Newspaper Excerpts
(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)
Source: Cincinnati Daily Gazette -
Dated: Dec, 24, 1879
An Escaped Convict Captured - A Woman Counterfeiter Sentenced.
Special Dispatch to the Cincinnati Gazette
Newark, O., 23 - Lieut. Griffith, accompanied by
Officer Elwarner, of Cleveland, arrested one Gus
Clemmons, who is wanted in Cleveland for embezzlement to the
amount of $300. Both left on the noon train for the above mentioned
(Source: Genealogy Bank - Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Page: 5
Dated: Monday, June 13, 1881
- General Weaver talked greenbacks to the people of
Ashtabula Saturday.
- Friday. Burglars. J. W. Shaw's house.
$150 and a gold watch. Got away.
- Farmers complain of a scarcity of hired help.
- Wheat much injured by the recent storm and heavy rain in Eastern
Ohio. Much of it was beaten down and covered with mud.
- All the people employed in any capacity by the Akron Beacon
had a reunion Saturday. There was a banquet and speeches.
- Tommy Slade, an eight year old boy of Springfield, fell
from a brick kiln Friday and broke some ribs.
- Mr. Gerry, of Ashtabula, has but one thumb. A buzz
saw took the other off Saturday.
- Edward Fancher, a young man of Warren, died Saturday of a
malarial fever contracted in Kansas.
- C. P. Davis, editor of the Auglaize county Democrat,
is near to death. He is afflicted with consumption.
- John Schwalm, the Canton man reported to have died from
drinking seltzer, did not die from that cause. It was ice
- Little daughter of Roland Hewitt, Mt. Vernon, kicked by a
colt Sunday. Fatally injured.
- Ohio State Medical society will convene in Columbus June 14, and
remain in session three days.
- Deep mutterings of discontent come from all over the state on
account of the way the Republican convention met the temperance
- Dr. J. L. Booth, of Crestline, hit on the head with a club
in the hands of some person unknown, Friday night. Doctor
stunned but not seriously injured.
- Alleged that a secret conference of Stalwarts will shortly be held
at Columbus. Supposed that it is the intention to issue some
kind of manifesto.
- John Hayes, of Marietta, killed his wife some months ago.
A jury has just found him guilty of murder in the second degree and
John will go to the O. P.
- Attorney General Nash says he does not want to be Chairman
of the State Executive Committee this year, but nobody else in the
party wants to undertake it.
- They tried to enforce the law of St. Stubbs in Canton, but it
was n. g. The law wouldn't hold. Legal authority decrees
that the state has no power to pass such laws.
- There are some Greenbackers in Akron. They met Saturday and
appointed delegates to the state convention. Some difficulty
in finding enough Greenbackers to fill out the delegation.
- William D. Corder, of Coffee county, Tennessee, wants to
come to Ohio and practice medicine. He writes to that effect
to Governor Foster. His specialty is hog cholera.
- Gustavus Krebs, of Sandusky, broke open Casper Martin's
trunk and took $15 therefrom. Then he went away and became a
sailor on the lakes.
- Alleged that Governor Foster has received a letter from a
party styling himself a "Democratic wheelhorse," and saying he
intends to vote for Charley. Probably a myth.
Possibly Flopper Fanning or Denny Lawler.
- One year ago William Kelly, of Liberty lost a good barn
with eight hundred bushel wheat and other grain. He had built
a new one on the same site which was about ready for the present
harvest and the lightning struck it on Tuesday of last week.
- Mrs. Dorety and her daughter, Mrs. Corzillius, of
London, Ohio, who were under arrest charged with killing Samuel
Armstrong, have been discharged, no indictment having been found
by the grand jury.
- David Southward, a forger, and James Hamil, a horse
thief were confined in the Youngstown jail. They are not there
now. They did not like the sort of a jail they have in
Youngstown, and so left. They cut a panel out of the door.
The Sheriff is looking for them.
- C. H. Stone, Chief Engineer of the revenue cutter Commodore
Perry, died quite suddenly at 4 o'clock Sunday morning, at Toledo,
after an illness of but a few hours. The deceased was 40 years
of age and had been in the government service about twenty-five
years. He had a wife and child in Philadelphia, who were
telegraphed to. His remains were taken charge of by the
Toledo Commandery Knights Templar and forwarded to Philadelphia.
The "sugar of milk" factory of Dr. L. H. Witte,
formerly located at Straight's Hudson cheese factory, but last year
removed to Aurora, will soon be in operation again. The
erection of a building 35x100 feet, and four stories high, at
Hurd's cheese factory, was commenced Monday, and will be
completed this month. We learn it is the intention of Dr.
Witte to remove his refinery from Cleveland to Aurora, so that
the whole process of manufacture will hereafter be done under one
- Woman's Christian Temperance Union concluded its section at
Akron Saturday. Did not approve of the alleged temperance
plank in the Republican state platform, Resolved that "a more
vigorous warfare must be prosecuted against the accursed evil."
Following delegates to the National Convention to be held in
Washington next October: Mrs. T. E. Monroe, Akron; Miss F.
Jennie Duty, Cleveland; Mrs. Dr. Way, Waynesville;
Mrs. H. L. Monroe, Xenia; Mrs. Dr. Meeks, Troy; Mrs.
B. C. Cooper, Ottawa; Mrs. Hunt, Upper Sandusky; Mrs.
George Carpenter, Washington C. H.; Mrs.. Captain
Williams, Pomeroy; Mrs. E. J. Thompson, Hillsboro;
Mrs. D. N. Murray, Portsmouth; Mrs. Professor J. L. Mills,
Marietta; Mrs. William Shields, Newark; Mrs.. Fannie
Leiter, Mansfield; Mrs. Dr. Johnson, Massillon; Mrs.
L. A. Davis Wellsville; Mrs. Dr. Runyon, Cincinnati.
(Source: Genealogy Bank - Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Cleveland Leader (Cleveland, OH) Page 3
Dated: December, 29, 1881
MILLERSBURG, Dec. 28, - Professor W.
N. DALGAM, the blind music teacher of this place, was married
this evening at 8:30 o'clock, to Miss Elizabeth E. BUTLER,
daughter of Joseph BUTLER, proprietor of the Central Hotel.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. KIRKPATRICK of the U. P
Church at the residence of William CARY, corner of Washington
and Perkins streets, in the presence of a select few. Mr.
DALGAM has been in our midst for over two years, and his
friends are county by scores. Although perfectly blind he goes
about our streets, and is at the different residences of his many
pupils at the appointed hours, and goes in and out of business
houses with apparently as much ease as one that has good eyes.
Mr. D. will make Millersburg his future home, and we bespeak
for him and his charming bride a long, prosperous and happy life.
The election of officers of Killack Lodge No. 81, I. O.
O. F., took place last night in their room, and resulted as follows:
W. C. REED, V. G.; William BURKLEW, N. G.; F. L.
MAURER, recording secretary; H. G. WHITE, permanent
secretary; A. S. BAIRD, treasurer; trustees, J. I.
The town of Nashville, this county, has been
incorporated, and its citizens have just elected the following
officers; mayor, P. W. DRAKE; clerk, C. M. EBERLY;
treasurer, S. MELOTT; marshal, W. H. DeWITT.
Several new cases of malarial fever are reported.
The public installation of the new officers recently
elected in the Masonic lodge took place last night. Rev.
Henry FULTON delivered an interesting address.
William UHL jumped from the rapid moving freight
train at Killbuck, six miles south of here, last night, and received
severe injuries.
The Balser school-house, in the east end of our
county, was totally destroyed by fire last night, together with all
the books and furniture. The loss is $1,500, with no
insurance. The cause is not known. |
Source: Cleveland Leader (Cleveland, OH) Page 2
Dated: Dec. 11, 1884
Officers Elected by Royal Arch Chapters, G. A. R. Posts, Etc.
Special Dispatch to the Leader.
MILLERSBURG, December 10 = Millersburg Chapter No. 86,
R. A. M., have elcted the following officers for the ensuing year:
H. P., A. J. S. STIFFLER; King, A. B. FREY; scribe,
H. W. WISE; C. of H., A. B. RUDY; P. S., W. G. RUDY;
R. A. C., William BURKLEW; G. M. 3d V., A. C. ADAMS;
G. M. 2d V., J. P. UHL; G. M. 1st V., H. NEGELSPECK;
secretary, Jacob SCHLUPE; treasurer, C. D. PARKINSON;
guard, A. B. ALBERTSON. Pomerene Post, of this place,
have elected the following officers: post commander, J. F.
HUDSON; sr., vice commander, Simeon CHAPMAN; jr.
John FITCH; quartermaster, A. J. STIFFLER; surgeon,
Dr. J. G. BRIGHAM; chaplain, A. WAITS; officer of the
day, J. W. SNYDER; officer of the guard, M. D. FORD;
representatives to the department of the encampment, H. G. WHITE
and C. G. GETZ; alternates, J. J. CLEWELL and J.
BOWERS; trustees - J. J. SULLIVAN, C. S. GETZ and J.
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Page 2
Dated Nov. 19, 1886
A Young Cowboy.
A young boy by the name of John Knott, with
a desire for independence, has been missing from his home, No. 12
Bolivar street, since last Monday. He took with him a trunk
and $5 belonging to his father. His parents think he makes his
headquarters at the Lake Shore freight depot and sleeps there.
He is 13 years old, wears a suit of gray clothes and blue felt hat.
Ohio Postmasters.
WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 18. [Special] - The following fourth
class postmasters for Ohio were appointed today: Henry a. Milner,
Williston, Ottawa County; William S. Bright,
Clintonville, Franklin county.
A defective flue was the cause of a $25 fire at
5:25 p.m. yesterday in a house at No. 36 Sherman street, owned by
John Myers. It was fully insured. |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Page 8
Dated Apr. 21, 1888
Wanted for Murder
Sheriff Sawyer received a dispatch yesterday
afternoon from Sheriff A. J. Walsh of Beaver Falls, Pa.,
saying that he was coming on the next train to take charge of
Confer & Davison held for murder in the case of Doyle,
shot at Beaver Falls Saturday night. Chief of Police White
and Sheriff Walsh arrived in this city last evening and will
return with their prisoners this afternoon. According to
White's version of the affray Confer had recently opened
a gambling room in a house which was once occupied by a woman of ill
repute and that Doyle and two companions went there last
Saturday night under the impression that the woman still lived
there. In some manner an alteration ensued and in the melee
Doyle was shot.
David lived at New Brighton, across the river
from Beaver Falls, and sometimes worked in a rolling ill.
He May Become an Outlaw.
George Hess, 11 years of age, who has relatives
living at No. 1515 Madison street, Sandusky was committed to the
house of refuge by Judge Kelly at Friday morning's session of
the police court on the charge of vagrancy. A month or more
ago young Hess was convicted in the police, court of the same
charge and committed to the house of refuge. He served his
sentence and was discharged several days ago the workhouse
authorities turning him adrift without money, friends or home.
It is said the lad's father refuses to do anything for him, and
Sergeant Eitelman suggests that something be done to prevent the
boy from growing up to be an outlaw.
Webb Indicted.
John Webb, alias James Nesbitt, the man
charged with grand larceny in stealing $32 cash and a watch valued
at $15 from Henry Whalen has been indicted by the grand jury.
As a consequence it was unnecessary to arraign the accused for
preliminary examination in the police court Friday morning and he
was turned over to the custody of Sheriff Sawyer. Webb
is the man who was captured in Allegheny City and who refused to
return to Cleveland with Detective Douglas until requisition
papers were obtained. |
Source: Jackson Citizen Patriot -
Dated: Oct. 23, 1916
Was Picked Up on Life Raft After Long Exposure.
By Associated Press Leased Wire)
Cleveland, O., Oct. 23. - Captain Walter Grashaw,
sole survivor in a crew of twenty-two men of the steamer James B.
Colgate, is battling for life in a hospital at Conneaut, Ohio,
today, following his rescue Sunday.
Captain Grashaw of the Colegate, was
picked up in Lake Erie on a life raft by the Marquette and Bessemer
car ferry No. 2, after he had been at the mercy of the storm without
food or water for thirty-four hours. He lives in Cleveland.
(Source: Genealogy Bank - Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, Ohio
Dated: July 30, 1890
The Dreaded Cattle Disease Among the Dairy Cows.
CHICAGO, July 29. - Texas fever has made its appearance among
the cows near the city limits in a portion of the twenty-eighth
ward, this city, and about twenty of them have died from the effects
of that disease. Inspectors of the health department have made
a post mortem examination in several cases and pronounce the disease
true Texan fever. The supposition is that animals contracted
it from refuse which dropped from railroad cars in which Texas
cattle were being transferred into this city. The officers of
the department say that the only means of preventing the disease
from spreading to all the cattle in the neighborhood is to shut them
up until frost comes next fall.
GLASSBORO, N. J., July 29 - Samuel Whitney, head of the firm
of Whitney Bros., founders of the great glass manufacturing
business here and the town of Glassboro, died at Cape May last
night. He was 73 years old. He leaves a vast estate.
Struck by Lightning.
MARTIN'S FERRY, July 28. - [Special] - Elijah Hoover, of
this city was struck by lightning while out hunting this afternoon
adn his gun was discharged in his hadn. His clothing was badly torn
and his body fearfully burned. He may die. He is 60
years old.
(Source: Genealogy Bank - Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, OH
Dated: Mar. 10, 1894
Col. O. C. SCOVILLE of this city died at Peoria,
Ill., on Friday at the age of seventy years.
Mr. SCOVILLE was taken sick about two months
ago. His sister, Mrs. BEEMIS, who lives in the western
part of New York, and his daughters, Mrs. CORNING of Peoria
and Mrs. GIBSON of Chicago, were called to his bedside.
He recovered sufficiently to go to Peoria, and it was believed that
the climate of that section would assist in his improvement.
His trouble was dropsy and Bright's disease.
Philo SCOVILLE, the father of Col. SCOVILLE,
was proprietor of the old Franklin hotel, where the boy was born in
1823. He took a whaling trip with Capt. George
WOLVERTON in 1840, and engaged in other seafaring work. AT
various times he conducted a printing office and a cooper shop, and
during the gold excitement went to California.
The remains will be brought to this city, and the
funeral services will be held at the residence of his son,
Charles P. SCOVILLE, No. 464 Russell Avenue, at 3 p.m. Sunday.
(Source: Genealogy Bank - Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, Ohio Dated: July 24, 1894 ONCE
FORTY-SIX DIED LAST YEAR Interesting Record of Another Year's
History - A Memorable Occasion to Those Who Participated - Officers
Elected. Rows of white haired men with
that ruggedness of physical appearance that characterizes the faces in
the famous painting of "The Waterloo Veterans," flanked by noble
looking women, whose sharp faces lacked the bloom of half a century
ago, but which still shone bright with the beauty of their strong New
England character, gathered in the Army and Navy hall on Monday
morning to take part in the fifteenth annual meeting of the Early
Settlers' association of Cuyahoga county.
The absence of that enthusiastic early settler, Col. Richard C.
PARSONS, was in a part substituted by Vice President George F.
MARSHALL. On the platform were the venerable Mrs. J. H. HARRIS,
Rev. Lathrop COOLEY, Father H. M. ADDISON, H. C. HAWKINS, Solon
BURGESS and the members of that venerable quartet, the Arions, without
whose presence no Early Settlers meeting would be complete.
The Hon. H. J. WILLIAMS called the meeting to order and the Rev. Dr.
M. L. BERGER made the opening prayer. The Arions sang "Auld Lang
Syne." The Hon. A. J. WILLIAMS then read
the following review of the year: "Many of
those who have so contributed to our pioneer local history as
preserved in the 'annals' of the association have gone hence.
But history is continuous. When the Indian disappeared, and the
bear, the wolf, the deer and the wild turkey were no longer seen on
the western reserve; and when the forest was cleared and the cottage
took the place of the log cabin and the experience of the pioneer of
those days became recorded in the 'annals' of our association, then
what? Are the early settlers all gone, and is early settlers'
history all written up? No. As early settlers of the next
generation come in and take their place.
"Our membership increased from year to year, until at our last
meeting, with the thirty-six who then joined, there had been enrolled
1,026. Nine have joined since, making our total membership,
including those who have passed away, 1,035. Of this number 352
died before our meeting of last year; and since July 22, 1893, as
appears from the list following, given by our secretary, Henry C.
HAWKINS, we chronicle 46 more- leaving a present membership of 637.
At the meeting of the association in the year 1892 the executive
committee's report showed that forty-three members of our association
had died within the preceding year. At our
meeting last year the report showed twenty-eight deaths of members
from July 22, 1892, to July 22, 1893. Now
we report that since our last meeting forty-six of our members have
passed away, as follows:
James M. ALLEN, died December, 1893 Carlos
R. ATWELL, died November, 1893 Charles H. BABCOCK, died
May, 1894 Mrs. Judge John BARR, died November, 1893
Michael BECKER, died April, 1894 Jane BENNET, died June,
1894 Mrs. Abigail M. BLISH, died November, 1893 Lorenzo
S. BULL, died March, 1894 Mrs. Joel B. CAHOON, died June,
1894 Mrs. Amelia CALLOW, died June, 1894sss Mrs. Julia
P. CHAMPNEY, died February, 1894 Mrs. Eliza A. CLARK died
___, 1894 Robert A. DAVIDSON, died February, 1894 John
DEAN, died February, 1894 Mrs. Caroline L. DOAN, died
September, 1893 Abel, W. FAIRBANKS, died July, 1894
Henry C. GAYLORD, died September, 1893 Mrs. Job W. HARPER,
died December, 1893 Edwin H. HAWLEY, died November, 1893
William S. JONES, died November, 1893 Myron R. KEITH, died
August, 1893 Mrs. Lorenzo A. KELSEY, died December, 1893
J. J. LAYMAN, died January, 1894 |
Colin S. MAKENZIE, died March, 1894 Samuel
H. MATHER, died January, 1894 Stephen C. MEEKER, died
March, 1894 Mrs. Eunice MILES, died August, 1893 Sumner
W. NELSON, died November, 1893 Simon NEWMARK, died
December, 1893 Clifford C. NOTT, died May, 1894 Mrs.
Sarah PARKHURST, died January, 1894 Nathan L. POST, died
October, 1893 William H. RADCLIFFE, died September, 1893
Joseph A. REDINGTON, died May, 1894 Charles L. RHODES, died
April, 1894 John H. SARGENT, died November, 1893 Mrs.
Anna SCHIELEY, died March, 1894 Oliver C. SCOVILL, died
March, 1894 David SHORT, died January, 1894 Helen SHORT,
died April, 1894 Mrs. Samuel STARKWEATHER, died April, 1894
George A. TISDALE, died November, 1893 H. V. THOMPSON, died
November, 1893 Isaac T. WELTON, died March, 1894
Benjamin S. WHELLER, died July, 1894 M. H. WOODBURY, died
January, 1894 |
The chair then stated that at a special
meeting of the executive committee resolutions in memory of the late
Vice President John H. SARGENT had been passed and that Mr. George F.
MARSHALL had been unanimously elected to fill the position in the
association left vacant by the deceased.
On motion of Col. O. J. HODGE the following offiers were elected for
the ensuing year: President, Col. R. C. PAQRSONS; vice
president, Mrs. J. A. HARRIS and George F. MARSHALL; secretary, H. C.
HAWKINS; treasurer, Solon BURGESS; chaplain, Rev. Lewis BURTON;
marshall, H. M. ADDISON; executive committee, Hon. A. J. WILLIAMS, R.
W. S. KERRUISH and Boliver BUTTS. The Rev.
Lathrop COOLEY then made a short address in which he gave some
interesting incidents of early life in Cleveland. The Arions
sang several old-fashioned songs and at noon the members repaired to
dinner which was served in the building.
It only required a good, old-fashioned luncheon, with plenty of
substantials topped off with home made doughnuts and coffee, to put
the men in an excellent degree of health and spirits. When the
members got back in the hall there was an hour for social conversation
and the stories that were told would have made old Peter PARLEY
envious of his reputation as a recounter. Father ADDISON glided
about as nimbly as a boy in a roller rink distributing circulars of
his Fresh Air camp. Mrs. HARRIS compared notes with Judge WHITE,
Luther R. PRENTISS, who said he was told that he was born in New
Hampshire in 1803, but has his doubts about it, and Mrs. A. H. NORTON,
who was born in the same year, were centers of interesting groups of
friends. As 2 o'[clock seemed to be a good
while in arriving the venerable Jon REEVE moved that hereafter the
Early Settlers do business by God's time, as they were brought up
under it and did not want any new-fangled ideas now. The motion
was carried unanimously. Mr. J. F. ISHAM
sang "Oh, Happy Day" and Judge Henry C. WHITE was introduced. He
received a cordial reception and said: "
'Rough are the stops, slow hewn in flintiest rocks, that states climb
to power by.' "I know of no more fitting
sentiment for this occasion than this by LOWELL:
" 'Or slender life runs rippling by and
Into the silent hollow of the past; What
is there that abides To make the next age
better than the last? "One hundred years
ago today a great struggle was going on for mastery in this western
country. A hundred years ago today 'Mad Anthony' WAYNE of
Pennsylvania was leading the young American army under its infant flag
with its thirteen stars, one for each year as well, as state, while
Charles SCOTT of Kentucky and his 1,000 men were fighting in Ohio.
On the rapids of the maumee stood a British fort under a British flag,
as there was at Detroit and Mackinac. They were to collect
tribute from the debtor class in America. A hundred years ago
today George WASHINGTON was never more tried. You say all was
peace, but war was in the land and 15000 armed men were in rebellion
growing out of economic and revenue questions of the day, and George
WASHINGTON issued not one proclamation as President CLEVELAND did, but
three proclamations, calling on the loyal governors of Pennsylvania
and New York to aid him in putting down lawlessness. They did
send out thousands of hardy militiamen across the mountains. And
let me read you George WASHINGTON's congratulations to the army on the
putting down of the revolution: " ' While
there is cause to lament,' he said, 'that occurrences of this nature
should have disgraced the name or interrupted the tranquility of any
part of our community, or should have diverted to a new application
any portion of the public resources, there are not wanting real and
substantial consolations for the misfortune. It has demonstrated
that our prosperity rests on solid foundations, by furnishing an
additional proof that my fellow citizens understand the true
principles of government and liberty; that they feel their inseparable
union; that, notwithstanding all the devices which have been used to
sway them from their interest and duty, they are now as ready to
maintain the authority of the laws against licentious invasions as
they were to defend their rights against usurpation.'
"And so the whisky rebellion of 1794 was put down 100 years ago.
And so, you see, history is repeating itself and I am here today to
rejoice that we have an army in the United States and that we have a
president in the chair at Washington who dares to call for armed force
to put down crime and lawlessness. (Applause)
"You remember that it was only 100 years ago that the reign of terror
fell across this country like a great pall, because of the fact that
this rebellion was founded in that spirit of Jacobinism that had its
rise in teh French revolution. The difference is that today
there are five imperial states in this northwest territory where we
formerly had a few scattered settlements.
"In 1788 Arthur St. Clair had opened this northwest territory.
He had called the Indians together to arrange a friendly opening of
the land. "I wish I could tell you about
these great land companies of that day. We inveigh today against
private corporation and trusts and they are baneful, but a hundred
years ago these great companies were far worse. Benjamin
Franklin saw the future of America in the vast imperial territory of
the northwest. George WASHINGTON, with his compass and
theodolite, understood the west, but aside from these two men there
were very few men who understood the grand future of America. It
is wonderful how this great tide of population was dashed against the
headlands and swept in the inlets of this great western country until
it meets the returning tide from the Pacific.
"But the Indian possessed the land then. New Nothing remains to
tell of them except the names of our great rivers - the Maumee and the
Tuscarawas and Cuyahoga and if you would go down to the Cuyahoga now
you would wish the Indians had taken the Cuyahoga with them. But
whatever we may say in poetry of the red man the early settler had
prose experiences with them that were much more true and just then the
poetry. "Ohio ought to be a patriotic
state. Why, the first settlers at Marietta contained fifty-eight
revolutionary soldiers, with grand old Rufus PUTNAM of Massachusetts
at their head. "But I am here to tell you
something about the great final struggle. And I want to say
something about the army of the United States. One hundred years
ago the army of the United States consisted of one regiment under Gen.
Josiah HAMAR of Kentucky. In 1792 when HARMAR's had been
defeated a resident of Washington gave into the hands of Arthur St.
CLAIR, the olive branch and the sword of Bunker Hill, and told him to
go out and recover this territory. At old Ft. Recovery he
suffered a terrific defeat. Washington filled with rage and
grief at first against his general, but, waiting for St. CLAIR, heard
the details from him and asked forgiveness for his first misjudgment
of his old revolutionary comrade. "Then
Anthony WAYNE, the Sheridan of the revolution - 'Mad Anthony,' as the
soldiers called him, but a cultivated gentleman - was placed in
command. Then this army of 5,000 men, with all its subsistence,
felling trees and making its own roads, marched through the
wilderness, building its own stockades each night, until they reached
Ft. Recovery, and 100 years ago in Preble county, at Ft. Greenville,
they joined with the citizen soldiery of Kentucky and Aug. 20, 1794,
they fought the battle of Fallen Timber. LITTLE TURTLE, the
Indian chief, was defeated and a treaty was formed, the Indians
evacuated, and for fifteen years peace followed. So it was that
100 years ago this great triumph of civilization was gained for this
great northwest territory." Judge WHITE
closed by reading a few verses of an old poem called "On the Banks of
Old Maumee," which quite brought down the house.
A unanimous vote of thanks was extended to Judge WHITE, and Mr. ISHAM
sang "The Beautiful City." Judge S. O.
GRISWOLD, formerly of thsi city, but now of Connecticut, followed with
a brief address, and the meeting closed by singing "America" and
benediction pronounced by the Rev. Dr. M. L. BERGER.
(Source: Genealogy Bank - Transcribed by Sharon Wick)
Source: Repository - Ohio Dated: May 23, 1895 Overrun by
Hoboes. ELYRIA, O., May 23. - This section is being
overrun by hoboes. Tuesday night a gang of 21 was arrested by
the city police. The crowd had terrorized West Side Citizens.
At Berea three tramps attacked and fatally shot a sailor, afterward
robbing him of his valuables. After the shooting the three men
jumped on a Big Four train going south. Several men were
arrested at Sandusky on suspicion of being the murderers.
(Source: Genealogy Bank - Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Daily Inter Ocean
June 3, 1896
Evidence of Murder is Found.
Mrs. McClellan Was Probably Beaten to Death at Conneaut, Ohio.
Cleveland, Ohio, June 2. - Mrs. Elanor
McClellan was found dead on the lake shore at Conneaut, Ohio last
Sunday morning, and it is now believed that she was murdered.
Mrs. McClellan, who was about 50 years old, was formerly a school
teacher at some place in New York, but had been employed as a domestic
in this city for some time. She disappeared a few days ago.
Before her body was found at Conneaut she told several persons with
whom she came in contact that she had run away from Cleveland to
escape her divorced husband. She had evidently been struck on
the head with some blunt instrument. The coroner today decided
that she had come to her death at the hands of an unknown person.
The police are trying to find a clew to the murderer.
(Source: Genealogy Bank - Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, OH
Dated: Jan. 19, 1896
The engagement of Miss Maude KERUISH and Mr.
Morris TOWSON is announced.
Col. George WICK of Youngstown and well known in
this city, is receiving congratulations on his engagement to Miss
Mary HITCHCOCK, also of Youngstown.
Mrs. Abbie WRIGHT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John PANKHURST, of Franklin avenue, was married in New York on
the 9th inst. to (Mr. Thoams HAGER PRATT.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry BECKMAN announce the marriage of
their daughter, Miss Katherine BECKMAN, to Mr. John P.
BREEN at St. Peter's church, Wednesday morning, Jan. 29.
Cards have been received in town announcing the wedding
of Miss Josephine WINSLOW, daughter of Mrs. Henry C.
WINSLOW, to Mr. Clifford Warren SMITH, on Wednesday
evening, Feb. 25, 16 Trinity church, Buffalo. Miss WINSLOW
is a cousin of Mrs. J. R. CHADWICK and is quite well known
Miss Irene ROOT of the West Side and Mr.
Joseph MATHEWS of Michigan were married at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. William HUNT, No. 371 Detroit street, Wednesday
evening, Jan. 15. They will be at home to their friends after
Jan. 19 at No. 92 Ramsey street. The bridesmaid was Miss
Nellie HUNT. Mr. Elmer ROOT was groomsman.
Mr. C. D. ROOT gave the bride away. The ceremony was
conducted by the Rev. E. S. LEWIS of the Franklin Avenue M.
E. church. The wedding march was rendered by Prof. WEIBER.
Mrs. E. SEKMAN of Dibble avenue gave a tea
Mr. and Mrs. William C. SCOFIELD, of No. 832
Prospect street will give a reception on Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 21.
Miss DeKLYN and Miss Lydia DeKLYN will
receive on Wednesday from 3 until 6 o'clock at their home on
Kinsington street.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. McINTOSH and Miss
McINTOSH will give an "at home" Monday evening, Jan. 20.
There will be dancing after 10 o'clock.
Miss WHITELAW and Miss WALKER will give a
reception on Wednesday afternoon from 4 until 7 o'clock at Miss
WHITELAW's residence, No. 1020 Willson avenue.
Mrs. Frank ROCKEFELLER of No. 832 Prospect
street, assisted by her sister, Miss SCHOFIELD, will give a
large reception on Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 21, from 4 until 7
Mrs. Arthur Bancroft FOSTER and Mrs. William
Joseph AKERS have issued cards for a large reception to be held
at the residence of Mrs. FOSTER, No. 568 Cedar avenue, on
Thursday afternoon.
The only large reception of the week was given
Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. William J. McKINNIE and her
daughter, Miss MAry McKINNIE, at their home on Prospect
street. Assisting in receiving were Mrs. Charles CRAWFORD
of Columbus, Mrs. Harry McKINNIE, Miss SHOEMAKER, Mrs. J.
J. SULLIVAN, Miss Silma SULLIVAN, Mrs. J. J. ELLSLER, Mrs. John
STAMBAUGH of Youngstown, Miss MASON and Miss McKIM.
The hours were from 4 until 7. Over 200 guests were present.
The rooms were handsomely decorated with roses, white narcissus and
yellow jonhuils. Mrs. Edward Nash MORGAN and Mrs.
Harry E. GREEN presided at the tea table. Mrs. McKINNIE
wore a handsome gown of lettuce green silk with velvet and point
lace trimmings. Miss McKINNIE wore white striped silk
with pale blue velvet and ribbon trimmings.
Mr. and Mrs. D. LENTY of Prospect street sailed on
Wednesday for a European tour of several months.
Mr. G. A. THOMPSON and Mrs. E. D. STONE,
who sailed for Spain early in the month, will go from Genoa to Rome
and Naples, returning later by wheel to Paris.
Mrs. Charles H. BULKLEY and son, Roy BULKLEY
will sail for the Mediterranean on Jan. 28. Mrs. BULKLEY
hopes the trip abroad will benefit her son, who is in poor health.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Coffinberry sail on the 28th
for the Mediterranean. Mrs. COFFINBERRY will spend this
week with her daughter at Cambridge, Mass., prior to sailing.
Mrs. J. H. WADE gives a luncheon on Tuesday, Jan.
Mrs. W. R. WARNER gave a dinner of fifteen
covers on Wednesday evening.
Mrs. William EDWARDS gave a luncheon on Thursday
for Mrs. TAINTORof New Hampshire.
Mr. McDONALD of the Botonians was entertained at
the Tavern club last night by a number of his Cleveland friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. EVERETT gave a dinner and
box party at the opera on Thursday evening for Miss Harriette
BROWN and Mr. Edward BARTON.
Mr. and Mrs. Will HAYES gave a violet dinner of
sixteen covers at the Union club on Wednesday Wednesday evening in
celebration of their eighty wedding anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. George FORD gave a "Dutch" supper
on Saturday evening for Miss Anna ELY, who will enter Miss
PEEBLES' school in New York this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard BACON of No. 40 Hilburn
avenue gave a handsome dinner of ten covers on Friday evening.
The floral decorations were hyacinths, tulips and lilies.
Mrs. H. H. BROWN gave a handsome dinner on
Thursday for Miss Helen HICKOX, who leaves next week for New
York to reside permanently with her father.
Miss MATHEWS of Bolton avenue entertained at
luncheon on Thursday for his guests, Miss HOAG of Pittsburg,
Miss WEBB of Massillon, and Mr. DELANEY of Baltimore.
Members of the Lotus club entertained several of the
ladies and gentlemen of the Bostonian company Friday evening after
the opera at the club house, No. 293 Euclid avenue.
Mrs. Edward Nash MORGAN entertained at luncheon
on Wednesday for Miss Cornelia EYAS, the charming young
pianist, who assisted at the Orlando HARLEY song
recited last Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan R. HANNA gave a handsome dinner
on Thursday eening at their home on Lake avenue. The
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. IRLAND, Mr. and Mrs.
Coburn HASKELL, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. OTIS, jr., and
Mr. and Mrs. William O. Ivison.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. ROOT gave a dinner at the
Union club on Saturday evening Jan. 11, in celebration of their
wooden wedding. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Dan R.
HANNA, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. IVISON, Mr. and Mrs. Charles BRITTON, Mr.
and Mrs. Edward MERRITT and Mr. Charles R. BRITTON.
Mr. J. W. WALTON gave a stag dinner Thursday
evening at his home, No. 2659 Euclid avenue. The guests were
Rev. Dr. SPRECHER, President Cady STALEY, Prof. M. M. CURTIS,
Messrs. Willard FULLER, C. J. DOCKSTADER, Amos DENISON, J. E.
An elegant luncheon was given by
Mrs. D. P. RHODES of No. 148 Franklin avenue on Thursday in
honor of her guest, Mrs. Watson HUBBARD of Sandusky.
Artistically decorated china and sparkling crystal, selected by the
hostess while in Vienna, set off the table to good advantage.
On the pink embroidered center piece was a pink cupid dish, filled
with pink roses, Roman hyacinths and maidenhair fern. Other
decorations were pink and white carnations and daisies. The
confections were pink and white. Those present were Mrs. E.
Mr. Frank HART is in New York
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. BOARDMAN are in New York.
Col. J. J. SULLIVAN returned Wednesday from New
Miss EDISON of New York is the guest of Miss
Georgia SHORT.
Mr. Thom BEARD of Chicago called on friends in town
last week.
Miss JAne BURNETT is entertaining Miss
Frances WOODFORD of New York.
Miss Ray Tod is visiting her fiance's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. BULKLEY, in Brooklyn, N. Y.
Mrs. W. N. CLEVELAND is visiting her son, Mr.
C. M. CLEVELAND of Bolton avenue.
Miss Daisy GORDON left for New Haven
on Saturday to attend the Yale promenade this week.
Miss Maud MEECH of Chicago is visiting her
cousin, Mrs. Julius B. SAPP of Cedar avenue.
Miss Kate MORRIS of New York is the guest of her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley BALDWIN.
Mrs. P. W. DITTO is spending a few weeks in
Brooklyn, N. Y., with her sister, Mrs. W. J. CAUTHERS.
Mrs. Truman C. WHITE of Buffalo is the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. James M. LEE of No. 839 Prospect street.
Mrs. George PRESLEYof Clinton street and Mrs.
Ira BASSETT of Franklin court visited in Youngstown this week.
Miss Agnes HOWELLS of Harvard street has been
the guest of Mrs. E. SICKMAN of Dibble avenue during the past
Mrs. NEWBURY of Detroit is the guest of her
father, Major T. P. HANDY, who celebrated his eighty-ninth
birthday on Friday.
Mrs. Samuel MATHER and daughter, Miss
Constance, Mrs. Charles A. BALDWIN and Mrs. Charles W.
BINGHAM are at Palm Beach, Fla.
Miss Florence JONES is in New York for a
fortnight's visit with her sister, Miss Jessie JONES, who is
studying art at the National academy.
Mr. J. Edmund V. COOKE left last night for
Chicago, from which city he will make a tour through Illinois,
Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska and Missouri.
Judge and Mrs. Walter C. ONG returned on Tuesday
from Columbus, where they were members of the governor's party at
the inauguration ceremonies.
Miss Bessie CUNNINGHAM of Sewickly, Pa., is the
guest of Mrs. Robert S. PIERCE, who entertained at cards in
her honor on Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank De Hass ROBISON and the
Misses ROBISON have returned from a three weeks' visit to St.
Louis and other western cities. They are at The STILLMAN for a
brief stay.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. WHITELAW and Miss
WHITELAW will go to Palm Beach, Fla., early this week.
Mr. WHITELAW will return in a few days, leaving his wife and
daughter there for the remainder of the winter. Miss
WHITELAW is in delicate health and hopes to be benefited by the
A charity ball will be given by the
trustees and board of lady managers for the benefit of St. Clair
hospital, Wednesday evening, Jan. 22, at Army and Navy hall.
Following is a list of the various committees: On hall: Mrs. A.
HADDUE, Mrs. F. L. GEGELEIN, Mrs. William ENGLE, Mrs. A. F. HOUSE,
Mrs. H. M. CASE, Mrs. REDHAD; committee on decoration, Mrs.
A. T. BOND, Mrs. ROCKWELL, Mrs. F. A. LANE, Mrs. E. LANE, Mrs.
CHRISTIE; ...... more to come upon request! ~sharon wick
(Source: Genealogy Bank - Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Plain Dealer- Cleveland, Ohio - Page:
Dated: Feb. 5, 1898
Two Narrow Escapes From Ditching on the P. & W. - Akron's Central
Labor Union Elected Officers - Case of Heart Failure.
Special Dispatch to the Leader
Akron, O., February 4. - At the regular meeting of the
Central Labor Union last evening to following officers were electd:
President, John A. Wintrode; vice president, Charles
Wickline; recording secretary, A. Kaufman; corresponding
secretary, George Berg; secreatary-treasurer, P. F. O'Neil
sergeant-at-arms, O. Schick.
Passenger train No. 6 of the P. & W.
which leaves Akron at 1:55 a.m., had two narrow escapes from serious
accident yesterday. The engine jumped the track twice, but
each time the train stopped before any damage was done. Snow
and ice are said to have caused the accidents.
Miss My Pierson, of Indianapolis, who is
visiting the Misses Coler, of this city, was attacked by
heart failure while returning from a sleigh ride to Manchester, ten
miles south of this city, last night. She became unconscious
when nearing the city, and although medical aid was in attendance as
soon as she could be taken to the Coler home, she was still
unconscious this afternoon, and it is feared that she cannot
Thought He Had Not Received His Share of Their Father's
Thought He had Not received His Share of Their
Father's Estate and Sought Revenge.
Suisun, Cal. Feb. 4 - Frank Bellew was arrested on a
ranch near Elmira and lodge in the county jail here charged with
murdering his brother and sister by poison. Lewis & Susie
Bellew were two of the most popular young people in Dixon county
and lived together in a cottage on the outskirts of the town.
The night before they were poisoned early last
November, Frank Bellew ate supper at the house. He was
the one person who had access to the water and food. When the
victims took sick he was almost the first person to ___ to their
house. He helped the ag____ to make gruel, using water from
the teakettle he is alleged to have poisoned.
The day before the crime Frank Bellew called on
his brother-in-law J___ B. Bird, a photographer. He
complained to him bitterly, as he had done to others, that he had
not received enough of the property of his parents who had
overlooked him in their will.
He added: "Bird, I'm going to
commit a terrible crime tomorrow. I'm going to commit a
tragedy that will shock the whole community." After the ___
Bird had reason to believe that Bellew intended to kill
him, and made a statement which led to his arrest.
Fatal Collision.
Glasgow, Feb. 4, - A mail train and a
freight met in collision to-day at the Glasgow & Southwestern
Railroad near Troon. The driver and fireman of the freight
train and five workman __ were on baord the mail train and killed.
In addition thirty-six persons were injured, some of them fatally.
Senator Walthall is better.
Washington, Feb. 4, Senator Walthall,
of Mississippi, is recovering from his latest attack of the grip.
His condition hias not been regarded as serious by his physician,
and his progress towards recovery is deemed satisfactory.
Source: Cleveland Gazette, Cleveland, Oh - Page 2
Dated: Saturday, Sept. 29, 1900
Hillsboro, O. - Miss Minnie Riggs is visiting Cincinnat -
Mr. Benjamin Thomas and Miss Jennie Lynn were married
Tuesday, Sept. 18, by Rev. Simeon White - The Baby of Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Woods died Saturday the 22d. - Several of
our people attended the . of P. celebration at Washington C. H., on
teh 24th. - Mrs. Mary Butler, of Cincinnati visited Mrs.
Chas. Donaldson last Sunday. - Messrs. Geo. W. Bolden and
David H. Young are better. - Mrs. David Green and Miss
Green of Leesburg visited the former's mother, Mrs.
Noah Barker on the 22d. - Rev. Simeon W. White attended
the Ohio A. M. E. conference at Wilmington. - Chas. Metcalf
was injured at Rucker's stone quarry on teh 24th. - Justice L.
Williams was married at Bainbridge last week. - Howard Powell
has returned from a week's visit to his mother in Lebanon, O.
(Source: Genealogy Bank - Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, OH
Dated: Sept. 27, 1900
Rev. D. J. Starr, chaplain of
the Ohio penitentiary, who is attending the convention of the Ohio
Prison association, was taken ill at 11 o'clock Wednesday morning in
his room in the Hollenden hotel. He was removed in Black &
Wright's ambulance to the Cleveland General hospital. His
condition is said to be serious. Rev. Mr. Starr is
seventy-two years old.
(Source: Genealogy Bank - Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, OH
Dated: May 19, 1902
Capsizing Boat Drowns Two.
DETROIT, Mich., May 18 - A Free Press
special from Menominee, Mich., says: Ed Boatmann of
Marinette, Wisc. and Caroline Garnier, aged sixteen, of this
city, were drowned in the river here today by the capsizing of a
Youngstown Detective Refuses to Help Get Man Out of Workhouse.
YOUNGSTOWN, O. - May 17 - An attempt was made to bride Grant S.
Ford, a Pennsylvania railroad detective, to get him to secure
the release of George Foley, alias Tom Collins, alias
"Kid" Loftus, from the Cleveland workhouse. Foley
was arrested with six other pickpockets and sentenced to the
workhouse for thirty days and fined $50. A letter was received
by Mayor Brown from Robert Mack, assistant
superintendent of the Cleveland workhouse, asking him to release
Foley, whose home is at Allegheny, Pa., because his aged mother
was dying. He said that Foley had accidentally fallen
into bad company and was not a criminal. Another letter was
received today by special delivery from Mack, asking the
mayor to hurry up the pardon, as he wanted to take Foley to
Pittsburg with him tomorrow.
Ford had been offered $150 by Ed Foley to
secure the release of his brother, but he refused to do so. -------
Albert G. Riddle, Former Attorney of Cleveland and Once Congressman
From This District.
CHARDON, O., May 18 - Hon. Albert G. Riddle, who
died in Washington last week, though not born in Geauga county, came
with his parents to Newburg township from Monson, Mass., when very
young, and his boyhood and younger manhood were spent in Geauga
county, where he has relatives. He studied law in Burton, with
Gov. Seabury Ford, and later was associated in practice with
Hon. Alfred Phelps at Chardon, moving to Cleveland in 1850.
He married Miss Caroline Avery, daughter of Judge B. F.
Avery, and sister of Mr. D. F. Avery of this place, in
1845. He was elected to Congress from the district composed of
Geauga, Lake and Cuyahoga counties in 1860, serving, one term.
Mr. Riddle was counsel for the defense in the
famous "Oberlin Rescue Case," tried in Cleveland, in 1859, in which
a number of Oberlin people were tried for having recaptured from a
United States marshal and posse a Kentucky slave, whom they had
given refuge and sent on to Canada.
Mr. Riddle cherished a passionate fondness for
the scenes of his youth and until the infirmities of age prevented
was an almost yearly visitor to Geauga county, being a familiar
figure at the yearly pioneer gatherings at Lake Punderson. He
contributed largely to and edited Williams Brothers' history
of Lake and Geauga counties. |
Source: The Chronicle (Columbiana, Ala.) Vol.
IX., Number 32
Dated: Thursday, Feb. 7, 1895
Hospital Fire in Cleveland, Ohio, in Which Four Lives Were Lost.
CLEVELAND, O., February 2 - The Deaconess Hospital on Jennings
avenue, South Side was destroyed by fire at noon yesterday and four
persons are known to have been burned to death. The bodies of
a child, two men and one nurse had been recovered at one o'clock.
It was not known at that hour whether there were any more bodies in
the building and it will not be known until the roll of the saved
ones is called. |
Source: Grand Forks Herald - North Dakota
Dated: March 14, 1906
Something About Life of Man Who Is Believed to Have Deceived Many
Women and Secured Their Money - Has Worked in Several Cities - Double
Life of Missing Man - Police Search for Deceiver.
Nol. 1 - Formerly Miss Lily Cook, married Reynolds in
Buffalo in 1884; mother of his four children; living at 62 Northampton
No. 2 - Miss Besse McKenzie, a saleswoman, married Reynolds
in Chicago in 1902; died at Lakeside Hospital April 1, 1904.
No. 3 - Miss Mae Smith, aged 21; married Reynolds in
Norwalk at 11:30 p.m. Monday; now at her home in Norwalk.
No. 4 - ____, mother of the nine year old girl at school in
Blairsville, Penn.
Cleveland, Ohio, March 13 - Harry Reynolds man of multiple
loves and lives, is compared to Johann Hoch, the arch bigamist
recently hanged in Chicago by Prosecuting Attorney Wickham, of
Huron County, who arrived in Cleveland this afternoon with Sheriff
Snyder to begin their quest for the fugitive.
"I consider Reynolds a character with a similar
mania for marriage,
said Mr. Wickham. "I shall not be surprised if several other
women who supposed themselves his wife are discovered through the
publicity now being given the case. The theory that the little
girl in Pennsylvania is the daughter of still another bigamous wife I
consider quite plausible."
The Norwalk officers went to Central Station on arrival
and held a conference with Inspector Rowe, asking him formally
to detain Reynolds should he return here. Prosecutor
Wickham said later that circulars with Reynold's picture,
which the police here have, would be sent to police departments
thoroughout the country, with a request for his arrest.
(Source: Genealogy Bank - Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Oregonian
Dated: June 1, 1911
STORM SCATTERS DEATH ON LAKES - Four Killed at Cleveland and
2 at Pittsburg Boats Capsize and Occupants Perish
(Source: Genealogy Bank - Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Aberdeen Daily News - South Dakota -
Dated 12/1/1916
Cleveland, Dec. 1 - In a running street battle today between
automobile bandits and the police, Earl Mueller, a bystander,
was killed. The bandits escaped. The police believe one of
them was badly wounded.
(Source: Genealogy Bank - Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, Ohio
Dated Aug. 25, 1918
Visitors Here and Elsewhere - |
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Morgan, 1553 E. 55th
street, and Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Moore, 10643 St. Clair avenue,
are motoring to Marine City, Mich. They will return about Sept.
Mrs. H. C. Reymer, 9326 Amesbury avenue N. E.
and daughters Florence Edna and Dorothy Virginia, will
leave the first of the week to reside in Wilkingburg?, Pa.
Dr. and Mrs. M. H. Morrison and son, 2106 W.
25th street, leave today to spend two weeks at Cambridge Springs,
Miss Helen M. Bregenzer, 18702 St. Clair avenue
N. E., entertained her sister, Mrs. James Rains of Lebanon, Ky,
the past week. Mrs. Rains is now at the home of another
sister, Mrs. W. H. Baker of Andover.
Mrs. Ruby Hanna, 3263 Clarendon road, Cleveland
Heights, and Miss Christine Campbell, Hathaway avenue N. E. are
spending some time at Nelson Ledges, Portage county.
Dr. and Mrs. H. F. Staples, 3054 Somerton road,
Cleveland Heights, returned Monday after a month of motoring through
Massachusetts and New York.
Mrs. D. Cahill, 1414 E. 66th street, and Mrs.
Archie Butler, Blythen road, left Wednesday evening to spend a few
weeks with friends in the east.
Mr. Otto C. Schuler of Denver, Col., is spending
the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Schuler, 3720
Cypress avenue S. W.
Dr. Anna K. Scott formerly a resident of
Cleveland, for twenty-five years a medical missionary in China, is
spending a few weeks at the Garfield hotel, 3848 Prospect avenue S. E.
Miss M. Deutschman, 8311 Euclid avenue, and
Miss E. Goeers of Housh avenue N. E., have left for a lake tour
____ will attend the convention of the Fashion Art League of America
in Chicago.
Mrs. Adam Ketzell, 1941 E. 66th street has
returned from a stay of two months in New Haven, Conn., New York city
and the Catskill mountains.
(Source: Genealogy Bank - Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, OH
Dated Dec. 21, 1919
State Marshall Issues Warning, Citing Cost of Carelessness.
Plain Dealer - Bureau, 22 S. High Street, Columbus, Dec.
More than 250 people were burned to death in Ohio in
1919; and more than 400 were injured. According to reports
made public today by William J. Leonard, state fire marshal.
Of the dead, seventy-four were babies or children and
nineteen were aged people. The majority of the children were
killed either in the morning when they sought the warm fire in their
nighties, or at night when they were ready for the "sand man," says
Mr. Leonard.
When the mercury drops, the death rate from fire
goes up.
"Four children left alone when mother went to the
grocery or to the neighbors lost their lives, and two were injured.
Four aged persons were burned to death while alone in the house.
In over 95 per cent, of the total casualties, the element of
carelessness entered, the report declares.
The causes of the deaths ranged anywhere from suicide,
murder and the "going bad" of an airplane engine in mid air, to
playing with matches and to the most prolific cause of all - the
open fire.
"The four man causes of the home tragedies were open,
unscreened fires, gasoline, kerosene and oils. _____ and
playing with fire and matches.
"During the cold months and up
(Source: Genealogy Bank - Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Plain Dealer, Cleveland, OH
Dated: Feb. 6, 1922
Woman Run Down by Train While on Way to Neighbor's Home.
(Plain Dealer Special)
ULRICHSVILLE, O. April 5 - Mrs. Anna Culberson, 48, was
killed almost instantly here this morning when she was struck by a
Pennsylvania freight train at a grade crossing.
Mrs. Culberson, who was going to the home of a
neighbor, stepped in the path of train after another freight had
passed in the opposite direction.
Declares Pittsburg Heir Married Her After Whirlwind Courtship.
NEW YORK, April 5. - Three witnesses told a supreme court grand
jury today what they knew about charges that Joseph Donald
Grafton, son of a wealthy Pittsburg furniture manufacturer,
committed bigamy by wedding Peggy Davis, 17, "Follies girl,"
last December three weeks after he had married Ellen Curley
McIntyre of Youngstown, O.
Mrs. McIntyre-Grafton was the first witness.
The others were Mrs. Capitola P. Laird, mother of Peggy
Davis and Albert A. Shepard, who works on a trade paper.
Grafton's marriage to Miss McIntyre the
latter told reporters after she appeared before the grand jury
occurred despite the objections of her family and followed a
whirlwind courtship during which she broke off her engagement to a
boyhood chum.
While on their honeymoon in Cleveland and New York, the
girl declared she wrote her parents and obtained $300 because
Grafton said money from his home had been held up as the result
of an affair he had with an actress.
Mrs. Laird told interviewers that Grafton
denied that he had been married to anyone else when he and Peggy
were wedded in New York last December. The couple had started
housekeeping in Troy, N. Y., she said, when Grafton
Veteran Steamboat Men Dead.
MARRIETTA, O. April 5 - Two veteran steamboat men,
Capt. Bradley B. STONE, 80, and Engineer Louis P. DAVIS,
72, are dead here today. Both men had operated boats on the
Ohio and Mississippi rivers from Pittsburg to New Orleans.
DAVIS wa a brother to Capt. Steve DAVIS, who died a short
time ago.
(Source: Genealogy Bank - Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Page 79
Dated May 23, 1926
Click Here |
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland -
Dated: Aug. 5, 1923
Schools' Delegates to Return.
Akron, O., Aug. 4 - The delegation of girls which represented all
five Akron High schools at the annual high school conference of the
Y. W. C. A., at Winona Lake, Ind., this week, will return to Akron
Tuesday. Miss Mildred Burns and Miss Grace Dean, teachers, and Miss
Ruth Cramer headed the group composed of Misses Margaret Elwarner,
Doris Woodward, Elizabeth Thomas Betteridge, Lucille Falor and
Eleanor Myers.
(Source: Genealogy Bank - Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, OH
Dated: Dec. 29 1926
Caroline GOLENESKI, 18, yesterday identified a
youth held on a robbery charge as Joseph PAWLAK, 19, of 7009
Clement avenue S. E., as one of two "gas Hawks" who forced her into
an automobile at the point of a revolver on Dec. 15, and attempted
to attack her.
Police are searching for PAWLAK's companion, who
is believed to have been wounded in a gun battle with police Monday
night. Blood stains were found in the snow after the battle.
"Get into the car, blondie, or we'll kill you and throw
you into the guilley," the boys said, according to Caroline.
Caroline saw the two enter a store at Chambers
avenue S. E. and E. 71st street Monday night. A friend got
Patrolman George WICK from a near by theater. The youths
got the drop on WICK and took his revolver.
More police were summoned, a gun battle ensued, and one
youth escaped.
Fostoria Man Must Die.
Harley PENCE of Fostoria must die in the electric
chair at the state penitentiary Jan. 7, unless Gov A. V. DONAHEY
grants executive clemency. The state supreme court today
refused to hear his appeal.
PENCE, last Feb. 12, shot and mortally wounded
Mrs. Marjorie BODDY of Columbus, with whom he was boarding.
She formerly had lived in Fostoria. The shooting was alleged
to have been prompted by jealousy. PENCE is married and
has a family in Fostoria.
PENCE was found guilty of first degree murder in
the Franklin county courts and sentenced to be executed last
September. The appeals court in its consideration of the case
delayed the execution date to Jan. 7.
Electing to sue his employer, the Republic Iron & Steel
Co. of Youngstown. Instead of accepting award from the state
industrial commission. German GONZALES will receive
$20,000 by a ruling of the state supreme court. A jury awarded
him the damages and the higher courts affirmed.
GONZALES was injured when a steel cabinet fell
on him. He sued the company on the ground that it had violated
a lawful requirement, relative to providing safe places for its
employes to work.
The award obtained through court action is much greater
than he would have received from the industrial commission.
When a man drives his automobile into a moving train at
a crossing, the railroad company is not liable for damages, the
state supreme court held in effect today in reversing the court of
appeals of Lucas county and affirming the common pleas court.
Lorus W. HUGHES on a foggy night drove his
automobile into a train operated by the Toledo Terminal Co.,
injuring himself and his machine. The supreme court held
HUGHES is not entitled to damages.
Steam railroads were victorious in the main in their
fight against trucking companies engaging in general freight hauling
business on an unrestricted scale in cases decided by the supreme
court today.
Eleven cases were involved, each being appeals by the
railroads from orders of the utilities commission in granting the
trucking concerns certificates to operate generally throughout the
R. L. GARLAND lost his suit for $50,000 damages
in the state supreme court against former Mayor E. P. SPEIDEL
of Alliance. GARLAND alleged slander and alienation of
his wife's affections
Student Killed as Auto Skids.
LAPORTE, Ind., Dec. 28. - (AP) - One
student of Taylor university at Upland, near here, lost his life,
another probably was fatally injured and four other students hurt
when an automobile they were driving from their homes in Iowa to
Upland, skidded off the road near Laporte today.
(Source: Genealogy Bank - Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Dallas Morning News - Texas
Dated: Nov. 22, 1939
CLEVELAND, Ohio, Nov. 21 (UP). -
A relief client, unable to pay his rent due to lack of county funds,
faced a hard choice Tuesday - marriage or eviction.
"My landlady said I can stay if I marry her," he told
Miss Bell GREVE, county relief director. "But I won't!
I'll be evicted first!"
(Source: Genealogy Bank - Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Dallas Morning News - Texas
Dated: Dec. 5, 1946
CLEVELAND, Ohio, Dec. 4, (AP.) - A far-reaching Ohio Supreme
Court decision, holding that the birth of a sixteen months ago to
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Court violated their apartment lease, will
be appealed to the United States Supreme Court, Attorney Morris
Morganstern said Wednesday night.
Morganstern reported he would fly to Washington
this week, to file an appeal, nothing that the decision in the
state's highest court was split 4 to 3.
Mrs. Court was tearful as she learned of the
state court's ruling which upheld the right of a landlord to
restrict occupancy of his property to adults, and reversed a
Cuyahoga County appellate court decision.
"I don't know what we are going to do - move out into
the street, I suppose," Mrs. Court said. "This ruling
was not only important to us but to all other parents who have
children and who are at the mercy of landlords.
(Source: Genealogy Bank - Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Cleveland Plain Dealer - Ohio
Dated Mar. 17, 1947 |
![](graphics/pooleFredWm.jpg) |
FBI's Album of Criminals Most Wanted
No. 6 - Fred William POOLE
By AP News features.
Arrested many times in Ohio, Maryland, South Carolina,
Alabama and Texas Fred William POOLE is __reased by the
Federal Bureau of Investigation with killing one John KELLY
when his victim refused to open a safe in his home.
KELLY was shot while on his knees in the room
where the same was kept. POOLE was first arrested
in 1912 and was most recently released from a penitentiary Jan.
23, 1943.
The FBI charges him with unlawful flight to avoid
If you seen this man, notify the
(Source: Genealogy Bank - Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |