rice, ex-Governor of Massachusetts, died at his
home here Thursday, aged eighty-two years.
- Lorain - B. McAdams who a week since assumed the superintendency
of the Lorain gas plant, is mysteriously missing from this city.
- Montreal - The jury in the case of Cordelia Viau, accused of the
murder of her husband, Isidore, of St. Canut, on Nov. 27,
1897, brought in a verdict of guilty to-night and the prisoner was
immediately sentence to be hanged on March 10.
- Toledo, O. - William E. Bense and three others were arrested and
bound over for illegal fishing. Bense is from Port Clinton,
and the law under which he was arrested was passed while he was a
member of the Legislature, he especially urging its passage.
- New York - George West, aged fifty-five years, who married a
sister of George M. Pullman, the palace car maker, died last
night at his home in this city. He was Wall street's tailor.
He had a shop in Exchange place, where brokers bought clothes and
hunted for tips on stocks. Until his death, two years ago,
G. M. Pullman was a frequent visitor to West's tailoring
- Baltimore - Louis Schley, a veteran of the Mexican and civil
wars, died at his home in this city to-day, aged sixty-five years.
Since the war he had practiced law.
- |
Source: Plain Dealer- Cleveland, Ohio
Dated: Mar. 24, 1899
FORD - Anna Fenn, wife of the
late Lewis W. FORD, Wednesday morning, March 22.
Funeral, Friday March 24, at 2:30 p.m., standard, from
residence, 29 Sibley street. Burial private.
HUTTON - mrs. Maria CROWL, March 22, at her
residence, 78 Clinton Street, in her 61st year
Funeral at 2 p.m. standard, Friday, from above
residence. LEONARD - J. K., at
residence, No. 12 Glen Park place.
Funeral at St. Agnes' church Friday, 9 a.m., sun time.
REWELL - Capt. Cornelius Rewell,
at his late home, No. 70 Kinsman st., aged 84 years.
Funeral Saturday at 2 p.m., standard time, from
residence. Burial private.
RYAN - On March 23, 1899, at 18
Everett st., James, son of Contractor Wm. RYAN.
Funeral from Immaculate Conception church Saturday,
March 25th, at 9 a.m.
UHL - Charles A.,
Wednesday, March 22.
Funeral at the residence of his brother, Harrison J.
UHL, Saturday, at 3 p.m.
Forest City Lodge, No. 388, F. and A. M., will meet
at their hall in Masonic temple, Friday, March 24, at 12:30 p.m. to
attend the funeral of our late brother, A. DOERFLER.
Brethren of sister lodges invited.
T. M. STEINMAN, Sec'y. |
Source: Gazette Telegraph - Colorado
Dated Nov. 16, 1902
Mr. C. B. Beach Died at Cleveland, Ohio, Yesterday
Mr. J. A. Hayes received a
dispatch from Cleveland, Ohio stating that Mr. C. B. Beach died
at noon yesterday. Mr. Beach formerly lived in Colorado
Springs, occupying the Captain Wild house on Dale Street.
He was a member of congress from Ohio for a number of years. His
many friends in Colorado Springs will regret to learn of his death.
(Source: Genealogy Bank)(Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Page 7
Dated: Feb. 12, 1903
E. G. Curtiss, a railway mail clerk, died
yesterday at his home in the Foster-Oviatt apartments, No. 303
Prospect street. A year ago he was attacked by consumption,
but was able to keep up his Cleveland-Syracuse run till last
October. A trip to the Pacific coast did not prove beneficial.
The deceased is survived by his widow and two children, Mrs.
Wedemeyer of Cleveland and Charles Curtiss, a midshipman
in the United States navy.
The funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2
o'clock. |
Source: Oregonian (Portland, OR) Volume:
XXVII Issue: 14 Section: Four Page: 8
Dated: Sunday, Apr. 5, 1908
George H. Worthington, of
Cleveland, O., has a stamp collection that experts estimate is worth
$300,000. |
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, OH
Dated: March 21, 1913
ALBER, Louisa P. beloved sister of Mrs.
Barbara Schlager, George, William H. and the late Charles, Gotleib,
Jacob and John, passed away at the residence of her nephew, Clarence
Alber, 3490 W. 49, Wednesday, Mar. 18, age 71 yrs. Remains at
G. H. Busch & Son Funeral Home, 4334 Pearl Road. Services at
Evangelical Church, Independence, Ohio, Saturday, Mar. 21, at 2:30
ARCHER, Edith Mary, beloved wife of
Ernest E., Titusville, Pa., d/o the late Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rensland,
sister of Mrs. J. P. Thompson, Titusville, Pa., Caroline H., William
J. and Albert E. Rensland, at Los Angeles, Ca. Friends may
call at the De Vand Funeral Home, 11130 Euclid Ave. after 8 p.m.
Saturday. Services Monday, 2 p.m.
ARMOUR, George W., beloved husband of
Minnie (nee Berger), father of George, Edward and Vivien, at
residence, 6209? Clinton Ave., Friday, Mar. 20. Funeral from
Reidy Bros. & Morrison Funeral Home, 11210 Detroit Ave., Tuesday,
Mar. 24, at 2:30 p.m.
ARNOLD, Elizabeth, beloved wife of
Julius J., mother of Louis F., Bernard H., grandmother of Mildred,
Edward and Robert, Thursday, March 19, at 11:35 a.m. Remains
at residence, 12613 Locke Ave., until Monday, Mar. 23, at 11 a.m.
Services at the F. Ziehm Co. Funeral Home, E. 114 Superior Ave., at
2 p.m.
BASHER, Annie (nee Jackson), w/o the
late William, mother of Sidney H., Thursday, Mar. 19, at the
residence, 746 Rutledge Ave. Funeral services at St. Luke's
Episcopal Church, W. 78th and Lake Ave., Saturday, Mar. 21, at 2
p.m. Please omit flowers.
BICKERTON, Earl Russell, beloved son of
Harry and Della Bickerton (nee Keating), brother of Roy, Harry and
Jean, at the residence of his parents, 4159 E. 112th St.
Funeral notice later.
BRADFORD, Evans, beloved nephew of
Bertha and Charles Wilson, did Thursday p.m. Remains at abel's
Chapel, 1254 Addison Rd., near Superior. Funeral service
Monday, Mar. 23, at 2:30 p.m. from the chapel.
BROWN, Isaac, aged 73, beloved husband
of the late Goldie, father of Mrs. W. Rosenthal, Mrs. C. Shumer
(deceased), en, Philip0, Ann, Louis, Maud, and Harry. Funeral
Sunday, Mar. 22, at 11 a.m. from Cohn-Margowsky Chapel. Please
omit flowers.
CHURCHIA, Nada, age 16 years, beloved
daughter of Milan and Anna, sister of Milan Theodore, Thursday, Mar.
19, 1931. Funeral from residence, 526 E. 117th St., Monday,
Mar. 23. Services at St. Aloysius' Church at 9 a.m.
DAVISON, Richard R., age 53 years,
beloved brother of Mrs. W. A. Hawkins, Mrs. Hudson Day, Alex,
William, Pearl, Fred, Earl adn Lee, residence, Canton, O.
Services at the home of his brother, Lee, 3397 Ormond Rd., Cleveland
Heights, on Sunday at 1 p.m.
DONEGAN, Robert, aged 8 yrs., son of
Margaret (nee Shockcor) and the late Dennis, brother of Thomas.
Funeral Monday, Mar. 23, from the residence of his grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Donegan, 3513 W. 119th St. Services St.
Patrick's Church, Rocky River Drive, at 9 a.m.
DOYLE, Sarah (nee O'Malley), beloved
wife of Michael, mother of John McNulty, Mrs. Rose McGrath, Margaret
Doyle, and the late Ruth McNulty, sister of Mrs. M. McTigue.
Mrs. M. English, William and John O'Malley, at her residence, 1525
W. 32. Funeral at St. Patrick's Church 9 a.m. Saturday, Mar.
21. Member of L. C. B. A. Branch No. 312.
EVANS, David A., beloved husband of
Sarah, father of Ann, Margaret, Matthew, and Kennth, Friday, Mar.
20. Funeral services at the residence, 3254 W. 88th St.,
Monday, Mar. 23, at 2 p.m.
NOTE: The following Obituaries will be Transcribed
upon request:
FORNEY, Charles D.
GIERMAN, Christian
HENN, Gertrude Bruce
JOHNSON, Mrs. Cecilia
KLIEN, George
KLINE, Samuel S.
LANE, Doss A.
MEARS, Belle Gertrude
MERRITT, Frances
O'MALEY, Mary (nee McHUGH)
PARUSA, Philip A.
PEASE, Wallace B.
RING, Lillie Ann (nee Harris)
RUNYAN, Della I.
SEELBACH, Peter, Sr.
SWEENEY, Delia (nee Henahan)
TADDEO, Valentino
THOMAS, Eleanor
WEED, Hattie
WILLIAMS, Dilla (nee Roush)
WISE, Jennie Deliah |
Source: Plain Dealer, Cleveland, OH
Dated: Feb. 6, 1922
Husband, Returning From Honolulu, Stepped Off Train Not Knowing of
Her Death>
CHICAGO, April 5. - Mrs. Louis F. Swift, 62, wife of the
president of the Swift & Co., died suddenly at her home today
following an illness of only a few hours. Her husband, who was
returning from a business trip to Honolulu, stepped from the train
here without knowing of his wife's death.
Mrs. Swift appeared in good health last night,
dining and playing games with the family until she retired.
Physicians were called at 11 o'clock last night after she had
suffered from a violent coughing attack. She died a few hours
The marriage of Mrs. Swift, formerly Miss Ida
May Butler of Rolling Prairie, Ind., took place Sept. 9, 1880.
She is survived by Mr. Swift and four children.
The children are: Louis E. Swift, Jr.
Alben Swift, William B. Swift and Mrs. James Mino_o, all
of Chicago.
Two children, Nathan Swift and Mrs. Bessie
Swift Fernald, known as The Little Mother of the Marines"
because of her war work, preceded Mrs. Swift in death.
Mrs. Fernald's death occurred in London two years ago and was
hartened by her activities during the war.
AHRENS - Minnie (nee Beth), beloved wife of the late
Charles AHRENS and mother of Mrs. Carl SCHWENDEMAN,
Mrs. Henry LUDWIG, Mrs. Elmer KOEHLKE, Carl, William and
Clarence, at residence, 4302 Bucyrus avenue. Wednesday, April 5,
aged 52 years. Funeral from late residence Saturday, April 8,
at 2 p.m. Services at St. Marks Lutheran church, Ardnmore
avenue, at 2:30 p.m.
ARNOLD - Wilhelmina, beloved wife of Charles W.,
mother of Fred J. of Buffalo and Mrs. W. J. LENNOX.
Funeral from residence of her daughter, Mrs. LENNOX,
1639 Northland avenue, Thursday at 4 p.m.
DECKER - Julia J. ENGLISH, wife of the late Edgar DECKER,
at rest Tuesday morning, April 4. Private service from 9902
Lamont avenue Thursday afternoon.
LEUTY - Annie E., wife of teh late James
LEUTY and mother of Arthur J., Joseph D., Mamie M. MINER,
died April 3, 1922, age 74 years 11 days. Funeral April 6, 2
p.m. at home of her son, Arthur J. LEUTY, Mayfield, O.
Interment at Knollwood cemetery>
LOCKERT - Rev. A. L., died Monday, April 3, age 80 years, 13
days. Funeral Thursday, April 6, at 2 p.m. at late home, West
Richfield, Ohio.
MALLIN - Catherine, beloved wife of the late John MALLIN,
April 3, at her residence, 9916 South boulevard. Funeral
Thursday, April 6, at 9 a.m., St. Thomas Aquinas' church.
McVEEN - Samuel E., passed away at Charity hospital at
2:10 a.m. Wednesday, April 5. Funeral services Friday
afternoon at 2 o'clock, at late residence, 2330 E. 22d street.
Friends invited.
SKINNER - Mrs. Harriet, age 86, wife of the late Myron
SKINNER. Funeral at Riverside chapel, Cleveland, at 2 p.m.
STANLEY - Edwin L., suddenly, Wednesday, April 5, at
St. Alexis' hospital, father of Mrs. A. T. BEEBE and Edwin
L., jr. Funeral services at Black & Wright's
parlor, 8805 Carnegie avenue, Friday, 2 p.m. Burial Lake View
STARK - Virginia, age 1 year 6 months, beloved daughter of
Joseph V. STARK, formerly of Pittsburg, Pa. and Mona STARK
(nee PETERSON). Funeral services Thursday, April 6, at
4 p.m. from late residence, 11806 Parkview avenue. Pittsburg
papers please copy. |
Source: Plain Dealer, Cleveland, OH
Dated: Feb. 7, 1954
Owned Meat Market on Lorain 50 years
One of the early merchants in the
Lorain Avenue area, Edward A. Crawford, died last night at 85
in his home at 9115 Lorain.
His home was behind the meat market which he operated
foraalmost 50 years before retiring about 15 years ago.
Born in Barbados, West Indies, Mr. Crawford came
to Cleveland when he was 20. His first work here was as a
motorman for a predecessor company of the old Cleveland Transit
System. He recalled driving an open horsecar from the barns at
Lorain Avenue and W. 98th Street to Woodland Avenue S. E.
Opens Market
Later he worked in the stockyards and
then opened his market at 9117 Lorain Avenue. The store gained
a reputation for corned beef which brought customers from as far as
Cleveland Heights.
Mr. Crawford owned the business until two years
ago. Now known as Henry's Market, it is owned by Henry
Naujoks, who began working there for Mr. Crawford at 14.
Breeding and showing dogs, chiefly Airedales, and
raising canaries provided a hobby for Mr. Crawford in his
later years.
His wife, Nancy, died 17 years ago. There
are no survivors.
Services will be at 3 p.m. tomorrow in the George C.
Lang funeral home, 9437 Lorain Avenue.
Services will be at 3 p.m. tomorrow in
the Daniels funeral ome, 158 Detroit Avenue, Lakewood, for
Mrs. Chester F. Smith, a former nurse at Lakewood Hospital.
She died in that hospital Friday night.
Mrs. Smith, 48, lived at 14919 Esther Avneue,
Lakewood. She was born in Cleveland and attended school in
Stoneboro, Pa., before returning here to enroll at Western Reserve
University. She was graduated from Lakewood Hospital school of
nursing in 1930.
For five years after her graduation she was supervisor
on the second floor at Lakewood Hospital. She retired from
active nursing after her marriage.
Mrs. Smith was active in Girl Scout work.
In Stoneboro she had been a member of the Order of Eastern
Star. She belonged to St. Barnabas Guild.
She is survived by her husband; her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Houston; a daughter, Elizabeth, and a sister.
Bradley J. Dain, a member of the surveying crew
which laid out the original route of the Nickel Plate Road through
the Cleveland area, died Friday night in a nursing home at 98.
Mr. Dain was born in Amboy, O., near Conneaut,
one of the 11 children. His mother, Mrs. Rossel Dain,
sang at the inauguration of President James Buchanan.
One of Mr. Dain's earliest memories was
watching President Abraham Lincoln's funeral train pass
through Conneaut in 1865.
Beginning work with the Nickel Plate while living in
Amboy, he moved to Cleveland in 1902. When he retired in 1926
after almost 50 years' service with the railroad he was an engineman
in the Broadway shops. He was a charter member of the Nickel
Plate Veterans Association.
Mr. Dain's wife, Mary, died in 1926.
They had been married 47 years. He is survived by a son,
Wallace C. Dain, with whom he lived at 12720 Arlington Avenue N.
E. A brother and a sister, both over 80, also survive him.
Services will be at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Young-Koebler
funeral home, 1966 E. 82d Street, with Dr. Oscar T. Olson,
pastor of Epworth-Euclid Methodist Church, in charge.
Memorial services will be at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow in
Fairchild Chapel, Oberlin, for Mrs. Mary B. Siddall.
She died Friday at 85 in Winchester, Mass.
Mrs. Sidall was a member of the East Cleveland
City Commission for three terms. She made many speeches for
the Democratic party and supporting woman's suffrage. In her
political career she used the name Minnie B. Siddall.
Born in Oberlin, Mrs. Siddall was the wife
of Dr. William Siddall, a dentist here from 1894 until his
death in 1937. The family moved to Aurora in 1932 after living
on Wymore Avenue in East Cleveland. After her husband's death
Mrs. Siddall lived in Oberlin. In 1946 she moved to
Huntington Valley, Pa., where she remained until two weeks before
her death.
She is survived by two sons, Richard of Oberlin
and Roger of New York, and two daughters, Mrs.
Marian Dockhorn of Huntington Valley, Pa., and Mrs. Francis
Woodruff of Winchester, Mass.
Services will be at 9 a.m. Tuesday in St. Therese
Catholic Church, Garfield Heights, for Richard Uniack, for
more than 30 years an employee of the Cleveland Electric
Illuminating Co.
Mr. Uniack, who was born in Cleveland 52 years
ago, was a service man for C. E. I. He died Friday night in
Marymount Hospital.
Originally a member of Holy Name Church, he joined St.
Therese's Church after moving to his Garfield Heights, address, 4869
E. 84th Street. He is survived by his wife, Helen; a
son, Richard; a daughter, LaVerne Ponchock, and three
Friends will be received after 1 p.m. tomorrow at the
Golubski funeral home, Turney Road and Garfield Boulevard,
Garfield Heights.
Services will be at 2 p.m. tomorrow in the
Methodist Church of the Saviour, 2537 Lee Road, Cleveland Heights,
for Frank C. Hartman, former attorney and real estate broker.
Mr. Hartman, 69, died Friday in Lakeside
Hospital. Born in Wilmington, O., he lived a 2489 Overlook
Road, Cleveland Heights.
His law practice here began in 1905, the year after his
graduation from the University of Michigan law school. In 1929
he gave up his legal work to enter the real estate business, which
he carried on from his home.
Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Maude James Hartman,
whom he married in 1905; a son, Morris J.; a daughter,
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Pettay; a brother and four grandchildren.
Charles F. Cowan, one of the
oldest residents of the Bedford and Solon area, died yesterday at 82
in Bedford Hospital
Mr. Cowan was born in Salon. His home for
the last 20 years was at 84 Ennis Street, Bedford.
A farmer most of his life, he also spent 15 years as a
cattle buyer at the Cleveland stockyards. He was on the boards
of directors of several fairs held at Randall Park and Thistledown
about 1900.
Mr. Cowan's daughter, Mary E., is an
assistant to Dr. Samuel R. Gerber, county coroner. A
son, George, lives on the old homestead on Richmond Road
between Bedford and Solon, familiarly known as Cowan's
Corners. Two grandsons also survive Mr. Cowan.
Services will be at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the Donald B.
Johnson funeral home, 621 Broadway, Bedford, with burial
in Bedford Cemetery. Contributions to Bedford Hospital are
suggested in lieu of flowers. |